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Offline Ohio Barbarian

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A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« on: January 13, 2012, 11:04:50 AM »
Greetings. I'm a card-carrying Socialist who mostly frequents Left Underground and Fire Dog Lake. I am neither a DUer nor an Elmer, for whatever that's worth. I'm also a Navy veteran of the Gulf War era(surface Navy--I don't get on ships that deliberately sink or jump out of perfectly good airplanes, hence the avatar), consider myself an American patriot, and have the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal to prove it to my satisfaction.

Freeper and Revolution had the gall and the courtesy, IMHO, to come over and express themselves on LU awhile back. Like Mr. Worf on Star Trek, I admire gall. With permission from welshTerrier2, I am going to post a reply he made to one of my OP's on LU recently. I would honestly like to know what y'all think about it. Here it is:

" 'Originally Posted by Ohio Barbarian 
The defense of democratic rights is inseparable from the fight to defend jobs and living standards and is impossible today without a direct assault on the immense concentration of wealth in the hands of a financial oligarchy.

(Emphasis mine).'
There is no perspective of our current plight more important than this one.

When we speak of "defending jobs", we need to clarify what we mean. We have to go beyond the mere mechanics of protecting workers with things like putting an end to the exporting of jobs or raising minimum wage rates or protecting workers from discrimination in the workplace.

All of these things, while critically important, address only the symptoms of a far more deadly disease. The disease is the perverse imbalance of power between workers and their bosses and their employers.

We cannot let stand a system that values and empowers capital and profits over workers. Because if we do, as we have, we endorse a system that concentrates wealth without limits.

Excessively concentrated wealth, through its lobbyists and its campaign dollars, always perverts democracy. All our little lefty websites have really helped highlight that message. Occupy Wall Street, too, has helped highlight that message.

We're a hit. The American public has finally awakened to the reality that the extreme concentration of wealth has perverted any semblance of democracy. This awareness was a long time coming and it still has much further to go.

The question now will become what to do about the problem

Some will try to restrain the beast with regulation. We'll see the usually parade of campaign finance and lobby reform. It won't work. It never works. It can't work. Big money, brick by brick, will disassemble any walls you might build between democracy and money. If excessive wealth exists, it will always corrupt democratic institutions to serve itself. People need to understand this. The intent of regulation is well-meaning; it cannot ultimately succeed. The beast will always escape your confines.

So, what then is the true path to democracy and prosperity?

This is where, sadly, most of us, even those who think of themselves as "the Left", have not awakened at all. Somehow, we have been so deeply brainwashed and hypnotized by all the shiny gold and trinkets, that we've come to believe that the limitless acquisition of wealth is the ultimate entitlement program. "Everyone should be able to acquire as much wealth as they possibly can." We see that as the American way. We that as "freedom". We see that as a meritocracy that rightfully rewards the successful with vast riches.

People, you can't have it both ways. The acquisition of unlimited wealth, i.e. a political and economic system that severely concentrates wealth, has poisoned our democracy. You need to let go of the myth that the freedom to acquire and hold excessive wealth can exist side-by-side with democracy. It cannot.

The solutions you've sought that try to temper the abuses of concentrated wealth with regulation have failed. As wealth has grown more concentrated, democracy and prosperity for most of us has radically declined. The only solution to the problem is to cap wealth. We need to radically reduce the concentration of wealth. We need to understand that regulatory measures like higher marginal tax rates with steeper graduation are not going to get the job done. Such measures help with future income but do very little to close the wealth gap.

I realize it may jar your long-held beliefs but it's time to seize wealth and limit it to the point that it can no longer buy a greater share of government than the average citizen has access to. Democracy means equally shared power. Democracy cannot exist when we allow the gap between rich and poor to grow as large as it has.

To quote the OP once again:

'The defense of democratic rights is inseparable from the fight to defend jobs and living standards and is impossible today without a direct assault on the immense concentration of wealth in the hands of a financial oligarchy'."

So, what do you think? Can democracy survive when unlimited wealth is allowed? I don't think it can, and I think history supports my position. In some important ways, limiting the power of wealth and privilege in order to maintain a stable society can be interpreted as a very conservative point of view. I am saying that unlimited capitalism is not a conservative position, but a radical one that celebrates unlimited selfishness, greed, and lust for power over others.

It is not my intention to start a flame war or to piss anyone off. I just want to see what you think of Welsh's position, with which I wholeheartedly agree, and why. Thanks.

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2012, 11:24:46 AM »
So, you will be satisfied with putting all the power in the hands of a few "party elites". You will be satisfied with sweeping streets with a broom in exchange for whatever the party elite thinks is appropriate; a cold, one room apartment while the party elite enjoy the best of everything.

Awh the hell with it. That's all the time I'm going to waste. You're also probably a lazyass, die hard union member who wants the "American Dream" handed to him on a silver platter without having to work for it.

You just want to exchange one master for an even worse one.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline Ohio Barbarian

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2012, 12:25:45 PM »
So, you will be satisfied with putting all the power in the hands of a few "party elites". You will be satisfied with sweeping streets with a broom in exchange for whatever the party elite thinks is appropriate; a cold, one room apartment while the party elite enjoy the best of everything.

Awh the hell with it. That's all the time I'm going to waste. You're also probably a lazyass, die hard union member who wants the "American Dream" handed to him on a silver platter without having to work for it.

You just want to exchange one master for an even worse one.

Wrong, oh waver of the flag of the first state to secede from the Union. You are confusing me with Communists, and you have absolutely nothing to say about the post. Where in it is any reference to a party elite? And I hate street sweeping. Or even pier sweeping. I've actually done THAT.

There's bound to be someone out there who can do better than this.

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2012, 12:54:39 PM »
Wrong, oh waver of the flag of the first state to secede from the Union. You are confusing me with Communists, and you have absolutely nothing to say about the post. Where in it is any reference to a party elite? And I hate street sweeping. Or even pier sweeping. I've actually done THAT.

There's bound to be someone out there who can do better than this.

Oh yeah, I'm a flag waver. I got dead limbs in my family tree from American wars from before the revolution, in the revolution and in every major conflict since then (except the most recent mideast wars). A brother to my great-so-many grandfather (who served in The Continental Army) may have been one of the first Marines. Records show that he was a Marine serving aboard ship less than a year after their formation.

And S.C. is a fiesty little state. There were more revolutionary battles fraught in S.C. than any other colony. We love independence.

I was self employed for 40 years. The hired help took more advantage of me than I ever took of them....and that's the way it usually is.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2012, 01:06:33 PM »
Wrong, oh waver of the flag of the first state to secede from the Union. You are confusing me with Communists, and you have absolutely nothing to say about the post. Where in it is any reference to a party elite? And I hate street sweeping. Or even pier sweeping. I've actually done THAT.

There's bound to be someone out there who can do better than this.

It's remotely possible that we've had "socialists" here before, and consider responding, point by point, to a lengthy diatribe a useless waste of our time.

This is a conservative are (for the most part) welcome to post here, so long as you don't make a nuisance of yourself, denigrate the military, post materials supporting the more bizarre positions of Ron Paul, or break the rules (and I suggest that you read them........both the general board rules, as well as the specific rules posted at the top of each forum).

We share your regret that your apparent "home" crashed and burned, but be aware that our membership may express "intolerance" for your political ideas.......which is their privilege here.........and I will defend that vigorously.

My personal opinion, in response to your title question:  Socialism paraphrase the words of Lady Margaret Thatcher....."Socialism works fine until you run out of other peoples money.......".  It has failed everytime it has been attempted in whatever form or variation.  It's in the painful process of failing in the EU now.  One might wish to heed the lessons of history......

As I posted over on LU, I'm a proud member of what you euphemistically refer to as the "1%", and you aren't getting mine without a lot of bloodshed.......mostly yours.......

« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 01:19:04 PM by TVDOC »
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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2012, 02:19:03 PM »
My personal opinion, in response to your title question:  Socialism paraphrase the words of Lady Margaret Thatcher....."Socialism works fine until you run out of other peoples money.......".  It has failed everytime it has been attempted in whatever form or variation.  It's in the painful process of failing in the EU now.  One might wish to heed the lessons of history......

+1, with the addition that Socialism will always suck as long as there is human nature. A truly Socialistic structure may work in an ant nest or a beehive, but that is because they don't have the individual drive to acquire as much as possible. Among primates, it never will.

Socialism will always end up with tyranny by a semi-hereditary "elite" and suppression of those who are not in the "elite". This is because socialism cannot tolerate competition. If something comes along to compete with a socialist idea, the socialist government must suppress it or be shown to be inferior. "All animals are equal, some are more equal than others"

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2012, 02:56:30 PM »
What percentage of my labor do you think you're entitled to?
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline LC EFA

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2012, 04:04:07 PM »

When we speak of "defending jobs", we need to clarify what we mean. We have to go beyond the mere mechanics of protecting workers with things like putting an end to the exporting of jobs or raising minimum wage rates or protecting workers from discrimination in the workplace.

You can't prevent the outsourcing of jobs in any even partly free economic system.

When you make the cost of doing business so high as to make ROI meaningless the business will either close, outsource or demand nationalisation such that they no longer have to worry about profitability.

Minimum wage laws do little to benefit society at large, in main part because as the cost of doing business goes up so too does the prices that business must charge to maintain viability. The net result is that the products and services marketed through that company become proportionally unaffordable to the same collection of people that demanded higher minimum wages.

All of these things, while critically important, address only the symptoms of a far more deadly disease. The disease is the perverse imbalance of power between workers and their bosses and their employers.

I fail to see the problem. Bosses are bosses for a reason. For the most part they've invested much time and sweat into getting to a management position - and are willing and able to make sure that business operates for the most part smoothly.

If you have a problem with what bosses are paid - invest the same amount of time and energy into getting into their position and get back to me about how unfair their pay is.

To have a private company run by the workers would be like having the army run by PFC's.

We cannot let stand a system that values and empowers capital and profits over workers. Because if we do, as we have, we endorse a system that concentrates wealth without limits.

How much did Obama raise through donations from wealthy leftists , and what ratio is that to the amount donated to his opposition ?

I get pretty snotty with anyone who would seek to limit my wealth to some arbitrary figure.

Excessively concentrated wealth, through its lobbyists and its campaign dollars, always perverts democracy. All our little lefty websites have really helped highlight that message. Occupy Wall Street, too, has helped highlight that message.

We're a hit. The American public has finally awakened to the reality that the extreme concentration of wealth has perverted any semblance of democracy. This awareness was a long time coming and it still has much further to go.

Yeah - speak to the left about that whole perversion of democracy through lobbyists and campaign dollars. People in glass houses and all that.

As for the OWS crowd - don't believe your own press. You are not the 99%. No one really cares too much about OWS outside the hard left. When even your water-carriers in the MSM give you jack-diddly in the way of air time it's time to accept that the movement, is dead.

The question now will become what to do about the problem

Some will try to restrain the beast with regulation. We'll see the usually parade of campaign finance and lobby reform. It won't work. It never works. It can't work. Big money, brick by brick, will disassemble any walls you might build between democracy and money. If excessive wealth exists, it will always corrupt democratic institutions to serve itself. People need to understand this. The intent of regulation is well-meaning; it cannot ultimately succeed. The beast will always escape your confines.

I'd like you to define exactly what you mean by excessive wealth ? Is it only excessive when it reaches a certain ratio as compared to the poorest person in the country , or have you got an arbitrary figure in mind ?

Regulation might be "well intended" - but regulation compliance is another huge cost of doing business and another main motivating factor for outsourcing and the "brain-drain" where competent staff choose to work elsewhere.

So, what then is the true path to democracy and prosperity?

This is where, sadly, most of us, even those who think of themselves as "the Left", have not awakened at all. Somehow, we have been so deeply brainwashed and hypnotized by all the shiny gold and trinkets, that we've come to believe that the limitless acquisition of wealth is the ultimate entitlement program. "Everyone should be able to acquire as much wealth as they possibly can." We see that as the American way. We that as "freedom". We see that as a meritocracy that rightfully rewards the successful with vast riches.

Everyone should indeed be able to acquire as much wealth as they can. This is indeed freedom. The moment you tell me that I cannot be worth what my abilities can acquire for me  - then you are indeed reducing my freedom.

People, you can't have it both ways. The acquisition of unlimited wealth, i.e. a political and economic system that severely concentrates wealth, has poisoned our democracy. You need to let go of the myth that the freedom to acquire and hold excessive wealth can exist side-by-side with democracy. It cannot.


The solutions you've sought that try to temper the abuses of concentrated wealth with regulation have failed. As wealth has grown more concentrated, democracy and prosperity for most of us has radically declined. The only solution to the problem is to cap wealth. We need to radically reduce the concentration of wealth. We need to understand that regulatory measures like higher marginal tax rates with steeper graduation are not going to get the job done. Such measures help with future income but do very little to close the wealth gap.

Yeah - because such measures have worked ever so well when they've been tried in the past , right ?

I realize it may jar your long-held beliefs but it's time to seize wealth and limit it to the point that it can no longer buy a greater share of government than the average citizen has access to. Democracy means equally shared power. Democracy cannot exist when we allow the gap between rich and poor to grow as large as it has.

What you seem to be demanding is equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. Is this right ?

To quote the OP once again:

'The defense of democratic rights is inseparable from the fight to defend jobs and living standards and is impossible today without a direct assault on the immense concentration of wealth in the hands of a financial oligarchy'."

Your fight to defend your living standards is made behind your desk, or the serving counter and chip fryer. Go for it.

The fight to defend jobs would be made a lot easier if the left wouldn't constantly demand things that make preserving the company that provides those jobse - harder.

So, what do you think? Can democracy survive when unlimited wealth is allowed? I don't think it can, and I think history supports my position. In some important ways, limiting the power of wealth and privilege in order to maintain a stable society can be interpreted as a very conservative point of view. I am saying that unlimited capitalism is not a conservative position, but a radical one that celebrates unlimited selfishness, greed, and lust for power over others.

You're not the first person and won't be the last person to think this way. Seems to me that every previous instance where someone has thought like that and obtained the power to make it so , it has resulted in mass starvation and has had exactly the opposite effect on "democracy" that you seem to think it will.

In order to limit wealth in the way you desire you need a all powerful entity to monitor and ensure compliance - which pretty much means you will have a system that is far less democratic than the one that presently exists.

It is not my intention to start a flame war or to piss anyone off. I just want to see what you think of Welsh's position, with which I wholeheartedly agree, and why. Thanks.

Far as I'm concerned - it's just the thesis of the enemy.

I hope that one day we don't have to look at each other over the trenches, but am less confident it won't come to that each day.

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2012, 04:05:48 PM »
Oh yeah, I'm a flag waver. I got dead limbs in my family tree from American wars from before the revolution, in the revolution and in every major conflict since then (except the most recent mideast wars). A brother to my great-so-many grandfather (who served in The Continental Army) may have been one of the first Marines. Records show that he was a Marine serving aboard ship less than a year after their formation.

And S.C. is a fiesty little state. There were more revolutionary battles fraught in S.C. than any other colony. We love independence.

I was self employed for 40 years. The hired help took more advantage of me than I ever took of them....and that's the way it usually is.

Not getting into the barbarian's OP, JohnnyReb, cuz quite honestly it didn't hold my attention, but everyone seems to forget that South Carolina was LEGALLY under no ****ing obligation whatsoever to remain in the union at the time it seceeded.  End of story.  The fact that Lincoln chose to attack it, and other states, doesn't negate the fact that he was LEGALLY in the wrong.
Continue to wave that flag, Johnny! :cheersmate:
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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2012, 04:07:12 PM »
What percentage of my labor do you think you're entitled to?

How about the labor/effort it costs to put a boot up the ass of anyone who stretches out their lazy hand to pilfer your hard earned money?
Sneaking into a country doesn't make you an immigrant any
more than breaking into someone's house makes you part of the family.
(Poster bolky from blog discussion)

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2012, 04:33:07 PM »
The defense of democratic rights is inseparable from the fight to defend jobs and living standards and is impossible today without a direct assault on the immense concentration of wealth in the hands of a financial oligarchy.

You're confusing politics and economics. Even China knows that individual wealth can co-exist with political supression. NAZI (read Socialist) Germany did, too. Again... paraphrase the words of Lady Margaret Thatcher....."Socialism works fine until you run out of other peoples money.......".

It was British and French socialism in the guise of the "reparations" contained in the Treaty of Versalies after WW1 that led to the ultimate socialist NAZI Germany. It was the strength of capitalism in the guise of the Marshall Plan that rebuilt post WW2 Germany and Japan.


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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2012, 04:39:35 PM »
I'd like to see him defend our Government run amock.

How about we treat the Federal Goverment they same way you wish to treat the "rich"? If not, why not?

Do you think it's OK for the Federal Government to "make" more money through taxation than oil companies?  If so, why?

How much wealth should ANY public employee be allowed to amass? Use Ms. Pelosi as an example.

If "fair wages" reach 20+ dollars an hour, you woulden't mind paying 10+ bucks for a Happy Meal, right?
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

The unobtainable is unknown at

"Practice random violence and senseless acts of brutality"

If you want a gender neutral bathroom, go pee in the forest.

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2012, 04:45:46 PM »
You can't prevent the outsourcing of jobs in any even partly free economic system.


I hope that one day we don't have to look at each other over the trenches, but am less confident it won't come to that each day.

Nice job LC, now let's see if you get an answer.

I for one would be interested in knowing which socialist state the OP would like to model his utopia on.

What I believe needs to be done is to remove the Crony from Capitalism and politics.  To that end I wonder how the op might feel about a couple simple measures:  1) A constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget.  2) A constitutional amendment for term limits.  3) A constitutional amendment which prevents congress from exempting itself from any law.

I would recommend the following article as a primer on Crony Capitalism.

< watch this space for coming distractions >

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2012, 05:01:18 PM »
I will take you up on one statement.

This is where, sadly, most of us, even those who think of themselves as "the Left", have not awakened at all. Somehow, we have been so deeply brainwashed and hypnotized by all the shiny gold and trinkets, that we've come to believe that the limitless acquisition of wealth is the ultimate entitlement program. "Everyone should be able to acquire as much wealth as they possibly can." We see that as the American way. We that as "freedom". We see that as a meritocracy that rightfully rewards the successful with vast riches.

It would appear that you are saying the left has bastardized the great concept of socialism because it seeks the wealth of this nation for its own leisure.
They just hope to aquire it via arbitrary theft (taxation) and expect it to be dutifully passed on to them via an all powerful central government.

The shadowy underbelly of what you propose is a theoretical subsistence system where there is no wealth period.
Everyone reduced to the lowest common denominator so to speak and joyfully toiling for their own existence as well as their neighbors.

Please explain to me how in the face of human nature how all tasks of an organized and civil society get performed without an incentive system?

Wouldn`t this require the abolition of private property and if so where does security lie as everything would be everyones for the taking?

If a task is going undone how is it determined who is going to do it and how is it enforced?

Where does the required up front level of capital come from that spurs innovation and invention?

How does it not dissolve to tyrannical communism as the 20th century and up to today knows it?

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2012, 05:43:42 PM »
ok you got a large post there that im going to try to break down piece by piece to explain my opinions... and i blab a lot and cannot coherently say what im trying to explain so i'm sorry if my post doesnt make sense at first. feel free to reply with questions or comments.

The defense of democratic rights is inseparable from the fight to defend jobs and living standards and is impossible today without a direct assault on the immense concentration of wealth in the hands of a financial oligarchy.

"democratic rights" ???
i dont want my rights voted in by a majority, you shouldnt either. the majority can change them at any time and not necessarily  towards the better.
"inalienable rights" that concept seems to make a little more sense to me.

When we speak of "defending jobs", we need to clarify what we mean. We have to go beyond the mere mechanics of protecting workers with things like putting an end to the exporting of jobs or raising minimum wage rates or protecting workers from discrimination in the workplace.
All of these things, while critically important, address only the symptoms of a far more deadly disease. The disease is the perverse imbalance of power between workers and their bosses and their employers.
We cannot let stand a system that values and empowers capital and profits over workers. Because if we do, as we have, we endorse a system that concentrates wealth without limits.

imbalance of power between worker and boss???
the worker has all the power he needs. if dont like your job, quit. if you like your job but your afraid of losing it, make yourself indispensable.
and if you think you can manage a business better than your bosses, quit and start your own business in direct competition to prove your point.

Excessively concentrated wealth, through its lobbyists and its campaign dollars, always perverts democracy. All our little lefty websites have really helped highlight that message. Occupy Wall Street, too, has helped highlight that message.

its either ignorance or arrogance if you think your lefty sites and OWS are not doing the same. (trying to pervert democracy) any influence is a form of perversion. my strongest belief on this is that the media (right, left, center, top, bottom) aids the perversion more than any "concentration of wealth"

We're a hit. The American public has finally awakened to the reality that the extreme concentration of wealth has perverted any semblance of democracy. This awareness was a long time coming and it still has much further to go.

sorry but thats a false hope in my eyes

The question now will become what to do about the problem

Some will try to restrain the beast with regulation. We'll see the usually parade of campaign finance and lobby reform. It won't work. It never works. It can't work. Big money, brick by brick, will disassemble any walls you might build between democracy and money. If excessive wealth exists, it will always corrupt democratic institutions to serve itself. People need to understand this. The intent of regulation is well-meaning; it cannot ultimately succeed. The beast will always escape your confines.

can we take a look back at history for some guidance? 1770's is a good place to start for us here in the USA. how life under british rule?? not that great. so some people thought they could regulate themselves better and decided to go on there own. Created their own govt. Things went up from there. i wont try to pinpoint the exact time we were most prosperous, but i will say we've been declining. we are also less free today. i correlate the two. this is why i feel less tyranny = more prosperity. ignore it if you want. less govt power equals less "power" (you call it democracy) that can be perverted. if we would restart our govt the way it was intended to be, the majority of the left, right, middle would all be happier. only the progressives (left and right) who really just want that extra power given to them, hate liberty (which i correlate to means of prosperty).

So, what then is the true path to democracy and prosperity?

This is where, sadly, most of us, even those who think of themselves as "the Left", have not awakened at all. Somehow, we have been so deeply brainwashed and hypnotized by all the shiny gold and trinkets, that we've come to believe that the limitless acquisition of wealth is the ultimate entitlement program. "Everyone should be able to acquire as much wealth as they possibly can." We see that as the American way. We that as "freedom". We see that as a meritocracy that rightfully rewards the successful with vast riches.

People, you can't have it both ways. The acquisition of unlimited wealth, i.e. a political and economic system that severely concentrates wealth, has poisoned our democracy. You need to let go of the myth that the freedom to acquire and hold excessive wealth can exist side-by-side with democracy. It cannot.

The solutions you've sought that try to temper the abuses of concentrated wealth with regulation have failed. As wealth has grown more concentrated, democracy and prosperity for most of us has radically declined. The only solution to the problem is to cap wealth. We need to radically reduce the concentration of wealth. We need to understand that regulatory measures like higher marginal tax rates with steeper graduation are not going to get the job done. Such measures help with future income but do very little to close the wealth gap.

I realize it may jar your long-held beliefs but it's time to seize wealth and limit it to the point that it can no longer buy a greater share of government than the average citizen has access to. Democracy means equally shared power. Democracy cannot exist when we allow the gap between rich and poor to grow as large as it has.

to repeat it is not wealth or the concentration of it that is the problem. it is the tyranny of govt, perverted by the democracy of progressive movements. limit govt, limit tyranny, limit the perversion. return to the means to allow prosperity. IT IS NOT BY ACCIDENT, that it goes "LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS" and not "tyranny leads to happiness in life"

To quote the OP once again:

'The defense of democratic rights is inseparable from the fight to defend jobs and living standards and is impossible today without a direct assault on the immense concentration of wealth in the hands of a financial oligarchy'."

So, what do you think? Can democracy survive when unlimited wealth is allowed? I don't think it can, and I think history supports my position. In some important ways, limiting the power of wealth and privilege in order to maintain a stable society can be interpreted as a very conservative point of view. I am saying that unlimited capitalism is not a conservative position, but a radical one that celebrates unlimited selfishness, greed, and lust for power over others.

It is not my intention to start a flame war or to piss anyone off. I just want to see what you think of Welsh's position, with which I wholeheartedly agree, and why. Thanks.

now after reading through this all again, i still get hung up on your excessive use of  "can democracy survive with unlimited wealth" like that's the goal. it shouldn't be the goal. i ask "can we survive today's perverted version of (progressive) democracy's attempt to replace our republic, the one nation for which i pledge allegiance to. if it is going to survive, we need to start over with the way our govt was originally designed. RESTART it dont REFORM it.

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2012, 07:08:45 PM »
First of all, welcome and thanks for your service!

Here's my main problem. This country was founded with the idea of individual freedom.

Your are NOT owed a living.

The simplest answer to your long, long post? If you don't like how you're treated by your evil employer, leave. This isn't a feudal system. Find a job that sucks less. You are NOT owed a living.

You are NOT owed a living.

You over-emphasize the tyranny of the capitalists, in my opinion. What about the tyranny of the workers? What do unions do in the end, for example, except reward mediocrity? Why can't the best worker get the most money? Why do all drywallers in the union, for example, get paid the same wage? Why can't a guy who can hang better and faster be paid more than someone who can't? Why should I, a consumer, be forced to pay inflated prices for mediocrity?

NOBODY OWES YOU A LIVING. You have to earn it.

Socialism fails. Every time, it fails.
Let nothing trouble you,
Let nothing frighten you. 
All things are passing;
God never changes.
Patience attains all that it strives for.
He who has God lacks nothing:
God alone suffices.
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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2012, 08:10:10 AM »
First of all, welcome and thanks for your service!

Here's my main problem. This country was founded with the idea of individual freedom.

Your are NOT owed a living.

The simplest answer to your long, long post? If you don't like how you're treated by your evil employer, leave. This isn't a feudal system. Find a job that sucks less. You are NOT owed a living.

You are NOT owed a living.

You over-emphasize the tyranny of the capitalists, in my opinion. What about the tyranny of the workers? What do unions do in the end, for example, except reward mediocrity? Why can't the best worker get the most money? Why do all drywallers in the union, for example, get paid the same wage? Why can't a guy who can hang better and faster be paid more than someone who can't? Why should I, a consumer, be forced to pay inflated prices for mediocrity?

NOBODY OWES YOU A LIVING. You have to earn it.

Socialism fails. Every time, it fails.

Thanks for the welcome. I see everyone here is starting at a completely different place than I am. Fundamentally, I don't believe this country was founded on the idea of individual freedom, but on the idea of the common good. And yes, I believe that everyone has the right to a decent standard of living. I also think, no, that's wrong, I KNOW that Jesus of Nazareth would agree more with me and WelshTerrier, whose response to me I posted, than with you all.

No matter. There's some food for thought here. My thanks to everyone for their input.

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2012, 08:12:55 AM »
I'd like to see him defend our Government run amock.

How about we treat the Federal Goverment they same way you wish to treat the "rich"? If not, why not?

Do you think it's OK for the Federal Government to "make" more money through taxation than oil companies?  If so, why?

How much wealth should ANY public employee be allowed to amass? Use Ms. Pelosi as an example.

If "fair wages" reach 20+ dollars an hour, you woulden't mind paying 10+ bucks for a Happy Meal, right?

I agree with you on Ms. Pelosi. I don't suppose you think the Federal Government is practically owned by the corporations. I do. To me, Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi are every bit as problematic as John Boehner and Dick Cheney.

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2012, 08:20:23 AM »
Oh yeah, I'm a flag waver. I got dead limbs in my family tree from American wars from before the revolution, in the revolution and in every major conflict since then (except the most recent mideast wars). A brother to my great-so-many grandfather (who served in The Continental Army) may have been one of the first Marines. Records show that he was a Marine serving aboard ship less than a year after their formation.

And S.C. is a fiesty little state. There were more revolutionary battles fraught in S.C. than any other colony. We love independence.

I was self employed for 40 years. The hired help took more advantage of me than I ever took of them....and that's the way it usually is.

I'm descended from a Quebecois who joined Washington's army in 1775--he was a trained artilleryman who hated redcoats--and a redcoat draftee who served with Cornwallis, surrendered at Yorktown, and settled in North Carolina after the war. I have 2 great x2 grandfathers who fought in the Confederate Army, one of whom was at Atlanta and retreated before Sherman through South Carolina.

That said, I'm still glad the North won the war. Call it 20-20 hindsight. But I still honor my ancestors who did what they thought was right. That sometimes gets me in trouble elsewhere.  :wink:

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2012, 09:51:18 AM »
Thanks for the welcome. I see everyone here is starting at a completely different place than I am. Fundamentally, I don't believe this country was founded on the idea of individual freedom, but on the idea of the common good. And yes, I believe that everyone has the right to a decent standard of living. I also think, no, that's wrong, I KNOW that Jesus of Nazareth would agree more with me and WelshTerrier, whose response to me I posted, than with you all.

No matter. There's some food for thought here. My thanks to everyone for their input.

Where in the Sermon on the Mount, or any other teachings, did Jesus say to give your money to the king for him to be able to care for the poor? My recollection is that he taught his followers to freely give of themselves directly to those in need. Inserting a middleman into your good works is not necessary, and doing good works because someone outside that "still small voice" tells you to doesn't count.

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2012, 10:15:45 AM »
Greetings. I'm a card-carrying Socialist who mostly frequents Left Underground and Fire Dog Lake. I am neither a DUer nor an Elmer, for whatever that's worth. I'm also a Navy veteran of the Gulf War era(surface Navy--I don't get on ships that deliberately sink or jump out of perfectly good airplanes, hence the avatar), consider myself an American patriot, and have the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal to prove it to my satisfaction.

Freeper and Revolution had the gall and the courtesy, IMHO, to come over and express themselves on LU awhile back. Like Mr. Worf on Star Trek, I admire gall. With permission from welshTerrier2, I am going to post a reply he made to one of my OP's on LU recently. I would honestly like to know what y'all think about it. Here it is:

" 'Originally Posted by Ohio Barbarian 
The defense of democratic rights is inseparable from the fight to defend jobs and living standards and is impossible today without a direct assault on the immense concentration of wealth in the hands of a financial oligarchy.

(Emphasis mine).'
There is no perspective of our current plight more important than this one.

When we speak of "defending jobs", we need to clarify what we mean. We have to go beyond the mere mechanics of protecting workers with things like putting an end to the exporting of jobs or raising minimum wage rates or protecting workers from discrimination in the workplace.

All of these things, while critically important, address only the symptoms of a far more deadly disease. The disease is the perverse imbalance of power between workers and their bosses and their employers.

We cannot let stand a system that values and empowers capital and profits over workers. Because if we do, as we have, we endorse a system that concentrates wealth without limits.

Excessively concentrated wealth, through its lobbyists and its campaign dollars, always perverts democracy. All our little lefty websites have really helped highlight that message. Occupy Wall Street, too, has helped highlight that message.

We're a hit. The American public has finally awakened to the reality that the extreme concentration of wealth has perverted any semblance of democracy. This awareness was a long time coming and it still has much further to go.

The question now will become what to do about the problem

Some will try to restrain the beast with regulation. We'll see the usually parade of campaign finance and lobby reform. It won't work. It never works. It can't work. Big money, brick by brick, will disassemble any walls you might build between democracy and money. If excessive wealth exists, it will always corrupt democratic institutions to serve itself. People need to understand this. The intent of regulation is well-meaning; it cannot ultimately succeed. The beast will always escape your confines.

So, what then is the true path to democracy and prosperity?

This is where, sadly, most of us, even those who think of themselves as "the Left", have not awakened at all. Somehow, we have been so deeply brainwashed and hypnotized by all the shiny gold and trinkets, that we've come to believe that the limitless acquisition of wealth is the ultimate entitlement program. "Everyone should be able to acquire as much wealth as they possibly can." We see that as the American way. We that as "freedom". We see that as a meritocracy that rightfully rewards the successful with vast riches.

People, you can't have it both ways. The acquisition of unlimited wealth, i.e. a political and economic system that severely concentrates wealth, has poisoned our democracy. You need to let go of the myth that the freedom to acquire and hold excessive wealth can exist side-by-side with democracy. It cannot.

The solutions you've sought that try to temper the abuses of concentrated wealth with regulation have failed. As wealth has grown more concentrated, democracy and prosperity for most of us has radically declined. The only solution to the problem is to cap wealth. We need to radically reduce the concentration of wealth. We need to understand that regulatory measures like higher marginal tax rates with steeper graduation are not going to get the job done. Such measures help with future income but do very little to close the wealth gap.

I realize it may jar your long-held beliefs but it's time to seize wealth and limit it to the point that it can no longer buy a greater share of government than the average citizen has access to. Democracy means equally shared power. Democracy cannot exist when we allow the gap between rich and poor to grow as large as it has.

To quote the OP once again:

'The defense of democratic rights is inseparable from the fight to defend jobs and living standards and is impossible today without a direct assault on the immense concentration of wealth in the hands of a financial oligarchy'."

So, what do you think? Can democracy survive when unlimited wealth is allowed? I don't think it can, and I think history supports my position. In some important ways, limiting the power of wealth and privilege in order to maintain a stable society can be interpreted as a very conservative point of view. I am saying that unlimited capitalism is not a conservative position, but a radical one that celebrates unlimited selfishness, greed, and lust for power over others.

It is not my intention to start a flame war or to piss anyone off. I just want to see what you think of Welsh's position, with which I wholeheartedly agree, and why. Thanks.

I will help Thomas Jefferson answer your question:

Antifa - the only fascists in America today.

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2012, 11:42:56 AM »
Thanks for the welcome. I see everyone here is starting at a completely different place than I am. Fundamentally, I don't believe this country was founded on the idea of individual freedom, but on the idea of the common good. And yes, I believe that everyone has the right to a decent standard of living. I also think, no, that's wrong, I KNOW that Jesus of Nazareth would agree more with me and WelshTerrier, whose response to me I posted, than with you all.

No matter. There's some food for thought here. My thanks to everyone for their input.

I am hoping you return to address some of the points raised previous to this.

I must say though your notion of the reasons this country was founded are a pipe dream that denies all of history and writings,you do not get to rewrite that at your whim.
Secondly if you read the Bible and not just a handful of verses you would know that Jesus would be telling you to follow Him and accept Him as Lord and Saviour having paid the penalty of your sins by His willing sacrifice on the cross.
He would care nothing about your socialistic dreams.

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2012, 12:05:22 PM »
Fundamentally, I don't believe this country was founded on the idea of individual freedom, but on the idea of the common good.

Then you should probably start over on your research. You seemed to have missed something.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2012, 12:11:29 PM »
Thanks for the welcome. I see everyone here is starting at a completely different place than I am. Fundamentally, I don't believe this country was founded on the idea of individual freedom, but on the idea of the common good. And yes, I believe that everyone has the right to a decent standard of living. I also think, no, that's wrong, I KNOW that Jesus of Nazareth would agree more with me and WelshTerrier, whose response to me I posted, than with you all.

No matter. There's some food for thought here. My thanks to everyone for their input.

There is no where in our history that even points to this idea that you think we were founded on "idea of the common good."

Thomas Jefferson:  "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" Some socialist and DUmmies take two very important words out of this phrase,  "pursuit of."  You are not guaranteed happiness as you are not guaranteed a job you like.  In fact a job is not a right, as you like to think.

Our founding fathers had foresight that I could never imagine.  They wrote one of the most brilliant pieces of law ever.  The constitution.  It won't change.  Live with it.  IF you don't like it go to the EU.
"The society that puts equality before freedom will end up with neither; the society that puts freedom before equality will end up with a great measure of both."

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"We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes nonwork."

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Re: A Socialist Invites Your Opinions
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2012, 12:20:02 PM »
Welcome to Conservative Cave! I echo what TVDOC posted upthread. We do not hide our conservative slant on CC. As long as you follow the board rules and engage in honest discourse, you will be fine.
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

Spread my work ethic, not my wealth.

Forget change, bring back common sense.

No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle