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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #50 on: May 30, 2011, 07:05:50 AM »
Okay, okay.  I haven't been watching the case.  Actually, I've been avoiding it like the plague but in the course of listening to morning "news" shows, you can't help but hear a snippet or two and with a bit of reading here, I'm going to toss a few things out there.  
My first rule is pretty much the "Rule of Judy", as in Judge Judy.  If something doesn't sound right, it's probably not true.  My second rule, if I'm aware of a similar situation FIRST HAND, there's a strong possibility it can happen to somebody else, somewhere else just as easily.  Rule Three?  Water and electricity always take the path of least resistance, people generally do but not always.

1.  Pretty, pathological liars aren't always guilty.  Yes, in the minds of most women they are, ergo the "Lifetime" movie library.  This isn't a Lifetime movie, it's real life.
2.  Most "party girls" are not familiar with two uses of duct tape, no less a hundred, are not going to dig a hole and then relocate a body or drive around with a corpse in the trunk regardless of days, hours, minutes.  Now, there are girls who like to party, they are a more intelligent breed than the "party girl".
3.  Ms. Anthony MAY have had some sort of connection to the crime.  Been an intended or unintended beneficiary of the crime but not likely the perpetrator of the crime.
4.  IF she was sexually abused by her father, brother or other, it's quite possible she may have been or still under the control of the abuser.  There is distinct possibility she is being framed.  She could be taking the fall.  Go back to my first point, who is a more sympathetic figure?  A young mother or a male abuser?  
To take it a bit further, don't look at her face, although she doesn't have a hard look about her or a fake soft look, nor really her body language but how she moves around.  There's no defiance in her movement, she is being pushed around (again, this is based upon early images like arraignment).  You can't fake clueless or catatonic unless she is on some sort of drug(s).
5.  Don't blame defense motions and actions on the defendant.  It was a good question.  Who is paying for this defense?  Can you say, "Follow the money?".
6.  I know of a couple of situations where the mother is useless and the grandparents or other family member raises a child.
7.  The blond, helmet-haired bitch with the funny accent should be scraping jizz stains of porn theater floors with her tongue.

It's conjecture.  It's hypothetical.  You can't apply logical rules to illogical actions.

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #51 on: May 30, 2011, 08:51:59 AM »
Ok i'll bite... what was Casey's DU name? :-)

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #52 on: May 30, 2011, 10:23:57 AM »
Somehow, I think the dad's involved. Whether it be with Casey herself, Caylee, or helping her do something with or/to Caylee. Why else would he have attempted suicide?

I've heard of parents being so despondent over losing a child, that their marriage goes out the window, they develop alcohol or drug issues, or they die of a "broken" heart (which I do believe can happen)....some I'm sure have been so despondent that they have committed suicide in order to "be with" their child.

But for a grandparent to attempt suicide months after their grandchild has died? Odd.

A month or so ago, a local woman went to a gas station with her 8yr old grandson, went into the bathroom at the back of the building, shot and killed the little boy and shot herself. She survived for a couple of days, but never regained consciousness, so no one knows for sure why she did it. Supposedly, she had depression problems, and had custodial custody of her grandchild, because his parents were in and out of jail, and have drug issues.

So I guess, there are situations where it has happened...but if he was going to kill himself over his despondency for his grandchild wouldn't he have done it sooner, or much later?

Makes me think he's somehow involved, and since he survived, is now hoping no one finds out....

The whole Anthony family is just dysfunctional when I look at it. They like attention.
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Offline Evil_Conservative

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #53 on: May 30, 2011, 03:33:17 PM »
She was 22 years old with a 2 year old baby that had lived under the care of the grandparents all her life,    Why not just have a talk with the grandparents and ask them to continue to care for the baby for say 3-6 months as she needed to grow up independent of family, learn to manage finances for herself and baby, to be a single independent mother?????

I can't answer this.  I am not Casey.

Too much taking responsibility of the grown children leads to adults that cannot care for their own kids as they never were expected to take care of themselves. Mom would do everything for the young adult and their child.   Was Casey expected to pay rent for herself and child, did she do laundry and cook meals for her working parents ??? Yes, Casey also worked but did she pull her fair share of the work to run a house hold???

False.  Casey did not work.  She TOLD her parent's and friends that she worked at Universal Studios and as an event coordinator.  Both proved to be lies.   It's highly unlikely Casey lifted a finger around her parent's household.  This is the same girl who made up a nanny and claimed she paid this nanny $400 a week to care for Caylee.

The question still stands, why take the baby from the only home it knew away from safety and security.

Please don't call an innocent baby girl an 'it'.  Caylee was a beautiful 2 year old girl who had her life abruptly ended by her monster of a mother.

She could still live the wild part of life, the Clubs, the drugs and whatever and visit he child when she wished.    She had no reason whats so ever to kill that baby, she had back up from family all her and the baby's life. 

Okay, back up.

If your daughter gave birth to a beautiful little girl but didn't want the responsibility of caring for her, you would still allow her to go out partying and getting drunk as hell while YOU played the mother role of your granddaughter?

This is what's wrong with all of these damn teen mothers running around.  They think they want a baby, but then they realize how much work and money it takes to care for a child.  That work gets in the way of their party lives.  We need to start teaching these children that you cannot pop out a child, hand off the responsibility to someone else, and continue with their partying/clubbing.

Guess I'm just old fashioned.
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Offline delilahmused

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #54 on: May 30, 2011, 04:13:50 PM »
The grandparents were being interviewed by Greta at one point and the grandfather said he'd been an alcoholic and Caylee was the reason he quit drinking. Perhaps that's why his feelings were so raw that he attempted suicide. If it were me, I'd feel like my granddaughter saved my life. You don't think you can ever love any children more than your own and then you have grandchildren.

I just don't believe the molestation story, especially blaming both parents. She neither looks, nor acts like someone who was abused. I think she was overindulged & spoiled & a baby cramped her style. She didn't mind mommy and daddy watching Caylee while she went out and partied. Caylee probably thought of her grandparents more like parents (Caylee acted much more like a big sister than a mother) than Casey. I think Casey was jealous of the attention Caylee got and resentful that her daughter took away a measure of her freedom.


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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #55 on: May 30, 2011, 04:16:56 PM »
I think Casey was jealous of the attention Caylee got and resentful that her daughter took away a measure of her freedom.


A lot of people have brought this up even from the beginning.  Casey was no longer the "baby" of the family and she couldn't stand the attention Caylee was getting from her own parent's.  She was jealous of Caylee.
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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #56 on: May 30, 2011, 04:59:11 PM »
If your daughter gave birth to a beautiful little girl but didn't want the responsibility of caring for her, you would still allow her to go out partying and getting drunk as hell while YOU played the mother role of your granddaughter?

This is what's wrong with all of these damn teen mothers running around.  They think they want a baby, but then they realize how much work and money it takes to care for a child.  That work gets in the way of their party lives.  We need to start teaching these children that you cannot pop out a child, hand off the responsibility to someone else, and continue with their partying/clubbing.

Guess I'm just old fashioned.

Jess .... you need to look at what Vesta said and what you said, a wee bit differently.

Vesta's looking at it from a grandmother's are looking at it from a young mother's viewpoint.

Yes, it is the mother's responsibility - AND THE FATHER'S -  to care and provide all the needs, nurturing, ect for the child.

But IF the mother and/or father does not do their job...what are you as a grandmother going to do about it? A grandparent - who is in the near vicinity - is going to step in and do whatever it takes to care for their grandchild. The grandparent is going to make sure the child is cared for, provided for and nurtured.

Because the alternative, is at best...the child is just neglected, middle of the road is going into the foster care system, and the worst....well, Caylee is the best example of worst case scenario - a dead baby.

Your parents are halfway across the country from you, so it's left up to you and your husband and ONLY the two of you,to do everything for your daughter....because there is no help coming from family. I was in the same situation with my kids - I lived almost to the east coast and my parents and my ex's were smack dab in the middle or in the case of his parents, they were in AZ in the winter. They weren't going to fly in for us to go out and party!! Or take over babysitting for whatever reason.

But my daughter lives 25 minutes from me on the north end of the county...I DO help her with taking the kids, if they can't go to daycare either because the daycare is closed or they are sick, and she has to work (she's the only X-ray tech in the clinic and he is an radiology interventionist in the trauma unit at a hospital, they can't work from home in an emergency). Her MIL, who lives about the same distance to the SE (I'm SW), also will help if she's not working(she's a cardiac nurse) . But neither one of us, take the munchkins so that the kids can go party...that's what babysitters are for.

I have seen or read about young mothers, out partying, while the kid's left with a babysitter, a boyfriend, daddy's girlfriend, grandparents. This isn't a new was going on when I was back in my early 20's and hitting the bars after work with friends. I know it was going on when my older (by 5yrs) step-sister was that age...because she was the one doing it and leaving her daughter with my other step-sister who was 2 yrs younger with a husband and a baby!

The difference between Casey/Caylee and the majority of other young single mothers out cattin' around, is that their child doesn't end up dead, or abused, or in foster care. Maybe neglected a bit, compared to the way you, or I, or any of the other women here treat our kids, but not so much to do real damage to the child. (heck, my kids tell me I'm still a heliocopter mom!)

You say that's what's wrong with these teenage moms....  Jess, you can't judge all teenage moms or young 20's, or any age mom these days...based on the actions of a small percentage of young single moms.

There are only a few choices out there...

1. Better sex education taught in the schools - because obviously the girl wasn't learning about abstinence and birth control at home or she wouldn't have gotten pregnant.  ::)  (I would like to point out that birth control is not 100% effective, even when properly used!! I have a 4yr old grandson to prove it!)

2. Abortion's a choice. Don't anybody get in a snit with me over saying that either, because it IS a legal choice...and as long as it is a LEGAL is available for an unwanted pregnancy.

3. Carry the child to term and give it up for adoption. Spend you life wondering if your child/grandchild is healthy, happy and safe.

4. Carry the child to term and keep it. Either raise it as a single parent, get married, get help from family and friends in some capacity.

4 choices....that's it, and as far as I'm concerned....I prefer 1 and 4. 2 and 3 are not acceptable - TO ME.

Once the child has arrived....someone has to take care of it, and if the mother's not going to do it, then
hopefully there's a grandmother around like Vesta, or me, or Bou, or any of the other grandparents here...who instead of wasting their time trying to "fix" an adult child, step in and take over the grandchild's care to make sure that nothing happens to that child.

You are a very good mom Jess....your child is always at the forefront of your life and your husband's. She's a very lucky little girl.
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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #57 on: May 30, 2011, 06:25:06 PM »
I see both my cousin's do exactly what Casey did with Caylee, minus killing their children.  They had their children in their 20's.  They always dumped their kids with grandma, or my mom, so they could go out and get drunk.  So I get a little heated when it comes to mothers going out all the time getting F!@# up.  Going out to dinner and a few drinks with friends to catch up with each other, not really a big deal.  But if a parent or both parent's neglect caring for their child because they want to go out and get as drunk as possible, that's just irresponsible. 

And no, it's not just some of the teen moms who realize that caring for a baby is a huge responsibility.  I get that.  But you see most of the whining coming from the kids who are out having kids of their own.  That's the point I was trying to make. 

In this situation, I think Casey was past asking her mom the watch Caylee.  Casey's mom was treating Caylee like her own daughter because Cindy (Casey's mom) was always with Caylee.  She was playing the mother role the most in pictures/videos that were released.  Obviously I do not live next door to the Anthony's, and I don't know went on behind closed doors.  I can only base my opinion off what has been presented from pictures/videos.

Vesta, do you have grandchildren?  I am not a grandma, so I can only look at this situation from a motherly position.  That's the only place where my opinions can really come from.

As a younger mom, I would feel guilty if I went out without Carleigh often.  Even if she was at home with her daddy.

This Casey Anthony trial gets me heated.
You may call me Jessica or Jess.

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #58 on: May 30, 2011, 06:45:09 PM »
Reading through the discussion on this page, I agree with Jessica. I have no experience having a kid. I don't think it would be a good idea to have a child at this point in my life. On the contrary. On the other hand, I believe myself to be a man. I would not neglect. I would not drink. Hell, I MAY quit smoking, or at least cut down so at the very least, there is less risk of getting burned for my young one. But thankfully, I don't have a child yet, and don't see it in the near future. Exasperation is a part of having a kid. I understand that. I also understand that it's a hell of a lot of work that I ain't ready for.

However, I wouldn't be thinking of partying with a baby in the house. I wouldn't be thinking of stupid things to do as a way to ditch my child. And to think of KILLING your child to "get free?" That's not only a horribly grotesque, morbid, disgusting, HATEFUL thought. It's plain...wrong. That would sure as hell never cross my mind, and I don't understand how it could cross anyone's mind that isn't f*cked up in the head in some way when they were in fact born...

Babies having babies...

I still say execute this big baby named Casey Anthony.

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #59 on: May 31, 2011, 07:34:23 AM »
I see both my cousin's do exactly what Casey did with Caylee, minus killing their children.  They had their children in their 20's.  They always dumped their kids with grandma, or my mom, so they could go out and get drunk.  So I get a little heated when it comes to mothers going out all the time getting F!@# up.  Going out to dinner and a few drinks with friends to catch up with each other, not really a big deal.  But if a parent or both parent's neglect caring for their child because they want to go out and get as drunk as possible, that's just irresponsible. 

And no, it's not just some of the teen moms who realize that caring for a baby is a huge responsibility.  I get that.  But you see most of the whining coming from the kids who are out having kids of their own.  That's the point I was trying to make. 

In this situation, I think Casey was past asking her mom the watch Caylee.  Casey's mom was treating Caylee like her own daughter because Cindy (Casey's mom) was always with Caylee.  She was playing the mother role the most in pictures/videos that were released.  Obviously I do not live next door to the Anthony's, and I don't know went on behind closed doors.  I can only base my opinion off what has been presented from pictures/videos.

Vesta, do you have grandchildren?  I am not a grandma, so I can only look at this situation from a motherly position.  That's the only place where my opinions can really come from.

As a younger mom, I would feel guilty if I went out without Carleigh often.  Even if she was at home with her daddy.

This Casey Anthony trial gets me heated.

Yup EC, I do indeed have grandbabys - 6 -and 6 great grand children. My family breed like rabbits at very young ages, baby's having baby's'.

Not a damn thing I can do but hide and watch and help out, not with money but with a Safe Harbor when any need it.

Through the years I found that having an adult child live with you is counter productive to their growth.  The instant the Adult child crosses over the door step with or without children the Adult is now teated as a child once again.   

Fact of life, the Mother-Grandma sets the rules of the house, and all have no option but to follow them.
 This chafes on the Adult child that has lived independently for a while and now finds that they are once again expected to abide by rules and regulations of the like as when they were kids.

This time however things are way out of their control, their kids see the Grandparents as the Adults in their family and the mothers an fathers demoted to their level, the word of the grandparents over rules that of their parents.

Kids learn to manipulate others very early on, they know who in the family to go to to get their desires and needs met.  The parents become brothers and sisters to them and the grandparents stand like Hawks watching out for them. Total respect for parents fall when there is someone to counter any decisions they make, queston their judgement or over ride the parents wishes.

When this happens it is best for both parents and children if the parents leave their children in a safe place and head out to gather their lives to the point they can care for their own children.

Casey has such a family, at any time she knew she could leave her baby and head out to find herself.

Something Happend to cause her to run with or without the baby.    This is what makes this trial so interesting, Why at this time.  She did have for a short time a job at Universal, did she quit or was fired.

What were the demons in her life----The duck tape, a huge question here, the baby was so small if she wished to Cloform the child she could have left her in the back seat under the baby blanket seen in her car, don't you think that the child if placed in a trunk and survived would have mentioned it to someone.???

BTW I saw a horrid example in the South of mothers wanting to party, placing children in a back room and giving them Kool Aid laced with PGA. These sleeping baby's were left ALONE for 6-8 hours  as the mothers went out to the clubs.

When the occasional fire broke out, it was the same mothers on TV weeping and waling about the damn  Jewish or white slum lord that caused their baby's to die.

This is a wicked world EC, Strangers, friends, parents, family members and spouses do very evil acts.  It always comes a shock to us,

-------We have a case here in N.H. where a couple deacons in a local church raped a 12 year old girl.   If I remember correctly, the girl went to the pastor and was forced to stand in front of the intire congregation and give an apology for her statement.  The police were never informed of her complaint and so far I think both Pastors and the Deacons have been sent to jail.

A wicked world out there,  Was it Diogenes that wandered the Earth with a lamp looking for just one Honest Person ??

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #60 on: May 31, 2011, 07:57:13 AM »
What made her take the child and run?

I wonder if the grandparents hadn't threatened to take custody of Caylee.  I have seen this happen where the baby has lived with the grandparents, but when they try to get custody of the child the parent suddenly wants to be the parent. 

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #61 on: May 31, 2011, 12:46:32 PM »
Something Happend to cause her to run with or without the baby.    This is what makes this trial so interesting, Why at this time.  She did have for a short time a job at Universal, did she quit or was fired.

From what I understand, Casey was fired from Universal before Caylee was even born.

What were the demons in her life----The duck tape, a huge question here, the baby was so small if she wished to Cloform the child she could have left her in the back seat under the baby blanket seen in her car, don't you think that the child if placed in a trunk and survived would have mentioned it to someone.???

Do you mean have Caylee mention something?  She was just under three years old.  Even if Casey put Caylee in the trunk before, without chloroform, Caylee would have been too young to really explain what happened.  Now if Caylee was let's say, four or five, she could have mentioned it to grandma or grandpa.

This is a wicked world EC, Strangers, friends, parents, family members and spouses do very evil acts.  It always comes a shock to us,

Believe me, I know how nasty and evil people are in this world.  That is why we do not have a babysitter for Carleigh.  Yes, she goes to daycare and there could be a crazy there.  But the women who are working there have been there for many, many, many years.  I want to get a babysitter for Carleigh, but I'm afraid to do it because of the things I read in the news of babysitters getting upset with the kids and killing them.  My husband & I just don't worry about it anymore.  When family does come out to visit, the grandparent's will watch Carleigh for a couple of hours.  So we get a get a child-free break for a few hours once or twice a year.  lol
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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #62 on: May 31, 2011, 12:50:20 PM »
What made her take the child and run?

I wonder if the grandparents hadn't threatened to take custody of Caylee.  I have seen this happen where the baby has lived with the grandparents, but when they try to get custody of the child the parent suddenly wants to be the parent. 

There was an alleged fight at the Anthony home on Father's Day in the evening.  The argument must have gotten so bad, Casey took Caylee and left.  I remember hearing Cindy wanted to take over custody of Caylee, but I have not seen any proof of that.  Now if this stuff is true, Casey could have killed Caylee just as a "**** YOU" to her mom.  You know, kind of like, if I can't have Caylee - you can't have Caylee.

But I do believe Casey drugged Caylee often, but this time, Casey overdosed Caylee.  I still can't call it an "accident" because what mother drugs their child on "accident" with chloroform or Xanax?
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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #63 on: May 31, 2011, 01:52:34 PM »
What made her take the child and run?

I wonder if the grandparents hadn't threatened to take custody of Caylee.  I have seen this happen where the baby has lived with the grandparents, but when they try to get custody of the child the parent suddenly wants to be the parent. 

That might explain taking Caylee but not killing her. Someone who suddenly wants to be a parent doesn't kill their child. That baby was lucky to have her grandparents to care for her. Casey is a ****ing selfish brat. My grandparents gave me the only normal "traditional" family life I had. This isn't limited to young parents, either. My parents were like this my entire life. It's attitude, not age.

Granted, if I knew my child was this immature and resentful (and they must have known) I probably wouldn't have told her I was going to sue for custody until the process got to the point where Casey had to know, though they probably didn't think she'd ever do anything this heinous. I can't for the life of me figure out why they're still supporting her, especially after accusing them of sexual abuse.

If you think about it, Casey had the perfect life for someone who didn't want to grow up. She could party when she wanted and play mommy when the mood struck her, or when she wanted the attention she got vicariously from parading Caylee around. Maybe her parents simply called her on her neglecting her daughter and threatened to sue for custody if she didn't start paying more attention to her daughter. Having a mother who was physically "there" but sporadic in her presence and affection would have to start effecting Caylee. She was getting old enough to wonder where mommy was and miss her.

While we may never know, it could be little Caylee wouldn't stop crying for her grandparents and Casey couldn't deal with it.


"If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world."
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"I am a very good shot. I have hunted for every kind of animal. But I would never kill an animal during mating season."
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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #64 on: May 31, 2011, 01:54:51 PM »
Believe me, I know how nasty and evil people are in this world.  That is why we do not have a babysitter for Carleigh.  Yes, she goes to daycare and there could be a crazy there.  But the women who are working there have been there for many, many, many years.  I want to get a babysitter for Carleigh, but I'm afraid to do it because of the things I read in the news of babysitters getting upset with the kids and killing them.  My husband & I just don't worry about it anymore.  When family does come out to visit, the grandparent's will watch Carleigh for a couple of hours.  So we get a get a child-free break for a few hours once or twice a year.  lol

I'm sure you know this already, but do lots, and lots, and LOTS of backround research if you indeed want a babysitter. There are some freaks out there, but there are also some angels in human form that will look after, nuture, protect, and have fun with Carleigh. :)

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THANK YOU for what you do!

soon as you find your manhood all else falls into place.

Quote from: Greg Gutfeld
If Ft. Hood was "workplace violence," then the Hindenburg was an air show.

Guns do not kill people. Rotting, festering, disgusting, grimy, evil, un-reparable souls kill people.

I don't know if sand glows in the dark, but we're gonna find out.

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #65 on: May 31, 2011, 02:02:20 PM »
Are any of you watching this today?

The prosecutor is playing the 911 calls and a phone call from jail by Casey.  That phone call from jail is VERY damning.  I've heard the jail call many times in the past, but to hear it with the F bombs not being bleeped?  Yeah, just cold and mean.  Casey did not give two shits about that little girl.
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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #66 on: May 31, 2011, 02:31:53 PM »
Hey daughter has the kids' daycare "teachers" babysit for her. There are two that Camden had and now Madelyn is in their "class" and I think she also has used one of Cam current teachers. The kids love them all and my daughter knows they will take good care of the kids. She also has them stay with the dogs ( 2 huge labs) when they go out of town.

When J was in college she worked at a "high end" daycare, and she was asked to babysit by parents quite often. She ended up leaving that job(still worked in a restaurant) and became a nanny for one set of parents. The parents were drs. and the mom was pregnant with her other kids at the daycare, and J went to work for them when the newborn was 8 weeks old when mom went back to work. She worked for them for a couple of years....much better money than the daycare paid too!!
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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #67 on: May 31, 2011, 04:56:32 PM »
Been watching it off, and on. Cindy's breakdown is going to get a LOT of coverage tonight.

:usflag: :salutearmy: :saluteaf: :saluteusmc: :salutenavy: :taps:
THANK YOU for what you do!

soon as you find your manhood all else falls into place.

Quote from: Greg Gutfeld
If Ft. Hood was "workplace violence," then the Hindenburg was an air show.

Guns do not kill people. Rotting, festering, disgusting, grimy, evil, un-reparable souls kill people.

I don't know if sand glows in the dark, but we're gonna find out.

3x PROUD Facebook Felon!!

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #68 on: May 31, 2011, 04:58:45 PM »
Been watching it off, and on. Cindy's breakdown is going to get a LOT of coverage tonight.

Cindy had a very rough morning.  Having to relive those minutes during those 911 calls had to have been very tough.  I thought she was going to die of a broken heart up on the stand.
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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #69 on: May 31, 2011, 06:20:42 PM »
Cindy seems like she's an enormous bitch in regular daily life if this crap weren't going on, but I honestly feel sorry for her; and George. This has to be hell on earth...

:usflag: :salutearmy: :saluteaf: :saluteusmc: :salutenavy: :taps:
THANK YOU for what you do!

soon as you find your manhood all else falls into place.

Quote from: Greg Gutfeld
If Ft. Hood was "workplace violence," then the Hindenburg was an air show.

Guns do not kill people. Rotting, festering, disgusting, grimy, evil, un-reparable souls kill people.

I don't know if sand glows in the dark, but we're gonna find out.

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #70 on: May 31, 2011, 07:11:25 PM »
I'm sure you know this already, but do lots, and lots, and LOTS of backround research if you indeed want a babysitter. There are some freaks out there, but there are also some angels in human form that will look after, nuture, protect, and have fun with Carleigh. :)

The only people I ever let watch Jake was my nana & pa, a friend I've know since middle school, and my sister. Didn't even let either set of parents watch them. I let my mom take him to feed the ducks at a local pond once. She was supposed to take him to get ice cream after. They went to the duck pond for about 10 minutes then she took him back to her house, made lay down on a backyard lawn chair and take a nap while she proceeded to have a few gin and tonics. Last time I ever let her do that. At least she didn't drink before.

"If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world."
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"I'm just like any modern woman trying to have it all. Loving husband, a family. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade."
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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #71 on: May 31, 2011, 08:58:31 PM »
anyone ever wondered if MAYBE it was Cindy that was the jealous one? of all the attention her husband paid to daughter and granddaughter?
Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

Save the Earth... it's the only planet with chocolate.

"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I've finished two bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already." – Dave Barry

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #72 on: June 01, 2011, 05:20:04 AM »
anyone ever wondered if MAYBE it was Cindy that was the jealous one? of all the attention her husband paid to daughter and granddaughter?

WOW Deb, here is a idea not thought of. Good going girl   :cheersmate:

Also I am wondering about all the dynamics of the family. We know the brother Lee was tested to see if he was the child's father, but did they ever test the Dad???

Control issues here, seems like Cindy was the major bread winner in the family after George left his police work. George seemed to jump about looking for work perhaps because of a drinking problem that he says he stopped when Caylee was born.

I have known a couple of woman that were molested by their  family members and the one thing they had in common was they had all gone to Mommy and Mommy did not believe them.  [Or want to belive them and the woman were forced to grow up with a molester in the family]

Gets odd here how this works out, the daughter no longer trusts the mother to protect them, feel like they care more for the molester then themselves and in a mind bending way turn for protection and support from the molester.    The Molester has to side with the daughter in all things or she may blow the whistle to someone outside the family. It becomes the Molester that takes up for them, not the mother.

Makes for a mess in the family as daughter an Molester have now bonded and when Mommy asked questions or Makes an unpopular decision she is faced down by husband and daughter that hold deep dark secrets.

Then for Cindy she must have known her daughter held something against her and went into the mind set that I have heard woman say for years, " I may not have been a good mother but I am one hell of good grandmother"

Fortuntely I can not draw on any of this from personal exprience myself--thank the Lord, But I have met people that have a bit too much to drink and out of the blue pour  out their life story to anyone that will listen.

In a way Debk, this can be reversed to Caylee  accidently drowning and Casey going her going to Daddy for help.   Daddy has no choice but to help and screws up everything by his actions and doing stupid things just to keep his daughters mouth shut.    For some reason he felt he needed to plant red herrings for the police to chase and put the duct tape on the childs mouth [ after] death.

If Caylee drowned by accident an he was to blame for leaving the ladder up, now he has the most to loose, the wrath of his wife, perhaps his daughter spillin the beans, Secerets must be kept from Cindy at all cost.   

Just  at this time a theory, time will tell when more evidence is brought in here.

Facinating slice of life, much like the old Mystery storys of a body found at the base of a Cliff---DID SHE JUMP OR WAS SHE PUSHED????????????

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #73 on: June 01, 2011, 09:17:03 AM »
Holy crap! I just saw footage of people running down the hall early this morning to get a seat to watch the Anthony trial. All the while whooping, and hollering like they were going to the Superbowl. Is it just me, or is that kind of disturbing...?

:usflag: :salutearmy: :saluteaf: :saluteusmc: :salutenavy: :taps:
THANK YOU for what you do!

soon as you find your manhood all else falls into place.

Quote from: Greg Gutfeld
If Ft. Hood was "workplace violence," then the Hindenburg was an air show.

Guns do not kill people. Rotting, festering, disgusting, grimy, evil, un-reparable souls kill people.

I don't know if sand glows in the dark, but we're gonna find out.

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Re: Casey Anthony Murder Trial Underway
« Reply #74 on: June 01, 2011, 10:00:17 AM »
Holy crap! I just saw footage of people running down the hall early this morning to get a seat to watch the Anthony trial. All the while whooping, and hollering like they were going to the Superbowl. Is it just me, or is that kind of disturbing...?

I saw that footage also..

I thought it was disgusting and ghoulish.

Also, saw a bit of Cindy's testimony from yesterday. Anybody notice she kept her eyes downward...with the lids almost closed...the whole time she was answering questions?

Grief or guilt?

I look people in the eye when I talk to them....regardless of the situation...even when I'm really upset.

Most liars will avoid eye contact with those they are lying to, especially if they aren't good liars.

Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

Save the Earth... it's the only planet with chocolate.

"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I've finished two bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already." – Dave Barry

A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands.