The Conservative Cave

Current Events => Terrorism In the US and Around the World => Topic started by: georgephillip on July 12, 2013, 06:52:08 AM

Title: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 12, 2013, 06:52:08 AM
With an Arab population in Palestine under Israeli control about to reach parity with Jewish numbers, all good Zionists are returning to their roots in search of a solution to their demographic problem: separation or transfer.

"In 1895 Theodor Herzl, Zionism's chief prophet, confided in his diary that he did not favour sharing Palestine with the natives. Better, he wrote, to 'try to spirit the penniless [Palestinian] population across the border by denying it any employment in our own country Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.'

"He was proposing a programme of Palestinian emigration enforced through a policy of strict separation between Jewish immigrants and the indigenous population. In simple terms, he hoped that, once Zionist organisations had bought up large areas of Palestine and owned the main sectors of the economy, Palestinians could be made to leave by denying them rights to work the land or labour in the Jewish-run economy.

"His vision was one of transfer, or ethnic cleansing, through ethnic separation."

What sort of "vision" of national liberation requires building its very existence on the colonization of another people?
One that in each and every case allies itself with the powers of world imperialism.'s_Dead_End.html
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 12, 2013, 06:55:12 AM
How exactly is Israel "colonizing" a group of nomads that never had a homeland to begin with?

What sort of "vision" requires rocket attacks suicide bombs on school busses and mortar attacks on peaceful neighborhoods?

The Palestinian vision that's what.

Interesting taht you keep finding these ancient never before heard of "experts" and so called "leaders" of the Jewish faith to base your hatred and racism on...instead of looking at official Israeli governmental policy here in the 21st Century.

Is that because if you were honest we'd all see you for the race baiting Islamo nazi supporting bigot you really are?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 12, 2013, 07:24:28 AM
How exactly is Israel "colonizing" a group of nomads that never had a homeland to begin with?

What sort of "vision" requires rocket attacks suicide bombs on school busses and mortar attacks on peaceful neighborhoods?

The Palestinian vision that's what.

Interesting taht you keep finding these ancient never before heard of "experts" and so called "leaders" of the Jewish faith to base your hatred and racism on...instead of looking at official Israeli governmental policy here in the 21st Century.

Is that because if you were honest we'd all see you for the race baiting Islamo nazi supporting bigot you really are?

650,000 (mostly) European Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948.
700,000 Arabs were evicted from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts by those colonizing their land.
If you're honestly ignorant of Theodor Hetzl's "ancient" contribution to that colonization, try reading.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: EagleKeeper on July 12, 2013, 07:28:42 AM
Hey george, you need to modify your last post so that it becomes readable.

And accurate, see how easy it is.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 12, 2013, 07:33:05 AM
What part are you having trouble comprehending?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: EagleKeeper on July 12, 2013, 07:34:57 AM
What part are you having trouble comprehending?

Just the part with you mis quoting TXRadioguy, that's all.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 12, 2013, 07:38:28 AM
650,000 (mostly) European Jews inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948.

That is simply a lie.  For one the Palestinians were offered their own homeland.  It's right there in black and white in U.N. Resolution 181 presented in 1948, accepted by the Jewish representatives and rejected by the ENTIRE Arab world.

700,000 Arabs were evicted from their homes, businesses, and bank accounts by those colonizing their land.

You're trying to blame Jews for something done...legally by the U.N.

Those alleged evicted Arabs did it to themselves by rejection the partition plan.  They had everything they wanted right htere nearly 70 years ago.  But their hatred of Jews was stonger than their desire for their own state.  Which they proved by immediately attack Israel shortly after they were recognized as a country in 1948.

THAT is why they are in the sorry situation they're in today.

If you're honestly ignorant of Theodor Hetzl's "ancient" contribution to that colonization, try reading.

I've read plenty.  But it's appearent that you don't read anything other than anti-Semetic propaganda.

Hell you won't even read the U.N. resolution that disproves your bullshit.

Both the Arab State and the Jewish State proposed by the Plan of Partition with Economic Union set out in CHAPTER VI: RECOMMENDATIONS (III) of the UNSCOP report of 3 September 1947 were composed of three major sections, linked by extraterritorial crossroads. The Arab State would receive the Western Galilee, with the town of Acre, the hill country of Samaria and Judea, and the southern coast stretching from north of Isdud (now Ashdod) and encompassing what is now the Gaza Strip, with a section of desert along the Egyptian border. The Jewish State would receive the Coastal Plain, stretching from Haifa to Rehovot, the Eastern Galilee (surrounding the Sea of Galilee and including the Galilee panhandle) and the Negev, including the southern outpost of Umm Rashrash (now Eilat). The Corpus Separatum included Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the surrounding areas.
The Plan tried its best to accommodate as many Jews as possible into the Jewish State. In many specific cases,[citation needed] this meant including areas of Arab majority (but with a significant Jewish minority) in the Jewish state. Thus the Jewish State would have an overall large Arab minority. Areas that were sparsely populated (like the Negev), were also included in the Jewish state to create room for immigration. According to the plan, Jews and Arabs living in the Jewish state would become citizens of the Jewish state and Jews and Arabs living in the Arab state would become citizens of the Arab state.
By virtue of Chapter 3, Palestinian citizens residing in Palestine outside the City of Jerusalem, as well as Arabs and Jews who, not holding Palestinian citizenship, resided in Palestine outside the City of Jerusalem would, upon the recognition of independence, become citizens of the State in which they were resident and enjoy full civil and political rights.
The Plan would have had the following demographics (data based on 1945). This data does not reflect the actual land ownership by Jews, local Arabs, Ottomans and other land owners. This data also excludes the land designated to Arabs in Transjordan.


The land allocated to the Arab State in the final plan included about 43% of Mandatory Palestine[15][unreliable source?] and consisted of all of the highlands, except for Jerusalem, plus one-third of the coastline. The highlands contain the major aquifers of Palestine, which supplied water to the coastal cities of central Palestine, including Tel Aviv.[16][unreliable source?] The Jewish State was to receive 56% of Mandatory Palestine, a slightly larger area to accommodate the increasing numbers of Jews who would immigrate there.[15][unreliable source?] The Jewish State included three fertile lowland plains – the Sharon on the coast, the Jezreel Valley and the upper Jordan Valley. The bulk of the proposed Jewish State's territory, however, consisted of the Negev Desert. The desert was not suitable for agriculture, nor for urban development at that time. The Jewish State would also be given sole access to the Red Sea.

Arab leaders threatened the Jewish population of Palestine, speaking of "driving the Jews into the sea" and ridding Palestine "of the Zionist Plague".[43] On 16 February 1948, UN Palestine Commission to the security council reported that: "Powerful Arab interests, both inside and outside Palestine, are defying the resolution of the General Assembly and are engaged in a deliberate effort to alter by force the settlement envisaged therein."[44] On 20 May 1948, Azzam told reporters "We are fighting for an Arab Palestine. Whatever the outcome the Arabs will stick to their offer of equal citizenship for Jews in Arab Palestine and let them be as Jewish as they like. In areas where they predominate they will have complete autonomy."[45]

The partition plan was never fully implemented. On May 14, 1948, the day on which the British Mandate over Palestine expired, the Jewish People's Council gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum, and approved a proclamation, declaring "the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel".[58] The 1948 Arab–Israeli War began with the invasion of, or intervention in, Palestine[59] by the Arab States on 15 May 1948.

Like I said...the Jew hating Arabs did it to themselves.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: EagleKeeper on July 12, 2013, 07:42:38 AM
I've heard this kind of stuff before.

After Europe tried their darndest to exterminate the "Jewish Problem" what does george expect the Jews to do now.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Mike220 on July 12, 2013, 07:45:44 AM
I've heard this kind of stuff before.

After Europe tried their darndest to exterminate the "Jewish Problem" what does george expect the Jews to do now.

We should have just gone quietly to the showers and not caused a fuss...
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: EagleKeeper on July 12, 2013, 07:49:14 AM
We should have just gone quietly to the showers and not caused a fuss...


The only reason I ask is that if one can see a problem one should offer a resolution.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: ColonelCarrots on July 12, 2013, 07:59:12 AM
Actually, the Jews only took back their home in 1948. Sorry, God said it was theirs, and that the Jewish nation would be restored one day. I don't know who can stop him.

In fact the home they have now is smaller than what the Bible teaches. In the Bible, Israel is supposed to go from the north of Iran's borders, to the Suez Canal, and east to Afghanistan. One day they'll have all that, and they will live in peace. So if you ask me... Arabs are the ones encroaching.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 12, 2013, 08:04:08 AM
So if you ask me... Arabs are the ones encroaching.

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Odysseus on July 12, 2013, 09:06:53 AM
With an Arab population in Palestine under Israeli control about to reach parity with Jewish numbers, all good Zionists are returning to their roots in search of a solution to their demographic problem: separation or transfer.

"In 1895 Theodor Herzl, Zionism's chief prophet, confided in his diary that he did not favour sharing Palestine with the natives. Better, he wrote, to 'try to spirit the penniless [Palestinian] population across the border by denying it any employment in our own country Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.'

"He was proposing a programme of Palestinian emigration enforced through a policy of strict separation between Jewish immigrants and the indigenous population. In simple terms, he hoped that, once Zionist organisations had bought up large areas of Palestine and owned the main sectors of the economy, Palestinians could be made to leave by denying them rights to work the land or labour in the Jewish-run economy.

"His vision was one of transfer, or ethnic cleansing, through ethnic separation."

What sort of "vision" of national liberation requires building its very existence on the colonization of another people?
One that in each and every case allies itself with the powers of world imperialism.'s_Dead_End.html

There is just enough truth in this post to mask that the majority of its assumptions are blatantly false.  Herzl's assumptions regarding the Arabs were based on the fact that Islam has a historical enmity towards Jews and Judaism, going back to its foundational documents, and as a result, any peaceful coexistence would be almost impossible, but fortunately, there was very little in the way of Arab population.  In fact, the original Jewish settlers bought their land from absentee landlords who lacked tenants for farming.  The land was fallow and with the exception of a few cities, unpopulated.  The Ottoman censuses for the 19th century showed this, and also recorded an important fact, which the Arab apologists ignore, which is that Jerusalem was a Jewish-majority city, despite centuries of dhimmi status.  The Arab population began to increase as the Jewish settlers began to irrigate deserts and drain swamps, creating economic opportunities.  This is why the Jewish majority cities saw the highest rate of growth in Arab populations, more so than in Arab majority cities. 

Another critical point is that the Israelis did not seek to expel the Arabs.  Jews actively avoided purchasing populated land, concentrating on uncultivated swamps and deserts, which were cheaper and less likely to displace tenant farmers.  In 1920, David Ben-Gurion called the Arab fellahin “the most important asset of the native population,” and “under no circumstances must we touch land belonging to fellahs or worked by them.” “Only if a fellah leaves his place of settlement, should we offer to buy his land, at an appropriate price.”  The Partition plan would have created Jewish majority enclaves within the borders of what became Israel, in areas where Jews were already a majority.  It was Arab intransigence, the refusal of Muslims to allow any Jewish state, no matter how small, that forced the issue.  The Peel Report, issued after the 1936 Arab revolt, identified the causes of the Arab riots:

Chapter IV. - The Disturbances of 1936

These disturbances (which are briefly summarized) were similar in character to the four previous outbreaks, although more serious and prolonged. As in 1933, it was not only the Jews who were attacked, but the Palestine Government. A new feature was the part played by the Rulers of the neighbouring Arab States in bringing about the end of the strike.

The underlying causes of the disturbances of 1936 were--

(1) The desire of the Arabs for national independence;

(2) their hatred and fear of the establishment of the Jewish National Home.

These two causes were the same as those of all the previous outbreaks and have always been inextricably linked together. Of several subsidiary factors, the more important were--

(1) the advance of Arab nationalism outside Palestine;

(2) the increased immigration of Jews since 1933;

(3) the opportunity enjoyed by the Jews for influencing public opinion in Britain;

(4) Arab distrust in the sincerity of the British Government;

(5) Arab alarm at the continued Jewish purchase of land;

(6) the general uncertainty as to the ultimate intentions of the Mandatory Power.[/i]

Peel concluded that partition was necessary to keep the peace, but the Arab Muslims (Arab Christians were not hostile to partition) refused.

The neighboring Arab states directed the Muslim population to vacate their homes so that they would have a free hand in their genocidal campaign against the Jews.   They weren't driven out by Israelis, they abandoned their homes in order to facilitate genocide.  And what you failed to mention was that in the period immediately after the establishment of Israel, the Arab states expelled most of their Jewish populations, usually with just the clothes on their backs, and the property left behind by these refugees could have easily been used to assimilate the Arab refugees, but those states made a deliberate decision to keep the Palestinians in camps, and use them as a propaganda tool.  Part of this was based on crass economics.  The UN took on the responsibility for feeding the refugees and issued ration cards, and since this was bringing food and money into the camps, the regimes decided to milk this.  One trick was to open their jails and transport their indigent to the camps, where they immediately became "Palestinians" (despite never having set foot in Palestine), thus swelling the refugee population.  Another was to register people under multiple names, which allowed them to hold multiple ration cards (further swelling the number of refugees).  Deceased persons were not declared, so their ration cards remained active (any Cook County voter registrar can tell you how that trick works), and births were falsified. 

Finally, there was no such thing as a "Palestinian" until the nomadic Arabs found themselves in camps in the Jordanian and Egyptian occupied zones.  The name Palestine came from Roman maps of the region that the British used when they accepted the League of Nations mandate, and that name was the result of the Roman suppression of the last Judean revolt.  After the Romans sacked Jersusalem and killed as many Judeans as they could, they imposed a series of punitive measures on the survivors, one of which was the renaming of the province after the hereditary enemy of the Judeans, the Philistines.  Thus, Judea became Syria Palestina, or Syrian Palestine.  The Jewish presence remained, uninterrupted, in the major cities. 
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Splashdown on July 12, 2013, 09:11:15 AM
There is just enough truth in this post to mask that the majority of its assumptions are blatantly false.  Herzl's assumptions regarding the Arabs were based on the fact that Islam has a historical enmity towards Jews and Judaism, going back to its foundational documents, and as a result, any peaceful coexistence would be almost impossible, but fortunately, there was very little in the way of Arab population.  In fact, the original Jewish settlers bought their land from absentee landlords who lacked tenants for farming.  The land was fallow and with the exception of a few cities, unpopulated.  The Ottoman censuses for the 19th century showed this, and also recorded an important fact, which the Arab apologists ignore, which is that Jerusalem was a Jewish-majority city, despite centuries of dhimmi status.  The Arab population began to increase as the Jewish settlers began to irrigate deserts and drain swamps, creating economic opportunities.  This is why the Jewish majority cities saw the highest rate of growth in Arab populations, more so than in Arab majority cities. 

Another critical point is that the Israelis did not seek to expel the Arabs.  Jews actively avoided purchasing populated land, concentrating on uncultivated swamps and deserts, which were cheaper and less likely to displace tenant farmers.  In 1920, David Ben-Gurion called the Arab fellahin “the most important asset of the native population,” and “under no circumstances must we touch land belonging to fellahs or worked by them.” “Only if a fellah leaves his place of settlement, should we offer to buy his land, at an appropriate price.”  The Partition plan would have created Jewish majority enclaves within the borders of what became Israel, in areas where Jews were already a majority.  It was Arab intransigence, the refusal of Muslims to allow any Jewish state, no matter how small, that forced the issue.  The Peel Report, issued after the 1936 Arab revolt, identified the causes of the Arab riots:

Chapter IV. - The Disturbances of 1936

These disturbances (which are briefly summarized) were similar in character to the four previous outbreaks, although more serious and prolonged. As in 1933, it was not only the Jews who were attacked, but the Palestine Government. A new feature was the part played by the Rulers of the neighbouring Arab States in bringing about the end of the strike.

The underlying causes of the disturbances of 1936 were--

(1) The desire of the Arabs for national independence;

(2) their hatred and fear of the establishment of the Jewish National Home.

These two causes were the same as those of all the previous outbreaks and have always been inextricably linked together. Of several subsidiary factors, the more important were--

(1) the advance of Arab nationalism outside Palestine;

(2) the increased immigration of Jews since 1933;

(3) the opportunity enjoyed by the Jews for influencing public opinion in Britain;

(4) Arab distrust in the sincerity of the British Government;

(5) Arab alarm at the continued Jewish purchase of land;

(6) the general uncertainty as to the ultimate intentions of the Mandatory Power.[/i]

Peel concluded that partition was necessary to keep the peace, but the Arab Muslims (Arab Christians were not hostile to partition) refused.

The neighboring Arab states directed the Muslim population to vacate their homes so that they would have a free hand in their genocidal campaign against the Jews.   They weren't driven out by Israelis, they abandoned their homes in order to facilitate genocide.  And what you failed to mention was that in the period immediately after the establishment of Israel, the Arab states expelled most of their Jewish populations, usually with just the clothes on their backs, and the property left behind by these refugees could have easily been used to assimilate the Arab refugees, but those states made a deliberate decision to keep the Palestinians in camps, and use them as a propaganda tool.  Part of this was based on crass economics.  The UN took on the responsibility for feeding the refugees and issued ration cards, and since this was bringing food and money into the camps, the regimes decided to milk this.  One trick was to open their jails and transport their indigent to the camps, where they immediately became "Palestinians" (despite never having set foot in Palestine), thus swelling the refugee population.  Another was to register people under multiple names, which allowed them to hold multiple ration cards (further swelling the number of refugees).  Deceased persons were not declared, so their ration cards remained active (any Cook County voter registrar can tell you how that trick works), and births were falsified. 

Finally, there was no such thing as a "Palestinian" until the nomadic Arabs found themselves in camps in the Jordanian and Egyptian occupied zones.  The name Palestine came from Roman maps of the region that the British used when they accepted the League of Nations mandate, and that name was the result of the Roman suppression of the last Judean revolt.  After the Romans sacked Jersusalem and killed as many Judeans as they could, they imposed a series of punitive measures on the survivors, one of which was the renaming of the province after the hereditary enemy of the Judeans, the Philistines.  Thus, Judea became Syria Palestina, or Syrian Palestine.  The Jewish presence remained, uninterrupted, in the major cities. 

A few things:

1. Exellent points, but I think they'll fall on deaf ears. Facts won't help, here.

2. You need to post more!
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 12, 2013, 01:08:12 PM
Well george, where exactly is the mythical nation of "Palestine". Anti semites only seem able to designate palestinian soil if by doing so they can further the anti semite cause.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: wasp69 on July 12, 2013, 02:11:05 PM
blah blah blah

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: CG6468 on July 12, 2013, 02:18:15 PM
Please don't feed the trolls.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Wineslob on July 12, 2013, 02:46:29 PM
Ass................... kicked

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Mr Mannn on July 13, 2013, 01:03:58 AM
Zionism is the word bigots like to hide behind. George, you are a bigot and racist of the worst sort.
Take your hate elsewhere.

Mods please ban this guy as soon as you can, there is no good reason to let CC be used as a sounding board for hate speech.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 05:43:01 AM
Well george, where exactly is the mythical nation of "Palestine". Anti semites only seem able to designate palestinian soil if by doing so they can further the anti semite cause.

Lords Balfour and Rothschild were clear on the location of Palestine:

"The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[1]"

Jewish mythology was the tool they used to colonize it.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 13, 2013, 05:50:36 AM
So Europeans invaded ancient Israel and imposed the Diaspora. Then the faggot Europeans wage centuries of pogroms and genocide against the Jews. The Jews get fed up and go home only to find a bunch of clit slitting sub-savages have moved in. The Jews bring civilization and are condemned for it for being thieves and killers.

The faggot Europeans ought to thank God the Jews don't treat them the way they claim the sand rats are justified in treating the Jews.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 06:03:51 AM
How exactly is Israel "colonizing" a group of nomads that never had a homeland to begin with?

What sort of "vision" requires rocket attacks suicide bombs on school busses and mortar attacks on peaceful neighborhoods?

The Palestinian vision that's what.

Interesting taht you keep finding these ancient never before heard of "experts" and so called "leaders" of the Jewish faith to base your hatred and racism on...instead of looking at official Israeli governmental policy here in the 21st Century.

Is that because if you were honest we'd all see you for the race baiting Islamo nazi supporting bigot you really are?

Why don't you tell me what percentage of the 700,000 Arabs purged from the Jewish state were nomads as opposed to the number who were living in the 531 towns destroyed by the numerically superior Israeli forces?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Big Dog on July 13, 2013, 06:07:07 AM
blah blah Protocols of the Elders of Zion blah blah drinking the blood of infants blah blah ovens blah blah lampshades

Did you get lost on your way to Stormfront, dickweed?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 06:10:42 AM
So Europeans invaded ancient Israel and imposed the Diaspora. Then the faggot Europeans wage centuries of pogroms and genocide against the Jews. The Jews get fed up and go home only to find a bunch of clit slitting sub-savages have moved in. The Jews bring civilization and are condemned for it for being thieves and killers.

The faggot Europeans ought to thank God the Jews don't treat them the way they claim the sand rats are justified in treating the Jews.

Only the fed-up European Jews "went home" to an Arab land populated by 96% non-Jews.
"A land without a people for a people without a land" was their first truth-slitting lie.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Big Dog on July 13, 2013, 06:18:18 AM
I like to masturbate to pictures of Ernst Rohm in a diaper


I hate Illinois Nazis.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: BlueStateSaint on July 13, 2013, 06:25:36 AM
A few things:

1. Exellent points, but I think they'll fall on deaf ears. Facts won't help, here.

2. You need to post more!

1.  Only to the OP.

2.  Yes!  Please post more, sir!
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 06:29:56 AM
We should have just gone quietly to the showers and not caused a fuss...
I've heard this kind of stuff before.

After Europe tried their darndest to exterminate the "Jewish Problem" what does george expect the Jews to do now.

I would expect Jews to reject every aspect of ethnic cleansing and racial bigotry instead  of inflicting their nation on a non-Jewish majority in 1948 Mandate Palestine. What expectations do you have now that there are approximately equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea; every Jew of voting age has the right to cast a ballot in Israeli elections, yet a majority of Arabs living on the same ground currently do not: Jewish state or democratic state?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 06:43:05 AM
Please don't feed the trolls.

I was wrong to interject Zionism into your thread on Radical Islam.
Hopefully, some of the "Heroes" here aren't afraid of honestly examining similarities between radical belief systems like Islam, Zionism, and American Exceptionalism.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 06:54:02 AM
The Roots (

"The web site of the Anti-Defamation League defines Zionism as:

[T]he Jewish national movement of rebirth and renewal in the land of Israel-the historical birthplace of the Jewish people.

"The yearning to return to Zion, the biblical term for both the Land of Israel and Jerusalem, has been the cornerstone of Jewish religious life since the Jewish exile from the land two thousand years ago.... Zionism, the national aspiration of the Jewish people to a homeland, is to the Jewish people what the liberation movements of Africa and Asia have been to their peoples...a vindication of the fundamental concepts of the equality of nations and of self-determination.

"To question the Jewish people's right to national existence and freedom deny to the Jewish people the right accorded to every other people on this globe.

We need to ask: What kind of national liberation movement allies itself in every case and at every moment in its history with the powers of world imperialism?

"What national liberation struggle built its very existence on the colonization of another people, on the obliteration of that people's history, their culture, and their land? The founding fathers of Zionism were much more honest about what they stood for.

"Over and over, one word appears in their writing: not national 'liberation,' but 'colonization.'"
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 07:12:43 AM
Why don't you tell me what percentage of the 700,000 Arabs purged from the Jewish state were nomads as opposed to the number who were living in the 531 towns destroyed by the numerically superior Israeli forces?

So ignore the facts and spew more BS?  Gotcha.

Oh and if you're gonna just toss out crap like what you said about the "531 towns"...provide a link to back up your specious claim.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 07:15:46 AM
I was wrong to interject Zionism into your thread on Radical Islam.

You should have just quit with "I was wrong".

Hopefully, some of the "Heroes" here aren't afraid of honestly examining similarities between radical belief systems like Islam, Zionism, and American Exceptionalism.

Israel and the U.S. have absolutely nothing to do with radical Islam..

Oh and you need to address this before you go any further.,88843.msg1103395.html#msg1103395
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 07:19:10 AM
Lords Balfour and Rothschild were clear on the location of Palestine:

"The Balfour Declaration (dated 2 November 1917) was a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Baron Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild), a leader of the British Jewish community, for transmission to the Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland.

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[1]"

Jewish mythology was the tool they used to colonize it.

Why did the Palestinians and the rest of the Arab League reject U.N. Resolution 181?  Why did thy refuse what they claim they want?

Your response to obumazombie didn't answer his question.  But then you seem real good at avoiding truth and giving factual answers.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 07:24:05 AM
So ignore the facts and spew more BS?  Gotcha.

Oh and if you're gonna just toss out crap like what you said about the "531 towns"...provide a link to back up your specious claim.

Ever heard of Norman Finkelstein?

"Zionist forces committed 33 massacres and destroyed 531 Palestinian towns. Author Norman Finkelstein states: “According to the former director of the Israeli army archives, ‘in almost every village occupied by us during the War... acts were committed which are defined as war crimes, such as murders, massacres, and rapes’...Uri Milstein, the authoritative Israeli military historian of the 1948 war, goes one step further, maintaining that ‘every skirmish ended in a massacre of Arabs.’”9

There's nothing specious about how 650,000 Jews inflicted their nationality upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948. (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 07:26:03 AM
every Jew of voting age has the right to cast a ballot in Israeli elections, yet a majority of Arabs living on the same ground currently do not: Jewish state or democratic state?

Once again we peel back a little bit of the onion and find more of your lie.  

Most of the Arabs living in East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, occupied by Israel in the Six-Day War of 1967 and later annexed, were offered Israeli citizenship, but most have refused, not wanting to recognize Israeli sovereignty. They became permanent residents.[12] They have the right to apply for citizenship, are entitled to municipal services, and have municipal voting rights.[13]

Again the lack of voting rights you rail against is a self inflicted wound.  They could become full citizens of Israel and vote.  But their hatred for Israel once again overrides commonsense.

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 13, 2013, 07:36:02 AM
Only the fed-up European Jews "went home" to an Arab land populated by 96% non-Jews.
"A land without a people for a people without a land" was their first truth-slitting lie.

Those aren't people.

They're Muslims.

I defy you to name 1 nation with a Muslim population that doesn't have a terrorism problem.

Meanwhile, the Jews have done more to advance civilization in the last 2000 years than any singular group in history despite the centuries of persecution.

I'm not throwing away Israel in trade for a bunch of unwashed, murderous sub-savages.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 07:37:01 AM
Ever heard of Norman Finkelstein?

"Zionist forces committed 33 massacres and destroyed 531 Palestinian towns. Author Norman Finkelstein states: “According to the former director of the Israeli army archives, ‘in almost every village occupied by us during the War... acts were committed which are defined as war crimes, such as murders, massacres, and rapes’...Uri Milstein, the authoritative Israeli military historian of the 1948 war, goes one step further, maintaining that ‘every skirmish ended in a massacre of Arabs.’”9

There's nothing specious about how 650,000 Jews inflicted their nationality upon 1.2 million Arabs in Palestine in 1948. (

So you come here with your stack of anti Israel meme's culled from pro Arab sources and expect us to stand and applaud you?  I haven't heard of Finkelstein.  But I HAVE heard of the site you linked to "If Americans Only Knew" and its founder Alison Weir.

In an August 2009 article published in CounterPunch, Weir wrote that Ariel Toaff, infamous for his charge that Jews had used gentile blood in religious rituals, was “one of the greatest scholars in his field” and that his blood libel had been based upon “35 years of research.” She argued that the “relentless public and private pressure” Toaff faced as a result of his claims was mainly the result of one thing: Israel’s use of “considerable, worldwide resources to interfere with the investigative process.” For Weir, the public outcry over Toaff’s scholarship only proved that other allegations against Israel – its supposed “harvesting of organs,... rampage against Jenin, attack on the USS Liberty, massacre of Gaza, crushing of Rachel Corrie, [and] torture of American citizens” – must be true as well.

Lets take a look at her website shall we?

Be prepared when she comes to your campus. She claims to be exposing media bias but in fact, she peddles an unusually virulent anti-Israel message. Even she admits that “It is hard not to sound fanatic, over-wrought, biased. The lie is too big, the repression too complete, the Palestinians’ lives too horrible to write about reasonably.”[4]

When Weir lectures, she makes inflammatory assertions in a sad, almost monotone voice that makes them seem like incontrovertible facts. She also packs a strong emotional punch through anecdotes and photographs about Palestinian Arab suffering. As one student reported, Weir’s “talk was full of pictures of dead children; most of them were unexplained, just said to be results of Israeli soldiers.….The whole talk was designed to make you feel too bad or too ashamed to question any of her words, no matter how blatantly full of lies they were. I felt uncomfortable raising my hand and telling her that what she said about the history of Israel was all lies…”[5]

Weir claims that her materials are objective because she and her organization“are directed by Americans without bias and ethnic ties to the region”[6] and because they are not “pressured by powerful special interest groups.”[7] As these thinly veiled allusions to Jewish control of the media suggest, Weir and her organization have an overwhelming bias: they embrace the Arab view of the conflict and its demonization of Israel. One of their new board members, former Illinois Congressman Paul Findley, has been one of the most outspoken anti-Israel advocates and was dubbed “Israel’s number one enemy on Capitol Hill” before he was ousted from office in 1983.[8]They also have an explicit agenda: persuading Americans to end all support for Israel. “We believe strongly that if Americans knew the truth about Israel and Palestine-about the massive amount of our tax money that is being given away to Israel, and about the human cost of Israel’s American-financed militarism-they would demand an immediate re-thinking of our policies in this region.”[9]

Weir’s special contribution is her effort to make Americans feel guilty. She argues that US support for Israel “makes us accomplice to war crimes and an accessory to oppression….We [Americans]are driving the violence in this region.”[10] She presumes that we are not doing so willingly. Rather, media bias has “manipulated” us.[11] If we knew the true facts, we would demand an end to support for Israel. Her mission is to spread what she considers to be the facts.

Weir’s inflammatory assertions and distortions are matched only by her lack of information about the history of Israel and of the conflict.

So your sources come from some shrill anti Semitic shill that comes off as the Jewish hating version of Alex Jones and you expect us to suddenly become converts to your crap theory that support for Israel is wrong?

Go over to Stormfront or better yet DemocratUnderground.  You'll find a more receptive audience to your brand of hate at those two places.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 07:38:25 AM
Those aren't people.

They're Muslims.

I defy you to name 1 nation with a Muslim population that doesn't have a terrorism problem.

Meanwhile, the Jews have done more to advance civilization in the last 2000 years than any singular group in history despite the centuries of persecution.

I'm not throwing away Israel in trade for a bunch of unwashed, murderous sub-savages.

Go back and read where he tries to convince us that Islam, Israel and the U.S. are no different in what their goals for the world are.   :mental:
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: ColonelCarrots on July 13, 2013, 07:50:42 AM
In the Bible when Abraham has an affair with Hagar, God says that descendents of Ishmael (Arab nations, the Koran teaches they are descendents of Ishmael.) will be a nuisance to the world. That they will hate each other, that the world will hate them, and that they be a thorn in the descendents of Isaac's side (Isaac being the line that brings Israel).
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 07:54:13 AM
Once again we peel back a little bit of the onion and find more of your lie.

Again the lack of voting rights you rail against is a self inflicted wound.  They could become full citizens of Israel and vote.  But their hatred for Israel once again overrides commonsense.

The lack of voting rights stems from the simple fact that a majority of Arabs living under Israeli laws between the river and the sea currently have no right to vote for those (mostly Jews) who are writing the laws. You seem incapable of refuting the historical fact of 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon 1.2 million non-Jews in 1948 Palestine. Do you support a Jewish or an apartheid state in 21st Century Israel?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Mr Mannn on July 13, 2013, 07:57:38 AM
So Georgie. Are you a Ron Paul supporter? A lot of Paul supporters are bigot assholes like you.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 08:05:15 AM
The lack of voting rights stems from the simple fact that a majority of Arabs living under Israeli laws between the river and the sea currently have no right to vote for those (mostly Jews) who are writing the laws.

They have the right to vote IF they become Israeli citizens.  They refuse to do so because they refuse to recognize the state of Israel.'s a self inflicted wound.

They could easily apply for full citizenship and when approved get the right to vote that you claim they are being denied.

You seem incapable of refuting the historical fact of 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon 1.2 million non-Jews in 1948 Palestine.

Because they didn't.  And that has been shown to you countless times here already.  You've been shown the facts that clearly refute your propaganda and have chosen to ignore them.

Do you support a Jewish or an apartheid state in 21st Century Israel?

I support our only real ally in a very hostile region.    Of course I support Israel.

Why are you supporting radical Shia Islam...which is a plague on the entire world?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 13, 2013, 08:19:38 AM
The lack of voting rights stems from the simple fact that a majority of Arabs living under Israeli laws between the river and the sea currently have no right to vote for those (mostly Jews) who are writing the laws. You seem incapable of refuting the historical fact of 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon 1.2 million non-Jews in 1948 Palestine. Do you support a Jewish or an apartheid state in 21st Century Israel?

And what about the voting rights for non-Arabs (or Arabs) in Muslim countries?

The only Arab democracies are those imposed by superior civilizations.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: wasp69 on July 13, 2013, 08:27:21 AM
I was wrong to interject Zionism into your thread on Radical Islam.
Hopefully, some of the "Heroes" here aren't afraid of honestly examining similarities between radical belief systems like Islam, Zionism, and American Exceptionalism.

Seriously, why is this worthless cocksucker still here?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on July 13, 2013, 08:29:21 AM
Go back and read where he tries to convince us that Islam, Israel and the U.S. are no different in what their goals for the world are.   :mental:

A rather slanted interpretation of his original thesis, which was that Zionism, Radical Islam, and American Exceptionalism (Not Israel or America or Islam) are fundamentally supremacist and exclusionary belief systems.  Which is true to a very limited extent, though Islam doesn't exclude anyone based on birth, and American Exceptionalism is more of a cultural bias about the how someone was raised and views the world than a racial, religious, ethnic, or place of birth issue.  But, that small kernel of commonality doesn't render them equivalent or mean they all play out the same way in practice.

Freezing out the shifting Arab demographic balance in the Israeli-occupied territories by denying them any cash flow is a purely theoretical exercise, since as an essentially Western democracy, the Israelis are as disinclined to do the shit jobs in their society as Americans and other Europeans are, so it just ain't gonna happen.  Economically, it's sort of like our own illegal immigration issue, if you imagine a situation where we invaded and occupied Sonora and Chihuahua to battle the narcoterrorists and then were stuck with a problem because now we had a few million extra highly-fertile Mexicans on our hands to whom we didn't want to either give citizenship or turn the place back over to them.

The Israelis could cut loose the territory involved, which would piss off the Zionists and a lot of less-doctrinaire Israelis who have put money into investments there (And, since small radical splinter parties hold the balance of power in the Knesset, is just a political nonstarter), or annex it which would however mean making all the Arabs living there Israeli citizens (Also a political nonstarter with the Knesset).  What they're doing is splitting the difference by keeping a decades-long limbo in place because they can't figure out how to get off the tiger.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 09:19:04 AM
A rather slanted interpretation of his original thesis, which was that Zionism, Radical Islam, and American Exceptionalism (Not Israel or America or Islam) are fundamentally supremacist and exclusionary belief systems.  Which is true to a very limited extent,

I guess I missed where the U.S. And Israel held the belief that the entire world shod be subject to their religious beliefs or die. Or where our government and religion were inseparable. There is no possible way America is anywhere near to being like Radical Islam.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 13, 2013, 01:19:08 PM
So did Herr Gator from CU change his name to post here? Sounds like Gator and Georgie have a lot in common.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 01:33:59 PM
So did Herr Gator from CU change his name to post here? Sounds like Gator and Georgie have a lot in common.

I was wondering the same thing. All we need now is a long hate filled rant about the IAF attack on the U.S Liberty.
Title: Re: Re: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 13, 2013, 01:35:58 PM
I was wondering the same thing. All we need now is a long hate filled rant about the IAF attack on the U.S Liberty.

I'm sure that's coming next along with the calling members here traitors for putting support of Israel in front of support for America.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 01:38:32 PM
I was wondering the same thing. All we need now is a long hate filled rant about the IAF attack on the U.S Liberty.

Tee it up, Bitch: (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 13, 2013, 01:42:11 PM
Tee it up, Bitch: (

Stormfront is that way ------------------->. Please go there, you Hitler worshiping waste of skin.

Mods, please ban this piece of human excrement.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 13, 2013, 01:53:28 PM
Tee it up, Bitch: (

I'm still pissed about the Lusitania.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 01:54:26 PM
Those aren't people.

They're Muslims.

I defy you to name 1 nation with a Muslim population that doesn't have a terrorism problem.

Meanwhile, the Jews have done more to advance civilization in the last 2000 years than any singular group in history despite the centuries of persecution.

I'm not throwing away Israel in trade for a bunch of unwashed, murderous sub-savages.

What DNA evidence have you seen that makes you "think" Muslims are not human beings?
You can't name a nation with or without a Muslim population that doesn't have a terrorism problem today assuming your definition of terrorism includes violence or threats of violence against a civilian population in pursuit of political, ideological or economic goals.
Jews produce genius out of all proportion to their numbers, and that encourages some Jews to believe they are racially superior to other humans, especially Palestinians:

"But if separation was the official policy of Labor Zionism, behind the scenes Ben Gurion and his officials increasingly appreciated that it would not be enough in itself to achieve their goal of a pure ethnic state. Land sales remained low, at about 6 per cent of the territory, and the Jewish-owned parts of the economy relied on cheap Palestinian labour.

"Instead, the Labor Zionists secretly began working on a programme of ethnic cleansing.

"After 1937 and Britain's Peel Report proposing partition of Palestine, Ben Gurion was more open about transfer, recognising that a Jewish state would be impossible unless most of the indigenous population was cleared from within its borders.

"Israel's new historians have acknowledged Ben Gurion's commitment to transfer. As Benny Morris notes, for example, Ben Gurion 'understood that there could be no Jewish state with a large and hostile Arab minority in its midst.'

"The Israeli leadership therefore developed a plan for ethnic cleansing under cover of war, compiling detailed dossiers on the communities that needed to be driven out and then passing on the order, in Plan Dalet, to commanders in the field.

"During the 1948 war the new state of Israel was emptied of at least 80 per cent of its indigenous population."'s_Dead_End.html ('s_Dead_End.html)
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 13, 2013, 01:56:21 PM
Don't you have a Bund meeting to attend?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 02:16:04 PM
Don't you have a Bund meeting to attend?

Do you want to look at how the leaders of the Jewish Agency in Palestine responded to Hitler's victims?
Here's my view, what's yours?

"To the leaders of the Jewish Agency, the rise of fascism had a definite upside.

"Menahem Ussishkin told a Zionist Executive meeting, "There is something positive in their tragedy and that is that Hitler oppressed them as a race and not as a religion. Had he done the latter, half the Jews in Germany would simply have converted to Christianity.'

"In 1934, Labor Zionist Moshe Beilinson went to Germany and reported back to the Labor Party, 'The streets are paved with more money than we have ever dreamed of in the history of our Zionist enterprise. Here is an opportunity to build and flourish like none we have ever had or ever will have.'

"Specifically, 'the opportunity' meant the potential for thousands of new immigrants and their assets to come flooding into Palestine.

"However, Zionist officials were quite blunt in stating that they didn't want all the refugees from Hitler's Holocaust.

"They didn't want the burden of absorbing millions of impoverished sick refugees who had no ideological passion for Palestine. The Agency only wanted young, healthy Jews who could come over and work and fight and build the state. As Israeli historian Tom Segev writes,

"Urban life was, in their [Zionist leaders] eyes, a symptom of social and moral degeneration; returning to the land would give birth to the 'new man' they hoped to create in Palestine. In parceling our the immigration certificates, they therefore gave preference to those who could play a role in their program for building the country. They preferred healthy young Zionists." (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 13, 2013, 02:21:11 PM
When people choose to be animals, they lose their humanity.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on July 13, 2013, 02:40:54 PM
When people choose to be animals, they lose their humanity.

Exactly the point I was making but Herr Ubermunchkin watched as it sailed over his head.

How telling.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 13, 2013, 02:44:16 PM
Exactly the point I was making but Herr Ubermunchkin watched as it sailed over his head.

How telling.
I know there have been calls to ban him, but I say if he remains civil, let him stay. We need a dyed in the wool lib/socialist/dem/anti semite to keep us on our toes.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 04:19:09 PM
Tee it up, Bitch: (

Yup.  Looks like I hit a nerve...bitch.  What's the matter Ed...still sore over the verbal ass kicking you took on this at CU?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 04:24:37 PM
Question for the Jew hating bigot...

If the Israelis are all about this "apartheid" and exterminating the "Palestinians"...why have they refused every single offer of their own homeland ever offered them?

If all they want is land to call their own why haven't they acce[ted any one of the numerous offers presented to them?

That would include 97% of the Golan and 100% of the Gaza Strip.  Everything they had ever wanted right there on a silver platter.  All the Egyptian had to do was tell Ehud Barak "yes" and the deal would have been done.

Yet the Egyptian refused to accept demands that HE himself had made.

Why is that?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Dori on July 13, 2013, 04:25:11 PM
Why are so many people afraid of a tiny postage stamp piece of land with a population of what?  Four or five million?

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 04:27:39 PM
Why are so many people afraid of a tiny postage stamp piece of land with a population of what?  Four or five million?

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Mr Mannn on July 13, 2013, 04:29:04 PM
I know there have been calls to ban him, but I say if he remains civil, let him stay. We need a dyed in the wool lib/socialist/dem/anti semite to keep us on our toes.

This asshole has already opened two hate filled threads on CC. we don't need to allow more. Nor do we need to let a troll open hate threads or hijack other threads at will.

I know you don't like to ban anyone. But scum like this are the very reason for bans in the first place. Even with opposition like he has received, he pushes his message of hate in every thread he touches.

Frankly I want to see George not only banned but the two threads he has opened to be disappeared as well.

Mods, george has long since ceased to be a chew toy. Short fuse please. There is NO reason to keep any longer. Thank you.
---At the very least take his hate threads out of the terrorism forum. Jews are not terrorists.

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 13, 2013, 04:29:23 PM
Why are so many people afraid of a tiny postage stamp piece of land with a population of what?  Four or five million?

Over the centuries Jerusalem has become a superpower of influence.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Dori on July 13, 2013, 04:34:25 PM
Over the centuries Jerusalem has become a superpower of influence.

How so?  Nothing much has happened there in the last two thousand years.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 13, 2013, 04:39:05 PM

How so?  Nothing much has happened there in the last two thousand years.
It has been a prize coveted ever more by muslims who fear it's influence and see it as a major stumbling block for the advancement of islamist jihad.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 04:43:53 PM

How so?  Nothing much has happened there in the last two thousand years.

9/11 style trutherism. Jews are are only second to Conservatives as being the chief cause of every evil that's happened in the world since the dawn of time.

It's easier to make someone the boogie man than own up to your own actions.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Mr Mannn on July 13, 2013, 04:48:12 PM
OK. so here we go. Questions and answers for CC,

Q) Whats the difference between a busload of Nazi-assholes-like-georgephillip and a porcupine?
A) On a porcupine the pricks are on the outside.

Q) What do you have when a Nazi-asshole-like-georgephillip is burried up to his neck in sand?
A) Not enough sand.

Q) What do you call a Nazi-asshole-like-georgephillip wearing a thee piece suit?
A) a defendant.

Q) what do you call a Nazi-assholes-like-georgephillip wearing regulation white sheets and hood?
A) a target!



Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Mr Mannn on July 13, 2013, 04:57:45 PM
I own 30 of these pins!
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 13, 2013, 05:27:58 PM
What's black hearted and yellow and screams ?
A bus full of anti semites falling off a cliff.

What's black hearted and yellow and screams, and is a national tragedy ?
One seat was empty.

What do you call a bus full of anti semites at the bottom of the ocean ?
A good start.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 13, 2013, 05:35:52 PM
"During the 1948 war the new state of Israel was emptied of at least 80 per cent of its indigenous population."

That's because the Arab League countries told Arabs to get out of the newly formed country so they could have unlimited freedom to kill anything that moves and ensure it wouldn't be a fellow Arab.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 08:26:59 PM
That's because the Arab League countries told Arabs to get out of the newly formed country so they could have unlimited freedom to kill anything that moves and ensure it wouldn't be a fellow Arab.

Some of the 700,000 Arabs displaced by the creation of the Jewish state in '48 left because their "leaders" advised them to do so.
Rich Arabs went on vacation, expecting to return after hostilities ceased.
The majority of Arabs were displaced at the point of a Jewish bayonet or flamethrower:

"In late August 1948, during a United Nations-sanctioned truce, Israeli soldiers conducting what they called Mivtza Nikayon — Operation Cleaning — encountered some Palestinian refugees just north of the Egyptian lines. The Palestinians had returned to their village, now in Israeli hands, because their animals were there, and because there were crops to harvest and because they were hungry. But to the Israelis, they were potential fighters, or fifth columnists in the brand new Jewish state. The Israelis killed them, then burned their homes." (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 08:50:34 PM
Yup.  Looks like I hit a nerve...bitch.  What's the matter Ed...still sore over the verbal ass kicking you took on this at CU?

I'm not sure who Ed is or what CU stands for, but anytime you want a thread about Israel's deliberate attack on the Liberty, Ill be happy to contribute.  :fuelfire:
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 13, 2013, 09:42:48 PM
Question for the Jew hating bigot...

If the Israelis are all about this "apartheid" and exterminating the "Palestinians"...why have they refused every single offer of their own homeland ever offered them?

If all they want is land to call their own why haven't they acce[ted any one of the numerous offers presented to them?

That would include 97% of the Golan and 100% of the Gaza Strip.  Everything they had ever wanted right there on a silver platter.  All the Egyptian had to do was tell Ehud Barak "yes" and the deal would have been done.

Yet the Egyptian refused to accept demands that HE himself had made.

Why is that?

If you're talking about II (, Arafat rejected that "historic trade" because he would have suffered the same fate as Rabin ( if he hadn't.
Oslo II divided the West Bank into three areas, A, B, and C. Area C which contains all Jewish settlements takes up about 73% of the entire West Bank. Jews are the majority there, and it's likely to be the next annexation to take place in Palestine.

Areas A and B are "Palestinian controlled" yet subject to IDF incursions at any time.

The basic terms of Oslo II reaffirm the Cairo accords of 1994 which stipulate "that the Israeli Military Administration retains exclusive authority in 'legislation, adjudication, (and) policy execution...'"

In exchange, Arafat was required to renounce the Right of Return and recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
Such a deal; give up two-thirds of Palestine and the right of return or compensation for what's been taken by force of arms. (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Odysseus on July 13, 2013, 09:49:24 PM
What DNA evidence have you seen that makes you "think" Muslims are not human beings?
You can't name a nation with or without a Muslim population that doesn't have a terrorism problem today assuming your definition of terrorism includes violence or threats of violence against a civilian population in pursuit of political, ideological or economic goals.
Jews produce genius out of all proportion to their numbers, and that encourages some Jews to believe they are racially superior to other humans, especially Palestinians:

"But if separation was the official policy of Labor Zionism, behind the scenes Ben Gurion and his officials increasingly appreciated that it would not be enough in itself to achieve their goal of a pure ethnic state. Land sales remained low, at about 6 per cent of the territory, and the Jewish-owned parts of the economy relied on cheap Palestinian labour.

"Instead, the Labor Zionists secretly began working on a programme of ethnic cleansing.

"After 1937 and Britain's Peel Report proposing partition of Palestine, Ben Gurion was more open about transfer, recognising that a Jewish state would be impossible unless most of the indigenous population was cleared from within its borders.

"Israel's new historians have acknowledged Ben Gurion's commitment to transfer. As Benny Morris notes, for example, Ben Gurion 'understood that there could be no Jewish state with a large and hostile Arab minority in its midst.'

"The Israeli leadership therefore developed a plan for ethnic cleansing under cover of war, compiling detailed dossiers on the communities that needed to be driven out and then passing on the order, in Plan Dalet, to commanders in the field.

"During the 1948 war the new state of Israel was emptied of at least 80 per cent of its indigenous population."'s_Dead_End.html ('s_Dead_End.html)

The site that you are quoting, Third World Traveler, is hardly an authoritative source.  From its main page:

is an archive of articles and book excerpts
that seek to tell the truth
about American democracy, media, and foreign policy,
and about the impact of the actions of
the United States government, transnational corporations, global trade and financial institutions, and the corporate media,
on democracy, social and economic justice, human rights, and war and peace,
in the Third World, and in the developed world.

THIRD WORLD TRAVELER also provides information and links to aid international travelers.

In addition, he lists a number of people that he considers heroes, including Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowdon, and he has an obituary for Hugo Chavez linked.  He also positively cites Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky and Oliver Stone, all of whom are deeply dishonest haters of the United States and her allies.  If that is your idea of an authoritative source, then you really have no leg to stand on here.  The citations of obscure Jews over the past century to make false claims about Israel is an absurdly transparent tactic.  These were men and women who had little or no influence, unlike the far more widely disseminated apostles of hatred on the Arab side, such as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the leadership of the various Arab nations and those other Arabs who openly supported the Nazis during the war, and provided safe havens for them after.  

However, even obviously false statements must be refuted, and the statements about ethnic cleansing are patently false.  Take just one instance, the battle for Haifa.  A British police report from Haifa, dated April 26,1948 stated that “every effort is being made by the Jews to persuade the Arab populace to stay and carry on with their normal lives, to get their shops and businesses open and to be assured that their lives and interests will be safe.” (New York Times, April 23, 1948).  In addition, David Ben Gurion sent Golda Meir to Haifa to reach out to the Arab population and convince them to stay, but Arab propaganda deemed anyone who stayed as traitors to the Arabs and Islam.  Jamal Husseini, the chairman of the Palestine Higher Committee, told the UN Security Council that instead of accepting the Haganah’’s truce offer, the Arabs “preferred to abandon their homes, their belongings, and everything they possessed in the world and leave the town.”  The U.S. Consul-General in Haifa, Aubrey Lippincott, wrote on April 22, 1948 that “local mufti-dominated Arab leaders” were urging “all Arabs to leave the city, and large numbers did so.”   Even the Economist, which was extremely critical of the Jews, wrote at the time that “Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit. . . . It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades.”  Time Magazine reported “The mass evacuation, prompted partly by fear, partly by orders of Arab leaders, left the Arab quarter of Haifa a ghost city. . . . By withdrawing Arab workers their leaders hoped to paralyze Haifa."  

The claim that the Zionists forcibly expelled the Arab population is a lie, perpetuated by the Arabs themselves, who were intent on ethnically cleansing the Jews.  But, here's a question for you, since you have repeated the lie:  Why is it that, with a numerically superior Arab/Muslim population, and numerically superior invading allied armies, the Arabs chose to leave, rather than stay and join the attacks on the Jews?  After all, in 1936, they were perfectly happy to riot and murder Jews.  What, beside the orders of the surrounding states, had changed?  

Do you want to look at how the leaders of the Jewish Agency in Palestine responded to Hitler's victims?
Here's my view, what's yours?

"To the leaders of the Jewish Agency, the rise of fascism had a definite upside.

"Menahem Ussishkin told a Zionist Executive meeting, "There is something positive in their tragedy and that is that Hitler oppressed them as a race and not as a religion. Had he done the latter, half the Jews in Germany would simply have converted to Christianity.'

"In 1934, Labor Zionist Moshe Beilinson went to Germany and reported back to the Labor Party, 'The streets are paved with more money than we have ever dreamed of in the history of our Zionist enterprise. Here is an opportunity to build and flourish like none we have ever had or ever will have.'

"Specifically, 'the opportunity' meant the potential for thousands of new immigrants and their assets to come flooding into Palestine.

"However, Zionist officials were quite blunt in stating that they didn't want all the refugees from Hitler's Holocaust.

"They didn't want the burden of absorbing millions of impoverished sick refugees who had no ideological passion for Palestine. The Agency only wanted young, healthy Jews who could come over and work and fight and build the state. As Israeli historian Tom Segev writes,

"Urban life was, in their [Zionist leaders] eyes, a symptom of social and moral degeneration; returning to the land would give birth to the 'new man' they hoped to create in Palestine. In parceling our the immigration certificates, they therefore gave preference to those who could play a role in their program for building the country. They preferred healthy young Zionists." (

Again, quoting obscure members of the Labor Party, speaking before the Holocaust, is hardly evidence of the beliefs of the majority of Jews in what was then Palestine, nor even of the Labor Party as a whole.  
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Odysseus on July 13, 2013, 09:50:25 PM
If you're talking about II, Arafat rejected that "historic trade" because he would have suffered the same fate as Rabin if he hadn't.
Oslo II divided the West Bank into three areas, A, B, and C. Area C which contains all Jewish settlements takes up about 73% of the entire West Bank. Jews are the majority there, and it's likely to be the next annexation to take place in Palestine.

Areas A and B are "Palestinian controlled" yet subject to IDF incursions at any time.

The basic terms of Oslo II reaffirm the Cairo accords of 1994 which stipulate "that the Israeli Military Administration retains exclusive authority in 'legislation, adjudication, (and) policy execution...'"

In exchange, Arafat was required to renounce the Right of Return and recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
Such a deal; give up two-thirds of Palestine and the right of return or compensation for what's been taken by force of arms.
Noam Chomsky?  Seriously?   :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 13, 2013, 11:06:39 PM

Here's my view, what's yours?

Edited so not to repeat the racist Male Bovine Excrement that Gorgie is posting. My view is that you should find a more reputable website to get your info from....and put a pistol in your mouth and take the same way out that your god Hitler took.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 13, 2013, 11:12:50 PM
Oh boy, Ody is on the case....poor old Georgie won't know what hit him when the Major doth layeth the smacketh down upon his empty little head.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 13, 2013, 11:36:09 PM
Noam Chomsky?  Seriously?   :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
I like what you did there.
I haven't seen your introduction thread. I will look for it, and definitely welcome you.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Splashdown on July 14, 2013, 05:01:12 AM
How are Palestinian Muslims and Christians treated in Israel?

How are Jews treated in the Muslim world? How about Christians?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 14, 2013, 05:16:24 AM
If you're talking about II (, Arafat rejected that "historic trade" because he would have suffered the same fate as Rabin ( if he hadn't.
Oslo II divided the West Bank into three areas, A, B, and C. Area C which contains all Jewish settlements takes up about 73% of the entire West Bank. Jews are the majority there, and it's likely to be the next annexation to take place in Palestine.

Areas A and B are "Palestinian controlled" yet subject to IDF incursions at any time.

The basic terms of Oslo II reaffirm the Cairo accords of 1994 which stipulate "that the Israeli Military Administration retains exclusive authority in 'legislation, adjudication, (and) policy execution...'"

In exchange, Arafat was required to renounce the Right of Return and recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
Such a deal; give up two-thirds of Palestine and the right of return or compensation for what's been taken by force of arms. (

No I'm talking about at Camp David.  They offered everything Arafat wanted and then some.  And he turned it down.

And seriously?  Noam Chomsky?  :whatever:
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 14, 2013, 05:17:26 AM
I'm not sure who Ed is or what CU stands for, but anytime you want a thread about Israel's deliberate attack on the Liberty, Ill be happy to contribute.  :fuelfire:

I'm sure you would...with more factually inaccurate propaganda from sketchy sources.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Crazy Horse on July 14, 2013, 06:58:56 AM
I like what you did there.
I haven't seen your introduction thread. I will look for it, and definitely welcome you.

He's been here since about the beginning of this site, so I doubt there is an intro thread.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Splashdown on July 14, 2013, 07:10:34 AM
He's been here since about the beginning of this site, so I doubt there is an intro thread.

Lol. Find the 2008 welcome thread... :-)
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 14, 2013, 07:26:27 AM
Lol. Find the 2008 welcome thread... :-),12314.msg150230.html#msg150230

Yours is the third post in there.  :tongue:
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Splashdown on July 14, 2013, 07:28:14 AM,12314.msg150230.html#msg150230

Yours is the third post in there.  :tongue:

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 14, 2013, 07:43:24 AM
Noam Chomsky?  Seriously?   :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: (
"The World's Smartest Jew."

"Chomsky has received many honorary degrees from universities around the world, including from the following:

University of London
University of Chicago
Loyola University Chicago
Swarthmore College
University of Delhi
Bard College
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Pennsylvania
University of St. Andrews
Georgetown University
Amherst College
University of Cambridge
University of Colorado[175]
University of Buenos Aires
McGill University
Rovira i Virgili University
Columbia University
Villanova University
University of Connecticut
University of Maine
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
University of Western Ontario
University of Toronto
Harvard University
University of Chile
University of Bologna
University of La Frontera
University of Calcutta
National University of Colombia
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Santo Domingo Institute of Technology
Uppsala University
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
University of Cyprus
Central Connecticut State University
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
Peking University[176]
National Tsing Hua University[177]"

Care to seriously refute any of his serious content?
Like this, for example:

"By incorporating these provisions, Oslo II rescinds the position of virtually the entire world that the settlements are illegal and that Israel has no claim to the territories acquired by force in 1967.

"Oslo II reaffirms the basic principle of Oslo I: UN resolution 242 of November 1967, the basic framework of Middle East diplomacy, is dead and buried; UN 242, that is, as interpreted by those who formulated it, including -- quite explicitly -- the United States until Washington switched policy in 1971, departing from the international consensus it had helped shape.

"The 'peace process' keeps to the doctrines that the U.S. has upheld in international isolation (apart from Israel) for 25 years, a matter of no slight significance.

To summarize, Israel runs Zone C (about 70 percent of the West Bank) unilaterally, and Zone B (close to 30 percent) effectively, while partially ceding Zone A (1 percent-3 percent). Israel retains unilateral control over the whole West Bank to the extent that it (and its foreign protector) so decide, and the legality of its essential claims is now placed beyond discussion. The principles extend to the Gaza Strip, where Israel retains full control of the 30 percent that it considered of any value." (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 14, 2013, 08:13:15 AM

Care to seriously refute any of his serious content?

Yes I would.

Chomsky was one of the chief deniers of the Cambodian genocide of the 1970s, which took place in the wake of the Communist victory and American withdrawal from Indochina. He directed vitriolic attacks towards the reporters and witnesses who testified to the human catastrophe that was taking place there. Initially, Chomsky tried to minimize the deaths (a “few thousand”) and compared those killed by Pol Pot and his followers to the collaborators who had been executed by resistance movements in Europe at the end of World War II. By 1980, however, it was no longer possible to deny that some 2 million of Cambodia's 7.8 million people had perished at the hands of the Communists. But Professor Chomsky continued to deny the genocide, proposing that the underlying problem may have been a failure of the rice crop. As late as 1988, Chomsky returned to the subject and insisted that whatever had happened in Cambodia, the U.S. was to blame.

So when real holocausts like the Killing Fields take place ol Noam is the first one up to defend Communism and deny anything really happened.  It's a recurring theme with this self hating ass clown.

Professor Chomsky has denounced every U.S. President from Woodrow Wilson and FDR to Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton as the front men in “four-year dictatorships” by a ruling class. In his view, the U.S., led by a series of lesser Hitlers, picked up where the Nazis left off after they were defeated in 1945. According to Chomsky, a case could be made for impeaching every President since World War II because “they’ve all been either outright war criminals or involved in serious war crimes.”

Chomsky also detests the state of Israel, a country he regards as playing the role of Little Satan to the American Great Satan and functioning strategically as an “offshore military and technology base for the United States.”

According to the website, Chomsky has made the following statements about Israel, Jews, and the Holocaust:

“I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the holocaust. Nor would there be anti-Semitic implications, per se, in the claim that the holocaust (whether one believes it took place or not) is being exploited, viciously so, by apologists for Israeli repression and violence.”

“I objected to the founding of Israel as a Jewish state. I don't think a Jewish or Christian or Islamic state is a proper concept. I would object to the United States as a Christian state.”

Israel is “a state based on the principle of discrimination. There is no other way for a state with non-Jewish citizens to remain a Jewish state…”

“Israel is virtually a U.S. military base, an offshoot of the U.S. military system.”

“There are a great many horrible regimes in the world. To take just one, the world's longest military occupation. There's little doubt that those under the military occupation would be much better off if the occupation were terminated. Does it follow that we should bomb Tel Aviv?”

“Of course [suicide bombers are] terrorists and there's been Palestinian terrorism all the way through. I have always opposed it….But it's very small as compared with the U.S.-backed Israeli terrorism.”

“I mean you’d have to go back to the worst days of the American South to know what it’s been like for the Palestinians in the occupied territories.”

“What this wall [separation barrier] is really doing is…helping turn Palestinian communities into dungeons, next to which the bantustans of South Africa look like symbols of freedom, sovereignty and self-determination.”

Of a pattern with this animus toward Israel is Chomsky’s involvement with neo-Nazis and Holocaust revisionism. This saga began in 1980 with Chomsky’s support of Robert Faurisson, a French anti-Semite who was fired by the University of Lyon for his hate-filled screeds. (“The alleged Hitlerite gas chambers and the alleged genocide of the Jews form one and the same historical lie,” Faurisson wrote.) Chomsky penned a preface to a book by Faurisson, explaining that the latter was an “apolitical liberal” whose work was based on “extensive historical research” and contained “no hint of anti-Semitic implications.”

No wonder an anti-Semitic radical Islam loving bigot like you would cite him.  He denies the Holocaust and sides with neo Nazi's to justify hatred against his own people.

You must be so proud.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 14, 2013, 08:23:56 AM
Yes I would.

So when real holocausts like the Killing Fields take place ol Noam is the first one up to defend Communism and deny anything really happened.  It's a recurring theme with this self hating ass clown.

No wonder an anti-Semitic radical Islam loving bigot like you would cite him.  He denies the Holocaust and sides with neo Nazi's to justify hatred against his own people.

You must be so proud. source: (

"'I objected to the founding of Israel as a Jewish state. I don't think a Jewish or Christian or Islamic state is a proper concept. I would object to the United States as a Christian state.'”

Would you?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 14, 2013, 08:31:08 AM

Would you?

No.  Because if you knew anything about the founding of the U.S. you'd know if was founded as a Christian nation.

Chomsky is is a Communist.  So it's only logical he's going to hate America or Israel and the principals they were founded on.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Odysseus on July 14, 2013, 11:29:15 AM source: (

"'I objected to the founding of Israel as a Jewish state. I don't think a Jewish or Christian or Islamic state is a proper concept. I would object to the United States as a Christian state.'”

Would you?

Nations have the right to their own values.  If a state wants to establish itself as a homeland for a deposed people, it has that right, and if those people share a common set of religious values, then the state has the right to incorporate that.  What is objectionable is when that state does not extend rights of conscience to religious or ethnic minorities, which is the case in most Islamic states, but very few Christian ones, and not at all in the case of the sole Jewish one.  I notice, BTW, that you have no objection to the Islamic states which seek to obliterate the non-Islamic states or communities around them, which include Israel, India, Thailand, Nigeria Egypt's Copts, Iran's B'Hais and any European country that has a significant Muslim population.  If Israel is the problem, how do you explain that there is no peaceful border between any Islamic entity and anyone else in the world?

When Herzl took up the cause of Zionism, there were numerous self-determination movements going on around the world, many of which were within the Ottoman Empire (although the Hapsburg Empire came in for its share).  The defeated powers of WWI ended up seeing their imperial possessions divested, with many forming newly independent or restored states, such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Armenia and assorted Arab states.  Many proved to be viable, but not all, and some were under constant attack by the nations that lost territory in their making or which had historic enmities against them.  BTW, if the British had not reneged on their promises of independent Arab states, much of the hatred of the Arabs towards Israel would have been avoided. 

Oh, and yes, Chomsky is a complete tool.  Quoting him on anything other than his field of expertise, linguistics, is like consulting a broken clock at any time other than the two moments when it is correct. 
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 14, 2013, 12:37:23 PM
Nations have the right to their own values.  If a state wants to establish itself as a homeland for a deposed people, it has that right, and if those people share a common set of religious values, then the state has the right to incorporate that.  What is objectionable is when that state does not extend rights of conscience to religious or ethnic minorities, which is the case in most Islamic states, but very few Christian ones, and not at all in the case of the sole Jewish one.  I notice, BTW, that you have no objection to the Islamic states which seek to obliterate the non-Islamic states or communities around them, which include Israel, India, Thailand, Nigeria Egypt's Copts, Iran's B'Hais and any European country that has a significant Muslim population.  If Israel is the problem, how do you explain that there is no peaceful border between any Islamic entity and anyone else in the world?

When Herzl took up the cause of Zionism, there were numerous self-determination movements going on around the world, many of which were within the Ottoman Empire (although the Hapsburg Empire came in for its share).  The defeated powers of WWI ended up seeing their imperial possessions divested, with many forming newly independent or restored states, such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Armenia and assorted Arab states.  Many proved to be viable, but not all, and some were under constant attack by the nations that lost territory in their making or which had historic enmities against them.  BTW, if the British had not reneged on their promises of independent Arab states, much of the hatred of the Arabs towards Israel would have been avoided.  

Oh, and yes, Chomsky is a complete tool.  Quoting him on anything other than his field of expertise, linguistics, is like consulting a broken clock at any time other than the two moments when it is correct.  

So far,you've provided no reason why I should believe you have more expertise about the Middle East than Chomsky does.
Do you believe Jews alone among all nations of the world are entitled to land their ancestors occupied thousands of years ago?

Herzl never met an autocrat he didn't like.
His "political Zionism" argued that the Jewish state he envisioned could only be built under the patronage of one imperialist power or another; a Jewish state predicated not on national liberation but colonization of land occupied by another people.
In pursuit of that "vision" he was willing to beg at the table of every criminal, imperial power he could gain access to: the German Kaiser, the Turks, the Russian Tsar, and finally the British Empire where he used Arab oil as a tool to inflict a Jewish minority into the heart of Arab nationalism.

Jabotinsky, to his credit, was more honest about the distinction between liberation and colonization:

"[It is the] iron law of every colonizing movement, a law which knows of no exceptions, a law which existed in all times and under all circumstances. If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison on your behalf Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempts o destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not 'difficult,' not 'dangerous' but impossible!.." (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 14, 2013, 12:41:37 PM
Good stuff Odysseus.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 14, 2013, 01:10:22 PM
So far,you've provided no reason why I should believe you have more expertise about the Middle East than Chomsky does.

Could be because Ody's Jewish?

Nah...couldn't be because of that.

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Dori on July 14, 2013, 01:19:44 PM
The British and their allies overthrew the Ottoman Empire in WWI.  They divided up the Middle East.  Israel wasn't the only country affected, yet all we hear about are the Jews.

Way past time to "Get Over It" and move on.    :mad:

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Big Dog on July 14, 2013, 01:22:14 PM

Big Dog- Proud member, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 14, 2013, 01:23:49 PM
Could be because Ody's Jewish?

Nah...couldn't be because of that.


Ody makes a lot of good points and displays an informed perspective about the Middle East.
If he's Jewish, I'm not surprised, but he still doesn't have the knowledge and expertise Chomsky does about Zionism
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 14, 2013, 01:25:41 PM
Ody makes a lot of good points and displays an informed perspective about the Middle East.
If he's Jewish, I'm not surprised, but he still doesn't have the knowledge and expertise Chomsky does about Zionism

Yeah, the Major doesn't have Chumpski's knowledge....he has more than Chumpsky's knowledge about the subject, you Islamofascist wannabe. And please don't bring up those worthless "honorary" degrees that were handed to him like candy to trick or treaters on Halloween.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 14, 2013, 01:26:24 PM
Ody makes a lot of good points and displays an informed perspective about the Middle East.
If he's Jewish, I'm not surprised, but he still doesn't have the knowledge and expertise Chomsky does about Zionism
Chomsky is a hack in the same vein as Trotsky, and Alinsky.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Crazy Horse on July 14, 2013, 01:31:19 PM
Lol. Find the 2008 welcome thread... :-)

The same one I welcomed the then major in  :thatsright:

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 14, 2013, 01:31:36 PM
Ody makes a lot of good points and displays an informed perspective about the Middle East.
If he's Jewish, I'm not surprised, but he still doesn't have the knowledge and expertise Chomsky does about Zionism

Other than being a linguistics expert...what possible expertise does that Communist hack have about Judaism that Ody wouldn't?

Oh wait...that's just your way of dismissing someone who is obviously smarter than you...who can cite things from first hand knowledge while you're busy cutting and pasting useless bigoted crap from Arab based websites.

Idiot.  :whatever:
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Big Dog on July 14, 2013, 01:34:07 PM

Just for you, Nazi ****er:

Auschwitz Camp I

Children awaiting execution

Execution of Jewish man

Execution Wall next to Building 11, Auschwitz I

Jewish concentration camp prisoners greeting liberators

Defend that, asshole.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 14, 2013, 01:40:40 PM
Analyzing the False Accusations against Israel, Part II: “Illegal” Settlements

There is no such thing as “illegal settlements” in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. This is all Jewish land. Jerusalem is the eternal capital city. Judea is where the Kingdom of Judah once was, and the word “Jew” actually comes from Judah. Still, putting aside the argument that this is historically Jewish land and continues to be, the settlements are legal, and there is nothing to back up this claim that they are not. They do not affect negotiations with Palestinians in any way, shape or form as perfectly illustrated by how the removal of Israelis from Gaza in 2005 (after a 3000 year presence) did not do a thing to change the political climate and certainly did not stop the Arab violence against Jews. In fact what followed were rocket attacks, suicide bombings and other terrorism from the Gaza side toward Israel.

Building settlements does not change the political status of the land; hence there is nothing illegal here. Those opposing settlements simply do not want Jews in Judea, as ironic as that is. And keeping Jews out is their form of ethnic cleansing.

“The various agreements reached between Israel and the Palestinians since 1993 contain no prohibitions on the building or expansion of settlements. On the contrary, they specifically provide that the issue of settlements is reserved for permanent status negotiations, which are to take place in the concluding stage of the peace talks. The parties expressly agreed that the Palestinian Authority has no jurisdiction or control over settlements or Israelis, pending the conclusion of a permanent status agreement.

It has been charged that the provision contained in the Israel-Palestinian Interim Agreement prohibiting unilateral steps that alter the status of the West Bank implies a ban on settlement activity…The prohibition on unilateral measures was designed to ensure that neither side take steps that would change the legal status of this territory (such as by annexation or a unilateral declaration of statehood), pending the outcome of permanent status talks. The building of homes has no effect on the final permanent status of the area as a whole…

Israel had established its settlements in the West Bank in accordance with international law. Attempts have been made to claim that the settlements violate Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, which forbids a state from deporting or transferring “parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” However, this allegation has no validity in law as Israeli citizens were neither deported nor transferred to the territories.

Although Israel has voluntarily taken upon itself the obligation to uphold the humanitarian provisions of the… Convention, Israel maintains that the Convention… was not applicable to the disputed territory. As there had been no internationally recognized legal sovereign in either the West Bank or Gaza prior to the 1967 Six Day War, they cannot be considered to have become “occupied territory” when control passed into the hands of Israel.

Yet even if the…Convention were to apply to the territories, Article 49 would not be relevant to the issue of Jewish settlements. The Convention was drafted immediately following the 2nd World War, against the background of the massive forced population transfers that occurred during that period. As the International Red Cross’ authoritative commentary to the Convention confirms, Article 49 … was intended to prevent the forcible transfer of civilians, thereby protecting the local population from displacement. Israel has not forcibly transferred its citizens to the territory and the Convention does not place any prohibition on individuals voluntarily choosing their place of residence. Moreover, the settlements are not intended to displace Arab inhabitants, nor do they do so in practice.

Israel’s use of land for settlements conforms to all rules and norms of international law. Privately owned lands are not requisitioned for the establishment of settlements. In addition, all settlement activity comes under the supervision of the Supreme Court of Israel … and every aggrieved inhabitant of the territories,… can appeal directly to this Court

The Fourth Geneva Convention was certainly not intended to prevent individuals from living on their ancestral lands or on property that had been illegally taken from them. Many present-day Israeli settlements have been established on sites that were home to Jewish communities in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) in previous generations, in an expression of the Jewish people’s deep historic and religious connection with the land. Many of the most ancient and holy Jewish sites, including the Cave of the Patriarchs (the burial site of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and Rachel’s Tomb, are located in these areas. Jewish communities, such as in Hebron (where Jews lived until they were massacred in 1929), existed throughout the centuries. Other communities, such as the Gush Etzion bloc in Judea, were founded before 1948 under the internationally endorsed British Mandate.

The right of Jews to settle in all parts of the Land of Israel was first recognized by the international community in the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine. The purpose of the Mandate was to facilitate the establishment of a Jewish national home in the Jewish people’s ancient homeland. Indeed, Article 6 of the Mandate provided for “close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands not required for public use.”

For more than a thousand years, the only time that Jewish settlement was prohibited in the West Bank was under the Jordanian occupation (1948-1967) that resulted from an armed invasion. During this period of Jordanian rule, which was not internationally recognized, Jordan eliminated the Jewish presence in the West Bank (as Egypt did in the Gaza Strip) and declared that the sale of land to Jews was a capital offense. It is untenable that this outrage could invalidate the right of Jews to establish homes in these areas, and accordingly, the legal titles to land that had already been acquired remain valid to this day.”
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 14, 2013, 01:42:49 PM
Analyzing the False Accusations against Israel, Part III: Apartheid and the Security Fence

Apartheid. People throw that word around without really understanding what it means. First of all, Arabs in Israel are full citizens who have the right to vote, including women who, in many Arab nations do not possess this same right. And not only can they vote, but they can also run for public office, and many have. There are Arabs serving in the Knesset, or Israeli Parliament, and some have served as Cabinet members, Ambassadors and on the Supreme Court. Certain Arab Knesset members have even criticized Israel, but if they were blacks in South Africa under Apartheid, they would have been killed for such a thing.


Arabs are allowed the freedom of speech and can and do actually protest. They live wherever they want and cannot be discriminated against in their places of employment. If they are arrested, they get a fair trial, and while Jewish Israelis are required to serve in the military, Arabs do not have to fulfill this same requirement. Despite this, many volunteer for it, perhaps because they love their country. In recent poll results, the majority of Arabs answered that not only do they consider Israel to be home but that they wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, including in other Arab and/or Muslim countries. And finally, Arabic is an official language in Israel. It certainly would not be taken into consideration if it were Apartheid.


Most people like to use the security fence as an example of Apartheid. But Apartheid has nothing to do with it. This fence was put into place in order to protect Israeli citizens from the constant terror attacks which had been occurring and would continue to occur if not for the fence. It has provided protection for them and has severely limited these attacks. Why is it Apartheid? Because Arabs now have to walk a little bit further? Nonsense. Terrorists ruin everything. Because of terrorists there is now stricter airport security. Is it inconvenient? Yes. Is it necessary? Yes. If that hassle allows me to live because they caught a terrorist before he boarded my plane, then I’ll take the hassle, thank you very much.


The security fence has saved lives. This is a fact which cannot be denied. Israel’s goal is peace, which is precisely why the security fence has been built, to protect its citizens from terrorist violence.

“In the 11 months between the erection of the first segment at the beginning of August 2003 and the end of June 2004, the Samaria-based terrorist groups have succeeded in carrying out only three atrocities within Israel. All three occurred in the first half of 2003, during which 26 Israelis were murdered and 76 wounded. (In two of the cases, the terrorists infiltrated via areas in Samaria where the fence was not yet completed. In the third, a female terrorist entered through the Barta’a crossing using a Jordanian passport.)

In contrast, during the 34 months from the beginning of the violence in September 2000 until the construction of the first continuous segment of the anti-terrorist fence at the end of July 2003, between Salem and Elkana in Samaria, Samaria-based terrorists carried out 73 atrocities (suicide bombings, shootings, car bombings) within Israel (including Jerusalem) in which 293 Israelis were killed and 1950 wounded.

A comparison of the above data shows a decrease of slightly more than 90% in the number of attacks: from an average of 26 attacks a year before the fence, to three attacks after erection of the anti-terrorist fence. This means a decrease of more than 70% in the number of Israelis murdered: from an average of 103 slain per year before the fence to 28 after erection of the fence. Similarly, this means a drop of more than 85% in the number of wounded: from an average of 688 a year before the fence to 83 wounded per year after it was built.

While the number of attacks dropped sharply, the number of attempted attacks that were foiled in various stages of preparation since the erection of the anti-terrorist fence in August 2003 remained high. During this period, the security forces prevented dozens of attacks by Samaria-based terrorist groups in the final stages of preparation. As a result of the arrests of terrorists and heads of cells, 24 explosive belts and bombs were discovered.”

Furthermore, between Israel and the areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority there is no natural or man made barrier. This enables the almost unhindered entry of Palestinian terrorists into Israel. During the last three years, [this was from 2004], 117 Palestinian terrorists took advantage of it, entered into Israel and in the act of blowing themselves up murdered 477 people- Jews, Arabs and Christians and wounded thousands of others. In contrast, the security fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip that has existed since 1996 has proven its effectiveness and the vast majority of terrorist attempts have been discovered and thwarted.


In other words, terrorists continue to get in where there is no fence, but where there is a fence, their attempts are thwarted.

The security fence:
1. Does not establish a border of any kind.
2. Does not annex any Palestinian lands to Israel.
3. Does not change the legal status of any Palestinians.
4. Does not prevent Palestinians from going about their lives.

“The security fence currently being built between the Palestinians in the West Bank and Israeli population centers is a defensive measure. It is designed to prevent terrorists from carrying out attacks in Israel. Its path was chosen in accordance with security and topographic considerations, while making every effort to minimize disruption to the daily lives of the local Palestinian population.”


If Palestinian land owners wish to dispute the location of the fence, it is built in moveable sections and can be moved if the land owners take their case to court, and the court decides in their favor. In which case, that section of the fence is then moved. Doesn’t sound like Apartheid to me.


In summary, 90% less attacks; 70% less senseless deaths; 85% less wounded. The fence has proven itself to be extremely effective as a much needed security measure, and its existence has nothing to do with Apartheid and everything to do with preventing terrorism. Now if the terrorists consider this a burden, they can call it Apartheid all they want, but that doesn’t make it true. It is inconvenient for terrorists, but Israel protecting its citizens against this violence is not Apartheid. It is no different from any other country in the world which makes protecting its citizens a priority. Israel should not be judged differently simply because it is the Jewish State. The charge of Apartheid is an ugly accusation and a false one at that.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 14, 2013, 01:43:32 PM
Chomsky is a hack in the same vein as Trotsky, and Alinsky.

Not to mention Plato, Freud, Cicero, and another hack named Shakespeare:

"Between 1980 and 1992, Chomsky was cited within the field of Arts and Humanities more often than any other living scholar, and eighth overall within the Arts and Humanities Citation Index during the same period.[14][15][16][17] He has been described as a prominent cultural figure, and was voted the 'world's top public intellectual' in a 2005 poll." (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 14, 2013, 01:45:48 PM
Not to mention Plato, Freud, Cicero, and another hack named Shakespeare:

"Between 1980 and 1992, Chomsky was cited within the field of Arts and Humanities more often than any other living scholar, and eighth overall within the Arts and Humanities Citation Index during the same period.[14][15][16][17] He has been described as a prominent cultural figure, and was voted the 'world's top public intellectual' in a 2005 poll." (

All of which have nothing to do at all with politics in the Middle East you ignorant, Islamofascist loving ****tard.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 14, 2013, 01:45:55 PM
Not to mention Plato, Freud, Cicero, and another hack named Shakespeare:

"Between 1980 and 1992, Chomsky was cited within the field of Arts and Humanities more often than any other living scholar, and eighth overall within the Arts and Humanities Citation Index during the same period.[14][15][16][17] He has been described as a prominent cultural figure, and was voted the 'world's top public intellectual' in a 2005 poll." (
Gore and owebuma won Nobel peace prizes. Popular acclaim by libs doesn't make a lib accomplished.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 14, 2013, 01:59:55 PM
Not to mention Plato, Freud, Cicero, and another hack named Shakespeare:

"Between 1980 and 1992, Chomsky was cited within the field of Arts and Humanities more often than any other living scholar, and eighth overall within the Arts and Humanities Citation Index during the same period.[14][15][16][17] He has been described as a prominent cultural figure, and was voted the 'world's top public intellectual' in a 2005 poll." (

You're still not showing anything that shows why we should take his racist hatred towards Israel seriously.

All you're proving is that you're incapable of original thought and can only cut and paste crap that's easily disproven.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 14, 2013, 02:12:35 PM
Gore and owebuma won Nobel peace prizes. Popular acclaim by libs doesn't make a lib accomplished.

Gore and Barry ( not to mention Dick, Dubya, and Bubba) are intellectual midgets by comparison.
As I understand Chomsky's eighth overall ranking within the Arts and Humanities Index between 1980 and 1992 means that Noam was the only living human beings on an all-time top ten list of intellectual luminaries.

Most of those citations were due to his Linguistic research; however, his political and philosophical works were also widely quoted and read.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 14, 2013, 02:18:13 PM
Gore and Barry ( not to mention Dick, Dubya, and Bubba) are intellectual midgets by comparison.
As I understand Chomsky's eighth overall ranking within the Arts and Humanities Index between 1980 and 1992 means that Noam was the only living human beings on an all-time top ten list of intellectual luminaries.

Most of those citations were due to his Linguistic research; however, his political and philosophical works were also widely quoted and read.

The mans "political beliefs" dismiss the "alleged" holocaust in Germany and denies the Killing Fields in Cambodia.

How does any of that make him an expert on Israel that anyone should believe?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 14, 2013, 02:23:36 PM
Gore and Barry ( not to mention Dick, Dubya, and Bubba) are intellectual midgets by comparison.
As I understand Chomsky's eighth overall ranking within the Arts and Humanities Index between 1980 and 1992 means that Noam was the only living human beings on an all-time top ten list of intellectual luminaries.

Most of those citations were due to his Linguistic research; however, his political and philosophical works were also widely quoted and read.

Though Chomsky is widely regarded as an expert on the Middle East, when he was pressed to list his qualifications for his expertise, he responded that he had “none whatsoever.”
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 14, 2013, 07:45:40 PM
You're still not showing anything that shows why we should take his racist hatred towards Israel seriously.

All you're proving is that you're incapable of original thought and can only cut and paste crap that's easily disproven.

Show me how easily you cn disprove this cut and paste:

"Between 1980 and 1992, Chomsky was cited within the field of Arts and Humanities more often than any other living scholar, and eighth overall within the Arts and Humanities Citation Index during the same period.[14][15][16][17]"

Then provide some proof of Chomsky's "racist hatred toward Israel." (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: EagleKeeper on July 14, 2013, 07:52:16 PM
Show me how easily you cn disprove this cut and paste:

"Between 1980 and 1992, Chomsky was cited within the field of Arts and Humanities more often than any other living scholar, and eighth overall within the Arts and Humanities Citation Index during the same period.[14][15][16][17]"

Then provide some proof of Chomsky's "racist hatred toward Israel." (

Seriously, if I were to assume that there is actually a problem what do you propose as a resolution?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 14, 2013, 08:09:34 PM
Other than being a linguistics expert...what possible expertise does that Communist hack have about Judaism that Ody wouldn't?

Oh wait...that's just your way of dismissing someone who is obviously smarter than you...who can cite things from first hand knowledge while you're busy cutting and pasting useless bigoted crap from Arab based websites.

Idiot.  :whatever:

Possibly Noam's time spent living on a kibbutz would provide him with expertise most of us posting here don't have:

"Chomsky and his wife lived for part of 1953 in HaZore'a, a kibbutz in Israel. Asked in an interview whether the stay was 'a disappointment' Chomsky replied, 'No, I loved it'; however, he 'couldn't stand the ideological atmosphere' and 'fervent nationalism' in the early 1950s at the kibbutz, with Stalin being defended by many of the left-leaning kibbutz members who chose to paint a rosy image of future possibilities and contemporary realities in the USSR.[53]

"Chomsky notes seeing many positive elements in the commune-like living of the kibbutz, in which parents and children lived together in separate houses, and when asked whether there were 'lessons that we have learned from the history of the kibbutz', responded,[54][55] that in 'some respects, the kibbutzim came closer to the anarchist ideal than any other attempt that lasted for more than a very brief moment before destruction, or that was on anything like a similar scale. In these respects, I think they were extremely attractive and successful; apart from personal accident, I probably would have lived there myself – for how long, it's hard to guess.'"

Or maybe the "communist hack" gleaned some information about Judaism from his childhood that you can't fathom?

"Avram Noam Chomsky was born on December 7, 1928, in the affluent East Oak Lane neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.[28][29]

"His father, Dr. William 'Zev' Chomsky (1896–1977) had been born in Ukraine, then a part of the Russian Empire, and had fled to the United States in 1913 to avoid conscription into the army.

"Here, he began work in sweatshops in Baltimore, Maryland, before getting teaching work at the city's Hebrew elementary schools, using his money to fund his studies at Johns Hopkins University.

"He married Elsie Simonofsky – a native of what is now Belarus who grew up in the United States – and they moved to Philadelphia, where they both began teaching at the Mikveh Israel religious school.

"William eventually rose to the position of school principal. In 1924 he was appointed to the faculty at the country's oldest teacher training institution, Gratz College, where he became faculty president in 1932. In 1955, he also began teaching courses at Dropsie College. Independently, he was involved in researching Medieval Hebrew, eventually authoring a series of books on the language..." (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 14, 2013, 08:15:10 PM

Seriously, if I were to assume that there is actually a problem what do you propose as a resolution?

Problem...what problem? :banghead:
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: EagleKeeper on July 14, 2013, 08:19:10 PM
Problem...what problem? :banghead:

Oh please...

I suppose you are just bitterly complaining about the Jewish presence as an intellectual exercise right?

But, I can see why you wouldn't want to answer the question.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: NHSparky on July 14, 2013, 08:24:56 PM
So, back from vacation--who's the troll who needs dickpunched?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: EagleKeeper on July 14, 2013, 08:31:33 PM
So, back from vacation--who's the troll who needs dickpunched?

More of just an oddity then anything, vehemently disagrees with the presence of Israel and likes to quote Noam Chomsky and wiki.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 15, 2013, 12:58:29 AM
Show me how easily you cn disprove this cut and paste:

"Between 1980 and 1992, Chomsky was cited within the field of Arts and Humanities more often than any other living scholar, and eighth overall within the Arts and Humanities Citation Index during the same period.[14][15][16][17]"

Then provide some proof of Chomsky's "racist hatred toward Israel." (

I'm taling about your racist anti Semitic pro terrorist crap.

My question about Chomsky remains the same...what qualifies him to be an expert on the situation...other than he shares your narrow minded bigoted views?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 15, 2013, 01:00:06 AM
Oh please...

I suppose you are just bitterly complaining about the Jewish presence as an intellectual exercise right?

But, I can see why you wouldn't want to answer the question.

Like Arafat the PLO and the rest of that part of the world they don't want a solution to the alleged problem.  They want to keep it going with their myths and half truths so they can have justification for being racists.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 15, 2013, 07:23:02 AM
I'm taling about your racist anti Semitic pro terrorist crap.

My question about Chomsky remains the same...what qualifies him to be an expert on the situation...other than he shares your narrow minded bigoted views?

Ask Hugo.

"At the start of his speech Wednesday, during which Chavez referred to President Bush as 'the devil,' Chavez held up a book by Noam Chomsky, 'Hegemony or Survival: America?s Quest for Global Dominance,' and recommended it to everyone in the General Assembly, as well as to the American people.

"'I call upon all American brothers and sisters to read the book so they can know about the devil they have at home', said Chavez in direct reference to US president George W. Bush.

"On Thursday afternoon, 'Hegemony or Survival,' originally published in 2003, had jumped into the top 10 of Amazon and Barnes & , ballooning from its original 160.772 position out of the millions of titles offered by the two editing companies." (

Best-selling authors often prove their expertise of a given situation in the market place.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 15, 2013, 07:43:59 AM
Ask Hugo.

"At the start of his speech Wednesday, during which Chavez referred to President Bush as 'the devil,' Chavez held up a book by Noam Chomsky, 'Hegemony or Survival: America?s Quest for Global Dominance,' and recommended it to everyone in the General Assembly, as well as to the American people.

"'I call upon all American brothers and sisters to read the book so they can know about the devil they have at home', said Chavez in direct reference to US president George W. Bush.

"On Thursday afternoon, 'Hegemony or Survival,' originally published in 2003, had jumped into the top 10 of Amazon and Barnes & , ballooning from its original 160.772 position out of the millions of titles offered by the two editing companies." (

Best-selling authors often prove their expertise of a given situation in the market place.

Wait...Hugo Chavez??? Now you've reached the bottom of the barrel, kicked it out of the way and started digging where it was. But, please keep showing us just what a useless idiot for the left you truly are.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 15, 2013, 07:47:26 AM
Ask Hugo.

"At the start of his speech Wednesday, during which Chavez referred to President Bush as 'the devil,' Chavez held up a book by Noam Chomsky, 'Hegemony or Survival: America?s Quest for Global Dominance,' and recommended it to everyone in the General Assembly, as well as to the American people.

"'I call upon all American brothers and sisters to read the book so they can know about the devil they have at home', said Chavez in direct reference to US president George W. Bush.

"On Thursday afternoon, 'Hegemony or Survival,' originally published in 2003, had jumped into the top 10 of Amazon and Barnes & , ballooning from its original 160.772 position out of the millions of titles offered by the two editing companies." (

Best-selling authors often prove their expertise of a given situation in the market place.

YOu're kidding right?  A despot like the late and thankfully dead Hugo Chavez is your "proof" Chomsky is qualified to speak on Isreal and the situation with the palestinians?

You're more delusional than I thought.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 15, 2013, 07:48:56 AM
Wait...Hugo Chavez??? Now you've reached the bottom of the barrel, kicked it out of the way and started digging where it was. But, please keep showing us just what a useless idiot for the left you truly are.

What our little anti-semite is now what all Libtards have to do when their cut and paste bullsh*t has been completely debunked.

They wing it...make it up as they go.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 15, 2013, 07:50:47 AM
YOu're kidding right?  A despot like the late and thankfully dead Hugo Chavez is your "proof" Chomsky is qualified to speak on Isreal and the situation with the palestinians?

You're more delusional than I thought.

What I want to know is when Georgie is renouncing his US citizenship and leaving the country? Judging by his posts, he seems to hate America with every fiber of his worthless soul.

Another thing is why haven't Georgie's two idiotic threads been moved to the Mind Numbing Stupidity forum and where they belong? If any thread fit the bill it would be those two
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 15, 2013, 07:52:34 AM
Oh please...

I suppose you are just bitterly complaining about the Jewish presence as an intellectual exercise right?

But, I can see why you wouldn't want to answer the question.

I can see where a solution to the Jewish presence in Palestine begins with an understanding of which side profits more from war than peace. The corporate spin has always held Israel has pursued peace while Arabs prefer (losing) one war after another. There's an alternative view on the left that claims major Arab states proposed a settlement to the Jewish occupation of Palestine at the UNSC in 1976:

"The basic principles have been accepted by virtually the entire world, including the Arab states (who go on to call for full normalization of relations), the Organization of Islamic States (including Iran), and relevant non-state actors (including Hamas). A settlement along these lines was first proposed at the U.N. Security Council in January 1976 by the major Arab states.

"Israel refused to attend the session.

"The U.S. vetoed the resolution, and did so again in 1980..."

We're not likely to agree on my source
Can you see an independent source for this claim we might agree on? (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 15, 2013, 07:58:27 AM
I can see where a solution to the Jewish presence in Palestine begins with an understanding of which side profits more from war than peace. The corporate spin has always held Israel has pursued peace while Arabs prefer (losing) one war after another. There's an alternative view on the left that claims major Arab states proposed a settlement to the Jewish occupation of Palestine at the UNSC in 1976:

"The basic principles have been accepted by virtually the entire world, including the Arab states (who go on to call for full normalization of relations), the Organization of Islamic States (including Iran), and relevant non-state actors (including Hamas). A settlement along these lines was first proposed at the U.N. Security Council in January 1976 by the major Arab states.

"Israel refused to attend the session.

"The U.S. vetoed the resolution, and did so again in 1980..."

We're not likely to agree on my source
Can you see an independent source for this claim we might agree on? (

Keep citing Chomsky all you want.  But he's not an his OWN admission on the fact he's an apologist for the PLO and Hamas and are you.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 15, 2013, 07:59:34 AM
What I want to know is when Georgie is renouncing his US citizenship and leaving the country? Judging by his posts, he seems to hate America with every fiber of his worthless soul.

Another thing is why haven't Georgie's two idiotic threads been moved to the Mind Numbing Stupidity forum and where they belong? If any thread fit the bill it would be those two

The more this anti-semite continues to quote Chomsky and beat the same disproven dead horse about Israel...I'm becoming convinced it a green card not his Citizenship he's gonna have to give up.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 15, 2013, 08:10:27 AM
The more this anti-semite continues to quote Chomsky and beat the same disproven dead horse about Israel...I'm becoming convinced it a green card not his Citizenship he's gonna have to give up.

I'm going to start using the dead horse picture in response to Georgie's's a lot easier for responding to his tripe.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 15, 2013, 08:39:47 AM
1948 Mandate Palestine.
650,000 Jews.
1.2 million Arabs.
Jewish state?????
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 15, 2013, 08:41:26 AM
1948 Mandate Palestine.
650,000 Jews.
1.2 million Arabs.
Jewish state?????

1948 U.N. Resolution 181.  Palestinians offered their own state.

The refused and chose to invade Israel.

They chose poorly.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 15, 2013, 09:02:00 AM
1948 Mandate Palestine.
650,000 Jews.
1.2 million Arabs.
Jewish state?????

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: DefiantSix on July 15, 2013, 09:05:35 AM
1948 Mandate Palestine.
650,000 Jews.
1.2 million Arabs.
Jewish state?????

What do you expect?  He's trying desperately to avoid directly answering any question posed to him so far, because it'll be proof of what a racist, antisemitic cocksucker he is.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 15, 2013, 11:12:47 AM
Ask Hugo.

"At the start of his speech Wednesday, during which Chavez referred to President Bush as 'the devil,' Chavez held up a book by Noam Chomsky, 'Hegemony or Survival: America?s Quest for Global Dominance,' and recommended it to everyone in the General Assembly, as well as to the American people.

"'I call upon all American brothers and sisters to read the book so they can know about the devil they have at home', said Chavez in direct reference to US president George W. Bush.

"On Thursday afternoon, 'Hegemony or Survival,' originally published in 2003, had jumped into the top 10 of Amazon and Barnes & , ballooning from its original 160.772 position out of the millions of titles offered by the two editing companies." (

Best-selling authors often prove their expertise of a given situation in the market place.
Popularity isn't expertise. You must have been one of the pet rock buyers. You make Chavez your hero, and Bush the devil. Your character has been made very clear by you, and it is wanting.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: ColonelCarrots on July 15, 2013, 11:21:58 AM
Hugo Chavez... Hugo Chavez... that's like asking Hitler on how to pursue world peace.

Release the Bees on this heathen!
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Dori on July 15, 2013, 11:38:10 AM

My question about Chomsky remains the same...what qualifies him to be an expert on the situation...other than he shares your narrow minded bigoted views?

Chomsky is the same kind of Jew as Soros is.  Both are anti American and anti Israel.

Michael Medved wrote a book on these types of Jews. 

I don't know why this dude is so in love with Chomsky, but what else can you expect out of our liberal educational system. 

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: NHSparky on July 15, 2013, 11:46:35 AM
More of just an oddity then anything, vehemently disagrees with the presence of Israel and likes to quote Noam Chomsky and wiki.

Another amateur, huh?  Yeah, not worth wasting the ammo on, I see.  Have fun.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 15, 2013, 01:34:32 PM
1948 U.N. Resolution 181.  Palestinians offered their own state.

The refused and chose to invade Israel.

They chose poorly.
UNGR 181 was non-binding and never implemented hence the indigenous Arab population of Mandate Palestine had two good reasons to reject an offer which gave 55% of their land to one-third of the population. Why don't you explain where the UN got moral/legal authority from that entitled them to make any offer to the indigenous Semites of Palestine?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 15, 2013, 03:02:28 PM
UNGR 181 was non-binding and never implemented hence the indigenous Arab population of Mandate Palestine had two good reasons to reject an offer which gave 55% of their land to one-third of the population. Why don't you explain where the UN got moral/legal authority from that entitled them to make any offer to the indigenous Semites of Palestine?

It wasn't implemented you ignorant prig because the Arabs refused to recognize a Jewish state.  They vowed to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth before they'd ever recognize Israel.

What part of the Palestinians did it to themselves is so damn hard for you to get through your racist skull?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 15, 2013, 03:38:36 PM
It wasn't implemented you ignorant prig because the Arabs refused to recognize a Jewish state.  They vowed to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth before they'd ever recognize Israel.

What part of the Palestinians did it to themselves is so damn hard for you to get through your racist skull?
What part of self-determination gets your panties in a bunch?
Arab Palestinians didn't recognize western imperialists giving 55% of their land to Zionist hordes from Europe.
What would you have done...kiss the first Jew ass that waddled by?
Sure you would.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 15, 2013, 03:46:49 PM
What part of self-determination gets your panties in a bunch?

Nothing.  I'm all for it.  But I don't blame someone else if I choose not to use it.

Arab Palestinians didn't recognize western imperialists giving 55% of their land to Zionist hordes from Europe.

It wasn't their land to begin with dumbass.  The two states were taken from land in Trans-Jordan and Egypt.  There was no Palestinian lan to be stolen.

What would you have done...kiss the first Jew ass that waddled by?
Sure you would.

I don't kiss anyone's ass Jew, Christian or sh*thead bigot like you.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Ptarmigan on July 15, 2013, 04:48:22 PM
Chomsky is the same kind of Jew as Soros is.  Both are anti American and anti Israel.

Michael Medved wrote a book on these types of Jews. 

I don't know why this dude is so in love with Chomsky, but what else can you expect out of our liberal educational system. 

Noam Chomsky is a nutjob and self-hating Jew.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 15, 2013, 05:06:59 PM
Nothing.  I'm all for it.  But I don't blame someone else if I choose not to use it.

It wasn't their land to begin with dumbass.  The two states were taken from land in Trans-Jordan and Egypt.  There was no Palestinian lan to be stolen.

I don't kiss anyone's ass Jew, Christian or sh*thead bigot like you.

You're all for self-determination?

"self-de·ter·mi·na·tion (slfd-tûrm-nshn)
1. Determination of one's own fate or course of action without compulsion; free will.
2. Freedom of the people of a given area to determine their own political status; independence."

Then explain why you support the UN decision to prevent Jews and Arabs from determining their own political status in 1948 Palestine? (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: DefiantSix on July 15, 2013, 05:22:21 PM
You're all for self-determination?

"self-de·ter·mi·na·tion (slfd-tûrm-nshn)
1. Determination of one's own fate or course of action without compulsion; free will.
2. Freedom of the people of a given area to determine their own political status; independence."

Then explain why you support the UN decision to prevent Jews and Arabs from determining their own political status in 1948 Palestine? (

For the umpteenth time, what part of "The Arab squatters on Israeli land made their choice in 1948" don't you understand?  They chose to cling to their hatred of Jews, instead of accepting territory of their own.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 15, 2013, 08:38:22 PM
For the umpteenth time, what part of "The Arab squatters on Israeli land made their choice in 1948" don't you understand?  They chose to cling to their hatred of Jews, instead of accepting territory of their own.

Some of those that you call "Arab squatters" had ancestors living continuously in Palestine for 1500 years before 1948.
Many of them had valid deeds to land they were evicted from at the point of a Jewish bayonet.
The "choice" they were offered came from the UN, a fig-leaf for western colonial interests.
Self-determination for Jew and Arab alike in 1948 would have required an election.
The likely result would have been a federation among assorted Semites with none receiving extra credit based on their religion.
Had such an election taken place, it isn't likely western oil companies and arms corporations would have made as much money from the blood of Semites over the last three generations.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 15, 2013, 08:45:22 PM
^Your crusade has had no effect, and will have no effect of influencing any rational conservative. Let alone any here.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Rebel on July 15, 2013, 08:45:32 PM
Some of those that you call "Arab squatters" had ancestors living continuously in Palestine for 1500 years before 1948.

Those Jooos you hate so much had ancestors live in that area continuously for 5000 years. Who came first, fool, Muzzies? Or those Jooos you despise so much?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 15, 2013, 09:18:24 PM
Those Jooos you hate so much had ancestors live in that area continuously for 5000 years. Who came first, fool, Muzzies? Or those Jooos you despise so much?
I'm no expert, but I strongly suspect both groups of modern-day Jews and Arabs had common ancestors living between the River and the sea for thousands of years before either religion lurched into existence. The question that needs answering right now isn't about who was there first; it's about whether all those currently living on that tiny slice of real estate will live in a Jewish state or a democratic state.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: EagleKeeper on July 15, 2013, 09:24:30 PM
Can you name one arab democratic state where democracy was not imposed upon them by imperialist aggresors?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Rebel on July 15, 2013, 09:47:14 PM
live in a Jewish state or a democratic state.

But, then again, you repeat yourself.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Eupher on July 15, 2013, 09:49:39 PM
I'm no expert, but I strongly suspect both groups of modern-day Jews and Arabs had common ancestors living between the River and the sea for thousands of years before either religion lurched into existence. The question that needs answering right now isn't about who was there first; it's about whether all those currently living on that tiny slice of real estate will live in a Jewish state or a democratic state.

I'm glad to hear you're no expert -- which is probably why you've been posting stuff from Chomsky left and right. Apparently Chomsky is some sort of "expert."   :whatever:

But more to the point -- what makes you think that a Jewish state isn't a democratic state at the same time?

And what makes you think that the current "state" that represents itself as "Palestinian" is democratic?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Zathras on July 15, 2013, 10:51:00 PM
I'm no expert

Wow, that's the first truthful thing you said here.....the rest of your posts are bullshit.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 16, 2013, 01:17:41 AM
You're all for self-determination?

"self-de·ter·mi·na·tion (slfd-tûrm-nshn)
1. Determination of one's own fate or course of action without compulsion; free will.
2. Freedom of the people of a given area to determine their own political status; independence."

Then explain why you support the UN decision to prevent Jews and Arabs from determining their own political status in 1948 Palestine? (

There's nothing in the resolution that prevents either from doing that.  All Israel wanted back was historical lands that belonged to it's people.

The Palestinians who had NEVER had any historical land anywhere were offered a chance to create that and refused.

Which is a way is self determination...just not in a positive way as history has shown.

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 16, 2013, 01:20:35 AM
Some of those that you call "Arab squatters" had ancestors living continuously in Palestine for 1500 years before 1948.

And the Jews were there before the New Testament.  You in your limited knowledge on the subject seem to think Israel just sprang up one day in 1948 and had never existed before that.

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 16, 2013, 08:21:19 AM
And the Jews were there before the New Testament.  You in your limited knowledge on the subject seem to think Israel just sprang up one day in 1948 and had never existed before that.

You're saying that Jews alone, among all nations, are entitled to land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 16, 2013, 08:26:01 AM
You're saying that Jews alone, among all nations, are entitled to land their ancestors conquered thousands of years ago?

What's the matter?  Don't like your argument turned against you?

Oh and incase you ignore it on your other Jew bashing thread:

Until the Jews began returning to the Land of Israel in increasing numbers from the late 19th century to the turn of the 20th, the area called Palestine was a deserted waste land that belonged to the Ottoman Empire, based in Turkey.

'Palestinianism' in and of itself lacks any substance of its own. Arab society on the West Bank and Gaza suffer from a deep social cleavage created by a host of rivalries based on divergent geographic, historical, sociological and familial allegiances.

What glues Palestinians together is a carefully nurtured hatred of Israel and the rejection of Jewish nationhood.

“All [that Palestinians] can agree on as a community is what they want to destroy, not what they want to build.”1 New York Times Columnist Thomas Friedman

The Palestinians’ claim that they are an ancient and indigenous people fails to stand up to historic scrutiny. Most Palestinian Arabs were newcomers to British Mandate Palestine. Until the 1967 Six-Day War made it expedient for Arabs to create a Palestinian peoplehood, local Arabs simply considered themselves part of the ‘great Arab nation’ or ‘southern Syrians.’
There is no age-old Palestinian people. Most so-called Palestinians are relative newcomers to The Land of Israel.
Palestinian Arabs cast themselves as a native people in “Palestine” – like the Aborigines in Australia or Native Americans in America. They portray the Jews as European imperialists and colonizers. This is simply untrue.
Until the Jews began returning to the Land of Israel in increasing numbers from the late 19th century to the turn of the 20th, the area called Palestine was a God- forsaken backwash that belonged to the Ottoman Empire, based in Turkey.
The land’s fragile ecology had been laid waste in the wake of the Arabs’ 7th- century conquest. In 1799, the population was at it lowest and estimated to be no more than 250,000 to 300,000 inhabitants in all the land.
At the turn of the 20th century, the Arab population west of the Jordan River (today, Israel and the West Bank) was about half a million inhabitants and east of the Jordan River perhaps 200,000.3
The collapse of the agricultural system with the influx of nomadic tribes after the Arab conquest that created malarial swamps and denuded the ancient terrace system eroding the soil, was coupled by a tyrannous regime, a crippling tax system and absentee landowners that further decimated the population. Much of the indigenous population had long since migrated or disappeared. Very few Jews or Arabs lived in the region before the arrival of the first Zionists in the 1880s and most of those that did lived in abject poverty.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 16, 2013, 08:29:18 AM
One of the currents in the news lately has been the unilateral Palestinian push for a UN declaration of a Palestinian state, a move largely brought about by dangerously incompetent Obama administration diplomacy. This declaration is founded on two Big Lies: the first is that Palestinians are an ethically and historically distinct people, deserving of their own state — not true.

The second is that Jews have been the unreasonable aggressors and Palestinians the long-suffering victims (2) who’ve never had a chance at a home of their own.

The fact is, the Arabs of Palestine have been offered their own state several times over the past century and, each time, they’ve slapped away the proffered hand of peace and responded with violence. Wallowing in the Jew-hatred that’s hard-wired into Islam, their leaders sought out allies from, among all people, the Nazis. Even after the Nazi defeat and repeated failures to destroy Israel since world War II, the Palestinians have rejected generous offers, one after the other.
The US will likely veto the statehood declaration in the Security Council, but it is sure to pass the General Assembly. Though it will be legally meaningless, it will be a moral defeat for Israel and Western values. As any objective analysis of the historical record shows, the “Palestinians” in no way deserve their own state — not until they grow up and can act like civilized adults.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 16, 2013, 08:34:56 AM
The myth of Palestinian nationhood

Not only do the Palestinians admit that they are not a discrete sociological entity, i.e., a people.
They also concede that as a political unit, i.e., a nation, their demands and aspirations as are neither genuine nor permanent.
Thus Muhsin candidly confessed: “It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity, because it is in the interest of the Arabs to encourage a separate Palestinian identity. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel [sic].”
Doesn’t get much more explicit than that! Indeed the Palestinians not only affirm that their national demands are bogus, but that they are only a temporary instrumental ruse.
In the current National Covenant they declare: “The Palestinian people are a part of the Arab Nation... [and] believe in Arab unity... however, they must, at the present stage of their struggle, safeguard their Palestinian identity and develop their consciousness of that identity.”
So how are we to avoid concluding that at a later stage there will be no need to preserve their identity or develop consciousness thereof? How are we to avoid concluding that Palestinian identity is merely a short-term ruse to achieve a political goal of annulling the “illegal 1947 partition of Palestine,” (i.e. Israel).
As King Hussein said: “The appearance of the Palestinian national personality comes as an answer to Israel’s claim that Palestine is Jewish.”
Nothing more.

The myth of Palestinian peoplehood

Senior Palestinian leaders have admitted – openly, consistently and continually – that Palestinians are not a discrete people identifiably different from others in the Arab world.
For example, on March 14, 1977, Farouk Kadoumi, head of the PLO Political Department, told Newsweek: “Jordanians and Palestinians are considered by the PLO as one people.”

The myth of a Palestinian homeland

Article 16 of the original version of the Palestinian National sets out the desire of the people of Palestine, “who look forward to... restoring the legitimate situation to Palestine, establishing peace and security in its territory, and enabling its people to exercise national sovereignty...”
However, since the Covenant was adopted in 1964, well before Israel “occupied” a square inch of the “West Bank” or Gaza, the question is precisely what is meant by “its territory” in which the Palestinians were “looking exercise national sovereignty.” Indeed in Article 24, they state specifically what this territory did not include, and where they were not seeking to exercise “national sovereignty.”

In it they explicitly proclaim that they do not desire to “exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, [or] on the Gaza Strip.”
From this we learn two stunning facts. Not only did the Palestinians not claim the “West Bank” and Gaza as part of their homeland, but they specifically excluded them from it. Moreover, they explicitly acknowledged – and accepted –that the “West Bank” belonged to another sovereign entity, the Hashemite Kingdom.
There is thus not the slightest resemblance – indeed not even one square inch of overlap – between the territory claimed by the Palestinians as their “homeland” when they first formulated their national aspirations and the “homeland” allegedly envisaged/claimed today.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 16, 2013, 10:16:26 AM
^I'll bet george won't even bother to read that.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: DefiantSix on July 16, 2013, 10:19:03 AM
^I'll bet george won't even bother to read that.

He's demonstrated greater skill at cut and paste than any kind of critical thinking.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Eupher on July 16, 2013, 12:02:46 PM
Great job, TRG. Hi-5.   :thumbs:

Am learning a ton here with this. Unlike our pal george, I might add.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 16, 2013, 12:51:05 PM
Great job, TRG. Hi-5.   :thumbs:

Am learning a ton here with this. Unlike our pal george, I might add.
I'm like you in learning the specifics, but the generalities, that the muslims are propagandists who are constantly lying cheating and trying to steal I knew almost instinctively.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Dori on July 16, 2013, 01:16:48 PM
I'm like you in learning the specifics, but the generalities, that the muslims are propagandists who are constantly lying cheating and trying to steal I knew almost instinctively.

This reminds me of how the Democrats treat blacks in this country.  They are only used as useful idiots. 

It's a shame the Palestinians are so blind to what the radical Islamists are doing to them.

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 16, 2013, 02:03:55 PM
I'm like you in learning the specifics, but the generalities, that the muslims are propagandists who are constantly lying cheating and trying to steal I knew almost instinctively.

The absolutely frightening thing is that we have people in our own positions to make policy decisions in that part of the world that have the same view on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict that this racist sh*tbag does.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 16, 2013, 03:12:12 PM
The absolutely frightening thing is that we have people in our own positions to make policy decisions in that part of the world that have the same view on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict that this racist sh*tbag does.
I would agree with you at the "disenfranchised" level. But the higher someone goes on the power especially political power scale the more they use ideology to advance their agenda. I believe they do it very disingenuously as well.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Eupher on July 16, 2013, 04:34:02 PM
I'm like you in learning the specifics, but the generalities, that the muslims are propagandists who are constantly lying cheating and trying to steal I knew almost instinctively.

I was speaking more of the Balcourt document and the 55% deal that Ody clarified; along with some of the outcomes of WWI with respect to the Ottoman Empire.

I knew that the Ottoman Empire took it in the shorts after WWI, but some of the details were not clear.

Regarding the muzzies, however, you're spot on. Not hard to see that and most specifically, it's not difficult to see how Israel can and should be utterly ruthless with dealing with its "neighbors."

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Bad Dog on July 16, 2013, 06:04:47 PM
I don't trust anybody with two first names.  I'll bet Georgie doesn't even like PIE.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: wasp69 on July 16, 2013, 07:21:39 PM
I am curious, george, if you are a holocaust denier like your hero chomsky?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 16, 2013, 07:39:53 PM
Chomsky has never denied the Holocaust.
He supports the free speech rights of those who are ignorant enough to question its historical reality.
As a Jew growing up during WWII in Philadelphia, Noam was caught between racist bigots who celebrated the Fall of Paris with beer parties, and his friends from school who condemned Chomsky for not taunting and throwing rocks at Nazi POWs.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 16, 2013, 08:15:50 PM
The myth of Palestinian nationhood

Not only do the Palestinians admit that they are not a discrete sociological entity, i.e., a people.
They also concede that as a political unit, i.e., a nation, their demands and aspirations as are neither genuine nor permanent.
Thus Muhsin candidly confessed: “It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity, because it is in the interest of the Arabs to encourage a separate Palestinian identity. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel [sic].”
Doesn’t get much more explicit than that! Indeed the Palestinians not only affirm that their national demands are bogus, but that they are only a temporary instrumental ruse.
In the current National Covenant they declare: “The Palestinian people are a part of the Arab Nation... [and] believe in Arab unity... however, they must, at the present stage of their struggle, safeguard their Palestinian identity and develop their consciousness of that identity.”
So how are we to avoid concluding that at a later stage there will be no need to preserve their identity or develop consciousness thereof? How are we to avoid concluding that Palestinian identity is merely a short-term ruse to achieve a political goal of annulling the “illegal 1947 partition of Palestine,” (i.e. Israel).
As King Hussein said: “The appearance of the Palestinian national personality comes as an answer to Israel’s claim that Palestine is Jewish.”
Nothing more.

The myth of Palestinian peoplehood

Senior Palestinian leaders have admitted – openly, consistently and continually – that Palestinians are not a discrete people identifiably different from others in the Arab world.
For example, on March 14, 1977, Farouk Kadoumi, head of the PLO Political Department, told Newsweek: “Jordanians and Palestinians are considered by the PLO as one people.”

The myth of a Palestinian homeland

Article 16 of the original version of the Palestinian National sets out the desire of the people of Palestine, “who look forward to... restoring the legitimate situation to Palestine, establishing peace and security in its territory, and enabling its people to exercise national sovereignty...”
However, since the Covenant was adopted in 1964, well before Israel “occupied” a square inch of the “West Bank” or Gaza, the question is precisely what is meant by “its territory” in which the Palestinians were “looking exercise national sovereignty.” Indeed in Article 24, they state specifically what this territory did not include, and where they were not seeking to exercise “national sovereignty.”

In it they explicitly proclaim that they do not desire to “exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, [or] on the Gaza Strip.”
From this we learn two stunning facts. Not only did the Palestinians not claim the “West Bank” and Gaza as part of their homeland, but they specifically excluded them from it. Moreover, they explicitly acknowledged – and accepted –that the “West Bank” belonged to another sovereign entity, the Hashemite Kingdom.
There is thus not the slightest resemblance – indeed not even one square inch of overlap – between the territory claimed by the Palestinians as their “homeland” when they first formulated their national aspirations and the “homeland” allegedly envisaged/claimed today.

A Land Without A People for a People Without a Land?
Although Palestinian nationalism began finding its overt expressions in the first decade of the 20th Century, far-sighted Zionist colonizers could see the clouds gathering:

"The most prominent of these was the renowned Zionist thinker Ahad Ha’am, who drew his colleagues’ attention to the burgeoning problem already in 1891 in the article 'Truth from the Land of Israel' which he wrote after a visit he paid to the early Zionist settlements in Palestine.

"'The Jews abroad tend to consider all Arabs as desert savages [ ... ] but this is a serious mistake, the Arabs like all children of Shem have sharp minds and are resourceful,' Ahad Ha’am wrote then, 100 years ago.

"He noticed that initially many Arabs were friendly to the Jews since the scope of Jewish colonization was still very small and did not seem to them to present a real menace. 'But when the time will come and the Jews will develop in this country and will start to displace the Arabs, they will not quit the land so easily.'"

In fact, the Jewish colonization of Palestine could not have happened without the deep pockets and big guns of the dominant global empires of their times: The British between 1917 and 1947 and the US since 1967.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 16, 2013, 08:32:47 PM
I was speaking more of the Balcourt document and the 55% deal that Ody clarified; along with some of the outcomes of WWI with respect to the Ottoman Empire.

I knew that the Ottoman Empire took it in the shorts after WWI, but some of the details were not clear.

Regarding the muzzies, however, you're spot on. Not hard to see that and most specifically, it's not difficult to see how Israel can and should be utterly ruthless with dealing with its "neighbors."

That's not a new spot for Zionist colonizers to find themselves in, especially the neighbors who were living there first:

"Paradoxically, it was the radical Zionist nationalist Ze’ev Jabotinsky who first recognized Palestinian nationalism as such, and correctly understood the head-on clash between the two national movements, who claimed ownership rights for the same land and aspired to realize their new national identity in it.

"In a famous article titled 'The Iron Wall' published in 1923, he recognized clearly that 'in the land of Israel two nations will always live.'

"He wrote that, unlike the Arabs of Baghdad or Mecca, for whom Palestine may well be a marginal area, "for the Arabs of Eretz Yisrae1 this land is not a border area; this is their only homeland, the sole center and base of their separate national existence."

"From his realism as an observer he recommended to the Zionists a militant policy: The Jews must acquire the land without even trying to win the agreement of its former inhabitants, and erect an iron wall (meaning military power) in order to defend their project against the Palestinian resistance and despite their bitter opposition.

"The iron wall will have to be maintained until the day comes in which the Arabs will be obliged to realize that Zionist control over the land is irreversible. Only when the Palestinians totally despair of the efficacy of their resistance, will peace come to the land." (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: wasp69 on July 16, 2013, 10:25:00 PM
Chomsky has never denied the Holocaust.
He supports the free speech rights of those who are ignorant enough to question its historical reality.
As a Jew growing up during WWII in Philadelphia, Noam was caught between racist bigots who celebrated the Fall of Paris with beer parties, and his friends from school who condemned Chomsky for not taunting and throwing rocks at Nazi POWs.

From at least 1984 through 1992, [Noam] Chomsky corresponded with a man who, during those time periods, was one of the leading authors and editors in the Holocaust denial movement. And it was a very friendly correspondence, complete with praise for the denier’s work, and an offer of assistance on Chomsky’s part.

The denier in question is L.A. “Lou” Rollins.

In the first of the recently uncovered letters, Chomsky expresses happiness that Rollins was able to find Chomsky’s anti-Israel book “The Fateful Triangle” useful in his work. Chomsky tells Rollins that he’s pleased to hear that he (Rollins) is writing about Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, who Chomsky proceeds to call “one of the major frauds of our time.” He compares Wiesel to Nazi collaborators, and accuses him of “exploiting the Holocaust to justify oppression and murder.”

Chomsky promises to send Rollins “news clippings from the Jewish press” to assist him with his anti-Wiesel screed (Rollins’ Chomsky-assisted essay would appear in the fall 1985 edition of the IHR’s “journal”).

Chomsky closes by writing, “I’m looking forward to hearing more about your study.”...

Link to the letter:

So, want to try that again?  Or do you wish to claim ignorance and willful obtuseness?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 17, 2013, 01:58:09 AM
A Land Without A People for a People Without a Land?
Although Palestinian nationalism began finding its overt expressions in the first decade of the 20th Century, far-sighted Zionist colonizers could see the clouds gathering:

"The most prominent of these was the renowned Zionist thinker Ahad Ha’am, who drew his colleagues’ attention to the burgeoning problem already in 1891 in the article 'Truth from the Land of Israel' which he wrote after a visit he paid to the early Zionist settlements in Palestine.

"'The Jews abroad tend to consider all Arabs as desert savages [ ... ] but this is a serious mistake, the Arabs like all children of Shem have sharp minds and are resourceful,' Ahad Ha’am wrote then, 100 years ago.

"He noticed that initially many Arabs were friendly to the Jews since the scope of Jewish colonization was still very small and did not seem to them to present a real menace. 'But when the time will come and the Jews will develop in this country and will start to displace the Arabs, they will not quit the land so easily.'"

In fact, the Jewish colonization of Palestine could not have happened without the deep pockets and big guns of the dominant global empires of their times: The British between 1917 and 1947 and the US since 1967.

Again with the biased sources. The Palestine Israel Journal?  Really?

You're not even trying to present an unbiased argument.  But then again most racists never do.

Again there was no colonization.  It never was "Palestinian" land.  There was no self identifying "Palestinian" people until the mid 60's.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 17, 2013, 08:05:13 AM
Again with the biased sources. The Palestine Israel Journal?  Really?

You're not even trying to present an unbiased argument.  But then again most racists never do.

Again there was no colonization.  It never was "Palestinian" land.  There was no self identifying "Palestinian" people until the mid 60's.
Racists deny an Arab presence in Palestine or Filastin or Palestina that had been documented for centuries before 1948:

"The first clear use of the term Palestine to refer to the entire area between Phoenicia and Egypt was in 5th century BC Ancient Greece.[5] Herodotus wrote of a 'district of Syria, called Palaistinê" in The Histories, the first historical work clearly defining the region, which included the Judean mountains and the Jordan Rift Valley.[6][7][8][9][10][11]" (

The ancestors of today's Arab Palestinians have a continuous historical presence in Palestine and the Middle East that's as least as significant as the descendants of European Jews who began colonizing Palestine in the late 19th Century. Both groups of people have mutual denial of the Other in common:

"The Arab-Jewish conflict over the land which Jews refer to as Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel» and the Arabs call Filastin, was permeated from the beginning by mutual denial of the collectivity of the Other.

"The slogan which was coined by a Jewish leader at the beginning of the century, 'a people without a land for a land without a people' expressed a widespread perception among Zionists.

"As late as the early 1970s, Golda Meir, the prime minister of Israel at the time, publicly denied the existence of a Palestinian people.

"The Arabs, for their part, could never understand or accept the notion that the Jews, whom they knew for centuries only as a religious collective, have ~he right to be considered as a 'nation.'

"Article 20 of the Palestinian Charter, which the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) first articulated in 1965 as the basis for its entire political and spiritual struggle reads: 'Judaism, being a religion of the Covenant, does not constitute a nationality with an independent existence, and the Jews do not constitute a separate nation with a unique identity. The Jews are the citizens of the states to which they belong.'" (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 17, 2013, 08:15:38 AM
The denial of the "Palestinian" people wasn't started by was denied by the Arabs as well.

Since you didn't red it the first it now:

Thus Muhsin candidly confessed: “It is only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity, because it is in the interest of the Arabs to encourage a separate Palestinian identity. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel [sic].”
Doesn’t get much more explicit than that! Indeed the Palestinians not only affirm that their national demands are bogus, but that they are only a temporary instrumental ruse.

Senior Palestinian leaders have admitted – openly, consistently and continually – that Palestinians are not a discrete people identifiably different from others in the Arab world.
For example, on March 14, 1977, Farouk Kadoumi, head of the PLO Political Department, told Newsweek: “Jordanians and Palestinians are considered by the PLO as one people.”

There it is in plain easy to understand quotes from fellow bigots like yourself.  But go ahead and continue to to insulate yourself from the cold hard facts with some nice warm racial hatred.

Idiot.  :whatever:
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 17, 2013, 08:50:15 AM

Link to the letter:

So, want to try that again?  Or do you wish to claim ignorance and willful obtuseness?
Here's Chomsky's letter.
Do you want to refute any of it or provide primary examples of Rollin's Holocaust denial? (
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Eupher on July 17, 2013, 09:36:26 AM
At the risk of saying the obvious, george doesn't want to debate. He simply wants to spread his racial bigotry and hatred.

What's it like, george, being consumed like that? Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Do you agonize about the Joooooos and plot their destruction through nefarious and diabolical means?

Mustn't get our hands dirty, after all.  :whatever:
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 17, 2013, 10:11:02 AM

What's it like, george, being consumed like that? Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Do you agonize about the Joooooos and plot their destruction through nefarious and diabolical means?

Mustn't get our hands dirty, after all.  :whatever:

He probably believes he knows how Pharoah and Hitler felt.   "Damn those pesky Jews"

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 17, 2013, 10:32:20 AM
The denial of the "Palestinian" people wasn't started by was denied by the Arabs as well.

Since you didn't red it the first it now:

There it is in plain easy to understand quotes from fellow bigots like yourself.  But go ahead and continue to to insulate yourself from the cold hard facts with some nice warm racial hatred.

Idiot.  :whatever: link: (

"Accordingly, it would seem that Jewish rule is far more central in defining the location of the Palestinian 'homeland' than any 'collective historical memory.'”

Currently Jewish rule extends from the River to the sea and applies to Jew and non-Jew alike, if not equally.
If today's Jews object to a second sovereign Palestinian state on the West Bank, they have only two choices remaining:
Extend the voting privilege to every human being of voting age living under Jewish law be it civil or military or face the same fate as White South Africa,

Jewish rulers inflicting their nationality on the homeland of Arab Filastin (Palestine) is the core of Israeli apartheid.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: NHSparky on July 17, 2013, 10:38:53 AM
I wonder if he even cares how many Jewish people he speaks to on a daily basis without knowing it?

Hi, I'm Bucky Goldberg.

Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: txradioguy on July 17, 2013, 10:49:27 AM
Jewish rulers inflicting their nationality on the homeland of Arab Filastin (Palestine) is the core of Israeli apartheid.

They aren't doing that.  Clearly you have no real idea of what apartheid is or entails.  As an apologist for radical Islam you just toss the word out there cause it sounds cool.

Apartheid. People throw that word around without really understanding what it means. First of all, Arabs in Israel are full citizens who have the right to vote, including women who, in many Arab nations do not possess this same right. And not only can they vote, but they can also run for public office, and many have. There are Arabs serving in the Knesset, or Israeli Parliament, and some have served as Cabinet members, Ambassadors and on the Supreme Court. Certain Arab Knesset members have even criticized Israel, but if they were blacks in South Africa under Apartheid, they would have been killed for such a thing.


Arabs are allowed the freedom of speech and can and do actually protest. They live wherever they want and cannot be discriminated against in their places of employment. If they are arrested, they get a fair trial, and while Jewish Israelis are required to serve in the military, Arabs do not have to fulfill this same requirement. Despite this, many volunteer for it, perhaps because they love their country. In recent poll results, the majority of Arabs answered that not only do they consider Israel to be home but that they wouldn’t want to live anywhere else, including in other Arab and/or Muslim countries. And finally, Arabic is an official language in Israel. It certainly would not be taken into consideration if it were Apartheid.

You're a small brained bigot who uses big words without knowing what they really mean.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 17, 2013, 10:59:47 AM
I wonder if he even cares how many Jewish people he speaks to on a daily basis without knowing it?

Hi, I'm Bucky Goldberg.

Hi, Bucky.
I'm wondering whether you know if I'm a Jew?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Bad Dog on July 17, 2013, 11:06:10 AM
Hi, Bucky.
I'm wondering whether you know if I'm a Jew?

I knew right off.  Everything you post screams self hating Jew.  Allum Sallum Arkbark good buddy.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Eupher on July 17, 2013, 11:22:37 AM
Hi, Bucky.
I'm wondering whether you know if I'm a Jew?

Everyone named george and Sparky is a Jew.

/georgephillip mode
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: NHSparky on July 17, 2013, 12:01:05 PM
Hi, Bucky.
I'm wondering whether you know if I'm a Jew?

Oh golly gee, how embarassing.

Yeah, not so much. Quit polluting my state and GTFO already.  Unlike you, I AM a rarity in the world--1--a NATIVE Californian, 2--a conservative.  Not sure which is more rare than the other, but put them together, and well, you get the idea.

Personally, I could give two shits whether or not you're Jewish.  I do, OTOH, care that you're a mouth-breathing, sister-****ing, booger-eating idiot.

Bottom line, george?  Quit jacking the bandwidth, fag.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 17, 2013, 12:50:49 PM
Hi, Bucky.
I'm wondering whether you know if I'm a Jew?
Big meeting tonight at the ALL a who Hock Bar. It's a converted nazi gas shower. It's all the rage. Refreshments will be served. See you there george ?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Eupher on July 17, 2013, 01:15:23 PM
Big meeting tonight at the ALL a who Hock Bar. It's a converted nazi gas shower. It's all the rage. Refreshments will be served. See you there george ?

Of course you'll see him there.

He's the bouncer and hat check girl.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: georgephillip on July 17, 2013, 04:18:16 PM
Oh golly gee, how embarassing.

Yeah, not so much. Quit polluting my state and GTFO already.  Unlike you, I AM a rarity in the world--1--a NATIVE Californian, 2--a conservative.  Not sure which is more rare than the other, but put them together, and well, you get the idea.

Personally, I could give two shits whether or not you're Jewish.  I do, OTOH, care that you're a mouth-breathing, sister-****ing, booger-eating idiot.

Bottom line, george?  Quit jacking the bandwidth, fag.
Aww shucks, Goldie.
I was hoping for some kosher espresso.
Maybe you should stop taking your AIDs meds and just die?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Bad Dog on July 17, 2013, 04:33:04 PM
Aww shucks, Goldie.
I was hoping for some kosher espresso.
Maybe you should stop taking your AIDs meds and just die?

Why would you suddenly bring up AIDS Sweetie, did you get it from a dirty needle or some other form of penetration?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Eupher on July 17, 2013, 04:33:47 PM
Why would you suddenly bring up AIDS Sweetie, did you get it from a dirty needle or some other form of penetration?

The turd in the punchbowl finally floated to the top.

And got banned.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 17, 2013, 05:55:31 PM
The turd in the punchbowl finally floated to the top.

And got banned.

Is he gone ? If he is good riddance (Green Day). I just thought of something, while I am opposed in general to banning, if one deserves banning I hope it happens before 1,000 posts, that way they can't access more personal areas of the forum.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: franksolich on July 17, 2013, 06:05:29 PM
Is he gone ? If he is good riddance (Green Day). I just thought of something, while I am opposed in general to banning, if one deserves banning I hope it happens before 1,000 posts, that way they can't access more personal areas of the forum.

So far, in five and a half years, they've all fallen considerably short of a thousand.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Rebel on July 17, 2013, 07:15:48 PM
The turd in the punchbowl finally floated to the top.

And got banned.

****nuts had plenty of time to spread his filth. 110 posts worth. He can't say he was silenced. That's about 109 more posts than we'd get at DU while speaking our true feelings.

Bye dickhead.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: wasp69 on July 17, 2013, 07:35:46 PM
Here's Chomsky's letter.
Do you want to refute any of it or provide primary examples of Rollin's Holocaust denial? (

You had to go and get yourself flushed before i got off of work, didn't you?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: EagleKeeper on July 17, 2013, 07:36:33 PM
****nuts had plenty of time to spread his filth. 110 posts worth. He can't say he was silenced. That's about 109 more posts than we'd get at DU while speaking our true feelings.

Bye dickhead.

Yeah, after about 50 posts or so it was just a hamster exercise wheel of ignorance so it got it's moneys worth.
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Chris_ on July 17, 2013, 07:38:41 PM
Maybe his two-week ban at his other site was up. :whatever:
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: obumazombie on July 17, 2013, 07:41:08 PM
Maybe his two-week ban at his other site was up. :whatever:
Does that mean he left voluntarily, or involuntarily ?
Title: Re: Zionism's Dead End: Separation and Transfer
Post by: Eupher on July 18, 2013, 11:45:14 AM
Does that mean he left voluntarily, or involuntarily ?

I ain't an Admin, obviously, but generally when the word "Banned" appears under their avatar/screen name thingie, that ain't "voluntary."