Author Topic: My business associate and friend is running for the GOP nomination for US Senate  (Read 1775 times)

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Offline GOP Congress

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My friend and business associate, Rich Pezzullo, a Freehold NJ businessman, has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate from New Jersey. Pezzullo is a Tea Party conservative, and has actually run for the US Senate seat in the past (as the Conservative Party nominee in 1996). Rich Pezzullo will continue the fight set in motion by SteveLonegan's energized run, and is easily the most credentialed candidate the GOP has to take on Cory Booker in 2014.

Please go to both his campaign site as well as his Facebook site and contribute what you can. A win by Rich Pezzullo will strike a major blow against the Democrats in the northeast corridor, and will hammer home the need to return this country to conservative values.

Rich Pezullo for Senate campaign site:
Rich Pezullo for Senate Facebook:

I have NEVER personally endorsed anyone before, and it gives me great pleasure to do so with Rich. NJ will definitely be in play this year, and Rich is the man to take the ball and run with it.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2014, 07:10:23 PM by GOP Congress »
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

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Just a reminder: THIS IS RINO SEASON! Don't get blindsided by your local RINO-progressives and make sure they get primaried out by summer!
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

Offline Big Dog

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Good luck to your friend, GOP Congress.

It looks like he would represent your state well.
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Offline obumazombie

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Best of luck. My Dad was from Jersey city. Some of his relatives were still living there the last time I went to Jersey. I don't know if they are still around.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline GOP Congress

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Good luck to your friend, GOP Congress.

It looks like he would represent your state well.

He wouldn't have a chance in my own state, California. But Jersey is another matter...
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

Offline SaintLouieWoman

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SR's sister lives in NJ. Will pass this on and see if she can get all her friends to vote for him, too. Good luck. And good luck getting those RINO's out and solid tea party candidates in.

Offline GOP Congress

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First Ad I produced (demonstration only)
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2014, 07:00:34 PM »
First Demo ad I produced for Rich's campaign. . It's actually not vetted yet for commercial distribution, but emphasizes the Crossroads of the New American Revolution campaign. Voiceover is from Peter Baker, one of BBC's top talents. Shoving it in the libs faces by using BBC English to boot. (50 seconds)
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

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Rich is getting a lot more action lately. Still going to the county seats, he's racked up two county endorsements so far, and has a tentative "lead", but no real "heavyweights" have jumped into the fray yet, which is ok. I suspect one or two may jump in later if Rich starts to distance himself from the field.

Pragmatically, Rich is a longshot here. His name recognition is not as high as Lonegan's was, YET. But the primary season is young in NJ, it lasts until June.

Doing a lot of op research on Booker as it's really pointless to do it on the other primary candidates. The key is that Rich is zeroing in on the millenniels, particularly the ones between 23 and 27, as most of them are facing their first full brunt of adulthood post college, and are the first group of college grads who have it significantly worse than other grads in the past. Rich has more libertarian tendencies which resonates somewhat; the key is that the April-May job offers (specifically, lack of job offers) will help Rich's message. Hint: The current state of Obamacare is really, really despised by the millenniels he's meeting.

But NJ is a leecher state, so it may be for naught. I"ve been phone banking every other night, and the GOP list I created out of the voter registration database is crapola. I suspect Jimmy Hoffa will vote from East Rutherford, along with a lot of other questionable critters. Politics sucks, but I don't look at it as such; this is Fargin' War.

Will keep on keepin' on...
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

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Speech to Ocean City Freedom Club. Contains the entire platform for Rich.

"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

Offline Eupher

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Thanks for the updates, GOP! It's interesting seeing how a candidate prepares for a primary election.
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
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Offline njpines

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He'll get 3 votes from us, GOP! (my son turned 18 in Dec '13 so this will be his first election!)
Piney Power!!

Grow your own dope -- plant a Democrat!

"We will preserve for our children (America), the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."  -- Ronald Reagan.

"Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you." -- Quest for the Holy Grail

Offline GOP Congress

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Thanks for the votes!

As it currently stands, it's been a hectic time for Rich. Keep in mind he's still doing his full-time job at the same time, at least at this stage. In fact, we had to talk while he was on the back in a smelly client server room under some equipment that was around since Apollo 11, just two hours before he had to go to another county line meeting.

To clarify: In NJ, at least on the GOP side, senate contenders go to different county GOP mini-conventions to debate or speak in front of the usually small crowd, and they vie for a "coveted" county line nomination. This is done in most of the counties, and some counties combine their meetings. The results of this meeting gives the state-level GOP the ability to potentially funnel assets into the race, but it is never a definite indicator of which candidate, as county lines tend to be the "political junkies" that may not represent the actual voting public. To me, this is a bit too fuzzy for me, like Common-Core math, but I digress.

Right now, he's in "second" place, with three county line nominations (Brian Goldberg has seven), but is actually in a good position as he is standing out a bit from the other candidates. Goldberg is too "mainstream" (read: establishment, "Christie" wing), while Murray Sabrin is a Libertarian who won't have the ability to work well in the senate, and voters are sensing that. The last guy, Jeff Bell, just moved from Florida in time to turn in his nomination today (March 31), and hasn't shown much in the way of county line presentations.

As objective as I can while acknowledging my own bias, Rich is the best candidate to maintain Tea Party credentials while working to communicate with the progressive RINO's. Note that I didn't say "negotiate," but rather "communicate," as Rich has absolutely no intention on backing off his principles, and will work toward moving the Prog-RINO's back into the fold.

Finally, yes: NJ is a blue state, almost as blue as the Dodgers and their 25+ years without a pennant. Cory Booker has the DUmmie vote, pure and simple, but this race will most probably be a lot closer than the Booker/Lonegan race, which was decided before the crapstorm called Obamacare was launched with a thunk. It's tedious now, but interesting nonetheless.
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

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Another speech, this time to the East Jersey Tea Party group. It lasts half an hour or so, and starts at the 58:30 mark.

So far, he's much more charismatic than even Steve Lonegan (admittedly I'm biased) but his message is exactly what is needed.

Embedding doesn't work on this link, at least I can't get it working. Sorry.
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

Offline Eupher

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GOP, ya gotta take the "s" out of "https:" before the link embeds.

Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
Bach Stradivarius 42OG tenor trombone, built 1992
Kanstul 33-T BBb tuba, built 2011
Fender Precision Bass Guitar, built ?
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Offline GOP Congress

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One week to the June 3 primary!

This week is CRUCIAL for Rich Pezzullo, as he is running in perhaps the most underwatched yet IMPORTANT primary in the country.  He is running either #1 or #2, depending on the poll or the flavor of the day. Nonetheless, he is the most consistently conservative in the race who will caucus with the Ted Cruz / Mike Lee wing of the Republican Party if he wins the primary, then beats Cory Booker.

I'll be blunt: This race is not just important for the senate seat, but this summer there is going to be so much crap going down that being a Democrat (even Cory Booker) will be TOXIC. Even the mainstream (RE: socialist) media will not be able to stop the tide. Benghazi, the IRS Scandal, forced immigration reform attempts through EO's, and now, the VA scandal along with Obamacare will totally whip the GOP into a frenzy this upcoming November.


I've given my limit for both primary and general elections (no primary runoffs), as I am all in for Rich. But the vast majority of his donations are actually in the $10 and $20 range. If you are a US citizen, you can give up to $2,600 for the primary without penalty, but that's a bit much.

I will be blunt: This is probably the most "bang for your buck" donation you will be able to make for a political candidate who represents a major state in which is currently heavily blue (including crony capitalist Chris Christie). Since there is so little interest being put out by the media, Rich is trying to get most of this through social media, as well as buy-ins during the Rush Limbaugh show in the major NJ radio markets (each commercial is $150).

Thanks again. Donations on his website page:

PS> I have no idea what's going on in the NJ GOPC office. They are probably in the crony capitalist pocket shared by Christie, and pragmatically do NOT want to rock the boat. This is where Rich will kick serious ass this summer when he wins the primary.
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

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Latest ad...


Standard ad, but heard on Rush Limbaugh in New Jersey.
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

Offline njpines

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Latest ad...


Standard ad, but heard on Rush Limbaugh in New Jersey.

I'll be there voting for him, GOP  :)
Piney Power!!

Grow your own dope -- plant a Democrat!

"We will preserve for our children (America), the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."  -- Ronald Reagan.

"Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government. You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you." -- Quest for the Holy Grail

Offline GOP Congress

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I'll be there voting for him, GOP  :)

Thanks! While you are at it, get as many friends to vote as possible.

I am not exaggerating when I'm saying that this could be a "sleeper" win for the GOP, and a conservative one to boot. In working with Rich for several years, I know he's the most qualified person, NOT just because of his conservative bonafides, but his ability to engage from a position of strength with the RINO's in the senate. While it's easy to run against the Dems, it's vital that the senate not just become a GOP majority, but to establish a conservative agenda. Keep in mind a RINO-based agenda will secure Obamacare and ensure that this country will never revert back.
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

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We are in the final 48 hours! It's time to get those calls to your New Jersey peeps to get Pezzullo elected in the NJ GOP primary for the US Senate!

As I've said before, this election is a SLEEPER by normal standards. As I've also said before, once the summer hits and the Dem scandals start to emanate to the people, while the mainstream media keeps on dropping like a lead balloon, and Cory Booker's own gaffes and alliances with the wrong Obama people start to stink up the joint, a strong conservative like Rich Pezzullo will definitely get the revolutionary spirit back in NJ politics. The money is not following the candidates now which is actually a GOOD thing, because a win in the primary will be a win done by the GRASSROOTS...that means US!

I've changed my avatar for this very purpose, and hopefully will just make one adjustment Wednesday morning, when I change "Tuesday" to "November." But the next 48 hours is CRITICAL... please get as much support out as you can!


"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

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Well, it was a great run. Rich lost by 3 percentage points to Jeff Bell, who actually ran in the 70's and 80's, but Bell had the backing of Steve Forbes and a crucial endorsement by the Philadelphia Inquirer, both of which significantly contributed to his win. With nothing but social media and knocking on as many doors as possible, Rich still pulled out a very respectable race, and did manage to beat the RINO in the race, as well as the Libertarian cum Republican.

It was my first, and probably only, significant involvement in a political race. It is very exhaustive, but with relatively little money it was well worth the effort. Hopefully, Rich will make another run down the road. He is EXACTLY the kind of politician we need. I wish Jeff Bell the best, and hope he can make a run for Booker, but I suspect he will not do as good as Rich would have done. That's my opinion, but at least Bell is a real conservative as well.

Thanks for all that helped in getting the word out.

Final results:
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

Offline obumazombie

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Congratulations on your results. Sometimes just running is enough of an expression of political will to have an expansive influence.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline Eupher

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My hat's off to you, GOP. You identified a candidate, ran with him, and put your time and effort into him. That speaks volumes! h5.
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
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I just got my "reward." My first ever tax audit in my life. That was fast, less than two weeks after the primary!

They are auditing both 2012 and 2013. I would have posted the notice, but I've decided not to disclose any more information until I can clarify the actual audit requirements with my legal associate. I can only state that every return I've ever submitted has been above board, with no discrepancies. In addition, I don't make enough that would justify an audit of the level they seek. All of this amidst my move from California to Texas.

The only place they could have triggered a need to audit me was from the voter disclosure list that is necessarily public from my political donation of over $200 to a conservative candidate. All I can say is I am now personally involved in the battle, and join the other Tea Party individuals who've been abnormally selected for government oppression. I suspect they had the audit ready before the primary, and would have used it at the time it would cost me the most disruption. Since the primary is over, they wanted to make sure they got me before I fell off the "radar" so to speak.

I probably won't know for sure if the inclusion on the voter donor list was the catalyst, but I'll be blunt: It would not be worth the time for the IRS to audit me on a random basis, based on my proven income and transparent income vehicles. The coincidence is way too obvious here. BantheGOP would be doing cartwheels in unicorn fields at this particular bit of news!
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

Offline obumazombie

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Darn, that really sucks.
Am I the only one to remember how much the libs screamed bloody murder at Nixon's enemies list ? Am I the only one to recall how they screamed up one side and down the other about how unethical and immoral it was to use government entities for political revenge ?
The irony karma and hypocrisy are stunning.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Tell them your computer crashed.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.