Author Topic: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!  (Read 9485 times)

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Offline Las Vegas Leviathan

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Here is a long but entirely necessary post about how 2013 treated Jeanette and I.

Every single word of it is truth.  Pinky swear, cherry on top...the works.

If it's just a tl;dr wall of text to you, please understand that I composed it and posted it out of loneliness and fear in this current moment.  More truth:  I have done my utmost to be self-sufficient during this time, and have actually made myself proud all things considered.  Here is hoping that we'll be back to a semblance of normalcy and more stable health this year, with the help of better medical care.

Oh, and a great and blessed new year to all of you here irrespective of how you feel about Jeanette and I.

Here goes:

So, let me tell you about my 2013. I guess in my life this would be defined as the year of "that which does not kill me will…maybe…somehow...sort of...I suppose...make me stronger." I managed to survive – among other things – a near-death experience, the amputation of a limb, blatant medical malpractice, trying to maintain sanity amidst constant pain, and now having to witness my dear sweet wife of over 10 years attempting to cope with severe medical issues of her own. By the way, have I mentioned that all of this has gone on while we've tried to eke out an existence living well below the poverty line?

Yeah, 2013 was one awesome year.

First, a quick introduction and a bit of back story. I am an emotional food addict – just one among millions – who has paid the price with a lifetime of weight and health issues. My weight peaked at approximately 520 pounds as of about five years ago. Before this I became severely diabetic, and developed circulation problems in my legs which required repeat hospitalizations for cellulitis infections. As a result of this, my mobility steadily declined until I was almost completely unable to walk. If not for the presence of someone in my life whom I loved with every fiber of my being, and who loved me every bit as much, I very likely would not have even cared about my fate. But that power of love is what convinced me that something needed to change, and somehow I was going to stick around. My solution was to adopt a plant-based diet, low in calories and fat but high in healthy carbohydrates and nutrients. Over a period of about four years, my weight got as low as 285. However, because I was uninsured during most of this time, I was unaware that my steady weight loss was not enough to reverse or at least slow my diabetic condition. More about this in just a moment.

My wife, whom I met 2002, had been grossly overweight years before I met her. She stands about 5'3" to my 6'3", and at one point in her life weighed about 250. She was poor, and worked at several menial jobs including one stint at a chicken processing plant near Enid, Oklahoma. Her diet of choice consisted of chicken which she could buy wholesale, and junk food such as Cheetos or chips. Her weight also dropped, until by the time I had met her she was down to a much more healthy range in the 160s. Following my lead, she continued to slowly lose weight and is currently about 145. However, she did not know that she too was in the throes of severe diabetes. In recent years, she has received minimal medical attention for this, but lack of truly adequate resources and medications now has her starting down the same horrible road I have traveled.

Getting back to my experience this past year: as I previously stated, I was down 285 by February and was awash in excitement thinking about being below 300 for the first time in over 20 years, and how awesome I was going to feel when I finally hit my preliminary target weight of 225. But, the most frightening experience of my life caused everything to change. What happened was, I was just sitting in our room watching TV or playing around on my computer, when I stood up to go to the bathroom. Immediately upon standing, my heart began to race, I became very dizzy, and was hardly able to breathe. I thought maybe I was experiencing the onset of a rare random panic attack, because it felt like that but actually far worse. I tried to breathe and calm down, and slowly made my way to the bathroom just to pee. During the two minutes or so that it took me to do this, my legs were trembling so badly and I felt so weak that I seriously thought I was going to pass out. I made my way back to my chair in the bedroom and continued to try and get my breath. Within 15 minutes or so, I started to feel close to normal again. But later when I stood up, the same thing happened again. I then proceeded to tell my wife what was going on, and laid down on the bed saying that if I did not feel any better by later that evening I would need to go to the hospital. At this time I had only Medicare Part A, because I was not aware that there were programs available to help cover the costs associated with Part B. That evening, I was indeed rushed to the hospital, and was found to be severely dehydrated and ketogenic. I also had several infected sites on my left foot which had to be treated with three kinds of IV antibiotics over a course of 42 days.

I began my hospitalization at Desert Springs hospital, which is just over a mile away from my home. Once I was stable I was transferred to a long-term care facility where I finished my antibiotics and was deemed fit to go home. This all would have been well and good, but for the fact that I was assigned the single most incompetent and ineffective doctor I have ever dealt with or heard of in my life. Now, keep in mind that one of my conditions brought on by severe obesity is a tendency to retain large amounts of fluid, especially in my legs. When they told me I was dehydrated upon admission, I took it for granted that my weight would not remain at 285. I expected that maybe I would jump back up to about 300 or 310 and then slowly start losing weight again with the almost entirely vegetable diet I consumed while in the hospital. I also figured that I would likely be put on a diuretic such as Lasix to keep my water retention from becoming extreme. Over the course of my first 30 days in the hospital and care facility, my weight skyrocketed all the way to 354. That is a gain of 69 pounds in one month, and nearly all of it was in my bruised and infected legs. I was being weighed several times a week, and once I passed 310 pounds in but a matter of days, I made it very clear to my nurses and this idiot of a doctor that I wanted to be placed on a diuretic. Despite the fact that my insurance at the time did not allow for any visits to specialists on an outpatient basis, I was instead scheduled to see a cardiologist. This visit consisted of me filling out the required paperwork, only to be told there was no way I could be seen, even though I made that abundantly clear in the days prior to that appointment. This doctor also was very adamant about wanting to discharge me straight home rather than to a long-term care facility without even taking the step of verifying whether or not I had a bone infection in my foot or leg, despite all appearances suggesting that I did. My wife and I had to invoke my right to not be discharged due to lack of proper care, whereupon in a matter of just an hour or two I was whisked down to the imaging room for an MRI. This did in fact show that I had bone infections in both my big toe and heel of my left foot. Would anybody like to explain to me how home health nurses would've been properly equipped to deal with this? To make a long story short, I was finally put on doses of a diuretic, and my legs were lightly compressed to help bring down swelling which became so bad that I almost needed help to swing my legs up into bed as they had become so heavy. Ultimately, I fired that quack of a doctor, and was assigned a new one who actually acted like she gave a damn about my health and my recovery.

I came home to another problem which had become completely out of control. My wife and I lived in an apartment with a long time friend of mine, who was unfortunately suffering from depression and who also was a food addict who, as he was approaching his 60th birthday, had begun to let his hygiene and personal space go completely to ruin. This led to infestations of both roaches and bedbugs, as well as a pervasive nasty odor throughout the entire apartment. Our cats had their litter boxes in our room, yet our room was by far the cleanest looking and smelling area of the house. It was so bad that the home health agency I was assigned actually refused to see me anymore. So, we decided that in spite of very limited funds due to my disability checks being our only income, we would have to find a way to move. I was granted the freedom to get out and about once again with the help of a power chair, so my wife and I cruised all over the neighborhood looking for a new place. We settled on some studio apartments which are literally in the shadow of the UNLV campus. We urged our roommate to go ahead and move with us into his own separate apartment so that we could remain friends (because he is a great guy with a heart of gold in spite of his issues), and we would be able to help each other if we needed it. He agreed to do this, and we all set our moving date for the month of September. Naturally, this is where things on my end really go completely to shit.

During the latter half of August, I once again started feeling really weak and just generally like things with me were not right. I had full Medicare by this point, so I was seeing specialists for wound care and pain management. The wound care doctor I was seeing was another absolute moron. The wound on my heel developed into an opening big enough to stick a finger into, and all the way down along the bones of the foot, and I took my wife's word for it that this smelled absolutely horrific. The wound care doctor did a culture on the outside of the wound, and claimed it came back negative. He never bothered to order any kind of test which would have revealed that my bone had turned completely gangrenous and rotten. So here I am, August winding down and a major move on the horizon, and I am becoming increasingly weak and confused. On August 29th, my wife came home from running an errand to find me collapsed on the floor in our room next to the bed, begging for her to help me up and back into bed. I was otherwise completely incoherent and barely responsive, so the paramedics were called immediately. I was rushed back to Desert Springs hospital, and this is when that same doctor I had earlier in the year was assigned to me again, and this time he literally nearly killed me.

My memories of the 29th through 31st of August are nearly nonexistent, but let me go over what little I do remember.

I have very vague memories of trying to fight the staff in the emergency room. My wife was there and trying desperately to calm me down. She claims that I actually pushed her, hard enough to nearly knock her off balance. The ER staff was trying to get security to put restraints on me while my poor wife frantically explained that in the 11 years we had known each other, I had never behaved violently toward her – not even once.

I then remember having the very same quack son of a you know what doctor coming into my room at his usual midnight or 2 AM, and me begging him to actually pay attention to me and to make sure I got the best possible standard of care. He assured me that oh, yes, he was going to do an excellent job this time.

Next, I remember on the afternoon of the 30th, a specialist came to my room while my wife sat with me and held my increasingly unresponsive hand in lieu of being home and packing for our move. Neither of us remember whether this specialist was a foot doctor or a wound doctor, but I very much remember him telling us that at the very least, my foot was done for. All I could do while lying in that bed was nod my head and feebly agree, as did my wife who could no longer bear to see me suffering. This specialist then went out into the hallway and met with my assigned quack useless idiot mother****er of a doctor, and argued with him over what was going to happen next. The specialist was shot down by the quack, and instead of being scheduled for amputation surgery, I was discharged to a long-term care center different from the first one I had gone to previously, which was fairly good. This new place was next door to Sunrise Hospital. I was there for a total of 23 hours, during which time my final memory was of my wife having to go to the other unoccupied bed in my room to watch TV because the one on my side was broken. I became too unresponsive to eat or respond to any sort of stimulus. Finally, a staff doctor was brought in to determine that I was on the brink of death and needed immediate emergency care.

I was rushed to Sunrise Hospital, where I quickly was treated for near fatal sepsis, had my left leg amputated just below the knee, and remained in intensive care for over a week while only given a 50-50 chance of survival. Needless to say, the primary doctor was now a completely different person. Through all of this, my wife somehow managed to coordinate our move to the new apartment, while visiting me regularly and keeping my spirits up. She truly deserves the best of health and everything life has to offer. To know that she has remained by my side throughout these recent ordeals is absolutely amazing. I am thus saddened all the more to see her own health now going into decline because of emotional issues and bad food choices which she made many years ago.

My story of 2013 ends – and that of 2014 begins – with a small ulcer on her big toe turning into her very own bone infection, for which she is currently now also in Sunrise Hospital, where she will be undergoing surgery to remove that toe plus some of the bone behind it. Thanks to the affordable care act, she is going to be eligible for Medicare herself, but the system here in Nevada is very bogged down and so there have been delays in getting her coverage up to speed. This may affect how soon after surgery she will be coming home, and if it happens sooner rather than later we may be in a world of problems. I am here alone with our cats and only three short visits from a home health nurse per week. The agency's Social worker will be coming by on Saturday to discuss any possible help which may be available to me for cleaning, cooking, and other tasks which I am either only marginally able or completely unable to do without assistance. Our previous roommate can help me with very simple things, but he is also not in great health and his personal care is a little better but honestly is still in need of work.

As for the complete waste of oxygen who was supposedly in charge of my care in the hospital when he wasn't busy trying to kill me, all attempts to sue him for his blatant malpractice have led nowhere. Between "tort reform" and the fact that my diabetes related health problems occurred because I was previously diabetic, no attorney I spoke with even had the slightest interest in taking what I feel would be an open and shut case, given that an expert opinion was overridden when I was clearly at death's door.

So, I guess we shall remain poor and just barely scraping by until my wife's disability is hopefully approved. We both agree that in her current condition it would be a fool's errand to try and find any sort of steady employment as she is simply way too much of a risk, and there is no telling if another small wound on her legs could almost instantly become yet another crisis.

I know that there are literally millions of people in this country who have it as bad as we do, or even far worse. I also know that more than a few of you are members of message boards such as this one. I thank you for allowing me this opportunity to unload a great emotional and physical burden, and for dignifying this very long post with a read.

May all of our 2014's be better than the horror – which for me at least – comprised 2013.

Offline obumazombie

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2014, 07:00:25 AM »
Why couldn't you post your essay in paragraph length installments ?
Say for instance a paragraph following any comment.
That might limit you somewhat though.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline Freeper

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2014, 07:09:13 AM »
You need to sign up for wishadupe I'm sure your generous buddies at DU will shower you with riches, or k&r and healing white light.
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

Offline franksolich

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2014, 07:14:48 AM »
Thanks for the update.

Bad things happen to people all the time, and we're ultimately measured by how we handle them.

I always thought, personally, your biggest flaw was a lack of imagination, creativity, in problem-solving, and then following that, a lack of audacity.  You're in a bad situation, and expanding your mind so as to see more of what's in people and the world, would open up new options for dealing with those problems and hassles bedeviling you.

I surely hope you find a larger sense of imagination and creativity.....and after that, acquire audacity.

Dare to do the new or untried, even if it ends with egg in the face or miserable failure.  Dare, and dare, and dare again, dare despite all the seeming odds against it.  We all make mistakes--I've made mountains of them--but life gives us infinite chances, not just a few, to make things better.

Good luck, and may 2014 be better.  
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2014, 07:15:01 AM »
Shit, Kirk. My eyes glazed over in the first paragraph, so I scrolled down to the last sentence for the conclusion.

All I have to say to you is this: Stop whining, pull up your big girl panties, and act like a man. Get your *******ed Democrat pickpocket hand out my wallet, and make yourself useful.

In conclusion: If you and your wife refuse to take care of yourselves, but expect all the rest of us to support your asses for life, then the human gene pool is fortunate you haven't reproduced.
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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2014, 07:16:37 AM »
Mornin' LVL.
Haven't seen you over here for a while.
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2014, 07:18:38 AM »
So, I guess we shall remain poor and just barely scraping by until my wife's disability is hopefully approved.

Only if you choose to.

Thinking that a disability check for whatever ails your wife is somehow your ticket to a better standard of living is a pretty shitty way for a grown adult to handle their financial planning.

You are what you make of yourself.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Creator of the largest Fight Club thread ever!

Offline franksolich

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2014, 07:23:12 AM »
Whoa, wait, your title.

We've seen your threads on Skins's island and elsewhere, but in homage to the fact that you had more backbone, more spine, than the general run of primitives, we purposely laid off.

A primitive actually registering and showing up here--Atman and :jugs: :yahoo: excepted, of course--instead of hiding behind Skins's skirts--does garner brownie points with us.
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

Offline Las Vegas Leviathan

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2014, 07:34:42 AM »
Only if you choose to.

Thinking that a disability check for whatever ails your wife is somehow your ticket to a better standard of living is a pretty shitty way for a grown adult to handle their financial planning.

You are what you make of yourself.

It's an absolute last resort.  Not proud of it in the slightest, but yes -- an extra few hundred per month would put us where we could get basic needs met and maybe even have a few bucks to see a movie or something now and then.

Just a few of the tales of Jeanette's job hunting are documented here.  She really and truly busted her ass and was given nothing but the short end in interviews and constantly being told that places weren't hiring.

In fact, she was gearing up to go through another major round of applications (many of which are now computerized, cover multiple job sites with one application, and can only be renewed every 3 or 6 months) when her toe turned swollen and nearly black.

Very few people actually choose a paltry government check over work.  I worked for over 20 years with only one 3-month period of unemployment during the recession of the early 90s.  I worked for a couple of years as a "floater" cashier for a convenience store chain, driving all over greater Minneapolis-St. Paul and pulling 75-80 hour weeks for months on end.  I then did the casino thing for 9 years straight and could never get into a job that paid over $30k per year, simply because of my credit score which was crap due to (guess what?) medical debt.

I own my health and my screw-ups due to emotional issues.  Jeanette does too.  But what's done is done and nobody deserves dying homeless and broke.

I'll tell you what:  If I were to discover that someone here - even someone who has held us in great disdain - were struck by an accident, illness due to a vice catching up to them, or anything else which left them in dire straits, I'd still be one of those voices demanding that they be granted basic security.  And if nobody else could step up to help then I'd damn well want our government to take care of it.  Anything less is total barbarism and anarchy to me.  YMMV....

Offline Las Vegas Leviathan

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2014, 07:38:27 AM »
Whoa, wait, your title.

We've seen your threads on Skins's island and elsewhere, but in homage to the fact that you had more backbone, more spine, than the general run of primitives, we purposely laid off.

A primitive actually registering and showing up here--Atman and :jugs: :yahoo: excepted, of course--instead of hiding behind Skins's skirts--does garner brownie points with us.

The title was an attempt at humor and not an insult or accusation.  As I already said, I've been up forever and I'm just trying to pull through until Jeanette is safely out of surgery, which is scheduled for sometime today.  Not sure if morning or afternoon yet, but I'll be rolling over there to keep her company as she wakes up, soon as my nurse is done with me and the floor's clean, cats fed and clean litter, etc....  Even that basic stuff wears me out, but I'm not just giving in.

Offline BlueStateSaint

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2014, 07:47:43 AM »
Well, Kirk, I wish Jeanette the best in her surgery.  May it be successful, God willing. :cheersmate:

Also, H5 for showing back up here.
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don't sit looking at it - walk!" -Ayn Rand
"Those that trust God with their safety must yet use proper means for their safety, otherwise they tempt Him, and do not trust Him.  God will provide, but so must we also." - Matthew Henry, Commentary on 2 Chronicles 32, from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible

"These anti-gun fools are more dangerous to liberty than street criminals or foreign spies."--Theodore Haas, Dachau Survivor

Chase her.
Chase her even when she's yours.
That's the only way you'll be assured to never lose her.

Offline franksolich

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2014, 07:48:26 AM »
The title was an attempt at humor and not an insult or accusation.  As I already said, I've been up forever and I'm just trying to pull through until Jeanette is safely out of surgery, which is scheduled for sometime today.  Not sure if morning or afternoon yet, but I'll be rolling over there to keep her company as she wakes up, soon as my nurse is done with me and the floor's clean, cats fed and clean litter, etc....  Even that basic stuff wears me out, but I'm not just giving in.

Well, now you know why you haven't been featured here.

I didn't think it as an "insult" or "accusation," but more as an expression of surprise that you haven't been featured in the DUmpster for the longest time.

Well, now you know; when a primitive has the balls to come over here, register, and gab a bit with us, the primitive earns at least grudging respect. 

Nobody forbids a member from posting about a certain primitive--although I tend to get rather grouchy when someone brings up my good pal Manny, the "MannyGoldstein" primitive--it just happens naturally, this recession from parody and criticism.

That's a lesson the sparkling old dude never understood.  He came over here, he registered, but then he never said anything.  Trust me, many people here would've jumped at an opportunity to chew the fat with the sparkling old dude, but he just wouldn't do it.

In case you don't know, the sparkling old dude has pretty much "retired" from Skins's island allegedly because we make fun of him.  Well, it's his own fault.  If he'd dialogued with us a bit, there would've evolved some respect for him, and Hell, he might've even been made moderator of the cooking and baking forum here.

We don't like our hand of friendship being spurned--and that is the best way for a primitive to be featured in the DUmpster.
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

Offline obumazombie

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2014, 08:01:58 AM »
"Nobody deserves to die homeless and broke"
Let me mull on that for awhile.
I may declare that a basic human right.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline franksolich

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2014, 08:02:16 AM »

The best way to make an enemy of a man is by telling him he doesn't count, he doesn't matter.

When J.C. Superstar told this, during the late 1970s, to members of a religious denomination predominant in the southern states--that they didn't count, they didn't matter--well, suddenly we got the "religious right" (quotation marks intentional), which happily proved they do count, they do matter, and it's a good idea to respect them.

That's right; Jimmy Carter created the "religious right," by telling them they didn't matter.

And as walrus-face, the brain-damaged primitive, found out a few months ago, after saying we didn't matter, learned, we do in fact matter, and it's a good idea to pay some attention to us.
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

Offline Las Vegas Leviathan

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2014, 08:09:14 AM »
Well, now you know why you haven't been featured here.

I didn't think it as an "insult" or "accusation," but more as an expression of surprise that you haven't been featured in the DUmpster for the longest time.

Well, now you know; when a primitive has the balls to come over here, register, and gab a bit with us, the primitive earns at least grudging respect. 

Nobody forbids a member from posting about a certain primitive--although I tend to get rather grouchy when someone brings up my good pal Manny, the "MannyGoldstein" primitive--it just happens naturally, this recession from parody and criticism.

That's a lesson the sparkling old dude never understood.  He came over here, he registered, but then he never said anything.  Trust me, many people here would've jumped at an opportunity to chew the fat with the sparkling old dude, but he just wouldn't do it.

In case you don't know, the sparkling old dude has pretty much "retired" from Skins's island allegedly because we make fun of him.  Well, it's his own fault.  If he'd dialogued with us a bit, there would've evolved some respect for him, and Hell, he might've even been made moderator of the cooking and baking forum here.

We don't like our hand of friendship being spurned--and that is the best way for a primitive to be featured in the DUmpster.

The only reason you didn't see much out of me in 2013 was I was in one medical facility or another for 126 days out of the year, and none of them even had so much as a couple of old laptops on a card table for patients to go online with.  Not even reliable wi-fi, not that we had a capable device until it became absolutely necessary to get a cheap smart phone for Jeanette to coordinate our move, calls to/from this or that government agency, and even prospective employers whilst spending time with me.

Nevada health care standards are ranked near the bottom in the US for a reason.

Oh, and I actually agree with you on many levels with regards to the whole creativity and audacity thing.  I know why I have chosen to keep my inner self cooped up and out of the light now.  It's something that I needed a long time to come to grips with and I'm finally trying to change that.  Better late than never...?

The audacity came on in a rush when I tried to comprehend a doctor actually waving off the opinion of an expert in my needed field who knew I was dying.  That 23 hours in a really, really bad nursing place was nearly it.  I found less than half a dozen malpractice attorneys who would even grant me a quick interview with a secretary, and they all refused to take a case which was THAT clear-cut because damage caps are set so ridiculously low in this state now.  "You mean your diabetic amputation was due to your being diabetic?  Well sorry, but our little risk/reward formula says your percentages are too low.  Have a nice day!"  If a doctor denied you a needed treatment and then you found out about it after nearly dying from such basic neglect, I'd want you to get a settlement no matter who you are.  Maybe not millions, but give me a break!  Everyone's life has a value in the face of that degree of neglect.

And just so you know, I have never attempted - or even seriously considered - a court case against anyone until now, except for one other person who nailed me on my bicycle in a hit-and-run in the late summer of 1988.  I sent another driver after that asswipe to get the plate numbers, and the guy almost caught up and got it, but the next light turned red.

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #15 on: January 10, 2014, 08:12:02 AM »
Well, Kirk, I wish Jeanette the best in her surgery.  May it be successful, God willing. :cheersmate:

Also, H5 for showing back up here.

You'll know about it either on the DU or here, no later than Saturday morning.  It's all up to how close I am to passing out when I come home from visiting her later today.

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2014, 08:12:33 AM »
Better late than never...?

Yes, of course, better late than never.
apres moi, le deluge

Milo Yiannopoulos "It has been obvious since 2016 that Trump carries an anointing of some kind. My American friends, are you so blind to reason, and deaf to Heaven? Can he do all this, and cannot get a crown? This man is your King. Coronate him, and watch every devil shriek, and every demon howl."

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2014, 08:23:18 AM »
Well,assuming all of this is true,it sure has been a rotten year for both of you.
The question now is whether you let it make you or break you and that is solely in your hands.

I am going to talk to you as a man and be honest,given how excited lawyers are to take up malpractice cases and none will touch it then my gut feeling is that some details may have been "forgotten" here.
Regardless,do wish you can still both become productive members of society even if it means volunteer work trying to keep others from going down the road you did.

A question now have the best medical care our tax dollars can buy (not snarky,a fact) and even if half of what you describe is true then do you see the reality of what socialized medicine brings and why so many come here for private treatment outside government funds?

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2014, 08:53:04 AM »
Here goes:

If you're going for comparisons of reaction, here's what I see.

Yes, you're getting sympathetic posts from DU, but what they have to offer lands you in the same place a year from now that you're already in.

The suggestions here my be tougher, but taking the overall emphasis to stop focusing on the negative and doing what you can to create some positive at least gives you a fighting chance to improve.

2013 was a lousy year for a lot of people, me included. 2014 isn't looking to be that much better for most people, if any at all. But it is what you make of it. I don't want sympathy for 2013 or even a reassuring pat on the back that it's OK. But what some people might need is a "tighten your belt and get positive about what you can control" type speech. So, get doing what you can do (And no, that isn't an invite that I want to hear about it).

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2014, 09:44:22 AM »
"Nobody deserves to die homeless and broke"
Let me mull on that for awhile.
I may declare that a basic human right.

Oh, I've known people who deserved it plenty.
Go and tell the Spartans, O traveler passing by
That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2014, 09:47:34 AM »
Wow, Kirk, you gave us a whole 1/2 hour to find your 2013 saga?  While I'm sorry you and Jeannette have gone through hell in 2013, there are even more people with sad, sad stories to tell from 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.  

You know, the ones who worked in the coal mines and lost their jobs and way of living because you dipshits believed in a slick marketing campaign by David Axelrod and David Plouffe?  You and your fellow idiots elected Barack Obama, a guy who never held any meaningful job in his life.  Yeah, that guy.

What about the people whose companies have been forced to be so lean because of a burdensome tax policy?  You know, those 40 and 50-something men and women who have saved and scrimped their entire lives who lost everything because bank lenders were forced to give mortgages to people who they knew couldn't afford it?

Let's not even get into Obamacare, which forced me out of business after 15 years, a business I started from the ground up.  A business where I worked seven days per week, sometimes 12 to 15 hours per day. 

My husband is one of those 50-something year old men who has worked his ass off his entire life.  We have lived a relatively frugal life so we could save our money, put our son through college, and take care of ourselves as we grew older.  Yes, he still has a job but who knows when it will end?  And while he makes a very good living and is paid well for his years of service, we are being taxed to death.  

So excuse me if I feel very little sympathy for you. If you voted for Barack Obama and any other democrat, you are really reaping what you have sown.  

What socialism has done for Detroit, Barack Obama and his merry band of thieves in congress and the senate are well on their way to doing for the rest of the country.  

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2014, 10:04:01 AM »
"Nobody deserves to die homeless and broke"

Did that barely-sentient sponge really write that?

What a load of shit.

Kirk, no man deserves any physical thing in this life. Your natural right to Property (home and money, to use your specific examples) extends only as far as your ability to make, earn, or trade for them. You have no claim on the property of another man, just because you want (or "need", to use the language of the Moochers) them.

If you die homeless and broke, it will be the natural consequence of your life choices. And you certainly deserve to receive the consequences of your actions.
Government is the negation of liberty.
  -Ludwig von Mises


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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2014, 10:09:08 AM »
I think Kirk needs to come to an understanding what conservatism is all about.

Most of us at conservative cave are compassionate conservatives and the rest are libertarian.  I'm a compassionate conservatarian.  I believe there are people in this country who need help through government means.  I have no problem paying taxes for those people, you included.  But what's happened is the liberals in this country have made it so easy for people to be labeled as "disabled" and for young women to continue to have baby after baby and to rely on the government to take care of them. 

Abortion, gay marriage?  Who cares?  I don't.  That's your business. 

We compassionate conservatives are being asked to care for so many people (some deserving, many NOT deserving) while also having to take care of ourselves and our families.  At some point, the bubble is going to break.  We are very close to the breaking point. 

When government is small and more people are allowed to keep more of the money they earn, they spend, businesses will hire and more people will pay taxes into the government.  The limited government will then have more than enough money to pay for those who are truly disabled and the elderly. 

Conservatives aren't racists, sexists, or homophobes.  As Rush Limbaugh says, we want everyone to be successful. Most conservatives don't look at people and see the color of their skin or what sex they are.  We see people who have potential to be the best they can be.  Liberals have made it so that those who do reach their potential are punished through taxation and name-calling. 

You really do need to get off of the democratic underground, stop watching MSNBC and listen to Rush Limbaugh every day for a month.  I would bet that by the end of that month, you would see what I'm talking about.

Up for the challenge, Kirk? 

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2014, 10:31:37 AM »
Did that barely-sentient sponge really write that?

What a load of shit.

Kirk, no man deserves any physical thing in this life. Your natural right to Property (home and money, to use your specific examples) extends only as far as your ability to make, earn, or trade for them. You have no claim on the property of another man, just because you want (or "need", to use the language of the Moochers) them.

If you die homeless and broke, it will be the natural consequence of your life choices. And you certainly deserve to receive the consequences of your actions.

Yikes ! You told a lib that there are consequences for actions. They HATE that.
I once considered not having consequences for actions be declared a basic human right.
But I haven't been able to work out all the little details yet.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: Hey, guys?!? Y'all slowing down? This has been up for half an hour!
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2014, 10:53:35 AM »
Hopefully, loconuts will read and reflect upon this tale.  This is your future loconuts.