Author Topic: Hey DUmbass Feminazis. This is why we teach our women how to avoid being raped.  (Read 5387 times)

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Offline Dori

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Interesting story you gave.    Have you forgotten the saying " Candy is dandy but liqueur is quicker "?

I cannot fault you and your perceived,  ideas on what took place before and after a black out . Actually you have a darn good memory to recall anything about the attack.

  Are you sure it even happened at all and putting past experiences into the mess, anyone would have after drinking a full bottle of Rum----- .No telling what was going on in your fried brain when you awoke back on the couch with a head banger from hell.    

Now I would advise you of only one thing, do not post criminal records of anyone not charged and found guilty on the internet.     If this had gone to court and the male was found guilty of assaulting you, then they are fair game.    Also the old bugaboo of being  attacked twice comes in here, first the crime and then the court system and defense that would have torn you story to shreds.

I know the victims past conduct cannot be brought up at trial but a young lawyer practicing defense can insinuate it was all your fault.      One cannot lay down on the rail road tracks then sue the train company for running over them.

We all assume risks in life as adults, be it a slip in the tub and knocking ones head and drowning to going to bed forgetting to lock the front door.

As I see it you went knowingly to a mans home after hearing him slur his words on the phone.  There was a second male there and the 3 of you drank a whole bottle of Rum.   You do remember passing out on the couch and waking up on the couch.  Somehow in your story you awoke in his bed and remembered the state of your bra.  No more mention of the other man in the apartment.  Rape  kit at the hospital a day or so later found no signs of sex except as you say some kind of lubricant.

Now how many men who are drunk to the gills will even think of a condom or lubricant, darn these rapists are becoming real fancy about raping an unconscious woman.

NOW for your enjoyment  KAMA-------Man found guilty for raping a woman was given the good news first by the court------3-5 years for the rape, bad news the woman has AIDS.    Records showed the male fainted dead away.

Vesta.....I'm impressed    :-)

“How fortunate for governments that the people     they administer don't think”  Adolph Hitler

Offline Dori

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When my boys started dating, I did warn them that there are some women out there that could cry rape and ruin their lives.

“How fortunate for governments that the people     they administer don't think”  Adolph Hitler

Offline lorelai

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Are you sure it even happened at all and putting past experiences into the mess, anyone would have after drinking a full bottle of Rum----- .No telling what was going on in your fried brain when you awoke back on the couch with a head banger from hell.    

Now I would advise you of only one thing, do not post criminal records of anyone not charged and found guilty on the internet.     If this had gone to court and the male was found guilty of assaulting you, then they are fair game.    Also the old bugaboo of being  attacked twice comes in here, first the crime and then the court system and defense that would have torn you story to shreds.

We all assume risks in life as adults, be it a slip in the tub and knocking ones head and drowning to going to bed forgetting to lock the front door.

As I see it you went knowingly to a mans home after hearing him slur his words on the phone.  There was a second male there and the 3 of you drank a whole bottle of Rum.   You do remember passing out on the couch and waking up on the couch.  Somehow in your story you awoke in his bed and remembered the state of your bra.  No more mention of the other man in the apartment.  Rape  kit at the hospital a day or so later found no signs of sex except as you say some kind of lubricant.

Now how many men who are drunk to the gills will even think of a condom or lubricant, darn these rapists are becoming real fancy about raping an unconscious woman.

NOW for your enjoyment  KAMA-------Man found guilty for raping a woman was given the good news first by the court------3-5 years for the rape, bad news the woman has AIDS.    Records showed the male fainted dead away.

Slightly incorrect, sorry if I wasn't clear.  No, I woke up in his bed, to penetration, it felt like coming out of a tunnel, when I said "No" and he didn't stop, that's when the adrenaline finally kicked in enough for me to engage in the "flight" response... just not far enough.  I've wished I'd ran to neighbors apartments and knocked on doors instead of just running back to the couch and curling up in a ball.  That's the first memory I have after falling asleep on the couch, waking up to penetration -- and I spent more time than I probably should have in the weeks after trying to remember anything else before that.  His friend was no longer there.  His friend said when he left, I was still asleep on the couch, and the reason the guy who I had known for three years and trusted had to follow him to the front door is his building was one of those complexes where you can only lock it from the inside.

That's why my first question, when he came out, was "How did I get in your bed?".  If he'd said I'd walked there, I'd have believed him and thought it was a blackout.  When he said he'd tried to shake my shoulder because he thought I'd be more comfortable on the bed, and then carried me, it really freaked me out that I couldn't remember any of that and was surprised the alcohol had made me actually pass out or sleep THAT deeply -- I took my last shot and said "Goodnight" then went to sleep.  I imagine it was the one shot too many that had I been awake when it hit, I would have hit blackout level.  And I wasn't hung-over.  That's why I know I have the potential to be a real alcoholic if I ever drank routinely.

My drinking behavior has been much more responsible since that day in April of 2012 (and mugshots of people arrested for other crimes are routinely posted on the Internet, it was how I found out he had gotten in trouble with the law again).  That NYE, I stuck with mimosas and since they require champagne, there wasn't a lot there -- I think I had four, or equivalent of 2 glasses of champagne.  Since then, I've drank a beer with the boyfriend I have had for the last year, since he buys good bear and not swill, but that's it.  I've never kept it in my home or drank when I was unhappy to try to escape, because of my own alcoholic father.  If I ever binge-drink again, I'll decide that AA's philosophy -- not another drink, ever -- is going to be my motto.


And enough of what people are referring to as a "bouncy".  Only making this reply because you had misunderstood something fairly vital.

Offline Celtic Rose

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When my boys started dating, I did warn them that there are some women out there that could cry rape and ruin their lives.

I have an acquaintance (friend of friend's brother) who ended up in jail for several years shortly after turning 21.  He was at a bar celebrating being able to legally drink, took a girl home who had a fake ID good enough to get into a bar.  Ends up she was 16 or 17, her father found out and pressed charges, and he was convicted of statutory rape. 

Offline Dori

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I have an acquaintance (friend of friend's brother) who ended up in jail for several years shortly after turning 21.  He was at a bar celebrating being able to legally drink, took a girl home who had a fake ID good enough to get into a bar.  Ends up she was 16 or 17, her father found out and pressed charges, and he was convicted of statutory rape. 

Exactly my point.  Teaching girls about how to protect themselves from rape is important, but it's just as important to teach boys about avoiding the dangers of being wrongly accused too. 

This is why sex shouldn't be treated as a casual fun activity without first being in a loving and committed relationship.



“How fortunate for governments that the people     they administer don't think”  Adolph Hitler

Offline lorelai

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Do you understand the point made though how this leftist push to redefine rape as almost anytime two people have sex trivializes the trauma of an actual brutal attack?

You know something odd?  Women who are attacked by strangers generally recover emotionally faster.  They generally have more support from friends and family, so don't blame themselves as much for trusting the wrong person, as is the case in acquaintance rape. 

I am curious, though, what your definition of an "actual brutal attack" is.  Of the FBI-classified types of rapists (, power-reassurance rapists often try to make their victims as comfortable as possible and apologize for what they did.  They are the most likely to be frightened off if the woman resists, and crying can often make them stop.  Yet, they may still have (or pretend to have) a weapon and threaten to use it in a "Please, I don't want to have to use this..." type way.  They may even try to make the woman's body enjoy the attack. 

Is that still an actual brutal attack, or does it have to be a power-assertive or an anger rapist?  I imagine your answer is that yes, it's an actual brutal attack, given that these are generally also stalkers who pre-select their victims, but *she* may or may not know them.

What about this?  (As I said, I'm not talking about myself in any of these examples anymore, these are just hypotheticals).  Guy fools around with girl.  Girl says she doesn't want to go any further (before penetration).  The guy maybe had a drink that night, and was a little angry -- he'd just taken her out to dinner for the sixth time, for goodness's sake!  A prostitute would be cheaper!  He starts to guilt-trip her, cajole, beg, plead, complain about pain.... 

There's one of two outcomes on the girl's end -- hold to her "No", or to reluctantly give in out of guilt.

And the guy can respond one of two ways to her "No" -- he can either deal with BBs, or he could force her.

If he forces her, I hope you consider that an actual brutal attack, even if he may not use a weapon other than the fact of his own physical strength and the fact they may already be naked.

But is verbal coercion *right*?  Not rape, but is it *right* to do, whether she gives in or not?  Wouldn't it be better to teach both genders that it's much more fun when both parties want it, otherwise you are pretty much (sorry to be gross) masturbating with another human being instead of your hand?

Offline Carl

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You know something odd?  Women who are attacked by strangers generally recover emotionally faster.  They generally have more support from friends and family, so don't blame themselves as much for trusting the wrong person, as is the case in acquaintance rape. 

I am curious, though, what your definition of an "actual brutal attack" is.  Of the FBI-classified types of rapists (, power-reassurance rapists often try to make their victims as comfortable as possible and apologize for what they did.  They are the most likely to be frightened off if the woman resists, and crying can often make them stop.  Yet, they may still have (or pretend to have) a weapon and threaten to use it in a "Please, I don't want to have to use this..." type way.  They may even try to make the woman's body enjoy the attack. 

Is that still an actual brutal attack, or does it have to be a power-assertive or an anger rapist?  I imagine your answer is that yes, it's an actual brutal attack, given that these are generally also stalkers who pre-select their victims, but *she* may or may not know them.

What about this?  (As I said, I'm not talking about myself in any of these examples anymore, these are just hypotheticals).  Guy fools around with girl.  Girl says she doesn't want to go any further (before penetration).  The guy maybe had a drink that night, and was a little angry -- he'd just taken her out to dinner for the sixth time, for goodness's sake!  A prostitute would be cheaper!  He starts to guilt-trip her, cajole, beg, plead, complain about pain.... 

There's one of two outcomes on the girl's end -- hold to her "No", or to reluctantly give in out of guilt.

And the guy can respond one of two ways to her "No" -- he can either deal with BBs, or he could force her.

If he forces her, I hope you consider that an actual brutal attack, even if he may not use a weapon other than the fact of his own physical strength and the fact they may already be naked.

But is verbal coercion *right*?  Not rape, but is it *right* to do, whether she gives in or not?  Wouldn't it be better to teach both genders that it's much more fun when both parties want it, otherwise you are pretty much (sorry to be gross) masturbating with another human being instead of your hand?

You are deliberately avoiding reality with all kinds of "what if" strawmen.
Quite frankly I think it is a shame to equate what you assert happened (again,an almost perfectly vague situation where the only essence of rape is an after the fact accusation with even then conflicting elements) and someone who was violently attacked and/or forced against her will.
No matter what you believe there is no real evidence that such a thing happened in your story,I am sorry but am guessing the selective moments of memory you have are a contributing factor into why no charges were filed.

Maybe,just maybe a person would be better off saying to themselves in your case..."Boy,did I ever eff up and won`t do that again" but to assign to it some variety of trauma is to me typical leftist deflection of fault.
I am not blaming a victim I simply don`t believe any element of your tale,true or not makes you one.

Offline lorelai

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I have an acquaintance (friend of friend's brother) who ended up in jail for several years shortly after turning 21.  He was at a bar celebrating being able to legally drink, took a girl home who had a fake ID good enough to get into a bar.  Ends up she was 16 or 17, her father found out and pressed charges, and he was convicted of statutory rape. 

I have a friend who was accused of raping someone when he wasn't even there -- he was doing something like KJing at another location with so many witnesses she was prosecuted for her obvious lie.  He is one who never, even if he's had sex with a girl before, have sex if she has even one drink..... because she accused him of getting her drunk at his house.

Offline lorelai

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You are deliberately avoiding reality with all kinds of "what if" strawmen.
Quite frankly I think it is a shame to equate what you assert happened (again,an almost perfectly vague situation where the only essence of rape is an after the fact accusation with even then conflicting elements) and someone who was violently attacked and/or forced against her will.
No matter what you believe there is no real evidence that such a thing happened in your story,I am sorry but am guessing the selective moments of memory you have are a contributing factor into why no charges were filed.

Maybe,just maybe a person would be better off saying to themselves in your case..."Boy,did I ever eff up and won`t do that again" but to assign to it some variety of trauma is to me typical leftist deflection of fault.
I am not blaming a victim I simply don`t believe any element of your tale,true or not makes you one.

Offline wasp69

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I'm done with this thread except to say, again:  Teach your boys to be gentleman and not screw drunk chicks for their own safety, teach your girls to be ladies who respect themselves enough not to get sloshed or just "give in" and allow something they really don't want, send both to self-defense type lessons, and make sure that if you arm your wife, that you also make sure she's comfortable with the gun she chooses and can practice with it frequently.  There's nothing wrong with a revolver, and their odd shape conceals very well.

I think most of us are probably kinda way ahead of you on this one.
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

Offline Carl

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You know what is really sad about this is that even with what is likely a conjured up story to push the leftist agenda that all men are at heart rapists and should be hated is that she is actually instilling the notion that a woman should not report an attack since it will be ignored.
No matter whether the actual testimony or evidence supports the allegation,which in this case if at all real it did not,it encourages women to be silent when they are attacked.

Then again,when has any individual mattered when a leftist agenda needs to be advanced.

Offline Big Dog

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You're not at DU. It's time for you to sit at the grown-up table.

If your daughter called you from college crying because she drank something (either too much, or spiked), didn't remember anything, and woke up with her clothing torn or other evidence she'd been penetrated while not remembering it ... would YOU feel that she was raped?

Feel? Hell, no. If she was drunk or drugged and had intercourse without consent, then I would think she was raped. I would also know that she was raped, under the laws of this state. There is a big difference between thinking, knowing, and feeling. The difference between us and the Proglodytes is that we understand the difference.

My daughter would also know that she was not blameless, because she had placed herself in the situation. I raised a son to be clear-eyed, clear-minded, to shoot straight and tell the truth. I also raised him to enjoy good bourbon and good cigars. I would have raised a daughter the same way.

Would you want to kill the SOB who took advantage of her state (blacked out or passed out)?

I'll tell you a little story. This is not a "no shit, there I was" story, nor is it a bouncy.

When my son was in the 3rd grade, the Catholic school he attended had a temporary priest, while the regular parish priest went on a sabbatical to Rome. After the temp priest returned to the diocese, he was accused of sexual molestation of boys at another school (not my son's school). I asked my son if he had ever talked to that priest when he was at the school; my son said that he hadn't. I had no doubt that he had never had a problem with that priest.

The principal called in the parents of each student to talk about the allegations, and to be sure that no one at my son's school was approached or assaulted by the priest. I sat across a table from the principal, the parish priest (back from Rome), and the 3rd grade teacher. The principal said to me "If <priest's name> had any contact with <son's name>, we fully support reporting it to the police." I looked her in the eye and said, "If your priest had laid a hand on my son, there would be no police, there would be no court. There would only be me."

Given what they knew about me (things which are known to some members here at CC), they knew it was not an idle statement. They were all very happy when we moved the next summer, and my son didn't go back to the school.

You like ham, or do you like other treats?  I can bake a mean batch of cookies, and they'd keep okay in the mail.

Bacon, brownies, cookies, and blackberry pie. All things I like more than ham- and I like ham a lot.
Government is the negation of liberty.
  -Ludwig von Mises


Offline JohnnyReb

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Bacon, brownies, cookies, and blackberry pie. All things I like more than ham- and I like ham a lot.
Mr & Mrs Big Dog for president and the future Ham-A-Lot.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline Big Dog

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Mr & Mrs Big Dog for president and the future Ham-A-Lot.

I do enjoy the company of a pretty redhead, but it's been almost 5 years since there was a  Mrs. Big Dog.

Five glorious years.

Government is the negation of liberty.
  -Ludwig von Mises


Offline JohnnyReb

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I do enjoy the company of a pretty redhead, but it's been almost 5 years since there was a  Mrs. Big Dog.

Five glorious years.

I took 10 years off from marriage and then got the red comes from a bottle now but's still red.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline Big Dog

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Mr & Mrs Big Dog for president and the future Ham-A-Lot.

Coming back for...


Government is the negation of liberty.
  -Ludwig von Mises


Offline obumazombie

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Coming back for...


It seems a campaign theme song is in order.


It's not just a model.
Eat ham and spam and jamalot !
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline biersmythe

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It seems a campaign theme song is in order.


It's not just a model.
Eat ham and spam and jamalot !

Teach a man to build a fire, and he will be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life!!!!

Knowledge is half the battle.
The other half is violence!

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." Thomas Jefferson

The box said: "Requires Windows XP or better." So i installed Linux.

Offline delilahmused

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There's a reason I have a conceal carry permit. For heaven's sake, the best and most practical way for women to empower themselves is something they want to ban.

"If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world."
Mick Foley

"I am a very good shot. I have hunted for every kind of animal. But I would never kill an animal during mating season."
Hedy Lamarr

"I'm just like any modern woman trying to have it all. Loving husband, a family. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade."
Morticia Addams

Offline lorelai

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Bacon, brownies, cookies, and blackberry pie. All things I like more than ham- and I like ham a lot.

I much prefer ham to spam. ;)

I notice my post had been deleted that you responded to, but I want to say I'm very sorry about what happened about your son.  Yes, my stepfather's reaction when I told them what was going on (I'm in my 30s and already buried my father by myself) was "Just give me his address".  I wouldn't, because all that would mean was he would go to jail.  The last thing my Mom needed. 

Also, just want to repost the link for those who missed it in the original message.  If you are planning on arming a wife or girlfriend new to firearms, it's a GREAT site to refer them to, and you just might learn something too.... she's good.

Offline wasp69

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I notice my post had been deleted that you responded to...

No, it's still there.  Unless you've done something way out of line, posts don't get deleted by anyone other than the poster.
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

Offline BlueStateSaint

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BTW, Python's getting back together . . . They were just going to do one show (in London), but it sold out in 47.5 seconds.  So they added four more, according to Bret Baier on FNC last night.
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don't sit looking at it - walk!" -Ayn Rand
"Those that trust God with their safety must yet use proper means for their safety, otherwise they tempt Him, and do not trust Him.  God will provide, but so must we also." - Matthew Henry, Commentary on 2 Chronicles 32, from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible

"These anti-gun fools are more dangerous to liberty than street criminals or foreign spies."--Theodore Haas, Dachau Survivor

Chase her.
Chase her even when she's yours.
That's the only way you'll be assured to never lose her.

Offline lorelai

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No, it's still there.  Unless you've done something way out of line, posts don't get deleted by anyone other than the poster.

I see what happened . I typed out a whole lot, probably intended to hit send, and spaced, and it was actually to another poster.  I felt after that I'd crossed a line about asking if if it was your kid.  That was personalizing an issue and while I think it's one thing to share your own story voluntarily, it's another to involve another person's family... it's kind of dirty pool in debating.

Offline Big Dog

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I much prefer ham to spam. ;)

I notice my post had been deleted that you responded to, but I want to say I'm very sorry about what happened about your son.  Yes, my stepfather's reaction when I told them what was going on (I'm in my 30s and already buried my father by myself) was "Just give me his address".  I wouldn't, because all that would mean was he would go to jail.  The last thing my Mom needed. 

Are you talking to me?

Nothing happened to my son. Go back and read it again.

Also, just want to repost the link for those who missed it in the original message.  If you are planning on arming a wife or girlfriend new to firearms, it's a GREAT site to refer them to, and you just might learn something too.... she's good.


Go back and read all of the posts above your first post. You'll see why I am giving you three eye rolls.

 :whatever: :whatever: :whatever:
Government is the negation of liberty.
  -Ludwig von Mises


Offline wasp69

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I see what happened . I typed out a whole lot, probably intended to hit send, and spaced, and it was actually to another poster.  I felt after that I'd crossed a line about asking if if it was your kid.  That was personalizing an issue and while I think it's one thing to share your own story voluntarily, it's another to involve another person's family... it's kind of dirty pool in debating.

Ummmm....  Not my child, not my story.

Also, you'll probably find a level of honesty here that you may not be used to.  If posters here think you have crossed a line, you'll know it.
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840