... sorry, still chewing on this subject here ... I was just thinking about the University incident back in '07 (I think?). It was Virginia Tech, down in southern Virginia. I think over 30 kids were killed. I mean they were college students, but I am a grandfather so I get to call them kids. Anyway, how many "kids" on that campus, out in the country in VA, do you think there were, that knew how to fire a weapon?? I bet there were many many. So I think it is safe to say that if not for laws stopping them, several young men and perhaps women, would have been armed at the time. If so, do you think more, or fewer people would have had to die that day? I think over 30 young students lost their lives that day. Remember that in the similar case in Texas back in the 1960s, it was an off-duty COP and some "regular citizens packing heat", that ended the campus tower incident. I seriously believe that armed citizens are THE ONLY protection against "nut jobs". Who will stand up against the onslaught of those who imagine "gun control" makes us safer?? It seems to me that many lives depend on it, but maybe I am just an old fool.