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Offline Ballygrl

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #50 on: February 09, 2011, 12:47:45 PM »
Bravo, Bally, well said.

I expect, though, your salient point will be lost on wilbur.  Pro-deathers are just as bent in the head as jihadis and just as rooted in their "faith".

I blame the left for that, they had to tone down such a horrendous act and society has followed suit in continuing to tone it down. Thank God a poll I saw about a year or so ago said the majority of people in the US felt abortion is wrong.
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Offline dandi

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #51 on: February 09, 2011, 01:38:59 PM »
Nor is the nature of the outcome changed for all of your rhetorical bluster and bold words.   All except late term abortions literally kill a mindless thing.    Sure its dead - we agree.  But so what? That's the point of abortion.

When look at all the things in this world to which my compassion extends, I find that no mindless thing is on that list.   And I have yet to encounter a good argument as to why I should include any mindless thing on that list.

You're a ghoul, wilbur, in the purest sense of the word.

So, life is valuable because it is.  How does this assertion inform you about the value of dogs, cats, weeds, and cockroaches?

What part of "all human life" did you miss in my post, wilbur?

We are not the final arbiters of who lives and who dies as a means of convenience, wilbur.  That is the point that seems to keep sailing over your head.

How does this assertion inform you to the value of a human "living cadaver", kept alive only to harvest organs?

Can anyone translate this for me?  My DUmbass to English dictionary is missing.


What the **** are you talking about?  Has anything I have posted lead you to believe that making living cadavers has anything to do with a purposeful selection of killing an unborn child because of it's sex?

Pay attention, wilbur - "all human life".

It doesn't.  It obfuscates the the very real and important moral distinctions we make between living things - even human living things.

In the end, the term "human" is just a species categorization, not a moral boundary - and using it as such is arbitrary and ultimately unsupportable.

Funny, there have been societies that thought the same thing.  And when they figured out that human beings were nothing more than a species categorization instead of a moral boundary, they came to the conclusion that not all life was valuable.

Is any of this starting to sound familiar to what you are saying, wilbur?

The inevitable outcome ended up killing millions of less than valuable life.  That's quite a philosophy you're sporting, wilbur, and it's one that has played out before.

Incidentally, these are the same societies who present, and past, have no problem killing in the womb or allowing less than valuable life end from neglect.  You're of the same mind with them, wilbur, you're just too deep into your pseudo intellect to be able to admit it.

We could have carved up and named the natural world in a number of ways - we might have decided to call zygotes something other than human.  We might have decided to call children under the age of 5 something other than human.     Would your moral regard then have to be carved up similarly?   Of course not, but ultimately that's what results from defining your moral sphere by the category "human".

Absolute ghoul...

This line of thought, my friends, is a prime example of the callousness towards any life that a liberal does not agree exists.

Incidentally, wilbur, my moral regard is not defined by "species". 

My criteria - the presence or absence of a mind - does much better because it much more precisely gets at what is intuitively valuable about things in this world.

So, the cockroaches are safe around you?

Where's the compassion and dignity in the death wishes for the lady in this thread?

I am concerned with only your callousness towards her unborn child, wilbur.

My compassion extends to those women who are in tough spots and feel that abortions might be necessary.

Necessary?  Like in this example?

While the woman's initial decision to abort based on sex is deserving of condemnation in my book, its still not murder.

No, it's a killing of convenience. 

Not necessary in the least.

No, I think my position is the one to follow - and you're bound to continue to misinterpret it if you remain determined to interpret it as similar to the China's cultural and government policies, or the beliefs of Sanger.   My views arent remotely similar.

Not all life being equally valuable, wilbur?  Are you sure?

What side would that be?

Your side, wilbur.  The side that dismisses the unborn with a nonchalant wave of the hand.

Most abortions are had by women who belong to religious which strongly prohibit them.

Sure they are, wilbur...
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Offline rubliw

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #52 on: February 09, 2011, 03:43:45 PM »
You're a ghoul, wilbur, in the purest sense of the word.

I'm always amazed at the speed with which so many pro-lifers start to view people with reasonable and respectful objections to their beliefs as inhuman ghouls.   A little ironic when you think about it.

What part of "all human life" did you miss in my post, wilbur?

There are edge cases which you are failing to account for, such as human cadavers (brain dead people who are still "alive"), and other forms of life.  We need a framework for all of it.  More on this in a little bit.

We are not the final arbiters of who lives and who dies as a means of convenience, wilbur.  That is the point that seems to keep sailing over your head.

In many cases we are - reality often doesnt offer us any choice in the matter.  So we have to come up with a useful framework with which to make the right decisions.  

Can anyone translate this for me?  My DUmbass to English dictionary is missing.


What the **** are you talking about?  Has anything I have posted lead you to believe that making living cadavers has anything to do with a purposeful selection of killing an unborn child because of it's sex?

Pay attention, wilbur - "all human life".

In case it escaped you, the only distinction between "living cadavers", and you and me is brain function.  They are "human life" in every other sense of the word.  Yet they have far less rights than we do and we usually leave decisions regarding their medical future to spouses or other immediate family.  

You know - sort of like we leave the decision to abort to the would-be mothers.  

They are merely one example where, if we followed your principles at face value, we would be neck deep in total absurdity.   So you need to refine your principle in some sensible way.   And my suggestion is that you concede that it is minds, not mere life, that hold the real value.

I also presume that human life is not the only life to which you feel you have moral obligations or duties.  Certainly you feel you have some obligation to animal life as well.   Well, to whom and to what do you owe these moral duties and how do you determine it, if not by the existence of a conscious mind, pray tell?

Funny, there have been societies that thought the same thing.  And when they figured out that human beings were nothing more than a species categorization instead of a moral boundary, they came to the conclusion that not all life was valuable.

Is any of this starting to sound familiar to what you are saying, wilbur?

No, it really isn't.  Maybe there have been societies which devalued human life.   I don't do that.  I articulate specifically what kind of beings have value and why.   None of those societies operated ont he principle that things with minds have value, now did they?   That is what I advocate here.

The inevitable outcome ended up killing millions of less than valuable life.  That's quite a philosophy you're sporting, wilbur, and it's one that has played out before.

No, the inevitable outcome is that we appropriately recognize the value of minds.  Re-read that till you get it.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 03:46:34 PM by rubliw »

Offline Karin

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #53 on: February 09, 2011, 03:57:17 PM »
Thanks for your story, Ballygrl, thanks for the update, Ginabug, and especially Thanks to God for entering this woman's heart. 

Offline Gina

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #54 on: February 09, 2011, 04:03:57 PM »
Where's the compassion and dignity in the death wishes for the lady in this thread?

Are you serious? :mental:

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Offline rubliw

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #55 on: February 09, 2011, 04:09:07 PM »
Are you serious? :mental:

Uh, there was a poster fantasizing about this lady dying in a car crash on the way to get her abortion (and people carrying on as if this was perfectly reasonable), and I get the crazy emoticon pointed at me?  

<backs away slowly.....>

Offline Gina

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #56 on: February 09, 2011, 04:27:05 PM »
Uh, there was a poster fantasizing about this lady dying in a car crash on the way to get her abortion (and people carrying on as if this was perfectly reasonable), and I get the crazy emoticon pointed at me?  

<backs away slowly.....>
Yep that was me.  And I still would wish for it.  YOU care for some bitch of a woman that would kill a child because of it's gender, not the child that is innocent in the whole thing. 

This is not something that with US vs YOU is going to change.  So I guess this is my last post on this subject.  Enjoy your time on Earth and try and thank God tonight that your mother didn't abort you. 

"An army of deer led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a deer." Phillip of Macedonia, father to Alexander.

Offline dandi

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #57 on: February 09, 2011, 04:29:42 PM »
I'm always amazed at the speed with which so many pro-lifers start to view people with reasonable and respectful objections to their beliefs as inhuman ghouls.   A little ironic when you think about it.

There is nothing reasonable about what you have posted.  It has been the typical rationale of a leftist who is seeking to justify the killing of the unborn and whatever else they deem to be of no value.

It's been spewed by individuals like you ad nauseum.

There are edge cases which you are failing to account for, such as human cadavers (brain dead people who are still "alive"), and other forms of life.  We need a framework for all of it.

That, wilbur, is usually covered by the wishes of the brain dead person prior to them being brain dead.  Medical directives and the like.

But we are talking about your support of women wanting to kill their unborn children for convenience.

Stay on target, wilbur.   

In many cases we are - reality often doesnt offer us any choice in the matter.  So we have to come up with a useful framework with which to make the right decisions.

Sorry, wilbur, but I'm not playing along.  Many have gone before you, seeking to decide who lives and who dies, and all they need is a "useful framework".  There is nothing of intellect that you offer in this area; no more so than any other practitioner of eugenics.  It fails on the face of common human decency.

And that failure, wilbur, is what makes you a ghoul.

In case it escaped you, the only distinction between "living cadavers", and you and me is brain function.  They are "human life" in every other sense of the word.  Yet they have far less rights than we do and we usually leave decisions regarding their medical future to spouses or other immediate family.

No, wilbur, it hasn't escaped me.  What you are talking about is higher brain function, not the function of the lower brain.

But, as it were, has nothing to do with a mother wanting to kill her unborn child for being a girl.

Stay on target, wilbur.  

They are merely one example where, if we followed your principles at face value, we would be neck deep in total absurdity.   So you need to refine your principle in some sensible way.   And my suggestion is that you concede that it is minds, not mere life, that hold the real value.

Save your advice for someone who actually gives a **** what you think, wilbur.  You know damned good and well that yours is a way of death that, if implemented and handled by liberals, would lead to the next holocaust.  It's your line of thinking that exterminated entire villages throughout Europe.

At the very least, if you respected human life the way you claim, we wouldn't have women killing children for something as absurd as their sex.

I also presume that human life is not the only life to which you feel you have moral obligations or duties.  Certainly you feel you have some obligation to animal life as well.   Well, to whom and to what do you owe these moral duties and how do you determine it, if not by the existence of a conscious mind, pray tell?

I don't play your games, wilbur.  I don't give enough of a damn about a pro-deather's point of view other than to expose them for the monsters that they are.

This is a discussion about your support for women to be able to kill their unborn children for whatever reason strikes their fancy. 

Try and stay on target, wilbur.

Maybe there have been societies which devalued human life.

Maybe?  Are you serious?

I articulate specifically what kind of beings have value and why.

So did Hitler, Mao, Saddam, and Stalin.

None of those societies operated on the principle that things with minds have value, now did they?

No, wilbur, they operated on the principle that they held the choice of who and what had value.  They recognized that the things of no value had minds, that's one of the reasons they had to be destroyed.

The overriding philosophy was that they got to decide what life was of value and what life wasn't.  They regarded human beings as a "species categorization" and not a moral boundary.  Keep spinning it however you want, it still comes out the same.

History does not agree with your position, wilbur.

No, the inevitable outcome is that we appropriately recognize the value of minds.  Re-read that till you get it.

No, wilbur, the inevitable outcome of people playing God is that they kill lots of people.  They justify it any way they can and they do it. 

History is full of it and it all starts with some pissant pseudo intellectual saying that some life is more valuable than other.

Frankly, wilbur, anyone who would support the killing of the unborn would support the eventual killing of anything.  Serial killers start with bugs and small animals, mass murderers start with women and children.

Re-read that, wilbur, until you can see your true self.
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Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #58 on: February 09, 2011, 04:37:43 PM »
"Honest judge, I didn't kill him. It was just a post birth abortion."

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Offline Eupher

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #59 on: February 09, 2011, 04:40:28 PM »
Excellent points, wasp. h5
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Offline Alpha Mare

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #60 on: February 09, 2011, 05:10:47 PM »

My nephew was born at 25 weeks, 2 days; he weighed a whopping 1lb. 14 oz.  This was before neonatal ICU's  and I remember the doctor telling us his chances were slim and he'd always have 'problems' if he lived.  The nurses didn't take the hint.  The Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ get full credit for his survival (and a wee bit of Scottish stubbornness).
Today he's 6'5" and has never had any 'problems'.

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Offline rubliw

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #61 on: February 09, 2011, 05:15:53 PM »
Stay on target, wilbur. 

First of all Wasp,  while I've registered my distaste for that woman's decision to abort based on gender at least 3 or 4 times in this thread, I've been by and large arguing about abortion in the general case (ie, my target) which includes women in just about every circumstance you can imagine.   If that hasn't caught on with you, I can only throw my hands up in exasperation at just how unaware you are of the nature of the conversation in which you are allegedly taking part.

There is nothing reasonable about what you have posted.  It has been the typical rationale of a leftist...

It's been spewed by individuals like you ad nauseum.


Unfortunately, the rest of your post descends into memes about despotic regimes, playing god, and cliche liberal demonization.   It carries on as if my modus operandi is to devalue *all* forms of life, while asserting no other positive principle (that minds have value).    Needless to say, it still responds not at all to my actual position except to say "nuh uh".

And probably the silliest part is when you claim I am deciding who gets to live and who gets to die, and am playing God.    No, I no more "play God" than you do, when you espouse your principle "all human life has value".   Hate to break it to you, but that principle was also conjured up by man kind.  You arent God's voice or his messenger, you are just another person with another opinion.   One that I happen to think is inferior to mine.

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #62 on: February 09, 2011, 05:29:55 PM »
My nephew was born at 25 weeks, 2 days; he weighed a whopping 1lb. 14 oz.  This was before neonatal ICU's  and I remember the doctor telling us his chances were slim and he'd always have 'problems' if he lived.  The nurses didn't take the hint.  The Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ get full credit for his survival (and a wee bit of Scottish stubbornness).
Today he's 6'5" and has never had any 'problems'.

wow!! that is a miracle right there.  Just precious!!  my 1st son was born at 31 weeks and was huge compared to that little boy :o

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Offline Evil_Conservative

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #63 on: February 09, 2011, 06:18:00 PM »
Wilbur, let's say that was your wife.  She is pregnant with your baby.  She really really wanted a boy, because the two of you have two girls already.  When she finds out it's a girl and wants to abort the baby based on gender, would you support her decision?

You may call me Jessica or Jess.

Offline Gina

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #64 on: February 09, 2011, 06:26:14 PM »
Wilbur, let's say that was your wife.  She is pregnant with your baby.  She really really wanted a boy, because the two of you have two girls already.  When she finds out it's a girl and wants to abort the baby based on gender, would you support her decision?

he would support it because it's her right to choose to abort a living being, he just wouldn't agree with it

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"An army of deer led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a deer." Phillip of Macedonia, father to Alexander.

Offline Ballygrl

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #65 on: February 09, 2011, 06:31:17 PM »
My nephew was born at 25 weeks, 2 days; he weighed a whopping 1lb. 14 oz.  This was before neonatal ICU's  and I remember the doctor telling us his chances were slim and he'd always have 'problems' if he lived.  The nurses didn't take the hint.  The Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ get full credit for his survival (and a wee bit of Scottish stubbornness).
Today he's 6'5" and has never had any 'problems'.

That's awesome!
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Offline vesta111

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #66 on: February 09, 2011, 06:58:19 PM »
Wilbur, think about India for a moment here.

Woman in India have for years gotten abortions if the child she carried was female.  Before the sonograms when a female was born and not wanted they were killed at birth.  Today a woman can abort and become pregnant again in a short time wanting to have a male.

One of the problems in India today with the abortion of females is that now the men of marriage age have few woman to marry.  So they have to look outside their country and the Indians are upset over the dilution of their culture.

The country now has 5-6 men for every woman ---this is what abortion due to sex does.  It alters the scheme of things and causes disruption in the natural flow of life.

Offline rubliw

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #67 on: February 09, 2011, 07:04:56 PM »
Wilbur, think about India for a moment here.

Woman in India have for years gotten abortions if the child she carried was female.  Before the sonograms when a female was born and not wanted they were killed at birth.  Today a woman can abort and become pregnant again in a short time wanting to have a male.

One of the problems in India today with the abortion of females is that now the men of marriage age have few woman to marry.  So they have to look outside their country and the Indians are upset over the dilution of their culture.

The country now has 5-6 men for every woman ---this is what abortion due to sex does.  It alters the scheme of things and causes disruption in the natural flow of life.

Yea, that's one reason why I think we should, as a culture, promote an aversion to using abortion for gender preference.

But there is at least a little less of a need or want for male children today (in the US), since women have equal economic opportunities here.

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #68 on: February 09, 2011, 07:06:18 PM »
Wilbur, let's say that was your wife.  She is pregnant with your baby.  She really really wanted a boy, because the two of you have two girls already.  When she finds out it's a girl and wants to abort the baby based on gender, would you support her decision?

I don't think so.

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #69 on: February 09, 2011, 07:42:36 PM »
I don't think so.

You don't *THINK* so.

How sweet.
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Re: Horrible
« Reply #70 on: February 09, 2011, 07:42:49 PM »
I'd like to apologize for telling rubliw to 'shut the **** up', that was rude.  But, you still make me sick.
Why? there is no medical reason for the abortion and since there is no need to have one to save the mother then there is nothing to discuss. Its murder ,that is all it is and will be. The apologist can go out in the front yard of Osama's place and jump on a land mine for all I care

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #71 on: February 09, 2011, 07:49:41 PM »
The 20th century was replete with liberals devaluing the human life of the victims of their philosophy. Abortion is just the latest in a long, long line of holocausts.
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Offline Ballygrl

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #72 on: February 09, 2011, 08:11:20 PM »
You can't have it both ways, you can't say it's a life after a particular week and abortion shouldn't be allowed then turn around and say it can be allowed in this this and that week. It's really easy, either it's murder or it isn't, there's no in between, and if it's murder after say week 22 then it's murder after week 1.
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Offline dandi

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #73 on: February 09, 2011, 08:39:29 PM »
Excellent points, wasp. h5

Thanks, Euph.  Wouldn't a bitchslap be more appropriate?

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Re: Horrible
« Reply #74 on: February 09, 2011, 08:51:29 PM »
Excellent points, wasp. h5

Seconded -- h5 wasp!

(and a BS for Eupher just because . . .  :-))
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