Author Topic: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market  (Read 16940 times)

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #25 on: October 01, 2010, 08:50:48 AM »
Go take a shower, Rev. You'll feel a bit more clean after reading his diatribe.

IMO, (and FWIW), Curtis' post & his blog seem as if there is some college student out there attempting to justify why he should be a Conservative and all the while, bashing Conservatives. Is this some sort of self-flagellation??

Probably should. I almost feel like I've been DUmpster diving.

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2010, 01:13:44 PM »
Geeze....why does this sound like a "member" that we had here a while ago:

We need higher tariffs and a commitment from our government to bring jobs home and to improve the real economy.  We need the manufacturing sector to grow and return to the size it was before the age of neoliberalism.  We need to make agriculture an important part of our economy again and to break up the corporate consolidation of our agricultural sector so that we can bring back the society of small farmers (you know, the one that this country was built on).  And in this time of a depression we're going to need the federal government to create relief programs (not recovery) like it did in the Great Depression.  I think we'll need to give out more unemployment benefits as well, especially food stamps, because there will be millions more unemployed Americans, and they need to survive somehow.  If we don't want a socialist revolt than we're going to need to pander to the unemployed hungry masses.

Welcome to CC Curtis........however something is telling me that you won't be here for long........

A bit of advice......unless someone is paying you by the word, I would suggest that you confine your posts and responses to somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 - 40 words.  Your lengthy diatribes are simply too wordy and boring to wade through, and instead of leaving the reader with the impression that you are erudite, they tend to make our eyes glaze over from sheer tedium.......

You don't want to wade in to the area of farming, and the economy, unless you actually know what you are talking about in some depth.

You seem to be very concerned about a revolt......perhaps you have forgotten that this was exactly how this country was formed........since we've done it before, I suppose that (God forbid) we can do it again, however I sincerely doubt that the "poor" are going to have much to do with it.........most of the "poor" can't get off their asses long enough to collect their welfare checks........revolt.......not very likely......

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2010, 01:55:10 PM »
Geeze....why does this sound like a "member" that we had here a while ago:

Welcome to CC Curtis........however something is telling me that you won't be here for long........

A bit of advice......unless someone is paying you by the word, I would suggest that you confine your posts and responses to somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 - 40 words.  Your lengthy diatribes are simply too wordy and boring to wade through, and instead of leaving the reader with the impression that you are erudite, they tend to make our eyes glaze over from sheer tedium.......

IOW--you sound like vesta, only stupider, noob.
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Offline curtis290

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #28 on: October 01, 2010, 04:24:43 PM »
 Yes.  YOU signed on with a long screed explaining exactly how much smarter you are than "the working class" and "the poor."  Your whole OP was full of name calling and condescension.  How weird that you might get called on it.   :lmao:

Where did I say I was smarter than the working class and the poor?  All I said was that in times of crisis, the hungry masses sometimes turn to socialism.  This is pretty standard stuff in history.  No one will seriously disagree with me here.  Unless you think socialism comes from the wealthy?  As for condescension, you were the one that called me elitist and have been name-calling.  As far as I'm concerned, you've been more condescending than me.

All I said was that they weren't here for the founding.  Their attitude toward capitalism is pointless.

The beginnings of capitalism predate the US.  The batle between Christianity and capitalism was a long one, and didn't involve just the Catholics.  Remember, in England the Anglican church was also very opposed to many of the 'capitalist' laws that led to the very rapid commercialization of the countryside and the disenfranchisement of the poor.

The economy?   :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:  Obama was elected for one reason, and one reason only...the color of his skin.  It had absolutely nothing to do with anything else.  

You might *THINK* that, but the polls wouldn’t agree.  Most people that voted for Obama cite the economy.  Now you might be right that race had more to do with it than people want to talk about (I agree), but again you’re not listening to my point.  I’m telling you that this country is moving leftward, and that even though the crisis has just begun we vote in Obama.  I guess you think everything is just hunky-dorey now don’t you?  That the threat of socialism isn’t there?  If you think Obama is socialist, wait a few years, something a lot worse is coming around the corner.

 Yes.  YOU signed on with a long screed explaining exactly how much smarter you are than "the working class" and "the poor."  Your whole OP was full of name calling and condescension.  How weird that you might get called on it.   :lmao:

Where did I say I was smarter than the working class and the poor?  All I said was that in times of crisis, the hungry masses sometimes turn to socialism.  This is pretty standard stuff in history.  No one will seriously disagree with me here.  Unless you think socialism comes from the wealthy?  As for condescension, you were the one that called me elitist and have been name-calling.  As far as I'm concerned, you've been more condescending than me.

All I said was that they weren't here for the founding.  Their attitude toward capitalism is pointless.

The beginnings of capitalism predate the US.  The batle between Christianity and capitalism was a long one, and didn't involve just the Catholics.  Remember, in England the Anglican church was also very opposed to many of the 'capitalist' laws that led to the very rapid commercialization of the countryside and the disenfranchisement of the poor.

I'm well aware of the leftists pervading our educational system.  Or did you not notice my remark about them destroying education?   ::)

You said due to our education system, socialism is an impossibility in this country.  I think you’re dead wrong.  Wait a few years until the crisis bottoms out, and when you have tens of millions without food and a bunch of teachers and professors going around telling people socialism will save them, you’ll finally appreciate that socialism is a real threat in this country.
The Soviet Union has lots of natural resources and no religion.  They have never been anywhere near as rich as the US because they have both the wrong economic system and a very weak Christian base.  The Muslim countries are very, yet the majority of their people live in barbaric conditions because of their religion.  

There’s some really poor analysis here.  First, the Soviet Union fell in 1991, I guess you didn’t hear about that.  As for Russia in 1917, when the revolution happened, it was a devoutly religious country.  But it was a very poor one as well.  It was the agrarian backwater of Europe, it hadn’t really industrialized and it was far behind technologically.  There was a socialist revolt because the masses were starving.  The 1920s was marked by civil war, creating further setbacks.  Then there was NEP (essentially state capitalism), and the economy improved.  But then in the 1930s, Stalin declared an end to this and they moved to socialism, which hurt the economy.  Then there was World War II, which took a greater toll on the USSR than any other country.  Much of it was destroyed and it lost a whole generation of people.  In 1945 it was essentially a third world country.  But from 1945-1965, its economy developed as fast as any in history.  By the 1950s and early 60s they were beating us in the space race.  They were viewed as a threat to our existence, and the US had to do everything it could to prevent the spread of socialism to other countries that wanted to imitate it.  I guess your memory is short, but back in the day socialism was considered a very capable enemy.  Of course it almost disappeared during the last few decades in the heyday of neoliberalism, naturally, but it will be back with this economic crisis.  And we need to stop it at all costs, before it grows into something we cannot fight.

As for the Middle East, it depends on the country.  Countries with oil and no other resources tend to only make the wealthiest a lot of money without helping the rest of the economy.  Most of the Middle East is poor.  However, Qatar and the UAE are extremely wealthy, mainly because of the growth of financial centers there.

But you’re getting me side-tracked, what is your point????  I’m making the very simply argument that economics is based on economics, NOT CHRISTIANITY.  A country will be successful due to its economic policies and the resources it has.  That is why there are poor and rich Christian countries in this world, and poor and rich atheist countries.  I can’t believe you’re still making this argument, it’s embarrassing.

How well capitalism works has nothing to do with religion, but everything to do with Christianity.  
  But the Christians do not tend to be very stingy.  Even today, the majority of all charity is given by Christians, in Christian institutions.  Before the government interventions, Christians built and ran much of our healthcare system, and charity was a huge part of the reason.  Christians are the reason that capitalism has worked for our country, not the falsely-labeled "secularist" government or the natural resources.

You’re really just making yourself look bad.  So Christianity isn’t a religion?  As for the Christians being stingy, I didn’t say Christians were stingy, I said rich Christians are stingy.  As far as the healthcare system goes, it’s funny you mention it, Catholics mostly ran the Christian healthcare system.  Anyway, healthcare was much less advanced during that time and did not require much in terms of resources.  Most people lived in poverty in the 19th century, so you can’t seriously argue that Christianity alone can alleviate poverty.  Why do you think the poor in poor countries, Christian countries turn to socialism?  Because they think it will feed them, not because of its superiority as an ideology.  But WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THIS?  The US was economically successful because of its natural resources and its history and the toughness of its pioneers, NOT BECAUSE IT WAS CHRISTIAN.  Do you think the settlers out west relied on Christian charities when things went wrong?  No, they were self-reliant.  I’m a devout Christian and I think your argument is ludicrous.  Libertarians, can you back me up on this?  Or do you people all think that the economy of a country depends on its religion?  That only Christian countries can be successful economically?  I can’t believe we’re actually having this discussion.

That kind of capitalism?  I take it you mean a non-capitalist system?

Nope, I mean a capitalist system we used from the 1930s to the 1970s.  The capitalist economy we had until the 1930s was much different than the one we have today.  It was a very different economy, so the state was infinitely smaller (understandably so) and there were far fewer regulations (understandably so).  That is the politico-economic system usually characterizing the earlier stage of capitalism.  All I’m saying is if we went back to the way our state operated from say 1830-1930 in today’s economy, it would be catastrophic.  I don’t think anyone would seriously disagree with me.

At the time our nation was founded?   :lmao:

Yes, this nation was founded as a Protestant nation.  Most Catholics came in the Italian, Irish, and German waves of immigration in the 19th and early 20th centuries.  Are you seriously making the argument that Catholics would have been welcome in the political system?  The Freemasons and Founding Fathers were extremely anti-Catholic.  Read a history book.
No, I said that only Christians do well with capitalism.  And I said it in less than 500 words.  But do keep trying to impress everyone with you inability to make a succinct point.
  :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

No, you made an idiotic argument in under 500 words.  I’ve never met anyone that seriously made the argument that only Christians do well with capitalism.  I guess you think Japan and Korea and Hong Kong and Qatar and the UAE and the atheist Scandinavian countries and India and China (fastest growing economies of the past two years) and Malaysia and Singapore are all Christian countries?  And look at all of the poorest countries in the world.  The African countries are now mostly Christian (it’s the fastest growing Christian region in the world) and Latin America is exclusively Christian, yet they’re some of the poorest in the world. You’re the one that is advancing this idiotic argument.  But if you do believe that, then why do you think only Christians do well with capitalism?  It sounds to me like you don’t have very much faith in capitalism as an economic system, if it can do well with only one religion.  

Listen up, DUmb****....... I WAS in Japan in the 1980s. Were you?? They were far from being " technologically much more advanced than we were." (YOUR words, not mine.) Trust me on this, they weren't. As far as electronics, again, I assert that Japan only "steals" technology and improves on it. THAT is the Japanese way. Apparently, you are unfamiliar with the Japanese and their customs. I'll leave you to wallow in your ignorance.

No, but my father was, as well as many people I know.  Again, you act like you’re an expert on the Japanese economy, which you clearly aren’t.  You make the claim that their high-tech sector only steals from us without any evidence to back it up other than a personal story.  But why are we talking about this?  The discussion was whether or not non-Christian countries can be successful economically.  You apparently think Japan is economic failure, which is very ignorant, or that Japan is Christian, which is also ignorant.  So what is your argument?

BTW, most Scandinavian Countries (of which there are only four), are NOT atheists. Apparently you have little knowledge of Viking or Norse religions.

Lord almighty.  I almost peed my pants laughing.  I have to thank you for that post, I haven’t laughed that hard and that long in years.  You are probably the most ignorant person I have ever run into on the internet.  Do you seriously, seriously think that people in Scandinavia still believe in Norse religions?  Do you seriously think that they are not atheist countries?  Sweden is the most atheist country in the world, do a search on google.  Please.  Just stop writing.  You’re embarrassing yourself.

As far as your blog, I think that you are a pretentious moron. Most "bloggers" tell something about themselves. Hell, you have ONE blog post!!  :rotf: :rotf: You don't bother to tell someone how old you are, your history, nada.

Yeah, I have one post because I just started it the other day.  I work full time and don’t have the time to spend hours on the internet talking to idiots such as yourself that don‘t take the time to consider what other people are saying.  And as for my personal life, I can’t disclose it, my views are radical enough that if someone found out about them it could jeopardize my professional life at some point in the future.  Just read the blog.

The one thing I can agree with you & grandfather on is that our culture has gone to hell, but ask yourself WHY?? It is not because people are not Christians. People do NOT have to be Christians to be a Conservative. I know of many Buddhists, Muslims and even Atheists that are Conservatives. Liberalism, as defined in today's world, is our downfall. Our founding fathers were "Liberals". However, they didn't even remotely resemble today's "Liberals" (that should read: "Progressives")

Formerlurker:   :II:

If you had read my blog or taken the time to consider what I’ve written, you’d realize that we’re in agreement.  And yes, I realize that you don’t have to be a Christian to be a Conservative, I’m not retarded.  I agree with you as far as liberalism goes.  The founding fathers were “liberals,” what we call “liberals” today are (usually) progressives.  What we call conservatives are classical liberals (for the most part).  So Democrats are usually liberal progressives, and Republicans are liberal republicans.  So what is your argument?  As for me, I think Republicans are too liberal.  Check out my blog, I don’t have room to explain it here.

Little long winded, ain'cha, Curtis?

I agree with the above. Not only did I feel like I read a book after your OP, I felt insulted-like you feel as if you're above the common man, or something.

Didn't start off on the right foot, kid.

Welcome to the Cave. Enjoy your time here.

Thanks for the welcome.  I really don’t get where I’m insulting the common man.  All I’m saying is that the threat of socialism is growing, and that in a few years, when this crisis really gets bad, it’s going to be a serious threat to our nation.  I’m not talking about Barrack Obama socialism, I’m talking about something that signifies the end of civilization as we know it.  And I’m pretty sure the wealthy won’t be the base of this movement.  Not sure how that is condescending.  As for being long-winded, I’ll work on it.

Geeze....why does this sound like a "member" that we had here a while ago:

Welcome to CC Curtis........however something is telling me that you won't be here for long........

A bit of advice......unless someone is paying you by the word, I would suggest that you confine your posts and responses to somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 - 40 words.  Your lengthy diatribes are simply too wordy and boring to wade through, and instead of leaving the reader with the impression that you are erudite, they tend to make our eyes glaze over from sheer tedium.......

You don't want to wade in to the area of farming, and the economy, unless you actually know what you are talking about in some depth.

You seem to be very concerned about a revolt......perhaps you have forgotten that this was exactly how this country was formed........since we've done it before, I suppose that (God forbid) we can do it again, however I sincerely doubt that the "poor" are going to have much to do with it.........most of the "poor" can't get off their asses long enough to collect their welfare checks........revolt.......not very likely......


OK, I’ll try and keep things shorter (after this post :) ).  But there’s not much you can do in 20-40 words as far as intelligent thought goes.  I do know what I am talking about as far as the economy goes, though that might not be evident since I have to keep my posts short.  Check out my blog.  As far as farming goes, I might not be an expert in it, but if we’re going to talk about efficiency in agriculture, go ahead, I’ll even let you win.  As I explain in my blog, economic efficiency isn’t that important to me.  Our culture is.

As far as revolt goes, it almost happened in the 1930s.  And it’s funny you talk about the poor and their welfare checks, and I am the one being accused of talking down to the common man.  Oh well.  Anyways, it’s these poor, the ones “collecting their welfare checks,” so to speak, that I’m worried about.  We’ve been so prosperous for such a long time that socialism seems like a dream, but that’s exactly what I’m afraid of.  People have had it so good for so long that when things start getting real bad, they might take the most desperate measures.  It’s something that we need to be a lot more worried about right now.

I find the reaction I’m getting very amusing.  If I came on here, and said I was an atheist Minarchist who believed in individual rights and small government, and my signature said “Keep the government out of the boardroom and the bedroom,” I’m sure I would’ve been welcomed with open arms.  If I came on as a Christian who only talked about social issues and was very opposed to individual rights on some moral issues, I’d be welcomed with open arms.  But since I came here as a Christian whose economic views resemble those of the Republicans from the late 1940s-1970s more than the modern day Republicans, people are outraged that I even post here.  You people worship libertarian economics much more than I thought.  How are we supposed to fight the War on Terror with a tiny state?  Our military needs at least twice the funding and three times the troop levels, and all you’re talking about is small government and tax cuts?  I think a lot of you people aren’t as Christian as you claim to be when it comes to politics.  All you’re really concerned with is lower taxes and less government presence.  If we’re Christians, than why are we so concerned with world things such as economic efficiency?  Isn’t our culture much more important?  We have that common ground but you can’t even see it because you’re too busy getting worked up about my economic views.  If our political party system resembled that of a typical European country, and you had to choose between Christian Social Democrats and some atheist liberal party (libertarian economic views), which would you choose?  I’d choose the Christian Social Democrats, because making the state Christian and cleaning up our culture is more important to me than economics.  But I think you people would vote for the atheist liberals, just to get your tax breaks.  I care about our culture and our forreign policy more than anything.  I don't want to see our nation become a slave to neoliberal economics.  And I don't think that libertarianism and the liberal state are going to enable us to make the changes we need.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 04:39:16 PM by curtis290 »
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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #29 on: October 01, 2010, 04:30:40 PM »
... attempting to justify why he should be a Conservative and all the while, bashing Conservatives. Is this some sort of self-flagellation??

Also known as Meghan McCain Syndrome.

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #30 on: October 01, 2010, 04:40:58 PM »
Also known as Meghan McCain Syndrome.

I'm more conservative than both of you.  If you don't believe me, read my blog.  I'm just not a libertarian.  I'm an old-school conservative.
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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2010, 04:49:49 PM »
I'm more conservative than both of you.  If you don't believe me, read my blog.  I'm just not a libertarian.  I'm an old-school conservative.

Wait a minute...are you just making this up as you go along.
Back when I asked you about wealth redistribution you said you were for a certain level of that since capitalism is just unfair and society needed redistribution for civil peace.

You have been all over the board with positions from your opening post.
Do you know what you believe or don`t you?

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #32 on: October 01, 2010, 04:53:00 PM »
One more thing...

Making the claim that you are more conservative then others and having exhibited a level of arrogance is all I need to know to suspect you are a useless entity to achieving any political goals or gains.

What do you do to work towards anything or do you just sit around and complain about everyone?

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #33 on: October 01, 2010, 04:55:45 PM »
But there’s not much you can do in 20-40 words as far as intelligent thought goes.  I do know what I am talking about as far as the economy goes, though that might not be evident since I have to keep my posts short.

Dunno.......we have some fairly intelligent members here who seem to manage it just fine.  And should you continue to pimp your one-post blog, this thread is likely to end up in the cellar of that forum.

If your intent is to "school" us on economics, we have another entire forum devoted to that subject......perhaps you might want to read some of the member's contributions prior to attempting to demonstrate your knowledge (or lack therof).......on that subject.

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2010, 04:56:56 PM »
I think that you are confusing our members here with the fact that they ARE for a smaller, more effective government and a strong and effective military. Our Government is bloated. I'm referring to the various civilian department employees. I doubt that ANYBODY on this forum will argue with that. Then you have our Congress and Senate, who get retirement & medical benefits for life without completing some twenty years of service. We wont even get into their incessant pay raises. Then, we have a President who thinks it's his duty to go off campaigning and jet-setting around the country on the taxpayer's dime.

I'm pretty sure that I can safely say that our members here realize the importance of a strong military, realize the fact that they are under-funded and underpaid, and are restricted by superfluous rules of engagement that not only hinder them in prosecuting a war, but put them in harm's way.

I also doubt that there are very many long term members here that condone the Government bailing out the banks, the auto makers, or the unions. IMO, that is NOT the Government's job.

Our bloated Government exists not only on a Federal level, but at ALL levels of Government. They realize that they can pass an initiative of almost any kind  and that the taxpayers will pick up the tab.

Lastly, are you MORE Conservative than many here?? Maybe. Maybe not. I would like to see our country run by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and leave it at that. However, we are not. We are being inundated with bullshit laws, taxes that are depressing and the Government is running rampant over our lives.
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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2010, 05:24:40 PM »
My head hurts. :rofl:

I can see November 2 from my house!!!

Spread my work ethic, not my wealth.

Forget change, bring back common sense.

No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #36 on: October 01, 2010, 05:26:17 PM »
Quote from: BattleHymn on Today at 01:30:40 pm
Also known as Meghan McCain Syndrome.

I'm more conservative than both of you.  If you don't believe me, read my blog.  I'm just not a libertarian.  I'm an old-school conservative.

Yes, Meghan.  I'm sure you are.   :lmao:

You're so damn conservative, that you can't show how you are conservative, but you have to tell us.  

Sir, you can tell me a watermelon is blue on the inside until you cut it open, but that does not make it so.  
« Last Edit: October 01, 2010, 05:28:32 PM by BattleHymn »

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #37 on: October 01, 2010, 05:47:17 PM »
Wait a minute...are you just making this up as you go along.
Back when I asked you about wealth redistribution you said you were for a certain level of that since capitalism is just unfair and society needed redistribution for civil peace.

You have been all over the board with positions from your opening post.
Do you know what you believe or don`t you?

Nope.  Just because I'm an old-school conservative and not a libertarian does NOT mean I'm all over the board.  I might seem all over the board to you, but it's because I have a different collection of ideas than most modern-day Republicans.  As for what I believe in, I know exactly what I believe in.  I believe that social issues and foreign policy are the most important things we have to worry about.  And that the economy can and should be sacrificed for the good of our culture and foreign policy.  As for wealth distribution, it is out of necessity.  As I said before I don't believe in economic egalitarianism.  But obviously purely laissez-faire capitalism leads to great inequalities (look at any economy before the 1930s).  And when there are great inequalities, a socialist revolution becomes a serious possibility.  As far as the wealthy go, yeah, I don't think anyone should be making a billion dollars.  That's too much money for one person, and we have much better uses for that money...such as paying off our debt and spending what we need to on the military.  But as I've stated before, economic efficiency isn't all that important to me.  Our nation, its culture, its people, and our military are much more important to me than that.  I think our economy should serve these things, not the other way around.

One more thing...

Making the claim that you are more conservative then others and having exhibited a level of arrogance is all I need to know to suspect you are a useless entity to achieving any political goals or gains.

What do you do to work towards anything or do you just sit around and complain about everyone?

No.  I just had to say it because I'm accused of not being a conservative.  As for what I'm doing, we'll talk in a couple of years.  I just graduated from college but I'll do my best to make an impact.  It'll just take a little bit of time.

Dunno.......we have some fairly intelligent members here who seem to manage it just fine.  And should you continue to pimp your one-post blog, this thread is likely to end up in the cellar of that forum.

If your intent is to "school" us on economics, we have another entire forum devoted to that subject......perhaps you might want to read some of the member's contributions prior to attempting to demonstrate your knowledge (or lack therof).......on that subject.


Nope.  No serious ideas can be communicated in 20-40 words.  That's why people write books.  Maybe you don't read though.  Reading has become very unpopular in the information age, with the internet and cell phones no one is used to sitting down and actually reading anymore.  As for my blog, I won't mention it again (I only did because that way I don't have to write long posts, I can just tell people to check out my ideas there rather than having to explain them), I posted something over in the blog forum.  And yes, at some point I will go over to the economics forum.  I've studied quite a bit of economics, but just because I'm not a diehard libertarian doesn't mean I'm an idiot. 

I think that you are confusing our members here with the fact that they ARE for a smaller, more effective government and a strong and effective military. Our Government is bloated. I'm referring to the various civilian department employees. I doubt that ANYBODY on this forum will argue with that. Then you have our Congress and Senate, who get retirement & medical benefits for life without completing some twenty years of service. We wont even get into their incessant pay raises. Then, we have a President who thinks it's his duty to go off campaigning and jet-setting around the country on the taxpayer's dime.

I'm pretty sure that I can safely say that our members here realize the importance of a strong military, realize the fact that they are under-funded and underpaid, and are restricted by superfluous rules of engagement that not only hinder them in prosecuting a war, but put them in harm's way.

I also doubt that there are very many long term members here that condone the Government bailing out the banks, the auto makers, or the unions. IMO, that is NOT the Government's job.

Our bloated Government exists not only on a Federal level, but at ALL levels of Government. They realize that they can pass an initiative of almost any kind  and that the taxpayers will pick up the tab.

Lastly, are you MORE Conservative than many here?? Maybe. Maybe not. I would like to see our country run by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and leave it at that. However, we are not. We are being inundated with bullshit laws, taxes that are depressing and the Government is running rampant over our lives.

I guess I just don't see what you disagree with me on.  I agree the bureacuracy is bloated and needs to be cleaned up.  As far as politicians go, there is a good reason they get pay for the rest of their lives.  If they didn't, they'd have to work afterwords, which creates a conflict of interest.  They'd serve the needs of some narrow interest group and then get handed a cushy position on some company's board of directors (which still happens, but at least they wouldn't need to).  Remember, back in the day, we hardly paid our congressmen, which is because they all made their money doing other things, and served those interests while they were in congress.  Making sure they're financially set during and after their terms means they're financially independent and less likely to be serving other peoples' interests.  This is a minor point though.

I agree with you on the military.  Our troops and veterans need better pay and benefits.  But most importantly, I don't think we're serious enough about the War on Terror.  We need a much better funded military with even better technology and better training for our troops.  We need to double its budget and most importantly, we need many more soldiers if we want to win this war.  We need a draft and to at least triple the amount of troops we have.

So you're upset with Washington?  I am too.  We need a new system that's not weighed down by bickering among interest groups and back-room, party politics.  I have more to say about that but don't have room to explain it here.  There are other places though where you can find out about my solutions. (:

Yes, Meghan.  I'm sure you are.   :lmao:

You're so damn conservative, that you can't show how you are conservative, but you have to tell us. 

Sir, you can tell me a watermelon is blue on the inside until you cut it open, but that does not make it so. 

Are you willing to double the size of our military budget and triple the amount of our personnel with a draft?  Are you willing to seriously pursue a Christian state?  I'm not talking about just banning abortion or gay marriage or allowing prayer in schools and putting the Bible on the front lawn of the city council.  I'm talking about changes a lot more radical than that.  Are you willing to seriously clean up Washington and our far too liberal judicial system?  To take "extra-legal" measures to do so?
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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #38 on: October 01, 2010, 05:57:09 PM »
You have expressed positions that don`t follow any pattern of Conservatism,much to the opposite as far as social order and economic theory.
Tell me one conservative thing in saying
As far as the wealthy go, yeah, I don't think anyone should be making a billion dollars.  That's too much money for one person,

You are at this point an over educated fool who has a much higher regard for your intelligence then your writings would lead others to have.
When you have lived a few years more of actual life perhaps you will understand.

Lastly he doesn`t need me to defend or speak for him but trust me on at least one thing...Doc has more intelligence in his little finger then you have displayed and you would be very wise to offer an apology.

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2010, 07:02:35 PM »
I'm more conservative than both of you.  If you don't believe me, read my blog.  I'm just not a libertarian.  I'm an old-school conservative.

Thank God--a post that doesn't drivel, doesn't pontificate, yet is full of 100 percent pure concentrated bullshit.

On second thought, it DOES drivel.  Bitchslap for your being a tool.  Oh, and you've yet to demonstrate any ACTUAL CONSERVATIVE HABITS OR TENDENCIES.

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2010, 07:25:24 PM »
1.)I disagree with you on the condescending tone that you've approached members of our forum.

2.) Are you unfamiliar with the 1st Amendment?? Apparently you are!! This Nation wasn't founded to be entirely Christian. In the beginning, it WAS that way, but there are other religions that have just as good, if not better morality as Christianity. You need to face that fact.

3.) While TVDOC doesn't like to brag, I would like to take the time to point out that he possesses a PhD in Physics(?) of some flavor. Your insults aren't getting you in the good graces of the staff OR the general membership. Perhaps I might recommend that you sit back, read, watch and learn about our members here. While we don't all walk or think in lockstep, we are generally in the same book.

4.) Finally, if you don't change your condescending tone, I will wager a bet that your stay here will be limited.
"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation."- IBID

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2010, 07:35:02 PM »
I'm more conservative than both of you.  If you don't believe me, read my blog.  I'm just not a libertarian.  I'm an old-school conservative.
So are you saying you are a loyalist?
“A man who has been through bitter experiences and travelled far enjoys even his sufferings after a time”
― Homer, The Odyssey

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #42 on: October 01, 2010, 07:51:24 PM »

No, but my father was, as well as many people I know.  Again, you act like you’re an expert on the Japanese economy, which you clearly aren’t.  You make the claim that their high-tech sector only steals from us without any evidence to back it up other than a personal story.  But why are we talking about this?  The discussion was whether or not non-Christian countries can be successful economically.  You apparently think Japan is economic failure, which is very ignorant, or that Japan is Christian, which is also ignorant.  So what is your argument?
Show me WHERE the Japanese actually invented anything over the last century?? Airplanes?? Hardly.  Transistors?? Nope Robots?? Guess again!! Ohh, that's right, you know EVERYTHING!!  :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:


Lord almighty.  I almost peed my pants laughing.  I have to thank you for that post, I haven’t laughed that hard and that long in years.  You are probably the most ignorant person I have ever run into on the internet.  Do you seriously, seriously think that people in Scandinavia still believe in Norse religions?  Do you seriously think that they are not atheist countries?  Sweden is the most atheist country in the world, do a search on google.  Please.  Just stop writing.  You’re embarrassing yourself.

Apparently you know little or nothing about the Tuetonic culture. There is a movement afoot that is trending back towards their original religions. People lie. They lie all of the time. I submit to you that YOU are the one who is embarrassing themselves. It is quite evident by the contentious posts you've made and the replies you've received.
"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation."- IBID

I AM your General Ne'er Do Well, Troublemaker & All Around Meanie!!

"Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated."-Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #43 on: October 01, 2010, 08:10:39 PM »
You have expressed positions that don`t follow any pattern of Conservatism,much to the opposite as far as social order and economic theory.
Tell me one conservative thing in saying
You are at this point an over educated fool who has a much higher regard for your intelligence then your writings would lead others to have.
When you have lived a few years more of actual life perhaps you will understand.

Lastly he doesn`t need me to defend or speak for him but trust me on at least one thing...Doc has more intelligence in his little finger then you have displayed and you would be very wise to offer an apology.

Nope.  There is more to conservatism than tax cuts and small government.  I also believe that the social order is much more important than the economy, which makes you all probably more liberal than me.  Second, as for my comment about the billionaires, it was a hyperbole.  My point is that we need a lot of money, to pay off this deficit and to fight the War on Terror.  The wealthy can afford to pay it, they’ve had a lot in terms of tax cuts over the past 30 (especially last 10) years.  So I say raise their taxes.  This doesn’t make me a non-conservative.  I mean, HW raised taxes after promising not to.  Does that make him a Democrat?  Thanks for your condescending remarks.

Thank God--a post that doesn't drivel, doesn't pontificate, yet is full of 100 percent pure concentrated bullshit.

On second thought, it DOES drivel.  Bitchslap for your being a tool.  Oh, and you've yet to demonstrate any ACTUAL CONSERVATIVE HABITS OR TENDENCIES.

Lew Rockwell and the Ron Paul forums be thataway: ------------------------->

You obviously have paid no attention to anything I’ve said.  I’m considering YOU GUYS for being too libertarian.  Even though I’m a social conservative through and through, the fact that I’m not a libertarian is infuriating to many of you.  Because it seems like that’s all you guys care about, libertarian economics.

1.)I disagree with you on the condescending tone that you've approached members of our forum.

2.) Are you unfamiliar with the 1st Amendment?? Apparently you are!! This Nation wasn't founded to be entirely Christian. In the beginning, it WAS that way, but there are other religions that have just as good, if not better morality as Christianity. You need to face that fact.

3.) While TVDOC doesn't like to brag, I would like to take the time to point out that he possesses a PhD in Physics(?) of some flavor. Your insults aren't getting you in the good graces of the staff OR the general membership. Perhaps I might recommend that you sit back, read, watch and learn about our members here. While we don't all walk or think in lockstep, we are generally in the same book.

4.) Finally, if you don't change your condescending tone, I will wager a bet that your stay here will be limited.

1. My condescending tone has been used for you and Mrs. Smith.  That was after Mrs. Smith accused me of being elitist as well as wrote a bunch of nonsense.  Then you said that I was ‘full of shit’ and a ‘dumb****.’  So who the **** ARE YOU to say I’m the one being condescending?

2. I don’t care about the first amendment.  This is a Christian nation.  It was founded and populated by Christians.  What other religions have a better morality than Christianity?

3. My remark to TVDOC was entirely in jest.  If he has a PhD I’m sure he’s very smart.  Nonetheless, it was a kind of stupid comment to say that anything intelligent can be explained in 20-40 words.  That’s a few sentences.  As I said before, there is a reason people write books.  Granted, there’s no room for books here, but I think 20-40 words is pretty short for a political forum.

4. Your condescending tone has been much, much worse than mine, and you’re giving me a terrible impression of the people that are here.

So are you saying you are a loyalist?

Nope.  But my favorite time period in American history, the golden era, was from the 1930s to the mid 1960s.  My favorite Republican presidents were Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower, and to a lesser extent, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.  But since their economic views would clash with yours, I take it you wouldn’t consider them conservatives?
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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #44 on: October 01, 2010, 08:18:45 PM »
Show me WHERE the Japanese actually invented anything over the last century?? Airplanes?? Hardly.  Transistors?? Nope Robots?? Guess again!! Ohh, that's right, you know EVERYTHING!!  :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Apparently you know little or nothing about the Tuetonic culture. There is a movement afoot that is trending back towards their original religions. People lie. They lie all of the time. I submit to you that YOU are the one who is embarrassing themselves. It is quite evident by the contentious posts you've made and the replies you've received.  What does this have to do with the discussion?  Mrs. Smith said only Christian countries did well under capitalism, I brought up the example of Japan and how successful they've been.  So do you think Japan is a Christian country?  Or do you think that they have not been successful economically?  If you don't think they were, could you please find me another country with those kind of growth rates during the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s?

As for your second part, do you seriously think people actually practice norse religion?  And believe in it?  I'm sure there are a few wackos out there that do, but can you seriously say that a large part of the population actually does?  I've never heard anyone try and claim that, and if we went and asked a Scandinavian about what you had to say, they would've died laughing.  Sweden is the most atheist country in the world, look it up on google.  The other Scandinavian countries are also extremely atheist, as atheist as anywhere in the world.  It is no surprise that they are also some of the most socialist in the world.  Again, I was having the ridiculous discussion with Mrs. Smith about non-Christian countries and capitalism, and I brought up the Scandinavian countries.  So what do you have to say?  Do you think that only Christian countries can do well under the capitalist system?  If so, why?  What do you think about all of my other examples?
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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #45 on: October 01, 2010, 08:20:37 PM »
Perhaps I might recommend that you sit back, read, watch and learn about our members here. While we don't all walk or think in lockstep, we are generally in the same book.

THANK YOU!!!  :cheersmate: :cheersmate:
Someone finally said it. I wasn't going to get involved with this post, but the OP should really read some of the threads/posts and topics on this forum and then understand where we stand. :hi5:

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #46 on: October 01, 2010, 08:31:19 PM »
Aren`t you a clever little one,you seem to think that you can espouse what borders on Marxisim and by calling it conservative it is.

Nope.  There is more to conservatism than tax cuts and small government.  I also believe that the social order is much more important than the economy, which makes you all probably more liberal than me.  Second, as for my comment about the billionaires, it was a hyperbole.  My point is that we need a lot of money, to pay off this deficit and to fight the War on Terror.  The wealthy can afford to pay it, they’ve had a lot in terms of tax cuts over the past 30 (especially last 10) years.  So I say raise their taxes.  This doesn’t make me a non-conservative. I mean, HW raised taxes after promising not to.  Does that make him a Democrat?  Thanks for your condescending remarks.

Yes,yes it does...get rid of government handouts and programs then no more taxes are needed,can`t grasp any part of that you are not at all conservative.

You obviously have paid no attention to anything I’ve said.  I’m considering YOU GUYS for being too libertarian.  Even though I’m a social conservative through and through, the fact that I’m not a libertarian is infuriating to many of you.  Because it seems like that’s all you guys care about, libertarian economics.

You have not even the first clue what the Libertarian party stands for or are just a guess the latter.
Paulism is a blight on the body politic,it is the fantasy equivalent of Socialism,most here know that and a little research on your part would have found that.

2. I don’t care about the first amendment.  This is a Christian nation.  It was founded and populated by Christians.  What other religions have a better morality than Christianity?

Well isn`t that just quaint.
I do though and as a Christian understand that the first amendment wasn`t to to abandon religion or Christianity but not proscribe a particular one.
You should have spent some of your recent college time studying the intent of the founders.

You are in my opinion a troll pretending to be a conservative,you have no rational thought process and that is demonstrated by your random and contradictory outbursts.

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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #47 on: October 01, 2010, 08:35:38 PM »

Nope.  But my favorite time period in American history, the golden era, was from the 1930s to the mid 1960s.  My favorite Republican presidents were Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower, and to a lesser extent, Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.  But since their economic views would clash with yours, I take it you wouldn’t consider them conservatives?

EPA and OSHA make it impossible to see Nixon as anything other than a liberal republican.

Ford at least told New York to drop dead when it purposely destroyed its economy.
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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #48 on: October 01, 2010, 08:37:44 PM »
I believe that social issues and foreign policy are the most important things we have to worry about.  And that the economy can and should be sacrificed for the good of our culture and foreign policy.

Well.....earlier, you used Japan as an example, and the Imperialist prewar leaders of that country used that exact didn't end well for them, did it.

As far as the wealthy go, yeah, I don't think anyone should be making a billion dollars.  That's too much money for one person, and we have much better uses for that money...such as paying off our debt and spending what we need to on the military.  But as I've stated before, economic efficiency isn't all that important to me

So let me see if I have this believe that if some individual has the brains and tenacity to make him/herself a billionaire, that wealth should be stripped from that person and used for "more important purposes"?  Have I got that right?  Then continuing,

And when there are great inequalities, a socialist revolution becomes a serious possibility.

It sounds to me like your "socialist revolution" has already begun (theoretically) by the thrust of your own words..........if  stripping the wealth of those who earned it, and using it for "other purposes", as well as "pandering to the proletariat", is your concept of conservatism, we are eons apart, politically.....

I'm talking about changes a lot more radical than that.  Are you willing to seriously clean up Washington and our far too liberal judicial system?  To take "extra-legal" measures to do so?

Goodness.......prickly little prole, our new revolutionary..........this sounds very similar to the drivel spouted by Islamic radicals........I think I can speak for the bulk of us,   that we stand for the rule of law, regardless of how perverted it may have become, our concept of change must lie within its boundaries.

I'm gonna take a SWAG, and classify you as a rather young and naive person, that has been exposed to just enough education to be dangerous......unfortunately untempered by experience, common sense, and wisdom.......


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Re: Looking for non-liberal conservatives who don't worship the free market
« Reply #49 on: October 01, 2010, 08:47:23 PM »

the golden era, was from the 1930s to the mid 1960s

"The Golden Era???  Which includes:

The Great Depression

World War Two

The Korean Conflict

And two recessions

I would suggest that you retake that history class......this must be what passes for modern education in American history.....I want a refund on my property taxes....

"Study the past if you wish to define the future"
