Author Topic: Good-bye USA...  (Read 14349 times)

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Offline formerlurker

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #50 on: June 18, 2010, 08:56:14 PM »
An erosion of the COTUS that few elected officials have done anything to stop, especailly at the Fed layer. Makes no difference the letter behind their name, they are few and far between. Allowing erosion to continue, or simply refusing to talk about it, is not a tactic we can allow w/o massive consequence.

yeah Congress should make a law forbidding presidential administrations from challenging laws...... that's right, that's the ticket.......

Offline bkg

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #51 on: June 18, 2010, 08:58:28 PM »
So what is your point imply you understand the reality of the political world but do nothing but whine about it here.

You also did not answer the question as to what we all can do to try to make it so and what YOU are doing where you are.

No more trying to change the subject.

What exactly would you like me to do about it here?  A majority of the threads outside of the lounge are nothing but talking about the negative shit that's happening, not to even touch on DU.

Having said that, your second questoin is a good one, and frankly a valid one that everyone should be able to answer. I'm no different than anyone else - letters, emails, phone calls and local gov't involvement as my work (travel) schedule enables. Profound, hell no. What are you doing? Or more importantly, what have you seen that is WORKING (non internet related)? May make a interesting topic, frankly.

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #52 on: June 18, 2010, 09:01:27 PM »
WTF?    the ability to file the lawsuit itself is the safeguard the authors of the Constitution put in place.   What on earth is the position of SCOTUS in your world?

To recap.  The Obama Administration believes it is the position of federal government to police illegal immigration and not that of states.   He is wrong of course, but will play it out through the federal court system  AS COTUS ALLOWS.      

Just because you don't like the cause of action doesn't freakin mean they can't do it.  

You missed my point completely. Not once did I say it can't happen, did I? That representatives ALLOW the Feds to sue a state for enforcing the fed law is a scary proposition. Just because it's "legal" doesn't make it right. But your point is taken and noted.

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #53 on: June 18, 2010, 09:01:58 PM »
While perhaps not quite as dramatic as Newt's 1994 "Contract With America" stuff, the result will be profound.

Actually, if the GOP performs like I think it will, this election will DWARF 1994. First, the timeline from 1994 through the rest of the decade:

1. The election in 1994 was based upon an ATTEMPT by Clinton to foist "HillaryCare" on the American public. There were other factors, but this was the one event that led to Newt Gingrich's "Contract on America". Actually, Haley Barbour probably had a greater impact on the election itself, but Gingrich happened to be better positioned. I can elaborate more on that later.

2. Bill Clinton was a masterful politician, but he had the help of a relatively sycophant media, a lack of Internet accountability (rapid response), and once the election was over, he maneuvered his political apparatus. In addition, he took charge of the Democratic minority, and played the budget deficit card brilliantly, with the republicans flinching. Once this happened, the media jumped on this like a shark on a bloody prey, cementing the idea that the republicans were toothless in their majority.

3. With that failure, the conservative movement stalled and failed, Bob Dole, a WWII RINO, lost big. After this election, the left shifted to the left again. In fact, the Left became the first group to dominate the Internet (more on that later as well).

So yes, the GOP definitely has a negative track record, and has proven they can't govern effectively as a majority. Why should this time be different?

1. Obama has essentially done everything up front. He has fundamentally (and, hopefully, temporarily) changed the car companies, the financial instutions. He's passed ObamaCare, which is HillaryCare on steroids, and is now in the process of changing the energy industry. In short, he's played out every leftist orgasmic fantasy in only a year and a half.

2. The Tea Party movement is not just about anti-Obama, or pro-republican. It is about a FUNDAMENTAL REAWAKENING by many people about how the government is SUPPOSED to work. The Contract With America turned out to be more of a slogan and an election gimmick, as the crappy style of governance showed.

3. EVERY republican candidate that I've talked to has not only expressed a disdain to "politics as usual", many of them are also working to ensure that they take their Constitutional duties seriously. In short, they have a far more greater understanding about how the government is supposed to work. THIS IS KEY. In short, the feeling is that there is far less of individual desires to succeed politically, but to collectively work toward migrating controls from the federal level to the state level (other than for international and defense departments), and simultaneously, at the state levels, for controlling the finances at their levels that they will now have greater control for their constituents.

Yet, I believe this to be the most important election in my lifetime, surpassed perhaps only by the election of Ronald Reagan (who accelerated the end of the Cold War). This election will be about reestablishing the Constitutional framework of the legislative branch of government. Note that the dems are shifting to the left; so once we win, we will dominate the political scape for at least two years.

And one more point: President Obama is NO Bill Clinton. He doesn't control the political apparatus; the apparatus controls HIM. Obama is nothing more than a pouty, PR-type bureaucrat who, without the apparatus, is going to be floundering like a trout on a flat rock. He won't have the mainstream media to help him nearly as much as the '95 media helped Clinton. Even Clinton was a governor, so he had executive experience in dealing with opposition parties.

And this comes to what I said before: His new best friends will be Olympia Snowe and Scott Brown, and that's if they don't align themselves with the conservative majority. We should be able to deal with them if they don't.

Yes, this election will dwarf any Congressional election we've had since, perhaps, the New Deal era.
"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

Offline formerlurker

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #54 on: June 18, 2010, 09:02:12 PM »

What exactly would you like me to do about it here?  A majority of the threads outside of the lounge are nothing but talking about the negative shit that's happening, not to even touch on DU.

Having said that, your second questoin is a good one, and frankly a valid one that everyone should be able to answer. I'm no different than anyone else - letters, emails, phone calls and local gov't involvement as my work (travel) schedule enables. Profound, hell no. What are you doing? Or more importantly, what have you seen that is WORKING (non internet related)? May make a interesting topic, frankly.

Run for local office.  Be involved in local campaigns.  Move your ass from the sidelines to the line of fire.   Then talk about RINOs and such AFTER you have been out on the street, pounding the pavement for candidates.  

Offline bkg

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #55 on: June 18, 2010, 09:04:30 PM »
Btw...I do think it is important to elect people that oppose the lib agenda even if it means that they are not always on the same page.

Immigration reform was a doa issue just a few years it is swinging our way.
The mushy middle thought they could have a free lunch with O and have discovered it is a sh!t sandwich.

Fairly criticize the GOP for spending too much when in power but also admit that they have held socialism as the left wants it at bay and have had a pro growth economic agenda with a serious effort to end radical islamist terrorism.

The nonsense that there is no difference with dems is just that...nonsense and deliberately dishonest.

Hell, I agree with you! In the absense of a candidate that meets your individual needs, you (effectively) have to vote for the next best.

But we disagree on your last sentence. The difference has become very minor in many (not all) aspects. The major difference isn't agenda anymore, but the tactics used to implement the agenda. Differences? Definitely. Major? I don't think so anymore.

Offline NHSparky

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #56 on: June 18, 2010, 09:04:48 PM »
You missed my point completely. Not once did I say it can't happen, did I? That representatives ALLOW the Feds to sue a state for enforcing the fed law is a scary proposition. Just because it's "legal" doesn't make it right. But your point is taken and noted.

My late uncle's girlfriend (a pretty decent lawyer) had an expression: Justice is a process, not a result.  Just because you didn't get the result you wanted doesn't mean justice wasn't served.

Conversely, those with whom you disagree ALSO have a right to justice, even if you think they're wrong.
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

Offline bkg

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #57 on: June 18, 2010, 09:05:32 PM »
Run for local office.  Be involved in local campaigns.  Move your ass from the sidelines to the line of fire.   Then talk about RINOs and such AFTER you have been out on the street, pounding the pavement for candidates.  

Your assumption is that I don't do shit. I answered the question, you please do the same.

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #58 on: June 18, 2010, 09:06:43 PM »
My late uncle's girlfriend (a pretty decent lawyer) had an expression: Justice is a process, not a result.  Just because you didn't get the result you wanted doesn't mean justice wasn't served.

Conversely, those with whom you disagree ALSO have a right to justice, even if you think they're wrong.

Never once disagreed with last statement... The expression is an interesting one... I'll have to noodle that.

Offline bkg

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #59 on: June 18, 2010, 09:08:14 PM »
Actually, if the GOP performs like I think it will, this election will DWARF 1994. First, the timeline from 1994 through the rest of the decade:

1. The election in 1994 was based upon an ATTEMPT by Clinton to foist "HillaryCare" on the American public. There were other factors, but this was the one event that led to Newt Gingrich's "Contract on America". Actually, Haley Barbour probably had a greater impact on the election itself, but Gingrich happened to be better positioned. I can elaborate more on that later.

2. Bill Clinton was a masterful politician, but he had the help of a relatively sycophant media, a lack of Internet accountability (rapid response), and once the election was over, he maneuvered his political apparatus. In addition, he took charge of the Democratic minority, and played the budget deficit card brilliantly, with the republicans flinching. Once this happened, the media jumped on this like a shark on a bloody prey, cementing the idea that the republicans were toothless in their majority.

3. With that failure, the conservative movement stalled and failed, Bob Dole, a WWII RINO, lost big. After this election, the left shifted to the left again. In fact, the Left became the first group to dominate the Internet (more on that later as well).

So yes, the GOP definitely has a negative track record, and has proven they can't govern effectively as a majority. Why should this time be different?

1. Obama has essentially done everything up front. He has fundamentally (and, hopefully, temporarily) changed the car companies, the financial instutions. He's passed ObamaCare, which is HillaryCare on steroids, and is now in the process of changing the energy industry. In short, he's played out every leftist orgasmic fantasy in only a year and a half.

2. The Tea Party movement is not just about anti-Obama, or pro-republican. It is about a FUNDAMENTAL REAWAKENING by many people about how the government is SUPPOSED to work. The Contract With America turned out to be more of a slogan and an election gimmick, as the crappy style of governance showed.

3. EVERY republican candidate that I've talked to has not only expressed a disdain to "politics as usual", many of them are also working to ensure that they take their Constitutional duties seriously. In short, they have a far more greater understanding about how the government is supposed to work. THIS IS KEY. In short, the feeling is that there is far less of individual desires to succeed politically, but to collectively work toward migrating controls from the federal level to the state level (other than for international and defense departments), and simultaneously, at the state levels, for controlling the finances at their levels that they will now have greater control for their constituents.

Yet, I believe this to be the most important election in my lifetime, surpassed perhaps only by the election of Ronald Reagan (who accelerated the end of the Cold War). This election will be about reestablishing the Constitutional framework of the legislative branch of government. Note that the dems are shifting to the left; so once we win, we will dominate the political scape for at least two years.

And one more point: President Obama is NO Bill Clinton. He doesn't control the political apparatus; the apparatus controls HIM. Obama is nothing more than a pouty, PR-type bureaucrat who, without the apparatus, is going to be floundering like a trout on a flat rock. He won't have the mainstream media to help him nearly as much as the '95 media helped Clinton. Even Clinton was a governor, so he had executive experience in dealing with opposition parties.

And this comes to what I said before: His new best friends will be Olympia Snowe and Scott Brown, and that's if they don't align themselves with the conservative majority. We should be able to deal with them if they don't.

Yes, this election will dwarf any Congressional election we've had since, perhaps, the New Deal era.

Very interesting points.

Offline Carl

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #60 on: June 18, 2010, 09:11:35 PM »

What exactly would you like me to do about it here?  A majority of the threads outside of the lounge are nothing but talking about the negative shit that's happening, not to even touch on DU.

Having said that, your second questoin is a good one, and frankly a valid one that everyone should be able to answer. I'm no different than anyone else - letters, emails, phone calls and local gov't involvement as my work (travel) schedule enables. Profound, hell no. What are you doing? Or more importantly, what have you seen that is WORKING (non internet related)? May make a interesting topic, frankly.

Thank you for the answer. :cheersmate:

As for here I attended a meeting this week with the candidate for our Congressional district...

Talked with him a bit and am pleased.
Have donated and volunteered to work for the campaign and even though it is anecdotal I already see many lawn signs for him and none for the incumbent.
Have offered to serve on the local county committee and will do everything I can to see him elected and reclaim the seat once held by Gerald Solomon.

We can and will win this one back and while it won`t make NY a conservative state it will help push things to the right.

Offline Carl

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #61 on: June 18, 2010, 09:14:24 PM »
Actually, if the GOP performs like I think it will, this election will DWARF 1994. First, the timeline from 1994 through the rest of the decade:

1. The election in 1994 was based upon an ATTEMPT by Clinton to foist "HillaryCare" on the American public. There were other factors, but this was the one event that led to Newt Gingrich's "Contract on America". Actually, Haley Barbour probably had a greater impact on the election itself, but Gingrich happened to be better positioned. I can elaborate more on that later.

2. Bill Clinton was a masterful politician, but he had the help of a relatively sycophant media, a lack of Internet accountability (rapid response), and once the election was over, he maneuvered his political apparatus. In addition, he took charge of the Democratic minority, and played the budget deficit card brilliantly, with the republicans flinching. Once this happened, the media jumped on this like a shark on a bloody prey, cementing the idea that the republicans were toothless in their majority.

3. With that failure, the conservative movement stalled and failed, Bob Dole, a WWII RINO, lost big. After this election, the left shifted to the left again. In fact, the Left became the first group to dominate the Internet (more on that later as well).

So yes, the GOP definitely has a negative track record, and has proven they can't govern effectively as a majority. Why should this time be different?

1. Obama has essentially done everything up front. He has fundamentally (and, hopefully, temporarily) changed the car companies, the financial instutions. He's passed ObamaCare, which is HillaryCare on steroids, and is now in the process of changing the energy industry. In short, he's played out every leftist orgasmic fantasy in only a year and a half.

2. The Tea Party movement is not just about anti-Obama, or pro-republican. It is about a FUNDAMENTAL REAWAKENING by many people about how the government is SUPPOSED to work. The Contract With America turned out to be more of a slogan and an election gimmick, as the crappy style of governance showed.

3. EVERY republican candidate that I've talked to has not only expressed a disdain to "politics as usual", many of them are also working to ensure that they take their Constitutional duties seriously. In short, they have a far more greater understanding about how the government is supposed to work. THIS IS KEY. In short, the feeling is that there is far less of individual desires to succeed politically, but to collectively work toward migrating controls from the federal level to the state level (other than for international and defense departments), and simultaneously, at the state levels, for controlling the finances at their levels that they will now have greater control for their constituents.

Yet, I believe this to be the most important election in my lifetime, surpassed perhaps only by the election of Ronald Reagan (who accelerated the end of the Cold War). This election will be about reestablishing the Constitutional framework of the legislative branch of government. Note that the dems are shifting to the left; so once we win, we will dominate the political scape for at least two years.

And one more point: President Obama is NO Bill Clinton. He doesn't control the political apparatus; the apparatus controls HIM. Obama is nothing more than a pouty, PR-type bureaucrat who, without the apparatus, is going to be floundering like a trout on a flat rock. He won't have the mainstream media to help him nearly as much as the '95 media helped Clinton. Even Clinton was a governor, so he had executive experience in dealing with opposition parties.

And this comes to what I said before: His new best friends will be Olympia Snowe and Scott Brown, and that's if they don't align themselves with the conservative majority. We should be able to deal with them if they don't.

Yes, this election will dwarf any Congressional election we've had since, perhaps, the New Deal era.

A very good point and O is a street thug...he comes at you when things are not his way...that I think has turned people off.

As for the RINOS that are inevitable one must consider them as one does any other contractor...get out of them what one can and understand that the alternative is getting nothing.
Let the tide pull them along and as long as the electorate is still basically running in the same direction count them as useful but understand what reality is.

Now though...if a solid conservative can win in a district or state and the local party is opting for a favorite son who isn`t then raise holy hell and I do think this year may be the year a few of those outside a party can and will be elected.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 09:21:22 PM by Carl »

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #62 on: June 18, 2010, 09:14:57 PM »
Historically speaking the GOP has done very little to retard...

You take that back!

The GOP has done tons of stuff that's retarded!!!
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline bkg

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #63 on: June 18, 2010, 09:15:44 PM »
Thank you for the answer. :cheersmate:

As for here I attended a meeting this week with the candidate for our Congressional district...

Talked with him a bit and am pleased.
Have donated and volunteered to work for the campaign and even though it is anecdotal I already see many lawn signs for him and none for the incumbent.
Have offered to serve on the local county committee and will do everything I can to see him elected and reclaim the seat once held by Gerald Solomon.

We can and will win this one back and while it won`t make NY a conservative state it will help push things to the right.

All ya had to do was ask.  :tongue:

Local elections are going to be key to slowing this train in the next 20 years, IMHO... They've been written off by many due to lack of fan-fair and media attention. I think that's going to change in the next two cycles.

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #64 on: June 18, 2010, 09:24:01 PM »
All ya had to do was ask.  :tongue:

Local elections are going to be key to slowing this train in the next 20 years, IMHO... They've been written off by many due to lack of fan-fair and media attention. I think that's going to change in the next two cycles.

Here's a little something I got from the local Republicans in my e-mail:

Dear Strafford County Republicans:

I'm pleased to inform you that we have had thirty-five (35) 
candidates for the House file to run from Strafford County.  This may 
be a record but at any rate, it's an excellent turnout.  We have 
thirty-seven (37) seats in the county but we have more than two slots 
vacant because we do have primaries in some districts.  There are a 
lot of first-time candidates and a lot of enthusiastic young people.

Additionally, we have forty-eight (48) people who signed up in 
Strafford County to run as delegates to the convention which is a 
great number.

We have Senate candidates in Strafford Senate District 4 who will be 
in a primary: Rep. Dave Bickford of New Durham, George Hurt of 
Gilford, and Jim Forsythe of Strafford.

We have Fenton Groen of Rochester running for Senate District 6 and 
another new candidate running for Senate District 21, Peter 
Angerhofer from Durham.

We also have Wayne Estes running for Sheriff and Catherine Cheney 
running for County Commissioner.

We should be extremely grateful for all of these folks for stepping 
up to the plate and making the decision to run, some at great 
personal sacrifice. I have told each one as I speak to them that we, 
in the county, are standing ready, willing, and able to help and 
support them in any way possible.

Please be sure to go to the polls to vote in the primary election on 
September 14th and in the general election on November 2nd.  Those 
winning their primary race and/or running for delegates to the 
convention will meet in Concord on Saturday, 25th for the Republican 
State Convention to vote on the platform.

Phyllis Woods
National Committeewoman for NH

When you couple that with the fact that the deadline to file was last week, and the number of Republican candidates to file exceeded the Democrat candidates by nearly a 2-1 margin, the Democrats would have to have damned near every candidate win to retain their (brief) majority in Concord.  That ain't gonna happen, friend.  New Hampshire is going back to their CONSERVATIVE roots by first booting out the Democrats, then making sure that the Republicans who replaced them are damned well aware that if they don't get their shit in one sock, they'll be out the door just as quickly.

Carol "Che" Shea-Porter is as good as gone.  Hodes gave up his House seat to run for Senate, which he won't get.  And while Charlie Bass thinks he can just waltz back in and take his old seat back, there are a lot of good, solid, conservative candidates to pick from in the 2nd District.

Now was that thanks to the RNC, RNCC, or even the state GOP?  Nope--it was due to PEOPLE getting involved at the local level and letting the state party system know in no uncertain terms that the days of the mushy Republicans under Fergus "mouthbreather" Cullen are OVER.
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #65 on: June 18, 2010, 10:00:42 PM »

Arizona Attorney General Says He Won't Defend State's Immigration Law

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #66 on: June 18, 2010, 10:10:37 PM »

Guess he likes the idea of being an ambulance chaser in Winslow for the rest of his life.
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

Offline formerlurker

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #67 on: June 19, 2010, 05:25:41 AM »

Your assumption is that I don't do shit. I answered the question, you please do the same.

I just did.

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #68 on: June 19, 2010, 07:41:53 AM »
Guess he likes the idea of being an ambulance chaser in Winslow for the rest of his life.

Maybe he'll get run over by the ambulance.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #69 on: June 19, 2010, 11:10:14 AM »
Maybe he'll get run over by the ambulance.BUS

"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation."- IBID

I AM your General Ne'er Do Well, Troublemaker & All Around Meanie!!

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #70 on: June 19, 2010, 11:30:29 PM »
The news of the sky falling has been greatly exaggerated.   

Obama sues, loses and the sun rises tomorrow. 

Then he signs an EO negating the AZ law.
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #71 on: June 20, 2010, 05:09:13 AM »
You take that back!

The GOP has done tons of stuff that's retarded!!!

 :cheersmate: :rotf: :cheersmate:
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." --Norman Thomas, 1944

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #72 on: June 20, 2010, 08:14:07 AM »
Then he signs an EO negating the AZ law.

Go ahead and try it.  It'd be like the Executive Branch trying to void laws which have already been passed and upheld by the Judicial Branch.  He'd get his crank stomped on so fast it wouldn't be funny.
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

Offline bkg

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #73 on: June 20, 2010, 01:15:17 PM »
Go ahead and try it.  It'd be like the Executive Branch trying to void laws which have already been passed and upheld by the Judicial Branch.  He'd get his crank stomped on so fast it wouldn't be funny.

Hasn't he done that already with EO's?

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Re: Good-bye USA...
« Reply #74 on: June 20, 2010, 01:33:41 PM »

“Look, we’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind,”  Donald J.Trump. 6/13/16