Author Topic: Emanuel: U.S. fed up with Israel, Palestinians  (Read 4751 times)

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Re: Emanuel: U.S. fed up with Israel, Palestinians
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2010, 02:08:26 PM »

You might find this interesting.  My wife and I visited Costa Rica recently and have Panama also on the radar; particularly if we are unable to get health care.  I wrote a friend of mine who immigrated to the US and asked him what it is like to move to a new country.  I knew they moved to the US to use his words, "to find freedom".  He sent me an very interesting story, which to me outlines the very issue and point you are making.  Until there are no more non-believers living the muslims will do whatever it takes.  I agree with you about the Palestenians and Hammas, they have no intention of signing and keeping any peace agreements.  They are only done so until they are ready to attack again.


Here is what my friend had to say:

In terms of my family's situation, the choice was really more of a dire necessity than a casual choice. My family is Assyrian, and in the early 1900's, my grandfather's tribe, for lack of a better description, was literally decimated at the hands of Turks, Kurds, soon to be Iraqis. Women and children were enslaved or forced into marriage and conversion to Islam. With the loss of our biggest allies the White Russians facing a Communist Revolution and the Brits having a convoluted geopolitical agenda, the Assyrians started to flee the highlands of Turkey and Iraq for places like Syria, Lebanon, Europe and the the U.S.

Even modern day Detroit would have looked like paradise given the circumstances. We ended up leaving Lebanon in the early 70s because a civil war was starting, my parents and grandparents had known life under the threat of sword [and had often meted out the sword themselves], and because they wanted to increase the chances that their offspring would survive. We really had no choice. My mother's father decided to stay in the Middle East. A few years later, in his seventies, he struggled with a 20 year old Islamist who broke into his house to kill him for being a 'nonbeliever', and a week later he died of peritonitis from multiple stab wounds to the abdomen. His attacker was viewed locally as a hero.

Non-Muslims living in "Muslim countries" are the most persecuted people on the planet. Very sad.
My father told me not too long ago, "all there is needed is a huge earthquake in Mecca, to show people that this stupid religion is garbage."

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Re: Emanuel: U.S. fed up with Israel, Palestinians
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2010, 06:05:48 PM »
Non-Muslims living in "Muslim countries" are the most persecuted people on the planet. Very sad.
My father told me not too long ago, "all there is needed is a huge earthquake in Mecca, to show people that this stupid religion is garbage."


Nixon predicted the next major war would be the muslims against the non-muslims.  I suspect he was thirty years ahead of his time.  Let the games begin now before they can penetrate free societies even further.


Offline thundley4

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Re: Emanuel: U.S. fed up with Israel, Palestinians
« Reply #27 on: January 10, 2010, 07:22:48 PM »

Nixon predicted the next major war would be the muslims against the non-muslims.  I suspect he was thirty years ahead of his time.  Let the games begin now before they can penetrate free societies even further.


Most "wars" since Nixon's time have involved Muslims in one way or another.