Author Topic: primitives find options changing  (Read 1139 times)

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Offline franksolich

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primitives find options changing
« on: October 27, 2009, 05:43:16 AM »

Oh my.

ejpoeta  (1000+ posts)        Mon Oct-26-09 08:16 PM
Original message
Well, my husband just found out our options for health insurance coverage have changed. 

All but three options are gone. And what is left have a nice deductible before they ever pay a dime. Bob mentioned UHC (united healthcare) great!! but please, we don't want to lose our 'choices' do we!! I mean, even if you have decent coverage there are no guarantees tomrrow. We currently have CIGNA which isn't the greatest, but will no longer be available after this year. And Independent health which at least covered a lot of things will be gone as well. But by all means, we don't need reform. ANd the idea of a mandate right now scares the crap out of me. Mandated into a policy that won't even begin to pay out anything until we shell out $2500!! I hope to hell we qualify for family health plus or we are screwed!

People are kidding themselves if they think that we can keep our 'good health insurance'. But I can guarantee that the insurance companies are going to keep jacking up the rates and employers are going to have to keep paring down options to no good ones. And the mental health coverage is atrocious!! I am teetering right now... haven't had meds for many months and just had a baby a month ago. I can't afford to go to my conselor because of my cost. I went today after calling to ask if I could pay the $25 next time bob gets paid because i NEEDED to go. I know I am slipping and don't want to go down that road. But what can you do when you are broke and still can't afford to get the help you need.

I owe $250 to the hospital towards my daughter's birth. Still have to get my youngest signed up for insurance and got a bill from a checkup for $80!! I can assure you that the financial aspects of this crap is not helping my depression right now. But that's ok. we need to take our time. and lets let the insurance companies run everything because they are doing such a great job right now.

OK> i am done now.

I thought Bo was going to take care of all of this at 11:01 a.m. January 20, 2009.

The primitives promised us he would.

The primitive who's a candidate for the city council of Newburgh, New York:

mdmc  (1000+ posts)        Mon Oct-26-09 08:20 PM
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1. Mine too.. Going up Nov.1 

beat incorporated.

ejpoeta  (1000+ posts)        Mon Oct-26-09 08:24 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. but at least we can get health savings accounts. the company will chip in $1000 towards the HSA... which apparently will at least roll over. I don't like this at all. Bob was going to see if we qualify for family health plus. at least we can put the kids on child health plus. oh, and i guess life insurance is gone now.

Papagoose (146 posts)        Mon Oct-26-09 08:33 PM
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3. My share of the premiums go up on Jan. 1 but we've already been told no bonuses this year and no raises for next year. That's a pay cut by my reasoning, but they keep telling us to not complain and be grateful for what we get.

The thing is - I am grateful - but I am not an ingrate for not being happy with this.

ejpoeta  (1000+ posts)        Mon Oct-26-09 08:41 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. yeah, no bonuses and no raises here either. but they aren't telling anyone until after the union vote is over. you would think folks would have figured it out by now since they pulled that bs last year and waited til after the vote to tell them no bonus and no raise. and it isn't about the money so much as it is about watching the ceo get millions in bonus while you get the shaft.

ginnyinWI  (1000+ posts)        Mon Oct-26-09 08:51 PM
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5. we are losing choices too, first of the year.

No more option to belong to an HMO. Everybody goes on one of three plans with payroll deductions and deductibles. If you add payroll to deductible they are all the same: about $4300 out of pocket before insurance kicks in. Big payroll deduction=smaller deductible, or the reverse. We are going to opt for the smaller payroll deduction and hope we don't spend all the deductible. That's the only way to pay less than $4300 per year.

This includes prescriptions--no more co-pays--we have to pay the full amount until the deductible is met! I am on three of them.

It's not the employer's fault, it's the insurance industry, trying to squeeze out more profits for themselves.

Better than no insurance but this is NO choice. You work for this company and this is your insurance. period.

Okie4Obama  (176 posts)      Mon Oct-26-09 09:23 PM
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6. I had post partum depression for over a year because no health insurance == no help.

I hope you get some kind of relief before your depression kicks into overdrive.

ejpoeta  (1000+ posts)        Tue Oct-27-09 06:25 AM
Response to Reply #6
9. i just don't want to go back 'there'..... i have more incentive to fight it, but the trouble is that you have a logical side and then the darkness... and once the logical side gets very quiet and small, then you do stupid things like ride your bike four hours to your brothers house and don't tell anyone where you are going and do self destructive things. i have my notebook from back then which scares the crap out of me. Granted, i was younger then.... early 20s before i met my husband. but i still don't want to go back to that horrible place. and this insurance crap isn't helping any. at least they let me go to see my counselor without having the money to pay right away.... that is different from before. no money, no counseling was their policy back then.

A priest, minister, rabbi, or imam gives counseling for free.

But these being primitives, never mind.....

Duke Newcombe (1000+ posts)        Mon Oct-26-09 10:48 PM
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7. B, b, but...the FREE MARKET supplies CHOICE, doesn't it?

In your case you still have choice...a bad, nearly worthless choice, but a choice!!!

Stupid flippin' birthers, deathers, tenthers, so-called "conservatives", and their damned "Health" Insurance overlords.

ejpoeta  (1000+ posts)        Tue Oct-27-09 06:29 AM
Response to Reply #7

10. gee, will my brother bitch about the changes??? he is against healthcare reform... against anything the liberals do..... he won't vote for a union for work either because they support obama. yep. that's right. he's willing to keep us all under the thumb of corporate overlords because he'd rather have no bonus, no raise, no anything than to be part of an organization that supports dems. i swear i could strangle him!! he LOVES limbaugh and beck. and he refuses to listen to anything. btw... he and my husband work for the same company.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2009, 06:02:20 AM »
Yet another DUmmy that claims depression and/or other mental illness.

I`m shocked. :whatever:

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2009, 06:12:28 AM »
PJ O'Rourke: If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait until its free.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline jtyangel

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2009, 06:38:21 AM »
Turn off the, likely, cable internet and there's 50 bucks a month right there. I have no sympathy for people with internet who don't earn some kind of money with it at home, but won't part with it and then say they are 'broke'. If you don't earn some kind of living on it, then it is just entertainment and should be pared down from the budget for necessities. Same with the cell phone. I expect most people who eliminated those non-essentials would save anywhere from 50-150 bucks a month right there. A lot of American families could make it, but they just refuse to give up their discretionary playthings.

I do think that insurance is getting a little ridiculous though too, but I think getting the government out of it instead of more in it would be the wisest option to get that stuff lowered. Keep some kind of safety net for the uninsured for catastrophic illness/circumstances. Everything else people should be able to cover themselves even if they are uninsured once the costs come down with less gov. intrusion. My mother went to a doctor here when she was uninsured. He was older, limited what he accepted insurance wise and would take uninsured folks for 40 bucks a visit--that's only 10 bucks more then my copay. The bottom line is he negotiated fees the less insurance and gov. medicaid he took. Seems most docs could probably see peeps for about half of what they charge now without having to pay for a lot of red tape. That would leave catastrophic insurance for exceptional circumstances and maybe even a 'chronic health insurance' option for people with chronic conditions like auto immune disorders or diabetes and I would guess with all the other crap out of the way even those people would be paying about the premiums that primitives consider exhorbant now so a little more expensive then the average person, but still managable and family would have more $$ to help out under that situation anyway.

But by all means, let's rape everyone so nobody can do anything for anyone else whether it is doctors or family members. A$$hole government beaurocrats!

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2009, 07:28:23 AM »
Quote from:
... my brother .... (is) willing to keep us all under the thumb of corporate overlords because ....

Corporate overlords are kind and compassionate compared to Democrat liberal overlords, and your brother knows it.  Sounds like some corps are doing what they have to do in order to make it through this fine Dear Leader's economy.  Get used to it, primitives, these are the results of what you wanted.  We've been telling you all along the results of what you desired did not match up to what you were expecting, but once again you're too stupid to listen.  Here's the best advise you can get:  Under Obamacare, do not get sick in America.

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2009, 07:38:29 AM »
Duke Newcombe (1000+ posts)        Mon Oct-26-09 10:48 PM
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7. B, b, but...the FREE MARKET supplies CHOICE, doesn't it?

 :thatsright: Moron.  What you're seeing is what's going to happen when the Government takes over.

These insurers are merely preparing to try and survive what's about to hit them with Obama care.  Just like corporations laid off workers in anticipation of a higher minimum wage AND increased too are the Insurance Companies preparing for the financial hit they are about to get shoved down their throat by the Feds.
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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2009, 09:20:05 AM »
I did some quick calculations on the rate of my health insurance rise. This was from when I was 37 to 50 and with the same company, same plan. The horrendous "inflation rate" was about 5% per year. That's barely ahead of inflation. I think one thing people forget is that as you get older the premiums go up because you are more risky.  Many of the talented and gifted look back at when they were young versus old and assume the rate would have stayed the same.

Want to know what is really scary?  During that same time the government has grown an average of 14% per year.  5% versus 14%? I think the real problem is with the inflation of government not the health insurance companies.
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Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2009, 12:07:26 PM »
Duke Newcombe (1000+ posts)        Mon Oct-26-09 10:48 PM
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7. B, b, but...the FREE MARKET supplies CHOICE, doesn't it?

We have no free market. We wish.

Wait till there is one option and you pay for it whether you want it or not

Offline Chris_

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2009, 12:17:39 PM »

We have no free market. We wish.

Wait till there is one option and you pay for it whether you want it or not

Interesting that the DUmmies bring this up.....I wonder if they are aware that those of us that are on Medicare Advantage plans have just been advised that due to the fact that president Obama has mandated a 4.5% reduction in the reimbursement rate for 2010, all of our copays and deductables are increasing significantly as well......this is what they have to look forward to under "government healthcare".........

Kinda ironic doncha think?

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Offline thundley4

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2009, 12:22:05 PM »
Interesting that the DUmmies bring this up.....I wonder if they are aware that those of us that are on Medicare Advantage plans have just been advised that due to the fact that president Obama has mandated a 4.5% reduction in the reimbursement rate for 2010, all of our copays and deductables are increasing significantly as well......this is what they have to look forward to under "government healthcare".........

Kinda ironic doncha think?


But many of those on Medicare will get that whopping $250 bailout from SS, maybe.

Offline dandi

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2009, 12:30:37 PM »
ejpoeta  (1000+ posts)        Mon Oct-26-09 08:16 PM
Original message
Well, my husband just found out our options for health insurance coverage have changed.

That kind of stuff happens.  Nothing is permanent except death and DUmmie stupidity.  What have you done, DUmmie, to be prepared for a change in coverage? 

All but three options are gone. And what is left have a nice deductible before they ever pay a dime. Bob mentioned UHC (united healthcare) great!! but please, we don't want to lose our 'choices' do we!! I mean, even if you have decent coverage there are no guarantees tomrrow. We currently have CIGNA which isn't the greatest, but will no longer be available after this year. And Independent health which at least covered a lot of things will be gone as well. But by all means, we don't need reform. ANd the idea of a mandate right now scares the crap out of me. Mandated into a policy that won't even begin to pay out anything until we shell out $2500!! I hope to hell we qualify for family health plus or we are screwed!

Again, what have you done to be prepared for a change in coverage?

People are kidding themselves if they think that we can keep our 'good health insurance'. But I can guarantee that the insurance companies are going to keep jacking up the rates and employers are going to have to keep paring down options to no good ones.

Think it's bad now?  Wait until your "messiah" implements his "vision" for the rest of us.

And the mental health coverage is atrocious!! I am teetering right now... haven't had meds for many months and just had a baby a month ago. I can't afford to go to my conselor because of my cost. I went today after calling to ask if I could pay the $25 next time bob gets paid because i NEEDED to go. I know I am slipping and don't want to go down that road. But what can you do when you are broke and still can't afford to get the help you need.

Twenty five dollars?  Are you serious?  What are you doing that you can't afford 25 dollars?  Why the hell are you whining instead of trying to do better?  And why the hell is it that every damned DUmmie seems to have "mental health issues"? 

I owe $250 to the hospital towards my daughter's birth. Still have to get my youngest signed up for insurance and got a bill from a checkup for $80!! I can assure you that the financial aspects of this crap is not helping my depression right now. But that's ok. we need to take our time. and lets let the insurance companies run everything because they are doing such a great job right now.

If 330 dollars is such a hurdle, did you think twice before you brought a child into the world?  If you're not smart enough to use effective birth control, why the hell should I be forced to subsidize your stupidity?

If you are having a problem, shut off the damn computer and get your ass to work!  Go to school, take two part time jobs, do SOMETHING!  Whining on DU will not get you better coverage and it sure as shit won't get you paid.

OK> i am done now.

Jesus!  If only.....
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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2009, 12:31:47 PM »
But many of those on Medicare will get that whopping $250 bailout from SS, maybe.

That will sure help, because the maximum plan "out of pocket" went from $3600 to $4900......maybe not so much......

If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2009, 02:47:47 PM »
ejpoeta  (1000+ posts)        Tue Oct-27-09 06:29 AM
Response to Reply #7

10. gee, will my brother bitch about the changes??? he is against healthcare reform... against anything the liberals do..... he won't vote for a union for work either because they support obama. yep. that's right. he's willing to keep us all under the thumb of corporate overlords because he'd rather have no bonus, no raise, no anything than to be part of an organization that supports dems. i swear i could strangle him!! he LOVES limbaugh and beck. and he refuses to listen to anything. btw... he and my husband work for the same company.

This is way off-topic, but this post made me have a quick question which I need some feedback on-how is it that families with say 2-4 siblings can wind up with one or more being on different political sides, but my mother had 10 kids and every single one of us is rabidly conservative, and it wasn't upbringing, because my parents, to the best of my knowledge, were culturally conservative but apolitical?

Offline Chris_

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2009, 03:45:22 PM »
This is way off-topic, but this post made me have a quick question which I need some feedback on-how is it that families with say 2-4 siblings can wind up with one or more being on different political sides, but my mother had 10 kids and every single one of us is rabidly conservative, and it wasn't upbringing, because my parents, to the best of my knowledge, were culturally conservative but apolitical?

Tough question, and I don't have a real answer, except for the fact that most conservatives will tell you that somewhere in their life experiences, they were "mugged by reality", and I sincerely do find that some types of liberalism should be classified as a mental disorder, rather than a political ideology......


If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2009, 04:01:08 PM »
This is way off-topic, but this post made me have a quick question which I need some feedback on-how is it that families with say 2-4 siblings can wind up with one or more being on different political sides, but my mother had 10 kids and every single one of us is rabidly conservative, and it wasn't upbringing, because my parents, to the best of my knowledge, were culturally conservative but apolitical?

Liberalism is a mental disease, and it can happen in the best of the families.  As Frank would say : excrescence happens.

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2009, 04:21:38 PM »
Tough question, and I don't have a real answer, except for the fact that most conservatives will tell you that somewhere in their life experiences, they were "mugged by reality"

Like the day I figured out what an abortion was?

Offline Chris_

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2009, 04:27:52 PM »
Like the day I figured out what an abortion was?

That.....or when you received your first withholding statement....

If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2009, 04:32:24 PM »
All but three options are gone.


Wait'll Obamacare comes!

Suck it up libTURDs. You asked for it!  :rotf:

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2009, 04:59:07 PM »
Okay, let me see if I understand. One of these ungrateful jerks is upset because they're only going to have THREE health insurance options. One of the other ones is pissed because deceptive union negotiations prevented them from getting any kind of raise or bonus (welcome to real life during a recession) which is somehow tied to how much the CEO makes. As an aside, I wonder how much those union CEO's make.

We have 10% unemployment, closer to 20% if you count those who've just given up and one of these idiots is upset about not having a cornucopia of insurance choices (we have 2 choices, an HMO and a PPO) which might just mean the company can keep a few more people employed, but that's not important right now. What's important is the DUmmie MUST have2 a poker hand full of choices even if co-workers lose their jobs OR premium-single-payer-government-run-that-will-pay-for-absolutely-everything-every-moonbat-thinks-should-be-covered-and-only-paid-for-by-evil-ceo's-corporations-and-especially-oil-companies.

Another is pissed because even though her spouse HAS a job when so many others don't this selfish bitch's husband isn't getting a raise or bonus. Yeah, the party of compassion there. Amazing how they only want to help those in need but when it comes to talking about an issue, they only manage to moan and complain about how it affects their selfish, self-centered, self-important pissy little lives. Neither of these is an argument for government health care, especially the one upset about a lack of options. Seems that's more an argument AGAINST government involvement. Tell you what, you DUmmies and your congressional reps can try your way first. When my senators sign up, then I'll consider it, until then, you keep your public option and I'll work on being able to buy insurance across state lines.

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Re: primitives find options changing
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2009, 05:43:51 PM »
Okay, let me see if I understand. One of these ungrateful jerks is upset because they're only going to have THREE health insurance options. One of the other ones is pissed because deceptive union negotiations prevented them from getting any kind of raise or bonus (welcome to real life during a recession) which is somehow tied to how much the CEO makes. As an aside, I wonder how much those union CEO's make.

We have 10% unemployment, closer to 20% if you count those who've just given up and one of these idiots is upset about not having a cornucopia of insurance choices (we have 2 choices, an HMO and a PPO) which might just mean the company can keep a few more people employed, but that's not important right now. What's important is the DUmmie MUST have2 a poker hand full of choices even if co-workers lose their jobs OR premium-single-payer-government-run-that-will-pay-for-absolutely-everything-every-moonbat-thinks-should-be-covered-and-only-paid-for-by-evil-ceo's-corporations-and-especially-oil-companies.

Another is pissed because even though her spouse HAS a job when so many others don't this selfish bitch's husband isn't getting a raise or bonus. Yeah, the party of compassion there. Amazing how they only want to help those in need but when it comes to talking about an issue, they only manage to moan and complain about how it affects their selfish, self-centered, self-important pissy little lives. Neither of these is an argument for government health care, especially the one upset about a lack of options. Seems that's more an argument AGAINST government involvement. Tell you what, you DUmmies and your congressional reps can try your way first. When my senators sign up, then I'll consider it, until then, you keep your public option and I'll work on being able to buy insurance across state lines.


There's a funny thread over at the DUmp where the OP is whining that the blue states are going to throw their fellow liberals in the red states "under the bus" on the opt-out section, and that they don't care about their fellow progressives in the trenches behind the lines, after all they did to get Barry elected. The blue state libs are crowing that that's what they get for living in Dixie. The whiners in the Sunny South are asking the blue staters to move to the South. Thank God Almighty, the blue state libs are replying to the effect that they'd drink hemlock first (wish they meant it, it's become a noticeable pattern that they ruin their states then migrate to some innocent red state with low taxes and states' rights minding its own business and proceed to destroy it-they're progressive alright, like termites). The thread is kind of funny (as long as the blue state libs stay where they are-one line was especially funny when a red state lib whiner said something about "I guess you think all the people in New Orleans just should've learned to swim" LOLOLOL).

There's another related thread where a poster actually told someone not to worry because government programs always grow, they never retrench. I can't believe someone could say such a thing so nonchalantly.