Author Topic: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck  (Read 19728 times)

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #50 on: October 04, 2009, 08:57:03 PM »
I'm sorry people, but I side with Rush, not Glenn the decadent Liberaltarian. Good God NO.
Like Rush says-- take over the GOP, don't dump it.
The religious right has a strong grip on the party, in fact they have their teeth sinked into it.
They wont turn out and energize the base without a conservative candidate.
If we watched the primaries last year, Mike Huckabee took the entire religious right vote, a popular governor who was a former preacher.

If Obama's poll numbers are low come election season. The GOP candidate who wins the religious right vote will win the primaries.
Blood will be in water, the sharks will come.

If Obama's poll numbers are hovering about 50%, we might get another RINO.

Glenn Beck is not going to revitalize the Republican party, the religious right will.  He's an alarmist with no direction.  

« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 08:59:39 PM by Mustang »

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #51 on: October 04, 2009, 09:00:20 PM »
Glenn Beck is not going to revitalize the Republican party. 

You're spot-on...

But it's also not his intention to revitalize a "Party." Parties killed this country. Ideals, involvement and movements are Beck's focus.

Think about it for a while. What has the GOP done in the last - oh - 40 years to preserve your freedoms, uphold COTUS, reduce the size of gov't or end entitlement?

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #52 on: October 04, 2009, 09:02:15 PM »
Well said and welcome aboard.

Thx. Lurked for a while. I'm an opinionated, uber conservative/Libertarian, a-hole. Be warned.  :-)

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #53 on: October 04, 2009, 09:04:08 PM »
You keep talking about Beck and the R party.  The two are unrelated.

Beck is just pointing out how party politics has all too often taken the place of just doing the right thing.  With that I agree.

Beck's got the libs angry, which means what he's saying worries them.  Hope he keeps it up.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline rich_t

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #54 on: October 04, 2009, 09:05:14 PM »

I haven't listened to Beck a whole lot in recent weeks.

When did he say dump the Republican party?

What's this "religious right" crap?  Do you mean folks that are conservatives that also happen to believe in the Christian God?

Son, conservatives are conservatives.  They stand by and live by a certain set of conservative principles.  Not all conservatives are religious, not by a long shot.

But even if they were... that wouldn't be a bad thing.

I bet I could write a pretty good thesis tying the decline of the republic with the reduction of folks going to church on a regular basis since this country was founded.  But that's a conversation best suited for another thread.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 09:19:59 PM by rich_t »
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." --Norman Thomas, 1944

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #55 on: October 04, 2009, 09:11:55 PM »
I bet I could write a pretty good thesis tying the decline of the republic with the reduction of folks going to church on a regular basis since country was founded.  But that's a conversation best suited for another thread.

I would tend to agree with this based only on casual observation. However, I don't think the two, as you earlier mentioned, are dependent upon the other. I'm very - VERY - fiscally conservative, socially confused (tend towards libertarian, but still have some "issues" that I find difficult to turn a blind eye towards), and generally right leaning. I think we've tended towards the left as we've started to worship ourselves more, become morally relatively, found more solice in PC and gray than in right and wrong. I also think you can't be a strong fiscal conservative and social liberal - financially they don't mix.

But overall, religion does not define/drive conservative politices anymore than conservative politics define religion, IMHO.

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #56 on: October 04, 2009, 09:12:55 PM »
Did anyone watch Fox news Sunday?

I'm glad someone shares my sentiment about Glenn Beck.

Brett Bair asked Senator Lindsey Graham about his dislike with Glenn Beck. He responded in saying that he doesn't want to watch someone who claims to be part of the conservative movement and convinced that the Republican party has seen its best days behind us. And he was also annoyed that Glenn claimed McCain would have been worse than Obama.

I agree with Lindsey Graham. I'm proud to be a Republican and I too do not want to watch a "conservative" that claims there is no difference between the GOP and the Democrats. In fact I stopped watching Bill O'Reilly too. At this point I am so annoyed by GOP "conservative" critics and "moderates", I only watch Sean Hannity, Greta (I know she's a democrat, but she has a good show), and Rush Limbaugh.

I just worked 12 hours yesterday and 6-8 hours the past 6 days working to get Chris Christie elected Governor. In fact I urge everyone on this site to donate whatever you can afford to Chris Christie for New Jersey or Bob McDonnell for governor of Virginia. If we win both of these races, the media will run with it. It will give us great momentum for 2010 elections and probably even for 2012.

Even Rush Limbaugh took a swipe at Glenn Beck on Friday's show. Rush said people who claim that there is no difference between the two parties are pretty much delusional, conservatives need to take over the GOP, not dump it.

And yes I HATE RINO's. One of the interns at the office I work at is the biggest RINO I ever met. He makes John McCain look like Ronald Reagan in comparison. Since he has made his liberals view clear, my boss told me that he will never allow anyone to give him a job. Even though he has a master's degree in political science, my boss wants me to move up in the ranks because I'm a conservative and I work harder.

I hate moderates as much as I hate liberals. And I hate RINO's more than liberals. At this point I can't take anyone seriously who thinks the GOP is the party of RINO's. Either conservatives help us take over the party, or get out of our way and go worship some third party.

And as much as John McCain was a RINO, he wasn't that much of a RINO. At least he believed in a strong foreign policy, supported the Bush tax cuts, and was Pro-life....Glenn Beck, is John McCain worse than Obama? STFU.

And why exactly are moderates so scared of the GOP moving to the right? Are they scared of Ronald Reagan?
Oh no! Not Ronald Reagan!


On this issue we will have to disagree.  While I do not always agree with Glenn Beck, he is right that we have been moving toward socialism under both parties, just at a faster rate with the libs.  I feel like the Republican party left me, not vice-versa.  If it were true to conservative principals, why the hell would McCain be nominated?  Why did Bush not do something about illegal immigration?  Why did Bush go along with the first bail out?

I truly distrust the democrat party; but must also say that since Reagan, the Republicans have let me down too many times.


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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #57 on: October 04, 2009, 09:18:50 PM »
I would tend to agree with this based only on casual observation. However, I don't think the two, as you earlier mentioned, are dependent upon the other. I'm very - VERY - fiscally conservative, socially confused (tend towards libertarian, but still have some "issues" that I find difficult to turn a blind eye towards), and generally right leaning. I think we've tended towards the left as we've started to worship ourselves more, become morally relatively, found more solice in PC and gray than in right and wrong. I also think you can't be a strong fiscal conservative and social liberal - financially they don't mix.

But overall, religion does not define/drive conservative politices anymore than conservative politics define religion, IMHO.

You will find that most of us conservatives here are not PC.
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." --Norman Thomas, 1944

Offline Mustang

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #58 on: October 04, 2009, 09:22:34 PM »

I haven't listened to Beck a whole lot in recent weeks.

When did he say dump the Republican party?

What's this "religious right" crap?  Do you mean folks that are conservatives that also happend to believe in the Christian God?

Son, conservatives are conservatives.  They stand by and live by a certain set of conservative principles.  Not all conservatives are religious, not by a long shot.

But even if they were... that wouldn't be a bad thing.

I bet I could write a pretty good thesis concerning the decline of the replublic and the reduction of folks going to church on a regular basis since country was founded.  But that's a conversation best suited for another thread.

I like my job. I like my candidate for governor (and so does my priest), and when I get home after an enjoyable but hard day of work, I have to turn off my TV at 2am, because Beck makes me want to puke. Ann Coulter, Laura Ingrahm, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Karl Rove, these are people that I enjoy and are worth my time. Beck just irritates me with his broad paint brush of what the Republican party is. I just can't watch him anymore.  

Offline bkg

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #59 on: October 04, 2009, 09:23:05 PM »
You will find that most of us conservatives here are not PC.

I know no true conservative who is PC.  :cheersmate:

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #60 on: October 04, 2009, 09:24:15 PM »
I like my job. I like my candidate for governor (and so does my priest), and when I get home after an enjoyable but hard day of work, I have to turn off my TV at 2am, because Beck makes me want to puke. Ann Coulter, Laura Ingrahm, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Karl Rove, these are people that I enjoy and are worth my time. Beck just irritates me with his broad paint brush of what the Republican party is. I just can't watch him anymore.  

I don't know you, so please feel free to tell me to jump out of a first floor window...

But where is he wrong?
What's more important - the party or the ideals?

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #61 on: October 04, 2009, 09:27:08 PM »

On this issue we will have to disagree.  While I do not always agree with Glenn Beck, he is right that we have been moving toward socialism under both parties, just at a faster rate with the libs.  I feel like the Republican party left me, not vice-versa.  If it were true to conservative principals, why the hell would McCain be nominated?  Why did Bush not do something about illegal immigration?  Why did Bush go along with the first bail out?

I truly distrust the democrat party; but must also say that since Reagan, the Republicans have let me down too many times.


Exactly.  Period.

Offline rich_t

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #62 on: October 04, 2009, 09:31:35 PM »
I like my job.

Good for you.  It's always better to work at a job that you like than one you don't.  BTW... Do you get paid for your work as an intern?

I like my candidate for governor (and so does my priest),

I should hope the hell so, since you are working to get them elected.  I could care less about your priest's approval unless he posts here.

and when I get home after an enjoyable but hard day of work, I have to turn off my TV at 2am, because Beck makes me want to puke.

You only get 1 channel on your TV?

Ann Coulter, Laura Ingrahm, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Karl Rove, these are people that I enjoy and are worth my time.

Good for you.  I like them too.

Beck just irritates me with his broad paint brush of what the Republican party is. I just can't watch him anymore.  

Beck is spot on when it comes to his assessment of the current republican party.  
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 09:33:43 PM by rich_t »
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." --Norman Thomas, 1944

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #63 on: October 04, 2009, 09:34:39 PM »
I don't know you, so please feel free to tell me to jump out of a first floor window...

But where is he wrong?
What's more important - the party or the ideals?

I'd like to see an answer to that too.
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." --Norman Thomas, 1944

Offline rich_t

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #64 on: October 04, 2009, 09:37:04 PM »
I would tend to agree with this based only on casual observation. However, I don't think the two, as you earlier mentioned, are dependent upon the other. I'm very - VERY - fiscally conservative, socially confused (tend towards libertarian, but still have some "issues" that I find difficult to turn a blind eye towards), and generally right leaning. I think we've tended towards the left as we've started to worship ourselves more, become morally relatively, found more solice in PC and gray than in right and wrong. I also think you can't be a strong fiscal conservative and social liberal - financially they don't mix.

But overall, religion does not define/drive conservative politices anymore than conservative politics define religion, IMHO.

OK...  Maybe we can get you squared away on some of those social issue.

Which ones are you confused about?

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." --Norman Thomas, 1944

Offline bkg

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #65 on: October 04, 2009, 09:44:17 PM »
OK...  Maybe we can get you squared away on some of those social issue.

Which ones are you confused about?


Likely a different thread, but I bounce back and forth between the true "libertarian" stance of live/let live on the social issues and the conservative in me who truly believes in traditional values. Pick an issue, I likely have argued both sides with myself, successfully. Regardless, I firmly believe you cannot be a (successful) fiscal conservative and social liberal - I believe they are in conflict.

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #66 on: October 04, 2009, 09:48:14 PM »
I'm sorry people, but I side with Rush, not Glenn the decadent Liberaltarian. Good God NO.
Like Rush says-- take over the GOP, don't dump it.
The religious right has a strong grip on the party, in fact they have their teeth sinked into it.
They wont turn out and energize the base without a conservative candidate.
If we watched the primaries last year, Mike Huckabee took the entire religious right vote, a popular governor who was a former preacher.

If Obama's poll numbers are low come election season. The GOP candidate who wins the religious right vote will win the primaries.
Blood will be in water, the sharks will come.

If Obama's poll numbers are hovering about 50%, we might get another RINO.

Glenn Beck is not going to revitalize the Republican party, the religious right will.  He's an alarmist with no direction.  


I think of Glenn Beck as more of a John Stossel type who warns us of Government corruption (on both sides) as well as someone who is trying to remind us of how he feels our founding fathers saw this country.   If he is just an alarmist then why has his actions brought about actual change?  Think of the czars/advisors (Van Jones "resigned" and the others that are soon to follow), the NEA as well as shining the light on Acorn (even way before the pimp/ho tapes came out), etc.  Would you know any of the inner workings of ACORN other than their voter fraud or Obama's connections to all his czars/advisors?  Would you know about Valerie Jarrett or the real reason Obama went to pimp the office of the Presidency for the Olympics?  For someone you label an alarmist, he sure has done more to damage the "progressive cause" than any single republican senator or congressman in the short time he has had his show on fox.

Have you ever sat down and watched his show from beginning to end?  Yes he is a bit quirky, yes he wears his emotions on his sleeve but he believes everything he says with conviction.  When I first started listening to him a few years ago I will admit that he scared the hell out of me frequently.  I think I wasn't ready to accept that I didn't belong to the Republican party.  The only other option would be the democrats and that isn't going to happen so when I woke up and realized that I don't have to belong to any one party I felt free.  I would love to call myself a Republican again if the Republicans get their shit together.  For now I label myself a conservative libertarian.

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #67 on: October 04, 2009, 09:48:24 PM »
Good for you.  It's always better to work at a job that you like than one you don't.  BTW... Do you get paid for your work as an intern?

I should hope the hell so, since you are working to get them elected.  I could care less about your priest's approval unless he posts here.

You only get 1 channel on your TV?

Good for you.  I like them too.

Beck is spot on when it comes to his assessment of the current republican party.  

1.  No
2.  I like my priest's opinions. In fact I like to hear anyone's view on politics.
3.  I only watch Fox News Channel or watch movies I get from netflix. All other TV sucks and not worth my time.
4.  Ditto
5.  Beck has his priorities screwed up.

Offline rich_t

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #68 on: October 04, 2009, 09:49:39 PM »
Likely a different thread, but I bounce back and forth between the true "libertarian" stance of live/let live on the social issues and the conservative in me who truly believes in traditional values. Pick an issue, I likely have argued both sides with myself, successfully. Regardless, I firmly believe you cannot be a (successful) fiscal conservative and social liberal - I believe they are in conflict.

Damn...  I'd like to pursue this, but I don't want to derail the thread.

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." --Norman Thomas, 1944

Offline bkg

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #69 on: October 04, 2009, 09:55:00 PM »
Damn...  I'd like to pursue this, but I don't want to derail the thread.

Start a new one: BKG on the hot seat: social issues.  :-)

Offline BEG

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #70 on: October 04, 2009, 09:55:10 PM »
Likely a different thread, but I bounce back and forth between the true "libertarian" stance of live/let live on the social issues and the conservative in me who truly believes in traditional values. Pick an issue, I likely have argued both sides with myself, successfully. Regardless, I firmly believe you cannot be a (successful) fiscal conservative and social liberal - I believe they are in conflict.

I think I just met my doppelganger.

Offline rich_t

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #71 on: October 04, 2009, 09:55:14 PM »
1.  No
2.  I like my priest's opinions. In fact I like to hear anyone's view on politics.
3.  I only watch Fox News Channel or watch movies I get from netflix. All other TV sucks and not worth my time.
4.  Ditto
5.  Beck has his priorities screwed up.

Please feel free to expand on the bolded portion.  What, according to your opinion, should his priorities be?

Speaking of having confused priorities...  who in their right mind works for free?  Especially at your age.  Who is paying your bills?

I am under the assumption that the job you like is your internship with the GOP.  If I am incorrect please correct me.
"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." --Norman Thomas, 1944

Offline bkg

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #72 on: October 04, 2009, 09:55:36 PM »

5.  Beck has his priorities screwed up.

Can you elaborate?

EDIT: too slow.

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #73 on: October 04, 2009, 09:58:06 PM »

I think I just met my doppelganger.

I had to look that up!  :lmao: :lmao:

This part concerns me: "Believed to be an omen of death if one was ever to see their Doppelgänger." :(

Offline rich_t

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Re: Lindsey Graham calls out Glenn Beck
« Reply #74 on: October 04, 2009, 09:59:35 PM »
Start a new one: BKG on the hot seat: social issues.  :-)

Done deal:


"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." --Norman Thomas, 1944