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Offline BamaMoose

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symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« on: December 14, 2008, 10:35:12 PM »
While digging around the internet looking at the trials and tribulations of symbolman I found the most interesting thing.  Over the years he has repeatedly talked about how the courts in Alabama railroaded him.  Some examples:

symbolman  (1000+ posts)        Mon Jul-14-03 01:54 AM
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14. I could seriously use her help
 right now..

I have a Baldwin county judge that is destroying my life - her name is Carmen Bosch and she's a former prosecutor and out to get me.

I brought a custody suit to get my son out of my ex's home there where he was smoking pot and had stole his mothers car..

she's been recording 10 years of my conversations with my son and took me into court saying that I had told my son on the phone that if he smoked pot that he'd get kicked out of that house and no judge would keep him there..

which is what I said but she spun it that I had told him to GET HIM TO SMOKE MORE and nothing could be further from the truth. As his Dad I freaked out and demanding that he behave..

Bosch accepted these illegal tapes and tho my son begged to live with his dad the Judge kept him in that abusive home (my ex actually BIT a live in boyfriend twice in one year and has driven my boys around while drunk) AND sentenced me to 20 days in the Baldwin county JAIL for TALKING TO MY SON ABOUT COURT ON THE PHONE..

PLUS my ex was able to walk in and get a writ for my arrest claiming that I had sent my son DRUG MONEY - which was actually a Star shaped origami "bow" made from 5 one dollar bills - on an easter gift.

I've had to hire 5 lawyers and file for an appeal for tens of thousands of dollars in the last few weeks when I am completely innocent but this Judge is setting me up..

For the writ and arrest I could be looking at 6 months to a YEAR in an Alabama county Jail - put there by the SAME JUDGE as in the custody case!

I hope I could talk to a real DEMOCRAT in Baldwin county, someone in power and not NUTS like this Judge..

this Judge is a total right winger and is trying to crucify me.. I could use some real help from the top..

Ask the ladies to help me out - do they know a good civil rights attorney there? I need the best, or the govenor..

I'm still stunned that they can do this, but it's true.. I've been harrassed by my ex and the system there for years.. I don't dare call my son or send him gifts or letters or even email him, and every phone call is recorded, tho illegal..

symbolman  (1000+ posts)        Tue Jun-22-04 02:13 PM
Original message
I'll be jailed in Alabama - no free speech, denied by the AL Supreme Court
 Advertisements [?]I just got my case denied by the Alabama Supreme Court - no explanation.

I've been fighting a custody battle for years, my ex has used illegal wire taps to record conversations with my son (age 15 then) and has used the recordings to bring both a criminal and civil (family court contempt) case against me.

The same Judge in Alabama has sentenced me to 20 days (and I live in Hawaii by the way) in their AL County Jail for the family court contempt, and ONE YEAR for the Criminal case (still on appeal) for ILLEGALLY recorded audio and using a false transcript created by my ex-wife - and a JUdge who didn't like "the tone of my voice" in the recording, NOT that I had done anything illegal, just my TONE OF VOICE. THAT was in her conviction speech - my tone of voice.

Not only was the recording shorter than the phone conversation, it's also OBVIOUSLY been edited (I've been a recording engineer before) and SPLICED - this is an outrage, and it can happen to anyone.

I have no free speech with my son, who will be 18 in Oct. I'm still being persecuted for what they claim I did when he was 15.

It has to do with both vicarious consent law in that state and the fact that family court judges can create law from the bench, it's sheer fascism.

I have hired 5 lawyers, and like I said, I have taken this to the Supreme Court in AL and have been denied a fair trial.

My ex has brought more cases against me and in them they SPEFICALLY mention our website Take Back the - which is as Liberal and Progressive as it comes.. they JUdge is a right wing, hard core "christian" (and I suspect Federalist) and being as it's a small town in Alabama they have everyone in their pocket.

The ex's lawyer has mentioned the site in each case and waved prints of the pages of the site around in court-- their introduction of the site is politicizing the whole case.

I was informed that I am to "pack a toothbrush" and turn myself in for 20 days incarceration in the County Jail - I'm a little concerned as to my physical well being there - the ex wife's lawyer is also a prosecuter there, so of course he can offer any schlub in jail a nice little deal if they work me over.. this is cool hand Luke stuff folks...

Not to mention my wife is pregnant and I get to sit there sitting around wondering if SHE is safe..

Welcome to AmeriKa - my ex is way ahead of Ashcroft and now you know that ANY of you are now not safe. This is becoming more and more common.

Wish me luck, anyone (Lawyer) want a poster boy for a case, I'm IT. This case could be taken to the Supreme court of the US, and it IS about Free Speech on a number of levels.

I'm also completely innocent so forget about that making any difference.

Watch your back.

14. I was jailed in AL by a Judge name of BOSCH
 according to her history she was put in office by the Christian Coalition AND a dirty trick by the local newspaper the night before the elections smearing the Democrat Family Judge, a HIT article put out by a local repig..

My Ex's lawyer was waving around my website in FAMILY COURT before this judge(who incidentally was a prosecutor pal of his, not to mention she's NOT MARRIED and has NO CHILDREN.. what kind of a Family Court Judge would you make if you have NO KIDS?) to make sure that the Judge KNEW I was a "commie pinko fag, long haired dope smoking, satanworshipping subhuman from evil California..

I had SIX lawyers there to represent me, and was sentenced with the following statement, "Mr Symbolman, I don't have any EVIDENCE that you committed any wrong here, but I just have a 'FEELING' that you did something BAD.." (Talked to my son about his pot use IN HIS MOTHER'S HOME 2500 miles away from my home, how he should be tested for pot, etc, etc..

Fought it all the way up to the AL Supremem Court, who refused to hear it, but the court one notch lower than that wrote a "legal" paper that used all of my EX's LIES as PROOF that I was bad, bad man.. one who only saw his kids once a year, and only if I took my ex to court for thousands of dollars..

My Ex meanwhile has a police recored inches thick, TWO DUIS within a WEEK, a third one she got out of since she didn't have the keys IN the car as she attempted to FILL UP THE TRUNK WITH GAS, then kicked an attendant who was telling her NOT to do that, she'd blow up the station. arrested, attacked the cops, got off.

Drove both my sons around so drunk that the oldest one got out and ran to a police station, while he was reporting this she ran off and hit and ran on TWO other cars with my youngest son IN THE CAR.

When I went into court they accepted her recordings of ten years of my personal conversations with my son, then REFUSED to accept a recording I'd made the night before where my younger son was frightened of his "step father" (LIVE IN BOYFRIEND) who had DRUG a 7 year old UP STAIRS by his leg.

Other lovely items in her police record included BITING another ex live in boyfriend TWICE IN THE SAME YEAR. A few Assault an batteries on the same guy.

My oldest son once had to tell the cops the SHE was the one who attacked the live in boyfriend so they took the cuffs off the man and put them on his mother and dragged her off to jail kicking and screaming in nightclothes (she refused to get dressed) while the kids watched.

I had ONE DUI in college in 1980 while in College and that was the full extent of my police records.

I'd love to have a million bucks and take this Judge to court for a variety of Civil Rights laws, but only if I could get the venue changed to NYC or somewhere civilized so they'd see the damage this person has done to me and my wife's bank account fighting these witches.

The eventual 21 days I did in their lovely jail, which has been compared to a South African Prison BY CONGRESS, caused a shitload of duress for me, especially since I have arthritis of the spine and was forced to lay in LOCKDOWN on a concrete floor without my medication - the guy that had been in the cell before me had DIED because they refused to give him INSULIN. SO I guess I LIVED, making me a lucky man.

But the best part was I was released as a Hurricane bore it's way DOWN ON THAT JAIL, escaping by a few hours from potentially drowning in a locked cell - like I told my wife, that's what they got for jailing an innocent man, and the next time I was going to send BOILS and LOCUSTS

I should write a book about that system down there, a complete scam. It's a cottage industry,there being no other jobs there, the whole city is layed out with the court house in the center of town surrounded by bail bondsmen, lawyers and jails. They got over 100 bucks a day for forcing us to watch Bob Villanova fix houses or nature films from the FEDS. They get you into their system, then KEEP you on probabtion so they can suck you dry and earn big money from the feds. TOTAL SCAM.

Any lawyers out there want to make a name for themselves, I'll be glad to give you the lowdown on how these scumbags scam both the govt and the people there and IMPORT them from other states with NO EVIDENCE.

I've always ignored these posts by him, because I assumed he was just playing up the victim card.  However, his recent claims compelled me to see if the AL Court records had anything similar to this particular case.  As we say down here...well I be, the Alabama Appellate Courts has a decision which is remarkably similar, right down to what symbolman claims is his real name.  Some quotes from the document of interest:

In the years following the divorce, both parties have filed numerous motions and countermotions. In an attempt to curtail the fighting between the parties and its negative impact upon their minor children, the trial court, in its June 2001 judgment, directed the parties not to speak in a negative fashion about each other. On June 6, 2002, the trial court ordered "without exception that no conversations shall take place with the minor children concerning custody, proceedings, court hearing, child support issues, visitation issues, the payment of medical bills for the children, or any other subject concerning legal issues surrounding these children."


upon the trial court's review of audio tape recordings of conversations between the father and his oldest child, the father was in contempt for violating a previous court order and was ordered to serve 5 days in jail for each determined violation, for a total of 20 days.

The following electronic-mail message from the father, which was intercepted by the child's mother and admitted into evidence, shows manipulation on the part of the father over the child:

"Oh, word of advice, I would never tell you to stop going to school but if you were to tell everyone that you are old enough to stop going as of this coming spring break and told them so now I bet it would have an impact.

"I'd just stop going period until she signs a piece of paper that says she will let you and your brother attend your dad's wedding. f you do that I'll alert the lawyer that there's a problem in the household but you have to stick to it and if they let you go to [M]aui and our wedding then you need to go back to school like nothing happened.

"It's called civil disobedience and it's been known to work."

This email message was compelling enough for the appellate court to note in their decision.

But the thing that really caught my eye was the following:

In November 1996, the Baldwin Circuit Court ("the trial court") found that the father was in debt to the mother in the amount of $9,255.08. On June 1, 2001, the trial court entered a judgment determining that, as of May 25, 2001, the father was $20,000 in arrears in paying child support, day-care expenses, medical bills, and marital debts as required in the parties' divorce judgment.


that the father's monthly child support payment of $257 would not be increased


The father had previously been ordered to pay a sum of $100 per month toward the arrearage. At that rate, it would have taken the father more than a decade to discharge the $13,000 arrearage. The evidence at trial established that the father was disabled, although only partially (i.e., 5%). Even though the trial court did not impute to the father a larger amount of income than he claimed (i.e., $700 per year working for his wife), the trial court did take notice of his apparent upscale lifestyle, noting in its judgment that the father "can afford the 'extras' in life." Testimony at the hearing also revealed revealed that the father had taken several long plane trips, had wrestled with his boys, was constructing an addition to his home, and had designed award-winning Internet websites. Based upon the witnesses' testimony and the evidence presented, the trial court could have concluded that the father had vastly underestimated his income and his ability to earn a living to support the parties' two children. Consequently, we conclude that the trial court did not abuse its discretion by increasing the father's arrearage payment to $250 per month.

In the words of Frank...Oh My...Can't imagine that any Family Court looks favorably on an individual buying a half million dollar home on Maui while owing $13K in child support.  Especially when they only pay $3K a year because they are hiding their assets.

And the last sentence of the decision, which was pretty funny to me based on symbolman's claims of spending "tens of thousands of dollars" defending himself:

The mother's request for an award of attorney fees on appeal is granted in the amount of $1,500.

The rest of the decision deals with the law concerning listening to and taping your minor children's' phone conversations.  To paraphrase, it's not an invasion of privacy if the custodial caregiver feels the child is at risk.  Win for common sense.

Due to the amount of personal information contained in the decision, I'm not sure the Admin want it linked here.  But I can provide it if requested.  The only reason it was so easily found was because of certain Dummie's propensity for posting real names and personal information on the internet.

Offline Chris

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2008, 10:45:00 PM »
Good find  :lmao:

I'm shocked -- SHOCKED! -- to find out Symbolman wasn't telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 10:47:32 PM by Chris »
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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2008, 11:08:40 PM »
So this scumbag would rather "Spend" $200,000 on trying to defeat the Reich Wing (Hows Chimpeachment and Fitzmas going for you loser?) than take care of his kids.


And this same jackhole is going to use the DUmp as his personal ATM after not paying for his house.

As stated elsewhere, **** Him. In The Ear.

I hope he got ass pwned in the clink.

Build a man a fire and he will be warm for awhile.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life...

Offline Traveshamockery

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2008, 11:26:28 PM »
People like symbolman make me absolutely sick.  They use their children as pawns and make up stories to stop having to pay child support or do whatever it is they need to do to take care of their children.   I have an ex-husband (we divorced in 1990) and we had a son together who is now 23.  I hated him at the time and it wasn't a nice divorce but sooner thereafter we realized that we had to stop the bullsh** with each other and be parents.  My ex paid me child support every two weeks without fail and not through the court.   My son tells me that he always thought it was "cool" that his mom and dad were friends even though they were divorced.

I feel so sorry for his kids. 

Offline BamaMoose

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2008, 11:43:10 PM »
So this scumbag would rather "Spend" $200,000 on trying to defeat the Reich Wing (Hows Chimpeachment and Fitzmas going for you loser?) than take care of his kids.


And this same jackhole is going to use the DUmp as his personal ATM after not paying for his house.

As stated elsewhere, **** Him. In The Ear.

I hope he got ass pwned in the clink.

I'm sure that everyone here is in agreement that the $200K claim is complete BS.  But he also claims that he sold his home to fund his legal challenges in Alabama.  If you add up all his claims, he has spent $250-300K in the past five to eight years fighting the "man".  I'm not an expert, but I believe here in Alabama, if you are behind on your alimony or child support, the court can just go into your bank account to make up your arrearage.  Hard to believe he couldn't pay his child support, yet had all this money in the bank for his other endeavors.

Seems to me he didn't have a dime to his name and he latched onto a woman who did do a good job of saving her money, she bailed him out of his financial problems, she put out all the money for her dream house in Maui, she shielded him from his financial duties to his children by keeping all real property in her name and giving him a nominal position paying a pittance of a salary and he sucked on her saving until it was all gone.  But that's just pure speculation.

Offline BamaMoose

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2008, 11:55:48 PM »
People like symbolman make me absolutely sick.  They use their children as pawns and make up stories to stop having to pay child support or do whatever it is they need to do to take care of their children.   I have an ex-husband (we divorced in 1990) and we had a son together who is now 23.  I hated him at the time and it wasn't a nice divorce but sooner thereafter we realized that we had to stop the bullsh** with each other and be parents.  My ex paid me child support every two weeks without fail and not through the court.   My son tells me that he always thought it was "cool" that his mom and dad were friends even though they were divorced.

I feel so sorry for his kids. 

I am not claiming that the defendent in the court case I referenced is definitely symbolman.  Only that the real names, location and circumstances are remarkably similar.  And I have no idea whether the Mother in the case is not equally guilty of using their children.  Just passing along what's in the public record.

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2008, 04:43:23 AM »
It is another example of what the far left is for human beings...cheats,liars,freeloaders and scam artists all the while whining about how unfair life is to them.

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2008, 08:15:35 AM »
H5. Great job. I wish someone would post this at the DUmp. :fuelfire:
Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.

Offline USA4ME

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2008, 08:32:16 AM »
Bosch minus "o" plus "u" minus "c" equals Bush.

symbolman is the embodiment of liberalism.  The whole "It's called civil disobedience and it's been known to work" non-sense he told his kid in order to get his way was just trashy beyond words.  To call him a scumbag is too good for him.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2008, 08:39:39 AM »
While digging around the internet looking at the trials and tribulations of symbolman I found the most interesting thing.  Over the years he has repeatedly talked about how the courts in Alabama railroaded him.  Some examples:

I've always ignored these posts by him, because I assumed he was just playing up the victim card.  However, his recent claims compelled me to see if the AL Court records had anything similar to this particular case.  As we say down here...well I be, the Alabama Appellate Courts has a decision which is remarkably similar, right down to what symbolman claims is his real name.  Some quotes from the document of interest:

This email message was compelling enough for the appellate court to note in their decision.

But the thing that really caught my eye was the following:

In the words of Frank...Oh My...Can't imagine that any Family Court looks favorably on an individual buying a half million dollar home on Maui while owing $13K in child support.  Especially when they only pay $3K a year because they are hiding their assets.

And the last sentence of the decision, which was pretty funny to me based on symbolman's claims of spending "tens of thousands of dollars" defending himself:

The rest of the decision deals with the law concerning listening to and taping your minor children's' phone conversations.  To paraphrase, it's not an invasion of privacy if the custodial caregiver feels the child is at risk.  Win for common sense.

Due to the amount of personal information contained in the decision, I'm not sure the Admin want it linked here.  But I can provide it if requested.  The only reason it was so easily found was because of certain Dummie's propensity for posting real names and personal information on the internet.

H5- Nice find.  Funny how once you dig into their tales of woe there's always so much more to the story.

25 years ago we had Ronald Reagan, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope.  Now we have Obama, no hope and no cash.

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2008, 09:04:07 AM »
H5- Nice find.  Funny how once you dig into their tales of woe there's always so much more to the story.

Oh, but I'm sure theare's even lots more to this story, than this.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Baruch Menachem

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2008, 09:11:56 AM »
I feel sorry for both wives, and the kids.

Such a tool
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Offline franksolich

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2008, 09:24:39 AM »
I feel sorry for both wives, and the kids.

Such a tool.

I can't figure out what went wrong here.

The cymbals-clanging primitive came from a good midwestern community, in Illinois.

The cymbals-clanging primitive served in the military.

The cymbals-clanging primitive worked up in Alaska.

The cymbals-clanging primitive went to college.

That all was a good, solid foundation on which to build his life; the cymbals-clanging primitive could've soared to the skies, if he had merely accepted those values and attitudes with which he began in life.

I think the cymbals-clanging primitive's a loser, rather than a winner, because of arrogance; at some point there during all those past 56 years, the cymbals-clanging primitive decided he knew more than what, and better than, the world did.

It still freaks me out that he's that old, because of his 8-year-old mentality.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2008, 09:29:29 AM »
The cymbals-clanging primitive came from a good midwestern community, in Illinois.

You think that this might have something to do with it? It does have a legacy of corruption.
Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2008, 09:33:48 AM »
You think that this might have something to do with it? It does have a legacy of corruption.

Well, it was a small town in Illinois, rustic rural Illinois, and as the cymbals-clanging primitive was born in 1953, he had enough "growing up time" as a lad to absorb good values and healthy attitudes before the hippies burst into being.

Illinois of course has been corrupt since 1819, but surely during the 1950s and early 1960s, the stench of big-city corruption hadn't wafted over to the small rustic rural towns yet.  It has now, but I suspect it hadn't yet, back then.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2008, 09:48:14 AM »
Oh, but I'm sure theare's even lots more to this story, than this.

No doubt about it.

Looking back at the story one has to assume that they knew they were in trouble when they first tried to sell their home in October of 2007, but in January of 2008 Symbolman assumed there was some media blackout of the John Edwards campaign.  So he flew from Hawaii to make his own videos of John Edwards and was begging for donations to help him fly around the US with Edwards. 

symbolman  Donating Member  (1000+ posts)  Journal  Click to send private message to this author  Click to view this author's profile  Click to add this author to your buddy list  Click to add this author to your Ignore list      Tue Jan-15-08 03:18 PM
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Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated... Edwards update
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Edited on Tue Jan-15-08 03:23 PM by symbolman
But it sure seemed like I was kicking the bucket, got sick as hell - An Edwards update:

Left home here in Hawaii on Monday evening very excited after finagling a ticket to Boston by combining my wife's frequent flier miles and my own, took a short hop to Kona as the sun set here, after a short wait there I flew to LA, then on to JFK in NY City, flew from there to Boston where I rented a cheap car and drove 80 miles an hour to get to Manchester in time for the Edward's speech and party there at about 6 pm. Travelling time all told to that point was 18 hours straight. Four Planes and two cars later..

Rolled into the function, parked in a snowdrift near the building as there was no parking. Grabbed the camera, case, tripod and associated cables and flew in the door. I was "backstage", but they kicked me out into the crowd (though I was making my case, that I'd been sent to help spread Edwards media by Internet fans), and onto a secondary media platform. Set up the tripod, shotgun mike, with no place to jack in direct to the camera for sound. Hence the side shots of Edwards, Bonoir, Eliz, and Steelworkers Union - but there was a flat screen tv on the other side, so I had a dual shot going.

It was difficult to stay by the camera, keep all the equipment safe, and schmooze those near the "stage" curtain, but I spoke to as many as possible who were near the curtain, explaining my "mission", and handing out cards. Many of the Edwards people, while courteous, refused to budge or be of any help in getting me connected to the higher ups. I WAS able to press my card into Eliz Edwards hand as she left the crowd, and tell her I'd been sent by Internet folks, specifically the DemocraticUnderground to raise Media awareness of Edwards campaign. She's a Hell of a nice lady, I hope it helps.

After the event I ran outside with camera/case and tripod, and talked to anyone who looked like they were any kind of functionary in the campaign, even talked to the Edwards Bus driver, who said he was taking the bus to So. Carolina the next morning while John and Eliz & kids were flying.

I filmed some of the bus while waiting to see if John or Eliz were going to walk out to the Bus, try to catch them that way. Finally Eliz came out of the building, but was so surrounded by people, there was no way to get to her. The parking lot was empty and the bus pulled away with her, John may have already been on it. My wife, being mission control at home was contacting people for me, one of whom was in charge of rooms in town that had been blocked out for use by Edwards people - there were no rooms for a hundred miles available, so she hooked me up with one in Concord, at TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS! I balked, but after travelling and filming for 24 hours I was dead and half frozen, so I took it. These are rooms that the Campaign use for their people - and later while my wife spoke with a communications director on the team, he let us know that in order to travel with the team, that a plane ride was a THOUSAND dollars, or riding the Bus for the "Media" meant paying ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY Dollars A DAY!

Mind you, that doesn't include a room (can't be two hundred damn dollars in every town), and food..

At this point donations (all gratefully accepted with many thanks!) had added up to nearly $800... I'd not been able to get on Randi Roades show and canvass for donations there, due to time limitations when leaving Hawaii, still haven't, though my wife tried the next day, so there's still that option.

The car rental person wanted to see a return trip airline ticket, and so charged me for a week on the car, figured it wouldn't matter as I'd bring it back before then, and the remaining amount would be refunded (little did I know that they "blocked" off that amount $300 on a $35 charge on my debit card and it wouldn't be "unblocked" for at least three days, causing further anguish later). Rather than pay for the Campaign "media" bus leaving in a few hours (at $150 a pop, and the $1000 plane ride was out of the question) I dashed back to Boston the next day, turned in the car, hit the airport and flew to Charlottesville, North Carolina, and checked into a fairly sleezy (saving folks money) hotel near the airport, with the intention of renting a car the next morning, driving to the Edwards Event in So Carolina, which was in the early evening, and a 200 mile one way drive.

Then I began to get ill, very sick and could barely sleep, besides the noise in the hotel. When I got up the next morning it was pretty nasty outside, hailing, so I turned on the Weather Channel and saw that HUGE thunderstorms, complete with tornadoes, were wracking the corridor from Mississippi on up, a wave moving from West to East, and passing through exactly where I'd planned to drive. The wireless internet was down due to the weather, but I waited until past noon to see if anything was going to clear up, it didn't. Feeling more poorly and disheartened, I decided to make my way back to NY City, see how the donations were coming and check into making my way down to So. Carolina via plane.

Maybe hook up with Mark Crispin Miller and grab an interview with him - he was interested in interviewing about Freeing Don Siegelman, the ongoing investigation by web folk over New Hampshire DIEBOLD VS Hand Counted Ballots issue, and his views on the Media brownout on Edwards. Made an appointment to meet with him the next morning to film an interview, and got ready to get a room somewhere (by this time in was 8pm) in the City to prep for meeting him, still getting more and more ill all the time, at the same time.

Unfortunately, after checking on the donations (and please don't feel affronted by this), there just weren't enough dollars in the kitty for me to get a room, or even make it to and from any room I could find (we tried for a cheapie, the Americanner, at $100 +. where you share bathrooms between four rooms) only to also find that the car rental place and Edwards campaign hotel room had "locked up" the money for the rest of the week, AFTER I'd returned the car, using it for only a DAY!

I had no choice but to cancel with Mark Crispin Miller, and spend the night in Terminal 4 in the JFK airport guarding all my bags (which weigh a ton) like a bag lady, pushing a cart around all night, unable to sleep so I didn't get the camera, tripod, etc, stolen - while I searched for a free plug to charge my cell phone and keep in contact with my wife. It was a long night. As I was getting sicker, and the money was running low I decided to change my parameters on my ticket, and head back to Hawaii to regroup, reorganize, and heal.

My flight to Washington, DULLES, then LA, and Hawaii, was to leave at 6am, in more of that rocky weather, even the pilot sounded frightened as lightning bolts tore up the sky, so that flight was late in connecting. This led to a horror chain of events, still running from plane to plane without a rest, not able to grab any food along the way (actually, I think I lost about ten pounds, which is fine with me, only being able to eat a sandwich a day the whole trip), and I grew progressively more ill as the flights went on, east coast flu I guess.

I kept getting stuck at the back of the plane, where I'd try to sleep, burning up with fever, and the plane got longer and longer each time. When I arrived in LA I literally fell out of the gangway, holding both of my bags, telling folks to get out of my way, I was going to toss some cookies on them. I was actually having difficulty seeing, and was extremely dizzy, so much so that once I'd made it to my gate to fly to Hawaii, and it got cancelled, they very nearly called the Paramedics, but I refused, just needed to get my ass home and heal for a few days. My wife had to shovel me into the car once at the home airport, and for two days after that I was unable to leave the couch to even walk across the room, with a temp over 102 I'm only now capable of typing, and concentrating at all.

It was a set back, and unfortunate, a series of circumstances that kicked my ass. Doesn't mean I'm going to throw out the baby with the bathwater, the best must be yet to come.

So I'm asking folks to hang in there with me, keep the faith, like Edwards, I'm not done yet - HE'S "in for a Penny, in for a Pound", and I think he's got designs on the Denver Convention, VEEP? Pulling the rug out from under Hillary? Stay tuned, I AM working the phones, gonna leave here more organized, and with more antibodies, and donations from getting some Radio gigs, hit Malloy and others.

Can't let this Edwards Blackout Stand. The other thing I need to convince the Edwards people of, is that I'm NOT THE MEDIA, I'm there to TAKE IT BACK.

Even though I have a Video camera and I'm right there at the Event, I'm there to HELP Spread the word, The MEDIA is there to get what they need to Marginalize him, or attack him. The Edwards Campaign needs to be convinced that I shouldn't be paying $150 a day to ride their bus, when all I need is access to help them get the word out on the WEB. But, if I can get the needed amount of donations rolling in, I'll ride the Bus, if only to figure out a way to get closer and convince them personally of the WORTH of spreading his message all over the web, instead of just at his site, and AP Reports, etc.

It ain't over yet, and I want to thank you all for your patience, one thing I always admired about my father is, no matter how many times he got knocked on his ass, he always pulled himself back up again by the bootstraps, and got right back into the game. And that's the only way to fight.

I'm even thinking of putting together a sort of resume that I can show to The Rolling Stone magazine, and see if they'll bite, gonna call Larry Flynt, lot of options. And I want to thank you all for getting the ball rolling.

Still alive and well :)

DUmb, DUmb, DUmb
25 years ago we had Ronald Reagan, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope.  Now we have Obama, no hope and no cash.

Offline franksolich

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2008, 10:03:51 AM »
Look closely at that picture of him.

That is a pretty nice guitar there, I can't tell the manufacturer, but that's not a cheap guitar.
And those latex masks run $35 - $50 each.

He just doesn't know how to spend money.

More importantly, he apparently doesn't know how to MAKE money the old-fashioned away, by working for it.  He probably used to, given his background, but not any more.

I wonder what's up with that; it's a Hell of a lot easier to get money by working for it, than to get money by asking for it.  Less time, less trouble, less expenditure of energy and hopes.

And I'm sure everybody here's had the same observation.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2008, 10:06:38 AM »
Quote from:

..... turned in the car, hit the airport and flew to Charlottesville, North Carolina, and checked into a fairly sleezy (saving folks money) hotel near the airport.........

What an amazing guy.  He can fly to airports in cities that don't exist.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2008, 10:08:34 AM »
What an amazing guy.  He can fly to airports in cities that don't exist.

Cynic.  :tongue: It's a super secret airport built by Seal Team 3 in 1952, I know because Tom told me.   :-)

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2008, 10:09:48 AM »
What an amazing guy.  He can fly to airports in cities that don't exist.

Being a primitive, the cymbals-clanging primitive is a bigot, including about things southern.

He probably has no concept of geography of the south, thinking it "not important."

I'll bet he can't tell the difference between Mississippi and Alabama.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2008, 10:18:21 AM »
He sure is a lgend in his own mind. :mental: I'm thinking parasite.
Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2008, 10:20:08 AM »
He sure is a legend in his own mind. :mental: I'm thinking parasite.

Oh, no doubt.

In fact, the cymbals-clanging primitive would make an interesting case-study, so one can figure out why people born winners turn into losers.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2008, 10:27:16 AM »
If his child support arrearage was reported to the court system, it would have been reported to the credit bureaus.

There is nothing...NOTHING ...worse on a credit report than failure to pay court ordered child support.

That could explain why his house on Maui is not in his name but in his wife(?) or whoever the Trustee is. He couldn't get a mortgage in his name, which might also explain why the mortgage company isn't very eager to work with him.

A bit of fraud going on with his mortgage?
Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

Save the Earth... it's the only planet with chocolate.

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2008, 10:51:38 AM »
The great thing about DUmmies donating to him is that it impoverishes them, and he wastes it so that he realizes no positive benefit from it on his long slide into homelessness.  I call that a win-win!

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Re: symbolman apparently doesn't like to pay any of his bills
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2008, 11:25:56 AM »
Look closely at that picture of him.

That is a pretty nice guitar there, I can't tell the manufacturer, but that's not a cheap guitar.
And those latex masks run $35 - $50 each.

He just doesn't know how to spend money.

The shape of the bridge makes it a Yamaha.. i'm guessing an FS720 or along those lines. Not a cheap guitar, but it's no Santa Cruz Guitar either.