Author Topic: The Elites Won't Figure Out the Trump Phenomenon Until They're Honest with Thems  (Read 4323 times)

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Offline IndiCon15

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It's long and Rush talks about a lot of things...... I think it gives good insight into Trump supporters.  I THINK, what he says, puts more weight into what's going on with the Trump supporter and everyone else on the right, for that matter, and not so much Trump himself.  Trump is secondary to what the Trump supporter is feeling.  Trump has picked up on something that is very real and really does represent the people. 

Every instance I have explained this divide, what the establishment has done and is doing to create this anger, to create this segment of the population that wants no part of politics-as-usual. I have spent hours explaining it, giving the justifiable reasons why people feel the way they do.  It's not hard to figure this out at all, but the people in the establishment still don't get it.  They still think of this as a temper tantrum that the children are going through -- and this is not a temper tantrum.

Offline franksolich

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Yeah, I agree.

Trump isn't my first choice, but he most assuredly has, by accident or design, latched onto feelings that strongly resonate with millions of people in this country.  In fact, I suspect right now, he's the national figure who seems to most understand, to most "get," the public sentiment.
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Offline thundley4

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Yeah, I agree.

Trump isn't my first choice, but he most assuredly has, by accident or design, latched onto feelings that strongly resonate with millions of people in this country.  In fact, I suspect right now, he's the national figure who seems to most understand, to most "get," the public sentiment.

Imagine his support if he didn't have a history of donating to liberals and having liberal views in the past.

Offline Hawkgirl

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Imagine his support if he didn't have a history of donating to liberals and having liberal views in the past.

Don't forget, Reagan was a left leaning Democrat.  People change their views often.   People in my family, who voted for Obama twice are big Trump supporters now.

Offline thundley4

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Don't forget, Reagan was a left leaning Democrat.  People change their views often.   People in my family, who voted for Obama twice are big Trump supporters now.

Reagan had been a republican for quite some time before running for president. With Trump it's a very recent thing.

Offline IndiCon15

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I terms of the donations, I would want to know what exactly he was putting money towards.  Was he using his money to grease the wheel or was he trying to further some kind of liberal cause......each individual will judge the answer to that differently, but it's important to know. 

Offline thundley4

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I terms of the donations, I would want to know what exactly he was putting money towards.  Was he using his money to grease the wheel or was he trying to further some kind of liberal cause......each individual will judge the answer to that differently, but it's important to know.

As recently as 2014 he was donating money to groups trying to defeat the Tea Party.

Offline 5412

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Stockman really outlines what is going on pretty well in this article.

What I am finding interesting is that Romney and McCain are really helping Trump and are too stupid to know it.

If the establishment is that afraid of Trump that is even more the reason to support him.

Best regards,

Offline dutch508

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Imagine his support if he didn't have a history of donating to liberals and having liberal views in the past.

...which wouldn't be any businessman out there. To be successful you have to play the game regardless who's in office.
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Offline IndiCon15

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As recently as 2014 he was donating money to groups trying to defeat the Tea Party.

Apparently, if I understand it right, he donated 60 grand to Mitch McConnell's reelection campaign.  And McConnell was going up against a tea party conservative.  So I would want to know, was Trump looking for McConnell to return the favor at a later time?  If so, what kind of favor could Mitch McConnell give to Trump.  Or was Trump trying to keep the tea party out of Kentucky?  Why give that kind of money to McConnell?  Then you gotta wonder why he's trashing constitutional conservative Ted Cruz, not challenging him on policy, but simply trashing the guy.....

So if I go back to what Rush says in his article, I'm thinking that people are so mad that they're not thinking...the Trump supporter has a very real legitimate gripe that all of us share, but I keep coming back to being totally suspicious of the Trump.  So I wouldn't knock Trump supporters, but I might warn them and ask them to consider a bigger picture......

This is the article I found when I searched for Trump donating to defeat the tea party and it makes a strong argument for Trump working with the RHINOS..... the argument is compelling....

Offline IndiCon15

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Stockman really outlines what is going on pretty well in this article.

What I am finding interesting is that Romney and McCain are really helping Trump and are too stupid to know it.

If the establishment is that afraid of Trump that is even more the reason to support him.

Best regards,

5412,  I read the article.  Thanks for sharing.  It's a tough one to digest at first, but I'm thinking that he's saying that the failures of the neocons and their foreign policy is perhaps the reason why people are disillusioned with the GOP?  For me, what resonates goes along the lines of what Rush is saying in that Obama gave us a big FU and  none of our representatives really did anything about it.  And that's what's pissing people off.  I go back and forth with the concept of spreading democracy vs simply protecting our interests and otherwise leaving people alone.  I'm not politically saavy enough to really get into that kind of stuff. 

Offline Boudicca

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As recently as 2014 he was donating money to groups trying to defeat the Tea Party.

At least acknowledge he donated as well to Republicans, including the disgusting Romney.

What's wrong with all of Trump's detractors when they always trot out Donald''s donations to the most despised LIBERALS, but NEVER bother to mention his equal donations to CONSERVATIVES?  That's extremely disingenuous, to put it mildly, and yet youall make sure to selectively point this out every time, and expect we Trump supporters to pay attention.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 12:02:42 AM by Boudicca »
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(Poster bolky from blog discussion)

Offline Big Dog

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At least acknowledge he donated as well to Republicans, including the disgusting Romney.

What's wrong with all of Trump's detractors when they always trot out Donald''s donations to the most despised LIBERALS, but NEVER bother to mention his equal donations to CONSERVATIVES?  That's extremely disingenuous, to put it mildly, and yet youall make sure to selectively point this out every time, and expect we Trump supporters to pay attention.


It appears you are saying that Donald Trump pays anyone he can, so long as he may benefit from it. That makes him a man without principle.

Is that your champion, a man without principle?
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Offline Boudicca

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It appears you are saying that Donald Trump pays anyone he can, so long as he may benefit from it. That makes him a man without principle.

Is that your champion, a man without principle?

Ya know what?  I'm tired of the hypocrisy from both the left and the right when it comes to their precious "principles".  Unless you're a total naif, you know that everyone in this race, excepting Bernie and Donald, are being funded by millionaires and billionaires who fully expect results from their monetary contributions.

I did not say Donald J. Trump pays anyone he can so long as he may benefit from it.  HE SAID IT, and not so incidentally, laid bare for those who have been either innocently or purposefully ignorant of this basic rule of politics.  Donald said it in the very first debate, when he pointed out that most of his rivals on the stage had been the recipients of his largesse in the past.

Now, if you want to blind yourself to the stark fact that Ted Cruz has accepted mega donations from these groups and that there's no correlation to hateful and untrue attack ads against Trump, and that these folks will not demand any quid pro quo from YOUR knight in shining armor, well, hell's bells, come buy my Southeastern Arizona beachfront home, okay?

YES, Donald J. Trump is my hero, because he's honest.  All I care about is leaving a more prosperous and secure nation to my children and grandchildren.  NO, he's no moral icon, but I suspect most faithful church-goers are not either.  Despite the idiotic claims in the anti-Trump attack ads financed by the same groups that support and fund all other campaigns, Trump University may have 5,000 people in a class action lawsuit against it, BUT........have you ever been the recipient of an email or postcard inviting, or already assuming your status, to a Class Action lawsuit?  I have, damn near every bank, Amazon, credit card companies, etc. I've ever been a member of, or a card holder of!

I could go on, but for people who think Trump is deception incarnate why bother?  Too bad even though Cruz won two out of four today, IIRC, DJT won more actual votes and alot of delegates.  Despite Mitt the weasel and all the crap lies on tv about him.

I seriously don't mind keeping company with my hero Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Jerry Falwell Jr., Carl Icahn, the president of NASCAR, Senator Jeff Sessions, and others like Governer Chris Christie, former Governor Sarah Palin and Governor Paul LePaige, among others.  Guess we ALL sold out to Mr. Trump, the man with no principles! :shrug:
Sneaking into a country doesn't make you an immigrant any
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(Poster bolky from blog discussion)

Offline Big Dog

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Ya know what?  I'm tired of the hypocrisy from both the left and the right when it comes to their precious "principles".  Unless you're a total naif, you know that everyone in this race, excepting Bernie and Donald, are being funded by millionaires and billionaires who fully expect results from their monetary contributions.

Not everyone.

YES, Donald J. Trump is my hero, because he's honest.

You get angry when your hero is challenged. We laugh at the DUmmies when they act that way about their messiah figures. You may want to think about that a little.

As long as you can look yourself in the mirror for considering an unprincipled man your hero. I'm not here to change your mind. I already got my toaster oven this month.

But make no mistake, dear lady. If Donald Trump gets elected and you learn that he is not your hero after all, I'll be sure to say "I told you so".
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 01:31:25 AM by Big Dog »
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Offline Boudicca

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Not everyone.


You get angry when your hero is challenged. We laugh at the DUmmies when they act that way about their messiah figures. You may want to think about that a little.

As long as you can look yourself in the mirror for considering an unprincipled man your hero. I'm not here to change your mind. I already got my toaster oven this month.

But make no mistake, dear lady. If Donald Trump gets elected and you learn that he is not your hero after all, I'll be sure to say "I told you so".

You know what?  Elections come along every four years.  IF Donald Trump disappoints me by turning out to be a typical politician than I shall exercise my voice and vote against him in 2016.  Right now, all I see is tons of talk and no action in DC.  GWB did precious little overall with his House and Senate majorities, as did Obama.  Politics run on money, it's their lifeblood.

You mistake my defense and admiration of Trump as hero worship.  My worship figure resides in Heaven, not on Earth.

My best hope for the USA resides in Donald John Trump.

Were he not attacked so vociferously on all fronts from others, on blogs, the frikking Pope, two ex-Presidentes of Mexio, the eGOP, etc. maybe I would not need to defend him this much.

I HATE unfair, underhanded and uninformed attacks on anyone.  DJT gets more and then some from the same folks who ought to be rejoicing in his appeal to the independents and conservative Democrats.

Yeah, mostly I'm a libertarian but realistically we have two/one :whatever: main party and we must deal with it.  This time we might split again though, Mittster was calling for a third "conservative" party for the Trump haters.

Talk about sour grapes.  Pfft.
Sneaking into a country doesn't make you an immigrant any
more than breaking into someone's house makes you part of the family.
(Poster bolky from blog discussion)

Offline Carl

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Trump is not my choice by a long shot but given the stakes if he is the nominee then so be it.
A SCOTUS that will "find" an inalienable right to vote in the Constitution for all persons on US soil regardless of citizenship is possibly in the balance.

No one should be fooled imo though and right now Trump is the establishment choice.
They would rather have him as President and will be grinning when he discovers having a spit flying tantrum in the Oval Office amounts to almost nothing.
He has made it clear he lives to make deals.

The alternative to them is Shillary who is always available to the highest bidder.

The one they can`t stand is Cruz.

Offline thundley4

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At least acknowledge he donated as well to Republicans, including the disgusting Romney.

What's wrong with all of Trump's detractors when they always trot out Donald''s donations to the most despised LIBERALS, but NEVER bother to mention his equal donations to CONSERVATIVES?  That's extremely disingenuous, to put it mildly, and yet youall make sure to selectively point this out every time, and expect we Trump supporters to pay attention.


First of all, Trump has donated considerably more to democrats than to republicans. Second, he donated to the establishment republicans, never conservative one one.

In fact, quite the opposite. Some of his largest contributions to republicans were made in an effort to defeat Tea Party candidates.

Offline J P Sousa

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When Trump said; ""I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct."", my heart skipped a beat.

However, he has been sounding more like an establishment politician ever since. When Bob Dole said he would rather have Trump than Ted Cruz, I started to wonder just how "conservative" Trump is or would be.

Then Trump said this; (January)
"When I’m president I’m a different person. I can do anything. I can be the most politically correct person you have ever seen," Trump said at a rally in Pella, Iowa, on Saturday. 

"When I’m president I’m a different person. I can do anything.".
Isn't that what we are upset about ? That when elected politicians do whatever they want ?
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Offline Hawkgirl

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When Trump said; ""I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct."", my heart skipped a beat.

However, he has been sounding more like an establishment politician ever since. When Bob Dole said he would rather have Trump than Ted Cruz, I started to wonder just how "conservative" Trump is or would be.

Then Trump said this; (January)
"When I’m president I’m a different person. I can do anything.".
Isn't that what we are upset about ? That when elected politicians do whatever they want ?

I believe he was talking about his style as he continuously gets criticism for his over the top, unscripted, off the cuff speeches.  He has stated he would be able to temper that when he becomes President...I wouldn't mistake that as he going back on his conviction for his positions.  He also would be able to made deals with anyone.  Cruz is ineffective in making deals and therefore we'd have gridlock under a Cruz presidency.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 10:42:23 AM by Hawkgirl »

Offline Big Dog

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You mistake my defense and admiration of Trump as hero worship.

Earlier, you said this:

YES, Donald J. Trump is my hero

Which is it?

Yeah, mostly I'm a libertarian

Mostly, except for the libertarian parts, right? That's why you worship admire an unscrupulous, duplicitous authoritarian who has promised to ignore the Constitution and expand Federal power.
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Offline RobJohnson

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It's long and Rush talks about a lot of things...... I think it gives good insight into Trump supporters.  I THINK, what he says, puts more weight into what's going on with the Trump supporter and everyone else on the right, for that matter, and not so much Trump himself.  Trump is secondary to what the Trump supporter is feeling.  Trump has picked up on something that is very real and really does represent the people. 

If Trump wins, several special interests that have invested millions of the past few years, will be very upset.

That could be a good thing, very good. 

Offline Carl

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I believe he was talking about his style as he continuously gets criticism for his over the top, unscripted, off the cuff speeches.  He has stated he would be able to temper that when he becomes President...I wouldn't mistake that as he going back on his conviction for his positions.  He also would be able to made deals with anyone.  Cruz is ineffective in making deals and therefore we'd have gridlock under a Cruz presidency.

I don`t want bad deals made though.

Offline Hawkgirl

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I don`t want bad deals made though.

Neither do I.  But negotiation is a fact of life.  I have no doubt that Trump will be effective in that regard.

I want to add don't mistake that for capitulation..which is what the Republican majority has done under Oblah blah.

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Neither do I.  But negotiation is a fact of life.  I have no doubt that Trump will be effective in that regard.

I want to add don't mistake that for capitulation..which is what the Republican majority has done under Oblah blah.

That is my worry with Trump,after he does not have to take a hard stance he will go along with anything.

It is why I support Cruz,he has shown the backbone to stand up to the old guards when it can hurt him to do so..