Author Topic: The Elites Won't Figure Out the Trump Phenomenon Until They're Honest with Thems  (Read 4322 times)

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Offline RobJohnson

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I don`t want bad deals made though.

I don't think any of us want that.

Offline RobJohnson

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That is my worry with Trump,after he does not have to take a hard stance he will go along with anything.

It is why I support Cruz,he has shown the backbone to stand up to the old guards when it can hurt him to do so..

Cruz is a great choice, yet we have seen a lot of bashing of the front runner DJT.

Offline Hawkgirl

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That is my worry with Trump,after he does not have to take a hard stance he will go along with anything.

It is why I support Cruz,he has shown the backbone to stand up to the old guards when it can hurt him to do so..

Yes, I agree Cruz has the backbone to stand up to the liberals.  I don't doubt that for a second.  I liked Cruz before the Iowa caucus when he used underhanded techniques (false voter summons & announcing Carson's suspension) to win the state. The more I watched him and his preachy tone, I disliked him.  He does well in caucus states, but we only have two left (Hawaii and Idaho) his days are numbered.

Also, because of his hard stance on all issues, it will be difficult to get anything done  unless he reverts to the Obama practice of using executive orders.
Saying that, I will support him IF he becomes the nominee as ANYONE is better than Hillary....but I will vote for Trump on March 15th.

Offline RobJohnson

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Yes, I agree Cruz has the backbone to stand up to the liberals.  I don't doubt that for a second.  I liked Cruz before the Iowa caucus when he used underhanded techniques (false voter summons & announcing Carson's suspension) to win the state. The more I watched him and his preachy tone, I disliked him.  He does well in caucus states, but we only have two left (Hawaii and Idaho) his days are numbered.

Also, because of his hard stance on all issues, it will be difficult to get anything done  unless he reverts to the Obama practice of using executive orders.
Saying that, I will support him IF he becomes the nominee as ANYONE is better than Hillary....but I will vote for Trump on March 15th.

My neighbors dead decaying dog is better then Hillary.

Offline Carl

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Yes, I agree Cruz has the backbone to stand up to the liberals.  I don't doubt that for a second.  I liked Cruz before the Iowa caucus when he used underhanded techniques (false voter summons & announcing Carson's suspension) to win the state. The more I watched him and his preachy tone, I disliked him.  He does well in caucus states, but we only have two left (Hawaii and Idaho) his days are numbered.

Also, because of his hard stance on all issues, it will be difficult to get anything done  unless he reverts to the Obama practice of using executive orders.
Saying that, I will support him IF he becomes the nominee as ANYONE is better than Hillary....but I will vote for Trump on March 15th.

I respect that and really have the SCOTUS in mind more then anything.

Offline IndiCon15

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A lot of excellent points made on this thread.....

What's wrong with all of Trump's detractors when they always trot out Donald''s donations to the most despised LIBERALS, but NEVER bother to mention his equal donations to CONSERVATIVES?

I could understand greasing the wheels if you're a businessman, donating to the democrats and republicans alike, but whats with the 60 grand to Mitch McConnell? 

First of all, Trump has donated considerably more to democrats than to republicans. Second, he donated to the establishment republicans, never conservative one one.

In fact, quite the opposite. Some of his largest contributions to republicans were made in an effort to defeat Tea Party candidates.

thundly4 said this earlier which made me do some googling and I found the McConnell thing.  Maybe Trump is another establishment type, which would make his whole “outsider” thing fall apart.  And I’d be upset that people got swindled.  We can handle a Trump presidency, I’d be more concerned that people are voting with their emotions instead of their heads.  Thats the problem with the left.....

Trump is not my choice by a long shot but given the stakes if he is the nominee then so be it.
A SCOTUS that will "find" an inalienable right to vote in the Constitution for all persons on US soil regardless of citizenship is possibly in the balance.

No one should be fooled imo though and right now Trump is the establishment choice.
They would rather have him as President and will be grinning when he discovers having a spit flying tantrum in the Oval Office amounts to almost nothing.
He has made it clear he lives to make deals.

The alternative to them is Shillary who is always available to the highest bidder.

The one they can`t stand is Cruz.

My first hi five given.  Well said.  Notice in the last debate, Rubio, Cruz, and the Fox moderators handled Trump.  Cruz kept telling him to count to ten.  And Trump took it.  So agreed, Oval Office tantrums are not gonna fly.

However, he has been sounding more like an establishment politician ever since.

Agreed.  Again, to reference the last debate.  They brought up the NY times off the record conversation where Trump might have revealed that “the wall” was starting point in a negotiation.  During the rest of the debate, I felt like he was backing a up a bit from his bombastic talk and moving into the “I’m a dealmaker” etc, and brought in more of, “we need to come together/negotiate” talk.   You could look at this as, “this isn’t what I want, I want someone who’s gonna shake things up,” or, “Who is Trump?  Is he the ‘bomb the sh*t out of isis guy, or is he the ‘lets sit down and make a deal guy?’”  Meanwhile, I’m not asking myself “who is” when it comes to Cruz or Rubio……more things to think about....

Cruz is a great choice, yet we have seen a lot of bashing of the front runner DJT.

Personally, I don’t want to bash Trumpsters or Trump himself….but rather try to convince people………and even then, I think people have made up their minds.....

My ex leftist turned moderate republican/conservative father told me that if we get to a brokered convention, and they finagle up some nomination that doesn’t involve Trump, he’ll go third party and we’ll be stuck with Hillary.  And my dad hates the Clintons like no other so he's motivated by a lot of fear but still...and he doesn't like Trump.  Rubio is his guy.

Offline txradioguy

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Rush has a disturbing blind spot for Trump.  I know why...but it's still sad.

Trump supporters...especially the in your face obnoxious ones are warmed over Ronulans. 

Trump is about the worst thing that could have ever happened to the GOP.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline IndiCon15

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I haven't heard Rush go after Trump in the way that Michael Medved or Mark Levin go after him.  Although I guess they don't go after him, but they try to raise some good points.  At least the stuff I've heard or read. 

And I have to back off from my suspicion that Trump is working for the establishment types..... I don't know how that would work given how things have been playing out. 

Offline txradioguy

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What's wrong with all of Trump's detractors when they always trot out Donald''s donations to the most despised LIBERALS, but NEVER bother to mention his equal donations to CONSERVATIVES?

That's because they haven't been equal.  And donating to Mitch McConnell isn't donating to a Conservative.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline txradioguy

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Cruz is a great choice, yet we have seen a lot of bashing of the front runner DJT.

He's brought it on himself in all honesty with his belligerent attitude and outrageous statements.

To whine about how you're treated after you continuously go out and give everyone who disagrees with you a giant middle finger is kinda stupid.

Yet that's what Trump does.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline txradioguy

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Defending the protest animals in Chittown and blaming Trump is hardly a constitutional free speech value, nor is accepting Neil Bush's endorsement and support in the bash Trump vs. the BLM, Bill Ayers, Move On, Occupy and other scum protesters. ::)

As usual with your spittle flinging rage induced rants I have to ask...what the **** are you talking about?

Who in here is defending the "protest animals" in Chicago?  Please point out who in here is doing that.

Trump DOES bring a lot of this on himself.  When you offer to pay the legal bills of anyone who knocks out a protester at one of your rallies...when you don't denounce white supremacists supporting your should expect things like last night to happen.

And quite honestly...I think Trump PURPOSELY cancelled the event last night because now instead of speaking to a measly 10K audience...the MSM is wall to wall with Trump bullshit all day now he's spewing to 50 MILLION.  He's a skilled reality TV host...he knows how to play the media.

Never mind, Cruz could accept the endorsement of Ayers himself and you would still vote for him.

Ummm yeah ok.  The more you post...the more you SERIOUSLY belong at DU when you say moronic stuff like that.

Doesn't matter, I told you I would be happier at primary outcomes than you.  So now you can sulk.  Matters not a whit to Trump or we, his supporters.

You don't seem very happy.  You seem quite angry in fact.  Like a typical Trump supporter...full of rage and hot air.  Could it be the fact that Cruz is keeping up with tRump in the delegate race?  Or the fact that Cruz beats DJT by 15 points in a one on one race?

Oh look Cruz wins Wyoming with 60.5% of the vote.

Trump pulled a mighty 5.6%.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline IndiCon15

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I was listening to Michael Medved, who I know a lot of folks on the right don't like.  He asked a question, if Trump is really about a movement, then who would someone choose to lead that movement if Trump wasn't available.  And he mentioned that if Trump is so unlikeable, why not pick somebody else to lead the movement?  The idea of this question is a thought exercise asking yourself is Trump really about a movement or an idea, or is it about Trump? 

Or, if you subtract Trump from the equation, what do you have?  So I would wonder how much of Trump is people who know what they want out of life and from our government, and Trump is the guy to deliver that.  That's the "movement" part.  And how much of Trump is that he feels our pain and our anger, and he's gonna save us?  That's the "Trump" part.  The personality part.

I think it's interesting to consider. 

Offline txradioguy

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I was listening to Michael Medved, who I know a lot of folks on the right don't like.  He asked a question, if Trump is really about a movement, then who would someone choose to lead that movement if Trump wasn't available.  And he mentioned that if Trump is so unlikeable, why not pick somebody else to lead the movement?  The idea of this question is a thought exercise asking yourself is Trump really about a movement or an idea, or is it about Trump? 

Or, if you subtract Trump from the equation, what do you have?  So I would wonder how much of Trump is people who know what they want out of life and from our government, and Trump is the guy to deliver that.  That's the "movement" part.  And how much of Trump is that he feels our pain and our anger, and he's gonna save us?  That's the "Trump" part.  The personality part.

I think it's interesting to consider.

If Ron Paul hadn't called it quits after the 2014 election the same rabid partisans powering Trump would still be supporting Dr Nuts for the most part.

It's a mob mentality with most of the Trump faithful.  All he really has done was speak the truth about Muslims and express a desire to build a wall on the Southern Border to keep the illegals out.

Other than that he's got as much substance to what his platform is as a jar of marshmallow paste.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline thundley4

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If Ron Paul hadn't called it quits after the 2014 election the same rabid partisans powering Trump would still be supporting Dr Nuts for the most part.

It's a mob mentality with most of the Trump faithful.  All he really has done was speak the truth about Muslims and express a desire to build a wall on the Southern Border to keep the illegals out.

Other than that he's got as much substance to what his platform is as a jar of marshmallow paste.

I've been saying for a long time that the Trumpbots are little different from the Paulbots in their rabidity.

Offline txradioguy

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Yes, I agree Cruz has the backbone to stand up to the liberals.  I don't doubt that for a second.  I liked Cruz before the Iowa caucus when he used underhanded techniques (false voter summons & announcing Carson's suspension) to win the state. The more I watched him and his preachy tone, I disliked him.  He does well in caucus states, but we only have two left (Hawaii and Idaho) his days are numbered.

The vote shaming was a little weird but you are completely wrong about the announcement of Carson suspending hsi campaign.  That ALL came from CNN.  All a Cruz staffer did was re-tweet what CNN was reporting.

You're placing the blame in the wrong palce.

Also, because of his hard stance on all issues, it will be difficult to get anything done

Same thing was said by the establishment about Reagan.  He won 44 states against Carter.  Pushed through a Conservative agenda and ended the Cold War.

Since when did standing by your principles like Cruz has done...equated to taking a "hard stance"?  I thought the one thing we were all tired of here was politicians promising one thing and giving us the middle finger once they got to DC?

Now sticking to your principals is a bad thing?  :???:

unless he reverts to the Obama practice of using executive orders.

That's Trump.  That's the only way he's gonna get done all these "great things" he's promising.

Saying that, I will support him IF he becomes the nominee as ANYONE is better than Hillary....but I will vote for Trump on March 15th.

Too bad you're wasting your primary vote in this critical election year.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Creator of the largest Fight Club thread ever!