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Offline dutch508

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bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« on: October 29, 2015, 08:13:36 AM »
bravenak (16,232 posts)

Just something interesting I noticed...

Do you see that Hillary Clinton has nearly the same amount of a lead in points over Bernie as Bernie has points?

I was thinking that maybe he should just suspend his campaign? What do you think?

Hillary is obviously going to win, and I'm sure she prefers O'Malley over Sanders as VP... We could see the end of this thing by December if he dropps out and have all that extra time to BEAT THE REPUBLICANS!!!

Just crown her queen already! Why even have voters try to pick someone who is against their own best interest?

kenfrequed (7,027 posts)
75. You guys really need to stop that.

Calling Bernie Sanders supporters or Bernie Sanders 'BS' is childish and insulting.

Bernie is in it for the long haul and so are his supporters. We knew this would be a tough race when he was polling at single digits. Now he is somewhere around 30% nationally and leading in New Hampshire. Why would we give up?

bkkyosemite (2,070 posts)
93. Sorry Bernie is for a different future for our country and that is no more corrupt Oligarchy. Clinton is one of them she is with corporate agendas and Oligarchy thought processes. I will not support her.

I do not understand that many think that those who support Bernie will go along with supporting Hillary because it's the dems way. But the two candidates are like apples and oranges. Bernie supporters are supporting him for many reasons that have to do with changing the corruption we are living in while Hillary goes along with the status quo because she is the status quo.

PatrickforO (2,386 posts)
30. We have not had a candidate as good as Bernie since FDR. Bernie is even better, actually. I think the establishment, Clinton supporters, oligarchs and the corporate owned media organs might have a bit of a surprise coming.

Star Member bravenak (16,232 posts)
39. This is a very red state and the repubs are QUIET...They lost the Gov to an independent who is a 'the party left me' kinda ex republican. The dem linked up with him and now the repubs are floundering. They had full control. They broke our bank and bankrupted us. This is happening all over. We can take it all back. They may hate dems, but I was talking to a rightie (they love me, dunno why) and she likes Clinton and Carson but thinks Trump is a phoney and a leftist and she would rather have a regulart democrat than a fake republican. What?!?! Purely anecdotal but Trump is not everybodies idea of a republican. She was mad at the party for letting him run, called them sell outs. Plus she wants a woman prez.

sure you did and we do...

restorefreedom (5,230 posts)
41. very interesting.....i also notice that the person you talked to likes carson your state particularly religious and do you think carson has an edge there?  also she wants a women pres but is not on board with fiorina.... another hmmmmm


bravenak (16,232 posts)
42. Church on everydamn corner.

If I look out my window, I can see two facing each other. Carson will win here if he is the nominee. Doctor? Religious? Stabbed a guy but repented? Oh yeah. I can see the Democratic smear campaign is going strong.
They love repentance and we all love knives and we have alcoholism so we understand fits of violence. She thinks Fiorina cause her company to lose money and jobs. And kinda like a woman Trump she said.

You should see the bumperstickers. My god. Anti abortion, with a dead fetus in full color, econimic freedom decals, yes on pebble (pollution pollution pollution), no on weed... She gave me free concert tickets and tickets to the van gogh exhibit for my kids, tho. Nice lady. Interesting politics.

A bouncy bouncy.

randys1 (11,407 posts)
26. Many BErnie supporters dont like Obama, say he is not a progressive. Not true, of course

but if they have that attitude about him, what happens when , NOT IF, Bernie is unable to do 99% of what he campaigns on due to the makeup of the house and senate?

Do these avid BERNIE OR BUST folks sit on their hands in future elections?

bravenak (16,232 posts)
79. Do his supporters do the same for us?

I still see 'shillary' and 'race baiter' used and recived no apologies to the aa group for using thees terms to describe them. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

bravenak (16,232 posts)
87. So. We should not label the tea party as racist sonce it was only one sign? Or a few?

Or shoukd they have checked the members of the group and made sure not to give them impression that they were okay with it. Perhaps if you checked them on their behavior like you just did to us, we might not see it as hypocritical of you to come here to do this but ignore the nasty on your sude. I still have seen no apologies from that group to the aa group.

Since you are not here often, perhaps you should go back to July 21 abd Aug 8 and read what they had to say about blm and many others

bravenak (16,232 posts)
122. I would vote Keith Ellison for Pres over anybody running maybe even obama.

I'm Bianca. I think everybody knows that by now after the letters that 'du bernie fan' sent to my house. I don't really know who sent those nasty letters bt I know that they really wanted to get me off du and call me a race baiter so badly that they sent TWO letters to wrong addresses and they were routed to me.

Nobody really believes your 'victim' story Bianca. Shit, the letters were addressed to 'bravenak'. It took me almost two minutes to find your real name, address, phone number, and numerous web-pages. Why would anyone send you letters to 'bravenak' except to show them on DU as they know that name.

bravenak (16,232 posts)
59. He is floundering and I want O'Malley.

If O'Malley could beat her I would maybe vote him, but since he cannot then I want him for VP. If Ellison was running I'd vote him.

bravenak (16,232 posts)
69. No. This is more interesting.  I am a good fighter. In many ways. But this fight was brought to my door so I am going to win.
If Hillary were not in he would be winning. The black vote would go either to him or Hill. I vote black and fight for black. His supporters are lovely and it makes him look even better. I will be proud to vote for the ticket with him on it. He increases the value to me. I am thinking they will team up regardless so I am fine with going for the default.

bravenak (16,232 posts)
104. I vote strategically. I am black.

There has never been a politician in america that aimed policies towards blacks. It's always a little for us and a lot for them. We always get crusts and would under his plan because of the mass incarceration problem leaving our men out. He voted for that just like she supported it. Who is better?
His message on economics is aimed at you, not me. It is not targeted to lift up groups that have been left out so many times, it does not include reparations, nothing to address poverty specifically on reservations or native villiages, I am way leftier than both of them. He does not address the fact that we have defacto separate but equal and will not benefit as much as white from free college because drug felons often cannot get financial aid or food stamps, and our schools do not educate the student to where they coukd actually succeed in college after their terrible education. His message leaves many of us out, but his supporters think we should be satisfied.

bravenak (16,232 posts)
126. I am a gifted person.

Top 90th percentile. Never need to study, photographic memory. Does not help me at all. I go to clas for math once a month just to turn shit in and move on. I have heath care, my daughter is in the gifted program (thanks mom and dad!) my husband has a high iq as well. Does nothing for me. My school pays me to go. So, it helps whites more than blacks then. Our schools do not get us to the level of being able to succed in college. More unemployment, they don't get that 15 bucks. More in prison, they get nothing! Nore single mothers with men in prison, nothing for them! Medicines and studies done mostly on white men, the meducines do not work as well on us, tec, etc,etc. so....

WTF! teh NADIN spells better than you do!

bravenak (16,232 posts)
73. She [Hillary] loves black children.

I bet if I took my daughters to see her, they would love her. They need to see someone who looks like them as prez. She actually resembles my mother in law alot. Same blonde hair, same size, very forthright, very confident, intelligent, talented, good mother. Wonderful grandmother. Yes. Hillary needs to kick butt for me. I will kick butt for her since her supporters so lovingly took me in when I needed a group after being rejected.

DianeK (768 posts)
96. you must be very very young..or new to observing the political process...just sayin' things have a way of changing very quickly and very dramatically..buckle up..this is not over yet

Nope- just stupid.

bravenak (16,232 posts)
99. You are very condescending. I am grown.

Now, Bernie has no black support virtually, how does he change this? He did not build a coalition, he is not embracing Obama and will not get that coalition of voters, Republicans will not switch parties to vote in our primaries, so wise one, how? Force of will?
Remember, black voters are the ones who stand in line for hours to vote and ensure their csndidate wins, why shoukd they go do so for Bernie rather than Hillary? Many are already upset over the harassment of BLM by peopke whi called themselves his grassroots. How does he steal voters from her that are no keen on joining his group? He may as well give it up.

bravenak (16,232 posts)
124. I do not see how Bernie love can drive somebody to send me hate mail and weak threats to my home. You figure that out and I'll stop.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline Carl

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2015, 08:24:46 AM »
     bravenak (16,232 posts)
    87. So. We should not label the tea party as racist sonce it was only one sign? Or a few?

    Or shoukd they have checked the members of the group and made sure not to give them impression that they were okay with it. Perhaps if you checked them on their behavior like you just did to us, we might not see it as hypocritical of you to come here to do this but ignore the nasty on your sude. I still have seen no apologies from that group to the aa group.

    Since you are not here often, perhaps you should go back to July 21 abd Aug 8 and read what they had to say about blm and many others

Illiterate scrunt.

Offline franksolich

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2015, 08:29:38 AM »
Oh my.

bravenak (16,232 posts)    Wed Oct 28, 2015, 06:25 PM

124. I do not see how Bernie love can drive somebody to send me hate mail and weak threats to my home. You figure that out and I'll stop.

She's on an enforced leave, but one hopes that the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive is at least lurking on Skins's island, so that she'll get a clue about why her words and conduct are oftentimes counterproductive, doing more harm than good.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2015, 09:18:25 AM »
I am a gifted person.
"Special", would be a more descriptive term.   :shortbus:

Never need to study ....
That  part is glaringly obvious you ignorant scrunt.
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Offline bravenak

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2015, 09:42:24 AM »
Illiterate scrunt.

Lay off, white boy.

Offline Carl

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2015, 10:02:40 AM »

Offline DUmpsterDiver

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2015, 10:15:11 AM »
Getting a free ride on the short bus does not make one gifted.

Offline Duke Nukum

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2015, 11:10:12 AM »
Lay off, white boy.
Okay, come clean, who are you?

Black Lives Matter and Abortion Rocks?  :rotf:

Good one!
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Offline jb2u11

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2015, 11:22:41 AM »
Bravenak or whoever......

Abortion rocks????????? Really?  Even the pro choice people I know would never celebrate an abortion. To you it rocks?  You are one very messed up, disturbed, sick individual.

Offline Duke Nukum

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2015, 11:25:01 AM »
Bravenak or whoever......

Abortion rocks????????? Really?  Even the pro choice people I know would never celebrate an abortion. To you it rocks?  You are one very messed up, disturbed, sick individual.
Well, you know the Progressive Anthem: Black Lives Matter Except in a Planned Parenthood.
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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2015, 11:29:29 AM »
I read Bravenak writing about Hillary and I hear Hattie from Gone With The Wind.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline franksolich

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2015, 11:35:49 AM »
Bravenak or whoever......

Abortion rocks????????? Really?  Even the pro choice people I know would never celebrate an abortion. To you it rocks?  You are one very messed up, disturbed, sick individual.

It's been confirmed that bravenak here is not the same bravenak who's on Skins's island; this is obviously a Bernie bully from there trying to make the real bravenak look bad.

And for this particular Bernie bully, if it's who it probably is, yes, she celebrates abortions, and wishes they'd happen more often.

You might recall that the gasbag Lamond boasted that he was communicating with bravenak on other message boards (she'd been on involuntary leave from Skins's island).....just because he was communicating with someone with the screen-name "bravenak".....which in his pea-sized mind, proved it was the real thing.  The name's the same, so it had to be so.

Yeah, right.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline bravenak

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2015, 11:48:44 AM »
Has anyone ever told white boy Frankie that he's such a pompous bore?

Offline Duke Nukum

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2015, 11:54:58 AM »
Has anyone ever told white boy Frankie that he's such a pompous bore?
I'm voting that this is another incarnation of Buzz Click. Not that I remember too much about Buzzy, but the hate emanating from fravenak's posts remind me of the hate oozing off of Buzzy's posts.
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Offline Carl

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2015, 11:57:43 AM »
It's been confirmed that bravenak here is not the same bravenak who's on Skins's island; this is obviously a Bernie bully from there trying to make the real bravenak look bad.

And for this particular Bernie bully, if it's who it probably is, yes, she celebrates abortions, and wishes they'd happen more often.

You might recall that the gasbag Lamond boasted that he was communicating with bravenak on other message boards (she'd been on involuntary leave from Skins's island).....just because he was communicating with someone with the screen-name "bravenak".....which in his pea-sized mind, proved it was the real thing.  The name's the same, so it had to be so.

Yeah, right.

I am guessing it is Rolex Randy Shaw.
He is well known for his sock puppets.

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2015, 12:01:58 PM »
I'm voting that this is another incarnation of Buzz Click. Not that I remember too much about Buzzy, but the hate emanating from fravenak's posts remind me of the hate oozing off of Buzzy's posts.

Actually, I beg to disagree here; it looks to be a bona fide primitive, a Bernie bully, much more distasteful and disgusting than any other primitive who's shown up here before.

We appear to be dealing with the scummiest of the scum here, and no primitive who's ever been here, including even Atman, including even Jugs, sprung from the same depths of cruelty and depravity as this one.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2015, 12:18:06 PM »
Actually, I beg to disagree here; it looks to be a bona fide primitive, a Bernie bully, much more distasteful and disgusting than any other primitive who's shown up here before.

We appear to be dealing with the scummiest of the scum here, and no primitive who's ever been here, including even Atman, including even Jugs, sprung from the same depths of cruelty and depravity as this one.

Well, I'm sure whoever it is will out himself sooner or later, bragging on some liberal message board. They do love to tell their bouncy ball stories. 

But I also think it could be some conservative spoofing liberalism.  The Black Lives Matter avatar juxtaposed with "Abortion Rocks" seems like it has to be purposeful satire, at least, any sane, decent person would take it as such but since we are dealing with primitives, and if this one is as nasty as you say, then there is no limit to the potential depravity.

I also have a theory that it is a primitive who expected to get hailed with racial epithets after showing up here as Fravenak and is confused as to why it hasn't happened yet, never actually talking to real conservatives.
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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2015, 12:26:01 PM »

Lay off, white boy.

Oh look the racist troll is back. *yawn*
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2015, 01:29:15 PM »
Quote from:

I'm Bianca. I think everybody knows that by now after the letters that 'du bernie fan' sent to my house. I don't really know who sent those nasty letters bt I know that they really wanted to get me off du and call me a race baiter so badly that they sent TWO letters to wrong addresses and they were routed to me.

I do recall the desire of the bern-out primitive to post stalk the bravenak primitive if she kept up her antics. And I recall them saying they were tired of her race baiting.

But the part of "that they sent TWO letters to wrong addresses and they were routed to me" is inaccurate. She got 2 letters, but one of them was the correct address, and the other had the correct address as a return address which made it where it was delivered to her because the wrong address was undeliverable.

I distinctly remember that because when the primitives were discussing why she got the same letter twice, either she or someone else noted that one of the envelopes had the USPS yellow "return to sender" label on it, which means the USPS returned it to what turned out to be her correct address. She makes it sound like both letters were addressed incorrectly and the USPS just looked up her name and sent it to her anyway, which wouldn't happen. One was addressed correctly and one had the correct address via the return address.

Edit: Found it.

Of course, all this is academic since she sent the letters to herself in order to garner attention.

« Last Edit: October 29, 2015, 02:34:47 PM by USA4ME »
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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2015, 02:16:42 PM »

Of course, all this is academic since she sent the letters to herself in order to garner attention.

Bingo, plus she seems to have been doing some fairly hardcore drunk posting last night, you can't expect her to remember all the little details.

Offline jb2u11

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #20 on: October 29, 2015, 02:19:48 PM »
It's been confirmed that bravenak here is not the same bravenak who's on Skins's island; this is obviously a Bernie bully from there trying to make the real bravenak look bad.

And for this particular Bernie bully, if it's who it probably is, yes, she celebrates abortions, and wishes they'd happen more often.

You might recall that the gasbag Lamond boasted that he was communicating with bravenak on other message boards (she'd been on involuntary leave from Skins's island).....just because he was communicating with someone with the screen-name "bravenak".....which in his pea-sized mind, proved it was the real thing.  The name's the same, so it had to be so.

Yeah, right.

I agree Frank, I very much doubt this is the real Bravenack.  It simply amazes me how anyone would celebrate an abortion.....stand up for the right, I can at least understand the logic.....a little.  But to glorify it take a really sick and twisted mind.  If I were an FBI behavior analyst, those are the types of people I would be watching when looking for serial killers.

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #21 on: October 29, 2015, 02:24:35 PM »
Looks like skinner had to make a change to the brave neck character's writing staff.  This whole thing reminds me of "Bewitched"

Sometimes substitutions have to be made mid season.   :rofl:

I loved the BLM and Unplanned parenthood stuff.  Comedy gold.   Got the black man's back my aunt Fanny, reminds me of the old cartoon stick figures:

Skinner needs to hire better ghost writers. :rant: :rant: :rant:
< watch this space for coming distractions >

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #22 on: October 29, 2015, 02:55:03 PM »

I'm surprised--in fact, truly shocked--the supergenius gasbag Lamond wasn't all over this like Big Dog on bacon.

I tell you, the primitives who were invited, but refused, to join Scamdy during the scamdal eleven years ago, missed out on learning a lot of stuff, including being sure the small details are consistent.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #23 on: October 29, 2015, 10:37:53 PM »
Lay off, white boy.

How do you know Carl is White?
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Re: bravenak: "Just something I noticed..."
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2015, 10:27:28 AM »
bravenak (referring to the real one)  :thatsright: This woman is stupid on a dramatic scale.
That is not just ignorant, its Godzilla ignorant.