The Conservative Cave

Current Events => General Discussion => Topic started by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 01:42:48 AM

Title: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 01:42:48 AM
I will preview this discussion by saying that I have never considered myself to be a racist- you guys can decide if you think this is untrue.  I currently live with a guy from Lesotho, and during my undergraduate years I spent 2 years living with good friends from Guatemala and Chile.  I've never disliked anyone because of the color of their skin, nor have I ever jumped to immediate conclusions about someone before getting to know them because of their race/ethnicity.

I think that in theory, affirmative action is a great thing.  It is a novel idea to make campuses diverse and have a mixture of people.  However, in practice I believe it has truly failed.  I attended Harvard as an undergrad, and so I will describe my experience there to give you all an idea of where I am coming from.  I think that if two students are equally qualified for a school, giving the edge to one who is black over another who is white is not a bad thing- diversity is good.  However, with affirmative action this never seems to be the case, and almost always it is a student of color less qualified getting the edge over a white/Chinese student who is qualified.  A good friend of mine from California with Mexican background received a 27 on the ACT (not to overemphasize the ACT as a measure of intelligence) and was accepted into Harvard.  I can honestly say that the cut-off for even considering Harvard at my high school was a 33.  Now, does this have any real impact?  I think yes.  The students of color (Black/Latino) who were not international students (who I found to be some of the most brilliant and interesting students enrolled), as a whole performed significantly worse academically in my experience than did the non-colored students.  In my freshmen year a large number of students took psychology 101, known as one of the least difficult classes on campus.  That year I lived on a floor with 3 African-American students and 4 Latino students.  The highest grade between the 7 of them was a B-.  I can assure you that my white friends from the upper-middle class suburban town who were rejected from Harvard and ended up at a lesser school could have just as easily gotten an A in that class.  Now, do students of color have significantly lower GPA's than those other students?  I have not seen the data nor do I know that it exists.  I would expect not, and the reason being that these students tend to (a quite surprisingly high percentage) pursue majors in Africana Studies and Latina/Latino Studies.  I would be interested to see the breakdown of majors for different student elasticities.  I took a class in the Africana Studies department my sophomore year and was shocked when I was one of three white students in a thirty-five student lecture.  Because the professors much grade each student relative to the class as a whole, these classes tend to be incredibly undemanding and the same students who received C-s in psych 101 find themselves at the median in their Africana studies classes.  I received an A in the course and can honestly say I have not done less work in a class since my early years of high school.  I think that neither party (the school or the students of color) gain very much from an under-qualified student being thrown into an environment where their intelligence is in fact not comparable to the other students.  The same students who were helped in because of their race were the ones complaining that they wished they had gone to state schools, avoiding any reasonably difficult class, and often feeling lost in an environment that did not allow them to excel.

As for my thoughts on racism.  Racism is obviously very much prevalent in the U.S. predominantly in the South.  I think often times people misinterpret many things for racism, however.  During my college years I tended to find that the African American (non-international) students were more obnoxious, bothersome, and rude, as a whole.  They were the ones shouting loudly and hollering across the library at late hours of the night during exam week, swearing at 2am in the student center, and generally being loud and at many times annoying.  Are there plenty of white students who did the exact same thing? Yes, and they annoyed me just the same.  However, the proportions were not equal, and so as a whole, during college I tended to not enjoy the company of most of the African-American students who went to my school.  Did I still have African-American friends, eat lunch with them, hang-out.  Yes.  Not generalizing to the whole, just stating a finding that held true on average.  Do I still wait to get to know anyone regardless of their race before making a judgment about them- I try my best.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: docstew on May 17, 2011, 02:22:13 AM

As for my thoughts on racism.  Racism is obviously very much prevalent in the U.S. predominantly in the South.  I think often times people misinterpret many things for racism, however.

Contradict yourself much?  And nice broad brush statement, next you'll be saying that there's anti-Semitism in Germany because of the history of atrocities committed there.

Does racism exist?  Certainly.  Does it exist predominantly in the South?  No, you jackass.  It's just as racist to say that an African-American can't do something on their own as it is to say they are inferior.  It's racist to believe that all people of an ethnic group must believe the same things.  There's more racism at DU than there ever would be at anything short of a Klan rally (and did I mention that the KKK was a Democrat organization?  Along with most slave-owners and proponents of Jim Crow laws being Democrats as well)
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Splashdown on May 17, 2011, 04:15:38 AM

As for my thoughts on racism.  Racism is obviously very much prevalent in the U.S. predominantly in the South.


Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on May 17, 2011, 06:46:34 AM
Stereotypers are all alike.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 17, 2011, 07:26:24 AM
Contradict yourself much?  And nice broad brush statement, next you'll be saying that there's anti-Semitism in Germany because of the history of atrocities committed there.

Does racism exist?  Certainly.  Does it exist predominantly in the South?  No, you jackass.  It's just as racist to say that an African-American can't do something on their own as it is to say they are inferior.  It's racist to believe that all people of an ethnic group must believe the same things.  There's more racism at DU than there ever would be at anything short of a Klan rally (and did I mention that the KKK was a Democrat organization?  Along with most slave-owners and proponents of Jim Crow laws being Democrats as well)

Yeah, it's so racist blacks are still fleeing the South.

In a reversal, more blacks moving back to South (

"It's no coincidence that the shift is happening as we encounter economic turmoil that is being felt disproportionately among blacks, such as mortgage foreclosures, loss of jobs and economic devastation in major Northern hubs," said Hilary Shelton, director of the NAACP's Washington bureau. "With major changes and less racial devastation in the South, people are finding their way back."


BTW, anyone notice the migration seems to parallel the timeline the political scene went from Democrat to Republican?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: whiffleball on May 17, 2011, 08:07:21 AM
Racism is obviously very much prevalent in the U.S. predominantly in the South.

Not generalizing to the whole, just stating a finding that held true on average.  Do I still wait to get to know anyone regardless of their race before making a judgment about them- I try my best.

So you "try your best" not to generalize about color, but have absolutely no problem in generalizing about the South.  I wish I could give you more than one BS for your BS.  You sound exactly like a DUmbazz, exactly.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: JohnnyReb on May 17, 2011, 08:21:19 AM
Stereotypers are all alike.

Ain't that the damn truth..... :lmao: :lmao:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on May 17, 2011, 08:43:37 AM
Back to the point instead of personalities, Intelligento, I would respond to your comments on affirmative action by saying that it is an issue of scale.  What may be a good idea, or at least a worthwhile stab at one, on a very small scale can become a disaster when it is translated to a large scale.  Perhaps it is an artifact of our industrial heritage and the follow-on digital revolution, but we are all too ready to believe that everything is scalable, when that is not the case if real humans are a key element of the product or process instead of just actors in it.

In the case of the Ivy League AA policies, what it effectively does is discount the value of the sheepskin.  To a lesser extent the same is true of their legacy admissions, but those graduates tend to be incredibly connected and set up so that the sheepskin is simply a ticket punch rather than the ticket itself - the Kennedys, Bushes, and Kerrys of the world.  In a peculiar sense, their AA policies actually foster racism, because aside from the prospect of being hired as a token from the outset, the racial minority graduate of these schools has to overcome the well-known fact that he or she successfully completed a program with much lower standards than White male students in the same class, and therefore if the employer is looking for technical competence, they'd really be better off hiring a graduate of well-reputed land grant college, with the plus of not having to pay a premium for an Ivy League degree that doesn't really mean anything special.     
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 09:02:40 AM
So you "try your best" not to generalize about color, but have absolutely no problem in generalizing about the South.  I wish I could give you more than one BS for your BS.  You sound exactly like a DUmbazz, exactly.

I'm thinking you are from the south.  Did not say all southerners are racists- not by any means.  Have family down there who is not racist at all; also have family there who is highly racist.  Don't take an impersonal remark personally, it'll never get you very far. 
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 09:07:53 AM
Contradict yourself much?  And nice broad brush statement, next you'll be saying that there's anti-Semitism in Germany because of the history of atrocities committed there.

Does racism exist?  Certainly.  Does it exist predominantly in the South?  No, you jackass.  It's just as racist to say that an African-American can't do something on their own as it is to say they are inferior.  It's racist to believe that all people of an ethnic group must believe the same things.  There's more racism at DU than there ever would be at anything short of a Klan rally (and did I mention that the KKK was a Democrat organization?  Along with most slave-owners and proponents of Jim Crow laws being Democrats as well)

I think confusing 200+ years of slavery and a 5 year Holocaust led by a single dictator is a little bit dangerous.  I also think blaming late 19th century Democrats for being aligned with Jim Crowe is dangerous and the line between the parties of today and the parties of 100+ years ago is thick and hard to gloss over.  Please do not take what I say back to DU vs. here.  I don't appreciate it and it limits the scope of my argument and turns it into an argument I don't care to have.  Are there racist Democrats? Yes.  Are there racist Republicans?  Also yes.  I know both.

I'd also ask you to please stop deviating from the core of my post which was centered around affirmative action. 
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 17, 2011, 09:14:00 AM
I'm thinking you are from the south.  Did not say all southerners are racists- not by any means.  Have family down there who is not racist at all; also have family there who is highly racist.  Don't take an impersonal remark personally, it'll never get you very far. 

Your family in the south being racist doesn't conclude that racism doesn't exist in the North nor does it conclude that it is more prevalent in the South.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 09:16:09 AM
Your family in the south being racist doesn't conclude that racism doesn't exist in the North nor does it conclude that it is more prevalent in the South.

More prevalent in the south != non-existent in the north, nor did I make that claim.  I've found in my experience there to be much more obvious racism in the south.  It is my opinion; fine, disagree.  Like I said, please get back to my original argument and stop making this a north v. south debacle that I never intended (nor do I want) to participate in.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: JohnnyReb on May 17, 2011, 09:30:24 AM
More prevalent in the south != non-existent in the north, nor did I make that claim.  I've found in my experience there to be much more obvious racism in the south.  It is my opinion; fine, disagree.  Like I said, please get back to my original argument and stop making this a north v. south debacle that I never intended (nor do I want) to participate in.

Could it be that in the south we see a lot more of that bad behavior that so pissed you off at HAA-vard? Besides, that bunch at HAA-vard was supposed to be the upper crust of the black race, was it not?

Be yee certain for the truth shall set you free....or make you racist as the case may be.

I was just interupted by a phone call from my son. He went to the main school office to call me...(use of cell phones not allowed) ... He's going to a classmates house after school to finish a European History project that they have been weeking on in class for a week (students were paired up for project). The reason they can't finish it in class, "The blacks won't behave. They're yelling, screaming, laughing, talking and the teacher can't do anything about it because that would be racist." ...and these are supposed to be the above average, advanced students....sheeeesh.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Splashdown on May 17, 2011, 09:35:48 AM
Maybe it would be helpful if you defined exactly what you mean by "racism."

Before you got here, there was a guy who called the Tea Partiers racists, and had a weird definition. He ran away.

Speaking for myself, I'm a bit leery when the term "racism" comes up these days.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 17, 2011, 09:36:14 AM
Could it be that in the south we see a lot more of that bad behavior that so pissed you off at HAA-vard? Besides, that bunch at HAA-vard was supposed to be the upper crust of the black race, was it not?

Be yee certain for the truth shall set you free....or make you racist as the case may be.

That is weird. I NEVER experienced black people shouting all over the library at Augusta State. They didn't interrupt in class, participated in the discussions in a very intelligent manner, and, well, I didn't see any difference between the white or black students.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on May 17, 2011, 09:51:08 AM
I'm thinking you are from the south.  Did not say all southerners are racists- not by any means.  Have family down there who is not racist at all; also have family there who is highly racist.  Don't take an impersonal remark personally, it'll never get you very far. 

TRANSLATION: I'm not racist. Some of my best friends are southern crackas.

No good thing can come from a policy of hiring someone just because their melanon content is of a certain variation and Obama proves it. But let a Hermain Cain or Janice Rogers Brown or Clarence Thomas come to the for and not only will the craving to promote melanon cease some of the nastiest race-based attacks will come rushing forward with malicious glee.


No democrat judicial nominee/appointee can hold an intellectual or scholarly candle to Janice Rogers Brown but she was savaged for being too uppity and not remembering her place.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: JohnnyReb on May 17, 2011, 10:05:11 AM
That is weird. I NEVER experienced black people shouting all over the library at Augusta State. They didn't interrupt in class, participated in the discussions in a very intelligent manner, and, well, I didn't see any difference between the white or black students.

The last time I was in a mixed college environment was 44 years ago. There were still some remnants of southern manners then.

I never attended an intergrated school until college. But being more or less fresh out of high school when they were intergrated here, I got wind of how it problems...the black kids had come from schools that had the same disciplinary rules the white schools had had. But over the years, and I think with influence from Al and Jesse, they have learned they can get away with anything if they just scream racism.

I thought long and hard about putting my son in a private school. Then I thought, "He's going to have to live and work with the general public. He might as well learn how to do that as he grows up so it won't be such a shock to him."  The first 6 years weren't bad but starting in middle school it has been down hill since then.

Next year he'll have enough credits to graduate a year early. I'm going to make him stay 12 full years. He can pick up some college credits that last year so it won't be a total waste.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: CatholicCrusader on May 17, 2011, 10:07:02 AM
....Some of my best friends are southern crackas.....

Mmmmm, Crackers

Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: dandi on May 17, 2011, 11:47:13 AM
I will preview this discussion by saying that I have never considered myself to be a racist- you guys can decide if you think this is untrue.  I currently live with a guy from Lesotho, and during my undergraduate years I spent 2 years living with good friends from Guatemala and Chile.  I've never disliked anyone because of the color of their skin, nor have I ever jumped to immediate conclusions about someone before getting to know them because of their race/ethnicity.

I think that in theory, affirmative action is a great thing.  It is a novel idea to make campuses diverse and have a mixture of people.  However, in practice I believe it has truly failed.  I attended Harvard as an undergrad, and so I will describe my experience there to give you all an idea of where I am coming from.  I think that if two students are equally qualified for a school, giving the edge to one who is black over another who is white is not a bad thing- diversity is good.  However, with affirmative action this never seems to be the case, and almost always it is a student of color less qualified getting the edge over a white/Chinese student who is qualified.  A good friend of mine from California with Mexican background received a 27 on the ACT (not to overemphasize the ACT as a measure of intelligence) and was accepted into Harvard.  I can honestly say that the cut-off for even considering Harvard at my high school was a 33.  Now, does this have any real impact?  I think yes.  The students of color (Black/Latino) who were not international students (who I found to be some of the most brilliant and interesting students enrolled), as a whole performed significantly worse academically in my experience than did the non-colored students.  In my freshmen year a large number of students took psychology 101, known as one of the least difficult classes on campus.  That year I lived on a floor with 3 African-American students and 4 Latino students.  The highest grade between the 7 of them was a B-.  I can assure you that my white friends from the upper-middle class suburban town who were rejected from Harvard and ended up at a lesser school could have just as easily gotten an A in that class.  Now, do students of color have significantly lower GPA's than those other students?  I have not seen the data nor do I know that it exists.  I would expect not, and the reason being that these students tend to (a quite surprisingly high percentage) pursue majors in Africana Studies and Latina/Latino Studies.  I would be interested to see the breakdown of majors for different student elasticities.  I took a class in the Africana Studies department my sophomore year and was shocked when I was one of three white students in a thirty-five student lecture.  Because the professors much grade each student relative to the class as a whole, these classes tend to be incredibly undemanding and the same students who received C-s in psych 101 find themselves at the median in their Africana studies classes.  I received an A in the course and can honestly say I have not done less work in a class since my early years of high school.  I think that neither party (the school or the students of color) gain very much from an under-qualified student being thrown into an environment where their intelligence is in fact not comparable to the other students.  The same students who were helped in because of their race were the ones complaining that they wished they had gone to state schools, avoiding any reasonably difficult class, and often feeling lost in an environment that did not allow them to excel.

As for my thoughts on racism.  Racism is obviously very much prevalent in the U.S. predominantly in the South.  I think often times people misinterpret many things for racism, however.  During my college years I tended to find that the African American (non-international) students were more obnoxious, bothersome, and rude, as a whole.  They were the ones shouting loudly and hollering across the library at late hours of the night during exam week, swearing at 2am in the student center, and generally being loud and at many times annoying.  Are there plenty of white students who did the exact same thing? Yes, and they annoyed me just the same.  However, the proportions were not equal, and so as a whole, during college I tended to not enjoy the company of most of the African-American students who went to my school.  Did I still have African-American friends, eat lunch with them, hang-out.  Yes.  Not generalizing to the whole, just stating a finding that held true on average.  Do I still wait to get to know anyone regardless of their race before making a judgment about them- I try my best.

First of all, get out of Harvard.  You (or your parents) are paying way too much for you to attend a liberal arts school.  Put your money into an education (ie hard sciences) that will give you a return for your investment.

Second, affirmative action in theory is just as big a failure as it is in reality.  By using skin color and ethnic/demographic background as a higher qualifier than actual ability is telling those that do not qualify on the merits of their talent that they'll be let in because they can't make it on their own.  Or, as President Bush so correctly stated, the soft bigotry of low expectations.  What you are seeing in school and what you will see later in life in the job place is the utter failure of affirmative action.

Third, it has been my experience that those who claim the loudest that they aren't racist are generally the first to use race as a means to group individuals (see bolded above).  If you were not racist, why do you need to talk about your White, Latino, "African-American", etc friends as if they are segmented by their heritage?  Why don't you just have friends?  Does it really matter so much what color they are that you have to go out of your way to identify them as such?

Fourth, if you don't want a discussion about the South, don't bring it up.  And, while you're at it, don't count on insulting the South (and Southerners by extension) and think it will go unchallenged.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on May 17, 2011, 11:56:29 AM
... If you were not racist, why do you need to talk about your White, Latino, "African-American", etc friends as if they are segmented by their heritage?  Why don't you just have friends?  Does it really matter so much what color they are that you have to go out of your way to identify them as such?

They aren't friends, they're boxes to be checked-off to build one's liberal bona fides.

Fourth, if you don't want a discussion about the South, don't bring it up.  And, while you're at it, don't count on insulting the South (and Southerners by extension) and think it will go unchallenged.


There's a reason I don't waste my time bringing-up what a bunch of arrogant, helpless, uselessly-educated, busy-bodies northerners can be.

And they reek of Canadian sex-love.

Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 12:02:36 PM

Third, it has been my experience that those who claim the loudest that they aren't racist are generally the first to use race as a means to group individuals (see bolded above).  If you were not racist, why do you need to talk about your White, Latino, "African-American", etc friends as if they are segmented by their heritage?  Why don't you just have friends?  Does it really matter so much what color they are that you have to go out of your way to identify them as such?

Fourth, if you don't want a discussion about the South, don't bring it up.  And, while you're at it, don't count on insulting the South (and Southerners by extension) and think it will go unchallenged.

First off, nothing wrong with a liberal arts school.  I'm no longer even at Harvard so the point is moot, but a liberal arts education is certainly not a bad thing- if you were not able to receive one yourself that is no reason to go whining about the uselessness of it. Not sure what kind of "return" for my money you are speaking of, but in terms of a monetary return I've done more than ok with my degree.

As for my identification of my friends by their race, was it not clear that the point of my argument was to point out that the friends (or floormates) of mine who were of color were not as academically qualified as those not of color.  Is this saying they are less academically qualified because of their race? No, it is an "and" statement.  They are not "segmented by their heritages."  They are segmented by their intellectual prowess, which, in my experience, also separated them out into their own heritages by default.  Later on I mentioned the same thing (which you seem to have missed).  A number of the African-American students at Harvard were disrespectful.  Is this saying that they are disrespectful because they are black? Absolutely not, it is one thing, and many of them happened to share a similar heritage.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on May 17, 2011, 12:11:47 PM
All my friends have only 1 color: dull grayish green
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 17, 2011, 12:14:20 PM
First off, nothing wrong with a liberal arts school.  I'm no longer even at Harvard so the point is moot, but a liberal arts education is certainly not a bad thing- if you were not able to receive one yourself that is no reason to go whining about the uselessness of it. Not sure what kind of "return" for my money you are speaking of, but in terms of a monetary return I've done more than ok with my degree.

He's not whining. If you want to see whining, go to DU. There's a shitload of those useless parasites with liberal arts degrees over there that either can't find work or can't stay employed.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Splashdown on May 17, 2011, 12:15:49 PM
I'll ask again...

Maybe it would be helpful if you defined exactly what you mean by "racism."

Before you got here, there was a guy who called the Tea Partiers racists, and had a weird definition. He ran away.

Speaking for myself, I'm a bit leery when the term "racism" comes up these days.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 12:42:30 PM
I'll ask again...

Maybe it would be helpful if you defined exactly what you mean by "racism."

Before you got here, there was a guy who called the Tea Partiers racists, and had a weird definition. He ran away.

Speaking for myself, I'm a bit leery when the term "racism" comes up these days.

Hmm I'll take a stab at this one.  I'd define racism as the making assumptions/judgments/drawing conclusions about someone because of their race, in most cases nasty ones, without knowing the individual.  Essentially believing that people are different (once again mainly in a negative way), due entirely to their race.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: thundley4 on May 17, 2011, 12:43:36 PM
Hmm I'll take a stab at this one.  I'd define racism as the making assumptions/judgments/drawing conclusions about someone because of their race, in most cases nasty ones, without knowing the individual.  Essentially believing that people are different (once again mainly in a negative way), due entirely to their race.

That sounds more like prejudice than racism to me.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 17, 2011, 12:44:11 PM
Hmm I'll take a stab at this one.  I'd define racism as the making assumptions/judgments/drawing conclusions about someone because of their race, in most cases nasty ones, without knowing the individual.  Essentially believing that people are different (once again mainly in a negative way), due entirely to their race.

You just defined bigotry and prejudice. That is not the definition of racism.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: IassaFTots on May 17, 2011, 12:46:11 PM
That sounds more like prejudice than racism to me.

That's the problem I think.  I think people are getting racism and prejudice confused these days. 
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 12:47:16 PM
You just defined bigotry and prejudice. That is not the definition of racism.

meant to add- "and treating them differently because of these judgments."

But if that still is not a complete enough definition for you, how would you define racism?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: DumbAss Tanker on May 17, 2011, 12:50:17 PM
That sounds more like prejudice than racism to me.

Well, he did limit it to '...Due entirely to their race.'  Racism is a special case of prejudice or bias, but for the limited reason of race alone, as opposed to religion, national origin, gender, etc.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Splashdown on May 17, 2011, 12:53:36 PM
Well, he did limit it to '...Due entirely to their race.'  Racism is a special case of prejudice or bias, but for the limited reason of race alone, as opposed to religion, national origin, gender, etc.

DAT, I would add that racism, especially the institutional kind that Intell is referring to, would require purposefully putting one race at advantage above another.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 12:55:48 PM
DAT, I would add that racism, especially the institutional kind that Intell is referring to, would require purposefully putting one race at advantage above another.

I would argue that Affirmative Action (knowingly or unknowingly) puts Students of Color at an advantage over more academically qualified White/Asian/Indian students.  I believe all students should be accepted on merit- if a white kid and a black kid have the same qualifications and the school is looking to increase diversity, I at that point have no problem choosing one over the other. 
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Splashdown on May 17, 2011, 12:56:57 PM
I would argue that Affirmative Action (knowingly or unknowingly) puts Students of Color at an advantage over more academically qualified White/Asian/Indian students.

...Which I why I would argue that racism is a symptom of the left, not the right.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 12:57:48 PM
...Which I why I would argue that racism is a symptom of the left, not the right.


And agree.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 17, 2011, 12:59:56 PM
meant to add- "and treating them differently because of these judgments."

But if that still is not a complete enough definition for you, how would you define racism?

I don't try to redefine terms. The textbook definition is:

The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

What social scientists injected later is immaterial to me.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 01:01:30 PM
I don't try to redefine terms. The textbook definition is:

What social scientists injected later is immaterial to me.

 ::).  Because one person defining a term and printing it in a textbook is better than yourself defining the same one.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 17, 2011, 01:05:55 PM
::).  Because one person defining a term and printing it in a textbook is better than yourself defining the same one.

Nope, the definition I provided has been the definition for centuries. The new definition is nothing but social scientists trying to apply one term to the definition of another. Racism isn't bigotry or prejudice. Bigotry is bigotry and prejudice is prejudice. It's just that laws against racism are constitutional while the other two are thought-based. So, you just make everything racist and now you can't even think about certain things. See how that works out? Now look at the wonderful rainbow. Gaze, gaze into it's beauty.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: NHSparky on May 17, 2011, 01:09:53 PM
There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.

Well, that and liberals who think they've no faults when the blemishes they point out on the face of others are full blown breakouts on their own faces.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 01:10:50 PM
There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.

Well, that and liberals who think they've no faults when the blemishes they point out on the face of others are full blown breakouts on their own faces.

And this relates to affirmative action.. :whatever:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: NHSparky on May 17, 2011, 01:15:13 PM
And this relates to affirmative action.. :whatever:

Ah, $200K for an education and he still doesn't know what humor is.

ETA: And BTW--google the "forced busing" in Boston and "Jones Beach".  Should be a nice little eye-opener.

People who claim the South is racist 1--don't know what the **** they're talking about, 2--are trying to deflect from their own little "issues", 3--probably never went there in person.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 01:17:36 PM
Ah, $200K for an education and he still doesn't know what humor is.

ETA: And BTW--google the "forced busing" in Boston and "Jones Beach".  Should be a nice little eye-opener.

People who claim the South is racist 1--don't know what the **** they're talking about, 2--are trying to deflect from their own little "issues", 3--probably never went there in person.

I know it when I see it.  Just would prefer if it didn't detract from the points I was trying to get across.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: NHSparky on May 17, 2011, 01:22:50 PM
I know it when I see it.  Just would prefer if it didn't detract from the points I was trying to get across.

Besides the ones on your head?

Look, scooter, here's the deal--I've lived my life by the principle of the meritocracy--if you've earned it, it's yours.  Color, sex, national origin, what have you, it matters not.

Now I'm being told that such a policy is "unfair" because not enough of a certain class who can check off certain boxes qualify, so we keep the standards high for some, and lower it for others.

THAT'S not racism?  Oh, poor (insert group here), sorry you're too stupid/slow/whatever to play with us, we'll just lower YOUR standards so you can FEEL better, nevermind that you really shouldn't be here.  And what if those barriers (slow/stupid/whatever) are SELF-IMPOSED?  I'm supposed to let more deserving recipients step aside so someone can get a "hand up"?  Really?  Whatever happened to hands up versus handouts? 

Would you not agree that something EARNED is valued more than something merely given?

And yeah, if you have to refer to someone as "my black/brown/green/purple with pink polka dots friend" as opposed to simply, "my friend," then I humbly suggest you look at yourself first, mkay?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 01:24:53 PM
Besides the ones on your head?

Look, scooter, here's the deal--I've lived my life by the principle of the meritocracy--if you've earned it, it's yours.  Color, sex, national origin, what have you, it matters not.

Now I'm being told that such a policy is "unfair" because not enough of a certain class who can check off certain boxes qualify, so we keep the standards high for some, and lower it for others.

THAT'S not racism?  Oh, poor (insert group here), sorry you're too stupid/slow/whatever to play with us, we'll just lower YOUR standards so you can FEEL better, nevermind that you really shouldn't be here.  And what if those barriers (slow/stupid/whatever) are SELF-IMPOSED?  I'm supposed to let more deserving recipients step aside so someone can get a "hand up"?  Really?  Whatever happened to hands up versus handouts?  

Would you not agree that something EARNED is valued more than something merely given?

And yeah, if you have to refer to someone as "my black/brown/green/purple with pink polka dots friend" as opposed to simply, "my friend," then I humbly suggest you look at yourself first, mkay?

my argument in a nutshell. Not sure why we are arguing.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: NHSparky on May 17, 2011, 01:26:19 PM
my argument in a nutshell.

Then simply state so.  Remember, we're not as "nuanced" as you Ivy-League types, even if our IQ's and SAT scores are the same, I guess...
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 01:27:16 PM
Then simply state so.  Remember, we're not as "nuanced" as you Ivy-League types, even if our IQ's and SAT scores are the same, I guess...


And actually your post captured it beautifully.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: whiffleball on May 17, 2011, 02:20:43 PM
I'm thinking you are from the south.  Did not say all southerners are racists- not by any means.  Have family down there who is not racist at all; also have family there who is highly racist.  Don't take an impersonal remark personally, it'll never get you very far. 

LOL!  I simply adore being chastised by the high and mighty.  By all means get on with your 'debate' but try not to be bigoted about it.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: overlord on May 17, 2011, 03:16:44 PM
More prevalent in the south != non-existent in the north, nor did I make that claim.  I've found in my experience there to be much more obvious racism in the south.  It is my opinion; fine, disagree.  Like I said, please get back to my original argument and stop making this a north v. south debacle that I never intended (nor do I want) to participate in.

You're using your own personal experiences, which I get.  Truly.  The problem with your own personal experiences though is that they are just that; your own experiences.  I grew up and lived in the south until just last year when I moved to Indiana.  The town just to the west of us (called Brownstown ironically enough) until just a few years ago actually had a billboard up that said (paraphrasing) don't you're dark don't be out after dark.  The billboard was on private property so it took forever to have it taken down.  Granted I never saw it for myself so I only have what folks in the area have told me about it, but my experiences there (the county courthouse is there) were interesting to say the least as I have custody of my mixed nephew. 
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 17, 2011, 03:30:24 PM
You're using your own personal experiences, which I get.  Truly.  The problem with your own personal experiences though is that they are just that; your own experiences.  I grew up and lived in the south until just last year when I moved to Indiana.  The town just to the west of us (called Brownstown ironically enough) until just a few years ago actually had a billboard up that said (paraphrasing) don't you're dark don't be out after dark.  The billboard was on private property so it took forever to have it taken down.  Granted I never saw it for myself so I only have what folks in the area have told me about it, but my experiences there (the county courthouse is there) were interesting to say the least as I have custody of my mixed nephew. 

In the South, you knew who was racist because they were openly hostile to you. In the North, you never knew because they would smile and befriend you to your face, and then call you ****** behind your back. ---Hosea Williams

Here's a good discussion about it:

The North More Racist Than The South?

How many people think that this is true? I was born and raised in the south and recently moved to the tri-state area i.e Paramus, Wayne, Nyc and I have experienced more racism here than in the deep woods of the south. i.e. Miami, Jacksonville,Birmingham, Atlanta, Nashville, the Carolinas. And honest to God in these areas the people aren't rich so I know that It isn't a social bias cause they own 2 family homes and have some stranger living with them. However when I visit more affluent areas the people are nice and I don't feel that stare. For example I went to the Library in a middle class suburb of Jersey and some of the “Caucasians” were looking at myself as well as my bi-racial baby cousins very funny and asking us If we lived there… And note that I said some because I'm not some Black person who thinks that all white folks are out to get me. I love everyone… but I am just curious because I have this debate often and wanted some outside input. SO is there more racism up north?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 03:45:12 PM
The North More Racist Than The South?

How many people think that this is true? I was born and raised in the south and recently moved to the tri-state area i.e Paramus, Wayne, Nyc and I have experienced more racism here than in the deep woods of the south. i.e. Miami, Jacksonville,Birmingham, Atlanta, Nashville, the Carolinas. And honest to God in these areas the people aren't rich so I know that It isn't a social bias cause they own 2 family homes and have some stranger living with them. However when I visit more affluent areas the people are nice and I don't feel that stare. For example I went to the Library in a middle class suburb of Jersey and some of the “Caucasians” were looking at myself as well as my bi-racial baby cousins very funny and asking us If we lived there… And note that I said some because I'm not some Black person who thinks that all white folks are out to get me. I love everyone… but I am just curious because I have this debate often and wanted some outside input. SO is there more racism up north?

I don't think white people in what was (most likely) a largely white suburban area, asking a black man if he lives there is racist.  I'm surprised they had the audacity to ask.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 17, 2011, 03:51:46 PM

I don't think white people in what was (most likely) a largely white suburban area, asking a black man if he lives there is racist.  I'm surprised they had the audacity to ask.

And you don't see ANYTHING in your response that's prejudiced? Are you SERIOUS?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 03:54:55 PM
And you don't see ANYTHING in your response that's prejudiced? Are you SERIOUS?

I thought we were making a clear distinction between prejudice and racism?  At least that was what I was informed of by you all.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: thundley4 on May 17, 2011, 04:01:00 PM
The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

If there is no difference in ability that can be ascribed to race, am I to assume that the fact most pro basketball players are black is because of racism?  Or could it be that blacks are better at basketball because of an innate stamina and other physical attributes?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 17, 2011, 04:13:30 PM
I thought we were making a clear distinction between prejudice and racism?  At least that was what I was informed of by you all.

No, you're right. It's not racism. It's bigotry. I'll be the first to admit that "racism" is way overplayed, you even did it in your opening post.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 17, 2011, 04:14:51 PM
If there is no difference in ability that can be ascribed to race, am I to assume that the fact most pro basketball players are black is because of racism?  Or could it be that blacks are better at basketball because of an innate stamina and other physical attributes?

Or could it possibly be due to basketball being the number one game black kids play, causing a large number of them to excel throughout the grades and well into college?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: JohnnyReb on May 17, 2011, 04:29:58 PM
Or could it possibly be due to basketball being the number one game black kids play, causing a large number of them to excel throughout the grades and well into college?

It's the one major sport that can be played in a small area...if mom's living in high rise government housing, how much room do you have to play sports? And if you're living way out in the country with no others to play with, you can always shoot hoops.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: thundley4 on May 17, 2011, 04:34:30 PM
Or could it possibly be due to basketball being the number one game black kids play, causing a large number of them to excel throughout the grades and well into college?

That would almost seem reasonable.  However, on many college teams there are slightly more blacks than white players, but not nearly the high ratio that is seen in the pros.

It's the one major sport that can be played in a small area...if mom's living in high rise government housing, how much room do you have to play sports? And if you're living way out in the country with no others to play with, you can always shoot hoops.

That does better explain it somewhat, but then look at most marathon winners. What do most of them have in common?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Chris_ on May 17, 2011, 04:38:44 PM
That does better explain it somewhat, but then look at most marathon winners. What do most of them have in common?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Eupher on May 17, 2011, 05:17:44 PM
This is a little  :offtopic: but I'm struggling to figure out why a poster, evidently with a straight face, would create a screen name of "Intelligento."

That is all. Please carry on.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: IassaFTots on May 17, 2011, 08:35:37 PM
This is a little  :offtopic: but I'm struggling to figure out why a poster, evidently with a straight face, would create a screen name of "Intelligento."

That is all. Please carry on.

I think he is a young-un.  He feels intelligento. 
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Eupher on May 17, 2011, 09:18:16 PM
I think he is a young-un.  He feels intelligento. 

I think I read that "he" lives with a guy. So unless I'm really batting .000 (entirely possible today, as I'm in Pittsburgh), Intelligento is a female.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: IassaFTots on May 17, 2011, 09:23:27 PM

I think I read that "he" lives with a guy. So unless I'm really batting .000 (entirely possible today, as I'm in Pittsburgh), Intelligento is a female.

I would never tell you you are batting .000, but in his/her intro thread, he/she said his/her name was Nicholas, and I am pretty sure that is a male moniker. 

But, I could be wrong.  Maybe.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Lacarnut on May 17, 2011, 09:27:45 PM
I think he is a young-un.  He feels intelligento. 

He has a lot of growing up do. Since he thinks he is so intelligent, I have not heard what his political affiliation is. After all, this a conservative discussion board. Let's hear it!
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: thundley4 on May 17, 2011, 09:34:21 PM
My name is Nicholas Jared.  I'm a graduate student in economics at Brown University with a research focus on developmental economics.  You can see my thoughts and those of my colleagues at our blog: --please follow us and help gain support

I am excited to be here and looking to contribute whatever I can to the site in terms of econ/policy.  I recently went on a posting spree on the DU taking loads of criticism from the close-minded posters over there, so I hope that this community proves to be a bit more welcoming.
His introduction thread. (,58914.0.html)
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Eupher on May 17, 2011, 09:35:44 PM
I would never tell you you are batting .000, but in his/her intro thread, he/she said his/her name was Nicholas, and I am pretty sure that is a male moniker. 

But, I could be wrong.  Maybe.

Well, I did read in the OP on this thread that "he" was living with a guy. What that means, I dunno. But Nicholas it is.

It's a good thing I'm getting the hell out of Pittsburgh tomorrow. I'm tired of ****ing up.  :lmao:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 09:38:34 PM
Well, I did read in the OP on this thread that "he" was living with a guy. What that means, I dunno. But Nicholas it is.

It's a good thing I'm getting the hell out of Pittsburgh tomorrow. I'm tired of ****ing up.  :lmao:

Roomate.....  :whistling:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Eupher on May 17, 2011, 09:39:17 PM

Roomate.....  :whistling:

gotcha. (so to speak.)
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Chris_ on May 17, 2011, 09:39:41 PM
Someone's got to pay for that Brown U. education.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: thundley4 on May 17, 2011, 09:41:30 PM

Roomate.....  :whistling:

roommate :whistling:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Eupher on May 17, 2011, 09:43:05 PM
I try real hard not to be a spelling Nazi, but sometimes ya just gotsta call 'em when ya sees 'em.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 09:43:14 PM
roommate :whistling:

Probably the first and last time I'll write out that word.  Knew something was wrong when I had a red-underline  :thatsright:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: thundley4 on May 17, 2011, 09:44:54 PM
Probably the first and last time I'll write out that word.  Knew something was wrong when I had a red-underline  :thatsright:

Dayum, y'all got spellcherk and stail get it wrong?  :-)
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Eupher on May 17, 2011, 09:45:20 PM
Probably the first and last time I'll write out that word.  Knew something was wrong when I had a red-underline  :thatsright:

You're too young to say it'll be the "last time" you do something.

Just embrace the suck. It's good for the soul.  :II:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 17, 2011, 09:47:56 PM
You're too young to say it'll be the "last time" you do something.

Just embrace the suck. It's good for the soul.  :II:


And yes I realize it has an accent  :cheersmate:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Eupher on May 17, 2011, 09:50:37 PM


And yes I realize it has an accent  :cheersmate:

No prob. I don't bother with the bastards either, though I'll put in umläute whenever necessary.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Chris_ on May 17, 2011, 10:09:06 PM
roommate :whistling:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: thundley4 on May 17, 2011, 10:12:33 PM

Spelling is not grammar . I suck at grammar and spelling, but intelligento is a college edmumacated kid, he should know better.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Chris_ on May 17, 2011, 10:15:44 PM
I know, I just wanted an excuse to use that smiley.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Duke Nukum on May 18, 2011, 12:07:33 AM
As for my thoughts on racism.  Racism is obviously very much prevalent in the U.S. predominantly in the South.  

Listening to Mark Levin tonight, I'm convinced that racism in America is most prevalent on MSLSD.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: docstew on May 18, 2011, 03:02:18 AM
meant to add- "and treating them differently because of these judgments."

But if that still is not a complete enough definition for you, how would you define racism?

The DOD definition of racism is holding one racial or ethnic group to be inferior to another or your own, just like you're doing.  Closely related is paternalism, where someone "takes care" of another by giving them easier jobs or lowered standards for advancement.  How many of these boxes can you check off for yourself?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Karin on May 18, 2011, 10:31:35 AM
I'm more familiar with workplace AA than academia.  I worked for a large corporation once, of the size that has to report on their stats.  At HQ, I remember one black guy got a nice VP Marketing job, nice office, nice salary.  He ended up quitting because it was just too boring, there was no "stretch" assignments or hard work that would have really let him shine. 
Lowered expectations don't do anybody any favors. 

In the same building, on my staff, was a nightmare.  A black woman with a chip on her shoulder like you wouldn't believe.  Always running to HR with accusations of racism.  As you know, this cannot be tolerated in corporate America.  A co-worker corrected her own visiting son's grammar, the black lady thought this correction was an affront to her African American culture.  Off to HR she went.  Every day was walking on eggshells. 

That experience scarred me, I'll admit it.  One wrong innocuous move, and I could be fired.  Performance review?  Request to not talk on the phone with personal calls so much?  Ask how a report was coming along?  Gaah!  This behavior of hers did not help her fellow black people in the labor market. 
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: dandi on May 18, 2011, 12:24:22 PM
The DOD definition of racism is holding one racial or ethnic group to be inferior to another or your own, just like you're doing.  Closely related is paternalism, where someone "takes care" of another by giving them easier jobs or lowered standards for advancement.  How many of these boxes can you check off for yourself?

Being an Ivy League liberal?  Probably all of them.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 12:41:55 PM
The DOD definition of racism is holding one racial or ethnic group to be inferior to another or your own, just like you're doing.  Closely related is paternalism, where someone "takes care" of another by giving them easier jobs or lowered standards for advancement.  How many of these boxes can you check off for yourself?

 :???:  When did I ever say that one ethnic group was inferior to my own?  The African American students at the school I attended were, as a whole, less academically qualified than the white/Asian students.  This also applied to all other races, as a whole, that were helped in due to affirmative action. They performed poorly in easy classes, and they avoided taking difficult upper-level courses, which explains why my senior year math/econ/science courses were predominantly Asian/Caucasian, despite the school being about 30% Black/Hispanic/ect.   I'm not sure what you have to argue?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: dandi on May 18, 2011, 01:06:36 PM
First off, nothing wrong with a liberal arts school.  I'm no longer even at Harvard so the point is moot, but a liberal arts education is certainly not a bad thing

You know what, you are absolutely right.  In retrospect, most Liberal Arts degree holders perform many important roles in our society:  "Paper or plastic?"; "Welcome to Hooters!"; "Would you care to super-size that?"; "Would you like the receipt in the bag?"; "Wet spill, aisle 5?  On my way!"; "Can I interest you in some dessert?"; "Would you like a lap dance?"; "More coffee and make it ****in' snappy?  Yes, Senator, right away!"


if you were not able to receive one yourself that is no reason to go whining about the uselessness of it


Wait a minute, wait a minute, hold on....


Okay, *whew*, better now.

I had better things to do with my time than pursue a Liberal Arts degree.

Not sure what kind of "return" for my money you are speaking of, but in terms of a monetary return I've done more than ok with my degree.

Good for you.  As long as there is a need for Ivy League theorists, you have a paycheck.  Hope you have something to fall back upon if the requirement goes away.

As for my identification of my friends by their race, was it not clear that the point of my argument was to point out that the friends (or floormates) of mine who were of color were not as academically qualified as those not of color.  Is this saying they are less academically qualified because of their race? No, it is an "and" statement.  They are not "segmented by their heritages."  They are segmented by their intellectual prowess, which, in my experience, also separated them out into their own heritages by default.  Later on I mentioned the same thing (which you seem to have missed).  A number of the African-American students at Harvard were disrespectful.  Is this saying that they are disrespectful because they are black? Absolutely not, it is one thing, and many of them happened to share a similar heritage.

Yes, "Intelligento", I understood completely what you were trying to do.  You were trying to make sure everyone could see your liberal bona fides while at the same time exercise some common sense as it applies to the idiotic paternalism that is affirmative action.  However, in your rush to make sure we all understood that you were most certainly not a racist while compartmentalizing the Black, Hispanic, White, and Asian kids, you completely forgot women, the handicapped, American Indians, and many others.  If you are going to make a case that affirmative action does not work in reality, make sure you complete the loop so to speak.

You, it seems, missed what I was saying.  While you are seeing the failure of these things, be honest with yourself and with us.  Observing race/gender/disability/whatever preference as a failure does not make you a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe/xenophobe/etc, it makes you a realist and honest; no qualifiers of no "guilt" are necessary.  We should be graded by our performance without any type of "enhancer" to the final score and what you are seeing is the first of many examples where liberal ideology fails it's first contact with reality.

Speak plainly, "Intelligento", and honestly in everything you do.  Strong people will respect you for your truthfulness while the weak will despise you for not being a true believer.  Personally, I would rather be hated for being honest than loved for a lie.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: dandi on May 18, 2011, 01:08:30 PM
::).  Because one person defining a term and printing it in a textbook is better than yourself defining the same one.

Definitions of words are accepted standards.  As standards, they are the rule.  Anyone thinking they own the language beyond that is a fool and should not be listened to.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 01:26:38 PM
You know what, you are absolutely right.  In retrospect, most Liberal Arts degree holders perform many important roles in our society:  "Paper or plastic?"; "Welcome to Hooters!"; "Would you care to super-size that?"; "Would you like the receipt in the bag?"; "Wet spill, aisle 5?  On my way!"; "Can I interest you in some dessert?"; "Would you like a lap dance?"; "More coffee and make it ****in' snappy?  Yes, Senator, right away!"



Wait a minute, wait a minute, hold on....


Okay, *whew*, better now.

I had better things to do with my time than pursue a Liberal Arts degree.

Good for you.  As long as there is a need for Ivy League theorists, you have a paycheck.  Hope you have something to fall back upon if the requirement goes away.

Yes, "Intelligento", I understood completely what you were trying to do.  You were trying to make sure everyone could see your liberal bona fides while at the same time exercise some common sense as it applies to the idiotic paternalism that is affirmative action.  However, in your rush to make sure we all understood that you were most certainly not a racist while compartmentalizing the Black, Hispanic, White, and Asian kids, you completely forgot women, the handicapped, American Indians, and many others.  If you are going to make a case that affirmative action does not work in reality, make sure you complete the loop so to speak.

You, it seems, missed what I was saying.  While you are seeing the failure of these things, be honest with yourself and with us.  Observing race/gender/disability/whatever preference as a failure does not make you a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe/xenophobe/etc, it makes you a realist and honest; no qualifiers of no "guilt" are necessary.  We should be graded by our performance without any type of "enhancer" to the final score and what you are seeing is the first of many examples where liberal ideology fails it's first contact with reality.

Speak plainly, "Intelligento", and honestly in everything you do.  Strong people will respect you for your truthfulness while the weak will despise you for not being a true believer.  Personally, I would rather be hated for being honest than loved for a lie.

I think you are out of your element here bucko. I'm not understanding your calling me out for "leaving out American-Indians."  Unfortunately, even with affirmative action they make up <1% of the student body at my university, and I've never had the chance to meet or interact with any of the few that are enrolled here; the same goes for handicapped students of which there are very few. Once again, sorry for "leaving them out." The degree to which affirmative action helps women is incredibly small at my school, and I was making an observation about my experience, so the need to include them was non-existent.  Not sure why you keep insulting a liberal arts degree. The jobs you joked about are those of individuals with no degree- though you seem to believe that they are one in the same. I'd be interested to know what you are doing in your life and where you attended school, since it is so much better than all of the Ivies and other liberal arts schools.  My guess is you simply didn't have the SAT scores to get you into one of those institutions and only later decided "well hell, they suck anyways." Because I can truly say I haven't known a single high school kid who, if money and grades/academics provided, had the opportunity to study at Harvard, would turn it down because "liberal arts sucks and gets you nowhere."  So keep going with your aimless ranting, chief, it isn't getting you anywhere either.  The need for "Ivy Leage theorists" as you call them, is not going anywhere soon- not in this lifetime or the next, so keep dreaming.

And I agree with your second to last paragraph.  
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Wineslob on May 18, 2011, 01:47:15 PM
I'd also ask you to please stop deviating from the core of my post which was centered around affirmative action. 

Affirmative Action in and of itself is racist.

Think about it.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Lacarnut on May 18, 2011, 02:00:43 PM
The last 3 Presidents went to Harvard and have got this country so ****ed up that it will take an outsider who has not gone to a LIBERAL Ivy League school to dig us out of the economic mess we are in. BTW, who gives a crap what school you went to. It is what you do when you get out of school that is important. I know a lot of kids that would NOT want to go to Harvard. So, bucko, your statement fall flat.

I am a retired civil service worker and I can tell you I experienced the wrath of affirmative action for over 20 years. Young uns like you do not understand that women benefited in much greater numbers than blacks did. When you gain some more experience in the real world outside of academia let us adults in on it. As far as racism goes, there is more of it in your beloved Boston than most town across the country.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 02:03:17 PM
The last 3 Presidents went to Harvard and have got this country so ****ed up that it will take an outsider who has not gone to a LIBERAL Ivy League school to dig us out of the economic mess we are in. BTW, who gives a crap what school you went to. It is what you do when you get out of school that is important. I know a lot of kids that would NOT want to go to Harvard. So, bucko, your statement fall flat.

I am a retired civil service worker and I can tell you I experienced the wrath of affirmative action for over 20 years. Young uns like you do not understand that women benefited in much greater numbers than blacks did. When you gain some more experience in the real world outside of academia let us adults in on it. As far as racism goes, there is more of it in your beloved Boston than most town across the country.

Stopped reading after this
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 18, 2011, 02:23:50 PM
I think you are out of your element here bucko. I'm not understanding your calling me out for "leaving out American-Indians."  Unfortunately, even with affirmative action they make up <1% of the student body at my university, and I've never had the chance to meet or interact with any of the few that are enrolled here; the same goes for handicapped students of which there are very few. Once again, sorry for "leaving them out." The degree to which affirmative action helps women is incredibly small at my school, and I was making an observation about my experience, so the need to include them was non-existent.  Not sure why you keep insulting a liberal arts degree. The jobs you joked about are those of individuals with no degree- though you seem to believe that they are one in the same. I'd be interested to know what you are doing in your life and where you attended school, since it is so much better than all of the Ivies and other liberal arts schools.  My guess is you simply didn't have the SAT scores to get you into one of those institutions and only later decided "well hell, they suck anyways." Because I can truly say I haven't known a single high school kid who, if money and grades/academics provided, had the opportunity to study at Harvard, would turn it down because "liberal arts sucks and gets you nowhere."  So keep going with your aimless ranting, chief, it isn't getting you anywhere either.  The need for "Ivy Leage theorists" as you call them, is not going anywhere soon- not in this lifetime or the next, so keep dreaming.

And I agree with your second to last paragraph.  

Sarcasm seems to be lost on you because Wasp injected a ton of it in his post. I guess I'll have to paraphrase for the Ivy Leagers hanging around:

"Look you don't have to start all the 'I have a black friend, so I'm not a racist, but, affirmative action is bullshit and detrimental to the society as a whole, as well as being condescending and belittling the people you actually think you're trying to help'. Just say 'AA is bullshit and here's why'. Trying to qualify it only conflates the issue and drives a discussion 1000 different directions from your intended target. While making it, if someone just comes straight out and screams 'racism', they're clearly not up to the challenge of discussing the topic to begin with and only possess the ability to make excuses".
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 18, 2011, 02:27:20 PM
Stopped reading after this

One mistake and an entire argument might as well be discarded? Wow. Must be cold up on that Ivory Tower. What altitude is your penthouse at? Just wondering. You subtract about 4 degrees for every thousand feet you ascend.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Lacarnut on May 18, 2011, 02:42:16 PM
Stopped reading after this

Aww. An elitist snob like Junior does not take criticism well. Plus, you lie.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 02:48:16 PM
Aww. An elitist snob like Junior does not take criticism well. Plus, you lie.

No stopped reading because the last 3 presidents haven't gone to Harvard....

If the first sentence in a line of criticism is simply not true, why bother reading the rest. Not good for credibility in any sense of the word. To address Rebel- yes a pretty outright mistake in the first line of an argument is enough to keep me from reading the rest.  This is not some "opinion I disagree with." It is a fact that one can confirm in 15 seconds using the internet. When I have to grade argumentative papers if someone presents a fact in their opening paragraph (never seen it in the opening line), I continue grading because I have to, but it takes away credibility from the entire rest of the paper.

That is not to mention that almost all the U.S. Presidents went to a liberal arts school so.... see Hayes, Nixon, Garfield, Reagan, Coolidge and many others who went to much more "liberal artsy" schools than Harvard..
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 18, 2011, 03:00:04 PM

If the first sentence in a line of criticism is simply not true, why bother reading the rest.

Ahh, I know this little game.

Lacarnut's first sentence was not true.

Lacarnut wrote the rest of the post.

Therefore, the rest of the post must not be true.  :whatever:

You'll miss a whole helluva lot of education that way. The ability to comprehend an entire body of text, bullshit and all, is part of the learning process.

Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 03:01:58 PM
Ahh, I know this little game.

Lacarnut's first sentence was not true.

Lacarnut wrote the rest of the post.

Therefore, the rest of the post must not be true.  :whatever:

You'll miss a whole helluva lot of education that way. The ability to comprehend an entire body of text, bullshit and all, is part of the learning process.

No no, you missed the point.  The rest of the post could be entirely true, but if the first line is blatantly wrong it deters from the entirety of the argument.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 18, 2011, 03:03:56 PM
No no, you missed the point.  The rest of the post could be entirely true, but if the first line is blatantly wrong it deters from the entirety of the argument.

Sounds like a partisan's excuse for not reading a news source known for having a few opposing views.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 03:05:10 PM
Sounds like a partisan's excuse for not reading a news source known for having a few opposing views.

Your opinion.  Like I said, it is the same way when I grade papers here, though then I am obligated to continue reading.  If you are going to post a fact make sure it is true.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 18, 2011, 03:15:17 PM
Your opinion.  Like I said, it is the same way when I grade papers here, though then I am obligated to continue reading.  If you are going to post a fact make sure it is true.

You contradicting yourself a bit, aren't you? Dismissing Lacarnut's entire post after seeing one error leads one to believe that you stop grading a paper after you see the first error. How are they not the same?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 03:17:13 PM
You contradicting yourself a bit, aren't you? Dismissing Lacarnut's entire post after seeing one error leads one to believe that you stop grading a paper after you see the first error. How are they not the same?

Because I am paid to grade the full paper.  I have no obligation to read the rest of a post.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 18, 2011, 03:20:57 PM
Because I am paid to grade the full paper.  I have no obligation to read the rest of a post.

Beneath you? Afterall, it is your topic.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 03:24:43 PM
Beneath you? Afterall, it is your topic.

But completely straying from my topic.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 18, 2011, 03:27:02 PM
But completely straying from my topic.

Is this the topic?

Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Lacarnut on May 18, 2011, 03:40:18 PM
No stopped reading because the last 3 presidents haven't gone to Harvard....

If the first sentence in a line of criticism is simply not true, why bother reading the rest. Not good for credibility in any sense of the word. To address Rebel- yes a pretty outright mistake in the first line of an argument is enough to keep me from reading the rest.  This is not some "opinion I disagree with." It is a fact that one can confirm in 15 seconds using the internet. When I have to grade argumentative papers if someone presents a fact in their opening paragraph (never seen it in the opening line), I continue grading because I have to, but it takes away credibility from the entire rest of the paper.

That is not to mention that almost all the U.S. Presidents went to a liberal arts school so.... see Hayes, Nixon, Garfield, Reagan, Coolidge and many others who went to much more "liberal artsy" schools than Harvard..
All of the Presidents since LBJ have participated in raping this country with retarded social programs, stolen the funds out of S.S and contributed to the huge debt we have. Heaven forbid we continue electing intelligent idiots from liberal arts/Ivy League schools.   
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 03:44:22 PM
All of the Presidents since LBJ have participated in raping this country with retarded social programs, stolen the funds out of S.S and contributed to the huge debt we have. Heaven forbid we continue electing intelligent idiots from liberal arts/Ivy League schools.   

Great that half of the names that I listed served before LBJ...
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 18, 2011, 03:45:16 PM
All of the Presidents since LBJFDR have participated in raping this country with retarded social programs, stolen the funds out of S.S and contributed to the huge debt we have. Heaven forbid we continue electing intelligent idiots from liberal arts/Ivy League schools.   

Fixed. ...and we could go further back in history. The Constitution has had a bullseye on it pretty much since right after it was written.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Lacarnut on May 18, 2011, 03:53:02 PM
Your opinion.  Like I said, it is the same way when I grade papers here, though then I am obligated to continue reading.  If you are going to post a fact make sure it is true.

I got 2 out of 3 right. Big deal. Bubba went to Georgetown just up the road.

BTW, what do you teach? It certainly can not be English composition because you do not separate two sentences together with only a comma.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 18, 2011, 03:54:11 PM
I got 2 out of 3 right. Big deal. Bubba went to Georgetown just up the road.

That's in D.C.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 03:55:46 PM
I got 2 out of 3 right. Big deal. Bubba went to Georgetown just up the road.

BTW, what do you teach? It certainly can not be English composition because you do separate two sentences together with only a comma.

66%. Not bad; better hope for a curve.

Teach developmental economics, so no, not English.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Lacarnut on May 18, 2011, 04:04:48 PM
66%. Not bad; better hope for a curve.

Teach developmental economics, so no, not English.

So, do you support Obama's economic plan, and economic advisers that have left the WH like Larry Summers.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 04:15:30 PM
So, do you support Obama's economic plan, and economic advisers that have left the WH like Larry Summers.

Do not support Obama's economic plan, or at least not most aspects of it.  Not a huge fan of Summers either, though for other reasons, among them having the chance to meet with him and generally finding him to be pompous. 
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Lacarnut on May 18, 2011, 04:43:39 PM
Do not support Obama's economic plan, or at least not most aspects of it.  Not a huge fan of Summers either, though for other reasons, among them having the chance to meet with him and generally finding him to be pompous. 

Being an developmental economist, I would hope so. The greenie industry has been catastrophic for low income people here and abroad. Corn based Ethanol burns almost as much energy in the manufacturing process as it produces. The imbalance caused by increased production of corn has resulted in other agricultural crops to increase in price dramatically. The poor in third world countries spend a hefty amount on food while the amount percentage wise is much less here. Even Al Gore think Ethanol is bad. .
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 05:41:14 PM
Being an developmental economist, I would hope so. The greenie industry has been catastrophic for low income people here and abroad. Corn based Ethanol burns almost as much energy in the manufacturing process as it produces. The imbalance caused by increased production of corn has resulted in other agricultural crops to increase in price dramatically. The poor in third world countries spend a hefty amount on food while the amount percentage wise is much less here. Even Al Gore think Ethanol is bad. .

I would be more than willing to discuss my thoughts on these issues in another thread.  :)
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: docstew on May 18, 2011, 05:48:29 PM
No no, you missed the point.  The rest of the post could be entirely true, but if the first line is blatantly wrong it deters from the entirety of the argument.

The word you're looking for is detracts.  If we're going to talk about making strong arguments, another thing that makes for a strong argument is using the proper word.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 18, 2011, 11:03:48 PM
Here's a question for Mr. Brown. If we're all the same, why do liberals put us all in classes? Afterall, "African American" was created by liberals. African American? WTF is that? My ancestry is Irish-Scottish, but I don't say I'm an Irish-Scottish American, I say I'm an American. Why the hell should it matter where my ancestors came from? OHHHH, that's the issue, isn't it? It's for societal engineering. Got it. So people, with relatives from the continent of Africa, are somehow predisposed to act that way, right? I mean, afterall, why else would it even be an issue or even a reason for bringing up the topic?

I would REALLY like to hear the answers to these questions. Somehow, I think "intelligento" feels the same way, but I guess we'll see.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 18, 2011, 11:10:51 PM
Here's a question for Mr. Brown. If we're all the same, why do liberals put us all in classes? Afterall, "African American" was created by liberals. African American? WTF is that? My ancestry is Irish-Scottish, but I don't say I'm an Irish-Scottish American, I say I'm an American. Why the hell should it matter where my ancestors came from? OHHHH, that's the issue, isn't it? It's for societal engineering. Got it. So people, with relatives from the continent of Africa, are somehow predisposed to act that way, right? I mean, afterall, why else would it even be an issue or even a reason for bringing up the topic?

I would REALLY like to hear the answers to these questions. Somehow, I think "intelligento" feels the same way, but I guess we'll see.

Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on May 19, 2011, 06:58:24 AM
Here's a question for Mr. Brown. If we're all the same, why do liberals put us all in classes?

Because everybody knows minorities are too helpless to make it on their own.


Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: FreeBorn on May 19, 2011, 09:56:01 AM
Intelligento I must say it has been awhile since I have run across such a contradictory sort as you.
All through this thread you follow the typical liberal tactic of disclaimer, disclaimer, disclaimer, whammo punchline, disclaimer. Grow a spine, son. Stop backpedaling and stand your ground. Bitchslapped for that.


FYI there are more Klansmen north of the Mason-Dixon line than south of it, most of them in Pennsylvania. You would fit right in it seems as your thinly masked bigotry shows right through. I wouldn't say you were prejudiced though as you seem to disdain everyone equally.

Everyone is racist. That is an undeniable fact of simple human nature. How one deals with that to rise above it is what sets one apart, or not. If we could all get beyond being hyphenated Americans and just be Americans we just might all find we have a lot in common and get along splendidly. Your insistence, ad nauseum, that you are not a racist followed at length with bigotry shows your true stripe, common rabble. Rabble is to be found in every creed and at every income level as are Ladies and Gentlemen. You, Sir are no Gentleman. You seem to rather enjoy employing selective racism, blatantly or implied, if it suits you.


Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 19, 2011, 10:04:12 AM
Duly noted- I am a flaming racist because I think affirmative action is a god-awful system.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Splashdown on May 19, 2011, 11:15:36 AM
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 19, 2011, 01:17:13 PM
Duly noted- I am a flaming racist because I think affirmative action is a god-awful system.

It was never inferred that you were a racist because you opposed affirmative action.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 19, 2011, 01:19:10 PM
It was never inferred that you were a racist because you opposed affirmative action.

Oh of course- I am a racist because I chose to differentiate my "white friends" from "those of color" in discussing the issue of affirmative action.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 19, 2011, 03:52:23 PM
Oh of course- I am a racist because I chose to differentiate my "white friends" from "those of color" in discussing the issue of affirmative action.

I don't think anyone inferred that either. That is not racism. You, however, did infer that racism is still very prevalent in the south. ....and that's what got the ball rolling and why people had to educate you on your own bigotry. If you hadn't cast the first stone from your ivory tower, this topic would have read quite differently.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: whiffleball on May 19, 2011, 04:02:09 PM
I don't think anyone inferred that either. That is not racism. You, however, did infer that racism is still very prevalent in the south. ....and that's what got the ball rolling and why people had to educate you on your own bigotry. If you hadn't cast the first stone from your ivory tower, this topic would have read quite differently.

Thank you for explaining this to the OP.  Perhaps he can learn something that he's obviously not learning at Harvard.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 19, 2011, 04:09:06 PM
I don't think anyone inferred that either. That is not racism. You, however, did infer that racism is still very prevalent in the south. ....and that's what got the ball rolling and why people had to educate you on your own bigotry. If you hadn't cast the first stone from your ivory tower, this topic would have read quite differently.

I'm still unsure what you are trying to say.  I said in my own experience racism was more prevalent in the south.  That is not a point that can be argued? If others have had their own experiences and those have been different then fine, but when I make a claim that is "from my own experience," any argument is moot.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: FreeBorn on May 19, 2011, 06:16:26 PM
Duly noted- I am a flaming racist because I think affirmative action is a god-awful system.

That's racist!

Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on May 20, 2011, 06:49:28 AM;boardseen#top
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 08:43:22 AM
I'm still unsure what you are trying to say.  I said in my own experience racism was more prevalent in the south.  That is not a point that can be argued? If others have had their own experiences and those have been different then fine, but when I make a claim that is "from my own experience," any argument is moot.

From your own experience? What experience? Have you ever lived down here?
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 20, 2011, 09:18:34 AM
From your own experience? What experience? Have you ever lived down here?

Did a year of high school in Atlanta.  Also have relatives in Georgia and family friend in Arkansas- have visited both many times.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 10:28:26 AM
Did a year of high school in Atlanta.  Also have relatives in Georgia and family friend in Arkansas- have visited both many times.

A year in high school, in one location, doesn't exactly qualify as "experience". I spent 104 days in Fairbanks, Ak in '04 and I can tell you, it didn't make me an expert on Alaskan culture. As for your relatives in Arkansas, I have a cousin that's an Attorney and Ole Miss Law school grad and one that has a PhD in music. Doesn't necessarily make me an expert on law or music. Need a shot? Trust me, I can do it. My mom's a nurse.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: IassaFTots on May 20, 2011, 10:36:41 AM
A year in high school, in one location, doesn't exactly qualify as "experience". I spent 104 days in Fairbanks, Ak in '04 and I can tell you, it didn't make me an expert on Alaskan culture. As for your relatives in Arkansas, I have a cousin that's an Attorney and Ole Miss Law school grad and one that has a PhD in music. Doesn't necessarily make me an expert on law or music. Need a shot? Trust me, I can do it. My mom's a nurse.

My Grandad was the Chief Urologist at the Biloxi VA.  I can play this game!  Where do I begin???   :-)
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 20, 2011, 10:43:09 AM
A year in high school, in one location, doesn't exactly qualify as "experience". I spent 104 days in Fairbanks, Ak in '04 and I can tell you, it didn't make me an expert on Alaskan culture. As for your relatives in Arkansas, I have a cousin that's an Attorney and Ole Miss Law school grad and one that has a PhD in music. Doesn't necessarily make me an expert on law or music. Need a shot? Trust me, I can do it. My mom's a nurse.

Haha did I claim to be an expert? I said in my own experience racism was more prevalent in the south.  I did not say in my own expertise it is more prevalent.  A year in one location doesn't qualify as an experience? Do you know what an experience is or are you confusing the two terms? A? Can you define the word for me?  I have had my own experiences in the south, I listed them, you asked for them, don't argue with it. I said I was drawing my conclusions from my own experience, and I listed my own experience- over a year as a resident and numerous other visits.  As for your other slights after the Alaskan example, they were completely irrelevant and out of line.    

If I go to Haiti for a week do I have enough experience to claim it is impoverished?
If I spend a month in Beijing can I say the people are oppressed?

Get over yourself and off your high horse.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on May 20, 2011, 10:57:18 AM
My Grandad was the Chief Urologist at the Biloxi VA.  I can play this game!  Where do I begin???   :-)

What a coincidence!

I once stopped on the side of the road and peed in Kansas.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 12:15:01 PM
Haha did I claim to be an expert? I said in my own experience racism was more prevalent in the south.  I did not say in my own expertise it is more prevalent.  A year in one location doesn't qualify as an experience? Do you know what an experience is or are you confusing the two terms? A? Can you define the word for me?  I have had my own experiences in the south, I listed them, you asked for them, don't argue with it. I said I was drawing my conclusions from my own experience, and I listed my own experience- over a year as a resident and numerous other visits.  As for your other slights after the Alaskan example, they were completely irrelevant and out of line.    

If I go to Haiti for a week do I have enough experience to claim it is impoverished?
If I spend a month in Beijing can I say the people are oppressed?

Get over yourself and off your high horse.

I had "an experience" with a fat chick one time, but I would exactly say I'm "experienced enough" to make assumptions about all fat chicks. In your opening OP, you made a very definitive statement using your VERY limited experience on the matter:

Racism is obviously very much prevalent in the U.S. predominantly in the South.

....and for 3 pages now, you've been proven dead wrong.

I'm sure I'll get a few bitchslaps out of this analogy.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 20, 2011, 12:29:29 PM
I had "an experience" with a fat chick one time, but I would exactly say I'm "experienced enough" to make assumptions about all fat chicks. In your opening OP, you made a very definitive statement using your VERY limited experience on the matter:

....and for 3 pages now, you've been proven dead wrong.

I'm sure I'll get a few bitchslaps out of this analogy.

Nobody has proven anything- people have simply stated that they believe the opposite or have had experiences that suggest the opposite.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on May 20, 2011, 12:34:00 PM
I had "an experience" with a fat chick one time, but I would exactly say I'm "experienced enough" to make assumptions about all fat chicks.

Well, since your one-time experience has been ongoing for 27 years and 3 kids...

Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 12:37:38 PM
Nobody has proven anything- people have simply stated that they believe the opposite or have had experiences that suggest the opposite.

No, you said "obviously racism is more prevalent in the South", which is untrue. I grew up in Mississippi, and have been living in Augusta, Ga., on the SC line, for the past 16 years. I stayed after I ETS'd from the US Army. I've also traveled to MANY states as a defense contractor, a lot of those up north. Taunton, Massachusetts, Tinton Falls/Eaton, New Jersey, Pennsylvania from Harrisburg to Philly, and many, many other areas. Who do you think would be more of an authority on the subject? You, who spent one year here but has relatives here? Or people that actually live in the South? There's a reason black people are moving back down south. There's a reason Herman Cain is VERY liked as a presidential candidate down south. There's a reason our suburbs aren't lily-white like many I saw up north. My suburb of 500K+ homes is about 1/4 black. Could be many reasons, could be that many towns in the South have military installations around them. Could be that many southern people serve in the military, an entity that  instills a "we're all equally worthless as f**k" mentality, could be that it's staunchly Republican in the South. Then again, some of the places that do have race issues, from "my" experience, are the ones that are under Democratic control.

We can all make assumptions, but to say a definitive statement such as racism is more prevalent in the south, with nothing to go on other than your one little year in Atlanta and having relatives, is nothing but baseless conjecture on your part and should be perceived as such.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: IassaFTots on May 20, 2011, 12:39:30 PM
What a coincidence!

I once stopped on the side of the road and peed in Kansas.

That most certainly is, since he got his Bachelors at KU!
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 12:40:26 PM
Well, since your one-time experience has been ongoing for 27 years and 3 kids...


That would make me 11 when I got married.  :-V-:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Splashdown on May 20, 2011, 12:44:21 PM
Haha did I claim to be an expert? I said in my own experience racism was more prevalent in the south.  I did not say in my own expertise it is more prevalent.  A year in one location doesn't qualify as an experience? Do you know what an experience is or are you confusing the two terms? A? Can you define the word for me?  I have had my own experiences in the south, I listed them, you asked for them, don't argue with it. I said I was drawing my conclusions from my own experience, and I listed my own experience- over a year as a resident and numerous other visits.  As for your other slights after the Alaskan example, they were completely irrelevant and out of line.    

If I go to Haiti for a week do I have enough experience to claim it is impoverished?
If I spend a month in Beijing can I say the people are oppressed?

Get over yourself and off your high horse.

That you think your limited "impressions" merit the broad brush you're using is a shining tribute to your ignorance. There are people who have lived for years both in the North and the South. Don't you think their opinions are more valid, even to you, than your own "Impressions"?

Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: whiffleball on May 20, 2011, 12:48:46 PM
I'm still unsure what you are trying to say.  I said in my own experience racism was more prevalent in the south.  That is not a point that can be argued? If others have had their own experiences and those have been different then fine, but when I make a claim that is "from my own experience," any argument is moot.

Your exact quote, "As for my thoughts on racism.  Racism is obviously very much prevalent in the U.S. predominantly in the South."  You said nothing about any experiences pertaining to your blanket statement about the South.  You gave an incomplete thought, wrote and incomplete sentence and followed with a statement of what you feel passes as fact. 
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 20, 2011, 12:57:28 PM
No, you said "obviously racism is more prevalent in the South", which is untrue. I grew up in Mississippi, and have been living in Augusta, Ga., on the SC line, for the past 16 years. I stayed after I ETS'd from the US Army. I've also traveled to MANY states as a defense contractor, a lot of those up north. Taunton, Massachusetts, Tinton Falls/Eaton, New Jersey, Pennsylvania from Harrisburg to Philly, and many, many other areas. Who do you think would be more of an authority on the subject? You, who spent one year here but has relatives here? Or people that actually live in the South? There's a reason black people are moving back down south. There's a reason Herman Cain is VERY liked as a presidential candidate down south. There's a reason our suburbs aren't lily-white like many I saw up north. My suburb of 500K+ homes is about 1/4 black. Could be many reasons, could be that many towns in the South have military installations around them. Could be that many southern people serve in the military, an entity that  instills a "we're all equally worthless as f**k" mentality, could be that it's staunchly Republican in the South. Then again, some of the places that do have race issues, from "my" experience, are the ones that are under Democratic control.

We can all make assumptions, but to say a definitive statement such as racism is more prevalent in the south, with nothing to go on other than your one little year in Atlanta and having relatives, is nothing but baseless conjecture on your part and should be perceived as such.

To be honest, having lived 1 year+ in both the north and the south I'd give myself more authority on the subject than yourself who has "traveled to many northern cities," particularly because you traveled as a defense coordinator and were not living as a resident in both regions.  I think living somewhere for a year can give someone a pretty good idea of the culture/mindsets there, so please do not downplay that experience.  I also think for comparison's sake, one who has lived in both regions has a better vantage point than one who just lives in the south as you mentioned.  You started rambling at the end, so I didn't really pick up what you were trying to get at.  I think racism is more prevalent in the south- bam.  That is based off my experiences in both the north and the south.  If you don't like my opinion, deal with it.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 20, 2011, 12:58:51 PM
That you think your limited "impressions" merit the broad brush you're using is a shining tribute to your ignorance. There are people who have lived for years both in the North and the South. Don't you think their opinions are more valid, even to you, than your own "Impressions"?


I think they would have their own set of opinions as well.  Unfortunately, wherever those people are hiding, they have not come out to share their opinions for us, outside of Mr. Rebel who has "traveled to many,  many, northern cities on business."

I am sorry I said "it is obviously more prevalent in the south."  I should have phrased it differently.  I believe it is more prevalent in the south, and my belief comes from my own experience. My sincere apologies, as many of you seem to have been truly offended.  I've lived in Boston, Chicago, New York City, Pittsburgh, and now Providence.  In the 26+ years I have lived in those cities, I have combined not seen the amount of racism I witnessed during my year in Atlanta.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 01:06:31 PM
To be honest, having lived 1 year+ in both the north and the south I'd give myself more authority on the subject than yourself who has "traveled to many northern cities," particularly because you traveled as a defense coordinator and were not living as a resident in both regions.  I think living somewhere for a year can give someone a pretty good idea of the culture/mindsets there, so please do not downplay that experience.  I also think for comparison's sake, one who has lived in both regions has a better vantage point than one who just lives in the south as you mentioned.  You started rambling at the end, so I didn't really pick up what you were trying to get at.  I think racism is more prevalent in the south- bam.  That is based off my experiences in both the north and the south.  If you don't like my opinion, deal with it.

....and many stories elsewhere prove you wrong. I've shown you discussions on the matter. If you failed to click the link, that's your own laziness. Racism is not more prevalent in the South, as we're not as segregated in the South as you are in the north. We've dealt with our issues, other than in the small Democratically-controlled areas like Atlanta.

Again, your statement is nothing but baseless conjecture and should be perceived as such. You are in no position of authority on the matter to make such a definitive statement. If you would have stated, "I think racism is more prevalent", other than being wrong, it wouldn't have been an issue and dismissed as nothing more than your opinion.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 01:08:33 PM

In the 26+ years I have lived in those cities, I have combined not seen the amount of racism I witnessed during my year in Atlanta.

Please, do explain. You're 26? Oh, I have to hear this because Atlanta has pretty much been controlled by black people for decades. 
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 20, 2011, 01:10:05 PM
....and many stories elsewhere prove you wrong. I've shown you discussions on the matter. If you failed to click the link, that's your own laziness. Racism is not more prevalent in the South, as we're not as segregated in the South as you are in the north. We've dealt with our issues, other than in the small Democratically-controlled areas like Atlanta.

Again, your statement is nothing but baseless conjecture and should be perceived as such. You are in no position of authority on the matter to make such a definitive statement. If you would have stated, "I think racism is more prevalent", other than being wrong, it wouldn't have been an issue and dismissed as nothing more than your opinion.

Here is your problem.  You speak in absolutes- there is no determined fact that racism is more prevalent in the north or south- I have my opinion you have your (less qualified) one.  Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but you are in no position to be making claims and acting as if they are widely accepted, when they most certainly are not.  
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 01:25:23 PM
Here is your problem.  You speak in absolutes- there is no determined fact that racism is more prevalent in the north or south- I have my opinion you have your (less qualified) one.  Everyone is entitled to an opinion, but you are in no position to be making claims and acting as if they are widely accepted, when they most certainly are not.  

Like you did in the opening OP?

BTW, if racism is so prevalent in the South, why is it all the northern and weed-smoking western liberal cities that have "Little Italy's", "Chinatowns", a Jewish sector, "Little Havana's", and their own versions of Harlem? Down south, we all live around each other.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: SSG Snuggle Bunny on May 20, 2011, 01:31:47 PM
Hey Insipidshithole wrap your eyes around this.

Maybe people don't like being slapped with the label of racism based on nothing more than the opinion of a little punk whose development was arrested by the Poison Ivy League.

Maybe they've been slapped with that label for decades now without merit because it was an effective tool by a bunch of hucksters to marginalize opponents.

Maybe they want to be judged by the content of their character and not the sequence of their Zip Code.

You lack the perception and the cajones to say, "My bad; it was an unfair characterization."

Instead you just want to keep arguing the point thereby reinforcing it.

When I was first in the army I was attached to the mortar section. The vehicle I was assigned to was short-handed so in addition to my duties as the medic I learned to help them set-up the tube and whatnot and as a result the crew became rather fond of me (I was just having a blast but it apparently meant more to them). The NCO in charge fo the crew was black and the driver was a good ol' boy from Arkansas with the heavy drawl and slow tongue.

During a quiet interlude we were sitting on top of the vehicle having a moment of team bonding when the conversation drifted towards the topic of race. The redneck confided that he had grown-up his entire life hating blacks. To him they were dirty, lazy and crime-prone. He of course, was saying this while sitting beside his NCO. But he went on to say that his time in the army had opened his eyes. The blacks he had come to know were hard-working, intelligent and patriotic. He said he felt ashamed about his earlier views and was glad he had new friends.

Certainly a noble story but it doesn't end there.

A week later we were just getting back to our barracks. I was literally dragging my field gear back to my room when one of my regular acquaintances  passed me in the hall looking quite peeved. He blurted out that he hated ****ing n***ers because they were lazy and worthless and he came to that opinion since joining the army even though he had been raised in southern California in the culture of racial acceptance.

I'm sure your first reflex will be to claim the story reinforces your point about the South but I would submit it reinforces the point about people only seeing what they want to see and not judging people as individuals. The South doesn't make people racist as the one soldier's penance proves, nor do cultures of acceptance ward off the encroachments of unreasoned hatred.

People are people are people.

And you're an obstinate asshole.

Feel free to ****-off.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: whiffleball on May 20, 2011, 02:00:11 PM
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 20, 2011, 02:02:56 PM
Like you did in the opening OP?

BTW, if racism is so prevalent in the South, why is it all the northern and weed-smoking western liberal cities that have "Little Italy's", "Chinatowns", a Jewish sector, "Little Havana's", and their own versions of Harlem? Down south, we all live around each other.

In Atlanta the center of the city was almost entirely black while the outer parts of the city are almost entirely white- there is no complete segregation like that in the northern cities I have spent time in.  Immediately outside the city are a slew of white, redneck, and very racist suburban towns.  Walking in these suburban areas I had a rock thrown at me 2 times with shouts of "go back over the border." I'm originally from Mexico (though having spent all my life in the U.S.), and in these outer city areas two of my black friends and I were also refused taxi service on multiple occasions because "they did not travel that far of distance" (it was about 12 miles).  In Miami I was in a white neighborhood with 2 blacks and 3 white girls, we were stopped on our drive home from a restaurant and us 3 guys all asked to get out of the car because of "suspected criminal activity."  I personally think Miami is the most segregated and racist city in the U.S., though maybe others would disagree.    

BTW- I know I haven't pulled the race card yet, and I bet you assumed I was a white-upper middle class American.  However, I think being a minority that is often times discriminated against gives me a hell of a lot more "experience" than yourself, having simply "traveled to many northern cities."
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 03:05:17 PM
In Atlanta the center of the city was almost entirely black while the outer parts of the city are almost entirely white- there is no complete segregation like that in the northern cities I have spent time in.  Immediately outside the city are a slew of white, redneck, and very racist suburban towns.  

This is total bullshit and lets me know you don't know what the **** you're talking about. Atlanta, ALSO a city I've lived in, there are prominent blacks living in Alpharetta, Kennesaw, Marietta, Cumming, Sandy Springs, and everywhere else. Hell, just about ALL of the prominent black Falcons, Braves, and Hawks live in Alpharetta, if they don't live within the perimeter in Buckhead.

Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 03:07:07 PM

BTW- I know I haven't pulled the race card yet, and I bet you assumed I was a white-upper middle class American.  However, I think being a minority that is often times discriminated against gives me a hell of a lot more "experience" than yourself, having simply "traveled to many northern cities."

Yeah, you're black. We'll all believe that.  :whatever:

You can shove that race card straight up your white, guilt-ridden ass.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 20, 2011, 03:15:04 PM
Yeah, you're black. We'll all believe that.  :whatever:

You can shove that race card straight up your white, guilt-ridden ass.

I'm not black nor did I claim to be.........
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 20, 2011, 03:16:40 PM
This is total bullshit and lets me know you don't know what the **** you're talking about. Atlanta, ALSO a city I've lived in, there are prominent blacks living in Alpharetta, Kennesaw, Marietta, Cumming, Sandy Springs, and everywhere else. Hell, just about ALL of the prominent black Falcons, Braves, and Hawks live in Alpharetta, if they don't live within the perimeter in Buckhead.

Good examples using sports stars making 1M+/year to make a generalization to an entire city--bravo nicely done.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 03:21:25 PM
Good examples using sports stars making 1M+/year to make a generalization to an entire city--bravo nicely done.

Black doctors, dentists, businessmen, nurses, engineers, and other white-collar professionals all live in those suburbs as well. Are you assuming that all black people should live in certain areas? Or that it's uncommon for black people to live in prominent neighborhoods? Please tell us more.  :whatever:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 03:22:22 PM
I'm not black nor did I claim to be.........

Hmm, ok, what "special interest minority group" do you identify yourself with then?  ::)
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 20, 2011, 03:24:25 PM
Black doctors, dentists, businessmen, nurses, engineers, and other white-collar professionals all live in those suburbs as well. Are you assuming that all black people should live in certain areas? Or that it's uncommon for black people to live in prominent neighborhoods? Please tell us more.  :whatever:

No, I don't think it is fair to say "there are many blacks that live on the outside of the city," and then use the example of NBA, NFL, and MLB players who are far more well-off than the majority of Atlanta residents.  The outer parts of the city are not very ethnically diverse by any means.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 20, 2011, 03:25:24 PM
Hmm, ok, what "special interest minority group" do you identify yourself with then?  ::)

I stated clearly in my post that my family is originally from Mexico....
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 03:30:41 PM
No, I don't think it is fair to say "there are many blacks that live on the outside of the city," and then use the example of NBA, NFL, and MLB players who are far more well-off than the majority of Atlanta residents.  The outer parts of the city are not very ethnically diverse by any means.

First off, I don't believe a f'n word you're saying here, ESPECIALLY about someone throwing a rock at your dumb ass.

Oh, and BTW, what the **** does how diverse an area is have to do with anything? No one is forced to stay out of an area, so that's on them.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Intelligento on May 20, 2011, 03:44:04 PM
First off, I don't believe a f'n word you're saying here, ESPECIALLY about someone throwing a rock at your dumb ass.

Oh, and BTW, what the **** does how diverse an area is have to do with anything? No one is forced to stay out of an area, so that's on them.

The swears don't make your argument any stronger  :rotf:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 20, 2011, 04:41:41 PM
The swears don't make your argument any stronger  :rotf:

They don't need to be. You've been spanked for 4 pages now, bigot.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: whiffleball on May 20, 2011, 08:04:01 PM
" I took a class in the Africana Studies department my sophomore year and was shocked when I was one of three white students in a thirty-five student lecture."   After 4 pages now you're saying you're from Mexico, and are a minority.

And you went to Harvard, and you're an expert on racism due to your personal experiences, and you had a rock thrown at you in Atlanta which proves the South contains the most racist people in the country.  You started off in the Welcome forum with some promise and in just one thread have pissed away all credibility.  Congratulations :loser:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Eupher on May 20, 2011, 09:43:38 PM
Yep. Kinda what I thought.

Any jerkoff that waltzes in with a screen name of "Intelligento" manages to do little but leave spunk all over the place.

Get a mop, 'tard, and clean up your spooge. It's offending me.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: FreeBorn on May 20, 2011, 10:03:20 PM
" I took a class in the Africana Studies department my sophomore year and was shocked when I was one of three white students in a thirty-five student lecture."   After 4 pages now you're saying you're from Mexico, and are a minority.

And you went to Harvard, and you're an expert on racism due to your personal experiences, and you had a rock thrown at you in Atlanta which proves the South contains the most racist people in the country.  You started off in the Welcome forum with some promise and in just one thread have pissed away all credibility.  Congratulations :loser:
He he he... This pretty much depicts Intardigento's cave experience thus far-
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Rebel on May 21, 2011, 12:09:28 AM
Yep. Kinda what I thought.

Any jerkoff that waltzes in with a screen name of "Intelligento" manages to do little but leave spunk all over the place.

Get a mop, 'tard, and clean up your spooge. It's offending me.

Actually, someone who attended "Haaavud" and now attending Brown, getting his ass handed to him this easily doesn't speak too well for the institutions. Hell, I didn't even really try.
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: dandi on May 23, 2011, 11:53:29 AM
I think you are out of your element here bucko.

I am?  Really?  Tell me, why do you believe that?

Not sure why you keep insulting a liberal arts degree. The jobs you joked about are those of individuals with no degree- though you seem to believe that they are one in the same.

Insulting?  No, I was not being insulting.  I was actually pulling your leg and having a bit of fun with you.  I know libs are not very good with subtle, non-hate filled humor, but you are being a bit too much of a thin skinned twit about it.  I would suggest that you learn to let some things bounce off of you a little more often and learn to laugh at yourself.

It has been my observation that getting a Liberal Arts degree most qualifies you for exactly what you are doing right now, grad student - going to school.  It has also been my observation that those with a Liberal Arts degree who are not working within their fields of study (ie most of them) are normally doing most of those things that I "joked" about and they're really easy to spot:  Smug, self righteous, a look about them that says they "know" they are so much better than you.  It used to be annoying to have someone look down their nose at me when they took my order but, anymore, I just laugh at them. 

That, "Intelligento", is what makes it funny when I joke about that; humor having an element of truth.  Maybe you should have paid closer attention to the smiley I put after that paragraph instead of worrying about how much you had been offended.

I'd be interested to know what you are doing in your life and where you attended school, since it is so much better than all of the Ivies and other liberal arts schools.

I'm sure you would.

My guess is you simply didn't have the SAT scores to get you into one of those institutions and only later decided "well hell, they suck anyways."


No, it wasn't quite like that, but I give you kudos for trying to be cute.  Like I said, I had better things to do with my time.

Because I can truly say I haven't known a single high school kid who, if money and grades/academics provided, had the opportunity to study at Harvard, would turn it down because "liberal arts sucks and gets you nowhere."

Welcome to contact with opinions outside of your bubble.

So keep going with your aimless ranting, chief, it isn't getting you anywhere either.

Ranting?  Who's "ranting"?  A "rant" would imply disgust, frustration, or anger.  One of us has displayed that and it sure wasn't me.

The need for "Ivy Leage theorists" as you call them, is not going anywhere soon- not in this lifetime or the next, so keep dreaming.

For your sake, sweetheart, I sure hope that the general populace doesn't mind continuing to get screwed by "theorists" who have no real practical application experience behind it.

But, when they do wise up, you might want to have something to fall back on.  Just sayin'.....

And I agree with your second to last paragraph.  

But not the last one?  Interesting....
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Wineslob on May 23, 2011, 12:53:34 PM
Heh, he reminds me of Dr. Science.

"He knows more than you do, he has a Masters Science!"

Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: dandi on May 25, 2011, 01:14:28 PM
Awwwww, it looks like we ran it off...
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: Lacarnut on May 25, 2011, 01:29:12 PM
Awwwww, it looks like we ran it off...

Looks like he is the one that got educated. :lmao: :fuelfire: :whistling:
Title: Re: Affirmative Action and my other 'racist' thoughts
Post by: dandi on May 25, 2011, 01:31:24 PM
Looks like he is the one that got educated. :lmao: :fuelfire: :whistling:

That's what usually happens to lefties when they set foot in here.