The Conservative Cave

Current Events => The DUmpster => Topic started by: GOBUCKS on September 07, 2008, 08:23:44 PM

Title: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 07, 2008, 08:23:44 PM
TiTtyboy spins a routine lie about a no-sale at the beanie baby barn (they were looking for a Princess, he only had some Valentinos), but he can't stop there. Of course, you will notice that nearly every word of the following is an absolute fabrication from the alcohol-addled brain of a convicted felon, but DUmmies buy every word. They are, after all, DUmmies.
TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 08:17 PM
Original message
I just refused a sale to a couple of 'pukes.
This couple was strolling around the Gallery, picking up things and talking about them.

The woman actually held a blown-glass conch shell to her ear and commented to her husband that it "must not be real, because I can't hear the ocean". That's when I decided that they were idiots and not worth any expenditure of energy on my part.

They finally walked up with a shallow Moroccan bowl, a beautiful piece.

When the woman reached into her purse to retrieve a credit card, I noticed a "Sarah in '08" pin affixed to her purse. So I asked her where she got it and she said she made it on her computer (I was, until today, unaware that one could do that).

So I said, "That's a joke, right?".

And she replied that Sarah Palin is America's only hope for salvation.

I pointed to the doors and said, "The sidewalk is right out there. Enjoy your stay in Tiburon".

The husband said they would just like to take the bowl, please.

I told him that the bowl could surely find a better home, and was - for the time being - not for sale.

He asked me if I was really going to turn down a $1,200 sale because of a difference in political ideology.

I did.
Now comes one of his trademark lies about meeting celebrities:
FrenchieCat  (1000+ posts)       Sun Sep-07-08 08:18 PM
Response to Original message
1. Tiburon is OBAMA country! Yeah! 

TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 08:22 PM
Response to Reply #1
9. You betcha, FrenchieCat.
 I met his sister at a fundraiser at a friend's house (and am still in Recovery Mode).

The truly stupid DUmmy BrklynLiberal, who was recently giving advice on the control of Alaskan wolfpacks, believes every word of TiTtyboy's yarn, and swoons. After all, he is the second-most decorated enlisted man in the long history of the United States Navy.

BrklynLiberal  (1000+ posts)       Sun Sep-07-08 08:31 PM
Response to Original message
23. You are an actual, real-life, makes-my-heart-skip-a-beat HERO!!!! 
Principles have no price tag...

TiT then retires to a bottle in his sleeping room behind the gift shop.

I really believe that, except for his contemptible false claims of military heroism, TomInTib would be an enjoyable mole to operate. Dreaming up the most absurd tales, and seeing how easily duped the hive is, showering you with adulation after every absurd concoction. He exposes the DUmmies' stupidity in such comic fashion, it's hard to believe he is not a troll. For a hopeless alcoholic, his writing style is quite good, much better, for example, than Pitt. His lies about military service, though, dishonor real heroes. So, even if he is a troll, he is every bit as repugnant as a real DUmmy.

Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: miskie on September 07, 2008, 08:29:45 PM
lost that much money over politics ? If he were my employee he would be going home early.

Oh BTW - that little discriminatory act is totally outside of the law... If it actually happened. Frankly I don't buy anything he says.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Airwolf on September 07, 2008, 08:30:31 PM
Anyone, no matter his or her politics that turns down a $1,200 dollar sale should be looking for employment at the local Tasty Freeze because they have no place working a real job.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Chris_ on September 07, 2008, 08:36:35 PM
MadHound (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 08:24 PM
Response to Original message
16. Wow, way to be part of the problem
 These people weren't nasty towards you, didn't get up in your face, didn't shove their politics down your throat, yet you see fit to be an asshole and refuse them a sale. Gee, and now they'll go out and spread stories about asshole Dems and such.

Politics isn't life, there's a time to put politics away, do away with the right, left dichotomy, and simply be fellow human beings. Gee, you never know, if you had gotten to know these people, gotten friendly with them, and then gently shown them the error of their ways, you might just have gotten both a sale and a vote. Instead you've sent away a couple of people with a real nasty aftertaste about Dems and liberals, and the rest of us will have to work extra hard to correct your **** up. Good job, NOT.

I feel sorry for you that you've let politics consume your life to the point where it interferes with normal everyday interactions. You probably also decide your listening and viewing selections by political affiliations also. Perhaps you should take a break from being a political animal and try being human instead. 

A sensible response, even to a bouncy. This one won't last long.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Chris on September 07, 2008, 08:39:30 PM
So TiT works at a "gallery" now and not Giftique of Tiburon?  Did he get fired?
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Chris on September 07, 2008, 08:40:55 PM
ProdigalJunkMail (1000+ posts)       Sun Sep-07-08 08:39 PM
Response to Reply #25
33. sorry, Tom, but you made it everyone's business
 by bringing it here and shouting how proud you were of your rude behavior from the top of the 'Intertubes.' the sort of attitude you displayed through your refusal to sell that 'treasure' of yours to people who only wanted to take it home and probably care for it better than you (i mean, they won't be selling that treasure most likely) IS part of the problem. Maybe you should put up a whites...i mean...democrats only sign outside your establishment so you won't have to breathe the same air with them...
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on September 07, 2008, 08:49:54 PM
TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 08:34 PM
Response to Reply #16
25. You are so ****ing right. I am an asshole....
 an asshole who prefers that the treasures that I have not end up in the houses of my enemy.

For the first time in my long stay here, I am asking that you put me on your "Ignore" list, so you don't have to worry your Beautiful Mind with any of my business.

Because it is MY ****ING BUSINESS, don't you see? you know damn well you don't own that gallery! :whatever: :-)
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Carl on September 07, 2008, 08:51:49 PM
TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 08:34 PM
Response to Reply #16
25. You are so ******* right. I am an *******....
 an ******* who prefers that the treasures that I have not end up in the houses of my enemy.

For the first time in my long stay here, I am asking that you put me on your "Ignore" list, so you don't have to worry your Beautiful Mind with any of my business.

Because it is MY ******* BUSINESS, don't you see? you know damn well you don't own that gallery! :whatever: :-)

Was a half second away from posting the same quote.

He is a pathological liar,it will be interesting to see if anyone calls him on this new claim. :mental:
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on September 07, 2008, 08:56:46 PM
TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 08:34 PM
Response to Reply #16
25. You are so ******* right. I am an *******....
 an ******* who prefers that the treasures that I have not end up in the houses of my enemy.

For the first time in my long stay here, I am asking that you put me on your "Ignore" list, so you don't have to worry your Beautiful Mind with any of my business.

Because it is MY ******* BUSINESS, don't you see? you know damn well you don't own that gallery! :whatever: :-)

Was a half second away from posting the same quote.

He is a pathological liar,it will be interesting to see if anyone calls him on this new claim. :mental:
Yes it would....It would indeed! :-) :evillaugh:
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on September 07, 2008, 09:01:32 PM
He is a pathological liar,it will be interesting to see if anyone calls him on this new claim.
Morrisons Ghost (160 posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 09:55 PM
Response to Reply #25
84. So 
 You actually own the gallery where this "story" took place?
"Cobra on my left,Leopard on my right
This may get me the stone! :-)
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Carl on September 07, 2008, 09:04:36 PM
I had missed this one.

Dreamer Tatum  (794 posts)         Sun Sep-07-08 09:59 PM
Response to Reply #16
89. Don't worry, this story probably isn't true
   just like many of things TominTib says.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: jtyangel on September 07, 2008, 09:09:54 PM
If this did indeed happen, I'm sure his boss and owner of the store would be interested in knowing that her slightly higher then minimum wage employee turned down a 1,200 sale. But, as we all know, this is a complete fabrication and either the bowl was not sold because no such customer existered OR their is a receipt of sale for inventory of that bowl sold to the couple in question and Tom is making up his story.

What amazes me is the 'principles mean something' mantra said about a man who fabricates to the point of claiming credit for music and meetings that are not his own. Principles mean something indeed. :lmao:
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: jinxmchue on September 07, 2008, 09:11:53 PM
If this did indeed happen, I'm sure his boss and owner of the store would be interested in knowing that her slightly higher then minimum wage employee turned down a 1,200 sale. But, as we all know, this is a complete fabrication and either the bowl was not sold because no such customer existered OR their is a receipt of sale for inventory of that bowl sold to the couple in question and Tom is making up his story.

What amazes me is the 'principles mean something' mantra said about a man who fabricates to the point of claiming credit for music and meetings that are not his own. Principles mean something indeed. :lmao:

Possibility #3: the couple was going to buy the bowl, but TiT wore his "Repuklicans are scum" button to work that day, which caused the couple to walk out.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: jtyangel on September 07, 2008, 09:13:41 PM
If this did indeed happen, I'm sure his boss and owner of the store would be interested in knowing that her slightly higher then minimum wage employee turned down a 1,200 sale. But, as we all know, this is a complete fabrication and either the bowl was not sold because no such customer existered OR their is a receipt of sale for inventory of that bowl sold to the couple in question and Tom is making up his story.

What amazes me is the 'principles mean something' mantra said about a man who fabricates to the point of claiming credit for music and meetings that are not his own. Principles mean something indeed. :lmao:

Possibility #3: the couple was going to buy the bowl, but TiT wore his "Repuklicans are scum" button to work that day, which caused the couple to walk out.

I thought of that, but being sensible people they probably would have opted to laugh at him amongst themselves instead and leave with something that will be treasured in their family and with a fitting tale to tell related to it and how if the cashier only knew they were 'scum' he would have had a hissy.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Carl on September 07, 2008, 09:15:05 PM
If this did indeed happen, I'm sure his boss and owner of the store would be interested in knowing that her slightly higher then minimum wage employee turned down a 1,200 sale. But, as we all know, this is a complete fabrication and either the bowl was not sold because no such customer existered OR their is a receipt of sale for inventory of that bowl sold to the couple in question and Tom is making up his story.

What amazes me is the 'principles mean something' mantra said about a man who fabricates to the point of claiming credit for music and meetings that are not his own. Principles mean something indeed. :lmao:

He did post this in the op.

Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Happy Fun Ball on September 07, 2008, 10:08:43 PM
I just saw this on Ace of Spades ( Now a whole lot more people will know just how wacko these nuts really are.

Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: tuolumnejim on September 07, 2008, 10:09:00 PM
He did post this in the op.

Well it should be very simple to see who the owner is, and being conscientious I would have to forward the offending post of said DUmmie.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: jinxmchue on September 07, 2008, 10:17:10 PM
He did post this in the op.


It would be absolutely wonderful to get another blowhard fired from their job a la Walldude.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Chris on September 07, 2008, 10:20:07 PM
I just saw this on Ace of Spades ( Now a whole lot more people will know just how wacko these nuts really are.

ha ha ha ha...  :lmao:
Congratulations. You passed up $1,200 in exchange for a crudely-made bowl crafted by dirty foreigners. And the bowl probably has AIDS.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: tuolumnejim on September 07, 2008, 10:22:51 PM
He did post this in the op.


It would be absolutely wonderful to get another blowhard fired from their job a la Walldude.
The owner of the website that TIT posted is Robin Oliver. WHOIS Record (  :-)
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Chris_ on September 07, 2008, 10:31:34 PM
The email address is:

I will send them an email when I get a minute.  Everyone knows TiT's RL name, right?  I can't repeat it here.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: jinxmchue on September 07, 2008, 10:33:00 PM
Oh, dear.

John and Sarah S.

Kansas City, MO
1 star rating

We will NEVER visit this store again!  My wife and I were enjoying the selection at the Tiburon site, even joking around and trying to "listen to the ocean" with a beautiful blown-glass conch shell, and had picked out a $1,200 Moroccan bowl.  We were about to pay for it when the sales person, who was very unkempt and smelled of liquor, took exception to a political button on my wife's purse!  He asked us if the button was a joke and when we said no, he refused to complete the sale and rudely demanded that we leave the store!  I tried to reason with him, but he adamantly refused to make the sale because of his political ideology.  What kind of a store employs people like this and lets them get away with this behavior?  Avoid this store at all costs!

Tsk, tsk, tsk.


Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 07, 2008, 10:42:47 PM
It would be absolutely wonderful to get another blowhard fired from their job a la Walldude.
:rotf: :rotf:
Walldude!! I had forgotten about him! Dumber than stevenumbers!
Those Walldude threads should be preserved in a Stupid Hall of Fame somewhere.

It will probably do no good to report TiTtyboy to the owner of the knick-knack shop where he works. Tiburon is pure Bay Area, a shithole of sodomites, catamites, and other assorted democrat misfits. The owner is likely to be as crazy as TiT.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Chris on September 07, 2008, 10:55:55 PM
Zhade  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 11:25 PM
Response to Reply #63
173. I can't believe the people mewling about those ****ers' feelings.  Assholes like those customers willingly enable evil policies that affect people like me EVERY ****ING DAY, through their anti-choice, anti-gay BULLSHIT - that affect, oh, Iraqi lives BY ENABLING ILLEGAL WARS, and we're supposed to feel ****ING SORRY FOR THEM?

 Raksha (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 09:32 PM
Response to Reply #41
75. I hope he DID ruin their day!
 They've ruined plenty of days for me and a lot of other people. Several decades, in fact, except for a brief respite during the Clinton years.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Chris on September 07, 2008, 10:59:07 PM
Oh, dear.

That was beautiful, man.  *sniff* :(

Tom saved so much money by switching to Geico, it looks like he hired his own cheering section. 
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: jinxmchue on September 07, 2008, 11:11:50 PM
Oh, dear.

That was beautiful, man.  *sniff* :(

Thanks.  I try.  Now if only this could get leaked to DU somehow...  *rubs hands together evilly*
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 07, 2008, 11:29:47 PM
Tom saved so much money by switching to Geico, it looks like he hired his own cheering section.   

This has turned into a monstrous bonfire at the DUmp. Over 5600 views and 250 replies, and still going strong. Thousands of DUmmies and moles, gyrating and dancing in the firelight, as Coach would say, wiggle waggling their armpits at one another. Many DUmmies are attacking TiTtyboy, and he snaps back at them from time to time, but most DUmmies applaud his imaginary abuse of the imaginary customers. It is his finest hour.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Lauri on September 07, 2008, 11:51:20 PM
i'm really suprised at so many of them openly mocking him..

does anybody know how to find out the true owner of the store? he sure seems to be advertising it heavily in his posts in that thread.  does Skinner allow that there? :popcorn:
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: tuolumnejim on September 08, 2008, 12:07:47 AM
i'm really suprised at so many of them openly mocking him..

does anybody know how to find out the true owner of the store? he sure seems to be advertising it heavily in his posts in that thread.  does Skinner allow that there? :popcorn:
Look at my post above with the WHOIS info.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: LC EFA on September 08, 2008, 03:00:33 AM
The internet is a great place for digging dirt. Lets see what we can find :-)


Opia Home offers a collection of everyday pieces gathered from the Chinese country side along with antique wood figures rich in tradition and contemporary art by Chinese masters. Here you will find the perfect piece to feed your spirit and touch your soul.

t: 707-939-3888 /

A email address and a phone number. Nothing to modify the search.

Opia/Gallery 108 Ark Row Block Party
We're having a Party and you're invited!
Opia (also known as Gallery108) 82 Main Street on Ark Row in Tiburon Wednesday, June25 5 to 9

We're celebrating lots of things...... our new neighbors on Ark Row, our name change ....Opia Home...our second location at Cornerstone in Sonoma, the launch of our Website and Lorraine's birthday! Steve Morvai from RoshamboWinery @ Cornerstone will be sampling Dry Creek Wines.

Performing Live Javad Butah on Tabla and Jay Gandhi on Bansuri Check them out!

Opia Home @ Cornerstone Sonoma Nina & Tom

Ok now we can play some more.. We have a complete business name and another person's name. Time to modify the search a tap.

and new shops Zipper and Opia Home, the latter a northern outpost for Tiburon gallery owner N*** G******.

Oooo We have a winner. And a Complete name to search for.

Gallery 108     

82 Main Street

Ark Row
N*** G******


(415) 435-2511

Corroboration of the real owners name and another email address.

poor tom sucks to be you.

{I have censored the names here in accordance with policy, but one can visit the links to get it }
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Chris on September 08, 2008, 03:07:45 AM
Check the Tiburon CoC... aparently the new gallery is the same old gallery with a new name.  And it's right next door to the gift shop.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: whiteguyPI on September 08, 2008, 04:26:15 AM
Tom's anger and hatred is coming to a boil...

TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 10:46 PM
Response to Reply #99
121. **** 'em
 I am not selling food or healthcare.

What I am selling belongs to me.

And I will damn well let it go where I want it to go.

No race, no gender, no orientation.

**** 'em.

Then more name dropping...

TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 10:37 PM
Response to Reply #87
107. Huh? Ron Dellums is a great customer of ours.
 And he is as "Black" as it gets.

Get a grip, man (or woman

Apparently, Dellums is the mayor of Oakland.  From the sound of Tom's indignation, he makes enough money to buy "shallow Morrocan bowls."

i-grok (77 posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 11:31 PM
Response to Reply #163
182. Which is the way most commerce operates and suggests the OP's story is made up in hopes of getting
 a lot of attaboys. Which it certainly did. I looked at that 'gallery' and it looks like a million other overpriced flea markets that sell kitchy crap to idiots with more money than sense.

i-grok (77 posts)      Mon Sep-08-08 12:22 AM
Response to Reply #113
248. I can't imagine any Democrat wanting any of that gauche, ostentatious junk.
 But if they did, the same things are at Pier 1 Imports or whatever junk importer took them over, for a dime on the Tib dollar...

i-grok (77 posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 11:34 PM
Response to Reply #158
186. Actually, the OP is a suspected bullshitter 
 Edited on Sun Sep-07-08 11:43 PM by i-grok
keep an eye on him and you'll see.

Sadly, i-grok won't be around very long with that attitude.

prayin4rain (517 posts)      Mon Sep-08-08 12:16 AM
Response to Reply #219
238. I didn't notice this was done in California... they would DEFINITELY have a case then...
 Edited on Mon Sep-08-08 12:18 AM by prayin4rain
Under the Unruh Civil Rights act which aims to protect exactly this sort of thing.

Quote from the state issued brochure...
"While the Unruh Civil Rights Act specifically lists “sex, race, color, religion,
ancestry, national origin, disability, or medical condition” as protected
classes, the California Supreme Court has held that protections under the
Unruh Act are not necessarily restricted to these characteristics.
The Act is meant to cover all arbitrary and intentional discrimination by a
business establishment on the basis of personal characteristics similar to
those listed above."

On Edit: I see that you already listed the Unruh Act...

Ol' Tom may have stepped in it big time now...developing....
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on September 08, 2008, 04:27:13 AM
Tom saved so much money by switching to Geico, it looks like he hired his own cheering section.   

This has turned into a monstrous bonfire at the DUmp. Over 5600 views and 250 replies, and still going strong. Thousands of DUmmies and moles, gyrating and dancing in the firelight, as Coach would say, wiggle waggling their armpits at one another. Many DUmmies are attacking TiTtyboy, and he snaps back at them from time to time, but most DUmmies applaud his imaginary abuse of the imaginary customers. It is his finest hour.

The funny thing is TITs posts are being deleted! The moles aren't! :rotf: He's really pissed off! :lmao:
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: whiteguyPI on September 08, 2008, 04:31:22 AM
Morrisons Ghost (165 posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 10:12 PM
Response to Reply #9
 HAHAHAHAHA!That's great Tom! You are The Babe Ruth of Bullshit! 
 Even the ghost of Jim Morrison sees through the TitMouse...

TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 10:40 PM
Response to Reply #98
111. And.....
 you are an idiot.

Check it out, loser....

I hope that you are jerking off in your Mother's basement.

I hope it keeps you off our streets.

Go ahead and alert, asshole..

Your friend,

Easy there Tommy boy...everyone knows you are full of it...just keep spinning tales and we'll keep laughing.  :tongue:
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on September 08, 2008, 04:42:26 AM
Morrisons Ghost (165 posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 10:12 PM
Response to Reply #9
 HAHAHAHAHA!That's great Tom! You are The Babe Ruth of Bullshit! 
 Even the ghost of Jim Morrison sees through the TitMouse...

TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 10:40 PM
Response to Reply #98
111. And.....
 you are an idiot.

Check it out, loser....

I hope that you are jerking off in your Mother's basement.

I hope it keeps you off our streets.

Go ahead and alert, asshole..

Your friend,

Easy there Tommy boy...everyone knows you are full of it...just keep spinning tales and we'll keep laughing.  :tongue:
The ghost of Jim morrison sees all! :evillaugh:
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: jtyangel on September 08, 2008, 05:47:26 AM
Zhade  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 11:25 PM
Response to Reply #63
173. I can't believe the people mewling about those ****ers' feelings.  Assholes like those customers willingly enable evil policies that affect people like me EVERY ****ING DAY, through their anti-choice, anti-gay BULLSHIT - that affect, oh, Iraqi lives BY ENABLING ILLEGAL WARS, and we're supposed to feel ****ING SORRY FOR THEM?

 Raksha (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 09:32 PM
Response to Reply #41
75. I hope he DID ruin their day!
 They've ruined plenty of days for me and a lot of other people. Several decades, in fact, except for a brief respite during the Clinton years.

Hey, Zhade. Your buddy TiT discriminated against someone based on a Constitutionally protected RIGHT(unlike the other non-rights stipulated in your rant). If the owner of the store worked at was smart, she would boot his ass out the door for this bullshit. It would be no different then if he refused a black man service based on his skin color(another Constitutionally protected right). You fools are so blinded by your own brand of fascism, you don't even know anymore that you are violating the very rules that you supposedly say you believe in.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: jtyangel on September 08, 2008, 05:48:16 AM
Tom saved so much money by switching to Geico, it looks like he hired his own cheering section.   

This has turned into a monstrous bonfire at the DUmp. Over 5600 views and 250 replies, and still going strong. Thousands of DUmmies and moles, gyrating and dancing in the firelight, as Coach would say, wiggle waggling their armpits at one another. Many DUmmies are attacking TiTtyboy, and he snaps back at them from time to time, but most DUmmies applaud his imaginary abuse of the imaginary customers. It is his finest hour.

It's a pity frank is busy. He'd really enjoy this I think. I hope Floyd is getting better, though.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Toastedturningtidelegs on September 08, 2008, 05:55:14 AM
krispos42   (1000+ posts)       Mon Sep-08-08 01:06 AM
Response to Original message
305. Locking
 As indicated by both the number of alerts in this thread and Godwin's Law, this has officially become a flamewar.

Krispos42, DU moderator
Fun governor! :-)
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: jtyangel on September 08, 2008, 05:56:25 AM
Morrisons Ghost (165 posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 10:12 PM
Response to Reply #9
 HAHAHAHAHA!That's great Tom! You are The Babe Ruth of Bullshit! 
 Even the ghost of Jim Morrison sees through the TitMouse...

TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 10:40 PM
Response to Reply #98
111. And.....
 you are an idiot.

Check it out, loser....

I hope that you are jerking off in your Mother's basement.

I hope it keeps you off our streets.

Go ahead and alert, asshole..

Your friend,

Easy there Tommy boy...everyone knows you are full of it...just keep spinning tales and we'll keep laughing.  :tongue:

"Intended to woo you to visit us...unless of course you happen to support the republican candidate for president, at which point we can refuse service to you" :whatever:

I really can not believe this woman who owns this shop is ok with this, even if its only from the standpoint of publicity. She may cheer Tom in private, but I really doubt as a business person she is ok with the posturing he's doing.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Carl on September 08, 2008, 06:15:58 AM
It is quite fascinating to witness the unravelling of a demented and infantile mind.
I can only picture kids in the schoolyard trying to one up each other with stories.

Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: BannedFromDU on September 08, 2008, 07:47:19 AM
Morrisons Ghost (165 posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 10:12 PM
Response to Reply #9
 HAHAHAHAHA!That's great Tom! You are The Babe Ruth of Bullshit! 
 Even the ghost of Jim Morrison sees through the TitMouse...

TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 10:40 PM
Response to Reply #98
111. And.....
 you are an idiot.

Check it out, loser....

I hope that you are jerking off in your Mother's basement.

I hope it keeps you off our streets.

Go ahead and alert, asshole..

Your friend,

Easy there Tommy boy...everyone knows you are full of it...just keep spinning tales and we'll keep laughing.  :tongue:

"Intended to woo you to visit us...unless of course you happen to support the republican candidate for president, at which point we can refuse service to you" :whatever:

I really can not believe this woman who owns this shop is ok with this, even if its only from the standpoint of publicity. She may cheer Tom in private, but I really doubt as a business person she is ok with the posturing he's doing.

     Tom just doesn't know when to shut his drunken piehole. He brings this crap on himself when he makes up stuff that can be checked on, or even verified. He doesn't realize that all of this couldbe turned around on him: suppose someone decided to take all of of Tom's lies and treat them as if they're true. Even the songwriting thing he ultimately got slapped down for...suppose you didn't know about the slapdown.

     All you'd have to do is go up to Tiburon, or the Bay Area, even, and go to a civic organization or a newspaper and say, "Look, there is a genuine American hero in your midst. He's a highly decorated war hero with connections all over the world, who got himself into some serious trouble with the law, but who is now a serious songwriter and local political activist. Wouldn't it be great to do a story on somoene like that?"

     And then the fun would start. I know Tom lurks here, so Tom: you're full of shit, and one day someone is going to string all of your lies together and have a great deal of fun with you. It will be beautiful.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: lizard on September 08, 2008, 07:56:54 AM
Looking at the website for the 'gift shop' that Tit-the-sh*t works in......we had a factory outlet for a furniture factory that sold almost 75% of what I saw (furniture wise) in that shop - Southern Furniture Reproductions,  The key being 'Reproductions'.  I have one of the tables that is shown on the website with a price tag of $988, saying it is a Chinese antique ----- I paid $65 almost 6 years for the identical table that was made by the factory here to be sold by Speigel in their catalogs.   :loser:

One of the saddest shopping days in my life when they closed the factory outlet store here.   :bawl:

The freakin' wind chimes in that shop are the identical ones that are for sale at our 'Big Blue' farmers' supply store.  :mental:

Looks like a real 'high end' shop TITty boy works at - (more like a rip-off store), not saying that there are not probably a few items that they have that are really what they say they are but, I bet there is plenty of fake shit there too.   :loser:
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Atomic Lib Smasher on September 08, 2008, 07:59:40 AM
lost that much money over politics ? If he were my employee he would be going home early.

Oh BTW - that little discriminatory act is totally outside of the law... If it actually happened. Frankly I don't buy anything he says.

Going home early, yes..on a permanent vacation. Why would ya turn down a 1200 dollar sale just based on politics? Oh yeah, that's right. When you're a foaming at the mouth moonbat (especially one like TIT), anything is possible. After all, he's the guy who joined the Navy/Army/Marines and served in Vietnam, wrote the classic song "Driving Across America", invented Reese's peanut butter cups, taught Eddie Van Halen how to play guitar, etc. lolz
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: BannedFromDU on September 08, 2008, 08:13:33 AM
lost that much money over politics ? If he were my employee he would be going home early.

Oh BTW - that little discriminatory act is totally outside of the law... If it actually happened. Frankly I don't buy anything he says.

Going home early, yes..on a permanent vacation. Why would ya turn down a 1200 dollar sale just based on politics? Oh yeah, that's right. When you're a foaming at the mouth moonbat (especially one like TIT), anything is possible. After all, he's the guy who joined the Navy/Army/Marines and served in Vietnam, wrote the classic song "Driving Across America", invented Reese's peanut butter cups, taught Eddie Van Halen how to play guitar, etc. lolz

     If you want your own personalized TiT lie, here's all you have to do:

     1. Get a mole on DU.
     2. Donate to DU.
     3. Make at least 1000 posts - don't worry, it's easy, just post "ROFL" at every screed, and hang out in the Lounge.
     4. Wait for Tom to post anything - a lie, even.
     5. Send him a PM praising him for something he said that could not be construed as a lie by anyone. Subtly flatter him. Claim that you know some thing, event, activity, or person that appeals to a starstruck, lying, alcoholic slob who wishes he was a rock god.
     6. Give him a little bit to cook something up for you, eg, "I used to golf with Aerosmith's lawyer. Pretty cool guy - I followed them on tour for a while back in the 70s. I had a backstage pass the whole time, only they already have a Tom in the band, so they called me Psycho."
     7. Encourage the lie(s) with wide-eyed, wondrous questions.
     8. Try not to bite through your tongue as you hold back laughter.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Splashdown on September 08, 2008, 08:39:44 AM
Put that Precious Moments statue DOWN!!!!   :lmao:
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Texacon on September 08, 2008, 09:47:36 AM
This thread is hilarious.  What makes it even funnier ..... TiT refused to sell something to someone because they had a Palin Button and Tit, the asswipe, by his own admission DOESN'T EVEN VOTE!!!!


Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: mamacags on September 08, 2008, 09:59:30 AM
I would love to repost the original post except change the Palin pin to a rainbow flag pin.  I bet the comments would be even more fun.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 08, 2008, 11:07:50 AM
This thread is hilarious.  What makes it even funnier ..... TiT refused to sell something to someone because they had a Palin Button and Tit, the asswipe, by his own admission DOESN'T EVEN VOTE!!!!


That may be a by-product of his status as a convicted felon, although in one of his recent tall tales he claimed to have used the identity of a dead person to get his driver's license. If that part of his fantasy life is true, he could probably illegally register to vote with the bogus ID. In the dem shithole that Marin County is, they would not mind that, unless he voted "'puke".
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Splashdown on September 08, 2008, 11:57:55 AM
You think TiTty boy will get a cabinet position in an Obama administration?  :lmao:
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Chris_ on September 08, 2008, 12:07:34 PM
You think TiTty boy will get a cabinet position in an Obama administration?  :lmao:

I think he'll be too "indispensable" to teh Obamessiah as an Undercover, black ops, wet work kinda guy, who masquerades as a mild-mannered "cheap, Pier-1 type junk shop" employee. 

After all, an experienced leader like teh Obamessiah can hardly afford to let such a distinguished, experienced operator's talents go wasted.  "From each according to his ability" and all that...
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: GOBUCKS on September 08, 2008, 12:14:22 PM
You think TiTty boy will get a cabinet position in an Obama administration?  :lmao:

I think he'll be too "indispensable" to teh Obamessiah as an Undercover, black ops, wet work kinda guy, who masquerades as a mild-mannered "cheap, Pier-1 type junk shop" employee. 

After all, an experienced leader like teh Obamessiah can hardly afford to let such a distinguished, experienced operator's talents go wasted.  "From each according to his ability" and all that...
I imagine the messiah will ask TiTtyboy to come out from undercover, and set up the real-world CTU. No need to explain who will take the Jack Bauer role.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: jtyangel on September 08, 2008, 12:56:56 PM
All 3 of you get Hi5s...that was a riot.  :lmao:
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Chris on September 08, 2008, 10:53:45 PM
DUmmies make some un-original Photoshops, and Tom sweats... (
TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 08:20 PM
Response to Original message
1. Did you do that? Look at what I just did.
(followed by a link to this thread...)

I am sweating as I type this. I just cost myself $700.

 :fuelfire: Golly.  I wonder what could have happened.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: LC EFA on September 09, 2008, 01:06:42 AM
DUmmies make some un-original Photoshops, and Tom sweats... (
TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 08:20 PM
Response to Original message
1. Did you do that? Look at what I just did.
(followed by a link to this thread...)

I am sweating as I type this. I just cost myself $700.

 :fuelfire: Golly.  I wonder what could have happened.

Is he really trying to say that he just lost the $700 on a $1200 sale..

$700 tacked onto a $500 trinket ?

....And they complain about the measly few percent that an oil company makes on a gallon of fuel....
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Chris on September 09, 2008, 01:09:23 AM
Is he really trying to say that he just lost the $700 on a $1200 sale..

$700 tacked onto a $500 trinket ?

....And they complain about the measly few percent that an oil company makes on a gallon of fuel....

Dumbass made that post three minutes after posting his awesum thread.  Maybe he realized he was an f'n dumbass.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: mamacags on September 09, 2008, 04:00:28 AM
Aristus  (1000+ posts)       Sun Sep-07-08 11:01 PM
Response to Original message
141. I'm with you on this one, TomInTib. What's the point of having a free market economy
 (not that we actually do, of course), if you can't refuse a sale to anyone you want?

To those equating this with racial or sexual discrimination, just remember, political ideology is a choice; the woman chose to put a Palin button on her purse, and TomInTib chose not to sell to her on that basis.

TomInTib, you did all right.

I'm still shaking my head and laughing at the repuke's mystification that some things can be more important than monetary gain. He'll be YEARS getting that one through his head!

Unless of course it violates your religious beliefs and then HOW DARE YOU NOT SELL TO THEM!?!?!!

jdadd  (554 posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 11:48 PM
Response to Original message
209. He He He.....
 I love it....ten or so years ago I had a major appliance repair business. Whenever I encountered customers that wanted to push their conservative views on me or had Rush playing on the radio or some other aggravating shit, I'd keep my mouth shut, keep on working, but I'd pad their bill to compensate myself for the aggravation. I liked to call it my aggravation tax....   

jdadd you are a douche!

spoony  (1000+ posts)      Mon Sep-08-08 12:41 AM
Response to Reply #239
275. If you PM him the idea
 I'm sure he'll include it in his next story. 

snort :rotf:

Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: jtyangel on September 09, 2008, 05:06:35 AM
Aristus  (1000+ posts)       Sun Sep-07-08 11:01 PM
Response to Original message
141. I'm with you on this one, TomInTib. What's the point of having a free market economy
 (not that we actually do, of course), if you can't refuse a sale to anyone you want?

To those equating this with racial or sexual discrimination, just remember, political ideology is a choice; the woman chose to put a Palin button on her purse, and TomInTib chose not to sell to her on that basis.

TomInTib, you did all right.

I'm still shaking my head and laughing at the repuke's mystification that some things can be more important than monetary gain. He'll be YEARS getting that one through his head!

I'm sorry, Aristus, but way before your pet projects of race and sex were protected, free political speech was protected. Political ideology is indeed a choice and one that is protected and held dear by our founding fathers who faced the kind of subjective persecution you little emperors like to dole out at the hands of Kings and Queens in the old world. You all are that which you claim to loath--enemies of freedom.

One other note, your pet protected classes would not be protected if not for the freedom and exchange of ideas that allowed things like women's suffrage and civil rights to come about.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: Airwolf on September 09, 2008, 04:56:46 PM
DUmmies make some un-original Photoshops, and Tom sweats... (
TomInTib  (1000+ posts)      Sun Sep-07-08 08:20 PM
Response to Original message
1. Did you do that? Look at what I just did.
(followed by a link to this thread...)

I am sweating as I type this. I just cost myself $700.

 :fuelfire: Golly.  I wonder what could have happened.

Boss probably told him that he wasn't going to be working for the next two weeks. That's probably one paycheck for that loser.
Title: Re: TomInTib Spins Another Tale - Meets An Obama
Post by: DixieBelle on September 09, 2008, 07:51:03 PM
H5 jty!