Author Topic: Great moments in Mole Trolling  (Read 433 times)

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Offline zeitgeist

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Great moments in Mole Trolling
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:43:57 PM »
Time for a lesson in mole / trolling.

RiverLover (264 posts)
"President Obama Has Earned Our Disapproval" The Atlantic, Nov 2014President Obama Has Earned Our Disapproval

..."Among Democrats, who vary in their assessments of Obama, there is still broad agreement that he's better, warts and all, than Bush was, and better than John McCain or Mitt Romney would've been. Fair enough.

This isn't an indictment of Obama voters. Nor is Obama without accomplishments.

But here's what I find alarming: Confronted with a president who

1) spied on every American;
2) covered up torture;
3) continued a War on Drugs ruinous to minorities and whole foreign nations;
4) killed hundreds of innocents in drone strikes;
5) waged war illegally and killed an American citizen without due process (while suppressing the legal reasoning used to do so);
6) let high-ranking national-security officials break the law with impunity; and
7) persecuted whistleblowers

-confronted with all of those transgressions, more than four in 10 Americans still approve of the job Obama is doing. And most of them are loyal Democrats. Partisanship and tribalism are overriding the moral compass of too many liberals, who ought to be furious with Obama. National-security policies he unilaterally pursued will be harming the U.S., its moral standing, and its most vulnerable citizens for years if not decades to come, especially since Democrats are poised to make civil illibertarian Hillary Clinton their party's next leader.

To see it all with open eyes is to disapprove."

What do you guys think about this assessment? I'm thinking he makes some very valid points.

173 replies, 4625 views

A low post mole chooses an article from a highbrow magazine which causes all sorts of problems for the  self professed best and brightest.  Note the number of views and replies the troll / mole is able to garner.  This ties up valuable resources if nothing else but also sets up several confrontations of personalities as well.  Nothing like sowing disharmony amongst an already dispirited troop   Well done good an noble mole.  Well done.  (Note, this is not one of mine, if it is one of yours I offer my hearty congratulations)

"President Obama Has Earned Our Disapproval" The Atlantic, Nov 2014 (Original post)   RiverLover
  Agree completely.
  anyone who says my "tribalism" has overcome my "moral compass" has pretty much lost my attention
arely staircase
   No prob. Appreciate your honesty!!
arely staircase
     Really? Can You Be Any More Disingenuous?
      Ahem......" **** this guy" is aimed at the journo , not the poster...hence no " Flag" option. Nt
       +1 eom.
        What a freaking surprise
         What are you talking about? eom.
   This message was hidden by jury decision.
    No, he and I disagree with the assessment. We have no reason to be ashamed. Nt

Just a few of the lines of the thread not the actual comments are listed above.  There are so many inane things going on in this thread it really has to be viewed in its native environment.  As always, use protection when entering and wash up before coming back. :whatever:
< watch this space for coming distractions >

Offline JakeStyle

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Re: Great moments in Mole Trolling
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2014, 05:16:41 PM »
Response to arely staircase (Reply #2)

Tue Nov 11, 2014, 08:34 PM

billhicks76 This message was hidden by Jury decision. Hide

32. Really? Maybe You Suck

Wake the Hell are just another conservative pretender dragging our party on a death march to the center. People like me cannot stand people like you who allow all the crap in that list to occur. When dems can't grow some courage they can expect independents to stay home and not vote for them. Most people identify as independents now and are sick of both parties. What energizes them to vote for us is standing up to power. You should be ashamed.
A Jury voted 4-3 to hide this post on Tue Nov 11, 2014, 08:54 PM. Reason: This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.

Heh, they are losing their shit.