Author Topic: Butt he's Gay  (Read 498 times)

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Offline zeitgeist

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Butt he's Gay
« on: October 17, 2014, 02:53:15 PM »
What DUmmies don't know would fill volumes. :thatsright:

sharp_stick (11,128 posts)

Democrat Ann Kuster will lose because
she's "ugly as sin". According to NH State Rep Steve Vaillancourt that is.

Steve Vaillancourt, who is in his sixth term in the New Hampshire state House, posited on his NH Insider blog that Kuster would be defeated by Republican Marilinda Garcia because the challenger is “truly attractive.” He also unfavorably compared Kuster to men who dress up as drag queens.

Just in case anybody was wondering about this obviously Adonis like State Rep, here's a snap of his Godlike visage:
{images of Fugly Fudge Packer Vaillancourt}

I may spam his social media for a little while in the near future just because he's such a loathsome piece of shit that I may find it kind of fun.

Not a lot of reply's.  I mostly posted this to poke a little fun at the DUmmies who DUmped on a fairy nice guy!  Here is just a small bit from his Wiki page.  Note his former butt buddy is the NH Dem party honcho and a nastier piece of work one cannot find (and I mean nose picking nasty).


Child pornography controversy

Vaillancourt and former Democratic House member Raymond Buckley had been friends since 1983, and housemates until 1999, when Vaillancourt evicted Buckley for unknown reasons. The relationship has been strained since then.[15] In January 2007, Vaillancourt leveled accusations that Buckley possessed child pornography, causing Buckley to temporarily suspend his campaign for the chairmanship of the New Hampshire Democratic Party.[16] Vaillancourt later admitted he had no proof to back up his allegations.[17] Buckley went on to become chair of the Democratic Party in March.

Yes, NH politics is interesting.  This is just one look into the dysfunctional life of two Gay NH political hacks.  Makes ya proud does it not?  (And yes she is, ugly as sin. )

There is also this interesting article on the whole situation some may find interesting

Now why these people are elected and re elected is a mystery to me but it happens.     :popcorn: 
< watch this space for coming distractions >