Author Topic: Obama Too [s]Big[/s] BLACK to Jail?  (Read 584 times)

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Offline zeitgeist

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Obama Too [s]Big[/s] BLACK to Jail?
« on: October 07, 2014, 07:45:39 PM »
Too Big to Jail? Obama at the top of bankster fraud.
Last edited Tue Oct 7, 2014, 11:10 AM - Edit history (1) ---video well worth watching


 :mental:  Yesire ladies and gents this is one is worth rowing over for.

DUmmies are coming around to the realization they have been had.  And Had Bad


Ichingcarpenter (31,928 posts)

50."Nothing in the world is more dangerous than

sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

-Martin Luther King, Jr. 
Racist folk?

KoKo (77,786 posts)

19. Obama was probably hustled & overwhelmed...but, Holder knew what was going on..

Response to KoKo (Reply #19)

Tue Oct 7, 2014, 11:18 AM

Star Member L0oniX (25,449 posts)

25. Why they chose Obama over Clinton is a puzzle.
The Clinton's have been and are cozy with the banksters. Was Obama chosen because he would give them less resistance? Just guessing. IMO either Dem candidate would have won.
Response to L0oniX (Reply #25)

Tue Oct 7, 2014, 11:32 AM

Star Member valerief (41,802 posts)

31. They wanted BLACK to take the blame for the crash instead of WHITE. nt

I am waiting for them to figure out that the PTB in the DNC have been using Obie to play them like a paddle ball.  The only salvation for his legacy is martyrdom. (Just like JFK DUmmies, Just like JFK)   Gee, I wonder if that's what's up with all the secret service problems?  :popcorn:
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Offline thundley4

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Re: Obama Too [s]Big[/s] BLACK to Jail?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2014, 08:28:09 PM »
KoKo (77,786 posts)

19. Obama was probably hustled & overwhelmed...but, Holder knew what was going on..

What?  Just the other day many of the DUmmies were singing the praises of Holder. Now it's under the bus?

Offline DefiantSix

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Re: Obama Too [s]Big[/s] BLACK to Jail?
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2014, 08:56:12 PM »
What?  Just the other day many of the DUmmies were singing the praises of Holder. Now it's under the bus?

No longer on the first string means you're eligible to "grease the wheels" at the first convenient opportunity. :popcorn:
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Offline 98ZJUSMC

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Re: Obama Too [s]Big[/s] BLACK to Jail?
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2014, 10:29:26 PM »
 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

ZOMG!!!! EVERYBODY under de bus, NOW!!   :panic:

Gee.... and we were assured all these scandals were just rEiChwInGNuTz!!11LiMbaUGhlIsteNERZ!!!eLebInty!! tinfoil stories...

 Pass the :popcorn:

KoKo (77,786 posts)

19. Obama was probably hustled & overwhelmed...

Hustled on the golf course?  You don't say...  other than you're a clueless retard.

but, Holder knew what was going on..

The power of the chinless knows all, (D)Ummies...     :afro:

Star Member L0oniX (25,449 posts)

25. Why they chose Obama over Clinton is a puzzle.
The Clinton's have been and are cozy with the banksters. Was Obama chosen because he would give them less resistance?

Whaaaaaaat?  The (D)Marxists, the party of the Banksters?!?  eLeBinTYbIllIon!!  Or just a little bit less than the reTHUGliKKKAns...?

Make up my mind, (D)Ummies.  Your shit's getting hard to follow...

Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation last week reminds us of an infuriating fact: No banking executives have been criminally prosecuted for their role in causing the biggest financial disaster since the Great Depression.

So, it wasn't Bushs' fault then.  Essentially, it was Carters' and Clintons'.  Don't listen to us, idiots.  I'll just cross out Bushitler and write in ObamaCarterClinton on my protest signage.

Unless you're going to change your mind again....
« Last Edit: October 07, 2014, 10:47:18 PM by 98ZJUSMC »

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

"Accuse others of what you do." - Karl Marx

Offline zeitgeist

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Re: Obama Too [s]Big[/s] BLACK to Jail?
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2014, 10:04:40 AM »
This thread is now over 200 responses with several very erudite.  Many notable DUmmies are having their say (and I am sure notes are being taken for future reference).
1StrongBlackMan (13,863 posts)

133. I posted this to another thread (or maybe this one) ...

but I think it applies here:

And "Mission Accomplished" ...

could be heard whispered throughout the land. (It seems)

GOP: "Government doesn't work" ... Check!

Libertarians (right and left): "Government is evil" ... Check!

Tea Party: "Government doesn't work and there is no difference between establishment republicans and establishment Democrats" ... Check!

"Liberals/Progressives": "Government is evil and there is no difference between establishment republicans and establishment Democrats" ... Check!

The media has played this narrative on a 7-day, 24-hour loop.

Result: Only 15% of the American people pay close attention to the only mechanism for change.

Nicely played, Oligarchs!


Response to 1StrongBlackMan (Reply #133)

Wed Oct 8, 2014, 02:42 AM

Star Member freshwest (46,237 posts)

190. Wow, that is the full list, 1SBM. Wash, rinse, repeat to infinity, just as Segretti would.
Why should the Oligarchs give up such a winning strategy? 

I'd love to see promotion of a party and candidate would do better than the Democrats. I prefer a positive case made for something to evaluate.

More productive than restating endlessly what one is against, without stating who and what will do better than Dems.

I'd really like to see the solution to this, plainly stated, of a non-Dem who would do better. Why not, since so many times the case is made that Dems do nothing?

The other case made so often is Dems are bad, the Oligarchs have won, so GIVE UP. Nothing to discuss after the venting, because if the negative isn't translated into a positive plan of action, it becomes inaction.

Which leads right back to what you said, and also what MrScorpio said:

The oligarchs would rather you not organize...

They'd rather you not vote, if you do bother to vote they'd rather you'd slice off your own nose to spite your face by voting for their candidates, they'd rather you politely allow the police to violate your civil rights, they'd rather you hate unions, they'd rather the government not tax their excessive and hidden profits, they'd rather you have a low opinion of government, they'd rather you'd vegetate in an easy chair rather than fighting their system in the streets, they'd rather you'd die than get an affordable education and medical care, they'd rather you worship them as a role model, they'd rather you'd not listen to your own hearts and minds, they'd rather you think that you can go it alone...

The want you isolated and afraid. Afraid of losing your home, afraid for the future and safety of your family, that you'd not care how your neighbors are scraping by just as bad as you are, they'd rather you be so angry that you can't even spell straight.

They know that there more of us than there are of them, they know that they can't desert the country fast enough, they know that your vote counts today more than ever.

So vote and fight back against them and take back which belongs to us all... Our lives and our future.

 to MrScorpio:

Possibly the best ever on what the Oligarchs want us to do - and NOT do. Myself, I won't do what they want me to do, since I don't have that luxury.


1StrongBlackMan (13,863 posts)

211. Yes ...

Bring it up ... discuss it ... all that; but don't act like it's a new phenomena.

And, if Obama were solidly left he would not have put so many Republicans and conservative Democrats that further right-wing economic and foreign-policy objectives in his Cabinet.

I suspect that the only ones that thought/think President Obama was/is "solidly Left" were/are the unread, self-convinced "progressives" and the gop. The rest of us have him where he has always been, center-left ... center on some economic issues, left on others, and "solidly Left" on social issues.

And judging on what he has accomplished, in this political environment ... that is good enough for me. He moved the country's state a little to where I envision it being, in my perfect world.

But as a DUer is fond of saying: "Mileage will vary."

BTW ...

and I'll be damned if I argue on behalf of the many corrupt actors that operate within it.

Recognizing what is, is not an argument for (or against) anything, nor does it suggest a course of action. Right?

I must admit a lot of this thread is just like complaining about smelling dog $hit without checking the bottom of your own shoe first. :rotf:

Then again who doesn't love when the Dems harken back to Eugene Debs as a model for the future. :-)
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