Author Topic: Ferguson grand juror allegedly disclosed: There’s not enough to indict cop  (Read 1652 times)

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Offline mrclose

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A leftist obama supporter testing the waters? :naughty:

A series of tweets from the account of a left-wing activist and Daily Kos writer prompted an investigation into possible leaks from a grand juror investigating the shooting death of Ferguson, Mo. teen Michael Brown at the hands of a local police officer.

If the leaks are true, it doesn’t look good to the prosecution.

A member of the St. Louis County grand jury allegedly told a friend that “there isn’t enough at this point to warrant an arrest” of officer Darren Wilson, the individual who shot and killed Brown, according to The Washington Post.

Early this morning, a longtime St. Louis resident posted that she had a friend on the Grand Jury for Darren Wilson...

Within seconds of posting this, her friends told her to delete it and she did. It was screenshotted first.
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Offline thundley4

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Is this the one that happened a few days ago and the person is saying that her twitter account was hacked and that she thought she had deleted some time time ago?

Offline freedumb2003b

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If the GJ no-bills, there is a Dry Cleaners in that neighborhood that can be hit again, other than that they can destroy the few stores left and then they get to drive miles instead of walk blocks to use their EBT cards to get a quart of milk and some 40s.

My suggestin to Ferguson PD is to just withdraw as far away as possible and let them destroy their own neighborhoods.
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Offline thundley4

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If the GJ no-bills, there is a Dry Cleaners in that neighborhood that can be hit again, other than that they can destroy the few stores left and then they get to drive miles instead of walk blocks to use their EBT cards to get a quart of milk and some 40s.

My suggestin to Ferguson PD is to just withdraw as far away as possible and let them destroy their own neighborhoods.

I've seen rumors where certain agencies are making plans to evacuate the city,  I'm sure that would draw more cries of racism if it happens.

They should have the National Guard on standby before the Grand Jury announcement is made.
Ferguson spokesman clarifies 'evacuation' comments

Ferguson officials are considering a range of possible scenarios for what could happen after a grand jury concludes its investigation into the shooting death of Michael Brown.
In an interview with St. Louis Public Radio, city spokesman Devin James said that if violence breaks out, the city needed to be ready.

He mentioned an “evacuation situation” during the interview, but he later sought to clarify that he had simply been discussing various hypothetical responses.

“You know, if there is no indictment and there is an evacuation situation, we need to be prepared for that,” he said during the radio interview. “If there is an indictment and there is celebratory unrest, we need to be prepared for that.”

If there were an evacuation, the city was considering how to contact residents, he said.

Offline SaintLouieWoman

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Scary stuff. Talked to St Louis friends and relatives and everyone is edgy. One lib relative whined about how rough it is for the Ferguson folks. I've been avoiding her. The others just say how tense it is there. Heard about the symphony the other night. The "folk" bought tickets and then dropped down banners from the balconies of the elegant symphony hall and disrupted the event, doing all their damned chanting.

A friend and client of my son lives in Ferguson, has a nice home there. He was going there and said that the crowds are always standing outside, doing the yelling (guess they prefer to call it chanting).

This gets me sick. St Louis has always been my home, and still is, despite currently living in Sarasota.

Offline Ptarmigan

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The libs won't let up until every city looks like modern day Detroit.
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