Author Topic: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories  (Read 977 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Tavarish Grumpy makes an excellent post about the Islamic State and barry's response to it:

Comrade Grumpy (9,034 posts)

Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories

not good

No shit.

Scootaloo (13,810 posts)
1. Isn't that kind of the opposite of what's supposed to be happening? Maybe the president has bad maps, and thinks Baghdad is somewhere in Syria?

or maybe barry should listen to the military who tell him bombing alone isn't gonna cut it.

ballyhoo (1,593 posts)
2. Unlike many in here, I think you get it, Scootaloo. Syria is the target--not ISIS, ISIL, IS, whatever. These entities are all a scam, a front, an artifice, a device...It's all a trick to take out Assad, and it will end as horribly as you can imagine.

ISIS isn't real!

ballyhoo (1,593 posts)
5. No. It is a CIA confab, as has been written many times. That's okay: we all have different contacts. The only thing we are doing in Syria and Iraq is recruiting volunteers for the acronyms. We will continue to fight them until the entitlement money is reduced then gone.

I think we have found our new DU meme. ISIS is a CIA plot!

The Magistrate (84,843 posts)
8. So, Sir, You Are Seriously Maintaining The C.I.A. Directs I.S.I.L. And moves it against Iraq in order to provide President Obama with an 'excuse' to attack Syria....

yup. That is exactly what Loonytoons is 'maintaining'. barry's plans to 'win' the new conflict just isn't working... just like the experts said.

Scootaloo (13,810 posts)
6. It's just not working?

How much does each bomb cost? Can't be cheap. How many have we dropped? Can't be a terribly small number. And how effective have they been? Doesn't look like they've been effective at all.

How many homeless people are in the United States? Apparently 3.5 million people experience homelessness in any given year in our nation; that's 1% of the population, which is not a small number. 50 million Americans are food-insecure, meaning they do not have a steady source of nutrition available to them.

... wait for it...

rtracey (571 posts)
7. time for big boy pants

Time for Iraq to step up. time for turkey to step up, Time for Saudi Arabia to step up, Jordan, Syria, ....step up and fight ISIS. Now, its time for Obama to step up and tell Bush, Romney, Cheney, republican house, and sad too say Democrat Senate to shut the **** up... Time for US to give all these countries 1 week....start getting your shit together or we stop the bombing....
Now time for democrats to shut the **** up and step up... Wassermann-Schultz? where the hell are you.....Harry Reid where are you.... all the Senators not for reelection, where are you, why are you not out there are losing time and sadly I believe the Senate.

 :o ... so... your plan... to defeat the Islamic State... is to tell the people who haven't been able to do anything about it so far to do something about it in seven days or... we quit fighting the Islamic State?

Gee... I wonder why Chamberlain didn't tell Hitler if he didn't stop it he'd hold his breath til the Nazi left Poland...

rtracey (571 posts)
10. true. point being.....U.S. OUT...


George II (4,677 posts)
14. I guess bush/Cheney shouldn't have done away with the Iraqi army in 2003?

And we rebuilt the Iraqi Army til 2009. I know. I was there doing it in 2005 with the 1st Iraqi Mechanized Brigade. We recuited, trained, advised and fought with them. It was successful. Then barry sold us, and them, out for his moment to declare 'Peace in his time'.

MannyGoldstein (28,858 posts)
13. Hmmm... looks like we need Boots on the Groundâ„¢

Of course, we all tried as hard as we could to prevent this, but given that we're dealing with the most dangerous danger ever, we simply have no choice.

But let us thank God that America is exceptional. We shall prevail.

With great sadness (other than the joy from the returns on my recent MIC stock investments),


I believe manny is being sacrastic.

morningfog (9,169 posts)
17. God bless our troops and God bless America.

Anyone who has been paying attention knew is was only a question of when not if.

So, barry has been lying to you the entire time?

Plucketeer (7,458 posts)
24. Are we absolutely certain that Saddam is dead?

That's what we need to bring stability back to Iraq - a ruthless tyrant we can prop up. A guy with enough grit to reinstate the tribal (sectarian) checkmate that was in place prior to US going in there and spreading democracy. I'm feeling GOOD about bringing democracy to Iraq - how's bout the rest of you? And one day - when the smoke clears and the place looks like a moonscape - the few Iraqis left standing will be anxious to put together a productive congress - just like the one we have.

...says the man with the Vietnam campaign ribbon icon.
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2014, 09:36:54 AM »
DUmmie said, "We will continue to fight them until the entitlement money is reduced then gone."  ....and there you have it. DUmmies aren't worried about us losing our heads to the savages but are worried about losing their government freebies.
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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2014, 10:26:40 AM »
 - Hey DUmmies !

How long has it been since you referred to your friends at ? About what, six years ?

Maybe you should take a peek.. for old time's sake...


Offline wasp69

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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2014, 09:49:20 PM »
rtracey (571 posts)
10. true. point being.....U.S. OUT...

Tried that already, DUmbass...   :whatever:
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

Offline I_B_Perky

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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2014, 11:04:56 PM »
DUmmie said, "We will continue to fight them until the entitlement money is reduced then gone."  ....and there you have it. DUmmies aren't worried about us losing our heads to the savages but are worried about losing their government freebies.

You nailed it JohnnyReb!  The dummies will bury their head in their anal orifice about any threat as long as the get their free shit. The sad thing about it is we could end ISIS and their ilk really quick, just start carpet bombing where ever they are, destroy the whole place, fuel air bombs, the whole nine yards, but then the dummies would be crying about the poor innocents. We did the same thing to a different foe in a different time... the Japanese. When you are dealing with people that have no problem dying for their cause, you need to kill them all.

The dummies and their ilk will be the downfall of the US.
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

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Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2014, 09:16:50 AM »
rtracey (571 posts)
7. time for big boy pants

Time for Iraq to step up. time for turkey to step up, Time for Saudi Arabia to step up, Jordan, Syria, ....step up and fight ISIS. Now, its time for Obama to step up and tell Bush, Romney, Cheney, republican house, and sad too say Democrat Senate to shut the **** up... Time for US to give all these countries 1 week....start getting your shit together or we stop the bombing....

You're a walking example of why the Obama 'Strategy' makes no damn' sense at all.  Why would Jordan, Turkey, or any other countries besides Iraq and Syria feel any more compelling need to take a ground fight to ISIS than we do, and so agree to take all the bullets so we don't have to take any of them?

The only countries that have that kind of stake in a ground fight are the ones where ISIS is actually holding territory...i.e. Syria and Iraq.  You may have noticed that Obama want regime change in Syria, and Obama won't give the Kurds (The only serious ground force in Iraq) any heavy weapons, so that takes out most of the natural alignment right off the top.

They look at us, the self-proclaimed mightiest nation and Best Army in the World* that spends so much on its defense budget.  We tell them it's not worth our blood, but they should bleed for us.  How do you think that goes over?  And then you suggest bombing them too, if they don't see it our way?  I'm surprised Obama hasn't called you up to be his new SECDEF or National Security Advisor, you're certainly stupid enough and a big enough Obama worshipper to satisfy him.

*There is no 'Best' army in the world.  A lot of them are best at something, none of them are the best at everything.
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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2014, 10:26:38 AM »
rtracey (571 posts)
10. true. point being.....U.S. OUT...

of the United Nations?

Now we can agree on something.
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

The unobtainable is unknown at

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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2014, 01:08:56 PM »
In all this ISIS posturing, keep in mind that ISIS is Sunni, and the jug-eared Kenyan is also Sunni. His dedication to this new war is questionable.

The only people who really want to wipe out ISIS are the secular Assad government in Syria, the limp-wristed Shiites running Iraq, and the Shiite mullahs in Iran.

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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2014, 07:54:30 PM »
In all this ISIS posturing, keep in mind that ISIS is Sunni, and the jug-eared Kenyan is also Sunni. His dedication to this new war is questionable.

The only people who really want to wipe out ISIS are the secular Assad government in Syria, the limp-wristed Shiites running Iraq, and the Shiite mullahs in Iran.

I think you are on to something here; Obama warns bombing is coming so terrorists vacate property before bombing begins.........bombs hit vacant terrorists get killed, terrorists keep rolling along.

Obama says he needs to raise taxes to buy more bombs........................
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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2014, 09:21:55 PM »
Scootaloo (13,810 posts)
1. Isn't that kind of the opposite of what's supposed to be happening? Maybe the president has bad maps, and thinks Baghdad is somewhere in Syria?

yeah, that's it.  Blame it on bad maps (probably why he thinks there are 57 states in the United States) Blame it on anything other than obutthole's incompetence. 

maybe if he had listened to his Sec Def and his Generals before he pulled all our Troops out of Iraq, this mess wouldn't be happening.

It’s going to be a rough week for President Obama, thanks in part to his former CIA director and defense secretary, Leon Panetta, who in an interview published this morning said the president has “kind of lost his way.”

By not pressing the Iraqi government to leave more U.S. troops in the country, he “created a vacuum in terms of the ability of that country to better protect itself, and it’s out of that vacuum that ISIS began to breed,” Panetta told USA Today, referring to the group also known as the Islamic State.
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2014, 07:01:23 AM »

When Bush was in office and we went into Iraq it was 3 weeks of stories about the Baathist army being rolled-up.

Now we've been fighting Obama's war for 3 weeks and things have run completely opposite.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2014, 07:59:18 AM »
These people must be from  they all think this stuff!  they say the beheadings are filmed in front of green screen and aren't real.

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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2014, 08:27:44 AM »
These people must be from - they all think this stuff!  They say the beheadings are filmed in front of green screen and aren't real.

Is there a lunar lander in the background?  No?   :popcorn:

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That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

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Re: Islamic State Reportedly on Baghdad's Outskirts After Week of Victories
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2014, 11:14:12 AM »
These people must be from  they all think this stuff!  they say the beheadings are filmed in front of green screen and aren't real.

That was the script from Iron Man 3.

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