Author Topic: Big Bertha, primitives, discuss menopause  (Read 441 times)

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Big Bertha, primitives, discuss menopause
« on: September 06, 2014, 08:15:22 PM »

Oh my.

Bertha Venation (21,095 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 01:35 AM

question about symptoms of menopause

Have others here been through menopause? Was it your experience that hot flashes occurred mostly in mornings and evenings? How weird. Also, did/do you sweat? A lot? In a house with the a/c on?
Make it stop...

Suich (9,627 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 01:42 AM

1. I went off Hormone Replacement Therapy

4/12, and I have had hot flashes 24/7 ever since. For some reason, they stopped all of a sudden 4 days ago. No idea what's going on. I hope they stay gone forever.
If I sit outside and there is a breeze, no problem. July and August were the hottest on record here and that sure didn't help.
I've probably tried 20 different "natural" remedies and none of them worked at all.
All I can offer is sympathy...sorry!

AuntPatsy (7,612 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 01:51 AM

2. I've had it off and on for 3 years but considering what I no longer have I don't let it bother me.

It can occur anytime, morning noon or night, inside outside, driving in the car, riding on the bike, sweating profusely at times.
It can be irritating in bed sleeping beside your partner and soaking them but nothing you can do but move away because it doesn't last long..
I'd say the worse this summer has been when we are riding the bike, riding in over 100 degree temps and dealing with that is one thing but when the heat rises inside it tends to increase it to such a degree that I've almost passed out a few times...
I sleep with the AC on 65, it can fell like I am in direct sunlight feeling that sun wilt me away but again, the episodes are not really long lasting...
My doctor told me to deal with it as it will end someday, so that's what I doing

Bertha Venation (21,095 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 05:25 PM

19. Seeing my gyno on 9/16, and

I sure hope she doesn't say "deal with it." I'd have to say "I CAN'T." I'm a weenie.

blue neen (8,693 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 02:10 AM

6. Mostly at night time.

Some things can set them off though, like using a blow dryer on my hair. I actually have to go stand in front of the freezer to cool down from that.

beam me up scottie (25,383 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 02:26 AM

7. I have fantasies about swimming pools.

If we had one I'd fill it with ice and position it so I could fall into it from our back deck; I swear I'm going to do a face plant into the first batch of snow this coming winter...
The worst part is when you're out in public and people think you're having a medical crisis.
Remember if you've already gone through hell keep going.

peacebird (7,934 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 02:57 AM

9. Have had hot flashes for over almost 20yrs.Drinking sage tea helps me a lot. Take a couple leaves of

common garden sage and pour hot water over, cover and steep for 5 minutes of so, then drink. Not really "tasty" but it calms hot flashes for a day. Mine came any time of day, but simply throwing an arm over hubby in bed was pretty much guarenteed to bring one.... I no longer get the "volcanic" flashes, now simply the hot damp flashes. (Volcanic caused sweats that drenched through everything I was wearing, standard flashes just have beads of sweat rolling down my face etc)

Try sage tea, it did really help me when I had the volcanic flashes....

Oh, fwiw my doc says that after two decades, it ain't likely mine are ever going away. Started into menopause early (37), guess i'm an overacheiver.... LOL!

Granny M (770 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 04:02 AM

11. I have pretty much emerged to the other side

but the hot flashes were intense for a few years. Mine were mostly at night. What worked for me was just pushing off the covers and staying still until it passed. My sister gets out of bed and eats a popsicle. If I did that I'd never get back to sleep, so I just tossed off the covers and rode it out, then I'd drift off again. The flashes would sometimes come in the day or evening, and I'd drink ice water. I never took HRT. Tried black cohosh but it gave me headaches. I managed without much intervention, but do what you need to - everyone is different.

cbayer (134,873 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 05:15 AM

12. 10 years so far, but getting a little better

Mostly at night, but sometimes during the day. Sweat profusely. It's just a PITA, but I'm not going to take replacements.
If it is really bad for you, hormone replacement can stop it.

Freddie (2,157 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 08:01 AM

15. This too will pass

I was lucky my hot flashes weren't that bad and went away after 4 years or so. A lot is hereditary as I went through it at the exact same age my Mom was, early 50's. I have a couple friends my age (mid 50s) who are still getting their periods. So delighted to be done all that messy crap not to mention the horrible menstrual migraines I would get. Only get a migraine once or twice a year now.

SheilaT (15,440 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 01:25 PM

16. I had hot flashes for around three years.

I really hated it when I'd get one when I was outside on a hot, humid summer day. I also went through a relatively short period of time, maybe a couple of months, where I'd wake up in the middle of the night with a hot flash, throw the covers off me, fall back asleep, wake up sometime later chilled, pull the covers back up, and repeat several times during the night.
Never did HRT myself. I think if my hot flashes lasted longer than two to four years, I'd check in with a doctor to see if something else is going on.
Oh, and a good friend of mine once described hot flashes as Personal Moments of Summer. Good description.

Warpy (78,442 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 03:06 PM

17. I had a rough time, mine were every 41 minutes around the clock in the beginning.

My mother had developed breast cancer after being on HRT for 25 years, so I didn't think I was a candidate there. I did snag an extra premarin at work, thinking it might buy me a good night's sleep on one of my days off. All it bought me is a reminder of why I couldn't take BC pills, an intense migraine.
They've finally tapered off to 3 or 4 a day. One always happens when I first settle down to sleep. The years of the every 41 minute misery taught me how to roll over onto the cooler side and just go to sleep. Exhaustion from 12 hour night shifts helped.
If men got hot flashes, they'd know what kind of physiological cascade causes them and have cheap OTC medication to stop them completely. Unfortunately, they happen to old women and old women are considered utterly useless in medical science.
The best way to deal with a hot flash when you're awake is to get up and walk around, the buckets of sweat cooling you off quickly when you start to move around. In the winter, they're almost pleasant if you keep a very cool house like I do.
They also do taper off eventually. My mother said she still got one or two a month in her 90s.

Bertha Venation (21,095 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 06:06 PM

35. Holy shit, Warpy.

Sorry to hear that it was so rough on you.

Re old women. They (we? I'm 51...) are the least valued part of our society, yet have the most to give, the most to teach.

OregonBlue (4,448 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 06:26 PM

39. Mine only lasted a few years. Started off slow for about 6 months then many times a day

for the next 2-3 years and then tapered off to occasionally for a year or so. When they were finally done, I felt better than I had in a long time. No more worrying about birth control, no more periods. It has been great. The only things I found that worked were, I bought a small fan like this Honeywell Chillout-2-Speed-Personal-Fan. I could sit in any chair and turn it on myself. Make sure it is one of the ones that swivel up and down so you can aim it anywhere. I could take it to the kitchen when I was cooking. I could put it next to my bed and turn in on my face if I woke up with a hot flash, etc. The other thing I did was keep a spray bottle of water with a little rubbing alcohol added in the fridge. When I couldn't stand it, I would take it out and spray my feet. It really works, especially at night.
Good luck. It gets better and you actually feel better when it's all over!!

dem in texas (933 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 07:16 PM

42. Less than 10 hot flashes during the change

Hot flashes were not a problem for me at all, less than 10 the entire time. Did have heavy bleeding for about 18 months and that gradually went away. My doctor wanted me to take the estrogen pills they were pushing back in the 80's as a cure all for everything. I told him, I was doing the same as my mother and she never took any medication and came through it all with no problems. My doctor called me Mother Nature when I refused the medicine. Needless to say, I changed doctors.

MuseRider (24,323 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 07:03 PM

41. Went through it, no hormones and have survived!

Hot flashes for years, I have been known to walk outside in the middle of the snow with my jammies on. It is better now almost 6 years out. I do still get them but they never had a pattern they just hit me. My weight took a huge hit, everything I eat weighs twice as much once I eat it but am learning to do better. Yes, I sweat more than ever even now.
We are all different. I have very strong bones so I have not had any signs of osteoporosis and so far so good health wise.

kaiden (1,160 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 07:44 PM

43. Sleep with a box fan at the foot of your bed blowing on your face.

Put your forearms on cold surfaces. These things alleviate the intense flashes.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Big Bertha, primitives, discuss menopause
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2014, 08:39:11 PM »
Is there one ailment,condition or attack of something these lunatics don`t have worse then everyone else?
Stupid,crybaby attention whores.

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Re: Big Bertha, primitives, discuss menopause
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2014, 08:19:40 AM »
peacebird (7,934 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 02:57 AM

9. Have had hot flashes for over almost 20yrs.Drinking sage tea helps me a lot. Take a couple leaves of

common garden sage and pour hot water over, cover and steep for 5 minutes of so, then drink. Not really "tasty" but it calms hot flashes for a day. Mine came any time of day, but simply throwing an arm over hubby in bed was pretty much guarenteed to bring one.... I no longer get the "volcanic" flashes, now simply the hot damp flashes. (Volcanic caused sweats that drenched through everything I was wearing, standard flashes just have beads of sweat rolling down my face etc)

Try sage tea, it did really help me when I had the volcanic flashes....

Oh, fwiw my doc says that after two decades, it ain't likely mine are ever going away. Started into menopause early (37), guess i'm an overacheiver.... LOL!

Don't listen to this DUmmie. Any perceived benefit that he gets from drinking sage tea is just psychosomatic. Everyone knows that you burn sage (to keep the boogeyman at bay). You don't drink it.
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Re: Big Bertha, primitives, discuss menopause
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2014, 08:34:00 AM » topic.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

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Re: Big Bertha, primitives, discuss menopause
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2014, 08:53:34 AM »
This caught my attention:


I did snag an extra premarin at work,

Warpy admitted to stealing prescription drugs - again. I guess the statute of limitations ran out on that one, and she felt safe bragging about it.
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Re: Big Bertha, primitives, discuss menopause
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2014, 09:05:27 AM »
Just a tiny foretaste of what awaits you in the afterlife, DU "Ladies."

Go and tell the Spartans, O traveler passing by
That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

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Re: Big Bertha, primitives, discuss menopause
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2014, 09:24:19 AM » topic.


Bertha Venation (21,095 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 01:35 AM

question about symptoms of menopause

Have others here been through menopause? Was it your experience that hot flashes occurred mostly in mornings and evenings? How weird. Also, did/do you sweat? A lot? In a house with the a/c on?
Make it stop...

Yes, make it stop and quit posting at DU........

Offline RobJohnson

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Re: Big Bertha, primitives, discuss menopause
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2014, 09:26:35 AM »
This caught my attention:

Warpy admitted to stealing prescription drugs - again. I guess the statute of limitations ran out on that one, and she felt safe bragging about it.

Oh how loss prevention loves this when you are drug tested you are tested for a lot of legal drugs as well, just to see if you are stealing....

Premarin is mostly for dry, crusty *****..........enjoy your breakfast while reading this.


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Re: Big Bertha, primitives, discuss menopause
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2014, 12:20:15 PM »
Bertha Venation (21,095 posts)    Sat Sep 6, 2014, 05:25 PM

19. Seeing my gyno on 9/16

I don't care what that doctor makes.
She is severely underpaid.