Author Topic: The handpuppet dummie read dumb things at DI, KKklams go nuts  (Read 946 times)

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Offline I_B_Perky

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The handpuppet dummie read dumb things at DI, KKklams go nuts
« on: September 02, 2014, 12:00:19 AM »
Klams whining again.

The link:

The OP:

theHandpuppet (18,389 posts)

Just about the dumbest damn thing I've ever read
I'm not a visitor to Discussionist but when SheShe invited DUers to do a search for their moniker there, I googled to see what I could find. Nothing on Discussionist, thankfully, but my handle did come up as a thread on some bozo site called "Conservative Cave". It was a ludicrous (and of course, highly offensive) rail against my Hobby Lobby protest. Now just why, some asked, would a lesbian care about reproductive rights? What business was it of mine?

Well that was just about the dumbest damn thing I've ever read.

I'm not poor -- should I not care about poverty?

I'm white privileged -- should I not give a crap about how racism permeates our society?

I've no children -- should I not care about child abuse?

I'll be long gone before the full effects of climate change smack our world -- should I not give a plug nickel for the environment?

Yes, I'm a lesbian and an older lesbian to boot -- should the reproductive rights of all women be of no concern to me?

What an incredibly pathetic display from the logic-impaired over there. I'll say it again -- that was just about the dumbest damn thing I've ever read. So much so that I have to admit I'm still laughing.

Won't comment... just bring it over.

Away we go...

chervilant (5,866 posts)
1. Our species is plumb ate up with *********...

(I cannot even type the word, for fear someone will alert on my post.)

OK... I lied. Since when are lesbians  KKKlams a species? Are they called Homo KKKlammus? Homo Carpetus Munchus? Homo ****is Lingus Maximus?

Apologies to all good ladies where ever they may be for my lame attempt at humor. I'll shut up now.

Thinkingabout (7,379 posts)
2. Some of us were young at one time and birth control was a part of my life.

I take the Hobby Lobby more of the same war which has been targeting females for some years. I don't know why many do not understand birth control is prescribed for more than birth control but when they run with the Todd Akin bunch and do not show interest female issues then they need to back off and leave these conversations to those in the know.

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Response to Thinkingabout (Reply #2)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 10:10 PM

Star Member theHandpuppet (18,389 posts)
4. You'd have to read through that thread

The collective display of ignorance about women's health and biology was simply astounding. About the only appropriate response would be this --

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Response to theHandpuppet (Reply #4)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 10:15 PM

Star Member Thinkingabout (7,379 posts)
7. I read it, it doesn't matter if one is lesbian or not, it pisses me we are being

Attacked. I haven't needed birth control for thirty years but the plain stupidity of those raising hell about BC, as I said sometimes it is prescribed for medical issues.

jimlup (4,704 posts)
3. Agreed

Many people are clueless and insane in our world. I grow more and more convinced of this every day.

Dummies would be at the top of that list.

theHandpuppet (18,389 posts)

This "if it doesn't affect me, I don't give a crap" attitude among conservatives (and even among some who claim to be progressives but aren't) really makes me wonder if our species is even capable of surviving our aggression and selfishness. I surely hope so.

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Response to theHandpuppet (Reply #6)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 10:20 PM

jimlup (4,704 posts)
9. Yes

And they are all learned behaviors. People are not born like that.

I also agree with you on the question of species survival. My intuition says we're at about 50/50 there...

So what... I thought homos and lizzies always say they are born that way?  :mental:

4b5f940728b232b034e4 (88 posts)
5. The child abuse one was great

You should have stopped with that argument. It is powerful and simple enough to win without clouding the issue with weaker arguments. I don't have any friends with children since I only associate with college graduates with good jobs, but of course I still care about children.

Take a male to help you make a kid. Carpet munching not gonna get it.

theHandpuppet (18,389 posts)
8. Well um, thanks

I think.

I'm not sure what you meant by this, "I don't have any friends with children since I only associate with college graduates with good jobs". I wasn't aware the college graduates with good jobs don't have children.

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Response to theHandpuppet (Reply #8)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 11:04 PM

4b5f940728b232b034e4 (88 posts)
20. About my comment

I work with over seventy other developers, and other than the Indian (from India) ones, not a one is in a relationship much less has kids. I just checked our HR system, and our average age is nearly 43 years-old. Our CEO paid for three months of for the white developers and hired a couple of coaches to help, but not a one of us even got a date from it. I didn't even get a single reply from the nearly three hundred messages I sent despite taking notes in from the coaches and spending a couple of hundred hours writing. I know this isn't universally true, but from what I've seen college educated men are not having children.

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Response to 4b5f940728b232b034e4 (Reply #5)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 10:24 PM

kcr (7,199 posts)
11. Wow. You're all heart. It shows. n/t

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Response to 4b5f940728b232b034e4 (Reply #5)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 11:01 PM

Star Member jeff47 (13,014 posts)
19. So....your argument is college graduates with good jobs don't have kids?

Wow. That's a pretty amazingly dumb argument.

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Response to theHandpuppet (Original post)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 10:24 PM

Star Member sheshe2 (17,773 posts)
10. I am so sorry, the Handpuppet.

    "What an incredibly pathetic display from the logic-impaired over there. I'll say it again -- that was just about the dumbest damn thing I've ever read. So much so that I have to admit I'm still laughing."

Well at least you are laughing.

Agreed on your points and here are mine.

I am white, that does not make me uncaring about racism.

I am straight, that does not mean I don't support LGBT.

I live paycheck to paycheck with little savings. I have to take from that to live. When that is gone i sure hope I am too. Yet I give small amounts when I can to help those less fortunate than I am.

As an older woman, I fear every day my job may no longer be there for me. They keep cutting pay and hours and replacing full time workers with part timers. Yet in my job I am vocal about this and fight anyway I can to help stop it.

I have no children, yet I have nieces and nephews I adore and would down right die for. For this reason I fight any way I can for their future. Yes, I am older too, yet I will never stop fighting for a future for them. I will do the best I can to save them from this mess we have made.

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Response to sheshe2 (Reply #10)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 10:30 PM

Star Member theHandpuppet (18,389 posts)
12. No need to be sorry, SheShe

Any time I can be of assistance in illuminating the utter stupidity of the right, all the better!

We're all in this together.

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Response to theHandpuppet (Reply #12)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 10:34 PM

Star Member sheshe2 (17,773 posts)
13. That we are sweetie! That we are~


Then we have this:

truedelphi (29,504 posts)
14. Your list left out one:

We are not stoopid, but should we be worried about the vast number of RW'ers who are?

Say the member of an internet community that cannot seem to hold a job, change an outlet, wipe their ass, etc.

BlueJazz (19,969 posts)
16. Being into Astronomy and Physics, my friends sometimes ask me about life "Out there"..

...and if Aliens will ever contact earth. I told one the other night:
"Oh the Aliens know we're here alright. They're just too smart to have anything to do with us"

I'd have to agree with the dummie. Any country that elects obumbles is not ready for more intelligent life to make contact.
Hell the Klingons wouldn't even want us.

Stargazer09 (1,570 posts)
21. Agreed

If alien beings are smart enough to find us, they are smart enough to avoid all of the drama and stupidity here.

 :rotf: :rotf:


bvf (246 posts)
18. That is pretty dumb.

And remarkably ignorant of the interlocutors in question, too.

"Conservative Cave" seems like an apt moniker.

IrishAyes (5,838 posts)
23. Oh dear - if you want to hear really stupid crap,

you should visit our town's little cafe where the local farmers gather since they don't have a general store's pot belly stove to gather round. I went in there for breakfast once and almost lost it. They must've thought I was the crazy one, alternating between a beet red face and barely holding back an insane cackle. People around here still think that feeding a piece of bread to a dog will create worms in its stomach. Not promote worminess by ruining their health, but actually transforming the bread into worms. They were busy loudly wondering how that happens when I let out my first whoop.

I bet the farmers know a hell of lot more about animals and working the land than any fool at the dump.

Skittles (95,820 posts)
24. it's not like they are known for their critical thinking skills

ya know?

They can just seem to feed themselves and others... but they are stupid!!! OK. Maybe they ain't got book learning. But they are a damn sight smarter than you dummies!! They can at least feed and house themselves. That seems to be a consistent problem with you dummies. 

Another shout out!!!

BlancheSplanchnik (11,341 posts)
26. oh, I see I've been discussed at the cave too.

Harrrr Harrrr.

Don't feel like bothering to check the ravings of the post-doctoral candidates over there!

Hmmm... I may not have a PhD. I can however feed myself, house myself, clothe myself, by a car for myself, and do all this while managing to save enough for retirement all without the federal government.

Can you say the same thing, dummie?


That is it for now. Should grow to be a large bonfire.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 03:47:30 PM by I_B_Perky »
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Re: The handpuppet dummie read dumb things at DI, KKklams go nuts
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2014, 04:08:22 AM »
Hell IB, I make $14 an hour, go to school full time AND I have a few thousand in savings, a roof over my head, a car with a full tank of gas and enough disposable income for luxuries such as the latest video game consoles and computer. Also, my pantry is full.

Yet somehow the libtards over at DU begging each other for spare change are somehow more intelligent than I am.  :mental:

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: The handpuppet dummie read dumb things at DI, KKklams go nuts
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2014, 04:22:44 AM »
Hell IB, I make $14 an hour, go to school full time AND I have a few thousand in savings, a roof over my head, a car with a full tank of gas and enough disposable income for luxuries such as the latest video game consoles and computer. Also, my pantry is full.

Yet somehow the libtards over at DU begging each other for spare change are somehow more intelligent than I am.  :mental:

Funny how that works.  Except for a handful of them that are trophy wives, all of them seem to constantly be in dire personal, mental, and financial straits, yet they have an unshakable belief in their intellectual superiority over all the Conservatives with stable-to-prosperous situations.
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Re: The handpuppet dummie read dumb things at DI, KKklams go nuts
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2014, 07:43:58 AM »
I just checked our HR system, and our average age is nearly 43 years-old.

That is a firing offense in almost all companies.  In the public sector it is a crime.
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Re: The handpuppet dummie read dumb things at DI, KKklams go nuts
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2014, 10:45:36 AM »
And now, a special message for the primitive who uses her hand to entertain  herself:

Keep your vagina out of my wallet.
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Re: The handpuppet dummie read dumb things at DI, KKklams go nuts
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2014, 03:27:27 PM »
Here's the post thehandpuppet dimwit didn't like:

Curious why 3 menopausal and/or post-menopausal women, one of which at least may be a lesbian have any say so in this issue. The thing I hear from many of these hose bags is that men should have no say so in this debate since they can't get pregnant, well neither can post menopausal and/or lesbian females. Neither of these two groups of individuals can conceive and certainly won't do so with an 'oopsie' with their partners considering the circumstances of either/both situations.

My apologies for our own women beyond this age, you know I am pointing this out because post-menopausal and lesbians seem to be the most shrill in my experience on both this and abortions. The only skin I can see in a lesbian's game is the desire to cover up amorous dealings with a man they had behind their girlfriend's back...the other's I don't get.

Valid point from jtyangel. Complete misrepresentation of what was said by thehandpuppet primitive.

thehandpuppet primitive is too stupid for words.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 04:05:28 PM by USA4ME »
Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline I_B_Perky

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Re: The handpuppet dummie read dumb things at DI, KKklams go nuts
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2014, 03:52:54 PM »
Hell IB, I make $14 an hour, go to school full time AND I have a few thousand in savings, a roof over my head, a car with a full tank of gas and enough disposable income for luxuries such as the latest video game consoles and computer. Also, my pantry is full.

Yet somehow the libtards over at DU begging each other for spare change are somehow more intelligent than I am.  :mental:

Funny how that works.  Except for a handful of them that are trophy wives, all of them seem to constantly be in dire personal, mental, and financial straits, yet they have an unshakable belief in their intellectual superiority over all the Conservatives with stable-to-prosperous situations.

Maybe we should get a PhD in womyns studies and then the dump will accept us.  :lmao:
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Re: The handpuppet dummie read dumb things at DI, KKklams go nuts
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2014, 04:17:54 PM »
Dear Hand Puppy:

Even when you were young, and IF you were heterosexual, I'm just sure you were too ugly and too vile for any man to ****.  However, I appreciate the care and concern you have for children, which you demonstrated by not passing your defective genes into one.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 05:55:45 PM by BadCat »
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Re: The handpuppet dummie read dumb things at DI, KKklams go nuts
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2014, 05:00:49 PM »
Here's the post thehandpuppet dimwit didn't like:

Valid point from jtyangel. Complete misrepresentation of what was said by thehandpuppet primitive.

thehandpuppet primitive is too stupid for words.

I'm working on my best shocked face.

theHandpuppet (18,389 posts)

Just about the dumbest damn thing I've ever read
I'm not a visitor to Discussionist but when SheShe invited DUers to do a search for their moniker there, I googled to see what I could find. Nothing on Discussionist, thankfully, but my handle did come up as a thread on some bozo site called "Conservative Cave". It was a ludicrous (and of course, highly offensive) rail against my Hobby Lobby protest. Now just why, some asked, would a lesbian care about reproductive rights? What business was it of mine?

Well that was just about the dumbest damn thing I've ever read.

I'm not poor -- should I not care about poverty?

I'm white privileged -- should I not give a crap about how racism permeates our society?

I've no children -- should I not care about child abuse?

I'll be long gone before the full effects of climate change smack our world -- should I not give a plug nickel for the environment?

Yes, I'm a lesbian and an older lesbian to boot -- should the reproductive rights of all women be of no concern to me?

What an incredibly pathetic display from the logic-impaired over there. I'll say it again -- that was just about the dumbest damn thing I've ever read. So much so that I have to admit I'm still laughing.

Blow it our your lard ass, idiot.

I'll be long gone before the full effects of climate change smack our world

Is there any way possible that we can accelerate that occurrence?  We're here to help.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 05:03:29 PM by 98ZJUSMC »

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

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Re: The handpuppet dummie read dumb things at DI, KKklams go nuts
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2014, 05:44:34 PM »
"I don't have any friends with children since I only associate with college graduates with good jobs"

I don't drink with you.