Author Topic: 50 Shades of Nadin  (Read 1888 times)

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50 Shades of Nadin
« on: July 28, 2014, 05:51:52 PM »
nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)

50 Shades of Gray
Thank you DU for putting this on my radar. I might have to pick up a copy, and in my spare time find out what the hubbub is about.
Suffice it to say, it is because of the impulse to censor and suppress that both the ACLU and these guys exist.
I see I missed a whole whatever, that happens over popular culture. If you, or your kids should not read it, then don't you want to have a literary discussion over the value of the book, at least read it. :lol: ]
Yes, there is value in that. Hell, attended a panel over politics and comics, and the civil rights movement this weekend no less. People do study and discuss these things from multiple perspectives, but they have read it.  [  :rotf: ]
So thanks, from the bottom of my heart. I will have to literally read what the hubbub is about.

Were you simply planning on figuratively reading the book, My Dear Nadin?

nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
8. The genre, aka romance, Is very formulaic. So there is not much freedom to play as it were.
Why I usually do not bother. It is also easier to write, because it is that formulaic.

Boy meets girl. Boy ties up girl. Boy ****s the shit out of girl. Literally.
nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
19. This one is pretty obscure, But when this was tried with Game of Thrones, I was laughing my ass off. The line alone was hours long.
It also, to a point, has the contrary effect. If they were going to do justice to the is romance, escape literature, and formulaic as hell. So if they want to be fair, it should take on the genre.
That said, it attempts to do what you said, because it is not really good criticism either
Why I said, it gets pretty damn close.

Don't try to understand it by reading the post up stream. it won't help.

nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
36. Like the HUAC When they imply that those who read it are a series of epithets and support rape culture. The HUAC said that comics were immoral and un-American and not wholesome. We go through this every so often. Of course, anonymous posters do not have the power of Joe McCarthy, so they got my full interest now on a work of fiction I did not even know exist. Oh the irony.
I am all for literary criticism.
Hell, give me some deconstruction, but once you cross the line and try to embarrass the reader, you now are in another place, not a totally good and healthy one.

 :yahoo: [bullies show up]

nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
12. And good morning to you too And you, and your pals are not, will never again, go on ignore.

marions ghost (17,180 posts)
31. I doubt this qualifies as "romance" but read it and see what you think.
IMO it's bad trash. Which has its place. The popularity of it is worthy of analysis however.

wait for it....

nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
40. Since I have learned that is a sub-genre of the genre. That is how much it's been on my radar. But I have learned that when the river makes this much noise, it might be worth looking at it as possibly news. There has to be some controversy to generate this much heat.

Saying books like 50SoG are a sub-genre of Romance genre Books is like saying Forced Sex videos are a sub-genre or Romantic Comedy genre videos...

nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
47. Now, that is a good point

at a meta level.

But you are not attacking readers individually.

This is what academics at times study about the state of popular culture and what it tells us about society. That said, people did say that about a slew of other things like I think forever.

**** YEAH!!!  :yahoo:

nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
26. It was not even in my radar Why I thanked the forum.
It has something to do with bad publicity is publicity as long as you spell my name right.


nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
64. I have no doubt E and TMZ were all over it, But I am stuck with political news. Somehow I doubt this has made it to Congress. Though, this is shocking, given how prudish they can be. Just read an excerpt. This sounds ready made for a few rants from the fine gentleman from Texas (Ted Cruz), and let's not forget Now time to fire up the computer and get the last articles up... (They are in the computer, not the IPad)

Nads really has no clue how big this book and upcoming movie really is... Literally...

nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
70. I missed it completely.


nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
30. It is now in my stack With things like the County's Climate Action Plan, Strategic Energy Plan and a few inportant policy papers. Oh and the comics we got over the weekend that have physics in them, to teach science. I am looking forward to those actually.

nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
42. I watch news avidly And no, I don't remember. It was not even talked about at popular culture central (Comicon) the way, what studio optioned it? I might have to actually, like for real, bother with a panel at Comicon either next year, if it's been green lighted, most likely in three.
Now game of thrones.... It's been a hot perennial now, and Star Wars oh my lord.


nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
65. I caught a bug at Comicon I need to cover city council remotely today. (Fever and all) after I post the last story or two, and the last gallery, this sounds like the perfect book to read while running a fever.

Wait... the city council meeting is online? Why would you ever go (or watch it anyway)

demtenjeep (22,033 posts)
81. I read them all. They are not horrible and I did not feel ashamed to read them. when I was done reading them, I passed them along to another teacher who wanted to read them and then she passed them along again to another.
People have to be outraged over something just like they were over Harry Potter. Much ado about nothing.

I read them, all three. All I felt was the desire to shoot the author for writing such a shitty bondage porn trilogy.

nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
84. I had no clue what htey were talking about on chapter two, and the writing is all but stellar. It is pretty much actually. But perfect for my current condition. It is perfect to read while sick. (In between naps I suppose)

wait... do you meant he writing is good or bad? Even in a simple sentence you can't figure out WTF she is talking about. However- the DUmp has ben chatting this up for two years now.

nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
87. Nope, but I am surprised it has not made it to a hearing or two I can see Inhoffe being all... shall we say, prudishly annoyed. I mostly do not read fiction, any fiction. I should do more of it. So far the book is so bad, that damn it, I wonder how it made it to the best seller list. Though I suppose I know how... controversy.

nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
88. Somehow I misssed it, and I never heard of it even at pop culture central


By the way, chapter two, and this is some wretched writing.


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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2014, 06:00:33 PM »

At the thought of Nadin and anything sexual.

<<the horrors, the horrors.>>

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Offline obumazombie

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2014, 06:00:54 PM »
Quote from nadin...

By the way, chapter two, and this is some wretched writing.

My humble interpretation of nadineses...
She's on chapter 2 and she concedes that her own writing is sub par.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2014, 07:18:29 PM »
nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
87. Nope, but I am surprised it has not made it to a hearing or two I can see Inhoffe being all... shall we say, prudishly annoyed. I mostly do not read fiction, any fiction. I should do more of it. So far the book is so bad, that damn it, I wonder how it made it to the best seller list. Though I suppose I know how... controversy.

That answers a lot of questions. She doesn't read her posts before posting them.
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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2014, 07:23:39 PM »
nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)

8. The genre, aka romance, Is very formulaic. So there is not much freedom to play as it were.

Why I usually do not bother. It is also easier to write, because it is that formulaic.

You know what else is formulaic?

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2014, 07:49:08 PM »
nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
40. Since I have learned that is a sub-genre of the genre. That is how much it's been on my radar. But I have learned that when the river makes this much noise, it might be worth looking at it as possibly news. There has to be some controversy to generate this much heat.

A noisy river makes gNads hot... and that's the gNews.

nadinbrzezinski (135,284 posts)
65. I caught a bug at Comicon I need to cover city council remotely today. (Fever and all) after I post the last story or two, and the last gallery, this sounds like the perfect book to read while running a fever.

Wait- watching the San Diego City Council on TV while reading chapter 2 of Fifty Shades of Gray makes gNads hot?

I thought noisy rivers did that.
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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2014, 08:33:48 PM »
That answers a lot of questions. She doesn't read her posts before posting them.

She used to write science-FICTION didn't she?

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2014, 09:03:25 PM »
The 50 shades thing is at least a year,maybe two old and the DUmp is only now aware of the moronic tripe?

I admit to also never reading any of it but what was laughable at the time was how so many women were gushing about it yet from the descriptions I has been told it portrayed females as a parody of all the stereotypes.
Hysterically emotional,clinging to a prince charming on a white horse obsession with a side order of gold digging,a guy with power makes me swoon insecurity.

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2014, 10:25:59 PM »
The 50 shades thing is at least a year,maybe two old and the DUmp is only now aware of the moronic tripe?

I admit to also never reading any of it but what was laughable at the time was how so many women were gushing about it yet from the descriptions I has been told it portrayed females as a parody of all the stereotypes.
Hysterically emotional,clinging to a prince charming on a white horse obsession with a side order of gold digging,a guy with power makes me swoon insecurity.

There's been more talk about the movie which is supposed to be in theaters on Valentine's Day next year.

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2014, 10:52:19 PM »
When did Nadin start to care about 50 Shades Of Gray?
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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2014, 11:15:15 PM »
When did Nadin start to care about 50 Shades Of Gray?

She says on that thread that she had never heard of it until this morning, when she read something about it on DU.


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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2014, 12:31:54 AM »
Mon Jul 28, 2014, 12:37 PM
nadinbrzezinski (135,292 posts)
8. The genre, aka romance,

Is very formulaic. So there is not much freedom to play as it were.

Why I usually do not bother. It is also easier to write, because it is that formulaic.

Translation: Nutcase nadin could easily be writing smash hit best sellers, but she finds it too boring.

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2014, 07:10:17 AM »
When did Nadin start to care about 50 Shades Of Gray?

She must have got a new costume at Comicon.  Maybe looking to get her freak on and posting the results on DUmmieland.  A new era of Nads since the suspension.     :rotf:
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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2014, 09:45:49 AM »
She's being extremely condescending to the fiction writers, I don't know how much more 'Formulaic' the trashiest Harlequin could be compared to her disjointed and cryptic summaries of other people's words that is her nooz reportage.

Romeo and Juliet, Le Mort d'Arthur, The Tales of a Thousand Nights and a Night, Doktor Faustus, Don Quixote, and Casablanca are all of course just formulaic boy-meets-girl stories, and so no doubt unworthy of reading or viewing by a sophisticated and worldly girl reporter who has wildfires that won't burn properly without her attention, dammit!
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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2014, 10:18:57 AM »
I am not going to add another post, but I'll tack this here...

sibelian (5,783 posts)

I am a BDSMer. I have run workshops on how to practice it safely. I've been doing it for 20 years.

I would suggest to anyone interested in the practice to research it outwith the field of fiction and entirely outwith the field of political message boards. The most appropriate source of information on the subject is people who practice BDSM, not people who have no idea what it is beyond what it looks like and are liable to reach for whatever explanation of it seems to justify their emotional reaction to it.

Do NOT, repeat NOT absorb information about BDSM from non-practitioners. NEVER absorb unprocessed information about it from fantasists or phobics.

This has been a public service announcement.


hrmjustin (42,973 posts)
2. I have been to a few workshops to see what it is about.

Most of the people I know who do it are average people who like a little spice in the bedroom. The couples I met there seemed very loving and well adjusted.

Workshops...   :rotf:

whathehell (13,216 posts)
31. Yeah, lots of things are "part of" some people's lives

That doesn't mean they're healthy. I'm afraid I still value scholarship and truth over political correctness. That being said, God bless you're little non-judgmental heart.


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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2014, 11:30:15 AM »
She must have got a new costume at Comicon.

She did:

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2014, 05:05:31 PM »
There's only one response to this poll that fits here . . . Teh JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSS!

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2014, 07:00:07 PM »
She's being extremely condescending to the fiction writers, I don't know how much more 'Formulaic' the trashiest Harlequin could be compared to her disjointed and cryptic summaries of other people's words that is her nooz reportage.

Romeo and Juliet, Le Mort d'Arthur, The Tales of a Thousand Nights and a Night, Doktor Faustus, Don Quixote, and Casablanca are all of course just formulaic boy-meets-girl stories, and so no doubt unworthy of reading or viewing by a sophisticated and worldly girl reporter who has wildfires that won't burn properly without her attention, dammit!

Awhile back I started working on a romantic novel, but I gave up on it because it was too formulaic. Here's a clip of it...

Dora stood with her riffle daydreaming of hotnobing some austanauts. “For f*cks face, my love life is pining for the fjords”. she thinks to herself. Some could not see that her love life had crossed the Rubicon, but suffice it to say that she could connect the dots and spot the trends. As she pulled the peanut butter packet from her boot and split it with her 12” knife she saw the tall lanky Nebraskan guy looking away from her. Staring off into the distance. The worse thing was that he was about 60 centimeters or 3.24 feet from a stump. Not just any stump, but a stump created by the radioactive blowback from Fukushima.

Her first instinct was to warn him and order him to get some boxed milk, but instead Dora gave the Nebraskan another look and said, "hey there guy.' The Nebraskan just stood there like he didn't even know she existed. He didn't even turn her way. She moved closer. Right up next to him. He saw her movement out the corner of his eye. It surprised him because he thought he was alone. Due to his surprise, just as she began to say, in her most sultry voice, "is that a wrench in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" he popped her in the head with an adjustable wrench thinking she was a small bear that had escaped from a traveling circus.
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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2014, 07:13:20 PM »
Awhile back I started working on a romantic novel, but I gave up on it because it was too formulaic. Here's a clip of it...

Dora stood with her riffle daydreaming of hotnobing some austanauts. “For f*cks face, my love life is pining for the fjords”. she thinks to herself. Some could not see that her love life had crossed the Rubicon, but suffice it to say that she could connect the dots and spot the trends. As she pulled the peanut butter packet from her boot and split it with her 12” knife she saw the tall lanky Nebraskan guy looking away from her. Staring off into the distance. The worse thing was that he was about 60 centimeters or 3.24 feet from a stump. Not just any stump, but a stump created by the radioactive blowback from Fukushima.

Her first instinct was to warn him and order him to get some boxed milk, but instead Dora gave the Nebraskan another look and said, "hey there guy.' The Nebraskan just stood there like he didn't even know she existed. He didn't even turn her way. She moved closer. Right up next to him. He saw her movement out the corner of his eye. It surprised him because he thought he was alone. Due to his surprise, just as she began to say, in her most sultry voice, "is that a wrench in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" he popped her in the head with an adjustable wrench thinking she was a small bear that had escaped from a traveling circus.

Suffice it to say, the above is an excerpt from a Pullitsir Prize winning piece, as awarded by Nadin for great justice in jorno work, literature, or photogs worthy of the good rig.  Why else would her photo be engraved in one side of the medallion ?

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2014, 09:14:01 PM »
There's only one response to this poll that fits here . . . Teh JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSS!


Without a doubt.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #20 on: July 29, 2014, 11:45:34 PM »
Awhile back I started working on a romantic novel, but I gave up on it because it was too formulaic. Here's a clip of it...

Dora stood with her riffle daydreaming of hotnobing some austanauts. “For f*cks face, my love life is pining for the fjords”. she thinks to herself. Some could not see that her love life had crossed the Rubicon, but suffice it to say that she could connect the dots and spot the trends. As she pulled the peanut butter packet from her boot and split it with her 12” knife she saw the tall lanky Nebraskan guy looking away from her. Staring off into the distance. The worse thing was that he was about 60 centimeters or 3.24 feet from a stump. Not just any stump, but a stump created by the radioactive blowback from Fukushima.

Her first instinct was to warn him and order him to get some boxed milk, but instead Dora gave the Nebraskan another look and said, "hey there guy.' The Nebraskan just stood there like he didn't even know she existed. He didn't even turn her way. She moved closer. Right up next to him. He saw her movement out the corner of his eye. It surprised him because he thought he was alone. Due to his surprise, just as she began to say, in her most sultry voice, "is that a wrench in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" he popped her in the head with an adjustable wrench thinking she was a small bear that had escaped from a traveling circus.

I like the ending.  Needs a little more exposition in the middle.

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2014, 12:01:38 AM »
Awhile back I started working on a romantic novel, but I gave up on it because it was too formulaic. Here's a clip of it...

Dora stood with her riffle daydreaming of hotnobing some austanauts. “For f*cks face, my love life is pining for the fjords”. she thinks to herself. Some could not see that her love life had crossed the Rubicon, but suffice it to say that she could connect the dots and spot the trends. As she pulled the peanut butter packet from her boot and split it with her 12” knife she saw the tall lanky Nebraskan guy looking away from her. Staring off into the distance. The worse thing was that he was about 60 centimeters or 3.24 feet from a stump. Not just any stump, but a stump created by the radioactive blowback from Fukushima.

Her first instinct was to warn him and order him to get some boxed milk, but instead Dora gave the Nebraskan another look and said, "hey there guy.' The Nebraskan just stood there like he didn't even know she existed. He didn't even turn her way. She moved closer. Right up next to him. He saw her movement out the corner of his eye. It surprised him because he thought he was alone. Due to his surprise, just as she began to say, in her most sultry voice, "is that a wrench in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" he popped her in the head with an adjustable wrench thinking she was a small bear that had escaped from a traveling circus.

Brilliant.  You should be a published sci-fi author by now.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2014, 12:21:11 AM »
She says on that thread that she had never heard of it until this morning, when she read something about it on DU.

They must of been talking about while she was on scanner duty.

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2014, 02:52:26 AM »
I didn't know that 50 Shades Of Grey came out  as one of those pop up picture books. El Guapo must have seen it in the discount bin at Wally World.

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Re: 50 Shades of Nadin
« Reply #24 on: July 30, 2014, 05:57:28 AM »
Sorry, I couldn't get through either of their tomes.  Off topic, sort of, Gnads made an OP this morning, turned around and self deleted because it "wasn't worth it".  The DUmp is already starting to suffer from her reluctance to provide the unworthies crunchiness.