Author Topic: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.  (Read 2308 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« on: June 11, 2014, 01:54:29 PM »
It couldn't be because of Barry juvinile foreign policy of wishing the muslim problem away... oh, no. It's the fault of BUSH!!!!

Bosonic (2,338 posts)

Iraqi militants seize control of Tikrit as second city falls in two days

nyabingi (284 posts)
9. This is the outcome of the Bush regime's

mad bloodthirst and of the Obama administration's aiding of these people in Syria
. Supplied by the West with fresh supplies and weaponry from Saudi Arabia (one of the prime instigators of sectarian violence in the Middle East), the ISIL is now looking to make Islamic republics out of both Syria and Iraq. And John Kerry, with his pompous ass, is running around talking about giving more advanced weaponry to these religious zealots?

It is only a matter of time that Iran will be forced to become militarily involved, and possibly Turkey (who, like the US and Saudi Arabia, has been assisting the ISIL in Syria).

The leaders of the US intentionally create situations like this in order to continue to feed the war machine and fatten the pockets of military contractors, leading inevitably to call by US politicians to redeploy troops to Iraq to try and fix the mess (again). This can no longer be blamed solely on the criminal Bush regime because Obama has adopted their worldview and is actively destabilizing the Middle East and other parts of the world (Ukraine, for example).
Forget internal American politics and start demanding President Obama stop supporting these crazy-ass zealots in Syria and Iraq!

I am afraid this mole isn't trying too hard to fit in. This is obviously only BUSH's fault. Barry made America Stronger and more respected!

heaven05 (5,483 posts)
10. No! no!

Iraq is a democracy now. Paul Bremer with '100 orders' to the Iraqi people, bushieboy, cheney all belong in the docket at the Hague. What murderous callousness must have been behind this invasion and 'provincial governing' as created by bremer......was worse than the dictator deposed.

of course.

Xithras (14,666 posts)
12. There's a very real chance that they might get their caliphate in the end.

The reports are that the Iraqi army has been shedding its uniforms, dropping its weapons, and running away. The only real resistance that ISIL has seen in Iraq has been from Kurdistan, and the Turks have been very adamant that NATO will not arm or aid the Kurd fighters. Since ISIL is being armed and supported by powerful interests in a number of middle eastern nations, they have the arms and funds needed to take the rest of the country. Without support, even the Kurds will fall eventually (and even that is in question, as ISIL is now stating that they will create a dedicated Kurdish state within the caliphate if the Kurds come onboard).

It's easy to understand the appeal of the caliphate idea to the average person in the middle east. Under the previous caliphates, the middle eastern populations largely lived at peace with each other. After the Europeans arbitrarily broke the Ottoman Empire into the nations we see today, most have seen nonstop conflict and war. ISIL is promising to erase the "European imposed borders" and bring about some kind of middle eastern renaissance. That's a hell of a thing to promise people beaten down by decades of strongarm rulers, war, occupation, and division.

Barry's ability to **** up a victory is only seconded by his inability to act in a manly manner.

joanbarnes (759 posts)
13. Mission Accomplished.

Fundamental transformation of the country is well under way.
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Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2014, 02:06:30 PM »
Let 'em form a Kelly-fatt.....then it will be like we're fighting one nation and we can bomb where ever needed.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline thundley4

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2014, 03:32:59 PM »
And John Kerry, with his pompous ass, is running around talking about giving more advanced weaponry to these religious zealots?

Really?  All I've heard Kerry talking about  is the myth about man-made global warming.

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2014, 04:28:17 PM »
The US soldier has never lost a war.

But the Democrats have given away every one they ever got their hands on.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Sam Dodd

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2014, 05:28:13 PM »
Turning Iraq into a democracy and freeing the people from Saddam was Bush's dream.  He managed to kill over 4,000 Americans with that lie.  It was all about oil.

Now, who the heck are we to tell another country how to run their government when we have a Republican House which refuses to do any jobs bills for our veterans, fund any of the VA hospitals, and refuse to raise wages to a liveable standard for Americans?

Offline dutch508

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2014, 06:06:25 PM »
Turning Iraq into a democracy and freeing the people from Saddam was Bush's dream.  He managed to kill over 4,000 Americans with that lie.  It was all about oil.

Now, who the heck are we to tell another country how to run their government when we have a Republican House which refuses to do any jobs bills for our veterans, fund any of the VA hospitals, and refuse to raise wages to a liveable standard for Americans?

Too stupid to live.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline Wineslob

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2014, 06:15:49 PM »
Turning Iraq into a democracy and freeing the people from Saddam was Bush's dream.  He managed to kill over 4,000 Americans with that lie.  It was all about oil.

Now, who the heck are we to tell another country how to run their government when we have a Republican House which refuses to do any jobs bills for our veterans, fund any of the VA hospitals, and refuse to raise wages to a liveable standard for Americans?

So, where's the oil?

DUmb ****'s yer sign........

« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 06:19:33 PM by Wineslob »
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

The unobtainable is unknown at

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If you want a gender neutral bathroom, go pee in the forest.

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2014, 09:34:19 PM »
Turning Iraq into a democracy and freeing the people from Saddam was Bush's dream.  He managed to kill over 4,000 Americans with that lie.  It was all about oil.

Now, who the heck are we to tell another country how to run their government when we have a Republican House which refuses to do any jobs bills for our veterans, fund any of the VA hospitals, and refuse to raise wages to a liveable standard for Americans?

     Nice try, ****stick. Your savior is going to go down in history as the moron who got us back into Iraq. That's how history works, asshole.

     But hey, at least Hollywood liberals are happy about who the President is. That should be worth something.

     Eat shit and die, asshole liberal ****wad.
NJCher (31,658 posts)

5. IMO

a certain percentage of DU is depressed and has other mental issues.

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2014, 09:36:25 PM »
Turning Iraq into a democracy and freeing the people from Saddam was Bush's dream.  He managed to kill over 4,000 Americans with that lie.  It was all about oil.

Now, who the heck are we to tell another country how to run their government when we have a Republican House which refuses to do any jobs bills for our veterans, fund any of the VA hospitals, and refuse to raise wages to a liveable standard for Americans?

1) You're a goddam lying sack of shit. VA spending has gone nowhere but up since 2001 per OMB.

2) You're a lying sack of shit. There is no such thing as a livable wage. Raise wages and prices follow. Anyone with 6th grade economics knows this you just want power to dictate economic controls

3) You're a two-faced lying sack of shit. You claim more interest in Iraqi freedom but you'll chain Americans to every piece of shit legislation your idiot mind can conceive of.

4) You're a lying treasonous sack of shit; you don't really care about Iraqi freedom you just want AQ to take over so you can happy-dance about the war being a failure

5) You're an anti-US lying sack of shit; there never was an effort to take Iraq's oil.

6) You're a lying sack of shit.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Zathras

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2014, 12:39:52 AM »
Turning Iraq into a democracy and freeing the people from Saddam was Bush's dream.  He managed to kill over 4,000 Americans with that lie.  It was all about oil.

Now, who the heck are we to tell another country how to run their government when we have a Republican House which refuses to do any jobs bills for our veterans, fund any of the VA hospitals, and refuse to raise wages to a liveable standard for Americans?

Two questions:

1: What's your DU name?
2: Why are you so ****ing stupid?
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Offline obumazombie

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2014, 02:29:27 AM »
I can't wait for libs to own this.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline txradioguy

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2014, 02:35:17 AM »
Turning Iraq into a democracy and freeing the people from Saddam was Bush's dream.  He managed to kill over 4,000 Americans

Living free and and living in a democratic country is the dream of freedom loving people verywhere.  It's not just an American ideal...though we are the best examples of it.

Oh and was the Iraqi's dream as well.

Saying that President Bush "killed" 4K soldiers in Iraq is akin to saying that FDR "killed" 6,000 soldiers on D-Day.

Both statements are just as false as they are retarded.  In both cases it was the enemy firing weapons and detonating bombs taht killed the soldiers.

with that lie.

How was it a lie?

It was all about oil.

Then where is the oil?  Why am I paying $4.26 a gallon for gas if Iraq was all about oil?

WHy is it that every Liberal...when they don't have anything intelligent or factually correct to say about a conflict involving the U.S. military blames it on oil?  You Libs did the same thing at the start of Afghanistan too.

You think you'd get tired of perpetuating this blatant falsehood.

Now, who the heck are we to tell another country how to run their government

To the victor goes the spoils.

And telling another country how to run their government has worked in the past...look at how well Japan and Germany recovered after we defeated them in war and told them what to do in establishing their post war governments.

when we have a Republican House which refuses to do any jobs bills for our veterans,


fund any of the VA hospitals,

The VA for the 5th consecutive year had a surplus.  They ended up with more money than they could spend for the fiscal year including this year.  And that's despite Obama funneling money from their budget to pay for the disaster that is Obamacare.

You have ZERO idea of what you're talking about.  Get your facts straight.

and refuse to raise wages to a liveable standard for Americans?

It's not their job AND it kowtowing to the unions as you want us to do would add even more misery to what has been almost 6 years of the shittiest economy on record.

You Progressives own the senaate the executive and the courts...why do you continue to blame the minority party in D.C> right now for your own party's feckless leadership?

What happened to the "pen and a phone"?
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline txradioguy

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2014, 02:36:24 AM »
I can't wait for libs to own this.

You could find yourself waiting a very VERY long time.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline obumazombie

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2014, 02:38:51 AM »
You could find yourself waiting a very VERY long time.
Not only that, they somehow always find a way to dump it into conservative's lap to fix.
They bring on the misery, and we have to be miserable.

« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 02:51:09 AM by obumazombie »
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline txradioguy

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2014, 02:39:04 AM »
Two question for Sam Dodd...

Who was in the WH and who botched the SOFA agreement with the Iraqi's that's allowed a resurgent Taliban and al Qaeda force to take three cities that AMerican blood was shed to liberate?

Who was it that just 18 short monts ago was boasting that al Qaeda was on the run?
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline obumazombie

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2014, 02:42:45 AM »
Two question for Sam Dodd...

Who was in the WH and who botched the SOFA agreement with the Iraqi's that's allowed a resurgent Taliban and al Qaeda force to take three cities that AMerican blood was shed to liberate?

Who was it that just 18 short monts ago was boasting that al Qaeda was on the run?

On the run to ambush our Embassy in Benghazi. But that was just a protest over a youtube video.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2014, 02:43:45 AM »
Not only that, they somehow always find a way to dump it into conservative's laps to fix.
They bring on the misery, and we have to be miserable.

Republicans/Conservatives will end up having to fix the Progressives **** ups of the last 10 a high cost of blood and treasure...and when it's done and things are put right again...the same people that screwed it up in the first place...requiring the necessary fix will run to the electorate and cry and moan about "the cost" and how we can't afford "the cost".

Same thing happened when W took office after Billy Jeff slithered away.  Clintoon left a decimated military force that was underfunded with old equipment and pay for the troops that hadn't kept up with inflation.  But it cost a lot of $$$$ to repar the damage.

The Dems hammered him for his "excessive" military budget.

Same thing is happening and will happen when Obama leaves office and the Republican president that replaces him has to yet again clean up the mess of his Progressive predecessor.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2014, 02:44:49 AM »
On the run to ambush our Embassy in Benghazi. But that was just a protest over a youtube video.

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2014, 07:18:21 AM »
Republicans/Conservatives will end up having to fix the Progressives **** ups of the last 10 a high cost of blood and treasure...and when it's done and things are put right again...the same people that screwed it up in the first place...requiring the necessary fix will run to the electorate and cry and moan about "the cost" and how we can't afford "the cost".

Same thing happened when W took office after Billy Jeff slithered away.  Clintoon left a decimated military force that was underfunded with old equipment and pay for the troops that hadn't kept up with inflation.  But it cost a lot of $$$$ to repar the damage.

The Dems hammered him for his "excessive" military budget.

Same thing is happening and will happen when Obama leaves office and the Republican president that replaces him has to yet again clean up the mess of his Progressive predecessor.

Proglodyte military agenda:

1) Surrender Iraq

2) Empty Gitmo

3) Ignore Congress in Libya

4) Abandon Americans to die in Libya

5) Trade Taliban heavy-hitters for a deserter; claim fellow soldiers are liars

6) Flounder in Syria

7) Bow to foreign governments

8) Attempt to disarm American people

9) Arm drug cartels to frame Americans

10) Kill veterans waiting for government healthcare

11) Use military bases to house flood of criminal immigrants

12) Gut military budget crippling the force

13) "Pivot" to counter China with same gutted force

14) Be repeatedly humiliated by Russia

15) Point snipers at American citizens

16) Claim act of terrorism and treason is simply "workplace violence;" deny Purple Heart awards from incident

17) Foot the bill for sex change operation for idiot fag

18) Count on military to suppress resulting civil insurrection

Can anyone spot the flaw in this plan?
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline txradioguy

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2014, 07:31:14 AM »

Can anyone spot the flaw in this plan?

The only flaw I see is #18.  That's not somethign the left should count on.

Other than that it's a Progressive/Taliban wet dream.
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline dutch508

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2014, 08:30:20 AM »
There are reports that the Embassy in Baghdad is preparing to evacuate if needs be and that the Radical Extreamists who's religion has nothing to do with anything are preparing to march on the city.

Barry's complete reversal of our victories in the middle east is almost complete.
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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2014, 11:16:57 AM »
The only flaw I see is #18.  That's not somethign the left should count on.

Other than that it's a Progressive/Taliban wet dream.

Hence why all these ABC agencies are buying up billions of rounds of ammunition and thousands of assault rifles.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

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Re: Tikrit falls. Bush's fault.
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2014, 05:52:14 PM »
Turning Iraq into a democracy and freeing the people from Saddam was Bush's dream.  He managed to kill over 4,000 Americans with that lie.  It was all about oil.

<blah, blah, blah>

So which is it, dummie?*  Was it Bush's dream about democracy or was it about oil?   

I'll leave the lie part to be debunked by others although I will give you a hint: Where did the Syrian WMD's come from?

*That spelling means a DU dummie. Not a regular dummy. A regular dummy actually has a function in life other than being a professional parasite.
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

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