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Cult of Hedonism and Death prepares its next Auto-de-Fe
« on: March 18, 2014, 09:47:35 AM »

me b zola (17,716 posts)

Another adoptee commits suicide: Fashion designer L'Wren Scott,girlfriend of Mick Jagger, found dea

Although we only hear about the famous, adoptees are four times a higher risk for suicide.

Let's stop there for a second and consider the intent of this statement.

Since adoptees are at higher risk the message is: adoption should be a last resort.

Am I missing some other meaning?

Okay, so let's take that same conclusion and apply it here:

Transgender study looks at 'exceptionally high' suicide-attempt rate

January 28, 2014|By Emily Alpert Reyes

A whopping 41% of people who are transgender or gender-nonconforming have attempted suicide sometime in their lives, nearly nine times the national average, according to a sweeping survey released three years ago.

One would not even dare to post this article in that thread because the outcry before the ban hammer would melt the internet.

But then the OP posts a news article then this graphic:

marshall (6,408 posts)

5. Obama and Clinton are two happy and successful adoptees

Both adopted by stepfathers who were also the fathers of their half siblings. They had struggles, but both turned out great!


...but we get what you're saying.

Your fellow proglodytes, however:

pnwmom (51,307 posts)

10. They are in a completely different position because they never lost their mothers.

They grew up knowing they were loved by a biological parent.

That is light years away from being adopted in a closed adoption, without any knowledge of who you came from and whether that person loves you or is even alive.

We have two adoptees in our extended family (one open and one closed adoption), and several adoptees among family members of close friends -- all products of closed adoptions. I speak from a lot of experience.

blueamy66 (6,115 posts)

15. I am an adoptee. So was my brother.

I grew up knowing that I was loved by my PARENTS.

YOU weren't adopted.

Wow, just wow.

I am so offended by what you wrote.

pnwmom (51,307 posts)

20. What was so offensive? Not everyone is as lucky as you.

According to research, most adoptees have some emotional difficulty dealing with their adoption at some point of another, and often during teenage years.

I have an adopted granddaughter whom we all love deeply -- but if she is sad someday that she lost her birth parents, we won't tell her she should be happy just to have us. We'll accept that no matter how much we love her, she could have real feelings of loss. And we'll do everything we can to let her know we understand how that must hurt, and that she'll always have us.

One good friend said as she grew up, over and over her adoptive mother said to her, "If you were my real daughter you wouldn't have done that." Can you imagine?

I'm glad for you that you have wonderful parents and no issues about your adoption. But not every adoptee feels the same way you do, even ones with wonderful parents. And we need to validate their feelings. It's not a sign of ingratitude if they feel loss. It's perfectly natural. They did experience a loss, not matter how wonderful their eventual family.

Is it just me or can you hear the gentle chanting of "Abortion. Abortion. Abortion." in the background?

StevieM (2,347 posts)

11. Clinton and Obama were not ripped from the breast of their mothers when they

were just infants. They did not have their entire heritage wiped out. Their life stories and origins were not hidden from them. Their records were not sealed away and replaced with a ridiculous forgery. (Although I guess Clinton's might have been). They were not denied access to, or knowledge of, their biological family members. They were not asked to be grateful that their original fathers were gone from their lives, or not to recognize them as relevant figures in their past or present. They weren't told their whole lives that the woman who gave life to them simply handed them off, and happily moved on with her life.

blueamy66 (6,115 posts)

17. So, I was 'RIPPED' from my mother's breast????

My entire heritage was wiped out?????

I was just simply handed off so that my birth mother could happily move on with her life?????

Another lovely post.


pnwmom (51,307 posts)

21. Why are you responding defensively? If your situation was better than it is for many,

then that's great. But, according to the research, most adoptees do feel the loss of their birth parents to a significant degree. And in the case of international adoptions, they have also lost ties to a culture.

blueamy66 (6,115 posts)

26. You don't find what was written to be offensive?

Reread what was posted. I wasn't ripped from my mother's breast. My mother didn't just hand me off so that she could happily move on with her life.

What don't you get?

pnwmom (51,307 posts)

31. No one said you were ripped from your mother's breast. Why are you taking this so personally?

We have a young woman living with us now who REMEMBERS being ripped away from her mother at the age of approximately three, and then living in an orphanage. And she was adopted into a family with an abusive parent. Bad things can happen. Not every adoption is ideal. Accept it.

blueamy66 (6,115 posts)

34. Um, read StevieM's post....

And no biological children are abused? Bad things can happen to any child, whatever their situation.

And on it goes.

pwnmom is a hideous piece of shit.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: Cult of Hedonism and Death prepares its next Auto-de-Fe
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2014, 10:00:18 AM »
Well, the DUmmies did mention 2 adoptees I could have gone with abortions for.....guess who they are and win a one way trip to state Continent of their birth.
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Re: Cult of Hedonism and Death prepares its next Auto-de-Fe
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2014, 10:02:25 AM »
And awayyyyy they go.    :catfight: :catfight:  :lmao:
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John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

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Re: Cult of Hedonism and Death prepares its next Auto-de-Fe
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2014, 11:04:01 AM »
Dude's got a point.  The suicide rate among successfully aborted folks has to be very low.  DUmmies aren't so good at being subtle.