Author Topic: Twisted sister: WH Seething, NE Joose to blame  (Read 461 times)

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Offline zeitgeist

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Twisted sister: WH Seething, NE Joose to blame
« on: January 10, 2014, 12:48:04 PM »

babylonsister (146,049 posts)
"The White House is seething, and they want everyone to know it."

Bob Menendez is a Problem

by BooMan
Thu Jan 9th, 2014 at 10:53:57 PM EST

Among elected officials from New Jersey, Governor Chris Christie is not the biggest asshole. That designation belongs to Sen. Bob Menendez, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, who is actively undermining the administration's foreign policy and making war much more likely with Iran. The White House is seething, and they want everyone to know it.

The White House on Thursday challenged a group of senators to admit they are working to push the country toward war with Iran, upping the tension between the administration and Senate advocates of tough new sanctions amid nuclear negotiations.

 "If certain members of Congress want the United States to take military action, they should be up front with the American public and say so," Bernadette Meehan, National Security Council spokeswoman, said in a statement. "Otherwise, it’s not clear why any member of Congress would support a bill that possibly closes the door on diplomacy and makes it more likely that the United States will have to choose between military options or allowing Iran’s nuclear program to proceed."

 The "certain members" the White House is referring to are led by Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), who is pushing legislation, backed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, that would tighten sanctions on the Iranian regime despite the ongoing negotiations.

Closing some lanes on the George Washington Bridge endangered some people's lives, but trying to push the United States into a shooting war with Iran could endanger millions of lives. Bob Menendez needs to be challenged in a primary and he needs to be defeated. The senators who are backing him on this need a major shot across the bow to warn them off their idiocy.

Here are their names: Cory Booker of New Jersey, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Bob Casey Jr. of Pennsylvania, Chris Coons of Delaware, Ben Cardin of Maryland, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Mark Warner of Virginia, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, and Mark Begich of Alaska.


Dayum now this could get interesting.  First a post about Scary Kerry  (who served in Vietnam) saving HILLARY!'s bacon,  This meme cannot stand.  :lmao:

 but then it degenerates into who is to blame?????

Hotler (3,935 posts)

10. "backed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee,"

If Israel want a war with Iran then let them fire the first shot. Let them send their people in to battle. let them pay for it all by their selves without our tax payer dollars.

Did you choose the Joose?? 
DU the Stormfront Alternative

Arkana (22,948 posts)
13. With the notable exception of a couple of them, every one of those Blue Dog pricks
are backstabbers and their names don't surprise me at all.
Schumer especially. He takes so much money from AIPAC I'm surprised he's not listed as (D-Tel Aviv).
D-Tel Aviv   :rotflmao:
< watch this space for coming distractions >

Offline Bad Dog

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Re: Twisted sister: WH Seething, NE Joose to blame
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2014, 01:22:39 PM »
Perhaps we could get Bob to give a little advice to John Boner about standing up for one's principals.

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: Twisted sister: WH Seething, NE Joose to blame
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2014, 01:39:55 PM »
Perhaps we could get Bob to give a little advice to John Boner about standing up for one's principals.

Don't kid yourself, a lot more of Menendez stands up for teen-age prostitutes than for any kind of principles.
Go and tell the Spartans, O traveler passing by
That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

Anything worth shooting once is worth shooting at least twice.

Offline Bad Dog

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Re: Twisted sister: WH Seething, NE Joose to blame
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2014, 01:47:22 PM »
Don't kid yourself, a lot more of Menendez stands up for teen-age prostitutes than for any kind of principles.

At this point I wouldn't care if Boner f***** goats.  I just want him to stand up to O'bungo on anything.

Offline Karin

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Re: Twisted sister: WH Seething, NE Joose to blame
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2014, 02:03:46 PM »
Oh they have their panties in a bunch over there.  They're calling and writing the senators.  I have bad news for you, DUmmies.  Chuck Schumer does not give a single solitary **** what any constituent of his thinks.