Author Topic: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award (undergroundpanther)  (Read 11412 times)

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Offline franksolich

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2013: the William Rivers Pitt award (undergroundpanther)
« on: December 20, 2013, 04:29:39 PM »
Congratulations to underground panther, winner of the 2013 William Rivers Pitt award, the “Willie,” for being one of the most-memorable primitives!

She had some pretty stiff competition, which included the late red round one, Fat Che, bobbolink, the bitter old Vermontese cali primitive, Pamela, poor stupid Beth, the big guy in Bellevue, the late Chief S itting Bull the bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive, the sparkling old dude, the late Tangerine LaBamba, and Melanie.

Some of them put up a pretty good contest, but in the end, she bested them all.

The subway cat joins in immortality Alan Grayson, cousin nadin, BouncyBall, the Bostonian Drunkard, and the lying tits primitive TomInTib, now forever enshrined as one of the greatest primitives, ever.

Okay, now to describe the subway cat.

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How does one possibly describe that which is indescribable, indefinable, unspeakable, ineffable, unutterable, inexpressive, incapable of being articulated?

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undergroundpanther Donating Member (1000+ posts) Fri Apr-07-06 11:26 PM

Ghost chickens and warnings

I used to have a pet rooster. He was the coolest bird ever.

I got him as a chick,he was a black cute chirpy puffball.I named him Blackie.Most chicks are yellow but Blackie stood out with his inky feathers.He grew up into a handsome jungle fowl rooster with 6 inch dagger like spurs on his ankles that were used against a bullying dog named chipper,who intimidated and chased my dog Mikey. Chipper never came in the yard after that because he feared Blackie...Blackie was a bit vain about his tail,which was beautiful grand display that had him strutting like a peacock to impress the ladies.I used to tell him he was such a hen heart-breaker with that tail.

Anyways I had him for around 7 years.He used to crow in the morning and he was so loud he'd wake me up for school.When I got home,I would snatch the cat, and we would crawl into the coop which held the rabbits and doves and chickens. I played my battery operated radio and pet everyone. My cat Rikki and Blackie would lay together sometimes.I could take this chicken anywhere.He would just perch on me. He came when called,He would fly up and perch on my arm if I asked him to. Sometimes he got so comfy resting in the crook of my arm he'd settle his head into my armpit and fall asleep... and he snored too..

I dunno if people understand how beautiful Chickens are.This is what Blackie looked like.He was a Jungle Fowl like this one..a kind of chicken native to Thiland and Asia. Except his Comb was the "Pea" style comb.

I dream of him once in awhile.Sometimes I see his spirit in a tree in the backyard,or walking around.I even saw him in the hospital along with my cat when I had surgery(pre-op)making sure all was ok.. I see his head bobbing back and forth out of the corner of my eye in the house too.I get messages from him. Here is one I had awhile ago and my thoughts on it.

Before the "Bird Flu" scare hit the news a few years ago I dreamed of Blackie. At first he was walking west into the sun. He walked past pits full of burnt and burning dead chickens. He walked to texas and to a veterinary lab facility there. I followed him. He led me to a bio lab where chickens were being tested or injected with something.I saw an image that looked like raspberries.He led me to factory farms filled to capacity with caged chickens that were traumatized and crazy from stress some were suicidal.. They got sick.I saw a few people getting sick from them.

The Chickens were angry and calling justice upon the people handling them in factory farms for mistreating them.Blackie warned me about Bird Flu,before it hit the news.I just didn't know it until after the fact..

It would be interesting to see if Bird Flu is bio-engineered.

Considering it is factory farms that are most guilty of spreading it,and it's small local farmers that treat their birds better who are getting their birds culled by their governments,and wild migratory birds being culled while factory farms are not so scrutinized continue to abuse chickens for profits .Anyways I think Blackie was trying to tell me why there is bird flu now. It's because factory farms abuse the chickens in their care and the chickens can't take it anymore.Also there is a spiritual reason.

I have had a habit of caring for injured birds and loving the birds and animals I meet.I thank the spirits of the animals that inhabited the bodies of whatever meat I am eating comes from,and I give them my appreciation.I offer them comfort if they show me images of their life and try to relate. I apologize for their suffering and tell the animal spirits that what is being done to them by factory farms is wrong...It seems they need to hear that acknowledgment,even if you cannot stop the'machine'they seem comforted to know not all humans are in denial..

I am very disgusted by corporate farms.And I am even more disgusted because of what animals have shown me. But I also realize if you are poor you don't have alot of options,the animals understand this when I tell them.The chickens seem to understand that too.But also they are saying they are being abused and they want every human to realize that and admit it is wrong. And so they are pushing back in their own way for a solution to their own suffering.

This is why there is a bird flu. It is a cry for justice.So if we will not stop corporate abuse of chickens or at least acknowledge that abuse of animals by corporations is wrong,than the chickens will use their powers to hurt us until we stop abusing them.This is what it has come to.

This is the gist of the messages I have gotten from Blackie about Bird flu.

He also asks for our appreciation & blessings for all chickens,and whatever other meat we eat and asks us for help for all animals mistreated by for profit corporations that think living beings are just products to use and abuse..

I saw Blackie again in a dream ,a few days ago,he asked me to tell people about the dreams. To tell them why and to warn them.

Blackie himself is torn up inside.. He knows people can be kind, he was giving me memories of snuggling with me, from a chickens perspective and it choked me up.And after that he showed me some asshole on a factory farm assembly line dumping a chicken that was not dead yet into a scalding tank,I saw this incident from that chickens point of view and it was horrific. I felt so sad after the fear wore off..

Blackie was saying he was confused about humans. He wants people to understand chickens have spirits too and they feel and they are not stupid. He told me the spirits of chickens at factory farms are in anguish they are confused and they linger around the Earth because they don't know what to do.They are angry and traumatized and they are causing problems because nobody cares about their spirits as if they don't have spirits. So they are stuck in a kind of limbo.

I think the Chickens are asking us to help them somehow,even if it is simple acknowledgment of the abuses that go on are wrong while we eat chicken and to help their spirits to go home..

In the most recent dream,Blackie showed me Maryland,he took me to Montgomery County ,He took me to Delaware too, somewhere on the eastern shore,and showed me in pictures that Bird Flu will be here this summer from the looks of the trees it looked like june or july..

So I'm putting this up here.For Blackie.

We need to help the chicken spirits go home.We need to help the chickens suffering here if we can.If we want to avoid being hit hard by the Bird Flu.

paragraphized by franksolich for ease of reading,38567

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Well, the above’s a start, but really, it doesn’t begin to describe her.

Briefly put, the subway cat’s in her late forties, and has never worked a day in her life, with a first-class ticket in the parlor car of the disability gravy train.  She alleges her late father messed her up.  She’s from, and lives in, the Baltimore area.  She has an ancient elderly mother and two older sisters, all of them sane.

The subway cat’s always wanted to be a boy, and assumed the process was started a few years ago, when surgeons knocked off her jugs.  (Being a male, I’m not sure here, but I’m under the impression surgeons sometimes do so if the likelihood of breast cancer is great; someone correct me if I’m wrong.)

But having done half the job, they never got around to doing the other half, leaving the subway cat in a great state of confusion, vexation, and anger.

The subway cat’s rather stout and bloated, probably from all the pharmaceuticals she takes.

There’s a thread in the DUmping Ground here, the “reference section” of the DUmpster:,82692.0.html

There’s lots and lots of links there, but no one’s expected to read them all; simply going to the link above and reading the titles gives one an idea…..

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In September of this year, the subway cat’s two older sisters finally managed to do what her ancient elderly mother had always wanted to do, but lacked the courage; they moved her into some sort of psychiatrically-supervised environment, where apparently she’s not allowed access to the internet, as the below was her last appearance on Skins’s island:

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undergroundpanther (11,684 posts)    Mon Sep 2, 2013, 10:50 PM

Just wanted to let y'all know..

I have been on DU mostly lurking,because I have been busy bigtime. And I've been coping with a good amount of back pain too.I think it might be going out of remission with all the moving stuff and stress.

I found a place,its a supervised housing arrangement. I can't have my cats or my snake there. But my sister is taking in Bear and Sparkle until I get section 8.My counselor has a vet freind who loves reptiles who can take in my girl,Kali and will return her when I get section 8. I know a place out here that accepts section 8 and accepts pets.That's probably where I'll be after my time in residential. I'm gonna miss my furry and scaly ones alot. I love them so.My sister said she will take care of them both for me. She promised I could see my cats often.At minimum once a week.

I just hope I can deal with staff and roomates ok,and that they can deal with me ok.I hope I can handle being without my constant other species companions.

Staff seems cool and the treatment team will be working closely with my therapist and counselor at my day program.

Most of my stuff I need is packed up and already in the room. I just got a few odds and ends to get as I move in, tomorrow.

Wish me luck.

paragraphized by franksolich for ease of reading,90525.0

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Well, that was it; the cats have probably long been given away to new homes, and the snake, well, whatever it is veterinarians do with snakes.

It’s obvious in the post that the subway cat was on good drugs, as the “tone” of the message was more mellow, laid-back, than she usually was.  She’s probably still on them, and perhaps has even forgotten that Skins’s island even exists.

Good for her; she’s finally where she belongs, off Skins’s island.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 06:46:36 AM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2013, 04:49:47 PM »
If her loving sisters referring to her new "home" as a "supervised housing arrangement" got her locked away in the nuthouse, then good. However, as far as primitives go, she is really no more nutty than any of them when it comes to not only displaying their seething anger and hatred of all things good and decent, but in understanding how the world works in general.

Congrats UGP!!  Wherever you are.

« Last Edit: December 20, 2013, 05:17:33 PM by USA4ME »
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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2013, 05:00:27 PM »
Boooo! Not half the loser as Bobo the Hobo.

No, wait...yes she is!  YAY!!1!11
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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2013, 05:13:54 PM »
Well. Is this our first award winner to get locked up in a nut house?

Offline franksolich

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2013, 05:15:13 PM »
Well. Is this our first award winner to get locked up in a nut house?

Probably not, but usually one doesn't boast about being locked up in a nuthouse, and so I imagine some have been, but we don't know about it.
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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2013, 05:19:36 PM »
Congrats to UGP!!! One of my favorite kooks in DUmmieLand!!!
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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2013, 05:41:50 PM »
May she celebrate with a fresh razor blade!  :cheersmate:

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2013, 05:54:47 PM »
Forgive me Frank. I was reading too fast and misread it. This is what I thought you wrote.

I would snatch the cat, and we would crawl into the coop which held the rabbits and doves and chickens. I played my battery operated dildo

Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #8 on: December 20, 2013, 06:54:33 PM »
For me it was a tough choice but I gave the fart box puncher Burch because his antics are not due to serious mental illness.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline USA4ME

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2013, 08:05:40 PM »
For me it was a tough choice but I gave the fart box puncher Burch because his antics are not due to serious mental illness.

I voted for Burch, too. He gained the nickname "Fister." But you have a lot of new people on this board who aren't familiar with some of the primitives from the 2004-2005-2006 era. I welcome them here, but they just don't know some of the older primitives that left years ago who were the building blocks of Skin's island.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2013, 08:41:30 PM »
Everything the UGP writes is crazyville. That's why she got my vote!

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2013, 08:44:48 PM »
I voted for Burch, too. He gained the nickname "Fister." But you have a lot of new people on this board who aren't familiar with some of the primitives from the 2004-2005-2006 era. I welcome them here, but they just don't know some of the older primitives that left years ago who were the building blocks of Skin's island.

Yeah.  Like the late Chief S itting Bull, the bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive, who's forever seared in this memory as the Greatest Primitive, Ever.

But as he was from an earlier era on Skins's island, maybe many here now wouldn't know him.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline franksolich

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2013, 08:47:40 PM »
Next up, some time tomorrow (Saturday), if I don't have to help corral cattle and fix fences in this beastly weather, the Steven Dawes award (for the primitive who was his own worst enemy) and the Robyn McGrath award (for the primitive whom one found laughably ridiculous and preposterous).

The winner of the "Steve" should be woefully obvious.

The winner of the "Rob" might be a surprise.
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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2013, 09:09:39 PM »
I seem to think that I voted for UGP for the Willie. :yahoo:
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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2013, 10:46:53 AM »
The UGP (ally cat) was fascinating.  I even read her FB page where she had a gay boyfriend and her goal in life was to become a gay male.  It's hard to understand the yearnings of a gale male lusting after another gay male while being trapped in a female body emblazoned with tattoos and body piercings.

It seems her departure from Skin's island was precipitated by being put into a straight jacket and carted off by the police.  Apparently she made the neighbors nervous during a confrontation while wielding a knife.  She may have only been acting out one of her psychotic episodes of panther fantasy, chasing the corporate killers of chickens, but in reality she is a danger to herself and to society at large.

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2013, 10:57:09 AM »
Congratulations UP  !!
You were voted worst of the worst most memorable.
Now you have nowhere to go but...UP.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2013, 04:41:06 PM »
Congrats UGP!!!! While you are pacing your cage at the fruit farm zoo, much like cat in The Panther... well like the panther that you think you are anyway... you can take some comfort that your DU name will live forever more in infamy.

Now what did you win?* Why a one way ticket to the panther habitat of your choice!!!! You will be free to roam and hunt for your dinner just like your black furry feline friends!!!! And just to make your transition to your natural habitat easier... we have a case of Friskies!!!!

Enjoy your life as a wild free roaming kitty, UGP!!!!

*As it was last year, to be eligible for the award the contestant must pass the eligibility requirements and meet the rules set forth by the person awarding the prize... which is me. Any contestant not meeting any of the criteria will not be awarded any prize.  Requirements may be obtained by asking for a copy.  Contestants not eligible in any state or country which prohibits such award. Any taxes resulting in the prize are the responsibility of the contestant.  I assume no liability whatsoever for any prize awarded or denied. Conservative Cave is not affiliated with any award.

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2013, 05:37:00 AM »
While my heart was with Beth, for me, what seals it for UGP is the pineapple juice episode. Wish I would've remembered to bookmark it.

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2013, 09:37:03 AM »
While I believe Pam Dawson is more deserving of this award, I don't begrudge UGP the win.

Few DUmmies have ever undergone extensive physical mutilation along with loss of freedom in pursuit of a year-end award and such an effort deserves recognition.

I still think Pam's strange face, reflecting the genetic accident that gave rise to her wacky DUmp performance, belongs on the DUmp's Mount Rushmore.

Most of today's voters probably weren't here to enjoy Pam's gut rot, her weird family, her pathological lying, and her all-around nuttiness.

Maybe we need an Old Timers' Committee like the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Offline franksolich

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2013, 09:41:47 AM »
Maybe we need an Old Timers' Committee like the Baseball Hall of Fame.

That's a dilemma I was thinking about.

Those of us who were around at the Creation, and hence know a larger cast of characters, are now outnumbered by those of us who weren't, who wouldn't possibly be aware of some of these earlier characters.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2013, 10:04:58 AM »
That's a dilemma I was thinking about.

Those of us who were around at the Creation, and hence know a larger cast of characters, are now outnumbered by those of us who weren't, who wouldn't possibly be aware of some of these earlier characters.

That's a real shame. Today's DUmmies can't hold their own against the DUmmies of old. The relics were unintentionally funny. The DUmp, as it is currently populated, have nothing but hate.
Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #21 on: December 22, 2013, 10:37:56 AM »
That's a real shame. Today's DUmmies can't hold their own against the DUmmies of old. The relics were unintentionally funny. The DUmp, as it is currently populated, have nothing but hate.

I'm thinking about next year, not having the Willie up for public nomination, but rather up for committee nomination.

If I were running things, I'd pick ten members who've been around Skins's island since God was a boy, and specificially and privately ask each of them to nominate one, getting maybe 6-7 good solid names (because there'd be duplications) of all-time primitives, and then have the people vote on those.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2013, 10:58:39 AM »
I'm thinking about next year, not having the Willie up for public nomination, but rather up for committee nomination.

If I were running things, I'd pick ten members who've been around Skins's island since God was a boy, and specificially and privately ask each of them to nominate one, getting maybe 6-7 good solid names (because there'd be duplications) of all-time primitives, and then have the people vote on those.

Redstone would still face the same delima of being unknown even after he made it past the primary.
Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2013, 11:21:53 AM »
I'm thinking that maybe I shouldn't have voted.  I confused the bullies and the antis.  I also thought the awards were for what was done in 2013 instead of a culmination of past antics.  Sorry guys.
I've known some pathological liars in my time, but 0 takes the prize.

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Re: 2013: the William Rivers Pitt award
« Reply #24 on: December 22, 2013, 11:24:37 AM »
I'm thinking that maybe I shouldn't have voted.  I confused the bullies and the antis.  I also thought the awards were for what was done in 2013 instead of a culmination of past antics.  Sorry guys.

All the awards but the Willie are based upon how well a primitive performed during the past year.

The Willie's the exception; its real name is the "Lifetime Achievement Award," and it covers any primitive from January 20, 2001 onward.
apres moi, le deluge