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Offline The Night Owl

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #50 on: January 20, 2008, 03:29:56 PM »

So we can both agree you naming Jim Rassman and Jerry Leeds, without knowing the political ideology of either man, is pointless?

No, I think you can reasonably assume that Jim Rassman and Jerry Leeds are not liberals.
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Offline Lord Undies

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #51 on: January 20, 2008, 03:41:13 PM »

So we can both agree you naming Jim Rassman and Jerry Leeds, without knowing the political ideology of either man, is pointless?

No, I think you can reasonably assume that Jim Rassman and Jerry Leeds are not liberals.

I don't find that reasonable at all.  I have demonstrated how being a registered member of one party of the other is meaningless.  You have admitted you know nothing about the men.   

We know, by your words, the men have backed John Kerry, a card-carrying liberal who has shown himself to be a lair and anti-American scum.  The only thing we know for sure is they support the liberal John Kerry, if we take you seriously.  That one and only known fact should be from where we draw our conclusions. 

No, I don't find the assumption Rassman and Leeds are not liberals to be reasonably at all.

Offline Jack Pott

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #52 on: January 21, 2008, 06:33:24 AM »
And yet it's been two months and Kerry has yet to dispute one of the claims.

How long were we supposed to wait?  I mean, if it were me, even if I were rich, I sure could use an extra milliion bucks.

I know. It's been too long. If he thinks he can disprove the allegations, then it shouldn't take this long. On the other hand, the SBVT didn't provide concrete proof to support their allegations, or did they? I think one of them even admitted that they had no documentation to support the claims. BUT, Kerry took the challenge, which means the burden of proof is on him...

The fact of the matter is that if the POS from Mass could disprove the claims...he'd have done it within the first two weeks of the original claims 4 years ago.

He didn't.  Signing an SF-180 would open up too many more questions that he's uncomfortable having to answer and would ruin what little is left of his "war hero" image.

He hasn't taken on any challenge...he's done everything he can to avoid it.

The fact that ANYONE would still try to defend this jackass boggles my mind.

What if Kerry can FINALLY disprove the allegations? I wanted him to do it 4 years ago and I was very disappointed that he didn't do it...

Offline Jack Pott

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #53 on: January 21, 2008, 06:40:29 AM »
There is an actual Swift Boater over at CU that I've talked to about Kerry.  The guy served with him.

I'll take his word over Kerry's or one of his defenders ANY day of the week.

Do you mean Terry Boone (Or "MT Boone")? He didn't serve with Kerry. By "didn't serve with Kerry" I mean he wasn't Kerry's crewmate (I'd like to know if he was even near Kerry during the incidents that led to his medals). I once talked to Mr. Boone. He said John O'Neill (the leader of the SBVT) told him that he was in Cambodia. I told Mr. Boone that O'Neill told the American people on TV that he was never in Cambodia. That means either O'Neill lied to Mr. Boone or to the American people.

Only one member of the SBVT served with Kerry and he was Steve Gardner. He said Kerry lied about being in Cambodia and that Kerry's boat was nowhere near Cambodia. Kerry's other crewmates (I don't remember their names) said they were very near the border. 

Oh and then read this:

Kerry's campaign has also admitted that his first Purple Heart — from December 2, 1968 — was probably not from action under hostile fire, but was from a self-inflicted wound caused by a small shred of shrapnel from a grenade Kerry himself launched at an unseen target.


John Kerry is pond scum who I wouldn't cross the street to spit on if he were on fire.   War hero my ass.

The allegation above was based on a statement made by a guy named William Schachte. He said he was with Kerry and that Kerry's wound was self-inflicted. There's only one problem. Kerry's other crewmates (Pat Runyon and Bill Zaladonis) said Schachte was not with them on Kerry's boat. So the question is: How does Schachte know Kerry's wound was self-inflicted if he wasn't with Kerry (Unfit for Command says very clearly that Schachte was with Kerry on his boat)?

« Last Edit: January 21, 2008, 08:49:43 AM by Jack Pott »

Offline TheSarge

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2008, 02:14:48 PM »
That would depend.  Are these men liberals too?  Liberals lie.  Liberals lie all the time.  It is how their ideology survives.

I don't know. I do know, however, that at least two of the men who were involved in the incident which earned John Kerry the Silver Star, Jim Rassman and Jerry Leeds, are both registered Republicans who lauded him for his service.

I will take the word of Terry Boone about Kerry over any of this pot stirring crap you're trying to throw up on the wall here to see if it sticks.

If John Kerry was so damn concerned with his "record" he'd have come clean and ended this debate when if first came out FOUR YEARS AGO.

But he can't do that because it would leave more questions to be asked than it solves.
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The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years.  The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline formerlurker

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #55 on: February 17, 2008, 05:53:14 PM »
The allegation above was based on a statement made by a guy named William Schachte. He said he was with Kerry and that Kerry's wound was self-inflicted. There's only one problem. Kerry's other crewmates (Pat Runyon and Bill Zaladonis) said Schachte was not with them on Kerry's boat. So the question is: How does Schachte know Kerry's wound was self-inflicted if he wasn't with Kerry (Unfit for Command says very clearly that Schachte was with Kerry on his boat)?

One of John Kerry's superior officers disputes the circumstances Kerry claims led to the awarding of his first Purple Heart
-- interview by Lisa Myers of NBC:

Myers: When did you first meet John Kerry?

Adm. William Schachte (U.S. Navy, ret.): In Vietnam in 1968. I was – like everyone, by the way, serving on small boats in combat in Vietnam – I was a volunteer. When John reported aboard, I was then the lieutenant and the senior, second in command officer of Coastal Division 14. I was also the operations officer, and John reported sometime in mid-November – as an officer in charge under training. And that's the first time I met him.

Myers: And so you were his superior?

Schachte: Yeah, I was one of his superiors, yes.

Myers: And how long did you serve with Senator Kerry?

Schachte: Until he left our area; I believe it was the 4th of December [1968] or so.

Myers: So for a period of roughly how long?

Schachte: Well, a couple of weeks. Several weeks. But he was out on patrol and I was with him one night in particular – in the skimmer [Note: Schachte claims the date of that night was 12/02/68, the same date listed in military records for the incident that earned Kerry his first Purple Heart; “skimmer” is a type of small water craft used by U.S. forces in Vietnam].Which was the subject of that first matter concerning his Purple Heart…

I had been a patrolling officer and when I became the operations officer and the number two in command, it was subsequent to the bombing halt announced by President Johnson. We got orders to turn up the heat, try to be more aggressive, do things differently. And I conceived an operation – it became known as ‘skimmer ops.’ Very simple operation – we had a 15-foot Boston whaler. We would send that boat into ‘hot’ areas… The operation was very simple. The boat was to go into these areas and, by the way, I must mention that these areas were all non-population areas, not near any villages or anything else. We knew if anybody or anyone were around, they were enemy. We would go in, draw fire and get out immediately. Let others – swift boats standing off or maybe air support come in and take care of the enemy forces… ["swift boat" was the common name for Patrol Craft Fast vessels (PCFs) used by the U.S. Navy in Vietnam]

Myers: So you were basically trying to smoke out the enemy?

Schachte: Yes. Bait 'em, if you will. We had these boats. We had an M-60 machine gun forward, an M-16 mounted with a starlight scope. On a hazy night, a badly overcast night, we had a M-14 mounted with an infra-red. M-79 grenade launcher – those were single-launch launchers in those days. Flares…an FM radio. And we, in addition to our combat gear – helmets, flak-jackets and what-not – we had .38-caliber pistols. I usually carried one. A lot of times different folks didn't want to carry them…

The boats were manned by two officers and one enlisted person. Officers because officers were briefed daily. We had daily intelligence briefings seven days a week, with the latest intelligence from the area. Or in the patrolling boat – officers would come back and debrief their area. So, the officers had a good feel for everything that was going in our area of operation and our sectors.

The enlisted person operated the motor. Now, this was my idea. And I went on each one of these – in command of each one that we did up to and including the night with Lieutenant Junior Grade Kerry.

I did that because it was my idea and people volunteered for this. And I didn't think it was right having one of these operations and being on a swift boat or back at Operations Center or something like that.

Myers: Because you thought it was a dangerous operation?

Schachte: Yes, and I had to be a part of it. It was my idea. The night in question, we-- as always, the swift boat would tow the skimmer out to the designated area. And we would board the skimmer. This night our call sign was ‘Batman.’ I got into the boat. My weapon was forward – the M-60 machine gun. John got in the boat. I don't remember who the enlisted person was. We then proceeded to the designated area. The swift boat would stay off, sometimes out of sight, sometimes not. But far enough away that they could ride shotgun on the mission.

Providing, also, long-ranged communications. All we had was this FM radio. We would then go into an area and as we did this night, shut the motor down and just drift. And we would drift along the shoreline or river bank or whatever it happened to be – looking for movement, or listening for sounds of movement. This night, we were in an area – I recall we were so close to the beach you could actually hear the water lapping on the shoreline. It was between two and three in the morning – I don't remember. I detected what I thought was some movement. So, I took one of the hand-held flares and popped it instantly. It went up and when it burst – I don't know if you've heard that described, but it really lights up the area. I thought I saw the same area of movement. So, I opened up on it with my M-60.

Those guns were double loaded with tracers – Tango India, target identification. And John, right after I opened up, opened up with his M-16 and I could see he was firing in the direction of my tracer fire, which is why we had the double-loaded tracer. My gun jammed after the first burst and as I was trying to clear my weapon – John's gun apparently jammed too because he wouldn't fire anymore – I heard the old familiar, ‘thump’ – ‘POW!’. And I looked, and John had fired the M-79 grenade launcher.

We were receiving NO fire from the beach. There were no muzzle flashes. The water wasn't boiling around the boat as it were – and the only noise was the noise we were making. So, I told the boat operator – the motor operator – to, you know, ‘let's leave the area.’ And we did, went back to port, eventually – went back to the swift boat and went back to port. And that morning, I went in and debriefed my commanding officer – our division commander, then Lieutenant Commander [Grant] ‘Skip’ Hibbard.

And I told him what happened. And I told him I was NOT going to be filing an after-action report, which is required if you have enemy action, because we had no enemy action. And I also after giving him all the details and I said, ‘Oh, by the way – ’ and I don't remember my exact words – ‘John nicked himself with the M-79.’ Those M-79s, by the way, have a kill radius of about five meters. A little over five yards. But, there is a shrapnel area beyond that. And that's what happened. And I was upset because that could have gone in somebody's eye and so on and so forth.

The division commander said, ‘Fine, understand – no after-action report required.’ Then, I found out that John had come in. And then I went back into a meeting and he had this small piece of shrapnel in his hand and he was requesting a Purple Heart. I was opposed to that. The division commander was opposed to that.

And John left our division four or five days later. I departed country maybe three weeks later. Skip left a few days after I left. So, we were all gone. And I forgot about it. Until some years later, someone told me – and I don't recall who – to my surprise, John had been awarded a Purple Heart for that incident.

Fine, I felt I did my duty that night and that morning and it didn't bother me. And that's the way things were until about 20 years or so later. I was then an Admiral and I was in uniform – didn't have my hat on; I'd left that someplace in an office I was visiting. I was in the basement of the Senate Russell Office Building. And you have this subway system in the Capitol. I was waiting for a subway with a friend.

And he pointed – ‘Look, that's Senator Kerry over there.’ And I said, ‘I know him.’ And he said, ‘You do?’ And I hadn't seen or talked with John since Vietnam. And I guess I embarrassed my friend because I said, ‘Hey, John!’ Just like that. Well, he turned around, looked at me – it's about 20 paces away – and he kind of strolled over to me. And that call sign that night, if I haven't mentioned it, was ‘Batman.’ I think I have. But, John walked over to me and got kind of close and he said, ‘Batman.’ And I was really impressed that he had that degree of recall. And, of course, we exchanged pleasantries. And we were going to do lunch. And, of course, we never did. And that was the last time I've seen him in person or been with him. And that went on. I retired – so on and so forth. And this March, I got a phone call from one of my swift boat colleagues, ‘have you seen Tour of Duty?’ [the book,Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War, by Douglas Brinkley (William Morrow, 2004)]

And I said, ‘No, I certainly haven't.’ …And he said, ‘Well, let me at least fax you these pages about an incident that we all you know you got personal information on and so on and so forth.’ So, I said, ‘Fine.’ And he did. And I looked at that fax and read his account – and I was astonished. I'm not in the boat. The sampan issue and people and he's firing the hand-held grenade and so on and so forth. [note: the account of the incident attributed to Kerry in Brinkley’s book describes the mission encountering people in sampan vessels; Schachte recalls seeing no people or vessels]

One other point: John was new in-country. He'd never been in a firefight. We never would – anybody with any combat experience will tell you – you would never assign somebody like that to an ambush mission like this, endangering, you know, other people if you didn't have some degree of experience.

We always had two officers in the boat.

No after-action report – no fire received and so and so forth. Well, I thank my friend for sending me that information. But, I told him, ‘Look, I'm not going to get involved in this.’ You know, and I've heard from them and different people that they had a number of eyewitness reports on different things. And I just didn't want to expose my family to all of that. And I kind of maintained that posture – I'm not a member of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth…

Myers: …are you saying that John Kerry accidentally injured himself?

Schachte: Yes. Clear-- of course, it was an accident.

Myers: That there was no enemy fire?

Schachte: There was no enemy fire – no after- action report, no muzzle flashes – nothing. No return fire from the beach at all.

Myers: So, in your view, he did not deserve the Purple Heart?

Schachte: That's what I told my commanding officer at the time.

Myers: And your commanding officer felt what?

Schachte: He agreed with me, after I related the story.

Myers: So, if you didn't support a Purple Heart and your commanding officer did not put in Kerry for a Purple Heart, how did he get it?

Schachte: You'll have to ask him. I don't know. And after– like I say, I had done my duty. It was over. I didn't care. I mean, that was not my issue. I was doing other things with my life.

Myers: Here's how John Kerry has described what happened that night. Quote: ‘My M-16 jammed and as I bent down in the boat to grab another gun, a stinging piece of heat socked into my arm.’ Is that accurate?

Schachte: It's accurate that his gun jammed, but it's not accurate (LAUGHS) that he was reaching something. He had already fired the M-79.

Myers: And that's what injured him?

Schachte: Yes.

Myers: It was an accidentally, self-inflicted wound?

Schachte: Yes, right. Which could have been very dangerous to any of the other two of us in that boat.

Myers: If you both were firing weapons, how can you be absolutely certain that there was no enemy fire that hit John Kerry that night?

Schachte: Because when both guns jammed after the first burst, there was this moment of eerie silence until I heard the M-79 go off and the subsequent – almost immediate explosion from that weapon. And if you were there, (LAUGHS) you would know if you're being shot at, believe me.

Myers: …So what happens when you all return from the mission?

Schachte: We went back. I reported to the division commander. I debriefed him on what had happened that evening, earlier that morning. And that I was not going to file an after-action report because there was no enemy action. We received no fire from the beach and that John had gotten nicked from a round at – I don't remember my exact words. But, John had gotten nicked from an M-79 that he fired too close to the boat.

Myers: And there was no enemy fire involved?

Schachte: None.

Myers: Period?

Schachte: Yes.

Myers: You're absolutely certain?

Schachte: Yes.

Myers: 36 years later?

Schachte: Hey, listen, when somebody's shooting at you [LAUGHS], you know it. There was no – and some of the reasons you remember these things is because the starkness of what happens while that's going on…

Myers: You seem to be saying that John Kerry lied then and is lying today. That's a very serious charge. What proof do you have?

Schachte: The only thing that I can tell you – several things – number one, no after-action report, which would have been required. I was in command of those missions and I was in the boat that night. We always had two officers in the boat that night-- in the boat when we did those operations, and an enlisted man on the motor. I saw no muzzle flashes or anything else. Now, that's what I saw. And it's not for me to judge what other people are going to think about that. That's up to other people.

Myers: But, you are, in a sense, saying Senator Kerry is lying and did not deserve his first Purple [Heart].

Schachte: I'm saying that he did not deserve the first Purple Heart from what I saw. You can characterize it anyway you want. But, I'm not going to say that.

Myers: Do you believe that John Kerry served honorably in Vietnam?

Schachte: Listen, everybody in that combat environment, as I said earlier, were all volunteers. I was only with him for this very small piece of that truncated tour that he had. I can only speak to what I saw that night and what-not. You have to ask others that spent more time with him. I couldn't give a judgment on something like that.

Myers: But, based on what you saw, do you believe John Kerry served honorably?

Schachte: From that night, from that incident, I would say that John Kerry sought a Purple Heart that was turned down that he later got. How he got it -- I don't have a clue….

Myers: Do you believe that John Kerry showed courage?

Schachte: Listen, anybody on any of those boats at any time – I was there, we were there for Tet [1968 Tet Offensive by North Vietnam and Vietcong forces], and further times – you don't-- you don't show up on the boat if-- unless you've got a little bit of that in you.

Myers: Courage?

Schachte: Yes.

Myers: So, you're not saying that John Kerry was not courageous?

Schachte: No.

Myers: Or that he did not serve honorably?

Schachte: I can't judge that. All I can tell you about is that very brief period that I was with him on.

Myers: You say…that John Kerry was so new to country, there's no way you could have sent him out on a mission by himself?

Schachte: Yeah, not alone – in charge – no, uh-uh [negative].

Myers: Can you remember the name of the enlisted man that was with him?

Schachte: No. I really can't.

Myers: But, you're absolutely certain that John Kerry would not have been -- never have been sent off in–

Schachte: Listen, my boss would not have permitted that and neither would the chain of command. You just don't DO that on a mission on an ambush operation like this that's, um, dangerous, that dangerous. It's not fair to the person to put him in that situation. And it's not a situation of absolute necessity. We were just trying to turn the heat up. And that's why we sought volunteers. And that's why I went as a volunteer myself on these missions.

Myers: And John Kerry volunteered for that mission?

Schachte: Yep.

Myers: …What proof do you have that you were actually in that boat that night?

Schachte: Well, my report back to the division commander, the fact that we had officers in those boats, the fact that I was in the boat for those that we did up to and including that evening. And what I saw.

Myers: But, there's no documentation.

Schachte: No, listen, we're in a wartime environment. We didn't write up doctrines and stuff. We made the necessary reports – if you had a Casualty Report, After-Action Report, Operational Status of the Boats [Report], whether they were combat ready or not. I was responsible for all that as the operations officer. But, those are the kinds of things that we kept record of, records of.

Myers: And there would not have been any damage report on that...

Schachte: Correct, there was none-- yeah.

Myers: The thing a lot of people are going to be asking Admiral is, it's been 35 years--

Schachte: Mm-hmm [affirmative].

Myers: Why speak out now in the heat of a presidential campaign?

Schachte: Well, the timing is something that's driven by the publication of Tour of Duty. As far as the timing is concerned, that was the precipitating thing that got those of us who were eyewitnesses, who served with John Kerry in Vietnam – made us aware of-- of what he was saying. I was not interviewed by anybody for that book. Nor do I know anybody of my colleagues that were interviewed.

I'm non-partisan. Listen, I have voted Democrat, Republican. I voted for President Clinton the first time he ran. And I know what you're talking about. That has nothing to do-- this is not a partisan issue. This is an issue of people stepping forward to tell their facts as they saw them.

Myers: John Kerry and two enlisted men insist they were on the boat that night and you were not. Why should we believe you?

Schachte: …there are two officers on each boat, each time we did one of these missions. I reported to the division command. I think he [then-Lt. Cmdr. Grant Hibbard, Coastal Division 14] has been public with a sworn affidavit [released by the organization Swift Boat Veterans for Truth] as to my coming in to him and telling him what happened…

Offline formerlurker

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2008, 06:10:26 PM »
That would depend.  Are these men liberals too?  Liberals lie.  Liberals lie all the time.  It is how their ideology survives.

I don't know. I do know, however, that at least two of the men who were involved in the incident which earned John Kerry the Silver Star, Jim Rassman and Jerry Leeds, are both registered Republicans who lauded him for his service.

Which story of Rassman's are we supposed to believe again?

Former Lieutenant John Kerry was reunited today with fellow Vietnam veteran Jim Rassman, who says Kerry saved his life during combat.
On March 13, 1969, Rassman, a Green Beret, was traveling down the Bay Hap river in a boat behind Kerry's when both were ambushed by exploding land mines and enemy fire coming from the shore. Kerry was hit in the arm, while a mine blew Rassman's boat out of the water. With enemy fire coming from both sides of the river and swift boats evacuating from the area, Kerry's crew chose to turn their boat toward the ambush to save Rassman.


While returning from a SEA LORDS operation along the Bay Hap River, a mine detonated under another swift boat. Machine-gun fire erupted from both banks of the river, and a second explosion followed moments later. The second blast blew me off John's swift boat, PCF-94, throwing me into the river. Fearing that the other boats would run me over, I swam to the bottom of the river and stayed there as long as I could hold my breath.

You let us know so we can comment further on his credibility....

Offline The Night Owl

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #57 on: February 17, 2008, 06:24:43 PM »
That would depend.  Are these men liberals too?  Liberals lie.  Liberals lie all the time.  It is how their ideology survives.

I don't know. I do know, however, that at least two of the men who were involved in the incident which earned John Kerry the Silver Star, Jim Rassman and Jerry Leeds, are both registered Republicans who lauded him for his service.

Which story of Rassman's are we supposed to believe again?

Former Lieutenant John Kerry was reunited today with fellow Vietnam veteran Jim Rassman, who says Kerry saved his life during combat.
On March 13, 1969, Rassman, a Green Beret, was traveling down the Bay Hap river in a boat behind Kerry's when both were ambushed by exploding land mines and enemy fire coming from the shore. Kerry was hit in the arm, while a mine blew Rassman's boat out of the water. With enemy fire coming from both sides of the river and swift boats evacuating from the area, Kerry's crew chose to turn their boat toward the ambush to save Rassman.


While returning from a SEA LORDS operation along the Bay Hap River, a mine detonated under another swift boat. Machine-gun fire erupted from both banks of the river, and a second explosion followed moments later. The second blast blew me off John's swift boat, PCF-94, throwing me into the river. Fearing that the other boats would run me over, I swam to the bottom of the river and stayed there as long as I could hold my breath.

You let us know so we can comment further on his credibility....

The Wall Street Journal article you cite was written by Jim Rassmann so obviously you should consider that one to be the authoritative account. Did you really need to ask?

« Last Edit: February 17, 2008, 06:31:16 PM by The Night Owl »
Ubi Dubium Ibi Libertas

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2008, 06:56:48 PM »
One of John Kerry's superior officers disputes the circumstances Kerry claims led to the awarding of his first Purple Heart
-- interview by Lisa Myers of NBC:

William Schachte's claim that he was on John Kerry's boat during the incident which earned Kerry a Purple Heart is contradicted by two men...
Ubi Dubium Ibi Libertas

Offline formerlurker

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #59 on: February 17, 2008, 07:18:18 PM »
That would depend.  Are these men liberals too?  Liberals lie.  Liberals lie all the time.  It is how their ideology survives.

I don't know. I do know, however, that at least two of the men who were involved in the incident which earned John Kerry the Silver Star, Jim Rassman and Jerry Leeds, are both registered Republicans who lauded him for his service.

Which story of Rassman's are we supposed to believe again?

Former Lieutenant John Kerry was reunited today with fellow Vietnam veteran Jim Rassman, who says Kerry saved his life during combat.
On March 13, 1969, Rassman, a Green Beret, was traveling down the Bay Hap river in a boat behind Kerry's when both were ambushed by exploding land mines and enemy fire coming from the shore. Kerry was hit in the arm, while a mine blew Rassman's boat out of the water. With enemy fire coming from both sides of the river and swift boats evacuating from the area, Kerry's crew chose to turn their boat toward the ambush to save Rassman.


While returning from a SEA LORDS operation along the Bay Hap River, a mine detonated under another swift boat. Machine-gun fire erupted from both banks of the river, and a second explosion followed moments later. The second blast blew me off John's swift boat, PCF-94, throwing me into the river. Fearing that the other boats would run me over, I swam to the bottom of the river and stayed there as long as I could hold my breath.

You let us know so we can comment further on his credibility....

The Wall Street Journal article you cite was written by Jim Rassmann so obviously you should consider that one to be the authoritative account. Did you really need to ask?

Oh of course -- never mind the prior accounts.

Read this, to ascertain the credibility of the "authoritative account."

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #60 on: February 17, 2008, 07:31:25 PM »
One of John Kerry's superior officers disputes the circumstances Kerry claims led to the awarding of his first Purple Heart
-- interview by Lisa Myers of NBC:

William Schachte's claim that he was on John Kerry's boat during the incident which earned Kerry a Purple Heart is contradicted by two men...

According to the Times account: "Bill Schachte was not on that skimmer," Mr. Kerry says firmly. "He was not on that skimmer. It is a lie to suggest that he was out there on that skimmer... .The three guys who in fact were in the boat all say he wasn't there and will tell you he wasn't there. We know he wasn't there, and we have all kinds of ways of proving it."

Let's take a look at the "all kinds of ways." One of the "ways" would be for Kerry to disclose how he was ordered on this mission and by whom, but he has never done so. According to Coastal Division 14 commander Hibbard, every mission was assigned by Schachte. Does Kerry expect us to believe Schachte assigned him, in the face of his and Hibbard's statements, and they are both lying about it?

In that case, who was in command of the Kerry mission and where is the after action report? Does Kerry claim that as a trainee he was placed in command over an experienced Swift boat commander with his own boat like Mike Voss? Kerry hasn't told us about that either. And what about Mike Voss's statement to Lisa Myers of NBC that "I'm pretty certain Schachte was there in the skimmer?"

Certainly, training on the M-60 seems to have been essential enough to operations officer Schachte to have three officers grubbing around in the dirt training with an M-60 the afternoon of their night mission. But Patrick Runyon, one of Kerry's claimed crew, honestly admits he "was never trained on one." Runyon said that on the mission with Kerry, he and Zaladonis traded off on running the boat and manning the M-60. William Zaladonis isn't sure he agrees with Runyon about the trade off, but claimed to me that he was trained on an M-60 at Swift Boat School in California by the Marines at Camp Pendleton. My survey of over a dozen attendees, both pro and anti-Kerry, finds none who trained at Pendleton.

What about the mission itself on December 2-3 1968? Schachte reports that after creeping around the shoreline of empty Nha Trang Bay in the dark and finding nothing, he thought he saw movement on shore around 3AM, popped a parachute flare, and fired his M-60 where he saw the movement until it jammed while Kerry fired his M-16. When Kerry's M-16 stopped, Schachte heard the distinctive "POW" of an M-79 grenade launcher. Now they had made such a spectacular son et lumiere announcement of their once secret mission, Schachte decided to get out of there, back to Voss's supporting Swift boat, and home. The mission was a bust. No enemy action, not even the sighting of enemy, with rookie Kerry claiming he had been wounded in the arm and demanding his purple heart.

Kerry and his men describe a magical mystery tour - that same night and that same time in a parallel universe - in a traffic-jammed Nha Trang Bay that apparently had scheduled a starlight sampan regatta that evening. According to Kerry's account to Brinkley, "Most of the night had been spent being scared shitless by fishermen whom we would suddenly creep up on out of the darkness..." In Brinkley's summary, "For the next four hours Kerry's Boston Whaler, using paddles, brought boatloads of fisherman they found in sampans... back to the Swift. It was tiring work."

"Tiring work?" If you ever tried to paddle an almost 15-foot long Boston Whaler with three in crew, loaded with arms, ammunition, and a bunch of jabbering Vietnamese fishermen crammed onboard, 2 ½ miles out to a Swift boat a number of times in monsoon seas you would enthusiastically agree and want to shoot the idiot who refused to use the engine.

But wait a minute... . Didn't Kerry point to the phony "photograph of the skimmer being towed behind his Swift boat, insisting that it could barely fit three people, himself and two others"?

How many Vietnamese fishermen can you put on an armed skimmer with a three-man crew and still paddle miles out to a Swift boat without swamping it in a heavy monsoon chop? According to my interview with Bill Zaladonis, "three to four." Why do this? According to Zaladonis's interview with Lisa Myers, "I assume they were interrogating them - turning them loose or whatever." "Whatever," indeed.

And there's more. After four hours of playing galley slave for the U.S. Navy, "Suddenly it was scary as hell," according to Kerry in Brinkley. A group "of five or six sampans" (according to Zaladonis in Myers) glide into Kerry's starlight scope, beach their craft, and once Kerry pops a flare Brinkley says "they sprang for cover like a herd of panicked gazelles Kerry had once seen on Wild Kingdom."

And the wild rumpus commenced. "The air was full of explosions," Kerry and crew ran like hell strafing the shore as they went, Kerry experiences his wounding, and heads back to the Swift boat and home. Neither of his claimed crew members confirmed any enemy fire, yet they both "assumed" Kerry had been wounded by it. Curiouser and curiouser.

Kerry's summary of the mission? Here is what he told Tim Russert on "Meet the Press":

"We were in combat. We were in a very, very--probably one of the most frightening--if you ask anybody who was with me, the two guys who were with me, was probably the most frightening night that they had that they were in Vietnam... ."
Kerry in TOUR OF DUTY:

"It was a half-assed action that hardly qualified as combat, but it was my first... . ... [A] minor skirmish, but since I couldn't put my finger on what we really accomplished or on what had happened, it was difficult to feel satisfied. "
Finally, Kerry in TOUR OF DUTY a la recherche... from his "journal" nine days after "whatever" happened in Na Trang Bay:

"A cocky feeling of invincibility accompanied us up the Long Tau shipping channel because we hadn't been shot at yet, and Americans at war who haven't been shot at are allowed to be cocky."
Take your pick.

Poor Schachte, who had had a boring evening ending in a blown mission - somehow in the same time and place in that parallel universe to Kerry's "frightening" magical mystery tour - got debriefed by the Coastal Division 14 commander Hibbard, filed no after action report since there was no enemy action, told Hibbard Kerry wanted a Purple Heart, and hit the sack, mildly disgusted.

Kerry got back in the same time and same place, and filed no after action report. Neither did Mike Voss, despite an action as described by Kerry that certainly merited one and would have guaranteed him an automatic purple heart with no problems with either Hibbard or Schachte had he filed one. In fact, according to Hibbard, it would have been the only after action report filed on one of Schachte's skimmer missions which weren't as effective as he and Schachte had hoped. Schachte disagrees and is convinced there must have been "one or two."

Kerry reported to Navy doctor Louis Letson the next morning after duty hours began at 8 AM. Schachte had told him, "No enemy action, no purple heart." Kerry's appeal to Hibbard brought the rejoinder "I have seen rose thorn injuries worse than that. No enemy action, no purple heart." Surely a doctor would be more understanding, not that it mattered. Only Kerry's direct commanders could approve the award.

Kerry lay down on Letson's examination table and told Letson: "We were involved in a fire fight and we received fire from shore." One of the four or five men hanging around the dispensary out of Kerry's sight lowered his head and began to wag an emphatic "no" and stifle a laugh. Letson found ¼ inch fragment sticking out of Kerry's upper arm. It looked like wire about the diameter of a toothpick, he pulled it out with his forceps and flipped it with a tiny "klink" into a steel basin held by his Hospitalman, Jesus Carreon, to the applause of the appreciative audience. Letson was so amused he took a photo of Carreon holding the basin with the ½ inch fragment barely visible in the bottom of it.

As usual, whether Letson prescribed APC pills, ointment for a burn, cut out an ingrown toenail or any other medical action, Carreon dutifully noted in the medical record form Letson's treatment: "3 DEC 1968 U.S. NAVAL SUPPORT FACILITY CAM RANH BAY RVN FPO Shrapnel in left arm above elbow. Shrapnel removed and apply Bacitracin dressing. Ret to duty."

Letson says he slapped a bandaid on the wound. When he looked back in a few minutes later, Carreon was winding layers of gauze over the bandaid achieving quite a dramatic effect. Why? According to Letson "Carreon said Kerry was afraid the bandaid would come off." Tedd Peck was dying to see "the purple heart wound" but Kerry wouldn't show it to him.

Months later, Kerry's commanders Hibbard and Schachte had been rotated elsewhere, as had Kerry. In transit, Kerry was now in possession of his medical records file jacket including the form Carreon had filed out. And he apparently found someone to pay what he obviously thought was proper attention to what most people at Cam Ranh had regarded as an unintentionally self-inflicted wound by an improperly fired M-79 grenade launcher, if not a bad joke about a delusional rookie officer. The timing of the first purple heart request tells all.

No reasonable explanation has yet been offered for the grant of Kerry's first purple heart. Tedd Peck dissolves into laughter recalling a dispirited Schachte heading into the officers' club for a drink the day after the mission muttering that Kerry was threatening "to write his Congressman if he didn't get his purple heart," knowing the bales of quadruplicate paperwork that would ensue.


Offline The Night Owl

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #61 on: February 18, 2008, 08:44:11 AM »

Oh of course -- never mind the prior accounts.

Read this, to ascertain the credibility of the "authoritative account."

Nothing you have posted so far contains an example of Jim Rassmann saying or writing something which contradicts his personal account of the incident which earned John Kerry the Silver Star. The next time you post an info dump from some blog, please point out why I'm supposed to read it.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2008, 08:51:14 AM by The Night Owl »
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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #62 on: February 18, 2008, 09:31:55 AM »

Oh of course -- never mind the prior accounts.

Read this, to ascertain the credibility of the "authoritative account."

Nothing you have posted so far contains an example of Jim Rassmann saying or writing something which contradicts his personal account of the incident which earned John Kerry the Silver Star. The next time you post an info dump from some blog, please point out why I'm supposed to read it.

Try actually reading it -- I know it is a lot to ask as it requires reading comprehension, but I think you can do it.


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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #63 on: February 18, 2008, 09:41:49 AM »

Oh of course -- never mind the prior accounts.

Read this, to ascertain the credibility of the "authoritative account."

Nothing you have posted so far contains an example of Jim Rassmann saying or writing something which contradicts his personal account of the incident which earned John Kerry the Silver Star. The next time you post an info dump from some blog, please point out why I'm supposed to read it.

Try actually reading it -- I know it is a lot to ask as it requires reading comprehension, but I think you can do it.

He still is putting square blocks into round holes and uses crayons.    But give him some time; he may actually get to the 2nd grade.


Offline Chris_

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Re: A smear campaign against John McCain is underway...
« Reply #64 on: February 18, 2008, 01:44:24 PM »
For me it's pretty simple...the MOST BLATANT AND PUBLIC LIES told by John Kerry himself...PROVED BEYOND A DOUBT lies have never been addressed by Kerry, are always completely ignored by his supporters make everything else he says suspect. The fact that there are different stories in the heat of combat, the stressful monotony of nightly patrols, or the chaos of an ambush seems perfectly reasonable.

He cannot explain how a memory that was SEARED in his memory...his Christmas in Cambodia serving in "Nixon's" war NEVER FREAKING HAPPENED!!!!! To use that story to give you street creds for decades, to repeat it and repeat it and repeat it and then when you're called on it you a) attack the ones calling you on it (really, as if the calendar is a political enemy), b) poo-poo the whole thing as if the "dates" (remember, the DATE...CHRISTMAS...was part of the reason the memory was "seared" in his brain) were insignificant to the memory...ignoring of course the story of a celebration going on around him, and c)ignore the whole thing as much as possible. I don't care how many stupid hats the guy has in his briefcase. One could look in the classifieds in the back of any comic book and find a place to order a CIA cap.

The other lie...and the more heinous, because the first really only affects his personal credibility but this second one has tainted every single vet in a way they didn't deserve. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, April 1971, "These were not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command. It is impossible to describe to you exactly what did happen in Detroit - the emotions in the room and the feelings of the men who were reliving their experiences in Vietnam. They relived the absolute horror of what this country, in a sense, made them do.

They told stories that at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Ghengis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country. "
The only problem is, while we can assume there were probably atrocities (no war is without them), this widespread evil not only never happened, but some of these so-called soldiers NEVER SERVED. Of those who did, MANY NEVER SERVED IN VIETNAM. The price of those lies is being still paid by honorable vets today. It's being paid by young men and women currently serving because there are those who believe Kerry's lies and paint the entire military with the same brush (just ask how many DON'T wear the uniform when traveling). And for what? So Kerry could score political points. That's so utterly disgusting I don't even have words to express it. And people are still defending him as some kind of hero.

Until he and his supporters deal with those two issues everything else the man says is suspect. How can one possibly defend someone who lies so blatantly? Those lies have hurt fellow Americans who simply did their duty.

If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.