Author Topic: We need to start using the word "Immoral".  (Read 1309 times)

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Offline Freeper

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We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« on: July 10, 2013, 07:28:01 AM »
Ken Burch (31,466 posts)

We need to start using the word "Immoral".

This has nothing to do with religion(while religious people of good will will likely agree with the list below, people who are guided by what Abraham Lincoln would call "the better angels of our nature"(I.E., by the strength of their own conscience and and their own humanity)

As believers, for whatever reasons we hold such beliefs, in humane, empathetic and compassionate values in politics, economics, and life, we have the RIGHT to speak in terms of right and wrong.

There are many things we CAN call "Immoral".

We can call massive CEO retirement packages immoral...especially when the companies that disburse them cut the wages. benefits, pensions, and worker safety standards of their non-economic aristocrat employees.

We can call the outsourcing of jobs from this country to other countries immoral, because it harms innocent people and exploits innocent people there.

We can call the continued use of war by our leaders, of both parties immoral, because it no longer solves problems and mainly results in the deaths of people who had nothing to do with the cause of those problems.

We can call the insistence of the international financial community on brutal austerity programs in the countries they loan to, rather than allowing the creation of a system by which whole countries can declare bankruptcy and be relieved of past debts imposed by exploiter nations on to nations of the exploited immoral, because it punishes the poor for the crimes of the wealthy.

We can call demands that countries which have overthrown tyrants must pay the debts incurred by those tyrants immoral, because it punishes the formerly oppressed for the actions OF their oppressors-it's the same thing as making a rape victim not only bear the child of her rapist, but pay for the gun he used to subdue her and the ropes he used to tie her up.

We can call voter suppression laws immoral...because they are implemented for a genuinely evil purpose...the mass reduction of voter participation by voters of the coming Rainbow majority and voters living under exploitation and the threat of poverty(or already IN poverty).

We can call efforts to make it easier for industries to pollute immoral...because such efforts are essentially the same as accepting the idea that, in exchange for "creating jobs" the industries that created them have the right to poison those they employ and those who live near the sites where those industries are located.

There are many other examples others can add below, but the language of morality is a language we need to reclaim...because it conveys the truth of the things we fight against and because it resonates in the hearts and minds of the people of this country and the world.

This is funny, a group of immoral people wanting to pretend to have any morality at all.

Ilsa (32,259 posts)
2. Yes, it's a good strategy, as well as Biblical

quotes about feeding the poor, etc. The recent Jimmy Carter quote, too about nit being a Christian nation if we choose to ignore the poor and the hungry, etc.

Tell you what show me just one time where Jesus said that we should take money from anyone and redistribute it. Like everything in life you DUmmies have no understanding of anything Biblical in the least.

Chemisse (18,443 posts)
6. It's unfortunate that the vocal Christians have not done this

And ironic that others are more willing to carry the torch of morality.

But you are so right. I have long wished we could base our decisions on what is right and what is wrong, as opposed to what is politically beneficial and what best satisfies the war machine and the interests of capitalism.

When Christians speak of morality you idiots claim that they are spewing hate.
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

Offline franksolich

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2013, 07:45:45 AM »
Isn't orgasmically rejoicing in the slaughter of infants one of those things generally considered immoral?

apres moi, le deluge

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2013, 07:49:43 AM »
Isn't orgasmically rejoicing in the slaughter of infants one of those things generally considered immoral?

Depends on what your morals are I guess.
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

Offline Splashdown

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2013, 07:56:00 AM »
Isn't orgasmically rejoicing in the slaughter of infants one of those things generally considered immoral?

It was right up until our president called down God's blessing on Planned Parenthood. The most bald-faced blasphemy I've ever heard.
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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2013, 08:00:41 AM »
Taking from one person who produces and giving it to another who produces nothing is immoral.

Stoking racial animosity for political points is immoral.

Aiding the enemies of your nation in time of war is immoral.

Silencing dissent by force of law is immoral.

Fostering the habits of poverty to retain control of a voting bloc is immoral.

Demanding population culls while exempting your society is immoral.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2013, 08:05:17 AM »
Let me get this straight. Disagreement with the liberal political agenda is "immoral."

But, it is wrong to call  
killing babies, schools indoctrinating children to gay sex, handing condom to 11 years with a slogan: Kids are just gonna have sex...............this is not immoral?  

Ilsa (32,259 posts)
2. Yes, it's a good strategy, as well as Biblical

"The time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

Matthew 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2013, 08:08:53 AM »
I'm with the rest of you. If this primitive wants to address immorality, then let's address it all, just not the parts he wants to address. When the primitive decides he wants to include the immorality of abortion and homosexuality, then I'll listen to the other things he wants to include. Until then, why would I want to join forces with someone to tackle immorality when they won't recognize it in all its forms?

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline Zathras

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2013, 08:18:23 AM »
I have a word for immoral.....DUmbass.
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Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2013, 09:07:39 AM »
Ken Burch (31,466 posts)

We need to start using the word "Immoral".

That's like a Klansman screaming "Racist!"

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That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

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Offline jukin

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2013, 09:19:54 AM »
The evil democrat party is immoral.
Hey this is fun!

Booing god is immoral.
Killing 7 month old babies is immoral.
Taking away the ability for the weak to protect themselves from the strong is immoral.
Sitting on your lazy ass all day and expecting others to provide for you is immoral.
Being against policies because there is a republican president but thinking those same policies on steroids is great under a democrat one is immoral.
Using tragedies to further a political agenda is immoral.
Selectively enforcing The Constitution is immoral.
Racking up $8 trillion dollars in debt for our children, grandchildren, immoral.
Making a great republic a third world banana republic is immoral.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 11:37:35 AM by jukin »
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline Ptarmigan

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2013, 09:22:51 AM »
Progressives, Libtards, Socialists, Fascists, and Communists are immoral.
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Offline FlaGator

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2013, 10:20:19 AM »
I would suggest that they look up what the word means before they start using it. Not that they know what most of the important words they use mean, I just think they should go for something different this time.
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Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2013, 10:28:57 AM »
All the Nazi references for their political enemies have failed, so now they resort to Biblical symbols.

So hows that working in New York with Weiner, and Spitzer?

Offline thundley4

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2013, 10:50:54 AM »
We can call massive CEO retirement packages immoral...especially when the companies that disburse them cut the wages. benefits, pensions, and worker safety standards of their non-economic aristocrat employees. Those are usually part of employment contracts signed by both parties. The sort of contracts that give public union workers such lavish retirement benefits.

We can call the outsourcing of jobs from this country to other countries immoral, because it harms innocent people and exploits innocent people there. High taxes and government regulations are immoral. Glad you realize that.

We can call the insistence of the international financial community on brutal austerity programs in the countries they loan to, rather than allowing the creation of a system by which whole countries can declare bankruptcy and be relieved of past debts imposed by exploiter nations on to nations of the exploited immoral, because it punishes the poor for the crimes of the wealthy. Sure , why not screw all the little people who have invested money in banks believing that those who borrowed money from banks did so in good faith and were going to pay it back.

Offline ChuckJ

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2013, 11:18:27 AM »
Ilsa (32,259 posts)
2. Yes, it's a good strategy, as well as Biblical

quotes about feeding the poor, etc. The recent Jimmy Carter quote, too about nit being a Christian nation if we choose to ignore the poor and the hungry, etc.

I'll give you a Biblical quote directly from the Bible. It's one I've pasted on here several times before, but it's time to do it again.

2 Thessalonians 3:10 - For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
“Don’t vote for the person who tells you you deserve something. Just don’t do it if it’s something other than life, liberty, or the pursuit of possible happiness. If everyone is telling you you deserve something, vote for the one who is promising you the least. Be suspicious of the man or woman who tell you deserve everything. Because you don’t.” ---Mike Rowe

Offline Vagabond

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2013, 03:19:08 PM »
I'll agree with the DUmmies just a little bit.  The packages some of these top CEOs are very large to the point of excessive, but then again, the market will bear it.  I think I read somewhere that the personality of these CEOs was a workaholic slavedriver.  There really aren't that many people that are like that.
There comes a time when even good men must run up the black flag of anarchy and slit throats. - H.L. Mencken

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2013, 04:26:39 PM »
I'll agree with the DUmmies just a little bit.  The packages some of these top CEOs are very large to the point of excessive, but then again, the market will bear it.  I think I read somewhere that the personality of these CEOs was a workaholic slavedriver.  There really aren't that many people that are like that.

Hey, somebody's gotta be an asshole if the damn' pyramids are gonna get built.

Go and tell the Spartans, O traveler passing by
That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

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Offline jukin

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2013, 04:50:36 PM »
Stealing money from others is immoral.
stealing money from others is another form of slavery and is immoral.
Judging people by the color of their skin is immoral (but a democrat party gene).
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline Airwolf

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2013, 07:54:42 PM »
You want to start? You assholes on the left have never stopped saying it and have never understood the meaning of immorality. Might as well say your going to start saying hatefull things about George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush next.

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2013, 08:15:20 PM »
Depends on what your morals are I guess.

More accurately, if one has them at all...
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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2013, 12:11:11 AM »
Ken Burch (31,466 posts)

We need to start using the word "Immoral".

This has nothing to do with religion(while religious people of good will will likely agree with the list below, people who are guided by what Abraham Lincoln would call "the better angels of our nature"(I.E., by the strength of their own conscience and and their own humanity)

As believers, for whatever reasons we hold such beliefs, in humane, empathetic and compassionate values in politics, economics, and life, we have the RIGHT to speak in terms of right and wrong.

There are many things we CAN call "Immoral".

We can call massive CEO retirement packages immoral...especially when the companies that disburse them cut the wages. benefits, pensions, and worker safety standards of their non-economic aristocrat employees. You mean like the city governments you vote for?    :hammer:

We can call the outsourcing of jobs from this country to other countries immoral, because it harms innocent people and exploits innocent people there. Your lightbringer is doing a bang-up job of that.   :hammer:
We can call the continued use of war by our leaders, of both parties immoral, because it no longer solves problems and mainly results in the deaths of people who had nothing to do with the cause of those problems.  

We can call the insistence of the international financial community on brutal austerity programs in the countries they loan to, rather than allowing the creation of a system by which whole countries can declare bankruptcy and be relieved of past debts imposed by exploiter nations on to nations of the exploited immoral, because it punishes the poor for the crimes of the wealthy.
Yeah, declare bankruptcy so you can borrow even more money to finance the same idiotic policies and programs that bankrupted you in the first place.    :hammer:

We can call demands that countries which have overthrown tyrants must pay the debts incurred by those tyrants immoral, because it punishes the formerly oppressed for the actions OF their oppressors-it's the same thing as making a rape victim not only bear the child of her rapist, but pay for the gun he used to subdue her and the ropes he used to tie her up.  So, bankruptcy all around, eh?  Pain, is a very good teacher.  It tends to make people not repeat the same behavior.  'cept (D)U-bees like yourself.

We can call voter suppression laws immoral...because they are implemented for a genuinely evil purpose...the mass reduction of voter participation by voters of the coming Rainbow majority and voters living under exploitation and the threat of poverty(or already IN poverty).   Philadephia, you cracka  :hammer:

We can call efforts to make it easier for industries to pollute immoral...because such efforts are essentially the same as accepting the idea that, in exchange for "creating jobs" the industries that created them have the right to poison those they employ and those who live near the sites where those industries are located.     :hammer:

There are many other examples others can add below, but the language of morality is a language we need to reclaim...because it conveys the truth of the things we fight against and because it resonates in the hearts and minds of the people of this country and the world.

All of the above are direct consequences of stupid, immoral, thoughtless policies that, for implementation in the name of do-gooderism,  the (D)emocratic Party is unexcelled.  
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 12:14:43 AM by 98ZJUSMC »

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2013, 08:05:56 AM »
DUmmies want to blur the definition of "moral" like they're trying to blur the definition of "marriage."
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Offline FlaGator

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2013, 08:32:47 AM »
DUmmies want to blur the definition of "moral" like they're trying to blur the definition of "marriage."

A fine example of post-modern thought. A word means what you want it to mean and can have different meanings to different people.
"My enemy's enemy is the enemy I kill last."
Klingon Proverb.

Offline Splashdown

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Re: We need to start using the word "Immoral".
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2013, 08:59:36 AM »
A fine example of post-modern thought. A word means what you want it to mean and can have different meanings to different people.

Hey, the logic probably goes like this:

The Constitution means what what we want it to mean because it's a "living document." That "living document" is made up of "words."

Therefore, those "words" only mean what we want them to mean.
Let nothing trouble you,
Let nothing frighten you. 
All things are passing;
God never changes.
Patience attains all that it strives for.
He who has God lacks nothing:
God alone suffices.
--St. Theresa of Avila

"No crushed ice; no peas." -- Undies