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Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« on: June 27, 2013, 12:37:53 PM »
onehandle (36,157 posts)

Paula Deen fans vent their outrage at Food Network
Source: AP

SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) - Watching Paula Deen's cooking show was a weekend ritual for Marilynne Wilson, who says she's furious at the Food Network for dumping the comfort-food queen after she acknowledged using racial slurs in the past.

"I was shocked. I thought she'd get a fair trial," Wilson, a nurse from Jacksonville, Fla., said Saturday after stopping to buy souvenirs at the gift shop Deen owns next to her Savannah restaurant. "I think the Food Network jumped the gun."

A day after announcing that it's dropping Deen from its roster of celebrity cooks, the cable network was served heaping portions of Southern fried outrage by her fans.

Angry messages piled up Saturday on the network's Facebook page, with many Deen fans threating to change the channel for good. "So good-bye Food Network," one viewer wrote. "I hope you fold like an accordion!!!"

Read more:


'I was shocked. I thought she'd get a fair trial'

So, her fans thought she had a good reason to be an ignorant racist?

Kolesar (29,658 posts)

1. I was disgusted when A&E broadcast their "pro handgun" propaganda
Bill Kurtis produced this propaganda that American women were in imminent risk of being robbed or murdered if they didn't get a pistol and a concealed carry license.

Totally the same.

Zealot: someone who want change his mind and can't change the subject.

Orrex (36,903 posts)

3. An excerpt from Deen's cornerstone speech on this subject:
Our new Government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition.

Deep13 (37,432 posts)

4. That's Alexander Stevens. nt

Orrex (36,903 posts)

13. Whoops! Silly me!

How could I have made such an error?

Hey! Do you get it? If you say anything racist you're the same as any other racist anywhere, ever.

(EXCEPTION: Trayvon Martin referring to George Zimmerman as a "creepy ass cracker" has no bearing on the possibility that Martin may have attacked Zimmerman in a fit of racist pique.)

Okay, Proglodytes. Let's talk a little about Alexander Stevens:

Alexander Hamilton Stephens (February 11, 1812 – March 4, 1883) was an American politician from Georgia and a slave owner. He was Vice President of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. He also served as a U.S. Representative from Georgia (both before the Civil War and after Reconstruction) and as the 50th Governor of Georgia from 1882 until his death in 1883.


Stephens served in the U.S. House from October 2, 1843, to March 3, 1859, from the 28th Congress through the 35th Congress. In 1843, he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as a Whig, in a special election to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mark A. Cooper. This seat was at-large, as Georgia did not have House Districts until the next year. Stephens was re-elected from the 7th District as a Whig in 1844, 1846, and 1848, as a Unionist in 1851, and again as a Whig (from the 8th District) in 1853. In 1855 and 1857, his re-elections came as a Democrat.

As a national lawmaker during the crucial decades before the Civil War, Stephens was involved in all of the major sectional battles. He began as a moderate defender of slavery but later accepted the prevailing Southern rationale utilized to defend the institution

Stephens quickly rose to prominence as one of the leading Southern Whigs in the House. He supported the annexation of Texas in 1845. Along with his fellow Whigs, he vehemently opposed the Mexican-American War. He was an equally vigorous opponent of the Wilmot Proviso, which would have barred the extension of slavery into territories acquired by the United States during the war with Mexico.


Stephens and fellow Georgia Representative Robert Toombs campaigned for the election of Zachary Taylor as President in 1848. Both were chagrined and angered when Taylor proved less than pliable on aspects of the Compromise of 1850. Stephens and Toombs both supported the Compromise of 1850 though they opposed the exclusion of slavery from the territories on the theory that such lands belonged to all of the people. The pair returned from the District of Columbia to Georgia to secure support for the measures at home. Both men were instrumental in the drafting and approval of the Georgia Platform, which rallied Unionists throughout the Deep South.


In 1861, Stephens was elected as a delegate to the Georgia special convention to decide on secession from the United States. During the convention, as well as during the 1860 presidential campaign, Stephens called for the South to remain loyal to the Union, likening it to a leaking but fixable boat. During the convention he reminded his fellow delegates that Republicans were a minority in Congress (especially in the Senate) and, even with a Republican President, they would be forced to compromise just as the two sections had for decades. Because the Supreme Court had voted 7–2 in the Dred Scott case, it would take decades of Senate-approved appointments to reverse it. He voted against secession in the convention but asserted the right to secede if the federal government continued allowing northern states to nullify the Fugitive Slave Law with "personal liberty laws."

Sounds like  a good democrat.

Back to the fun.

Someone else responded to Orrex:

movonne (9,481 posts)

39. Nazi talk...the superior race...we are all humans
with different color skin...some smart, some dumb...

Deep13 (37,432 posts)

62. Except Nazis didn't invent racism.
Racism was created by settler-colonialism in the New World.

It's true.

Racism never existed anywhere else in the world ever until America was founded and our racism infected Germany.

cstanleytech (5,567 posts)

5. No OP, they probably meant fair as in wait until the trial is over to see if she is found to be
Last edited Sun Jun 23, 2013, 09:07 AM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

guilty of what she is accused of now rather than being found guilty and pilloried as some here on the DU are doing before the trial is even over for things she has acknowledged she might have said who knows how many years ago.
Otherwise I am indifferent to her show being canceled as I dont watch her show at all and when I do watch any of the cooking channels its usually to watch Chopped and very occasionally Iron Chef America.

graham4anything (10,850 posts)

8. One things for sure, Deen and Zimmy, are tied into this together.

If one is against Zimmy as I am, I am against and aghast at what Paula Deen did.

One against Deen cannot in any way support Zimmy.

Comrade Grumpy (3,825 posts)

37. Non sequitur.


If Deen = Alexader Stevens why can't she = Zimmerman?

Squinch (3,353 posts)

17. I would not be surprised if she becomes some tea bag cause celebre.

Kolesar (29,658 posts)

18. More cuddly than Don Imus ... eom

Imus is a liberal democrat.

Like Alexander Stevens.

Beacool (19,433 posts)

19. I've read that she's a Democrat who voted for Obama.
That's why the Freepers are rejoicing. Pardoning the pun, things are usually not in black and white. People are complex.

Just saying............

Mika (15,087 posts)

22. Agree. She had Jimmy Carter on as a guest a while back and was fawning over him.
Maybe Dixiecrat more accurately describes her.

csziggy (14,503 posts)

38. And she had Michelle Obama on during the 2008 election

alarimer (11,796 posts)

63. Just like Chik-fil-A.

It's like they are stubborn children, and "liberal political correctness" is taking their toys away.

But I repeat, I have heard Rush Limbaugh say much worse things about liberals or Democrats or African Americans (though I guess he doesn't actually use the N-word, so maybe by that simple standard he isn't that bad) and stay on the air. [citations please -- SGT B] So in that case, those radio stations stand to make money with him, even if some advertisers leave, than they would trying to put someone else there.

There are plenty of people (mainly in the South, I'm surrounded by them here) who are just so bitter and enraged at things changing that they really, really resent what they call political correctness. Again, they are like children who think they should be able to say whatever the hell they want to anyone at any time and not be taken to task for it.


Now, they are ignorant and stupid, but not necessarily evil. I think really this is a tempest in a teapot and doesn't really get to the heart of the problem, which is that, while things have on the whole improved, we are still a long way from being okay with racial and ethnic diversity. We jump on someone for saying things like this, yet we do very little to actually change attitudes, beyond saying "Well, you really shouldn't use those words."

Maybe I'm a cynic, but I doubt this will change much. In 18 months or so, she will be on a public apology tour and sooner or later back on TV. In our short attention span, we will have forgotten. And maybe that's okay, because there really are bigger fish to fry.

Our governments, state and federal, are in the process right this minute of rolling back the Civil Rights Act. The Supreme Court is about to rule on a case that may set voting rights back a generation and all we can do is argue about someone's use of the N-word.

Incidentally, lost on all this discussion, is the fact that this is a SEXUAL HARASSMENT case and involved the use of terms derogatory to women. So women, as per usual, don't count in this discussion. Because it's still very much okay to be sexist.

Why discuss Vocabulary Nazis Democrats when we can have Nutrition Nazis Democrats?

TreasonousBastard (21,082 posts)

21. But no outrage over the good chefs they dumped over the years...
a couple might have gone over to the sister Cooking Channel, or whatever it's called but nobody gets. Mario Batali and a couple of others whose names I forget for the moment are who should be missed, but the channel hasn't been about fine cooking for a while.

I thought they should have fired her ass when she covered up the diabetes, which was at least partially due to her diet.

cstanleytech (5,567 posts)

32. Would you please explain why they should have fired her for that exactly?
I mean I could understand if she had been saying "Cooking my way will help you avoid diabetes" but she didnt did she?

TreasonousBastard (21,082 posts)

70. High fat high carb diets cannot be proven to cause...

diabetes, but they certainly encourage it. And such a diet is an absolute no-no if you get it.

Dean continued to revel in everything from bacon to licking chocolate from the fountain after she was diagnosed and it is extremely bad form to giggle and promote such a diet when it could very likely kill you and a large part of your audience.

It's not that she has diabetes, it's that she lied about it for years just to make a buck.

cstanleytech (5,567 posts)

72. Oh, my apologies as

I didnt realize that she was under an obligation to disclose her medical details.

TreasonousBastard (21,082 posts)

77. Don't go there- medical confidentiality is not absolute...
unless you would prefer that Typhoid Mary kept working in cafeterias.

Yes, I know this is not the same thing, but her condition is related to her message that fat and sugar is fun and good for you. She was lying.

Butter and chocolate.

They're exactly like Typhoid.

Faygo Kid (20,263 posts)

28. She's a Democrat, and supported Obama
She's also a 66 year old Georgia woman who at some times in her life has expressed racist tendencies, which she regrets.

This is just about the biggest overkill story I can remember. I resent her more for her (admittedly delicious) unhealthy food and hiding her type 2 diabetes for three years.

Karl Rove is still out there. Fox News, Rush and Hannity are still out there. The GOP House is still out there. I will spend my time attacking them, rather than Paula Deen.

Faggo Kid gets lots of cheers on this (for a liberal) reasonable post.

But nothing can stand on DU without drawing peels of derision and condescension:

Zoeisright (8,061 posts)

89. Oh my god that is the stupidest thing I have ever read.
Paula Deen is the ultimate example of what is wrong with this country. Racism is alive and well and hidden beneath a sugary exterior.

This story has legs because of hidden racism. She is getting exactly what she deserves; actually, she can live a fabulous life because she made so much money off the goodwill of the public and she should lose that money.

Read the deposition before you jump to such stupid conclusions. Her "empire" is built on racism, sexism, abuse, and discrimination. THAT is what this is all about. And anyone who supports her is completely ignorant.

Racism: it hides behind a fawning affection for Obama and all things Democrat.

former9thward (6,744 posts)

40. Senator Robert Byrd used the N word on a national broadcast.
Funny how some were so willing to excuse that but want to dump on Deen for admitting she used the word at some point much before Byrd did.

They also excuse Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright and -- well -- their entire ****ing political party.

Chakab (229 posts)

78. Yeah, because nobody has EVER criticised Robert Byrd

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for what he said during that interview and his past membership in the KKK was NEVER mentioned. 

Look, I agree that this should be a non-story, but being obtuse and using revisionist history doesn't make you look very clever.

You democrats voted for him time and again.

And you showered his memory with adoration when he died.

I doubt Deen will gain as much courtesy.

kestrel91316 (45,791 posts)

43. Wow. One of her RW fans doesn't understand how capitalism works, lol:

'I was shocked. I thought she'd get a fair trial'

Hey, sweetcakes, she wasn't accused of a criminal violation of a statute. She was being laughed at and derided for behaving like an ignorant ass.

There IS a difference.


Racism, bad. Sexism, good.

JaneFordA (118 posts)

47. Food Network is great at dishing out hypocrisy

If they're going to boot Deen, why didn't they do at least as much when Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa) stirred up all that fracas not so long ago? Snubbing the Make-a-Wish Foundation and the request of a dying child RECENTLY seems at least as insensitive and prima donna-ish as Deen's "use of the n-word in the past."

Shows up the Food Network for what it is, to my way of thinking.

You don't have a way of thinking. You have reflex reactions to the incongruous mash of conflicting demands from a gaggle of petty tyrants that demand your obedience for their power.

PatrynXX (2,639 posts)

74. Opinion on the end is full of hate you know

'I was shocked. I thought she'd get a fair trial'

So, her fans thought she had a good reason to be an ignorant racist?.... WTF??

She isn't!! Get with it. sheesh. Bigot 

Your living in the wrong country pal. Even on Aflac it took a bit before he got fired. this was done before the shit hit the floor. Meaning they probably did it long before she uttered the word. like way off whenever. So if she was 40 I'd understand but 66. Just ageism crap

Reserving judgment is what haters do.

I bet the lady in the article didn't blame the Tea Party for the Muslim attack on the Boston Marathon either.

Myrina (9,270 posts)

83. More proof that we are now a cult of personality vs. a country of common sense/respect/laws


Said every Obama voter ever with the greatest hypocrisy.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2013, 12:55:30 PM »
Myrina (9,270 posts)
83. More proof that we are now a cult of personality vs. a country of common sense/respect/laws

Oh No!  This DUmmie just figured out the secret behind Skin's Island.   :rotf:
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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2013, 12:56:07 PM »
The way DU is caterwauling about this, you'd be excused for thinking Paula Deen had pulled the trigger on Trayvon Martin herself.

Get a grip, you losers.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2013, 01:16:17 PM »
Now we know that Paula Deen supported that Obamo guy because he is half-white - so he is half-alright.

DUmbass goons:  Listen up!  Paula Deen has no particular love for black people -- just like you DU goons.  Paula Deen is a democrat.  A racist by nature and by political affiliation.


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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2013, 01:36:09 PM »
Klansman and Democrat/DUmp icon Robert Byrd takes a few second break from his hot-foot shuffle to laugh at how the DUmmies/libs fawned over him yet attack Paula Deen.

Liberal hypocrisy knows no bounds, and it's beginning to piss me off.
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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2013, 01:45:08 PM »
^^What Undies said, in bold. 

Deep13 (37,432 posts)

62. Except Nazis didn't invent racism.
Racism was created by settler-colonialism in the New World.

 :lmao:  Oh my God, you idiot.  How about tribalism going all the way back to cavemen?  Us vs. Them. 

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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2013, 02:03:08 PM »
I been thinkin' about a DUmmie of the week quote for Bumper stickers. Bet I could get rich around here!
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2013, 02:27:36 PM »
Deep13 (37,432 posts)
62. Except Nazis didn't invent racism.
 Racism was created by settler-colonialism in the New World.

So by your train of thought racism didn't start until roughly 1600's.  You expect us to believe the Vikings, Romans, Zulus, or Visigoths, just to pick some names, didn't have any such views when they were conquering their different lands.  Hey DUmmie, you take the prize of idiot of the day.  Do yourself a favor and go play in the middle of the interstate.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 06:43:29 AM by hillneck »
In battle you have to show no mercy for mercy comes after the war when you still have the freedom to ask for it.

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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2013, 02:32:20 PM »
So by your train of thought racism didn't start until roughly 1600's.  You expect us to believe the Vikings, Romans, Zulus, or Visigoths, just to pick some names, didn't have any such views when they were conquering there different lands.  Hey DUmmie, you take the prize of idiot of the day.  Do yourself a favor and go play in the middle of the interstate.

Guess "it" has never heard of the rampant racism in the Middle East, Africa, China, Japan, or the Philippines, huh?

And guess what DUmbass? They're the same skin color! Kinda blows your argument clear outa the water, don't it? Idiot!
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2013, 04:20:34 PM »
The way DU is caterwauling about this, you'd be excused for thinking Paula Deen had pulled the trigger on Trayvon Martin herself.

Get a grip, you losers.

Maybe she did...

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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2013, 05:42:49 PM »
Every lib is jumping on the plonk Deen bandwagon. How many libs will that bandwagon hold ?
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2013, 06:06:31 PM »
^^What Undies said, in bold. 

 :lmao:  Oh my God, you idiot.  How about tribalism going all the way back to cavemen?  Us vs. Them. 

But then, you can't blame whitey.
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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2013, 06:34:29 PM »
I've done business all over the world. Everywhere is racist but the USA is the least racist country I have ever been in. Sad to say it but France is number two.

Jukin's up front and personal racist top five.

1. Japanese
2. Chinese
3. Spanish decedents in Mexico (white hispanics)
4. Black Americans
5. Arabs

Never been to Iceland, Greenland, Thailand, or anywhere in Africa other than Middle East. So can't speak about those places.
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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2013, 06:38:59 PM »
Koreans aren't necessarily racist per se, but they have a huge superiority complex.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: Proglodytes discuss Paula Deen...again
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2013, 07:54:14 PM »
The way DU is caterwauling about this, you'd be excused for thinking Paula Deen had pulled the trigger on Trayvon Martin herself.

Get a grip, you losers.

The Deen controversy only exists to give people something to be angry over other than the Obama administration. Deen used 'the N word' nearly 30 years ago -  ZOMG TRAGEDY !!! Whereas Wiener shares Instagrams of his junk with young ladies just recently and now he is in the lead for Mayor of NYC.

Even though Deen is a Democrat and an ardent Obama supporter, she could be the cover photo of what liberals consider to be a stereotypical rethug. Rich, white, and southern. That's all they need for the image they want to portray. Her actual voting record doesnt seem to matter.

*You can also bet that many of them are on their knees praying to trees, healing white light, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster to get some dirt on any of the Duck Dynasty cast. The fact that every show ends with a dinner table prayer with family and friends must send them into cranial ass-ploding fits of white hot rage.    
« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 07:56:37 PM by miskie »