Author Topic: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages  (Read 1405 times)

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This is really a weak OP, but the DUmp is saturated, polluted, overwhelmed by threads defending the traitor Snowden. As bad as this one is, it's a relief to find a different subject.

The semi-literate idiot DUmmy rsmithnumbers, a rising sophomore at his four-year truck driving school, offers another bouncy. As usual, it's a conversation with a store manager, and of course the intrepid, dimwitted bouncy author uncovers another outrageous offense against the working man:
Mon Jun 24, 2013, 08:55 PM
rsmith6621 (6,683 posts)

So I Walked In To A Fast Food Place...and???
So I walk in to the local national fast food establishment that opened in the town for less than 4 years and see a sign with a master plan look to it with visuals of a remodel that they are slated to start next month.
The visuals are beautiful. They are going to put a new coat of paint on the walls, change out the moldings, new floor tile, remodeled restrooms,revamped restrooms and a new exterior paint scheme.
So the manager is taking my order and I ask him, so how much is this going to cost... around 200K. I asked him are sales down? he said no in fact we were up almost 50% over our sales from 2011 so then I asked other than the state mandates on min wage when was the last time you gave a token raise to the employees... he said he did not remember, he said its hard to give raises because they cant afford it most of the time. So I said you are beating sales records, spending 200K on a remodel and you are telling me you cant give your employees even a 50 cent raise? above state min wage.
He just took my order and said he could not talk about it any more.

Just makes you wonder how new tile floor translates into adding spendable income that ultimately benefits the community. I wonder what another $1.00 an hour would do to moral that would lead to a better customer experience leading to potentially better sales which would result in more spending in the community making it better for all.
It's a shame that corporations wont invest in to their employees.

Ugly DUmmy Warpy chimes in. Since losing her nursing license in a kerfunkle over drug theft, she's been keenly interested in minimum wage issues:
Mon Jun 24, 2013, 09:05 PM
Warpy (69,786 posts)

8. Any job worth doing is worth a living wage

Paying the help starvation wages means high turnover, high paperwork costs, and high training costs for new hires all the time.
If it's worth having line cooks in the back and a cash register/order person at the front, it's worth paying them enough for nutritious food, safe housing, routine medical care, and everything else an employee needs in order to live.
These pricks have gotten a free ride on the backs of desperate people since the late 70s. It's time to make them pony up.
There is no better place to ride. Desperate people get you where you're going more quickly than satisfied, content people.

Mon Jun 24, 2013, 09:30 PM
silvershadow (1,762 posts)

18. Service is broken, and we can't figure out how to motivate our starving, piss-poor,

-agency-having employees to do our bidding down to the last, minuscule detail for our customers on an individual basis, customer after customer. D'oh. Here's an idea: recognize that this work can, in most places, be compared to a factory worker on the line...with the added hobble that many customers are picky, so there is a lot to it. It quickly fries the brain, I am sure, never mind the soul. I worked in a convenience store/pizza fast food joint for many years as my disability progressed and I can tell you it is no picnic, dealing with the public. They are lucky they still get warm bodies to show up in most hell-holes.

Wrong, DUmmy! So many people are looking for work in the 0conomy there are brazillions off normal motivated people available who will make a positive impression on customers. The trick, as it's always been, is to avoid hiring DUmpmonkeys and democrats while avoiding lawsuits. The ability to do that is what separates successful businesses from failures.

Response to NickB79 (Reply #13)
Mon Jun 24, 2013, 10:18 PM
madville (1,340 posts)

35. Service and attitude are lacking
Low morale is always the culprit. If people don't want to be there working it reflects in their service and attitude. Don't worry, plenty of eager low wage people will be showing up to take over these jobs if the Senate immigration bill gets passed.

True, but the secret remains the ability to avoid hiring 0bamaites and other democrats.

Response to rsmith6621 (Original post)
Mon Jun 24, 2013, 09:00 PM
NightWatcher (20,762 posts)

2. It's a McJob. Most pay rates are set at corporate
They don't do arbitrary raises at one locale and not others.

Once again, its a McJob. That said, I had several of them in highschool.

Did you really expect more from the owners?
Please, DUmmy. You're talking to the half-witted DUmmy rsmithnumbers.  This bouncy is entirely the product of his stunted mind. It didn't happen.

Now here's a DUmmy you don't want to hire to do your taxes:
Response to rsmith6621 (Original post)
Mon Jun 24, 2013, 09:08 PM
Journeyman (9,250 posts)

9. The remodel will be eligible for tax write-off. Wages? Not so much. . .

Response to Journeyman (Reply #19)
Mon Jun 24, 2013, 09:45 PM
oldhippie (1,550 posts)

28. Yes, so much ....
Every dollar of wages paid is 100% deductible from gross to arrive at taxable income.
The remodel, no so much. It will probably have to be depreciated over years. You have it exactly backwards.

DUmmies simply can't help themselves. It doesn't matter how stupid, how transparent, how ludicrous a bouncy tale is, they take it at face value and discuss it as if it actually happened:
Response to rsmith6621 (Original post)
Mon Jun 24, 2013, 09:33 PM
Billy Pilgrim (37 posts)

21. The person you were talking to likely
hasn't gotten a raise either, and it's very unlikely he has the authority to give anyone a raise. It's also unlikely he had anything to do with the decision to remodel the place.
If my experience with serving customers serves as a guide, he was likely hoping your misplaced intrusion of personal ideology didn't excacerbate into an unpleasant experience for the chain's customers. That might get him fired, and he probably needs that job.
You make a valid point, but you did it the wrong way. I'm sure that fast-food manager just LOVES low wages for himself and his staff.
It's a bouncy, stupid! It didn't happen! The illiterate nitwit rsmithnumbers made it up!


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Warpy seems to have it all figured out.  I'm amazed she hasn't bought Trump out yet.

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Hookay, let's address this parade of full ri-tards one at a time:

Rsmith--First off, did it ever occur to you that it might be in a business' best interest to update and remodel their facilities every now and then, to provide a safe, happy, warm environment for both customers and employees?  Second, why would I be so eager to shovel a shitload of money into the pockets of a workforce with a turnover rate in excess of 300-400 percent?  Hmmm?

Warpy--Any job worth doing is worth doing well.  Now can you really justify giving a 17-year old kid $15/hour plus full benefits if the little mouth-breather can't even get my ****ing order right?  And if he's worth that, what do you think I'M worth, pray tell?  I know what you're worth, sitting in your little trailer outside of Farmington (but because I'm a nice guy, I won't say exactly where) and it sure ain't even close to minimum wage.

Silver--as was previously noted, it's an employer's market.  But even now as with all other times, don't like what you're making/working conditions/your boss?  Hey, fire up that computer, start shipping out resumes, and move on to that corner office!  Oh wait--McD's doesn't have corner offices.  Oh well, back to the fryolator with you.

Mad--Service and attitude are lacking because for the first time in probably most of their lives, the little disgruntled "yutes" are finding out they aren't special little snowflakes after all, and that if they can't/won't cut it, there's plenty of other people behind them willing and able to give it a go.

Night--yes they can.  Crew can become crew leaders and they can become management, if they show aptitude and drive.  Sorry your didn't have either.

Oldhippie--absolutely correct.  You were the one voice of reason in that thread.  Time for you to become DU's version of Soylent Green....
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These pricks have gotten a free ride on the backs of desperate people since the late 70s.

Obviously, since the world was perfect from 76 - 80.   :whatever:   B-b-b-b-but what about Billy Jeff, Serial Rapist?!?!?

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

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Quote from rsmith...
"Just makes you wonder how new tile floor translates into adding spendable income that ultimately benefits the community. I wonder what another $1.00 an hour would do to moral that would lead to a better customer experience leading to potentially better sales which would result in more spending in the community making it better for all."

Libs are so unfamiliar with the word "moral", they wouldn't recognize it if they tripped over it, like rsmith did.
Even if rsmith got real lucky and spelled the word morale, when he tripped over moral, he's still be in the same boat, unless he defines morale as veryone being miserable. That's about lib speed.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Just makes you wonder how new tile floor translates into adding spendable income that ultimately benefits the community.

(ahem)...I'll take this one, if you don't mind...

Dipshit, a more valuable piece of property translates to higher revenues for the business, and more property taxes/sales taxes from said higher revenues because customers don't like eating in filthy dumps.  Look at any of the plethora of "Rescue Bar" or shitty restaurant shows around to see proof of my point.

Again, giving Johnny Mouthbreather an extra dollar an hour ain't gonna generate shit in revenue when he up and quits in a month anyway.  As I stated before, fast food always has and always will have a horrifically high turnover rate.  Most move on to something better.  Some don't.  I'm guessing you expect someone to get a job, ANY job, and be set for life.  Sorry, doesn't work that way.

Finally, these places don't operate on huge margins.  Increasing the labor costs by a significant amount is usually the difference between life or death of a lot of these places.  But again, what you continually fail to recognize is that minimum wage laws hurt most the people/groups they were intended to help.  Don't believe me?  Look at the youth/minority unemployment rates.  Look at what happens to them every time you raise the minimum wage.  Look at those rates in urban areas or those places with "living wage" laws. 
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If you apply yourself, show up to work everyday, and do your job without bitching; you can get raises at fast food places. My son worked at the local DQ for a couple of years. He left making 8.50/hr (min wage is GA is 7.25). The difference between him and DUmmies is that he actually went to work and did his job. (Oh, he also passed a couple of drug tests).

I worked at a WH for a year, and got a couple of raises. I was also asked to train to be a relief manager; but I had to decline because I had gotten another job. Matter of fact, my old boss called me and asked me to come back on weekends. I need extra money, so I told him I'd be there this weekend.'s not impossible to get somewhere working in fast just takes something DUmmies know nothing about...initiative.
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(ahem)...I'll take this one, if you don't mind...

Dipshit, a more valuable piece of property translates to higher revenues for the business, and more property taxes/sales taxes from said higher revenues because customers don't like eating in filthy dumps.  Look at any of the plethora of "Rescue Bar" or shitty restaurant shows around to see proof of my point.

Again, giving Johnny Mouthbreather an extra dollar an hour ain't gonna generate shit in revenue when he up and quits in a month anyway.  As I stated before, fast food always has and always will have a horrifically high turnover rate.  Most move on to something better.  Some don't.  I'm guessing you expect someone to get a job, ANY job, and be set for life.  Sorry, doesn't work that way.

Finally, these places don't operate on huge margins.  Increasing the labor costs by a significant amount is usually the difference between life or death of a lot of these places.  But again, what you continually fail to recognize is that minimum wage laws hurt most the people/groups they were intended to help.  Don't believe me?  Look at the youth/minority unemployment rates.  Look at what happens to them every time you raise the minimum wage.  Look at those rates in urban areas or those places with "living wage" laws. 

What you said, Sparky.

The DUmmies also fail to consider the financial benefit of renovating the property.

Direct benefits: Profit for the contractor(s), wages for laborers, spending on materials from suppliers, licenses and fees, electric use during construction, fuel purchases, etc.

Indirect benefits: Profit and wages lead to spending at local businesses by contractors and laborers. Renovating the property increases sales, which increases profit for owner and may lead to merit-based raises for restaurant employees. Multiple second and third order effects.
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What about all the people being hired for the remodel? Are the walls going to paint themselves? Is the floor going to put itself down?

Remodels create good paying jobs. Better than the service jobs themselves.
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Very true, Splashdown.  But this involves thinking beyond square one, and most DUmmies are ill-equipped to do that. 

The Health Department may require certain aspects of these renovations, as well.  They are quite picky. 

At any rate, bitchslap for Rsmith for using "So" three times. 

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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2013, 08:10:26 AM »
It's understandable why the DUmbasses are concerned about the wages at fast food restaurants. They just want a raise for the only work they are qualified to do.
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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2013, 08:49:48 AM »
I have always wanted to buy what I put in my mouth from dirty, run down, falling apart places that are manned by over paid union DUmmies......haven't you?
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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2013, 09:15:26 AM »
The term "entry level" ring a bell, DUmmies, or do you want that Big Mac to cost $10?

Lord, these "people" are below mouth breathers.    :thatsright:
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2013, 10:49:03 AM »
Very true, Splashdown.  But this involves thinking beyond square one, and most DUmmies are ill-equipped to do that. 

The Health Department may require certain aspects of these renovations, as well.  They are quite picky. 

At any rate, bitchslap for Rsmith for using "So" three times. 

They are more than that. When I was partners in a restaurant the health department inspector would come in every other month. We always passed but she would find some new thing we had to spend money on. She was proud to say that her job was not to have the rules followed but to improve the restaurants under her inspections. That was the first time I learned of bureaucratic creep. She had us by short hairs so nothing was said until we sold the place. Then I had a sitdown with her supervisor and our city councilman. Got lots of assurances that her behavior was not sanctioned and things would change. Guess what? She kept her job and nothing changed.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2013, 12:51:33 PM »
really, this guy is not all that bright:

Response to RB TexLa (Reply #1)

Mon Jun 24, 2013, 09:02 PM

 rsmith6621 (6,684 posts)

4. Maybe........

...if they were paid a little more you would get what you ordered and get the correct change every time.

he's thicker than a brick and should stick to writing cover letters for free.


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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2013, 02:40:00 PM »
Response to rsmith6621 (Original post)
Tue Jun 25, 2013, 01:50 AM
SoCalDem (100,121 posts)

50. A lot of the "store" managers of fast food places get bonuses, based on their
bottom line.

That guy;s franchise agreement probably forced him to remodel whether or not he wanted to.
It's probably a deductible expense that might not affect his bottom line.

Right. So he can pay the help a bazillion dollars an hour. Since it's deductible, it doesn't affect net profit.

This DUmmy has a democrat grasp on the concept of deductible expenses, capital investment, depreciation, and net profit.

Sometimes you have to be reminded why numbskulls with simple finances need to hire someone to do their taxes.

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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2013, 02:47:01 PM »
Tess, I think he's the dumbest one over there, now that Beth has left.  I keep nominating him at year end, but my campaign goes nowhere.   :rant:


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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2013, 03:02:59 PM »
Tess, I think he's the dumbest one over there, now that Beth has left.  I keep nominating him at year end, but my campaign goes nowhere. 

He should fare a lot better this year. Since he's permanently unemployed he's got time on his hands, at least until September when his sophomore year at truck driving school starts.

His bouncy tale production this summer should be enormous and hilarious.

He'll never be in nadin's class, but he could be a solid contender for first runnerup.

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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2013, 03:58:20 PM »
They are more than that. When I was partners in a restaurant the health department inspector would come in every other month. We always passed but she would find some new thing we had to spend money on. She was proud to say that her job was not to have the rules followed but to improve the restaurants under her inspections. That was the first time I learned of bureaucratic creep. She had us by short hairs so nothing was said until we sold the place. Then I had a sitdown with her supervisor and our city councilman. Got lots of assurances that her behavior was not sanctioned and things would change. Guess what? She kept her job and nothing changed.

Ah yes Jukin... the infamous health nazis.  Dealt with those buttmunches for many years.  Some sanitarians ain't too bad, most are power drunk bastards that feel important lording it over people. Had to take care of a store one time that got shut down cause their dumpster doors were open and dumpster crap was on the lot. The kicker was the trash folks had just came and were picking up when the bitch showed up. Down went the dumpster, the doors left open, away went the trash truck, and in she came and slapped a notice on the door. The staff never got a chance to shut the doors on the thing or sweep up the crap off the lot. I went 'round and 'round with the head health nazi over that.   :rant: :rant: :rant:

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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2013, 05:55:02 PM »
Ah yes Jukin... the infamous health nazis.  Dealt with those buttmunches for many years.  Some sanitarians ain't too bad, most are power drunk bastards that feel important lording it over people. Had to take care of a store one time that got shut down cause their dumpster doors were open and dumpster crap was on the lot. The kicker was the trash folks had just came and were picking up when the bitch showed up. Down went the dumpster, the doors left open, away went the trash truck, and in she came and slapped a notice on the door. The staff never got a chance to shut the doors on the thing or sweep up the crap off the lot. I went 'round and 'round with the head health nazi over that.   :rant: :rant: :rant:

We got a building inspector here that much the same way.  Takes pleasure in making you "correct mistakes" he told you to make in the first place!   :rant:

The guy's so f'n stupid, he made me rewire an electrical disconnect box because the ground wasn't what was specified in the "code", despite being told by another inspector AND a licensed electrician that MY WAY WAS BETTER! 

This is the same dumbass that wanted me to dig under my footers for my house addition to determine if they were at least 8 inches thick, EVEN WHERE THEY WERE POURED ON BEDROCK!

Murphy's 3rd Law:  "You can't make anything 'idiot DUmmie proof'.  The world will just create a better idiot DUmmie."

Liberals are like Slinkys.  Basically useless, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...
Global warming supporters believe that a few hundred million tons of CO2 has more control over our climate than a million mile in diameter, unshielded thermo-nuclear fusion reactor at the middle of the solar system.

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You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out of office.

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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2013, 06:30:59 PM »
We got a building inspector here that much the same way.  Takes pleasure in making you "correct mistakes" he told you to make in the first place!   :rant:

The guy's so f'n stupid, he made me rewire an electrical disconnect box because the ground wasn't what was specified in the "code", despite being told by another inspector AND a licensed electrician that MY WAY WAS BETTER! 

This is the same dumbass that wanted me to dig under my footers for my house addition to determine if they were at least 8 inches thick, EVEN WHERE THEY WERE POURED ON BEDROCK!

Oh shit DD. I know where you coming from.  Dad was a master electrician and he hated the building inspectors in Virginia. He'd come home cussing them every time he had a job in Virginia.  He got to the point he carried a damn copy of the code book whenever he had a job over there so he could educate the dumb sob's.

I feel for ya, bud.   :cheersmate:
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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2013, 06:49:52 PM »
We got a building inspector here that much the same way.  Takes pleasure in making you "correct mistakes" he told you to make in the first place!   :rant:

The guy's so f'n stupid, he made me rewire an electrical disconnect box because the ground wasn't what was specified in the "code", despite being told by another inspector AND a licensed electrician that MY WAY WAS BETTER! 

This is the same dumbass that wanted me to dig under my footers for my house addition to determine if they were at least 8 inches thick, EVEN WHERE THEY WERE POURED ON BEDROCK!

The building inspectors here have never worked a day in the trades, NOT ONE. They have zero experience, much like our president, and constantly screw the pooch. Ten years ago they had people that knew what they were doing. I'm sure that expertise is now a death nail in applying for a government job. However, having a degree in Ancient Angry Asian Lesbians will move your resume to the top of the list. Having that BAAAAL and being a black, muslim, lesbian will make you head of the department.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2013, 07:02:53 PM »
The term "entry level" ring a bell, DUmmies, or do you want that Big Mac to cost $10?

Lord, these "people" are below mouth breathers.    :thatsright:

Throw in a small fry and a beverage, and it's pretty close to $10 already.

Oh, and DUmmies?  Those items on the dollar menus?  They're usually loss-leaders for the restaurants.  But their franchise agreements won't allow them to charge for what they actually cost.  IIRC, I read somewhere that a McDouble costs the customer $1, but costs that franchise about $1.30-1.40 by the time it leaves the counter.
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: DUmmy rsmithnumbers DUmps And DUcks - DUmmies Discuss Fast Food Wages
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2013, 07:05:33 AM »
Any government department that requires inspectors for work done is going to give you headaces. I think, if the inspector doesn't generate a lot of complaints, the higher ups think they aren't doing their job and fire them.

Case in point but some what in reverse, a woman was put in charge of inspecting grading jobs in 4 counties for erosion control. She had a Civil Engineering degree and some commonsense. That right there should have told me she wouldn't last long. I never had one minute of trouble with her because I did things right. Other contractors thought she was just another stupid woman out of place and that they could pull the wool over her eyes. Well, one contractor had some political pull and he got her fired after just 4 months on the job......they replaced her with the Dumbest S.O.B. you ever saw and he caused all of us more trouble and expense than the woman ever about stepping on your dick.... :whatever:

BTW: That was 20 years ago that they did her that favor. Today she owns and operates a large engineering firm. :lmao:
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin