Author Topic: International homicide rates, etc.  (Read 8486 times)

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Offline USA4ME

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #50 on: April 15, 2013, 08:23:56 AM »
... in rural areas (red) than cities (blue).

You keep running off to this red/blue state dynamic.  From what I've seen, the 50 states are, for the most part, different shades of purple.  That carries over to several different topics.

For instance, do I really care if states like NY and CA pay more into the Fed than they get back?  No, I don't.  They vote wrong virtually every presidental election and for their Senators.  Based upon the misery that causes good and descent people to have to deal with, it should cost them.   The NY's and CA's of the world need to pay some way for being so stupid.  This is a good start.

When it comes to education, obviously if you have 50 states and you rank them 1 to 50 then someone is going to be #1 and someone is going to be #50.  Does that mean that #50 is full of idiots?  Not at all.  There are students in every state pulling 4.0+ and making 2400 on their SAT.  So the opportunity is there for any student in any state, regardless if they're #1 or #50.  It's up to the student to grab the bull by the horns regardless of where they live; no one can make them study and do well.  There is no village larger than the individual.

There's more, but time is short.

Your whole "Dems/libs are smart and Repubs/Conservatives are stupid" just wears thin and doesn't work.  I've noted it plays well at DU, Kos, Puffington Host, etc... and to the choir, but that's it.  If you want to cling to it, go for it.  It doesn't take coin outta my pocket (it probably increases it) and I'm going to do whatever I want anyway regardless of whether some lib person or lib gov't body approves or not.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline Vagabond

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #51 on: April 15, 2013, 08:29:41 AM »
You people love to attack sources but rarely have any of your own.  Look at exit polls from 2008 and 2012.  

Can we also look at the Venezuela exit polls that showed the exact opposite of the outcome that Jimmah Cahtuh certified as a clean election?

Those with advanced degrees overwhelmingly vote Democratic.  

Those with advanced degrees....covers a lot of territory, everything from Neurosurgeons to Women's Lib Doctorates to Masters in Electrical Engineering.  The fact is that most of those degrees are only useful in a university setting, and universities like keeping the government graft flowing, which means vote democrat.  Tell me how engineers and people like that vote.

Over 90% of scientists are Democrats.

They mostly work in a system where the government or left leaning institutions pay them for their science.  There are a lot of reasons why "scientific studies" don't stand up to any scrutiny these days.

Polls show Republicans, in general, lack basic knowledge of the most basic science.

Says somebody whose ideological fellow travlers tried to use the global warming scam to seize control over the lives of almost every person on this planet. 

The problem is you only believe what suits your preconceived ideas and refuse to consider ant other information.

Wrong again, DUmbass.  Which side is it that wants to use proven disastrous political systems and unworkable economic systems without consideration that they don't work.  I'll give you a hint, you'll need a mirror.

Wikipedia compiles information and says where their data come from. Those charts give the original sources.

Wikipedia can be modified by anyone at any time, and the sources may be incorrect or invalid.

You can easily check them out yourselves.

No, you're the one that tried to prove something.  That you were wildly off the mark isn't our fault, miss phd.

The lazy I don't like your source comment shows you have nothing to contribute.

Nope, lazy is not using original verified sources and references.
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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #52 on: April 15, 2013, 08:37:27 AM »
Hey Bainsbane you ignorant slut...take a look at this thread and then get back to us on how bad we are.
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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #53 on: April 15, 2013, 08:46:43 AM »
As. For asking nicely, before I came you had done nothing but insult me and then increased 100 fold the level of vulgarity once I posted.  Why you expect someone to be nice to you when you behave like degenerates is astounding.

From your very first post:
Is life in the trailer park really so dull?

Pure as the driven snow and walking in with doves circling your haloed head.  We should be so ashamed...

You justify abusing people because they exercise their democratic rights to free speech and vote differently from you? 

Why is it every single member of DU that has wiggled though our door cannot fathom the utter hypocrisy of tripe like this?  Do you even bother to read your own site?  Have you figured out why you still post here, even though you are a DUmp democrat?  Curious, isn't it, since we're such haters of free speech? 

Not one single member of CC has done any such thing of which you accuse, but I can point you to reams of much worse from your fellow DUmmies.  Everything from imprisonment to execution.  Tread lightly, "doctor", you're about to make a total fool out of yourself.

It doesn't appear to me that most of you have any respect for democracy, the founding principles of our nation, and even yourselves. 


That's funny, coming from a member of a site full of neo marxists and crypto fascists. 

Nothing I have said approaches the crass and vulgar comments you have directed at me. 

Yeah?  Let's see, shall we?

particularly in parts of the country where marriage between siblings is illegal.,85948.msg1066728.html#msg1066728

I don't encounter a lot of Republicans.  Still, there is my sister's mother-in-law, but she's been diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  I can't help wondering if that isn't party wide.,85948.msg1066732.html#msg1066732

I suppose he's not popular among the base because he speaks in complete sentences.,85948.msg1066830.html#msg1066830

Household slaves.  I thought that was what freepers called wives.  Isn't that ya'll's notion  of the proper social order?,85948.msg1067088.html#msg1067088

hardly surprising given that most Republicans think science is a communist conspiracy. 

And then there is Axis II disorders that, in appear to me, afflict some of the right's best known media personalities. Those are far less treatable.,85948.msg1067104.html#msg1067104

How about you take a grade school science class.  Who makes change for you when you go to the store anyway?  You're the last person who needs to worry about abortion.  You don't need to be raising any kids.,85948.msg1067354.html#msg1067354

I just figured there are a lot more Republicans whose tastes run to the male and  prepubescent than I realized.,85948.msg1067620.html#msg1067620

Dealing with your level of ignorance is too tedious.   It's like deciphering a kindergarten scrawl.,85948.msg1067635.html#msg1067635

"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

Offline wasp69

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #54 on: April 15, 2013, 08:49:53 AM »
Homicide rates per state, gun homicides per state for 2010. Like the other chart, this one is sortable.  It does not cover all gun deaths, accidents in particular.

Here is one that uses more than one year of data.
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

Offline wasp69

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #55 on: April 15, 2013, 08:57:34 AM »
Families.   The interesting thing about children born out of wedlock and divorce, both are higher in rural areas (red) than cities (blue).  So your beliefs and action don't correspond.

Proof, please.

As for obfuscation, I can't answer someone's question when I don't even know what she means.  If she believes specific municipal policies have led to high murder rates in S Chicago, she should specify which ones she means.  She hasn't even said what she means by ideology.

You're lying.  If you are as educated and brilliant as you have portrayed yourself, "doctor", you should be able to understand simple questions:

What have Obama and Democrats done to improve the lives of people in the inner city? in particular what have they done to improve the lives of people on the South Side of Chicago?

Very simple, very direct.  Do you really need it broken down further? 
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

Offline wasp69

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #56 on: April 15, 2013, 09:38:03 AM »
MN Education.  Republican Gov Tim Pawlenty single handed destroyed MN's education rankings.  For the last year he determined the state budget entirely by himself, but long before then he had decimated education.  He took millions from the schools as part of a shell game to pretend he had balanced the budget.  The state is gradually paying back the money Pawlenty took.  Lesson:  Republican governor's who have an eye on the Presidency are terrible.  He treated the state as a pawn in his game to please the national GOP, and the only way thar us possible is to screw over Americans.  He ruined education and made it so that the wealthy actually pay a lower percentage in taxes than the middle class.  

One man did all of that?  In the absence of proof, I'm going to have to conclude that the rest of your state government (including your state D party) are ineffective weaklings in the face of an accused tyrant.

Sounds silly doesn't it?
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

Offline wasp69

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #57 on: April 15, 2013, 10:02:07 AM »
My point was the US has the highest homicide rate in the industrialized world, 1st work,  whatever you want to call it.  These statistics show as much.

Russia's rate is higher. 

These two sentences from your post, juxtaposed against one another, completely invalidate whatever point you are trying to make regardless of the source. 

It will amaze you to see all the nations lower than us, including Yemen, Libya, and India. 

How much honest reporting do you think goes on in Yemen and Libya?  Do you really believe those numbers, considering the disclaimer posted in the opening wiki paragraphs?

This looks more like an agenda than any type of honest discussion.
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

Offline hillneck

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #58 on: April 15, 2013, 10:51:13 AM »
If I wanted to mole, I wouldn't have used my DU name.

How many times do we have to explain this.  Unlike your liberal echo chamber cesspools, we at CC do NOT ban, tombstone, or otherwise shun people with different points of view.  If you or any other person wants to come here and discuss issues that's fine, but be forewarned you best be prepared.  As usual you come here throwing some study because it suits your point of view.  If you're educated as you claim, then you know full well you can slant almost any poll or study.
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Offline thundley4

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #59 on: April 15, 2013, 01:03:50 PM »
Families.   The interesting thing about children born out of wedlock and divorce, both are higher in rural areas (red) than cities (blue).  So your beliefs and action don't correspond.

Keyword is born.  Those children are allowed to live in Red areas, whereas they are disposed of in Blue areas.

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #60 on: April 15, 2013, 01:43:42 PM »
My point was the US has the highest homicide rate in the industrialized world, 1st work,  whatever you want to call it.  These statistics show as much.
You'll need to sort that chart by rate, which it enables you to do.

A number of countries in the Global South have higher homicide rates, but none in Europe or other Ist world nations.  Russia's rate is higher.  It will amaze you to see all the nations lower than us, including Yemen, Libya, and India. 

You do know that crime rates are unreliable and should be taken with a grain of salt. Many countries with low crime rates are due to corruption and crime rarely being reported.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 01:48:30 PM by Ptarmigan »
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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #61 on: April 15, 2013, 01:47:00 PM »
You people love to attack sources but rarely have any of your own.  Look at exit polls from 2008 and 2012.  Those with advanced degrees overwhelmingly vote Democratic.  Over 90% of scientists are Democrats.
Exit polls are not reliable. People with advanced degrees are not any more smarter than people with no advanced degree. Can you cite sources that scientists are Democrats?

Polls show Republicans, in general, lack basic knowledge of the most basic science.  The problem is you only believe what suits your preconceived ideas and refuse to consider ant other information.
Huh? Source? I see many Democrats are just as ignorant about sciences. America lags behind in science. Just look at any public schools, which has teachers who are members of unions.

Wikipedia compiles information and says where their data come from. Those charts give the original sources.  You can easily check them out yourselves.  The lazy I don't like your source comment shows you have nothing to contribute.
The links that Wikipedia have can be wrong. Also, Wikipedia is often frowned up as a source by teachers and professors alike.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 01:49:55 PM by Ptarmigan »
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Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #62 on: April 15, 2013, 01:55:32 PM »
The links that Wikipedia have can be wrong. Also, Wikipedia is often frowned up as a source by teachers and professors alike.

I call it "whacky-pedia" myself.
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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #63 on: April 15, 2013, 01:56:23 PM »
Families.   The interesting thing about children born out of wedlock and divorce, both are higher in rural areas (red) than cities (blue).  So your beliefs and action don't correspond.

As for obfuscation, I can't answer someone's question when I don't even know what she means.  If she believes specific municipal policies have led to high murder rates in S Chicago, she should specify which ones she means.  She hasn't even said what she means by ideology.

Are you talking about rate or sheer numbers? They are two different things. One area can have a high rate, but low in actual numbers, while one area has low rate, but high actual numbers. Keep in mind rural areas have less people than urban areas.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 02:00:06 PM by Ptarmigan »
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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #64 on: April 15, 2013, 02:41:39 PM »
Here is one that uses more than one year of data.

Uhoh !

I tried that in the guess the primitive gut thread. - For some reason, multiple years of data confuzzlate this person.

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #65 on: April 15, 2013, 02:44:01 PM »
You're lying.  If you are as educated and brilliant as you have portrayed yourself, "doctor", you should be able to understand simple questions:

What have Obama and Democrats done to improve the lives of people in the inner city? in particular what have they done to improve the lives of people on the South Side of Chicago?

Very simple, very direct.  Do you really need it broken down further?

It's too simple Wasp, BB here reminds me of a woman who came in to try to join the Army in the Recruiting station I worked in. The woman had a master's degree, and the recruiter figured she was easily going to be in the highest percentile.

Long story short, she took the 50-question practice test, and had  a projected AFQT of 16. Just so you understand BB, the AFQT is on a scale from 1-100. This woman had a MASTER'S degree, and scored a 16 on a test of HIGH-school level education.

In my opinion, a College degree today is a piece of paper that showed you weren't tardy (in your case for 8-12 years), turned in your homework on time, and paid your loan payments on time. A Degree doesn't mean sh*t if you can 't apply some common sense along with it. And from everything I have read from your posts, you have chosen not to.
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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #66 on: April 15, 2013, 02:53:24 PM »
I dealt with a few PhDs in my former job (13 years in a NYS DOH water testing laboratory).  My observation was this--as the book knowledge trickled in one ear, the common sense flooded out the other ear, at a velocity and pressure that most municipal fire departments would be proud to have in their hoses.

No change here.
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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #67 on: April 15, 2013, 02:55:22 PM »
It's too simple Wasp, BB here reminds me of a woman who came in to try to join the Army in the Recruiting station I worked in. The woman had a master's degree, and the recruiter figured she was easily going to be in the highest percentile.

Long story short, she took the 50-question practice test, and had  a projected AFQT of 16. Just so you understand BB, the AFQT is on a scale from 1-100. This woman had a MASTER'S degree, and scored a 16 on a test of HIGH-school level education.

In 22 years of service, I learned that college educated did not always equal smart.  Considering the nature of active duty service, I'm sure you have seen quite a few college graduates shuffled off to a corner where they could suck their thumb and not get anyone killed.  God knows I saw my fair share.

In my opinion, a College degree today is a piece of paper that showed you weren't tardy (in your case for 8-12 years), turned in your homework on time, and paid your loan payments on time.

Engineers still have to earn their stripes, so it's not a total loss.
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #68 on: April 15, 2013, 03:53:25 PM »
Gary Larson said it best...

Government is the negation of liberty.
  -Ludwig von Mises


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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #69 on: April 15, 2013, 04:21:21 PM »
Interesting since so many here have been talking about me.   If that's true and you really don't care, none of you will talk about me ever again because no one talks about people who don't interest them.  

Sure we will.  You are unattractive both physically and mentally and we will make fun of you for the rest of your worthless life.
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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #70 on: April 15, 2013, 05:47:12 PM »
Because someone exercises their Democratic rights and holds an opinion that differs from yours, you call them a dumbass.  That doesn't say much for your own intellectual abilities.  I miss conservatives like William F Buckley who could engage in thoughtful discussion, was well read, had a keen mind, and didn't insult people who disagreed with him. 

Oh the irony.   :whatever:

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #71 on: April 15, 2013, 05:51:41 PM »
BB is a narcissist.

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #72 on: April 15, 2013, 06:02:18 PM »
Oh the irony.   :whatever:

Indeed -

In my little exchange with her, she told me I have problems with reading comprehension, even though I said nothing dismissive about her. I'm sure the intent was to get me wound up. Little does she know, I can be exceedingly patient, and I will wait for someone to fall into a trap of their own design during any sort of debate. There are a couple of times in my own life where I waited for years for that moment to arrive.

As some of you may already know from reading my posts here, I have a very long memory.

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #73 on: April 15, 2013, 06:27:56 PM »
I was a Lit major. I love the whole process of dissecting a book and exploring its intent & message. IMO, As I Lay Dying is the greatest masterpiece ever written (btw, it's just as easy to find conservative themes as liberal ones because literature is meant to be intepretive). However, I also have common sense and I've used that more in my life and it's been much more useful than anything I've read in heady, intellectual books. Cervantes & D.H. Lawrence have never been any help in any life situation. The most I've gotten from all my "book larnin'" is really good cat names from T. S. Lawrence.

All the PhD's in the world don't give you any special kind of "life skills". If so, everyone at DU would be busy running a business, getting that promotion over the boss they're "smarter" than, being CEO's or writing books that sell more than 50 copies. Dissertations  of Basho's haiku have absolutely no use to anyone.  Oddly enough, 17th century Samurai poets won't solve the debt crises or teach us how to deal with Islamic terrorists, how to stick to a budget or why democrats are so damned afraid of guns. When you do have extra time, you guys would spend it joyfully talking about your great life & how busy you've been. If your MA's and PhD's were so useful, you guys would be running the world instead of bitching about it.

What surprises me about you, though, a college freshman learns to do better research than you've done. You know damn good and well Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source since anyone can edit it to say what they want. A person who's truly interested in researching a subject to prove his assertions would use it as a starting point, but he would follow those footnote links used as "proof". Nor would he use just ONE source, especially such a dubious one. With the Internet, research is easier than ever. A cursory glance through google shows hundreds of resources from different think tanks, colleges, governments & individuals.

You're not interested in truth, you're only interested in looking good to your little friends at DU. Running back to them, showing them this thread and waiting for the pats on the back as they all say how you got the best of us. Common sense should tell you good research requires more than one source as proof. Obviously, you don't have any.

"If God built me a ladder to heaven, I would climb it and elbow drop the world."
Mick Foley

"I am a very good shot. I have hunted for every kind of animal. But I would never kill an animal during mating season."
Hedy Lamarr

"I'm just like any modern woman trying to have it all. Loving husband, a family. It's just, I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade."
Morticia Addams

Offline Bainsbane

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Re: International homicide rates, etc.
« Reply #74 on: April 15, 2013, 06:37:55 PM »
You do know that crime rates are unreliable and should be taken with a grain of salt. Many countries with low crime rates are due to corruption and crime rarely being reported.

Evidently no source is reliable to you, except a bloviating drug addict spewing crap on the radio.  Is that you excuse for knowing absolutely nothing  and denying reality.

All sources have flaws in one way or another.  The point is to examine them and consider what flaws and biases they have rather than reflexively dismissing them out of hand.  All that shows is your own refusal to face anything, which is pathetic.  It seems to be a right wing trait.  You decide what you want to believe in advance and then no amount of evidence will ever persuade you.  It's wilfull ignorance, the worst kind imaginable.