Author Topic: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.  (Read 17663 times)

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2013, 07:12:06 AM »
darkangel218 (3,425 posts)
I just dont know where to begin.

I know many of you have been there for me for so many small, trivial issues.

This time I'm really having a big problem. I dropped out of my last semester of my nursing school. I just couldn't do it anymore.

My bf told me that he can't stand being around me , after I asked why he was yelling at me all the time. So he left. I told him we are done :'( I guess what else can I say, especially since he said that to me only an hour after he slept with me. What a douche :'( I just can't wrap my mind around how people can use others and then just be so cruel and not care about the damage they do.
My ex was the same, an abusive asshole. I don't know if this is a pattern, I made an appointment with a therapist, I know that won't help. I will probably be alone for the rest of my life, I just refuse to be used and taken advantage of over and over again :'(

And to the bastards of CC, go **** yourself , you psychos! I never understand how can someone's pain can make you happy just because they have different political views. But then again you're psychopaths! Go sick help assholes!!!

DUmmy darkangel,

I know you'll read this. You can't help yourself.

You are a failure. You failed in school, you failed in your relationships, and you failed in life. You re a pathetic, mewling pile of fail. It is the default position of people of your social and political persuasion, that you think you should be rewarded without effort. School, career, and relationships take real work, which you have chosen to not do. That choice is slapping you in the face like a flaccid dick.

Do you know why your latest boyfriend left you, an hour after he screwed you? Because you're a lousy piece of ass with a vagina like warm half-chewed Spam, and a whiny bitch to boot. He decided that a wool sock soaked in cod liver oil is a better ****-buddy than you.

Seeking validation from the equally pathetic bag of turds known as DU is all the evidence we need to see that you are thisclose to unsalvageable, but still you have the power to improve your life. The choice is yours- take that bottle of pills and rid the world of one more emo loser, or pull up your big girl panties and make something of yourself. Put down the bong, get off the DU, learn a thing or two hundred from our fine Conservative wimminz, focus on making yourself a better woman, find a decent man, and stop being such a waste of oxygen.

One more thing: trim that briar patch. The only people who like the Fangborn Forest between a woman's legs are hardcore bull dykes.

Love always,
The 3.2 billion men on Planet Earth
(minus the one who ran screaming into the night)
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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2013, 07:14:46 AM »
darkangel218 (3,425 posts)
I just dont know where to begin.

I know many of you have been there for me for so many small, trivial issues.

This time I'm really having a big problem. I dropped out of my last semester of my nursing school. I just couldn't do it anymore.

My bf told me that he can't stand being around me , after I asked why he was yelling at me all the time. So he left. I told him we are done :'( I guess what else can I say, especially since he said that to me only an hour after he slept with me. What a douche :'( I just can't wrap my mind around how people can use others and then just be so cruel and not care about the damage they do.
My ex was the same, an abusive asshole. I don't know if this is a pattern, I made an appointment with a therapist, I know that won't help. I will probably be alone for the rest of my life, I just refuse to be used and taken advantage of over and over again :'(

And to the bastards of CC, go **** yourself , you psychos! I never understand how can someone's pain can make you happy just because they have different political views. But then again you're psychopaths! Go sick help assholes!!!

NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline vesta111

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2013, 07:37:30 AM »

Something just ain't right here.

Seems the press has terms for most everything these days and a Dark Angle is one of them.   This has been used to nick name anyone in Medicine that offs patients.   

So-----When I read this woman was in Nursing School, my heart skipped a few beats.  Perhaps I need to cut down on watching Court TV.

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2013, 07:40:45 AM »
I never understand how can someone's pain can make you happy just because they have different political views

I visited the DUmp's memory lane, to review what was said upon Tony Snowe's death.  I'm not carting all that back, everyone remembers.  But to just to summarize:

Fridays Child  (1000+ posts)  Sat Jul-12-08 06:30 AM
Response to Original message
3. Uh oh. It's gonna get nasty around here, today.

Even she knew.  

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2013, 08:02:11 AM »
Here's you problem:

My bf told me that he can't stand being around me , after I asked why he was yelling at me all the time. So he left. I told him we are done :'( I guess what else can I say, especially since he said that to me only an hour after he slept with me. What a douche :'( I just can't wrap my mind around how people can use others and then just be so cruel and not care about the damage they do.
My ex was the same, an abusive asshole.

OK, you want answers?

I don't know what your ex did that would be considered "abusive" but what your just-departed did was not abusive (hint: most abusers are possessive, they don't dump their possessions).

Either it was a "grudge-****" (plenty of couples breaking-up do it, both men and women) or he was seeing if the sex was good enough to compensate for all the shit you give him (guess what: it wasn't).

But you chose to label it "abusive" which means you assign heavy terms to mundane occurances. If he knocked you around THAT would be abusive and he would deserve to have his ass kicked for it. One minute he's rolling around naked and doing what men like to do best and then, less than an hour later you're telling him he's the moral equivalent of Scott Peterson.

If he's abusive you should be glad he's gone but obviously you aren't so are you sick in the head and want to be abused (I doubt it) or you're wrong (read: LYING) about who he is as a man.

Domestic violence is some serious shit and labelling someone abusive when they aren't is as heinous as falsely accusing someone of rape.

You deserve to be dumped and may your cooch grow cobwebs.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #30 on: March 28, 2013, 08:30:43 AM »
They had a pep rally when Laura Ingraham announced she had breast cancer, and for years they've laughed about Barbara Olson being on the 9/11 plane that hit the Pentagon.

Are you serious?  do you have any links?

"An army of deer led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a deer." Phillip of Macedonia, father to Alexander.

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2013, 08:44:59 AM »
Are you serious?  do you have any links?

On Olson:

Maccagirl Donating Member (1000+ posts)

9. I don't believe any of it
Barbara Olson is dead. Her ego would not allow being underground for so long. Sorry if that sounds unfeeling.

Another link:

NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline Rebel

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NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline lars1701c

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #33 on: March 28, 2013, 08:47:31 AM »
This is about the fourth GBCW for this DUmmy.

It is also a repeat of boyfriend leaving woes.

And she is a mall cop/security guard who said she has a degree in criminal justice, but wanted nursing school as an add-on.

And doesn't like law enforcement officers.

I predict a self-delete before sunrise Thursday 3/28

I don't blame her BF from leaving her, she sounds like a loon
"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
~~~ The late Dr. Adrian Rogers , 1931 to 2005

Offline WinOne4TheGipper

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2013, 08:50:50 AM »
Are you serious?  do you have any links?

There's a famous thread where Elizabeth Edwards wished Laura well and saw the hatred the moonbats were spewing.  She never went back to DU after that.  While searching for it, I found this:

MalloyLiberal   (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore   Wed Jun-27-07 06:10 PM
Original message
Elizabeth Edwards just mentioned Democratic Underground

Edited on Wed Jun-27-07 06:41 PM by MalloyLiberal
And people who wished ill on Laura INgraham, sorry.
proud2BlibKansan   (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore   Wed Jun-27-07 06:12 PM
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2. Was it a good mention?
Or was she chastising us?

What do you think, you stupid little bitch.  Do you really think that Elizabeth Edwards would give you morons favorable reviews on the cusp of her husband's 2008 bid?
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NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline WinOne4TheGipper

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #36 on: March 28, 2013, 09:00:45 AM »
Rebel, don't forget mopaul/philosoraptor:

mopaul   (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore   Sat Jun-05-04 04:36 PM
Original message
I've waited for this day for 24 long years, now i'm celebrating
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Edited on Sat Jun-05-04 04:37 PM by mopaul
i don't care what killed him, alzhiemers or the black plague, i'm glad he's dead and i don't care how many times i'm scolded or chastised for it. the day he took office was the most depressing day of my life, and i swore, that on the day he died, i'd drink a toast of celebration and figuratively piss on his grave and have said so to several gingrich sucking reagan worshipping dickheads.

**** ronald reagan, and i hope in some small way my **** you counteracts all the bullshit we are going to be hammered with for a ****ing month after the fall of this 'greeeeeaaaaaat human being'.

**** you ronnie, here's to ya pal. see ya in hell

If a Republican or conservative has fallen ill in the last 12 years, they've wished death on him/ her.  If a Republican or conservative has died, they've put on their grave dancing shoes.
“Sometimes the curses of the godless sound better than the hallelujahs of the pious.”

Martin Luther

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2013, 09:25:26 AM »
We now return you to the DU's Greatest Loser program already in progress
darkangel218 (3,425 posts)

This time I'm really having a big problem. I dropped out of my last semester of my nursing school. I just couldn't do it anymore.
I understand. The alternative would be graduating and forced to take...a job. The increased salary, self respect and access to drugs might be an incentive to other liberals...but not you.

My bf told me that he can't stand being around me , after I asked why he was yelling at me all the time. So he left. I told him we are done :'( I guess what else can I say, especially since he said that to me only an hour after he slept with me. What a douche :'( I just can't wrap my mind around how people can use others and then just be so cruel and not care about the damage they do.
 I will probably be alone for the rest of my life, I just refuse to be used and taken advantage of over and over again :'(
I'm thinking if you didn't give it away for free, it wouldn't be so easy for him to leave. He got what he wanted. He lived with you. He could see your utter lack of self respect, inability to even graduate from nursing school, I can see his reasoning. It's not getting any better than this.
---That is a pattern that will repeat over and over again. Get used to it.

Tell ya what, Go back to school, graduate. Get a job as a nurse. Get a new place to live. spend a year establishing yourself as a good worker. Buy a few nice things for yourself.
---you will have a trade that will ALWAYS be in demand. You will never go hungry.

Do this and your self respect will attract a far better class of guy.

But I doubt you have the guts to finish that one last semester. You have loser painted all over you.

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2013, 09:40:26 AM »
darkangel218 (3,425 posts)
This time I'm really having a big problem.

Is it really a problem, or self created drama?

I dropped out of my last semester of my nursing school. I just couldn't do it anymore.

I guess that clears it up, doesn't it, loser?  Last semester drop out?  What a waste.  You held a seat that could have been used by someone trying to make something better out of themselves, you retard.

My bf told me that he can't stand being around me , after I asked why he was yelling at me all the time. So he left. I told him we are done

I don't know if this is a pattern, I made an appointment with a therapist, I know that won't help. I will probably be alone for the rest of my life, I just refuse to be used and taken advantage of over and over again.

Proverbs, 21-9, has the answer to this:  "It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house."

I just can't wrap my mind around how people can use others and then just be so cruel and not care about the damage they do.

I don't know if this is a pattern, I made an appointment with a therapist, I know that won't help. I will probably be alone for the rest of my life...

You get used and abused every election cycle, idiot.  Yeah, it's a pattern!  It stems from a chronic case of liberalism.  I doubt you'll be alone long, even though it would be best for every possible suitor that they not come near you.  Mother always said that girls don't have to be pretty to be "cheap", and you definitely fit that to a "T".  Don't worry, there will be some ignorant, sex starved fool that wanders along and puts up with you long enough to figure out what is in your head isn't worth dealing with to get what's in your pants. 

For us civilized people, walking away from drama generators began shortly before exiting high school.  Being a drama generator ended somewhere around the end of middle school.  You seem to still be stuck in the 8th grade, DUmmie.   :loser:


My ex was the same, an abusive asshole.

Someone getting tired of your shit and telling you what a fool you are is not abuse, being told you are acting stupid when you are acting stupid is not bullying, being teased for being a queer is not the same thing as getting lynched for the color of your skin.

Grow up, DUmbass, every minor bump in the road is not the end of the damn world.

I just refuse to be used and taken advantage of over and over again :'(

Sure, sugar, anything you say...   :lmao:

And to the bastards of CC, go **** yourself , you psychos! I never understand how can someone's pain can make you happy just because they have different political views. But then again you're psychopaths! Go sick help assholes!!!

Get back to me when you figure that one out, DUmbass.  Until then

"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2013, 10:15:20 AM »
 :lol: little dog is cute

"An army of deer led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a deer." Phillip of Macedonia, father to Alexander.

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2013, 10:27:16 AM »
:lol: little dog is cute

I had to use a cute puppy while mocking the DUmmie, I'm not completely heartless. 
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2013, 10:33:29 AM »
Last I heard some hospitals were offering huge chunks of money to just get into school and work for them. and nurses make decent money or at least better then entry level jobs like mall cop. and the other thing mentioned. Why does it hate cops? As a mall cop or any kind of security guard you have to interact with the police. There is no way around it plus most security jobs are unarmed and if you need the police to come bail you out ,it's probably a good idea to be on friendly terms with them. Shes like every other DUmmy,stupid and a pain to deal with. No wonder that guy left.  When someone that probably thinks like you tells you that your not worth dealing with an hour after doing horizontal aerobics with you then maybe he isn't the problem.

"Someday, when all your civilization and science are likewise swept away, your kind will pray for a man with a sword."-- Conan the Barbarian

Clint Eastwood - Because God wanted Chuck Norris to have nightmares.

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #42 on: March 28, 2013, 10:39:31 AM »
 :rotf: For some inexplicable reason I feel like dancing! 
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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #43 on: March 28, 2013, 10:44:36 AM »
The DUmp had a real fiesta when Charlton Heston died.

It was one of TiT's finest hours.

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #44 on: March 28, 2013, 10:54:39 AM »
You know, I get really annoyed with the primitives when they broad-brush us, blaming us for all that's wrong with them and their lives--everything from their money or job problems, their marital problems, their sexual dysfunctions, their fights with their family and neighbors, their surplus lardage, their bad teeth, their falling-out hair, their discombobulations with cops, the way the oil companies, drug companies, and their drug dealers overcharge them.....just everything under the sun, the primitives blame on us.

Without providing the least scintilla of evidence that decent and civilized people had a thing to do with their primitive problems.

And the DUmpster specifically.  The primitives always blame the DUmpster here on conservativecave, with nary an atribution to the Best/Worst of DU on conservativeunderground or P-J Comix's DUmmie FUnnies on freerepublic.  And I'm sure there's other places on the internet who illuminate the world about the antics of the primitives on Skins's island.

But no.  The primitives accuse only us.

I'm no attorney, but I'm wondering if some sort of cease-and-desist order could be delivered to Skins's island, compelling the primitives to abstain from blaming the DUmpster for something unless they provide substantive evidence that we had something to do with one of their misfortunes.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #45 on: March 28, 2013, 10:59:35 AM »

I'm no attorney, but I'm wondering if some sort of cease-and-desist order could be delivered to Skins's island, compelling the primitives to abstain from blaming the DUmpster for something unless they provide substantive evidence that we had something to do with one of their misfortunes.

Why? I love watching them get nuts over us.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #46 on: March 28, 2013, 11:08:57 AM »
:rotf: For some inexplicable reason I feel like dancing! 

You mean something along these lines?


"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

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"These anti-gun fools are more dangerous to liberty than street criminals or foreign spies."--Theodore Haas, Dachau Survivor

Chase her.
Chase her even when she's yours.
That's the only way you'll be assured to never lose her.

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #47 on: March 28, 2013, 11:13:10 AM »
Why? I love watching them get nuts over us.

Well, yes, I suppose we should be flattered by the attention we get--although one wishes we had a higher class of audience, than the primitives--but their broad-brush tirades against us are getting stale and old.

For once--just once, just one solitary time--I'd like to see a primitive demonstrate how the DUmpster, or any specific member of the DUmpster--was responsible, either directly or indirectly, for any of their stupid woes.

They haven't been able to do that all these years now, and so it's hard to take the primitives seriously.

apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #48 on: March 28, 2013, 11:14:56 AM »
You know, I get really annoyed with the primitives when they broad-brush us, blaming us for all that's wrong with them and their lives--everything from their money or job problems, their marital problems, their sexual dysfunctions, their fights with their family and neighbors, their surplus lardage, their bad teeth, their falling-out hair, their discombobulations with cops, the way the oil companies, drug companies, and their drug dealers overcharge them.....just everything under the sun, the primitives blame on us.

Without providing the least scintilla of evidence that decent and civilized people had a thing to do with their primitive problems.

And the DUmpster specifically.  The primitives always blame the DUmpster here on conservativecave, with nary an atribution to the Best/Worst of DU on conservativeunderground or P-J Comix's DUmmie FUnnies on freerepublic.  And I'm sure there's other places on the internet who illuminate the world about the antics of the primitives on Skins's island.

But no.  The primitives accuse only us.

I'm no attorney, but I'm wondering if some sort of cease-and-desist order could be delivered to Skins's island, compelling the primitives to abstain from blaming the DUmpster for something unless they provide substantive evidence that we had something to do with one of their misfortunes.

No. Freedom of speech and all that.

I delight in the angst of the DUmmies who cede us such power over their lives.  "My life sucks, and **** you CC!!!!!!!!" is right up there with "My dog ran away from home. Damn you, George W Bush!" as things that make me laugh out loud.
Government is the negation of liberty.
  -Ludwig von Mises


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Re: Darkangel saying goodbye. Again. And includes a CC shoutout.
« Reply #49 on: March 28, 2013, 11:22:29 AM »
And the DUmpster specifically.  The primitives always blame the DUmpster here on conservativecave, with nary an atribution to the Best/Worst of DU on conservativeunderground or P-J Comix's DUmmie FUnnies on freerepublic.  And I'm sure there's other places on the internet who illuminate the world about the antics of the primitives on Skins's island.
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