Author Topic: brain-damaged primitive goes to the post office  (Read 372 times)

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Offline franksolich

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brain-damaged primitive goes to the post office
« on: March 02, 2013, 01:48:48 PM »

Oh my.

I've been concerned, because it's been a while since the brain-damaged primitive showed up on Skins's island (at least that I saw), and the weather reports hadn't indicated any life-endangering storms in northern New Jersey; I was with considerable alarm fearing he'd gone out and gotten some razor blades.

DainBramaged (37,091 posts)    Sat Mar 2, 2013, 01:26 PM

"The Republicans always do what's right for Amurika" (at the post office earlier today)

Customer discussing politics with the nice lady behind the counter, who as a matter of fact is getting redder by the second since she can't really comment. (except to their friends hint hint)
"Then why don't they do what's right for the public?" (me)

"What, all them Liberul losers sucking on the gubment teat?" (He dragged out the Liburalll)
"What have they done for you in your lifetime?" I calmly asked with a big shit eating grin on my face.
Dead ****ing silence.

Heads for the door, muttering and swearing.

"All they've done is fooled you folks into thinking they've helped you" As I muttered "asshole" under my breath.
Out the door, the friend (after six years you know who your post office ladies are) let out a sigh and said thanks "they always come in here thinking we give a shit about their politics. And we have to listen and shut up."
At least my post office is a Liberul bastion among the assholes.

Buzz Clik (26,741 posts)    Sat Mar 2, 2013, 01:44 PM

3. This is how that interchange will read on Free Republic:

"Another Liberal Shows His Ignorance and Hate for Our Country"

I was having a pleasant conversation with the girl behind the post office counter. We were talking about the difference between the Republican and the Democrat parties. We both agreed that the GOP does what is right for America. This liberal decides to butt in. You know the type: bad hair, has not showered in a couple of days, and a little light in the loafers. "Why do the Republicans keep trying to take away our entitlements? Aren't we part of America?"
Everybody in the line at the Post Office laughed, and the girl waiting on me rolled her eyes. I tried to explain how Democrats get people addicted to welfare and other handouts. "All they've done is fooled you folks into thinking they've helped you." Mr. Mom had nothing to say. After a few seconds, he turned away in shame and called me an asshole under his breath. I walked out in triumph while he tried to figure a way to hit me with his purse.

^^^one of franksolich's all-time favorite primitives, the buzzy one.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline thundley4

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Re: brain-damaged primitive goes to the post office
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2013, 02:12:04 PM »
"All they've done is fooled you folks into thinking they've helped you" As I muttered "asshole" under my breath.

This is exactly what the Democrats have done to blacks, Hispanics and all poor people.

Offline blitzkrieg_17

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Re: brain-damaged primitive goes to the post office
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2013, 03:04:47 PM »
No bongs for the brain-damaged one, but one bong to Buzz Clik because that's how that conversation would have gone if it happened, which it didn't.
Caught somewhere in time

Offline USA4ME

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Re: brain-damaged primitive goes to the post office
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2013, 03:14:54 PM »
What a horrible liar.

DB is one of the primitives I'd throughly enjoy confronting face-to-face.  The guy's a total whimp.  I guarantee if you did he'd beat a path back to his car or house or wherever his closest safehaven would be so quick you'd have to run just to stay with him.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline franksolich

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Re: brain-damaged primitive goes to the post office
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2013, 03:18:48 PM »
What a horrible liar.

DB is one of the primitives I'd throughly enjoy seeing face-to-face.

Me too, but since I'm rather far from New Jersey, I've always been sort of hoping that Ballygrl there runs into him--a harmless encounter--and can give us a report.

In case one doesn't know, the brain-damaged primitive lives in the most-affluent county of New Jersey, and the reddest county in the northeastern states.

He always bitches about how lousy it is, and one wonders why he doesn't move to a blue neighborhood.  New Jersey's a pretty tiny state; surely he's within walking distance of a blue area he could inhabit.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline WinOne4TheGipper

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Re: brain-damaged primitive goes to the post office
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2013, 03:38:47 PM »
SO, I'm at work today, checking out a customer with a cartful of plumbing materials.  He says that he has three jobs to do. He starts complaining about how Obama has made running his business harder.  He says that he never had those problems when Bush was in office.

Suddenly, the customer behind him, who had a cart of fifty bags of Cheetos (some of them already open, their contents spilling out on the floor) spoke up.

"Rethuglicans always **** up everything," he said as his mouth released the most noxious smell I've ever e countered.  "Look at what Boosh did and how good Democrats are.  They help poor people!"

After we overcame the smell of the libtard's breath, my customer said, "Yeah genius, look at the wonderful things democrats have done to Detroit and California and golly gee, look at the wonderful job Barry's doing."

We both sort of chuckled at that.

The moonbat's face got red.

"You evil Repukes are in it for the money.  You don't care a damn about your fellow man."

"I beg to differ.  I tithe to my church and donate time, money and services to various causes.  What do you do?" asked the plumber.

With that, the moonbat stormed out and yelled, "Just wait until I post this at DU!!!"
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Martin Luther


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Re: brain-damaged primitive goes to the post office
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2013, 08:48:43 PM »
It's an awful bouncy, worse even than one composed by rsmithnumbers, but it does at least confirm that his brain is indeed damaged.