Author Topic: The Life of the Legend (A Speculative History)  (Read 1588 times)

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Offline vesta111

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Re: The Life of the Legend (A Speculative History)
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2013, 12:12:55 PM »
waiting to  see when she gets to the Revolution and helps write the Constitution, her take on men wearing wigs and makeup a plus.

Offline FlippyDoo

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Re: The Life of the Legend (A Speculative History)
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2013, 06:36:33 PM »
Chapter 7

After feeling fear in her meeting with the Scourge, being betrayed by Caesar, and feeling sadness for the loss of her followers in the land of Atlantis, The Nad decided to focus on the arts. From the early 1500s to the early 1600s The Nad bounced around Europe spreading her brilliance. During this time period she painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. She painted a portrait titled Mona Lisa. She composed many plays including Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and Hamlet. All these works and many others like them she produced for the people. It could be said that The Nad actually was the Renaissance.

Much to her chagrin she quickly discovered that all of her works were attributed to others. She knew that such a dastardly deed could only be the work of the combined talents of KaRovUs and the Scourge. Her anger was great. She was so incensed that beaded sweat covered her entire forehead. The only thing that could calm her rage was battle. Battle with KaRovUs and the Scourge was preferable, but any battle would do. Despite her anger, she knew that she couldn't let it blind her to the strategies that she had taught Sun Tzu many years before. She decided to travel to the 1800s to meet a guy she had befriended on an earlier voyage to that era. A gentleman whose name was Jim Bowie. Much like The Nad he was a scrapper. She knew such a like mind could help her find a battle that would help to ease her rage.

The Nad had first met Jim Bowie at a duel in 1827. Both were there as observers. For some reason a fight had broken out among the observers. Bowie was shot and fell to the ground. The Nad, who was fighting several men herself, was so impressed when the wounded Bowie rose from the ground that she tossed him her 10" knife. Bowie, encouraged that he now had such a weapon, charged his attacker but was knocked to the ground. The attacker stabbed Bowie with a sword cane, but when he attempted to pull the sword from Bowie, Jim used the knife that had been provided by The Nad to gut his opponent like a fish.

Bowie, in pain and weak from blood loss, was then both shot and stabbed again. By this time The Nad, who had been engaging the other observers in hand-to-hand combat, had sent the rest of the combatants running in terror. She quickly went to the prone Bowie and invented more emergency medical techniques (in addition to those she developed to save TiberTomLi in Atlantis) to tend Bowie's wounds and save his life.

Bowie quickly recovered thanks to The Nad, and the two became fast friends. Bowie was constantly nagging her to let him keep the knife that she had tossed him during the fight, but The Nad just couldn't part with it. Before she departed that time period she used her superior blacksmithing skills to create Jim an exact, but slightly smaller, replica of her knife. An appreciative Bowie jokingly called it the little Nad Knife, but in time it became known as the Bowie knife.
----------End of Flashback----------

When The Nad arrived back in the 1800s to look for her old friend, Jim Bowie, she learned that he had traveled to a place called the Alamo and that there was trouble brewing. The Nad smiled as she squeezed back into her time machine to head to the Alamo. She laughed to herself as she pulled the machine's lever. Trouble was indeed coming to the Alamo, and she was bringing a 10" knife with her.
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Re: The Life of the Legend (A Speculative History)
« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2013, 08:40:24 AM »
Chapter 7

After feeling fear in her meeting with the Scourge, being betrayed by Caesar, and feeling sadness for the loss of her followers in the land of Atlantis, The Nad decided to focus on the arts. From the early 1500s to the early 1600s The Nad bounced around Europe spreading her brilliance. During this time period she painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. She painted a portrait titled Mona Lisa. She composed many plays including Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and Hamlet. All these works and many others like them she produced for the people. It could be said that The Nad actually was the Renaissance.

Much to her chagrin she quickly discovered that all of her works were attributed to others. She knew that such a dastardly deed could only be the work of the combined talents of KaRovUs and the Scourge. Her anger was great. She was so incensed that beaded sweat covered her entire forehead. The only thing that could calm her rage was battle. Battle with KaRovUs and the Scourge was preferable, but any battle would do. Despite her anger, she knew that she couldn't let it blind her to the strategies that she had taught Sun Tzu many years before. She decided to travel to the 1800s to meet a guy she had befriended on an earlier voyage to that era. A gentleman whose name was Jim Bowie. Much like The Nad he was a scrapper. She knew such a like mind could help her find a battle that would help to ease her rage.

The Nad had first met Jim Bowie at a duel in 1827. Both were there as observers. For some reason a fight had broken out among the observers. Bowie was shot and fell to the ground. The Nad, who was fighting several men herself, was so impressed when the wounded Bowie rose from the ground that she tossed him her 10" knife. Bowie, encouraged that he now had such a weapon, charged his attacker but was knocked to the ground. The attacker stabbed Bowie with a sword cane, but when he attempted to pull the sword from Bowie, Jim used the knife that had been provided by The Nad to gut his opponent like a fish.

Bowie, in pain and weak from blood loss, was then both shot and stabbed again. By this time The Nad, who had been engaging the other observers in hand-to-hand combat, had sent the rest of the combatants running in terror. She quickly went to the prone Bowie and invented more emergency medical techniques (in addition to those she developed to save TiberTomLi in Atlantis) to tend Bowie's wounds and save his life.

Bowie quickly recovered thanks to The Nad, and the two became fast friends. Bowie was constantly nagging her to let him keep the knife that she had tossed him during the fight, but The Nad just couldn't part with it. Before she departed that time period she used her superior blacksmithing skills to create Jim an exact, but slightly smaller, replica of her knife. An appreciative Bowie jokingly called it the little Nad Knife, but in time it became known as the Bowie knife.
----------End of Flashback----------

When The Nad arrived back in the 1800s to look for her old friend, Jim Bowie, she learned that he had traveled to a place called the Alamo and that there was trouble brewing. The Nad smiled as she squeezed back into her time machine to head to the Alamo. She laughed to herself as she pulled the machine's lever. Trouble was indeed coming to the Alamo, and she was bringing a 10" knife with her.

This is good!  I like the way you tie the knife into this.  H5.
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"Those that trust God with their safety must yet use proper means for their safety, otherwise they tempt Him, and do not trust Him.  God will provide, but so must we also." - Matthew Henry, Commentary on 2 Chronicles 32, from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible

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Chase her.
Chase her even when she's yours.
That's the only way you'll be assured to never lose her.

Offline FlippyDoo

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Re: The Life of the Legend (A Speculative History)
« Reply #28 on: February 17, 2013, 03:23:30 PM »
Chapter 8

On February 24 The Nad arrived at the Alamo to find her old friend Jim Bowie very sick and Santa Anna's army approaching the Alamo for an assault. She knew that before she could tend to her friend she must first delay the Mexican assault. She pulled her 10" knife and had the Texans catapult her over the wall into the Mexican lines. She landed like a bladed cannonball hopped up on speed. Mexican soldiers were falling at every turn.

When Santa Anna got word that the assault force was being decimated by one egg-shaped person with a 10" knife, he knew immediately who they faced. His old mentor: The Nad. He immediately sounded the retreat. The assault force had never been more glad to retreat a scene and raced in terror toward the main encampment. Once The Nad was sure they were gone she sheathed her blade and waddled back to the Alamo.

She worked feverishly to help her friend Jim, but even with her enormous emergency medical skills she was limited in what she could do because of the circumstances. To make matters worse the temperature began to drop. It got down to 39 degrees (-23 degrees in nadmetrics). She knew that it had to be KaRovUs, possibly with the aid of the Scourge, using a time warp to funnel future Global Climate Change into the past to thwart her.

She was now faced with a dilemma. She could head into the time stream and attempt to stop KaRovUs's freezing of the planet or she could stay and defeat her old pupil Santa Anna for the Texans. She knew that if she didn't stop the cold that her old friend, and possibly the planet, would die. Her decision was made.

She quickly gave some military tips and some inside info on Santa Anna's strategy then fired up the time machine and raced into the future in search of her nemesis.

While still in the time stream and just as she neared the 21st century KaRovUs hit her with a secondary time warp that knocked the time machine out of control and 50,000 years into the past. She finally crashed near what is now Winslow, Arizona. The impact was so great that it caused a crater about 4000' in diameter that can still be seen to this day. Some people call it Meteor Crater. Some people call it Barringer Crater. At the time The Nad didn't care what it would one day be called. It was a marvel that she had even survived the impact. Now all she was concerned about was the fact that her time machine was completely destroyed, and she was stranded in the Pleistocene epoch.
Fictional spirit-guiding by appointment. &

For new members and lurkers: I am a fictional spirit-guide with no smell whatsoever. I am part irish setter and part pigeon. If you don't smell any strange smells it means I'm probably standing next to you. As I am a fictional character anything I post should possibly be considered fictional.

Offline franksolich

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Re: The Life of the Legend (A Speculative History)
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2013, 05:33:04 PM »
Awesome; keep it up.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Big Dog

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Re: The Life of the Legend (A Speculative History)
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2013, 11:22:31 AM »
I agree with franksolich. Hi5!
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Offline FlippyDoo

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Re: The Life of the Legend (A Speculative History)
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2013, 08:17:51 AM »
Chapter 9

The Nad stood upon the still smoldering wreckage of what was her time machine. She could see that it would be quite a climb to scale the sides of the crater formed from the crash. Thankfully her climbing gear had somehow survived the disaster, but even with the gear and her climbing skills she knew that it would take a while.

By the time she reached the rim of the crater the sun had set. This was fine with The Nad because it gave her a chance to study the stars and judge her location and just how far she had been knocked into the past.

A quick look at the night sky told her she was in an area of what would one day be Arizona. She didn't mind. When she calculated the date, however, she was less pleased. Stuck in the distant past. Time machine destroyed. She had the knowledge to build a new time machine, but the infrastructure just didn't exist that would allow such a technical project. She never really realized that even someone as great as her could be limited by the infrastructure. She took out the paper on which she had been writing the names that would occupy her future ignore list and on the back of said paper wrote: remember 'infrastructure'. She then settled down for the night while trying to decide her next move.


Chapter 10

During the long prehistoric night The Nad thought, planned, and schemed. By morning she had decided on a course of action, but first she needed some nourishment.

It didn't take much hunting for her to find a wooly mammoth. He was huge. Larger than the arrogance of a pretend reporter with a good rig. With her knife being lost in the time machine crash all that she had to use for weapons were her wit, skills, and a rock the size of a tennis ball.

The area was open. Not many trees or underbrush. There was no way to sneak up on the beast so The Nad just faced him head on. They stood 200' apart facing each other. The beast and the mammoth. The mammoth pawed the ground with his large foot. Then made a rumbling blowing sound with his trunk. The mammoth charged The Nad. The Nad charged the mammoth. Just before the two hit The Nad sailed into the air and bounced like a beach ball on his neck just behind his head.

The mammoth began bucking and twisting like a bull in a rodeo. He tried every thing to toss The Nad to the ground. She wobbled, but she didn't fall down. The entire time she was pounding him in the skull with the tennis ball sized rock.

Eventually, after constant hits with the rock, the mammoth began to stagger. Then he fell to the ground with a crash that sounded like thunder. The Nad, dirty and bloody with strands of loose mammoth hair covering her, jumped from his back and noticed that an entire herd, or maybe multiple herds, of wooly mammoths had gathered to watch the battle. She braced herself for a charge, but the mammoths all turned and raced from the scene in terror. The viciousness of The Nad's attack on their fellow mammoth so traumatized the other mammoths that their reproductive rates were affected to such a degree that in the future the population could not sustain itself against human hunters. In essence, The Nad had just started the ball rolling that would cause the extinction of the wooly mammoth.

After catching her breath The Nad started a fire using sticks and rocks and grilled a mammoth steak. During her meal she fine-tuned her plan. She needed to get revenge on KaRovUs and the Scourge. She had no way of knowing where or when KaRovUs was located, but she did know where the Scourge would be located around 2004. She would travel to the Sandhills of Nebraska, find a place near where his home would be located in the future, and send her body into a state of suspended animation with her mind programed to wake her body in 2004.


Chapter 11

It was night when The Nad awoke from her suspended animation. It had worked as she had planned. Her body hadn't aged, but she was hungry. The hunger, however, would have to wait. She could see the Scourge's home nearby so she knew her location calculations were current, but she had to determine if she woke in the correct time period.

Quick calculations after studying the locations of the constellations in the night sky told her that she had overshot her designated time by almost a year. She was sometime in late 2005 or very early 2006, but that didn't matter. She was sure the Scourge would be around. He'd just have to meet his fate a little later than she had planned.

Before she could decide if her first order of business would be to eat or to take care of the Scourge she heard just the slightest bit of noise. It was so faint that it would have been missed by the ears of a normal individual, but The Nad was anything but normal. She crouched down and eased toward the sound.

To her surprise it was a six man team of ninja lawyers, and they were headed toward the Scourge's home. She wondered what they would be wanting with the Scourge. Regardless, she knew the Scourge was now doomed as ninja lawyers can not be beaten. Several years back, as traveled to in her now destroyed time machine, she had personally created the training for ninja lawyers. She designed and set up the legal training, the stealth training, the warfare training, and special hand-to-hand combat training.

She watched as the ninja lawyers quietly slipped into the home, and she edged closer in hopes of watching the action. Then she heard high-pitched screams of pure terror. She looked toward the house and through the window could see a tall, slender figure slinging a large wrench. With each swing she heard the high-pitched screams. Finally, one of the ninja lawyers came sailing out of said window and began running like he was trying to out run death itself. At the house, the figure with the wrench stood at the window and shouted to the fleeing ninja lawyer, "Tell the Bostonian Drunkard if he bothers me again about the red one that he'll be sleeping in the William Rivers Pitt with your buddies!"

The Nad slouched to the ground and sighed. She wondered how one man could have possibly defeated an entire strike force of ninja lawyers. She eased closer for a better look. It was indeed the Scourge. Naked as the day he was born and tossing the limp bodies of the ninja lawyers into what appeared to be an old excrement hole.

The Nad now knew that she needed to build a new time machine and get away from the Scourge.
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For new members and lurkers: I am a fictional spirit-guide with no smell whatsoever. I am part irish setter and part pigeon. If you don't smell any strange smells it means I'm probably standing next to you. As I am a fictional character anything I post should possibly be considered fictional.