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Offline Firekrakka

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Liberal to English
« on: January 19, 2013, 12:08:56 AM »
Please forgive me if this has been posted!

Liberal to English Translation
Jan 16th, 2013 by Don.

I know many liberals and have asked them all the same question, “You detested that Bush spent so much money and raised our national debt, yet Obama is quadrupling this debt and has, in fact amassed more deficit spending than all other Presidents combined. Does this bother you?”

Every single time the answer has been, “No, it doesn’t bother me because he is spending money on things that need to be done.”

To which I state something along the lines of, “You mean like A $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film, or $600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees, or $160 million for “paid volunteers” at the Corporation for National and Community Service, or lastly, how about $850 million for Amtrak.”

This is usually where the conversation either turns ugly or ends, because when confronted with the truth, the average liberal cannot deal with it. It is hard to call these things investments when they are what they are – government waste and misuse of our tax dollars.

The liberals have been so successful the last few years because of a number of reasons. The liberal media is in their back pocket for one, and have been a very useful tool of the liberal. The liberal media has even adopted the language of the liberal. For example, it’s not raising taxes, it’s “investing.” It’s not abortion, it’s “choice.” They’re not illegal aliens, they are “undocumented immigrants.” For you see, to make their far left agenda more palatable to the average American, they have to – because it is so radical.

So I have compiled a partial list of liberal to English translation. It is in no particular order and of course only a partial list because it is constantly being changed and updated.

“The constitution is a living, breathing document.” = A fundamentally flawed document (Spoken by Obama in a radio interview in a 2001 Chicago Public Radio interview) that changes with political expediency

“Deficit Reduction” = Tax Hike

“Religious right” = Christians who are conservative

“Bipartisanship” = Arlen Specter

“Intolerance” = Opposed to liberal agenda

“Propaganda” = Conservative point of view

“Assault Weapons” = Virtually any firearm

“Cut” = Reduction in the rate of growth

“Pandering” = What Republicans do when supporting something liberals don’t like, usually applies to the NRA or religious right

“Profiteering” = Not losing money

“Managed competition” = Government takeover

“Overheated economy” = Prosperity

“Fully fund” = Blank check

“Diversity” = Multiple groups that adhere to the liberal agenda

“Special interest groups” = Non-liberal groups

“Fundamentalist” = Conservative

“Greed” = Profit motive

“Multiculturalism” = When placed in context to other countries, it means that America is to blame for all that is wrong in the world and that the USA is only one country among many, NOT the leading nation in the world

“Choice”= Abortion – not to be confused with the choice of personal liberty, that is not allowed under the liberal system

“Oversight” = Government

“Working Americans” = Only lower and middle class Americans

“Conduct a review” = Strategic delay

“Insurgents” = Terrorists

“Rigid Ideologue” = A conservative that stands up for his beliefs

“Compromise” = Only comes about when people agree with liberal agenda

“Affirmative Action” = Racial Preferences

“Lies” = “Policy Differences”

“Patriotism” = Paying more and more taxes is often equated with being a patriot

“Racism” = Open criticism of the Obama administration

“Closed-minded” = Does not agree with liberal agenda

“Right wing extremist” = The GOP

“Social responsibility” = Redistribution of wealth

“Corporate welfare” = Gross revenue minus taxes

“Corporate subsidy” = See ‘corporate welfare’

“Deserving poor” = People who vote for liberals

“Tax the rich” = Increase taxes on anyone making $250,000 a year or higher, $200,000 or, er, I mean $150,000 a year – *sigh* this number keeps getting lower

“Freedom Fighters” = Terrorists, Somalia Pirates, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, etc…

“Decriminalization” = Legalization

“Regulate” = Ban


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Offline jctejas

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Re: Liberal to English
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 10:03:58 PM »
very good i like this.


Offline CG6468

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Re: Liberal to English
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2013, 10:32:43 PM »
How true!
Illinois, south of the gun controllers in Chi town

Offline Conservative Libertarian

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Re: Liberal to English
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2013, 11:11:08 PM »
Please forgive me if this has been posted!

Liberal to English Translation
Jan 16th, 2013 by Don.

I know many liberals and have asked them all the same question, “You detested that Bush spent so much money and raised our national debt, yet Obama is quadrupling this debt and has, in fact amassed more deficit spending than all other Presidents combined. Does this bother you?”

Every single time the answer has been, “No, it doesn’t bother me because he is spending money on things that need to be done.”

To which I state something along the lines of, “You mean like A $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film, or $600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees, or $160 million for “paid volunteers” at the Corporation for National and Community Service, or lastly, how about $850 million for Amtrak.”

This is usually where the conversation either turns ugly or ends, because when confronted with the truth, the average liberal cannot deal with it. It is hard to call these things investments when they are what they are – government waste and misuse of our tax dollars.

The liberals have been so successful the last few years because of a number of reasons. The liberal media is in their back pocket for one, and have been a very useful tool of the liberal. The liberal media has even adopted the language of the liberal. For example, it’s not raising taxes, it’s “investing.” It’s not abortion, it’s “choice.” They’re not illegal aliens, they are “undocumented immigrants.” For you see, to make their far left agenda more palatable to the average American, they have to – because it is so radical.

So I have compiled a partial list of liberal to English translation. It is in no particular order and of course only a partial list because it is constantly being changed and updated.

“The constitution is a living, breathing document.” = A fundamentally flawed document (Spoken by Obama in a radio interview in a 2001 Chicago Public Radio interview) that changes with political expediency

“Deficit Reduction” = Tax Hike

“Religious right” = Christians who are conservative

“Bipartisanship” = Arlen Specter

“Intolerance” = Opposed to liberal agenda

“Propaganda” = Conservative point of view

“Assault Weapons” = Virtually any firearm

“Cut” = Reduction in the rate of growth

“Pandering” = What Republicans do when supporting something liberals don’t like, usually applies to the NRA or religious right

“Profiteering” = Not losing money

“Managed competition” = Government takeover

“Overheated economy” = Prosperity

“Fully fund” = Blank check

“Diversity” = Multiple groups that adhere to the liberal agenda

“Special interest groups” = Non-liberal groups

“Fundamentalist” = Conservative

“Greed” = Profit motive

“Multiculturalism” = When placed in context to other countries, it means that America is to blame for all that is wrong in the world and that the USA is only one country among many, NOT the leading nation in the world

“Choice”= Abortion – not to be confused with the choice of personal liberty, that is not allowed under the liberal system

“Oversight” = Government

“Working Americans” = Only lower and middle class Americans

“Conduct a review” = Strategic delay

“Insurgents” = Terrorists

“Rigid Ideologue” = A conservative that stands up for his beliefs

“Compromise” = Only comes about when people agree with liberal agenda

“Affirmative Action” = Racial Preferences

“Lies” = “Policy Differences”

“Patriotism” = Paying more and more taxes is often equated with being a patriot

“Racism” = Open criticism of the Obama administration

“Closed-minded” = Does not agree with liberal agenda

“Right wing extremist” = The GOP

“Social responsibility” = Redistribution of wealth

“Corporate welfare” = Gross revenue minus taxes

“Corporate subsidy” = See ‘corporate welfare’

“Deserving poor” = People who vote for liberals

“Tax the rich” = Increase taxes on anyone making $250,000 a year or higher, $200,000 or, er, I mean $150,000 a year – *sigh* this number keeps getting lower

“Freedom Fighters” = Terrorists, Somalia Pirates, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, etc…

“Decriminalization” = Legalization

“Regulate” = Ban


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Re: Liberal to English
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2013, 07:51:57 AM »
Democrat/liberal/progressive = Nut, fruitcake, Dummie, communist, socialist, TIT sucker, lazy, lay about.....
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline jctejas

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Re: Liberal to English
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 10:06:40 PM »
Neo communist...............  modern democratic party.........


Offline A7X_foREVer

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Re: Liberal to English
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2013, 07:37:43 PM »
I sent these to some friends they loved it
Voting for Obama for a second term would be like the captain of the Titanic backing into the iceberg again