Author Topic: Loony Tunes (aka: HRC blogspot)  (Read 679 times)

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Loony Tunes (aka: HRC blogspot)
« on: June 03, 2008, 11:53:59 PM »
Folks, this is funnier than any episode of DUmmie FUnnies (no offense, PJ Comix!)
Lets start with this rather strange almost-but-not-quite-concession statement:
Dear Friend,

Over the course of this campaign, I have seen the promise of America in your courage and character, your energy and ingenuity, and your compassion and faith.

Your spirit has inspired me every day in this race. While I traveled this country talking about how I wanted to help you -- time and again, you reached out to help me. To grab my hand or grip my arm, to look me in my eyes and tell me, don’t quit, keep fighting, stay in this race for us. There were days when I had strength enough for the both of us -- and on the days I didn't, I leaned on you.

This has always been your campaign, and tonight, there's no one I want to hear from more than you. I hope you're as proud as I am of what we've done and that you'll take a moment to share your thoughts with me now at my website.

I want to congratulate Senator Obama and his supporters on the extraordinary race that they have run. Senator Obama has inspired so many Americans to care about politics and empowered so many more to get involved, and our party and our democracy are stronger and more vibrant as a result.

Whatever path I travel next, I promise I will keep faith with you and everyone I have met across this good and great country. There is no possible way to thank you enough for everything you have done throughout this primary season, and you will always be in my heart.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Note the "Contribute" button is very much in evidence.

Now for the Oh My Moments:


I am and always will be a supporter of Hillary Clinton.  I will vote for her in November.

For me it is a matter of principle.  I cannot and will not vote for someone that I believe will not take this country out of the mess that George Bush took us too.  No Way.

But folks here is the deal.  She cannot go on without our support.  Not just e-mails and notes of wisdom.  It always comes down to money.

Even though the media says Obama is the nominee, I came here tonight to donate.  That is what she needs if she is going to continue.  So if that is what you want her to need to donate right now.  If it is a dollar, two dollars or ten, that is the message.  We need to let her know that we have her back and that we know that she needs to finance this fight.

Contribution Details
Date: June 03, 2008 10:05 PM CDT
Amount: $50.00




by Tehkao at 6/3/2008 11:14:50 PM

Some people on that site do EVERYTHING IN CAPITALS.  I don't know if it is cultural or technical.


I just donated $25!  It was all I could give, but I gave my all!!

I'm a delegate and the SD Desk for Hillary to the State Convention this weekend in Texas.  I'm doing everything I can for her!  We can't, and won't, give up!

by duchessuta at 6/3/2008 11:30:09 PM

Not a dream ticket any more

I sincerely wish that Hillary does not accept the second slot. I just cannot and will not support the Democratic party nominee. I will vote for McCain B4 I vote for BHO.  The present DNC has stabbed Hillary in the back, I cannot continuing supporting the Undemocratic party.

I will always support and Vote for Hillary but cannot support Chicago mafia(BHO)

by bestpresident at 6/4/2008 12:40:14 AM
Oh My Oh Me.

A few more, then I leave the rest for you.  Trust me, it is freaking hilarious.

Take the path to Denver

And you will not stand alone.
You must do it for this country. Never mind us or you, this country - your country - needs you.
Please go to Denver and please do not concede or give up your delegates.
You are the chosen one.
The Lord will see you through if you stay the course.

Barbara in NC

by Barbara in NC at 6/3/2008 11:15:40 PM
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no hillary, thank YOU.

by darya at 6/3/2008 11:15:54 PM
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Stay in the Race

Hillary, you need to stay in the race either to continue fighting for the dem nomination or to run as an Independent. Your loyalty to the democratic party is misplaced. They do not respect you or your supporters which is why I will never cast a ballot for obama. The DNC underestimates our extreme distrust and dislike of obama--many of us will refuse to just fall in line behind THEIR candidate.

by BarbaraZ at 6/3/2008 11:18:00 PM
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      Don't Give Up, There Are 18 Million Reasons Why You Cannot....

      Remember your words, if we stand for you, you will stand for us, we are now standing for you and we need you to stand for us. 18 Million people took the time in the rain, the cold, the heat to go have a say in who runs this country and that is 18 million reasons to keep fighting.  If we can get those 18 million people to just send in 5.00 each we can keep fighting.  Anyone who watched Hillary Clinton speak tonight and was not inspired by her speech well they just cannot be inspired.  I am with her in any decision she makes, she will do what is best for her and this country.  She has 18 million reasons why it would be the best decision. 

      Thank you Hillary Clinton, thank you for standing for us and our beliefs, thank you for your compassion for this country. Thank you for being you..

      This is out on You Tube, not sure what it means, but it was sent to me

      by Bama 4 Hillary at 6/3/2008 11:27:56 PM
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We love you so much. It has been an honor supporting you. I cannot vote for Obama. Please do not take the VP spot. If you take it to Denver, we will be there with you. If you still do not become the nominee, then I will vote McCain and patiently wait for 2012!! When you run again.
We love you and we need you- only you.
Sonya in GA

by Sonya D at 6/3/2008 11:19:30 PM
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If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.