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Offline Right and Proud

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I am NOT a liberal!
« on: January 05, 2013, 12:46:31 AM »
I am NOT "tolerant" of people who prove to me that they don't deserve my tolerance and understanding.

I am NOT "inclusive" of people from other cultures who make no secret of their desire to replace everything that I believe the U.S. is and should be with their vision of what they want it to be.

I am NOT "open-minded" to ideas and beliefs I've considered, and rejected because I can see massive flaws in the reasoning that generated them.

I am NOT a liberal, and because of that AM NOT obligated to practice the liberals' version of "tolerance," "inclusion" or "open-mindedness."

Liberals, though, by constantly claiming to be the "tolerant," "inclusive" and "open-minded" crowd ARE obligated to prove themselves to be all those things. And they fail miserably.

Liberal "live as I say, not as I do" hypocrisy has become so mainstream as to be just another hoary old cliche, and the only ones who don't see it are liberals themselves. 

WHY are we allowing these people - these liberals - to be in power positions over us?  According to most polls, they are a minority in this country.  Yes, I understand that the ghetto conman got enough support from his handout-addicted vote whores to stink up the White House - and continue to ravage this Republic - for another four years, but that doesn't mean the rest of us have been gelded, or even muzzled.

Currently, the democrats in government believe that the republican party is on the ropes, and is about to break up.  That may happen, too.  But just because the GOP ceases to exist does NOT mean there'll be no one left standing to oppose the tyranny of the left.  WE will be here.

Please excuse the ranting nature of this post.  A couple we've known for more than 30 years came over for dinner this evening, and hard as I tried I couldn't keep the conversation from turning to politics.  This guy and his wife have known me and the wife for three decades, and in all that time it apparently never occurred to him that I'm not a liberal like they are.  I've always known they were liberals, but it never made any difference to me.  But this evening, I didn't even express disagreements when they got going - all it took was for them to notice that I wasn't agreeing with him.  He ended up cussing me and the wife, and storming out of the house, his wife telling my wife to never, ever speak to her again on her way out.

I played music with him for years, attended major league football and baseball games, went fishing with him dozens of times, had his family over for countless get-togethers, and been at his home for countless get-togethers.  But none of that mattered to him when they, in their sanctimonious liberal outrage, realized I'm not as "tolerant" and "inclusive" and "open-minded" as they claimed they are (though not in those exact words).

My wife is still upset.

All this time I thought they were good friends (which is what he said to me right before he started cussing me out).  But in the end, they were liberals; and liberals don't have friends.  They have allies.  Fellow travelers.  Comrades.

I don't know what I'll do if they try to make amends someday.  Accept it, I suppose.  I don't want to be as shitty about it as they were this evening.  But I don't know how I can ever truly trust them again.

Anyone else had anything like that happen?

« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 12:52:08 AM by Right and Proud »
I'm one of the 250,000,000-plus Americans who did NOT vote for Obama.

"Conservative," by definition, means NOT EXTREME. Right-wing extremists are no more conservative than leftists are.

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2013, 06:28:38 AM »
Not exactly.

I did have an experience a couple years ago that I brought to the cave; an example of the liberal racist mindset.

December 24, 2010:

This morning, I was walking through my local Meijer waiting for the bank branch in the front of the store to open. 

(As an Ex-GI, I'm pretty much always "scanning my sector".)

I was walking past the rows of CDs and DVD, glancing down each row as I passed the end cap.  Halfway down one of the rows was a rather well-dressed African-descended female person, talking on a cell phone.  We had no sooner made eye contact (which I didn't hold anyway), she said quite clearly, "don't be watchin' me!  You don't know me!" I continued past the next end cap and hear (presumably back on the phone) "White man be eyeballin' me in the store,"  then went on to say something about X-Boxes.

Oh, how I wanted to say, "You don't know me either, but you went from normal (-seeming, at least) to instantly hostile at the sight of a white face.  How racist would it be if I had reacted that way to you?  And people of all shades wonder why a few of us, innocent of all real harm, shrug at the possibility that your precious feelings have been hurt, n-word or n-deed."
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Offline Eupher

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2013, 06:43:18 AM »
Mrs E and I cannot discuss politics. She is a liberal (due largely to her being an educator and having been indoctrinated in their ways of thinking), along with her continued association with many in the local university).

We agree on a few side issues, but one surefire way to piss us both off is to start talking about politics. So we don't.

When she's got Chrissy with his tingle up his leg on the idiot window or any of the other shitty programs she's addicted to, I leave the room. I can't stand watching that shit.

When I want a dose of liberalism and to discern the idiocy that that is, I'll get it online at the Daily Kos or HuffPo or even the NY Slimes.
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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2013, 07:45:51 AM »
An outspoken Democrat at my place of work once stopped me in the hallway to "attack" me for being a Republican.  How could I vote for "those people??"  I spent a few minutes explaining my opposition to abortion on demand (basically, the child is obviously a human being, so abortion is murder), and a couple minutes discussing the unsustainability of Medicare, Medicaid and SS, and I made the statement that when I was born, social spending was 1/8th of Federal spending while defense was 5/8th, and those have now switched.  It was a very short conversation, finished by her stating, (in her EXACT words), "Well, I Don't Care, I've got MINE." 

(She celebrated her retirement within a couple days of this incident.)

To me, her statement sums up the entire Democratic party, with all their mouth-exercises about compassion, inclusion, tolerance, loving others, etc, etc, the entire party is made up of those that want "MINE!!!"  No amount of projecting their emotions onto conservatives can change their basically selfish, immature attitudes.

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2013, 07:48:28 AM »
Once again the irony surfaces: the "tolerant and open-minded" liberal cannot--ever--abide views different from his. And you, the close-minded, intolerant conservative, maintained a friendship for years not caring about his views on politics.

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2013, 08:17:37 AM »
This co-worker I referenced a couple of days back (the one I told since she didn't vote, she basically wanted higher taxes, so don't bitch about it) actually told me after I explained why social programs are bad, and why we needed to reform them, "I don't care.....I'm Mexican, and we're supposed to be for those things."
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Offline Maxiest

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2013, 08:34:10 AM »
An outspoken Democrat at my place of work once stopped me in the hallway to "attack" me for being a Republican.  How could I vote for "those people??"  I spent a few minutes explaining my opposition to abortion on demand (basically, the child is obviously a human being, so abortion is murder), and a couple minutes discussing the unsustainability of Medicare, Medicaid and SS, and I made the statement that when I was born, social spending was 1/8th of Federal spending while defense was 5/8th, and those have now switched.  It was a very short conversation, finished by her stating, (in her EXACT words), "Well, I Don't Care, I've got MINE." 

(She celebrated her retirement within a couple days of this incident.)

To me, her statement sums up the entire Democratic party, with all their mouth-exercises about compassion, inclusion, tolerance, loving others, etc, etc, the entire party is made up of those that want "MINE!!!"  No amount of projecting their emotions onto conservatives can change their basically selfish, immature attitudes.

Since we are telling work stories, I have one that has stuck with me for years.

I work in IT, my boss one of the Admins at this place of employment is gay.  Of course he is uber liberal.  I worked their for nearly 6 years and he and I rarely discussed politics just because he knew I was conservative and I knew he was a liberal.  Other than that we got along wonderfully, he was a great guy and we would sometimes sit in each others offices for hours just talking about anything but politics.

A few times though he contradicted his liberal beliefs.  One time we were talking about working out or something, and places to work out in the area and the YMCA was brought up.  These were his words and I will never forget what he said: "I would go to they Y, but they have become so expensive for lately, and I am not going to be the one to subsidize it for poor black kids."

Wow... stopped me dead in my tracks.  I really didn't know what to say, I didn't want to argue politics or point out his hypocrisy so I just said I got to go finish something and left.

A side not, at they YMCA depending on income you can get cheaper memberships and this is why he felt the way he did.
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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2013, 09:35:32 AM »
I don't talk politics at work.  My VP is a Obama supporter, I like my job.   I have had some friendships go by the wayside because of politics.  Some in the similar way that it happened to you.  Smack dab over dinner.  :thatsright:
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2013, 09:40:48 AM »
Not a work story but its a college story:

I had my own personal experience of writing a pro-capitalist, pro-free market (which btw was started by Christian Monks in the middle ages), paper in a Christianity class helmed by a secular democratic liberal who failed me for my beliefs. The class had very little to do with Christianity, but his interpretation of what America should be and how the church should work with government to take care of everyone, while showing YouTube clips of various republicans and laughing at them. He didn't allow students to debate him on the issues. Even when those issues had very little to do with religion in the first place!  

During the Presentation of my paper the "Professor's" face lit up bright red and he sat with his arms crossed the whole time. The entire class was talking about how amazing it was that I countered him and how great it was to see him like that the whole time I was presenting. Needless to say, I left my mark at school because freshmen coming in and hearing about this guy's class, are still hearing about what I did!

I handed in the same paper to a more open minded liberal professor in a different religious class and got a B+
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 09:49:41 AM by centrist »
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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2013, 09:43:34 AM »
Do you guys feels different because you are republican? I mean in the way of bias goes in the workplace or at school. You can't talk about certain things...
Dennis Miller, "The hippies that used to fight against the man, now have become Big Brother."

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2013, 10:02:32 AM »
Do you guys feels different because you are republican? I mean in the way of bias goes in the workplace or at school. You can't talk about certain things...

I don't think many of us are Republican.  We are mostly Conservatives.  Show me a Conservative Democrat running against a Liberal Republican and I'll vote for the Democrat every time.  It's just that you won't find many Conservative Democrats.

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2013, 10:03:30 AM »
Do you guys feels different because you are republican? I mean in the way of bias goes in the workplace or at school. You can't talk about certain things...

Well I am from TN, and have mostly worked for small business which in every case were owned by conservatives.  The place I last mentioned had about 30 employees.  The CEO was as conservative as it comes.  He was a horrible evil republican...  we all got $10,000+ a year into our 401k, $5,000 Christmas bonuses, at least 3 weeks of vacation and depending on how long you had been there up to 8 weeks.  When he first hired me he said "Nothing comes before your family ever and especially not us, if you need of because of family, never ever hesitate to take off."  He knew I had 4 kids as did he and family was very important to me.  Needless to say, I was there for 6 years, and most people have been there for 15 years plus.  Great company.

Anyway I said all that to say I haven't experienced much bias, but I am from the conservative bible belt south.
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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2013, 10:29:01 AM »
Best friend is a liberal but we just avoid talking politics it's not worth it to lose a friend
Voting for Obama for a second term would be like the captain of the Titanic backing into the iceberg again

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2013, 10:29:35 AM »
I don't think many of us are Republican.  We are mostly Conservatives.  Show me a Conservative Democrat running against a Liberal Republican and I'll vote for the Democrat every time.  It's just that you won't find many Conservative Democrats.


Most liberals don't understand the difference between Republican and Conservative, so that's why I wrote Republican just because it ties everyone into the same group which it used to...
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Offline Right and Proud

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2013, 10:38:53 AM »
Thanks, everyone!
I'm one of the 250,000,000-plus Americans who did NOT vote for Obama.

"Conservative," by definition, means NOT EXTREME. Right-wing extremists are no more conservative than leftists are.

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2013, 11:04:58 AM »
I don't think many of us are Republican.  We are mostly Conservatives.  Show me a Conservative Democrat running against a Liberal Republican and I'll vote for the Democrat every time.  It's just that you won't find many Conservative Democrats.


I agree with most your statement, except there aren't many if any conservative democrats.

I went through all these ratings a few years back and it was interesting to see the decline in conservative democrats over the years.  You can almost just watch it drop none and the ratings for the republicans also declining.

"The society that puts equality before freedom will end up with neither; the society that puts freedom before equality will end up with a great measure of both."

"Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program."

"We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes nonwork."

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2013, 11:07:39 AM »
I don't think there is a difference between a liberal republican and a conservative democrat.

Is a liberal Republican, a republican who believes in lower taxes but likes liberal social issues?

Is a Conservative Democrat a Democrat who believes in rising taxes but conservative social issues?

Is that the difference? I would think Liberal Republicans would appeal more to you, than the democrat who wants to raise taxes.
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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2013, 11:10:47 AM »

Is a Conservative Democrat a Democrat who believes in rising taxes but conservative social issues?

It can be either one of those to be considered a Conservative Democrat.
"The society that puts equality before freedom will end up with neither; the society that puts freedom before equality will end up with a great measure of both."

"Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program."

"We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes nonwork."

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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2013, 11:14:36 AM »
It can be either one of those to be considered a Conservative Democrat.

So if they are interchangeable why would you vote for the conservative democrat over the liberal republican, if in the end they are exactly the same?

I don't really see why you would favor the democratic candidate unless that is where your true heart lies...
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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2013, 01:04:13 PM »
So if they are interchangeable why would you vote for the conservative democrat over the liberal republican, if in the end they are exactly the same?

I don't really see why you would favor the democratic candidate unless that is where your true heart lies...

Reasons could be many and varied. For example, the 2nd Amendment issue is a dealbreaker with a lot of conservatives (but not all). If a liberal Republican had a voting record that indicated lack of support to the 2nd Amendment versus a conservative Democrat, that could very well spell the difference in how a conservative votes.

Ditto for other issues - abortion, immigration, taxes, you name it.

While most of us on this forum consider ourselves to be conservative, we absolutely don't all march lockstep with each other on the individual issues. And that's the heart and soul of it. You pick your issues and the candidate that best supports those issues.

It becomes more difficult later, especially after the primaries, when the nominee for the Republican party is generally a milquetoast RINO who tries to be all things to all voters -- that kind of approach is generally transparent and insincere and that's the thing that shines through. And for the last two elections, that's how we wound up with Juan McLame and Mitt aka "change the oil in my hair" Rmoney.
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Re: I am NOT a liberal!
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2013, 09:34:31 PM »
What Eupher said.   :cheersmate:
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

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"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~ Martin Luther King
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