Author Topic: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)  (Read 1850 times)

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2012, 09:54:53 PM »
I wish just once they would come over here and post this shit so we can respond.

I wish, just once, I could find one with enough balls to go on some spittle flecked rant like this while within an arm's reach.
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2012, 09:57:45 PM »
I wish, just once, I could find one with enough balls to go on some spittle flecked rant like this while within an arm's reach.

Amen.  I'm with you on prefering this being face-to-face.  That would be most enjoyable for me.

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Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2012, 10:10:01 PM »
So. PC Intern is a perfect poster child for liberalism.

He is completely blind to the madman who committed the crime. Instead PC Intern paints the heinous act onto his political enemies. He can't even list logical reasons, just a rant against generic conservative principles.

In war, liberals side with the enemies of the US. In peace they refuse to punish criminals. Liberals enable monsters to carry out their criminal acts, and punish the very people who protect themselves. Liberals are the enemies of all free thinking people.

Offline delilahmused

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2012, 10:19:33 PM »
Wed Dec 19, 2012, 04:55 PM
 PCIntern (13,552 posts)

Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!
You mindless numbskulls with your paranoid agendas, trying to prove this or that about the shooting at Newtown...listen up:

The reasons, THE REASONS, that this occurred are multiple and variegated, but two of them have to do with you directly:

1. Number one reason is that you have promulgated violence and hatred as a signature issue.

And you can prove this how, exactly? Have you seen the twitter comments from liberals every single time a conservative tweets? It's worse if you're an uppity minority or woman who has the gall to be conservative.

Your hatred of the President, now re-elected, has been associated with calls to violence, such as your heroine and heroin, Sarah Palin's call to "Reload" and that little stunt of hers with the cross-hairs a few years ago, just to name two of many.

Liking or not liking the president (by the way, you don't capitalize "president" unless you're using it as President XYZ) has nothing to do with it. Do you honestly believe this kid spent so much as a day thinking "golly, conservatives don't like 0bama, I think I'll go shoot up a grade school"? And what about your hatred of President Bush? I don't recall anyone who objects to 0bama's policies burning his likeness in effigy. Well, okay, some of those people in the middle east have, but that doesn't count because he helped usher in the Arab Spring and I'm sure they're  just poor, misguided people who have yet to learn of the benevolence of dear leader. I don't recall anyone wishing 0bama dead as was done with Bush. So you might try looking in a mirror before hurling this accusation.

Oh, BTW, you guys were doing the whole target thing long before Sara Palin:

Your dog-whistles to the Klansmen, to the Birchers, to the Skinheads, and in fact, to all of the militant in the country has begun to bear fruit.

The only Klansman I know or have even heard of was Senator "Sheets" Bird. But you prove definitively that we've done ANYTHING that has egged on these groups. If you can't then you're just spewing bullshit.

We are going to see more of your effective presentations and we are going to see them occur more rapidly.

What the **** is this supposed to mean? What presentations?

Your race-baiting hatred of the President, your calls for Secession, (how patriotic and Constitutional of you!), your calling out of the Jews and thus your anti-intellectualism exemplified by your hatred of teachers and educational administrators and educators in general, your vilification of anything thoughtful, decent, kind, or altruistic, your willingness to state that the killing of an individual who exists and works within the law of the land is Christian and justified, and Right depending upon the perceived sin or self-described atrocity which they have committed, such as the assassination of physicians who perform abortions legally.

Firstly, periods are your friend. But let's deal with each of these shall we:

1) No one I know has done any race baiting. We've objected to POLICIES, not skin color (he IS half white). We actually believe he should be treated like every other president in that when we oppose some policy position of his, we can criticize it. The fact that you think any disagreement we have is racist says more about you than it does about us. Oh, and as far as race baiting goes, see above.

2) It was only a few people (relative to the number of people in the country) who were talking about seceding from the Union. No one with half a brain took it seriously. Most of us love this country and are patriotic. Hell, I have a son in Afghanistan, fighting what President 0bama considers to be the "good war". He had a chance to get out last year but he reenlisted. That's what happens when you're raised in a patriotic home...we realize this country is so much more than one president who will only serve 4-8 years. Besides, I fail to see how this is any different than you on the left threatening to leave every time your side loses an election.

3) I have no freaking idea what you mean by "calling out the Jews".

4) Anti-intellectualism, really? This from the people who are so stupid and narrow minded they're not capable of seeing any disagreement through anything but racist colored glasses?

5) And you can prove we hate teachers how? The only thing I know we object to is, thanks to unions, horrible teachers rarely lose their jobs (well, if they sleep with their students, maybe). If you think about it, this makes it harder for the really good, dedicated teachers. Imagine having students who the previous year had a teacher who merely showed up.

And I actually have enough faith in teachers that I'd rather have them be able to choose their own curriculum and plan their own lessons than having the one size fits all system we have now. I know a few teachers who find it extremely frustrating and detrimental to their students. As far as administrators, I've heard you guys complain about them more than we ever have. The only thing most of us advocate is school choice. Why shouldn't poor children have the same opportunity obama's daughters have instead of having to stay in poorly performing schools?

6) As far as altruism is concerned...check the statistics of how much conservatives give to charity compared to liberals. Oh, and while your at it, look at who actually volunteers, too.

7) To my knowledge, only a couple abortion doctors have been killed. I don't know one person who thinks that's okay or that the people who did it should either spend the rest of their lives in jail or get the death penalty, even. But at least we don't consider a baby in the womb a "mass of tissues". How many babies have been aborted compared to how many doctors have been killed? Pretty lopsided ratio there.

You have wreaked death and destruction upon many innocents all in a so-called War which you have declared upon the American People and the Constitution of the United States. But most of you do not know about war: you have never served in the armed forces of this or any other country, you have never seen the effects of, say between three and eleven rounds from a weapon entering and, worse, exiting a small child, you have not one ounce of sense or sensibility in this or quite frankly, any other regard. You have no concept of battlefield injuries and death, you lionize individuals like John Wayne, Ronald Reagan, Sylvester Stallone, and Bruce Willis who literally played heroes on stage and screen, but never saw combat or served their country. You never mention such thoughtful individuals such as Jimmy Stewart, who flew lead bomber in many missions during the Second World War, because he never spent all of his time in braggadocio. You are chicken-hawks, willing to have other people die for your beliefs, but in general you have never considered leaving the comforts of our civilization here.

Listen, bitch, it's YOUR president who says Afghanistan is the "right" war. My family has served and fought for this country since the American Revolution, including those who are serving now. Besides, have YOU ever seen any of these horrors you're ranting about? PBS & MSNBC don't count. And most of those people you name are's not real, but bless your little heart for blurring the line. And, according to the Constitution, the military serves at the behest of civilians. This is something they understand when they take their oath (even when they serve under leaders like Clinton and 0bama who have publicly stated their hatred towards them). And check the ratio of Democrats to Republicans who were responsible for starting wars. While studying these events in US history (a subject which you are sadly lacking knowledge in), how about you check how many Democrat presidents WHO NEVER SERVED, called their military intervention anything but a "war" so they didn't have to get approval from congress. At least Bush followed the Constitution.

2. Number two reason is that you deny the need for mental health treatment and funding. You have no intellectual concept of the notion of how disease works, you don't even understand the complexities of the major organ systems, and the vast majority would not even know why an antibiotic does not work against a cold or influenza virus, but you certainly are experts on the nuances of mental disorders including the unbelievably complex biochemistry of the brain. You are not trained and you quite frankly do not wish to know. You delight in your ignorance and once again, your anti-intellectualism.

Okay, as far as this young man is concerned, how do you know he didn't have medical insurance through one of his parents' policies? There's speculation his mother was going to have him committed and that was part of the reason he went on a rampage, so in his case a lack of services had nothing to do with it. And being that your side recently passed 0bamacare (ironically, it appears they had to read it to find out what's in as well, since they're now trying to walk parts of it back), mental health issues shouldn't be a problem anymore.

And as for your intellectually stunted rant about knowing how disease, major organs or "unbelievably complex biochemistry of the brain" works most Americans' regardless of political affiliation, only have the basic knowledge from high school and college science classes. Unless it applies to their job or affects their lives in one way or another, that's basically all they need to know. And every single parent in the country can tell you how germs are transmitted (it's why we teach our kids to wash their hands and sneeze or cough with a tissue or hand over their mouths). If a health issue affects them or their family (be it heart disease, psoriasis or autism) then I bet they know a great deal about it. While you may have a better understanding of various health issues and how the human body works, when it comes to analyzing themes in Faulkner's novels or Blake's poetry, I could run circles around you. So what? Everyone has their interests and expertise.

Well, the joke is on you. Like your attempt to disenfranchise the poor and minorities of many states, your plan has horribly backfired. Just think: the Prince of Men, Romney might be President-elect today if you hadn't done all this, but you awakened a sleeping giant and they were resolved to prove you inadequate to your task.

And how does that disenfranchisement work again? Because we want to free them from the slavery of democrat government dependence? Because we truly want to give them a hand up instead of a hand out? We want them to have a choice about the school they send their children so they're not stuck in poor schools being dumbed down? Hell, 0bama dissed his own people by yanking a very popular and effective voucher program out from under the poor minorities in DC. Perhaps he didn't want the poor rubbing shoulders with his daughters.  You reduce them to a mere pittance and convince them Republicans are to blame. You keep them down, while telling them that things like the "0bama phone" means you guys care. The proof is in the first 2 years of the boy king's reign. You had the presidency and both houses of congress, veto proof majorities in could have tripled the amount of welfare benefits for each family. You didn't.

Before you get too cocky about our "plan" backfiring, you might want to check a couple of things. If the country was truly enthused about 0bama's vision for the country then they also wouldn't have voted to keep the congress (you know, the ones who hold the purse strings) Republican, and with a decent majority, too. What people voted for, you political dumb shit, was the status quo. The other thing you might do a bit of research on: what's been happening with state and local governments. See, it's been a shellacking every single year there's been an election since 0bama won. We're building a grassroots coalition. And it's going quite well. The next step is the national stage. Oh, and Romney wasn't the choice of most conservatives. Like you, we have an establishment that has way too much power. But, as our new breed gains more power, they'll go the way of the dinosaur.

And they won and you lost. Here again, your insistence of the legality of horrendous weaponry, designed only to kill human beings, has bitten you badly. If somehow we can prevail and rescind people's right to bear weapons of ridiculously high danger to the populus, then the real heroes of the battle will be those shot to death in this most-horrifying incident in Newtown, Connecticut.

I think I'd wait a bit before declaring victory. Nothing has happened yet. So far, I still have my guns and I can go buy more tomorrow.  And CT does have an assault weapons ban, the same kind you want to make federal law. It wouldn't have made a difference because those weapons didn't qualify as such under the law.  Of course, we might try enforcing the laws already on the books instead of giving guns to Mexican drug lords.

The fact that you support a philosophy which includes the private ownership and use of Teflon-coated ammunition, designed to penetrate the otherwise bullet-proof vests of law enforcement officers, speaks volumes about your lack of patriotism, your dearth of civic-mindedness, and your dislike of law and order and the principles which govern us as a civil society. It is simply disgraceful and intellectually, if I may use that term, embarrassing.13   

You really have the brain of a pissant! One has little to do with the other. And before you pat yourself on the back for your superior intellect, I'd highly suggest you proofread before you post. While no one expects perfection in the informal chattiness of an Internet forum, grammar, sentence structure, paragraphs and word meaning do matter. The only reason I was able to decipher your drivel is because I paid for part of my college education by grading remedial students' papers and I spent time volunteering in my oldest son's 4th grade classroom doing the same thing. Basically, you just embarrassed yourself. You're just too ignorant and full of yourself to know it.

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2012, 10:24:51 PM »
So. PC Intern is a perfect poster child for liberalism.

He is completely blind to the madman who committed the crime. Instead PC Intern paints the heinous act onto his political enemies. He can't even list logical reasons, just a rant against generic conservative principles.

In war, liberals side with the enemies of the US. In peace they refuse to punish criminals. Liberals enable monsters to carry out their criminal acts, and punish the very people who protect themselves. Liberals are the enemies of all free thinking people.

Exactly.  It's the same when they talk about race.  They don't give a damn about the Newtown victims or black people.  What they care about is seizing the opportunity to fling poop at their enemies, which frequently requires them to jam square pegs into round holes.  You won't see the DUmp comforting anyone in Newtown or helping anybody in the inner city.  They view these people as props in their ideological battle and nothing more.   

Offline Vagabond

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #30 on: December 19, 2012, 10:26:52 PM »
PCIntern does not seem ti realize that the government is neither good nor altruistic.  That Jimmah Carter defunded the mental health programs, because they were "cruel".  Jimmy Stewart was an American, not a modern Democrat.  

The biggest thing that he doesn't realize is that the only thing that an stop Adam Lanza and the others like him are well-armed, well-trained people standing ready to stop him.
There comes a time when even good men must run up the black flag of anarchy and slit throats. - H.L. Mencken

Offline I_B_Perky

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #31 on: December 19, 2012, 10:41:15 PM »
And you can prove this how, exactly? Have you seen the twitter comments from liberals every single time a conservative tweets? It's worse if you're an uppity minority or woman who has the gall to be conservative.

<snipped for brevity>

You really have the brain of a pissant! One has little to do with the other. And before you pat yourself on the back for your superior intellect, I'd highly suggest you proofread before you post. While no one expects perfection in the informal chattiness of an Internet forum, grammar, sentence structure, paragraphs and word meaning do matter. The only reason I was able to decipher your drivel is because I paid for part of my college education by grading remedial students' papers and I spent time volunteering in my oldest son's 4th grade classroom doing the same thing. Basically, you just embarrassed yourself. You're just too ignorant and full of yourself to know it.


Wow Delilah!! I am humbled by your mastery of the written word.  :bow2: :bow2: :bow2:

That dummie just got beyotch slapped into the middle of next year. H5 Ma'am!!!
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #32 on: December 19, 2012, 11:31:34 PM »
I disagree EagleKeeper. They don't hate guns per se. Not at all. What they hate is anything their political party, the dems, tell them to hate at the time. If obumbles would make a statement tomorrow praising guns, they would fall right in line.

And they call us sheeple guided by Rush, etc.  I find it humorous that those people say we are mindless sheeple that cannot exist without talk radio telling us what to think when it is actually the dummies that are the sheeple.

You know it's true dummies. You dummies know it, I know it, and so does everyone else.

Absolutely true. The lefties I know cannot bring themselves to say one negative thing about a democrat. They fall right in line and regurgitate the talking points as they are instructed. They lick the boots hoping for something out of Obama's stash.

I had plenty of criticism for Bush and his administration at the time. Namely being that the Patriot Act as it is a significant increase in government power and it could be seriously misused by a later administration. Myself and other conservatives were on the same page with Obama and the liberals back in the day. However, Obama quietly signed off on it when he got power and all the libs I know did a complete 180.

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Re: Re: Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #33 on: December 20, 2012, 12:41:23 AM »
Wow that's expensive *****.  :-)

It's the daily double!  :-)
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

Creator of the largest Fight Club thread ever!

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2012, 04:50:50 AM »
Remember this is the lunatic that claims to have a dentist office that opens at or before 6:30 am (show me one of those) and sees patients daily that all spend their times in the chair reciting RW talking points.

This is a DUmp thread screed from someone that most likely even its fellow half wits consider a joke and idiot.

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2012, 04:52:51 AM »
please make the top ten

I can't say for sure, but I bet he did.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #36 on: December 20, 2012, 07:48:45 AM »
Nothing to add to Cindie's reply, but let me just say:

Just think: the Prince of Men, Romney

The only Prince of Men that I know, isn't Mr. Romney. 

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #37 on: December 20, 2012, 07:59:20 AM »
Too much to read of the same old shit.  :loser:

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Re: Re: Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #38 on: December 20, 2012, 08:02:55 AM »
Wow that's expensive *****.  :-)

You think it's expensive now, try getting a divorce and paying for NO *****.
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Offline Rufus2010

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #39 on: December 20, 2012, 08:29:25 AM »
And you can prove this how, exactly? Have you seen the twitter comments from liberals every single time a conservative tweets? It's worse if you're an uppity minority or woman who has the gall to be conservative.

Liking or not liking the president (by the way, you don't capitalize "president" unless you're using it as President XYZ) has nothing to do with it. Do you honestly believe this kid spent so much as a day thinking "golly, conservatives don't like 0bama, I think I'll go shoot up a grade school"? And what about your hatred of President Bush? I don't recall anyone who objects to 0bama's policies burning his likeness in effigy. Well, okay, some of those people in the middle east have, but that doesn't count because he helped usher in the Arab Spring and I'm sure they're  just poor, misguided people who have yet to learn of the benevolence of dear leader. I don't recall anyone wishing 0bama dead as was done with Bush. So you might try looking in a mirror before hurling this accusation.

Oh, BTW, you guys were doing the whole target thing long before Sara Palin:

The only Klansman I know or have even heard of was Senator "Sheets" Bird. But you prove definitively that we've done ANYTHING that has egged on these groups. If you can't then you're just spewing bullshit.

What the **** is this supposed to mean? What presentations?

Firstly, periods are your friend. But let's deal with each of these shall we:

1) No one I know has done any race baiting. We've objected to POLICIES, not skin color (he IS half white). We actually believe he should be treated like every other president in that when we oppose some policy position of his, we can criticize it. The fact that you think any disagreement we have is racist says more about you than it does about us. Oh, and as far as race baiting goes, see above.

2) It was only a few people (relative to the number of people in the country) who were talking about seceding from the Union. No one with half a brain took it seriously. Most of us love this country and are patriotic. Hell, I have a son in Afghanistan, fighting what President 0bama considers to be the "good war". He had a chance to get out last year but he reenlisted. That's what happens when you're raised in a patriotic home...we realize this country is so much more than one president who will only serve 4-8 years. Besides, I fail to see how this is any different than you on the left threatening to leave every time your side loses an election.

3) I have no freaking idea what you mean by "calling out the Jews".

4) Anti-intellectualism, really? This from the people who are so stupid and narrow minded they're not capable of seeing any disagreement through anything but racist colored glasses?

5) And you can prove we hate teachers how? The only thing I know we object to is, thanks to unions, horrible teachers rarely lose their jobs (well, if they sleep with their students, maybe). If you think about it, this makes it harder for the really good, dedicated teachers. Imagine having students who the previous year had a teacher who merely showed up.

And I actually have enough faith in teachers that I'd rather have them be able to choose their own curriculum and plan their own lessons than having the one size fits all system we have now. I know a few teachers who find it extremely frustrating and detrimental to their students. As far as administrators, I've heard you guys complain about them more than we ever have. The only thing most of us advocate is school choice. Why shouldn't poor children have the same opportunity obama's daughters have instead of having to stay in poorly performing schools?

6) As far as altruism is concerned...check the statistics of how much conservatives give to charity compared to liberals. Oh, and while your at it, look at who actually volunteers, too.

7) To my knowledge, only a couple abortion doctors have been killed. I don't know one person who thinks that's okay or that the people who did it should either spend the rest of their lives in jail or get the death penalty, even. But at least we don't consider a baby in the womb a "mass of tissues". How many babies have been aborted compared to how many doctors have been killed? Pretty lopsided ratio there.

Listen, bitch, it's YOUR president who says Afghanistan is the "right" war. My family has served and fought for this country since the American Revolution, including those who are serving now. Besides, have YOU ever seen any of these horrors you're ranting about? PBS & MSNBC don't count. And most of those people you name are's not real, but bless your little heart for blurring the line. And, according to the Constitution, the military serves at the behest of civilians. This is something they understand when they take their oath (even when they serve under leaders like Clinton and 0bama who have publicly stated their hatred towards them). And check the ratio of Democrats to Republicans who were responsible for starting wars. While studying these events in US history (a subject which you are sadly lacking knowledge in), how about you check how many Democrat presidents WHO NEVER SERVED, called their military intervention anything but a "war" so they didn't have to get approval from congress. At least Bush followed the Constitution.

Okay, as far as this young man is concerned, how do you know he didn't have medical insurance through one of his parents' policies? There's speculation his mother was going to have him committed and that was part of the reason he went on a rampage, so in his case a lack of services had nothing to do with it. And being that your side recently passed 0bamacare (ironically, it appears they had to read it to find out what's in as well, since they're now trying to walk parts of it back), mental health issues shouldn't be a problem anymore.

And as for your intellectually stunted rant about knowing how disease, major organs or "unbelievably complex biochemistry of the brain" works most Americans' regardless of political affiliation, only have the basic knowledge from high school and college science classes. Unless it applies to their job or affects their lives in one way or another, that's basically all they need to know. And every single parent in the country can tell you how germs are transmitted (it's why we teach our kids to wash their hands and sneeze or cough with a tissue or hand over their mouths). If a health issue affects them or their family (be it heart disease, psoriasis or autism) then I bet they know a great deal about it. While you may have a better understanding of various health issues and how the human body works, when it comes to analyzing themes in Faulkner's novels or Blake's poetry, I could run circles around you. So what? Everyone has their interests and expertise.

And how does that disenfranchisement work again? Because we want to free them from the slavery of democrat government dependence? Because we truly want to give them a hand up instead of a hand out? We want them to have a choice about the school they send their children so they're not stuck in poor schools being dumbed down? Hell, 0bama dissed his own people by yanking a very popular and effective voucher program out from under the poor minorities in DC. Perhaps he didn't want the poor rubbing shoulders with his daughters.  You reduce them to a mere pittance and convince them Republicans are to blame. You keep them down, while telling them that things like the "0bama phone" means you guys care. The proof is in the first 2 years of the boy king's reign. You had the presidency and both houses of congress, veto proof majorities in could have tripled the amount of welfare benefits for each family. You didn't.

Before you get too cocky about our "plan" backfiring, you might want to check a couple of things. If the country was truly enthused about 0bama's vision for the country then they also wouldn't have voted to keep the congress (you know, the ones who hold the purse strings) Republican, and with a decent majority, too. What people voted for, you political dumb shit, was the status quo. The other thing you might do a bit of research on: what's been happening with state and local governments. See, it's been a shellacking every single year there's been an election since 0bama won. We're building a grassroots coalition. And it's going quite well. The next step is the national stage. Oh, and Romney wasn't the choice of most conservatives. Like you, we have an establishment that has way too much power. But, as our new breed gains more power, they'll go the way of the dinosaur.

I think I'd wait a bit before declaring victory. Nothing has happened yet. So far, I still have my guns and I can go buy more tomorrow.  And CT does have an assault weapons ban, the same kind you want to make federal law. It wouldn't have made a difference because those weapons didn't qualify as such under the law.  Of course, we might try enforcing the laws already on the books instead of giving guns to Mexican drug lords.

You really have the brain of a pissant! One has little to do with the other. And before you pat yourself on the back for your superior intellect, I'd highly suggest you proofread before you post. While no one expects perfection in the informal chattiness of an Internet forum, grammar, sentence structure, paragraphs and word meaning do matter. The only reason I was able to decipher your drivel is because I paid for part of my college education by grading remedial students' papers and I spent time volunteering in my oldest son's 4th grade classroom doing the same thing. Basically, you just embarrassed yourself. You're just too ignorant and full of yourself to know it.



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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #40 on: December 20, 2012, 09:02:28 AM »
VERY long:

Hey you class A #1 NUTLESS DUmmy, I got 2 things for you.

1st there is this...this man was so brilliant:

and then there is this:

ACLU Killed Connecticut Forcible Institutionalization Law That Might Have Prevented Killings

Now you got it DUmmy?...
A liberal who is mugged by reality becomes conservative.

Offline Wineslob

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Re: Re: Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #41 on: December 20, 2012, 09:12:19 AM »
Wow that's expensive *****.  :-)

Not with a EBT card.
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

The unobtainable is unknown at

"Practice random violence and senseless acts of brutality"

If you want a gender neutral bathroom, go pee in the forest.

Offline Linda

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #42 on: December 20, 2012, 09:17:21 AM »

PCIntern you got an answer for this one?


A liberal who is mugged by reality becomes conservative.

Offline 98ZJUSMC

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Re: " Hey!! Lurking Conservatives...Yeah, YOU!" (PCIntern)
« Reply #43 on: December 20, 2012, 11:10:59 AM »

Wait.  We're changing from eLEvEnTY!!!111!!! to .13?

Make up my mind (D)Ullards.

Quote from: delilahmused on December 19, 2012, 07:19:33 pm

Very, well done!
« Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 11:19:52 AM by 98ZJUSMC »

Liberal thinking is a two-legged stool and magical thinking is one of the legs, the other is a combination of self-loating and misanthropy.  To understand it, you would have to be able to sit on that stool while juggling two elephants, an anvil and a fragmentation grenade, sans pin.

"Accuse others of what you do." - Karl Marx