I've met DUmmie chicks like that.
They hook up with a boyfriend. Move into his place and then, QUIT their jobs. Its just like the disability gravy train without the paperwork. And it always ends the same, the guy loses respect for the gal (she's too lazy even for housework), and he leaves her.
I don't even believe this lasted 10 years. I give it two at most.
OR, the woman has 4 kids with child support and food stamps, the woman owns the home. Boyfriend moves in and quits his full time job. He lives off her getting a few part time jobs here and there. After 10 years the boyfriend meets another woman 10 years younger then the girlfriend and decides to put a run on this new woman, her kids are much younger then his girlfriends that in a couple of years will find the Child support will stop.
The timing is off and he leaves too soon, gets a dump to stay in until the new woman gets able to let him move in. To his shock the new woman and husband get back together and here he is out on all counts. He now has great remorse for leaving a nice home so he picks up the phone to blubber for forgiveness and work his Ass off to get back into her good graces. Hell any port in a storm.