Author Topic: bitter old Vermontese cali primitive bashes Tennessee Democrats  (Read 321 times)

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Offline franksolich

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Oh my.

cali (72,409 posts)

So essentially, there isn't a functional Democratic Party in TN

And in how many other states is that true? What about the converse? I've heard that there isn't a functional republican party in CA. And there sure isn't much of one here in VT- though the repubs we do have don't align with tea partyish flavor of today's republican party.

Of course, I'm more concerned about places like TN where an insane right wing racist, homophobic nut job can get the nomination of the dem party as U.S. Senate candidate, but how politically healthy is a state where there is no functional opposing party.

Vermont's political health seems fairly robust to me- but I'm biased. Tennessee oth...

The Tennessee Democratic Party disavowed Mark Clayton over his association with a hate group after Clayton won Thursday's Democratic primary for U.S. Senate to face Republican Sen. Bob Corker.

"The only time that Clayton has voted in a Democratic primary was when he was voting for himself. Many Democrats in Tennessee knew nothing about any of the candidates in the race, so they voted for the person at the top of the ticket," the party said in a statement Friday.

Clayton, a 35-year-old flooring installer, won slightly more than 48,000 votes in the primary, or about twice as many as the nearest of his six other unknown challengers.

"Mark Clayton is associated with a known hate group in Washington, D.C., and the Tennessee Democratic Party disavows his candidacy, will not do anything to promote or support him in any way, and urges Democrats to write-in a candidate of their choice in November," read the statement.


aquart (65,274 posts)

1. They weren't ready to run a candidate for SENATE?

Ye gods.

cali (72,409 posts)

2. that's the only possible conclusion

ye gods is right.

fasttense (13,469 posts)

23. Most evey Democrat I spoke with was for Park Overall

My husband called her personally to encourage her to run. While it's true Democrats in TN are on the endangered species list, I think this was a Corker dirty trick. After all it was Corker who was involved in the Ohio election rigging. The final tally was routed through Chattanooga for no apparent reason before it was routed back to Ohio and released. Corker was the previous Mayor of Chattanooga and a Senator at the time. He was afraid to run against Park Overall, and he made sure he didn't have to.

At the same time, why did the TN Democratic Party allow Clayton on the ballot? Who nominated him? Who checked out his background? Here is the TN Democratic party's Chairman (Chip) e-mail: to ask him. Or visit their website at

But really I think the election was rigged. We vote on those stupid machines with super secret programming. Not to mention they purposely reduce the turnout by having the election on a Thursday and having those voter identification laws. In addition TN operates like an open primary. Tennessee law technically requires affiliation of a voter with a party before they vote in a primary, but also has a same-day affiliation rule. So, as long as you are willing to lie and say you are a Democrat the day of the primary, you can vote in the Democratic primary as a RepubliCON.

RepubliCONS have only recently taken over here. Previously our state legislature was Democratic as was our Governor.

We could turn it back to blue, but not if we do stupid things like allowing hate group leaders on our ballot.

GoCubsGo (10,172 posts)

25. Yep. It's the Alvin Green fiasco all over again.

I don't, for one minute, believe Green won that SC primary, either. We have those black box voting machines here, too. And, open primaries, where Jim DeMented had no opponent. Also, there was a good chance that the "losing" Dem, Vic Rawls, could have beaten him in the general election. The absentee ballots showed the exact opposite numbers of votes per candidate than those on the voting machines in several counties. I have no doubt that election was rigged, and I share your suspicions about this one, too.

LuvNewcastle (2,746 posts)

3. It's almost that bad in Mississippi.

For most of its history, MS has been a one-party state. During the relatively brief period after the Civil Rights Movement there was a period of transition from Democratic to Republican rule. The transition is now almost complete, with a teabagger Governor and House and both U.S. Senators, as well as 3 of our 4 Congressmen. The majority-black Delta region is the only area where Democrats have any power. MS Democrats are barely any better than the Republicans, though. I don't think we'll have another Democratic Governor or Senator in my lifetime.

MIDNITERIDER1438 (48 posts)

4. Now this is a failing of the so-called "liberal media" for us

This is inexcusable, while R-money had us distracted completely, this village idiot was allowed to sneak right past the men in the white coats. A major political intelligence failure, I'd call it.

It only goes to show that grass roots activism has not been organized for this election year as well as it was leading up to 2008. The Tea Party showed the way by taking over the local precinct captain positions, but there is no such unity of purpose of the disjointed Democratic party.

It's time to really get involved, or consider becoming expatriates.

NoPasaran (16,196 posts)

5. Pretty much the case in Texas

Sure, we have some strong county parties, but the state party is pretty much irrelevant. I appreciate the sentiments of people donating to Paul Sadler, our US Senate candidate, who is actually qualified to be a Senator, but he has about as much chance of beating teabilly superstar Ted Cruz as you have of jumping up real high and touching the Moon.

cali (72,409 posts)

6. That's depressing. I was wondering if Sadler had a chance.

Jamaal510 (1,158 posts)

8. I heard this on RM's show last night, too. But if there's no functional G0Pee in California, then how the Hell was the 2010 gubernatorial race so close between Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown? CA is supposedly a blue state. How was that not a blowout for Brown?


This message was hidden by Jury decision.

cali (72,409 posts)

12. oh bullshit.

Not saying Michigan doesn't have problems and I'm not a big fan of either Levin or Stabenow but to blame it on the President is absurd.

Levin and Stabenow were in the Senate before Obama even became President- Levin, far before that happened.

Btw, either you support Obama's re-election at DU or you get booted.

Glitterati (37 posts)

18. Georgia as well

There IS a DEM party in Georgia, but you'd never know it. Heck, when the Repubs took control of Georgia, half the DEMs converted to Republicans.

gordianot (5,655 posts)

21. Missouri just barely has a Democratic Party McCaskill, Nixon, and Koster are DINO train wrecks.

McCaskill and her Senate ads are the worst messaging I have ever seen.

trof (42,024 posts)

24. Nor in Alabama

Not a single Dem in statewide office.

In my county repugs run unopposed.

tech3149 (3,057 posts)

27. Remember Will Rogers statement?

"I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat."

I'm in PA and this should be a bastion of Democratic party strength but over the decades I was away it turned into RW assholery.

If I had to venture a guess I'd say that at least 20 states have no functional Democratic party. When I moved back here I went to the local Democratic offices to get information about candidates and they were useless.

Three old women with little to no information. Went to a couple of fund-raisers, joined a local Democratic club. In every case it was the same, lots of socializing but very little serious discussion.

Too bad for the primitives; one reaps what one sows.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline zeitgeist

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Re: bitter old Vermontese cali primitive bashes Tennessee Democrats
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2012, 11:24:36 AM »

Oh my.

Too bad for the primitives; one reaps what one sows.

I just spent some time up in the land of Larry, Daryl, and Daryl.  On the last day, as is my habit, I picked up a local Sunday paper to peruse.  Imagine my surprise when I lookers landed on an article about the looming failure of Vermont's health care system because of the price tag.   Darn, how can free stuff cost so much? :rant:

Occupied Vermont is no longer the place it once was. The New Jerkers have done for it what the Massholes are doing for Maine.  I guess it is in the best Native American tradition though, being when the stink gets too bad, you move the Tee Pee.

< watch this space for coming distractions >

Offline Chris_

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Re: bitter old Vermontese cali primitive bashes Tennessee Democrats
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2012, 11:32:46 AM »
There are plenty of Democrats in machine-controlled areas like Shelby County, with a 9.7% unemployment rate to match.  Here in Red State Hell (Davidson County), we are doing a little better with an 8% unemployment rate while just moved in and Nissan decided to move their US headquarters to the neighborhood in 2007.

Thanks for your concern.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline Undies

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Re: bitter old Vermontese cali primitive bashes Tennessee Democrats
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2012, 12:26:23 PM »
Park Overall???  She was Nurse Lavern on "Empty Nest" and Reba McEntire's slutty sidekick in the first half of the first season of "Reba".

I say she would make a great democrat candidate.