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Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« on: July 13, 2012, 01:20:53 PM »
IndyPragmatist123 (25 posts)

Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP

Last edited Fri Jul 13, 2012, 09:11 AM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

Condoleezza Rice is latest name to spark Mitt Romney Veepstakes buzz

The Drudge Report stirred up the latest buzz Thursday night by reporting that Romney is seriously considering the former Secretary of State as a potential running mate..

The latest subject of Mitt Romney’s Veepstakes speculation is a familiar face and someone who insists she doesn’t want the job: Condoleezza Rice.

The Drudge Report stirred up the latest buzz Thursday night by reporting that Romney is seriously considering Rice as a potential running mate.

Drudge noted that Rice spoke at a gathering of top Romney donors in Utah last month, where she received two standing ovations from an adoring crowd. He said she also emailed supporters in recent days that the 2012 elections “loom as one of the most important in my lifetime."

Their source is the Drudge Report, so it's not really the most reliable source, but it's interesting nonetheless. I have to wonder how much race played into this. Anytime someone criticizes a Republican for being racist, they can come back with "Nu uh, we have a black VP."

I actually got to meet Mrs. Rice during the Super Bowl this year. She is an incredibly nice and sincere person. I hate much of her policy, but it's much more difficult to hate her after spending 15 minutes talking to her. I do find it surprising that Romney would consider bringing in someone from the Bush administration. I would think that he would want to distance himself as much as possible from Bush. However, Condi seems to be the one person who escaped much of the criticism of the Bush administration.

Who would have thought that an evil repuke would turn out to be a nice person?  :-)
Say what you want about the Bush family, but everyone who has ever been in contact with them has always said they are nice people, I have a mini bouncy about someone I knew meeting George W Bush, a crew chief from one of the black hawks when I was at Ft Hood had the pleasure of flying him around to look at flood damage in Texas when he was still governor, the helicopter was leaking a little bit of oil and as luck would have it, it got on Bush's suit. My friend told me he was mortified, but Bush just smiled and said that since he had been a pilot he knew "birds" had a tendency to leak oil. He also said that he was genuinely nice to the entire crew.

Curtland1015 (3,175 posts)
1. It's a "political" fit, if nothing else.

Trying to snare some of the female undecided votes.

Granted that didn't work for them last time, but the Condi (as much as I hate to admit it) isn't the train wreck Palin is.

The only reason Palin is a train wreck is the left made it that way, all the crap they spew about her. They would do the same thing to Condi.

Nye Bevan (7,087 posts)
5. Would a racist Republican vote for a Romney/Rice ticket? (nt)

Will a racist democrat vote for 0bama?

IndyPragmatist123 (25 posts)
9. Of course

It's a choice between a black man at #1 or a black woman at #2. They know Romney will make sure she knows her place.


Romulox (20,888 posts)
18. Perhaps race isn't the primary motivating factor to the average Republican? Is that possible? nt

Not only possible, but the way it is. The only people focused on race is the left, look at what they did to Cain, and do to Allen West.

Nye Bevan (7,087 posts)
21. I think you are correct.

There are certainly racists among Republicans, but I think they are a small minority.
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Response to Nye Bevan (Reply #21)Fri Jul 13, 2012, 09:54 AM
Romulox (20,888 posts)
22. My thought is that the racist rubes are *controlled* by the powers that run the Republican Party.

But that the primary focus of the Republicans is appeasing international capital.

Pilotguy (265 posts)
11. Never Happen...

Condi is pro-choice, I believe. Romney will never pick her.
When Democrats compromise people suffer.
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Response to Pilotguy (Reply #11)Fri Jul 13, 2012, 02:08 PM
Iggy (284 posts)
43. So What?

She can flip flop on this issue, just like Willlard.

it wouldn't be the first time she told a whopper

Maybe she would evolve her position. Ohh I forgot only democrats can evolve never mind.

cap (6,845 posts)
28. Osama is dead

What do YOU have to show for your time in office? Two unpopular wars?

She had more to do with 0sama getting caught than 0bama did, he was dragged off the golf course to make the decision that he would have pawned off on someone else if it had gone wrong.

I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2012, 01:36:16 PM »
The Biden/Rice debate would be a gas......
You see, I don't care you how feel.  I really don't.  More importantly, neither does anyone else.  Only about 200 people on a planet of 7 billion actually care about your feelings, and that's if you're lucky.  The sooner you grasp this lesson, the better off you will be.  And since almost no one gives a damn what you do, say, think, or feel, appealing to your feelings when you encounter differences of opinion is not only illogical, but useless.

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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2012, 01:38:39 PM »
The Biden/Rice debate would be a gas......

I would love to see that. Condi would rip him a new one.

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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2012, 01:39:13 PM »
Let the DUche's repressed racism race out!
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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2012, 01:52:50 PM »
The Biden/Rice debate would be a gas......

...and it could be the title of Mikey Moores's next docudrama.....

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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2012, 02:28:32 PM »
IndyPragmatist123 (25 posts)
9. Of course

It's a choice between a black man at #1 or a black woman at #2. They know Romney will make sure she knows her place.

Paging DUmmy troll BeMature.   :whatever:
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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2012, 02:33:30 PM »
Yep ,no racist at the DUmp. None at all.

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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2012, 02:46:18 PM »
Pardon me for jumping in here, but we are in a crisis. While I admire Condi for her difficult State job during the initial years following 9-11, she is not the person we need now.

First, let's be clear: there is no rationality when it comes to the race or gender of the politician. Conservatives and libartarians should NOT look at Condi's race/gender as a significant rebuttal to the racist/sexist charge by the Left. We are NOT going to sway the votes of the extremists one iota, but we DO run the risk of alienating our OWN side's votes, and just as dangerously, by not highlighting the most important issue following defense: the economy.

But we are not just in a bad slump: We are in a significant breaking point in our country's history, and we have NO MORE ROOM FOR GIVE AND TAKE. We can NOT risk ANY democratic hold on either the executive branch or EITHER house of Congress. This includes RINO fence-sitters in either house, which means we need at least a 54-senator count to "McCain up the works." No more "gang of x" that ultimately ends up in socialist policies.

Thefore, we also have to look at 2020. On a presumably successful Romney 8-year run, this person will become the instant frontrunner for the 2020 GOP nomination. This is important, because we have some long-term problems with result of the attempting socialization of the United States. Remember Bush 41 essentially inherited the 1988 presidential election because of Reagan, and even ran on Reagan's policies. But RINO's are only good for two things: weakening the conservative base while emboldering the opposition.

So with respect to Condi, we really need a strong, backboned economist-minded VP. In addition, we need someone with the passion like Sarah Palin to inject enthusiasm among the GOP conservative base. But most of all, we need to dispel, once and for all, the need to compromise with tyrannical politicians that represent the Democratic Party today. This is key.
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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2012, 03:20:27 PM »
Yep ,no racist at the DUmp. None at all.

Nor misogyny.

All peace, love, and tolerance........ as long as you think exactly like them.
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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2012, 03:29:02 PM »
She covers Romney's weak spots, security & international relations.  He has the economic strength. Go listen to her speech at Hot Air.  She gets it.

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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2012, 03:35:32 PM »
Pardon me for jumping in here, but we are in a crisis. While I admire Condi for her difficult State job during the initial years following 9-11, she is not the person we need now.

ITA, not a fan of Condi's at all, she's pro-choice, pro-Palestinian, anti-Dick Cheney, and we still don't know if she voted for Obama in 2008.

You want a woman on the ticket? put Martinez from New Mexico on it.

This is just Romney's campaign throwing names out there to gauge the reaction.
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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2012, 04:18:02 PM »
ITA, not a fan of Condi's at all, she's pro-choice, pro-Palestinian, anti-Dick Cheney, and we still don't know if she voted for Obama in 2008.

You want a woman on the ticket? put Martinez from New Mexico on it.

This is just Romney's campaign throwing names out there to gauge the reaction.

Exactly - it's a trial balloon, nothing more. But it does have the potential to put Romney in a box.. If he picks Condi - he is pandering to minorities, however,( now that the balloon has been flown) if he doesn't pick Condi, it's because the party truly is racist and bigoted. Condi has already mentioned no interest in the job, so that does give Romney some cover, if he doesn't pick her.

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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2012, 10:06:46 PM »
If Romney does not pick someone like Marco Rubio or Paul Ryan, I will be very disappointed. I have a feeling he will be picking a conservative rockstar economist, and I hope that feeling is correct.
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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2012, 04:01:36 AM »
If Romney does not pick someone like Marco Rubio or Paul Ryan, I will be very disappointed. I have a feeling he will be picking a conservative rockstar economist, and I hope that feeling is correct.

The New York Times reported earlier this week that Romney's going for a more 'boring' candidate, rather than a 'flashy' one.  IMO, that means either Portman or Pawlenty.
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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2012, 06:23:35 AM »
Will a racist democrat vote for 0bama?

I would imagine so, plenty of them did last time...Jeremiah Wright being merely the most notorious.

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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2012, 11:06:22 AM »
If Romney does not pick someone like Marco Rubio or Paul Ryan, I will be very disappointed. I have a feeling he will be picking a conservative rockstar economist, and I hope that feeling is correct.

Economics isn't where he's weak, and picking Rubio would have nothing to do with economics and everything to do with the Hispanic vote.

As much as Condi and Romney both have done to defuze this rumor, I'm surprised it keeps coming up, but I think there are several large holes in your thinking on it. 

Romney doesn't suffer from Terminal Charisma Disorder like McCain did, so a VP pick is not as crucial to fire up the base for him as Palin was for McCain (Who would have lost by ten MORE points if not for her).  His VP pick is therefore not nearly as important for making up the charisma gap as McCain's was, but it IS very important for broadening the base of the party beyond the 'Old White Male Anglo-Saxon' meme the Democrats are pushing on the GOP, which would make Rubio a good pick but Ryan wouldn't bring him anything he doesn't already have covered.  A candidate with some sort of positive foreign policy experience and who is also either Hispanic or female would be the ideal choice to address Romney's curriculum vitae shortcomings, but pickings are fairly slim on checking both of those blocks, so he will very possibly have to decide which of the two matters more.

Obama's reasons for having Biden were essentially because (Laughable as it seems to a non-Democrat) he had many years of foreign policy experience due to his Senate position, although a rational person would say it was many years of screwing up our foreign policy.  Nevertheless, it filled a hole in Obama's resume that no amount of lying or MSM hand-jobs was going to cover.  And, of course, because Biden was not a Clintonista.

Dr. Rice would bring two things to Romney, the most important being real (And competent) foreign policy experience.  Less importantly, she is on record as pro-Second Amendment and right to self-defense.  Her position on 'Right-to-life' vs. 'Choice' is unpalatable to a lot of the base, but given where Romney has been on it himself, hardly a showstopper; her position is more in line with the social values of people who aren't counted in either party's base, so it probably nets out to a wash if not a minor plus with gaining more swing voters than it costs in one-issue base voters, plus it would provide great amusement to see NOW and other feminazi activists tie themselves in knots and blow their fuses. 

But, she has been quite clear that it ain't happening.
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Re: Condi is rumored to be a top pick for Romney VP
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2012, 01:01:47 PM »
He isn't going to choose Condi. They stated last week that throwing her name out there was a test. If he did pick her, i wouldn't be able to support her fully.