Author Topic: Respect the Office of the President (except if hes black)  (Read 819 times)

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brettdale (6,920 posts)

Respect the Office of the President (except if hes black)

First President in History to be interrupted by a Journo giving a speech.

Excuse my language, but Neil Munro is a racist ****.

This is what it comes down to now for the right, this is the level we are at, you can interrupt
the president while he is speaking, and then be smug about it later, calling it "real Journalism"

Once again hats off to Shep Smith for ripping into him.

Heck when Fox news is against you for doing something bad to Obama, you are in real trouble.

What a bunch of freaking whiners.  :whatever:

Do they honestly not remember the 8 years of Chimpy? Now all of a sudden everyone must respect the president.  :mental:
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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Re: Respect the Office of the President (except if hes black)
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2012, 08:39:26 PM »

What a bunch of freaking whiners.  :whatever:

Do they honestly not remember the 8 years of Chimpy? Now all of a sudden everyone must respect the president.  :mental:
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Re: Re: Respect the Office of the President (except if hes black)
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2012, 08:46:00 PM »
And yet the DUmmies were thrilled when that journalist tossed a shoe at President Bush.
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Re: Respect the Office of the President (except if hes black)
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2012, 08:54:08 PM »
I'll respect the president when he respects the office he has been elected to Dummy. All I ever hear is a bunch of whining from obumbles about how nothing is his fault.

Leaders lead dummies and they do it from the front, not from the rear. They don't make excuses, they get the job done. If they fail, they admit it. What we got in the White House currently is NOT a leader. As far as I'm concerned the whiner-in-chief can kiss my ass and so can you.
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

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Re: Respect the Office of the President (except if hes black)
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2012, 08:55:12 PM »
I'll respect the president when he respects the office he has been elected to Dummy. All I ever hear is a bunch of whining from obumbles about how nothing is his fault.

Leaders lead dummies and they do it from the front, not from the rear. They don't make excuses, they get the job done. If they fail, they admit it. What we got in the White House currently is NOT a leader. As far as I'm concerned the whiner-in-chief can kiss my ass and so can you.

H-5  :cheersmate:

I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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Re: Respect the Office of the President (except if hes black)
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2012, 09:40:19 PM »
Was anyone who disrespected Bush automatically a racist, like owebuma disrespectors are designated ?
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Re: Respect the Office of the President (except if hes black)
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2012, 09:51:30 PM »
Munro (or whatever his name is) should have chucked his shoes at The Won. It was a valid protest during the Chimpy McCokespoon pResidency.
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Offline BEG

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Re: Respect the Office of the President (except if hes black)
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2012, 10:02:56 PM »

If you suffer from cognitive dissonance, #YouMightBeALiberal
Posted at 7:23 pm on June 15, 2012 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments

 Jim Treacher@jtLOL
If you cheered when a reporter threw a shoe at Bush, but you booed when a reporter threw a question at @BarackObama, #YouMightBeALiberal.
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

If you think that today's event is not meant to overshadow yesterday's disaster by the president #YouMightBeALiberal.
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

 Matt Harrison@MathewSHarrison
#YouMightBeALiberal if u think its okay to claim u support middle America, but you willingly give middle American's jobs to illegal mexicans
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

 Stuart Sibley@Ringo6
If you think exporting jobs is wrong, but importing 800k Mexicans is OK, #youmightbealiberal
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

If you think it's okay to shove the Dalai Lama out the back door with the trash but not to ask the Preezy a question #YouMightBeALiberal
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

Yes, that actually happened.

#YouMightBeALiberal - if stopping Canadian oil from coming to the US and ending up being diverted to China is "a good thing"
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

So well put! RT “@jjauthor: If you believe the Constitution is living and an unborn baby isn't, #YouMightBeALiberal!”
Retweeted by @xthred
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

Jim Treacher@jtLOL 15 Jun 12
If you cheered when a reporter threw a shoe at Bush, but you booed when a reporter threw a question at @BarackObama, #YouMightBeALiberal.

@jtLOL If reporters you like work for WaPo, NYT, CNN, MSNBC, ore the 3 networks #YouMightBeALiberal.
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

 TJ Lynn@TJ_Lynn
Day 1: Criticize David Brooks for urging deference to authority. Day 3 Criticize reporter for not defering to authority. #YouMightBeALiberal
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

If children can’t bring cupcakes to school, but schools can take your child to an abortion clinic, #YouMightBeALiberal! @Reince @RNCResearch
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

 Attila The Hudd@TonyHuddleston
If you pay $40k to listen to the President complain about the wealthy not helping the poor, #YouMightBeALiberal.
Retweeted by @MrBridger_HMP
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

Of course, no list of liberal double standards is complete without at least making some reference to the differences between the rules that liberal leaders establish for themselves and those they foist upon the little people under their authority:

 Sean Davis@seanmdav
If you think it's fine for POTUS to ignore laws he doesn't like and to demand IDs at his events but not at the polls, #YouMightBeALiberal.
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

If your Shiraz comes in a 25oz glass bottle but won't allow your kids to buy a 20oz Diet Coke, #youmightbealiberal
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

It looks like @WadeS7 is talking about you, Nanny Bloomberg.

And, of course, there’s the endless sense of entitlement that is all too prevalent within the modern left:

 Janie Johnson@jjauthor
If you hate capitalism but expect a capitalist to provide you a good paying job with great benefits, #YouMightBeALiberal!
Retweeted by @ync1994
14 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

 Janie Johnson@jjauthor
If you never feel shame for taking from others without their permission – #YouMightBeALiberal
Retweeted by @VickieMcCormic1

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Re: Respect the Office of the President (except if hes black)
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2012, 10:07:17 PM »
These are the people who threw eggs at the presidential limo on Bush's second inauguration.

These DUmmies can kiss my lily white ass.
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Offline BEG

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Re: Respect the Office of the President (except if hes black)
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2012, 10:13:35 PM »


Meghan McCain
I don't care how you feel about the president, since when does the press heckle the president?!? The disrespect is astounding.
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

This evening, Meghan McCain took time out of her busy schedule (i.e., inflicting “America, You Sexy Bitch” on the rest of us) to express horror at the heckling that took place during President Obama’s immigration amnesty announcement.

As usual, the left’s favorite “conservative” provoked several responses, including an effort to provide a much-needed history lesson to a girl who continues to give Ivy League degrees a bad name.

 Randy Rousseau@ramjamvan
@McCainBlogette Too much time at MSNBC is getting to you. GWB, Clinton and Reagan were all heckled by the press. Look up Iran Contra clips
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

Meghan McCain
@McCainBlogette 15 Jun 12
I don't care how you feel about the president, since when does the press heckle the president?!? The disrespect is astounding.

 Robert Lambert@Da5_Mau5
@McCainBlogette You should have paid attention during any of the previous administrations...
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

Retweeted by @d_cd_c
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 Luke Perez@lukemperez
@McCainBlogette @d_cd_c. like when Helen Thomas heckled President Bush? Culture is unfortunately encouraging a politicized press.
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

 Destiny Chano@DestinyLeah
@McCainBlogette Since the press isn't actual press anymore. It's sensationalist reporting made to sell ad space.
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

Several folks spoke up about the president’s own apparent lack of respect for his office or for the rule of law:

 Stephen T @stk2470
@McCainBlogette it happens since when he takes matters into his own hands like this! No coordination with either house, he just enacts? wth?
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

sharonM@sharm629 15 Jun 12
“@McCainBlogette: @FoxNews "Don't care how u feel about the pres, since when does press heckle president?!? The disrespect is astounding.”

@sharm629 So is the president's respect for the law of the land. @McCainBlogette @FoxNews
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

 Wilhelm K. Schwab@PenginHerder
@McCainBlogette For a while now, we're down to respecting the office, NOT it's current occupant. He has earned disrespect and contempt.
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

@McCainBlogette it's about time! Why where all the " reporters" not speaking up as this man declared himself KING?!?
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

@McCainBlogette respect is earned, he deserves no respect
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

@McCainBlogette It's called freedom of speech and he is no president. He is a dictator going against the wishes of the American people.
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

Another noted the question-asking vs. shoe throwing double-standard:

 Ashton White@AsheWhi
@McCainBlogette I'm sure you were just as outraged and pissed when a reporter threw a shoe at President Bush.
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

Unsurprisingly, Meghan hasn’t gotten around to answering that one yet. She did, however, finish issuing her official decree about when it is and isn’t acceptable to speak directly to a politician:

Meghan McCain
Any politician or candidate should be allowed to finish their statement without being heckled by press. Ask questions when the time comes!
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

Of course, there is the pesky little fact that, when it comes to Obama, the time for questions seems to be never.

 David Galloway@DG2U
@McCainBlogette In general, I agree. Unfortunately, with Obama, the time for questions often never comes.
15 Jun 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite

That’s immaterial, of course; the important point is that Meghan McCain has set forth her edict about press decorum. Clearly we had better start living up to it!

« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 10:15:48 PM by BEG »