It could be that Bush went there to ask this question; if we bomb Iran, will you open the spickets up to cover the shortfall and calm world markets.
yes, while you are bombing them...
then, after you takeout yet ANOTHER COMPETITOR for us, we will crank prices up to new heights !!
look, you guys keep talking about capitalism, yet you keep supporting policies that reduce supply bombing Iran ....
look whats happened since we tookout Iraq..
can you illuminate me on this? did our war in iraq cause iraq's oil to be lost along the way? i know we arent getting iraqi oil - but who did?
and, its not just about 'getting the oil', its about the stability of the entire market & amount of competition available...
by eliminating saddam, we've eliminated 'pepsi', leaving 'coke' & mountain dew to run wild ....
and once the prices starting soaring, speculators just keep saying they're gonna keep going up, therefore investors keep buying, therefore driving the price up ...
but its gonna crash, because the majority of the gains this past year, is NOT based on true supply & demand, but wall street shennanigans instead...
oil stocks are a bubble that will burst, just like Banking, Dot Coms & Housing have...
sell while they are up if you got them....because they're gonna crash one day when you least expect it... (& then some fatpukes behindthe curtains will be shortselling the day before & poof, all your middle class american oil stocks will be theirs)
OPEC pricing has nothing to do with competition, and every to do with supply, demand and how many gallons of oil OPEC producing Nations pump out everyday. Iraq's oil was controlled by the UN (oil-for-scam program). They were not configured into OPEC daily pricing. The only way their production affected pricing was in the demand portion of the equation.
Makes no difference who we get the majority of our oil from -- the price is reflective of OPEC as a whole.
This is about greed -- OPEC's greed. They aren't sticking to us more than they are sticking it in their pockets. What are you going to do? If if they start drilling here how long will it take to produce oil? We are screwed for a while, unless we hurt them somehow.
If someone has a better idea to provide immediate relief I would love to hear it.