Author Topic: Speeding tickets: How do you feel?  (Read 4854 times)

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #50 on: June 15, 2012, 08:23:25 AM »
Oh, but usually there is a good reason, although not an apparent one.

I can agree with that.  I was more talking about these little towns that reduce the speed limit ... when there is no actual town.  Case in point;

Back in the early 90's I was driving from Plaqueman, LA up toward Baton Rouge, LA and just south of the I-10 bridge about ... oh, 10 or 15 miles there was a spot in the road.  Literally.  There was a spot where there was nothing more than a city limit sign and from that city limit sign you could actually see the back of the other city limit sign.  There was nothing else.  Nothing.  I didn't realize that the speed limit dropped from 55 mph to 40 mph between these 2 signs.  It was a stretch about a quarter of a mile long.  Lo and behold there was a 'city' cop sitting between these 2 signs and he pulled me over for speeding. 

While he was writing me a ticket a guy in a Jeep pulled up behind his car.  The guy driving the Jeep ran up to the cop car and said "I have a VERY sick child in the car, can you give me an escort to the hospital!"  The cop told him to hold on a second.  I looked at the cop and said, you know, you could go give that guy some help.  The cop said "you'd like that wouldn't you ..."  I couldn't believe it!

The guy in the Jeep sat back there for about a minute before he realized the cop was going to continue giving me the ticket so he took off.  I mean like a rocket!  The cop looked at me for a second, told me to slow down and ran back to his car to chase the Jeep driver.  The last I saw of either of them they were crossing the Mississippi River bridge going into Baton Rouge and the cop was still behind the Jeep.

That's the kind of stuff I'm talking about.

For what it's worth, I haven't had a speeding ticket since 1994.  I just think most speeding laws are ridiculous.  If you drive carefully I see no problem with traveling quite a bit faster than the posted speed limits on most state highways and interstates.  In some cases if you aren't *Houston**cough, cough* you become the problem.

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #51 on: June 15, 2012, 08:36:53 AM »

Missouri has a bad reputation in Nebraska, for pulling stunts.

In Nebraska, one usually gets a mile, or half-mile, warning that the speed limit's going to drop on down the road.

In Missouri, in some places, within six feet (or so it seems), the speed limit drops from, say, 60 mph to 25 mph, no advance warning.

Also, I've heard that one gets speeding tickets in Missouri for going a mere one mile an hour over the speed-limit.

For out-of-staters coming to Nebraska, the informal rule is that that, for example, in a 60 mph zone, anything up to 64 mph is ignored; anything between 64 mph and 67 mph is chancy, and over that, it's a sure thing a cop's going to stop you; usually a warning if one has no recent record, but a ticket's guaranteed if 70 mph or over.  In a 40 mph zone, anything up to 42.5 mph is tolerated and ignored, for another example; between that and 45 mph is dicey, and a ticket for sure at 50 mph and above.
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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #52 on: June 15, 2012, 08:38:28 AM »
Here's a couple of interesting stories for those who don't think this is about revenue;


At its peak, Macks Creek, population 272, was making a living off traffic tickets, writing an estimated 2,900 a year. (The town would have ranked in the Top 15 in both Post-Dispatch speed trap measures.) Fines accounted for three-quarters of annual town revenue.

But then Macks Creek police pulled over several lawmakers. One state representative, Delbert Scott, was stopped for his tires' touching the white line along the shoulder.

Scott, now a state senator from Lowry City, drafted the bill that would become the speed trap law.

"I was looking at some way to still address safety issues, but for towns that just do it for the money, get at them," Scott recently explained.

Less than three years after the law was passed, Macks Creek filed for bankruptcy.

Read more:

Randolph, Mo., a tiny suburb of Kansas City, is the first Missouri municipality to be found in violation of the state's so-called speed trap law, state auditor Susan Montee's office announced this morning.


The state audit found Randolph relied too heavily on certain traffic fines for its operating revenues. State law says towns and cities can not generate more than 35 percent of total operating revenues from traffic fines and court costs collected on state and federal roads.

In Randolph, those traffic fines and court costs accounted for between 75 percent and 83 percent of the town's $270,043 annual revenues last year, according to the audit.

Read more:

There's more out there.  My question to some of you would be; Would you be upset if you received a ticket for doing 56 mph in a 55 mph zone?  If so ... why? 

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #53 on: June 15, 2012, 09:55:44 AM »
No ma'am.  That is incorrect in a lot of states, Texas included.  State law says the left lane is for passing only.  If you are not actively passing a vehicle and you're in the left lane you can be cited.

Also, if you are forcing people to pass you on the right you are forcing them to break a law.  You are not supposed to pass on the right.

When you are driving in the left lane people can't see around you so they don't know if you are passing or if you are simply driving in the left lane.  That's why our sterring wheels are on the left side of the car.  I seriously can't figure out why anyone would WANT to drive in the left lane.  What's the appeal??  The only reason I've been able to come up with is it makes them feel powerful stacking traffic up behind them.  Is there another reason I'm missing?


You are cooooorect.  The law actually says passing or preparing to make a left turn.  The primary reason for left over right pass is the pasee has a much larger blind spot on the right side of his car.  The other thing I love about TX, is on a two lane road, folks will pull over on the shoulder to allow a pass.  Of course we have the advantage of long flat stretches of road to facilitate this.  I think you are right about the appeal.  Seems to be some sort of passive aggressive game.

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #54 on: June 15, 2012, 10:08:41 AM »
Um if I am going over the speed and passing people in the left lane I am not being passive aggressive just because you want to go faster than me. 

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #55 on: June 15, 2012, 10:31:07 AM »
Um if I am going over the speed and passing people in the left lane I am not being passive aggressive just because you want to go faster than me. 

Sorry, you confused me (not difficult).  Are you saying passing people in the left lane or did you mean passing people while you are in the left lane?

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #56 on: June 15, 2012, 10:36:25 AM »
Um if I am going over the speed and passing people in the left lane I am not being passive aggressive just because you want to go faster than me. 

Gina, I don't think anyone has a problem with someone in the left lane who is actually passing people.  What I posted about was this comment you made;

And about left lane driving..........Pfffft!  if one is doing the speed limit in the left lane then that is lawful.  It's your job to figure out how to pass.

If you're in the left lane and you're not actively passing someone you should move to the right whether you are going faster than the posted speed limit or not.  The left lane is not a driving lane it is a passing lane.

I get behind folks all the time who want to remain in the left lane, after awhile it becomes obvious they are not passing and since you can't see around them you have to ease over to the right to peek to make sure they are not passing someone.  I'd bet a good 50% of the time when I move to the right to pass them they will speed up to try to box me in before they get to the next car "they're passing."

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #57 on: June 15, 2012, 11:05:44 AM »
Here's a couple of interesting stories for those who don't think this is about revenue;

There's more out there.  My question to some of you would be; Would you be upset if you received a ticket for doing 56 mph in a 55 mph zone?  If so ... why? 


Yes.  Because the accuracy of a speedometer is plus or minus five percent.  Add in the error of the cop's radar or laser (assume another 5 percent, but that's high) and we have a cumulative error of 10 percent.

And I'd argue that in court.  Now if I was going 66 in a 55, pay it and shut up.
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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #58 on: June 15, 2012, 11:09:46 AM »
The last ticket I got for anything was a speeding ticket back in 1982. Ah, the good old days of the 55MPH garbage.  :rant:
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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #59 on: June 15, 2012, 11:36:57 AM »
Yes.  Because the accuracy of a speedometer is plus or minus five percent.  Add in the error of the cop's radar or laser (assume another 5 percent, but that's high) and we have a cumulative error of 10 percent.

And I'd argue that in court.  Now if I was going 66 in a 55, pay it and shut up.

That's kind of my point.  If you make those assumption how can anyone justify driving in the left lane when "I'm doing the speed limit?"  How do you know you're doing the speed limit?  Because your speedometer says so?

I don't judge anyone on their speed if they're driving safely and courteously. 

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Offline Gina

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #60 on: June 15, 2012, 11:39:03 AM »
That's kind of my point.  If you make those assumption how can anyone justify driving in the left lane when "I'm doing the speed limit?"  How do you know you're doing the speed limit?  Because your speedometer says so?

I don't judge anyone on their speed if they're driving safely and courteously. 


Just a question. If you are speeding in the left lane and come upon someone in the left lane driving slower than you, what do you do?

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #61 on: June 15, 2012, 11:39:47 AM »
Quote from Gina...
"You are justifying it.  If you are willing to think that you don't have to follow a simple law or "code violation" then you are just going to think you can move on up in the severity of law breaking."

It's odd how I haven't had the first thought of moving up in the severity of law breaking. Remember, there are laws still on the books in almost all states like taking baths on saturdays that people are breaking all the time. Just because a law is a law doesn't mean you are immoral for not obeying it. Morality is a higher law.
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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #62 on: June 15, 2012, 11:40:47 AM »
Just a question. If you are speeding in the left lane and come upon someone in the left lane driving slower than you, what do you do?

I fall in behind then and wait for them to complete their pass and move to the right.

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Offline Gina

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #63 on: June 15, 2012, 12:10:45 PM »
I fall in behind then and wait for them to complete their pass and move to the right.


BUT what if they continue in the lane?

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #64 on: June 15, 2012, 12:22:17 PM »
BUT what if they continue in the lane?

Better question.  Say you are the person in the left lane (not passing or preparing to turn left), what would you want the driver behind you to do.

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #65 on: June 15, 2012, 01:00:52 PM »
"slower traffic keep right" say the signs in Texas. The left lane is for passing. If I forget and stay in it and someone zooms up behind me, I move over. I learned that living in Texas. Flashing brights and riding your bumper will teach ya :-)
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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #66 on: June 15, 2012, 01:05:55 PM »
BUT what if they continue in the lane?

I pass them on the right if it's safe to do so, shake my head at their ignorance and move along.  I figure most who drive in the left lane must not know any better.  It's either that or they are using it as a position of authority....Unless you have another reason to justify why someone would simply drive in the left lane.

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #67 on: June 15, 2012, 01:07:59 PM »
"slower traffic keep right" say the signs in Texas. The left lane is for passing. If I forget and stay in it and someone zooms up behind me, I move over. I learned that living in Texas. Flashing brights and riding your bumper will teach ya :-)

Dixie, they've actually changed those signs now.  Now they say "Left Lane Passing Only".  Interestingly enough going to and coming back from North Carolina week before last several of the states had signs saying the left lane was for passing only and on top of the sign they had a bright yellow banner with black lettering that said "STATE LAW".

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #68 on: June 15, 2012, 01:08:31 PM »
Better question.  Say you are the person in the left lane (not passing or preparing to turn left), what would you want the driver behind you to do.

Good question.

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #69 on: June 15, 2012, 01:14:00 PM »
One of the things I've always found interesting while traveling (and I used to do a LOT of it) was when I would see someone who was hugging the left lane for miles and miles and miles, not passing most of the time ... just driving in the left lane.  What was interesting to watch was what they did when THEY came upon someone who was driving in the left lane.  It was almost comical at times.  Neither wanted to abandon "their" lane.  Heh.

The ones who scare me are the hardcore, dedicated "I own the left hand f*cking lane" drivers.  The ones who enter the interstate from an on ramp and immediately shoot across 2, 3, and sometimes 4 lanes of traffic so they may have the left lane.  I had one do that to me in Alabama week before last.  I literally was slowed down from 75 mph to 45 mph in a matter of seconds and watched 4 other cars take evasive maneuvers to accommodate this wretched bitch.

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #70 on: June 15, 2012, 01:15:46 PM »
Good question.


Yeah but, she didn't fall for it.

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #71 on: June 15, 2012, 01:18:56 PM »
Yeah but, she didn't fall for it.

She hasn't replied yet.  I'm sure she will.   :whatever:


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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #72 on: June 15, 2012, 01:27:10 PM »
Better question.  Say you are the person in the left lane (not passing or preparing to turn left), what would you want the driver behind you to do.

Yeh I came back to answer it.

I think we are getting confused on what I am saying, myself included  :panic:

If I am going fast and passing, I am going to keep on passing.  You can ride behind me while I am speeding.  I am not going to break my neck to get over for you.  I will get over when it's safe and I am sure you aren't going to whip around me at the same time.

I do not get in the left lane and just set myself on cruise doing the posted speed.  But if I am driving and I do get behind someone doing that, I get over in the right lane and pass them.  I don't shake my head at them, flip them off, or cut them off like most assholes do.  I figure they paid just as much for the road as me and I don't own it outright.  Plus it's a bit simple to get my blood pressure worked up over.

NOW if I am speeding and passing in the left lane and you fly up on my bumper and hug it, keep moving over to the left like you are going to pass me in the emergency lane or flash you lights at me.  Well I can be a bitch and I will start to let my foot off the gas and I will **** with you.  Blame the red hair.   :rant:

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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #73 on: June 15, 2012, 01:28:06 PM »
OMG.  I used to be married to a left lane driver.  How embarassing!   :thatsright:  I loved driving to Rockport from Dallas last year, SH 77 was a great road.  70MPH in most places, farm trucks pulling off on the shoulder, and a lovely homeowner outside of Rosebud that would post signs on their property warning for speed traps up ahead.   :-)

Couple of years ago, I was driving in east Dallas county and Dallas County Constables were out with radars.  WTF?  They had just mentioned on the news a few days before how they were losing money.  Hmmmmm.....
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Re: Speeding tickes: How do you feel?
« Reply #74 on: June 15, 2012, 01:30:20 PM »
my local talk radio tells us in the traffic if there is a cop out there..........they will say "And traffic is slowing down on I-780 @ the Smith Rd Ramp for some law enforcement activity, wink wink"

"An army of deer led by a lion is more to be feared than an army of lions led by a deer." Phillip of Macedonia, father to Alexander.