Author Topic: I think I have found the simple message that average voters can identify with  (Read 1363 times)

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Offline Freeper

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kentuck (61,575 posts)

I think I have found the simple message that average voters can identify with?

Last edited Thu Jun 7, 2012, 08:19 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

I watched Chris Mathews make the point to Michael Steele a few minutes ago on Hardball. Steele was tongue-tied. Mathews made a point that I believe would resonate across the nation.

He said, "But Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression".

That statement is something that not all voters are familiar with, although we may assume that they are? But it forces the Republicans into a defensive mode in which they have to respond.

Romney has said in the past that Obama inherited a difficult situation but he only made it worse...

And what should be the Democratic response?

"Are we to believe that we can continue the same policies as George W Bush, that got us into the crash, and the economy would now be booming?" Do you know the definition of insanity?

"What would you do differently from George W Bush"?

on edit - The reason I suggest this is because it is so simple. It is 3rd grade simple. It is the type of thing the average voter would latch on to. If you think about it, it would be very effective, in my opinion.

Hey Kentuck, Scott Walker inherited a pretty crappy situation, he didn't whine and cry and blame the previous governor, he rolled up his sleeves did what was right and got results. And how was he thanked? He was recalled by a bunch of moonbats. The voters saw through the bull shit and kept him office.

Ronald Reagan inherited a shitty economy too. He didn't go around crying about the mess that Carter left him. He too rolled up his sleeves went to work and even won a second term without breaking a sweat. And he had an opposition congress the entire time.

What's 0bama's excuse? For the first half of the term his party owned the government with no opposition. If his policies worked there would have been signs of progress by 2010, but there weren't any.

freshwest (12,947 posts)
8. You have to talk to the conservatives like 8-year-olds. That's what they've been dumbed down to.

Good job by Matthews and thanks for bringing the highlights here for us who don't watch teh tee vee.
Don't Believe Everything You Think

Funny how us dumbed down 8 year olds aren't whining that we just can't make it in this world unless someone buys our birth control for us. Us knuckledraggers seem to take care of ourselves just fine.

I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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...To which we should say, "And that was thanks to the Dems gaining control of Congress in 2010, after which there was never a Federal budget passed, thanks to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  Please don't let it happen again!"
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That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

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Offline Duke Nukum

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Yep, it's simple all right. 2+2=Potato is just as simple and has more relevance to the real world.
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Offline Freeper

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...To which we should say, "And that was thanks to the Dems gaining control of Congress in 2010, after which there was never a Federal budget passed, thanks to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  Please don't let it happen again!"

How many Ryan budgets has there been so far, 2? And the senate wouldn't even vote of them.
0bama may be trying to run against a do nothing congress, but the reality it is the senate who is the party of NO.

I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

Offline Skul

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Ken*uck doesn't realize that most folks don't view Mr. Steele as Conservative.
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John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

Offline Kyle Ricky

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We are in a state now worse than it was with Bush, what do they call that? Oh wait, there is a Liberal in office, so they call it prosperity.

Offline miskie

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They are still pissed off because of the phrase "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" - it's succinct,  and absolutely sums up the reason to vote out Obama in just 10 words. Its also easily Tweetable.

You liberals will never find an equivalent. Period.

Offline BEG

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Hey idiot, who had control of congress and the senate since 2007. Who had control during the Clinton prosperity?  See a connection?  You people are children.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 09:35:17 PM by BEG »

Offline Delmar

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Step aside, Axelrod, whiz kid kentuck is coming for your job.
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Offline Mike220

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Well, ken****, if I may retort... Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?
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Offline Bad Dog

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Paging Mr. Carvile.  "Its the economy stupid"  I love how these cases of arrested development always misunderestimate conservatives.

Offline delilahmused

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Gosh, I guess I'm mistaken about what the unemployment rate and national debt was when 0bama took office!

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Offline Ballygrl

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No kentuck, it doesn't fly, if anything most Americans are ignorant of the fact that the economy started going down after Democrats won in 2006, look at the economic charts from then compared to after Democrats took over, that ignorance aside, the economy is crappy, when was the last time a budget was passed? Americans don't care about gay marriage or other social engineering as top issues, they care about jobs, they care about gas prices, they care about food prices, all issues Democrats are conveniently refraining from discussing.
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

Offline ChuckJ

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Ken*uck doesn't realize that most folks don't view Mr. Steele as Conservative.

You have to remember that anyone to the right of the DUmmies is a conservative. There's no one to the left of them.
“Don’t vote for the person who tells you you deserve something. Just don’t do it if it’s something other than life, liberty, or the pursuit of possible happiness. If everyone is telling you you deserve something, vote for the one who is promising you the least. Be suspicious of the man or woman who tell you deserve everything. Because you don’t.” ---Mike Rowe

Offline Doc Savage

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The current CIC and VP were both members of the United States Senate before they were elected.  In  the year running up to the election, the economy was already on the ropes and showing significant signs of distress.  I seem to remember that in October before the election, McCain was so aware of the problem that he took time off of the campaign trail to attend hearings in DC.

Now, IMO, having the two "smartest" people in the top executive positions to say over and over again that they did not know about the true scope of the economic mess is a flat out lie.  If they did not, then they were not doing their job as Senators. 

To still blame GWB is blaming your brother for the broken window when you are holding the bat in your hand.  I really hope that Romney takes Obama to school during a debate over economics.  Show that he has not clue about a balance sheet, or how an economy works. 

Here is my simple message.  Obama is in over his head.  Romney is the lifejacket for all of us.
You see, I don't care you how feel.  I really don't.  More importantly, neither does anyone else.  Only about 200 people on a planet of 7 billion actually care about your feelings, and that's if you're lucky.  The sooner you grasp this lesson, the better off you will be.  And since almost no one gives a damn what you do, say, think, or feel, appealing to your feelings when you encounter differences of opinion is not only illogical, but useless.

Offline JohnnyReb

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I think I have found the simple message that average voters can identify with ....Obama is a DUmbass and a communist.

It can't get much simpler than that.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline Rebel

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He blew through 5 trillion dollars and has been in office for 3.5 years. Suck on it, DUmbasses. Worst president in my lifetime.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline USA4ME

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Quote from:

He said, "But Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression".

Not true.  But even if it is he's made it worse.  High unemployment, higher gas prices, etc...  The primitives can try any "simple message" they want, but the simple reality of the economy having become worse in the last 4 years is what they'll remember.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline jukin

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He blew through 5 trillion dollars and has been in office for 3.5 years. Suck on it, DUmbasses. Worst president in my lifetime.

Actually he has blown through $14,000 billion and has borrowed $6,000 billion from our children, grand children, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren....
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline Karin

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From the thread, a little long but interesting:

humbled_opinion (2,852 posts)
13. I try to have this very discussion

with the teaheads at my job. They argue that the Democrats won control of both houses of Congress in the 06 election well before the 08 downturn. They say Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were more interested in pushing a full withdraw from Iraq instead of dealing with the coming financial crisis. They contend that Nancy and Harry let it happen on purpose to get leverage against Bush and Republicans in the 08 election. They argue that it is true Obama inherited a housing crisis but they contend it was mostly because of loose fiscal policy of the banks making loans to those that could not afford to pay, which they squarely blame on liberal policies of govt mortgage companies Fannie and Freddie... Many completely agree that Bush exacerbated the situation by bailing out the banks but they equally assign that blame to both parties in Congress that funded TARP.

Than they lay into Obama, they say he had the first 2 years with full control of both houses in Congress and was more interested in passing healthcare reform than worrying about jobs and the economy, they say his stimulus failed even though it may have stemmed the tide of job losses it never corrected the economy, they blast 5 trillion in additional debt in his first three years in office and then complain exactly what did we get for the money? I have even had them say if he would have just gave the money to the jobless he could have had zero percent unemployment by hiring hole diggers and hole fillers....

Anyway it is the Faux news, talk radio crowd and they are becoming extremely vocal many people have been hypnotized into this thinking, the simple answer is that there are not enough people doing better now than they were doing before Obama got elected, bad economic news makes it harder to get the message out....

Just today I tried to defend Obama's fiscal record by saying that if he had not taken the steps that he had there would have been a complete depression their response is you sound like when Bush was saying if he didn't go to war in Iraq they would have come here and killed us and they told me I couldn't have it both ways...


Also, I have two points for Kentuck.  They're short and sweet.

People are sick of the word "inherited."

At the end of the thread, you and others bitch about the Congress.

The Senate is Democrat-controlled.

Offline Ballygrl

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« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 12:01:37 PM by Ballygrl »
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

Offline Ballygrl

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humbled_opinion is either a mole trying to make all those points in a subtle way, or they just can't face reality when those accurate points are made.
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

Offline obumazombie

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Quote from Doc Savage...

"If they did not, then they were not doing their job as Senators."

Another example of how libs think all history is revisionist.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline WinOne4TheGipper

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Has Kentuck been under a rock for the last three years?  That's all we've heard from the left.  It's a tired excuse for failure that Obama's lackeys repeat anytime there's bad economic news, but this dumbass treats it as if it's an epiphany that he's just had and that no one can argue with it.
“Sometimes the curses of the godless sound better than the hallelujahs of the pious.”

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Offline JohnnyReb

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...and Earl Butz got fired for pointing out that foodstamps should be in some welfare department, not argriculture.

They said he was fired for telling a racial joke but don't believe them. Got to hide all vote buying somewhere and have someone to blame it....ergo farmers.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin